Philosophy Statement
As a member of the Holy Child Network of Schools, Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child Jesus is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. The school is committed to academic excellence within the context of Christian values. Mayfield’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that knowledge is best gained in an atmosphere of disciplined thought, personal concern and religious awareness. Mayfield fosters each student’s intellectual, spiritual, artistic, emotional and physical gifts, thereby enabling each to find balance and make a meaningful contribution to society. Mayfield also challenges each student to reach beyond herself and render service to others. Caroline Halili ’86 Alexandra Badie ’14 Lauren Marks ’98 of Communications
Mayfield moment. The Class of 2023 prepares to receive their class rings—and take on their new role as campus leaders—at our annual Ring Night Mass.
Nick ShanleyJennyKimberlyBoswellGomezGrahamKellis

Tackling a global pandemic and the renovation of our historic home, both oncein-a-century undertakings, has given us an especially long view of this moment in time. We can’t know what’s to come, but the impressive accomplishments of our students and alums—and a home that’s future-proofed from the ground up—crystallize the vision that a Mayfield education will serve our world for generations to come.
performances 32
ABOUT THIS ISSUE e Table of Contents 4 Message
Our Mayfield Senior School family has met the upheaval of the past two and a half years with “a love full of action,” using every crisis as an opportunity to grow stronger, more resilient and primed for new challenges—much like our recently transformed Strub Hall. Just as 30 tons of concrete and steel have boosted the seismic stability of our beloved home, it’s clear that our community is bolstered by an equally unshakable source of strength: our Catholic, Holy ChildOvermission.thecourse of the 2021-22 school year this mission has helped us navigate an ever-changing health and safety landscape, while guiding students to embrace learning with joy and curiosity. Class by class, conversation by conversation, Mayfield students are laying the foundation for their futures— building the knowledge to advance understanding, building the confidence to share their voices, building the courage to be agents of change. They are informed and inquisitive, determined to take on the challenges of our world.
Celebrating God’s presence in one another and our world, and inspired by our founder, Cornelia Connelly, Mayfield’s mission is to provide young women an intellectually empowering learning community of joy and belonging, where students enact their faith and love by transforming the world with their God-given gifts. FoUNDATIoNS from the Head of School Building on our Holy Child mission Message from the Board of Trustees Chair Laying the foundations for our future Meet Our New Trustees Human-Centered STEM Putting people at the heart of the equation Global Connections Exploring and engaging with the world Celebrating Our Voices Honoring the “dignity and uniqueness of each person” Real-World Learning Making beyond-the-classroom connections Back On Stage Raising the curtain on in-person A Memorable Year in Cubs Athletics Steve Bergen’s “Top 3” moments Congratulations to the Class of 2022 Strub Hall: Century 2 Unveiling our newly transformed home Celebrating Our Benefactors Financial Year in Review 2021-22 Our Holy Child Community kudos and news Reunions & Class Notes In Memoriam
Strengthening our

This year we have taken great inspiration from the story of the foundation of the original Mayfield as we worked to restore our beloved Strub Hall. Through the support of our generous community and with the greatest care, skill and wisdom of our partners from KFA Architecture and Illig Construction, Strub Hall has not only been restored to its original beauty, but it has also been brought up to 21st-century standards of efficiency, safety and comfort. Our new and improved spaces now lend themselves perfectly to the continued strengthening of our Holy Child foundation—sustaining Cornelia’s vision for many years to come.
Toi Webster Treister ’82 Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives
“Watchfulness, prayer, and the constant seeking of divine help…must be the foundation of faithful confidence and hope.” As I begin my final year as Head of Mayfield Senior School, these words of Cornelia will be echoing in my heart as we continue to strengthen and build upon our precious Holy Child foundation.
We all know how Cornelia’s educational mission has formed the foundation of Holy Child schools for 175 years. Her vision—based on the idea that schools should be communities of discovery, engagement, faith and joy, where students feel the love of God, their teachers and classmates—informs everything we do as Holy Child educators. But what you might not know is that Cornelia physically laid the foundation for the Mayfield School in Sussex, England. The story goes that on an outing with her students and Sisters from St. Leonard’s, Cornelia stopped for a picnic on the grounds of the ruined remains of an “old palace” and church built by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 14th century. Cornelia must have felt the profound holiness of the site because, in this unlikely place, she decided to build a school.
Angela Howell ’76 Director of Admissions
Meage fom the Head of
In the pages of this 2022 edition of Postscripts, you will read about the many ways in which we continue to build on our Holy Child foundation—serving the “wants of the age.” From our new ethnic studies and financial literacy programs to our award-winning journalism and STEM offerings, Mayfield is thriving. You see the proof of this in the accomplishments of our amazing alums who, having been grounded through faith from their Mayfield foundation, continue to live our Holy Child mission through “Actions Not Words.”
Kate Morin Head of School School
Steven Bergen Director of Communications
Bill Lewis Director of Finance
Cynthia Riegsecker Interim Director of Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
With Love and Gratitude,
Kate Morin Assistant Head of School for Academics
I’m sure, like many of you, one of my absolute favorite places on our beautiful campus is our exquisite Connelly Chapel in Strub Hall. This sacred space is very special to me. My beloved granddaughter, Maddie, was baptized there in 2019, and it has been the site of many memorable liturgies—a place of prayer and reflection, especially through our weekly parent rosaries. While I love all the magnificent stained-glass windows that create a jewel box effect when sunlight streams through, this year I have been particularly drawn to the central panel across from the altar. This window depicts our founder, Cornelia Connelly, standing with a group of students before an ancient, ruined church in the background—the site of the original Mayfield School.
Against all odds, Cornelia engaged in the complicated process of restoring the ruined buildings stone by stone. She had to convince those who thought she could not succeed, and she had to raise funds to see her project through. In the end, she laid the foundation for the original Mayfield School, which continues to be infused with her educational vision. It is where Cornelia spent her last days—she is buried in its beautiful chapel.
Lauren Marks ’98 Director of Facilities
Cassandra Gonzales
Merilisa Ramirez Director of Athletics
Head of School

It has been said that education is the foundation upon which we build our future. What a beautiful foundation Mayfield Senior School provides for its students, both literally and figuratively. As a parent of a student in the Class of 2022, I have seen firsthand how the foundational education my daughter received at Mayfield has shaped what I know will be a bright future for her and all of Mayfield’s graduates. The cornerstones of joy, belonging, faith, curiosity, empowerment and discovery—as reflected in our Holy Child mission—provide the stability and structure to support each student “to enact her faith and love by transforming the world with her God-given gifts.”
Most sincerely, Erika F. Randall
BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2021-22 Chair Erika Randall Vice Chair & Secretary Jane Collins Hawley ’86 Treasurer Brent Callinicos Chair Emeritus Kelly Nelson Nakasone ’93 Representative for the Society of the Holy Child Jesus Sr. Sheila McNiff ’56, SHCJ Michael Alvarez Amber Berrios ’07 Wellington Choi Ferari Domingo-Vu Alison Jones Gamble ’87 John Rev.JamesJamesHotchkisLoCocoMuenzerWayneR.Negrete, SJ Brittney Dennis Pruitt ’03 Shadi Sanbar Ryan RichardChelisaSquireVagimVargas
Ex Officio Member of the Board of Trustees
Kate Morin Head of School Meage fom the Board of Trustees Chair
This past year our community embarked on the largest capital campaign in the history of the school to strengthen our beautiful and historic Strub Hall, a building that has been home to past generations of Mayfield graduates and now will continue to be for generations yet to come. The patience, flexibility, adaptability and creativity with which our Mayfield community responded to campus construction, all while still managing the complexities of a pandemic, was truly admirable. The project finished on time and within budget—another remarkable feat—allowing the Class of 2022 to have a traditional graduation, with the beauty of Strub Hall as a backdrop. As I celebrated with the members of the Class of 2022, I fondly remembered the first time I was on campus 18 years ago for a meeting in Strub Hall, with my newborn daughter Tara in my arms. I didn’t yet know she was a “future Cub”, and I was struck by the grandeur of the building. But my newborn absorbed the warmth and comfort of Strub Hall and immediately fell asleep. Clearly, it felt like home to her, even back then! As we solidified Strub Hall’s foundation this year, we also strengthened our academic, spiritual, personal, artistic and athletic programs, helping students to become who they were meant to be, through the innovative and creative teaching strategies and unparalleled efforts of our caring faculty and staff. We continued our work to build a community of belonging, came back together for in-person learning, sat in audiences for performances and cheered our athletes along from the sidelines, and once again carried our actions into the community to provide service to those in need. All of this was accomplished with the loving care, direction and leadership of Head of School Kate Morin. Kate’s steadfast and inspirational leadership has provided the solid foundation our community has needed, not only to successfully navigate through this pandemic, but also to bring our beloved school community to new heights. It will not be easy to replace Kate when she retires in June 2023, however, it will be a joy to celebrate her distinguished career at Mayfield. I look forward to sharing in those celebrations with you over the next year. In the meantime, know that the Board of Trustees is committed to finding another extraordinary leader who can build on the foundation Kate has shaped over the last seven years. Our foundation will only continue to grow stronger.

“I am humbled and delighted to be a board member. It’s a big privilege and I’m enthusiastic about the work,” he says, adding, “and I already feel part of the Mayfield family."
Rev. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J., President of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California, joins the Mayfield Board of Trustees as his dear friend, Rev. Wayne Negrete, S.J., departs. Born in Wales, Fr. Dorian was educated in England, Spain, Wales and the U.S. and holds degrees from Cambridge University; the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain; the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley; and the University of Wales. A published theologian and a trained musician who plays piano, organ, accordion and harp, Fr. Dorian also holds the rare designation of being the only Welsh Jesuit in the world—in fact, the first Welsh Jesuit since 1679. A true global citizen, he has also lived in France, Egypt, Indonesia and Chile, and speaks eight languages.
6 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 Alison Shea Knoll ’87, a graduate of both Mayfield Junior School and Mayfield Senior School and an active community member, returns to serve her second term on the Board of Trustees. As a trustee from 2010 to 2016, Alison was part of the Board that selected Kate Morin as Head of School. The Shea family has long supported Catholic education—growing up in a family of eight, Alison and her two sisters, Maura Shea Flanagan ’89 and Dorothy “Dottie” Shea Hobin ’93, attended Mayfield, and her brothers attended St. Francis High School and Loyola High AnSchool.avid athlete during her time at 500 Bellefontaine, Alison was a member of Mayfield’s first CIF championship-winning tennis team and fondly recalls having Angela Howell ’76, now Mayfield’s Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives, as her softball coach! After graduation, Alison earned a degree in marketing from Georgetown University and went on to work as Marketing Director for Shea Homes, her family’s business, for 15 years. Alison is married to Ryan Knoll and together they have two sons—Joe, who graduated from Loyola this year, and Francis, a member of Loyola’s Class of 2024—and a daughter, Phyllis, who is a rising eighth-grader at St. Philip the Apostle School. What inspires Alison about Mayfield is the way the school encourages students to learn about themselves and helps motivate each person to be their most authentic, unique self. “Mayfield wants you to find something and they want you to be good at it,” says Alison, adding that students are nourished by the school’s support. “You find your way,” she says, “and you excel.”
Education played a pivotal role in Fr. Dorian’s upbringing. His father was a school principal, and at one point, nearly everyone in his family, including his sister, aunts, uncles and cousins, were teachers. Fr. Dorian appreciates the Catholic approach to educating the “whole person” and praises “the roundedness and the care for the uniqueness of each individual student here at Mayfield.” Fr. Dorian is pleased to continue the legacy of the fellow Jesuits who have served on the Mayfield Board before him, remarking on the strong spiritual connections shared by Jesuits and Sisters of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. He looks forward to taking on the challenges of serving his first term on the Board, including playing a role in selecting a new Head of School.

Charlotte Yvonne Reid ’86 currently lives in the Washington, D.C., Metro area, where she works as Chief Visionary Officer at Reid | Rodell, an internationally recognized event-planning firm. Her high-profile clientele, who include members of Congress, Fortune 100 companies, actors, authors, nonprofits, government agencies and national foundations, benefit from the 25 years of wide-ranging experience Charlotte brings to her work in public affairs, marketing, event management, interior design and logistics management. Charlotte’s upbringing in Pasadena was shaped by her family’s deep Catholic faith and commitment to community service. The Reid family worshiped at St. Andrew Church, and all seven children went to Catholic schools, including her sisters, fellow Mayfield alums Michele Reid ’88 and Rhonda Reid Shorter ’93. Charlotte made a group of lifelong friends at Mayfield, and she recalls the admiration she had for her mentors. “Head of School Jim McManus and other teachers really let us be who we were,” says Charlotte. “They pushed you to be the best version of yourself.” The school’s “Actions Not Words” motto remains a guiding force in Charlotte’s life, and she credits Mayfield experiences like school-sponsored international service trips with sparking her passion for both travel and living a service-oriented life. Over the years, Charlotte has coordinated philanthropic work in Ghana, providing materials for HIV initiatives and running shoe drives for school children, and, closer to home, she facilitates antiracist work in Washington, D.C. A graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles, Charlotte hopes to bring her creativity, problem-solving skills and global worldview to Mayfield’s Board of Trustees. “I believe the more diverse voices at the table, the more robust the conversation, the better the outcome,” she explains.
Lora Mei McManus-Graham ’14 has directed her life around championing Mayfield’s motto of “Actions Not Words.” A graduate of Pitzer College with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and Master of Arts in education administration from Cal State University, Channel Islands, Lora has worked as an elementary and middle school teacher, and currently serves as the PK-12 Chair of Equity & Instruction at The Blake School in Minneapolis, Minn., as well as being an independent Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) consultant. Lora feels called to cultivate a sense of inclusion and belonging in every community she is part of and is “deeply passionate about inspiring change from within.” She has presented at conferences nationwide, and her articles have been widely published in periodicals including NAIS Independent School Magazine, Allies for Education Journal and Medium. She and her wife, Allison, currently make their home in Minneapolis, and both work in schools in the Twin Cities. Lora explains, “I always felt myself drawn into an educational leadership role from a very young age.” As a student, she was awarded the Archdiocesan Service Award for her work with children in STEM education, represented Mayfield at the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference all four years of high school and served as a student liaison on the Board’s Advancement Committee. She recalls the happy hours she spent sitting in the offices in Gracemere House, treasuring the “guidance and mentorship” she received there, in addition to the “authentic connections [she] created with teachers and administrators.” And, as the daughter of former Head of School Jim McManus (1980-88) and former Mayfield teacher Caroline Harmsen McManus, Lora’s school connections have very deep roots—her own baby shower was hosted in Strub Hall!
Meet our New Trustees

Pandemics 101 with residentMayfield’sbiologist
Theresa Peters combats COVID-19 anxiety with ‘good science’ and great teaching It’s hard to describe the energy that hums inside a biology class taught by Theresa Peters. The instruction is funny, frenetic and focused all at once—but, more than anything, it’s informative, like listening to an inspiring TED talk titled “The World According to Theresa Peters.”
One minute Ms. Peters, a Mayfield instructor for almost 35 years, is talking about wolves being reintroduced as a keystone species in Yellowstone National Park, and the next she is explaining how the relationship between ticks and fence lizards ensures that California has one of the lowest incidences of Lyme disease in the “Veteran”country.and “revered” are both accurate but somehow ill-fitting terms for Ms. Peters, conjuring up mental images of a fussy academic wearing stiff tweed. She couldn’t be further from that. Ms. Peters is intensely active, usually biking to work, and always leaping up and darting around her classroom to grab a plushy prop or consult a colorful diagram. And her lab is like her subject material: teeming with life. Room 22 in the Hayden Building is filled with heated aquariums sustaining turtles, snakes and lizards, and also houses the mealworms and crickets that form the diet of the larger animals. Celebrating the relatedness of all living things is something that resonates with her students. “I think something that interests me—and that Ms. Peters emphasizes—is that we are all so similar and connected,” Camille Pidoux ’23 says. “Caring for the world and its organisms is imperative to helping the environment and one another.” So how does a consummate biologist who is also a caring educator approach a once-in-a century pandemic? The only way she knows how: with curiosity. And with a dash of grace and patience as well. Pandemics have always been part of Ms. Peters’ biology curriculum. Although her classwork is always rigorous, she does admit to thoughtfully titrating what she has taught on this topic over the past couple of years, ever mindful of the mental health of her students. In 2020, it was all about “positivity,” “flattening the curve” and “wearing a mask to help your grandma.” When the 2020-21 school year started on Zoom, she decided to ramp up classroom discussions a little more, but was still very discerning about what might be beneficial to share or what might be ultimately dispiriting. “It was all about getting kids emotionally able to handle this,” she says, without “invoking anxiety.” When fall 2021 rolled around, there was more robust scientific information to share and, with “shots in the arms,” Ms. Peters felt ready to teach a more comprehensive picture of pandemics again. Every teacher in the world has had to talk about COVID-19 somehow, but it was in biology classes, where students learned the actual mechanisms of the virus that was so disrupting their lives, that they found a little more agency—and less stress—during such an uncertain time. Their lessons were instantly practical tools. “I feel like the information I learn in class regarding pandemics and personal health is extremely relevant and helpful,” Madison Rojas ’23 explains. “Ms. Peters has taught me more about vaccines, how the virus infects us, and how to better be prepared in the face of new variants.” Plus, as Anna Pruyn’23 says, “Being more educated on it definitely helps combat the fear that has come with the pandemic.” And a side benefit of a well-informed, unruffled student body? A better informed, and less fearful, community. “I feel that taking this class has also made me less anxious regarding COVID-19,” Madison says, adding, “I have often gone home after class to share what I learned about COVID with my parents.”
“Science can solve a lot of problems, but we also need each other to help do that.”

continued > Ms. Peters praises many members of the Mayfield community whose work served as a kind of scaffolding for her biology lessons, and helped enrich the way she taught about a topic that was unfolding in real time, with front-and-center personal relevance to every single student. Fellow biology teacher Lena Agulian became a valued academic thought partner; they constantly consulted on the best way to sequence COVID-19 information in their classes. Ms. Peters also relied on Mayfield’s “great library staff,” who helped students understand the nature of reliable research and showed them the best ways to access primary sources through platforms like ProQuest. The professionalism of the Mayfield health office, especially the expertise of School Nurse Cathy Cota, was a boon to Ms. Peters, too. Nurse Cota’s comprehensive services—from COVID messaging to COVID testing—helped Ms. Peters explain the differences between rapid tests and PCR tests and offered object lessons regarding public health approaches, as well as why and how those tactics pivoted in response to new information. And, after participating in Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED) training—and being exposed to other resources through Mayfield’s Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs—Ms. Peters found better ways to highlight health care inequities and helped shape the language she used to describe social justice issues in scientific spheres. Although Ms. Peters and Ms. Agulian worked to embed COVID-19 information throughout their coursework, they also assigned two pandemic-specific projects. One required students to

COVID-19 is not the first pandemic that has been influential in Ms. Peters’ life. She started her academic career as a young biologist in the Bay Area at the outset of the AIDS crisis. She talks about how “it took over a decade before any real information was discernible for the public at any level, beyond the panic and the misinformation and the hatred that emerged out of that pandemic.” In contrast, when it comes to public health information and therapeutic interventions, she has observed responses to the COVID-19 virus happening “at warp speed.” As a biologist, there is so much to learn from the current moment. Without diminishing the significance of “all those losses that have occurred in so many ways,” she says, COVID-19 is still “the most amazing biology lesson.”
Misinformation remains a concern for Ms. Peters, in addition to the more pernicious disinformation. But she has learned to “get ahead of it,” and tries to keep up with the kind of unfounded messages being shared on social media as much as she can. It is hard to overstate how much the teaching environment Ms. Peters has created both calms and empowers her students. She strives to make her classroom a place of active listening and, after she has “earned the students’ trust,” she works to address any concerns they voice. Whether their questions are related to the origins of the virus or to worries about rapid antigen tests losing their efficacy, Ms. Peters is always there to listen. But, most importantly, she is there to direct the students to reliable sources, like peerreviewed science journals, where they can find their own informed answers. Part of the takeaway here is understanding the difference between persuasive opinion pieces and what she refers to as “good science.”Inunderstanding how the pandemic has affected our lives and how we move forward from here, Ms. Peters—not surprisingly—seems to have a decidedly Holy Child sensibility about it all. She values those who find ways to look after the most vulnerable among us. She expresses gratitude for the school’s leadership, and the moral courage of global religious leaders like Pope Francis, who championed scientific innovations and their practical applications. And, as always, her teaching focuses on “good science” and humanity in equal measure. If there was only one thing that her students could take away from her classes, she says, it would be to “take care of yourselves and the ones around you, and find the science that will help you do that.” And, she reminds them, “Science can solve a lot of problems, but we also need each other to help do that.”
10 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 create an infographic to illustrate COVID-19 disparities in underserved communities. The other was the “Pandemics in Parallel” research project, which asked students to compare and contrast COVID-19 to a past pandemic. Both assignments helped students contextualize their own experiences as part of a much bigger picture. As Camille says, “History is playing out in front of us…Ms. Peters has done a great job of teaching about the similarities between COVID and other pandemics. We have researched pandemics on our own, and I have seen similar groups suffering. By learning about these issues we are able to move forward as a community helping all of those in need.”
“Being more educated on it definitely helps combat the fear that has come with the pandemic.”

“I really enjoyed working with the robotics part of the lesson because it allowed us to experiment and try new things,” Jade Telles ’25 says. “It’s amazing to see your creation work after trying and trying for so long!” This built-in boost of curiosity and perseverance—not to mention confidence—is exactly what Head of School Kate Morin and Director of Innovation and Community Partnerships Melissa Tighe hoped for when they spearheaded the addition of this freshman computer science unit. After years of experimenting with creative ways to incorporate coding across the curriculum, embedding the material into ninth-grade Conceptual Physics has proved an ingenious way to introduce tech fundamentals to all Mayfield students.
When Billy Abdallah sat down with AP Computer Science teacher Michael Dimen last summer to collaborate on a new computer science unit for his freshman Conceptual Physics course, he had strong guiding principles. He wanted it to be project-based, with hands-on learning. No homework. And the final project would involve programming dancing robots.
Sissy Page ’25 remembers that conversation well. “I really enjoyed the opening discussion our class had when we discussed the morals and ethics of technology and the accessibility of the internet and technology to the world,” she says. Julianna Aparicio ’25 says her outlook shifted from day one. “I definitely started to think differently about computers and the way they work after the first class,” she explains.
Freshman physics students built and programmed Lego robots as part of a new computer science pilot program.
Coding with a conscience
It’s never too early for computer ethics–or robots doing the ‘Cha Cha Slide’!
“One of the most fun conversations…was talking about the social media algorithms and how those might work and be created,” Julianna says. “Social media is more often than not a part of my everyday life, and it was so interesting to get to learn about how those apps’ algorithms are created and specialized.”
The students’ deep dive into these human-centered implications was par for the course in a Holy Child classroom, where education that “meet the wants of the age” is underpinned by compassionate concern for our global human family and our planet. The unit went on to cover fundamental computer science curriculum elements— including technical literacy, algorithms and coding—along with some teenage-centric tangents, and a good dose of hands-on fun.
Together, they created an innovative curriculum that mirrors the way Mr. Abdallah makes the laws of physics come alive with fun, interactive lessons (think water balloons, hula hoops and Matchbox cars). And though he was ready to troubleshoot his lesson plans in real time as the pilot program unfolded, Mr. Abdallah wasn’t prepared for how invested freshman students were in the human and moral elements of computer technology—what Mr. Dimen calls “the whys, the hows and the shoulds of computer ethics.” Mr. Dimen routinely brings up these concepts in his AP-level class (see page 12), but Mr. Abdallah didn’t realize how much these ideas might ignite the minds of “Itninth-graders.reallywassupposed to be a 10-minute intro in the first class,” laughs Mr. Abdallah. “But then we got on topics like cyber-bullying and sustainability and who was making these computers, and are they being paid enough? The conversation lasted the whole class…and it was really insightful to hear 14- and 15-year-olds questioning all of this.”
The final robotics project was something these ninth-graders embraced wholeheartedly—even deeming it worthy of sharing on social media. Students built, customized and programmed brightly colored Lego robots, and then recorded their creations doing dance moves: instant TikTok gold! Sissy says it was unforgettable to see when her robot “danced the ‘Cha Cha Slide’!”

Writing an algorithm for kindness Today’s AP Computer Science Principles assignment: to teach a computer how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich— sort of! The students hit the whiteboard to break down the PB&J-making process into discrete, unambiguous steps. Open jar. Get knife. Get peanut butter on knife… But when Mr. Dimen follows their instructions to the letter—as a computer would—the process hits a snag almost immediately. The jar has a safety seal (a fact not explicitly laid out in the original algorithm), so the knife can’t get to the peanut butter. “We found a bug!” says Mr. Dimen, and the class laughs. He reminds them this happens constantly in coding. “You can code as much as you want to, but until you test it, it doesn’t mean anything.” So the students, quite literally, go back to the drawing board.
Mr. Abdallah doesn’t expect that all of his students will become computer scientists, “but it is so important they have been exposed to the building blocks, because we want them to have every opportunity possible.”
Mr. Dimen loves that Mayfield students are not just gaining technical skills in all of these classes, but critical thinking ones as well. They are being asked not just how something works, but also why it works, and whether it should work in a different way. And Mayfield students are learning to ask these questions, too.
But the fact that this class encompasses more than basic coding is why Mr. Dimen enjoys teaching it. He also sees the ways in which Holy Child principles deeply enrich this field of study. New technology can be “really amazing,” he says, but scientific innovations “don’t exist in a vacuum.” Sade Falese ’23 embraces the philosophical side of this often rigorous course. “This subject is greatly developing our world and the systems created around it… [and] it is important to know how it works and to use these tools for good,” Sade says. Back in the classroom, the students have finally devised a successful sandwich algorithm, and Mr. Dimen allocates the rest of the class time to making actual sandwiches for the next day’s Loaves and Fishes collection, which helps feed our neighbors at Union Station Homeless Services. The brown bag lunches are carefully loaded with juices, chips, desserts and the—thoroughly bugtested!—PB&J sandwiches. This practice is another series of steps—this time, an algorithm for kindness. A creative coding lesson with a service-oriented bonus: making sandwiches for Mayfield’s community lunch donation program.
On the heels of the successful launch of this computer science foundations program, Mr. Dimen is gearing up to launch a new summer course called Your Digital World. He explains: “As our daily lives revolve more and more around computer interaction, it is increasingly more important to understand how computer use shapes the world around us and how computers shape our lives in return.”
The feedback from students on their new computer science unit has been hugely gratifying for Mr. Abdallah and Mr. Dimen. In an anonymous survey, a whopping 97% of freshman students reported that they enjoyed the unit and 51% of the class said they wanted to take more computer science courses. “I find it very interesting how computers work and are programmed,” Megan Lee ’25 says. “I would love to continue learning about computer science and all that is behind it.” And classmate Michelle Guillen ’25 adds, “It is fun to Mrs. Morin and Mrs. Tighe’s shared vision to expose students to complex concepts early in their high school careers—including the mandatory ninth-grade physics course introduced in 2016—has paid off. Their “the sooner the better” philosophy for STEM immersion has empowered a record number of Mayfield students to explore more advanced science, math and engineering courses, a trend they hope may eventually help tip the gender parity scales in these still heavily maledominated fields.
STEM teachers Billy Abdallah (left) and Michael Dimen proved to be natural collaborators on a new ninth-grade computer science unit. learn about coding and computer science. I really do believe that it would be fun to learn it again later on in the future.”

As co-architects of the freshman computer science curriculum, Mr. Abdallah and Mr. Dimen share a lot of common ground—Catholic education, older sisters, a penchant for salty snacks and a love for teaching STEM. These two 20-something scientists are also both very much OK with being the male minority in their department (Mayfield’s science faculty is overwhelmingly female) and are doing their part to make sure the rest of the world catches up. “Many STEM fields have an astonishing gender disparity, and I really hope to be a part of mending that rift,” Mr. Dimen has said. And though one loves video gaming and the other prefers old-school outdoor games, these dedicated Holy Child educators are both known for engaging lessons that ignite curiosity and get students thinking deeply about the world around them. Get to know a little more about our dynamic duo: What brought you to 500 Bellefontaine?
Michael Dimen: My older sister, Elizabeth Dimen ’16, is a graduate. She introduced me to [Mayfield’s Director of Innovation and Community Partnerships] Melissa Tighe, who first got me to teach Summer at Mayfield! And we’ve recruited Elizabeth, an applied math major who works as a technical platforms analyst at Accenture, in past years as a mentor for our M3 math modeling competitions.
Favorite TV show binge? BA: “The Simpsons.” MD: It’s a toss-up between “Community” and “Pushing Daisies.”
Grocery store staples?
BA: Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, Gatorade, microwave popcorn MD: Kerrygold butter for baking, brussels sprouts for eating and a salty crunchy snack for munching.
Favorite local Pasadena treat? BA: So basic, but the Kitchen Sink cookie from Panera will change your life.
BA: I lead SWANA (South West Asian & North African) affinity group. I think it’s important for the students to see the faculty and staff participation in school-led organizations. MD: For the last few years I helped facilitate SPAM (Society of Pilipino Americans at Mayfield). This year, I stepped in to lead the Mixed and Multiracial Affinity Group, affectionately named the M&Ms. Do you have special times of year or traditions in your family?
Billy Abdallah: My sisters went to all-girls Catholic schools locally and I went to St. Francis. So Mayfield was always on my radar. Most of my best friends are alums of Mayfield!
MD: I love Spirit Week and getting to see how clever, creative and crafty our students are! with Billy Abdallah, Conceptual Physics teacher, and Michael Dimen, AP Computer Science teacher
BA: I love playing dodgeball and kickball! I go on runs everyday and will be running marathons as long as my body is able to!
BA: Our favorite time of the year is Ramadan! It’s a time when all of my siblings and mom actually have meals together. We also host a Superbowl Halftime Show party. (Yes, it only lasts 15 minutes!) We also get together for the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions.
MD: In September there are a whole mess of birthdays for various sides of my family, so usually we have a barbeque at my grandmother’s with lots of food and lots of family.
Pop Quiz
Favorite Mayfield tradition? BA: Definitely Community [a weekly all-school gathering held every Monday morning].
Avid runner Billy Abdallah crossed the finish line of the 2022 Los Angeles Marathon in 3 hours, 42 minutes (a top 3% time) — in his Mayfield visor!Which of Mayfield’s expanding roster of affinity groups do you help lead?
Michael Dimen, who joined the Mayfield faculty as a physics teacher in 2018, went to St. Francis High School in La Cañada and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from the University of Notre Dame. Mr. Dimen passed the physics teaching baton to Billy Abdallah in 2020. Mr. Abdallah also graduated from St. Francis High School and attended Loyola Marymount University, where he earned a B.S. in chemistry and a B.A. in classics and archaeology.“As a computer science teacher I am morally obligated to have nerdy hobbies,” admits Michael Dimen.
Favorite pastime?
MD: As a computer science teacher I am morally obligated to have nerdy hobbies. Video games like Pokémon and Animal Crossing will always have a special place in my heart…[but] I’ve been getting into tabletop games and custom mechanical keyboards.
MD: Sapori di 786 Degrees is the best pizza in town. It’s a must, in my opinion!

Culture and kunst. The European arts immersion tour was jam-packed with museums, monuments and memories. Students learned to waltz (and how to make apfelstrudel!) in Vienna, visited the Kafka Museum in Prague, took in the Semper Opera House Dresden and experienced the many cultural and historical treasures of Berlin—from Mass at the Berliner Dom to a street art workshop, as well as stops at the Berlin Wall, Museum Island, the Holocaust Memorial, the Brandenburg Gate (pictured) and more.
Bonnie Scotland. Over spring break, some of our Cubs soccer players traveled to the land of lochs and kilts, where they scored victories over local club teams in a series of friendly “football” matches. The group also explored iconic Scottish sights, including Culzean Castle (pictured), Stirling Castle, the Robert Burns Museum, the site of the Battle of Bannockburn and the Old Course at St Andrews—and even weathered a springtime snow flurry! (see page 32)
After two years of postponed and canceled trips, students were finally able to jet off over spring break and absorb the kind of lessons that only travel can teach.

Head of School Kate Morin was thrilled with the outcome, too. “This is the kind of love in action that Holy Child schools are all about,” she says. “This initiative had a clear, academic purpose, but it also had service at its core.” And, while the boost to her students’ communication skills and confidence was gratifying, Ms. Costello was especially excited to watch her students form a real bond with the residents of El Caragual. Seeing “women connecting with each other, genuinely interested in each other and collaborating with each other” made the world feel a little smaller, and a bit more kind.
Ms. Costello was incredibly proud of the work done by her class—and justifiably so. Mr. Alvarez, who mostly works with college-level medical, engineering and finance majors on similar service projects, was incredibly enthusiastic about the work of the Mayfield tele-squad, saying they “went head-to-head with these university students we work with!”
Although she agrees that the nuts and bolts of language—grammar, syntax and vocabulary—are essential, Spanish teacher Kathleen Costello admits she always wants her teaching to be “bigger than the classroom programs.” So, she’s constantly on the lookout for immersive language learning lessons—experiences that bolster her students’ skills and confidence and give them a chance to “use Spanish in meaningful ways.” And what could be more meaningful than using their gifts to serve others? This fall, Ms. Costello shepherded her Spanish 4 students through a six-week service initiative in the rural community of El Caragual, Honduras— all over Zoom. Working with Global Brigades, an international nonprofit organization that connects student volunteers around the world with communities in developing countries, the 12 upperclass students formed a virtual Mayfield “health squad.” Their task: to learn how they could help the village’s residents mitigate some of the day-to-day difficulties of living without a central water system. First, the students connected with José Alvarez, an energetic Global Brigades liaison coordinator, before going on to interview community members about their most urgent issues: clean water access and sanitation needs. One of these earliest interactions stuck with Ms. Costello. Once the Zoom call connected, she noticed that every person on the video chat—young or old, student or adult, Honduran or Kathleen Costello led her students on an international service trip—via Zoom.
“This is the kind of love in action that Holy Child schools are all about.”
How A BECAMESPANISHMAYFIELDCLASSpartof a brigade’‘global
Virtual service project connects students with families in rural Honduras
American—was female. Women were tackling the important issues; women were the problem-solvers. Together, they identified a solution that could directly address some of the residents’ childrearing challenges and fears of genderbased violence: an enclosed latrine. Because of the lack of running water and limited resources, most villagers use outdoor spaces for all of their sanitary needs. The women expressed feeling vulnerable to potential safety threats, and also wanted a place in which to change their baby’s diapers and bathe their children. The Mayfield tele-squad was able to relay these concerns to the Global Brigades team, who understood that a new latrine building would provide privacy and security—and was something from which the entire community could benefit. Though several Mayfield students expressed their concerns about the collaboration early on—Would their language skills be strong enough? How could a high school class actually be of use to a village thousands of miles away?—these misgivings evaporated over time. “The project has taught me to never doubt myself and my abilities,” says Alexa Valenzuela ’22. “The experience has allowed for me to gain more confidence, in both myself and my peers, which strengthened my collaboration skills.” Ariana Dalie ’22 shared a similar sentiment. “Our Global Brigades project was both educational and impactful,” she says. “It was so amazing getting to speak with a community across the globe in Honduras and find solutions that pertained to the issues which affected them directly.”

sweeps French classes Francophone music mania
When French teacher Bertha Sevilla is asked what motivated her to introduce an entirely new project into her curriculum this year, she responds with an excited smile: “Serendipity!” In the summer of 2021, during an online professional development course, Ms. Sevilla met fellow French teacher Michelle Fournier, co-founder of “Manie Musicale,” a global French-language music voting competition. The more Ms. Sevilla heard about the program, the more she saw its potential to engage her students in French language and culture through“Maniemusic.Musicale” works on a kind of MTV-meets-March Madness model. The competition starts out with a bracket of 16 songs from established Frenchspeaking musicians, and each week, tens of thousands of high school and college students from around the world vote online to advance their preferred artists to the next round. How does Ms. Sevilla see this project aligning with Holy Child goals? “The joy in learning!” she exclaims. Ms. Sevilla says she is always “looking for a way to connect to students” and avenues to make the material relevant to them, which is why she was so enthusiastic about incorporating “Manie Musicale” into all of her French classes. “To students right now, their life is music. Their life is Instagram…and TikTok.” So instead of just engaging with textbooks and workbooks, students are actively participating in a worldwide game with their French-learning peers in real time. Their online votes determine the winner of the competition, which plays out with actual artists, many of whom are hitmakers on the music charts in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec, Canada. “These are real people they can follow on Instagram!” Ms. Sevilla adds. The music videos chosen for “Manie Musicale” are not just slickly produced entertainment; they’re also selected for their educational elements. Like most pop songs, the lyrics are somewhat simple and repetitive, which offers practical linguistic value: They’re easier to understand, easier to remember and repeat. And students pick up on cultural cues, too. Mackenzie Younker ’25 says it’s fun to know “what is trending for students our age in France.” Classmate Kendall Lee ’25 agrees. “The most interesting part of ‘Manie Musicale’ is how similar popular songs are in France compared to the U.S…[but] seeing the cultural differences has been very interesting to watch,” she says. Stop by any of Ms. Sevilla’s French classes, and you’ll notice the studentcreated decorations: cutouts celebrating Mardi Gras, paper locks mimicking those that hang on the bridges around Paris, empty glass pots of Oui yogurt filled with red, white and blue beads. And whether it’s the freshmen in French 1 or the juniors and seniors in AP French, you’ll also notice that they are watching the same music videos and engaging in stimulating discussions about those videos —at all levels of fluency. Perhaps this was another reason to include “Manie Musicale” in every grade: so everyone who was studying French would have something in common, something they could discuss with each other. “That’s community,” says Ms. Sevilla. “Nobody is left out!’
The “Manie Musicale” champion for 2022, as voted by students in 3,395 schools across 16 countries, was “Nouveau Monde” by Corneille, a Rwandan-Canadian singer and songwriter.
Students embrace language learning through lyrics in worldwide music video voting game
It’s clear that seniors who have studied French all four years value the kind of connection Ms. Sevilla cultivates in her classes. “Something interesting about this class is the tight-knit bond we have created. We have really grown together and created a unique bond,” says Grace Gannon ’22. “I appreciate how Madame Sevilla is always prepared and has mastered the balance between hard work and fun projects throughout the school year.” Frances Aguirre ’25 also appreciates her teacher’s ingenuity. “I think that Ms. Sevilla always has great ideas that vary, and we always do different, fun things, which I love. We either work in groups and do mini-conversations in front of the class, practice work, watching French videos…”Ms.Sevilla is already planning her classroom activities for next year, and is drawing inspiration from “Manie Musicale.” Now that she’s drummed up students’ enthusiasm for Francophone music, Ms. Sevilla has been hatching the idea for another creative language lesson: “Lip sync challenges!”
Drumroll, s’il vous plaît…

I am a product of Pasadena schools [Noyes Elementary, Westridge School and Polytechnic School] and specifically know that attending an all-girl school from sixth to eighth grade was formative in my positive identity development and self-confidence. I respect the level of education and commitment at Mayfield. In the job description, I was happy to see that I would be able to connect with the whole community in this position. Through my JDEI work both locally and nationally, I understand the growth challenges and opportunities… and I am eager to share my education, experience and expertise with the Mayfield Senior School community.
You mentioned being exposed to several religious communities at a young age. Do you think religion can help inform JDEI work?
During a recent Zoom chat, Amber Gravely sat below a bright red sign that read “JOY” in all caps. “My sister got it for me years ago,” she laughs, explaining, “Joy is my middle name!” Over the course of our conversation, it became clear that joy is not just part of Amber’s name, but part of her approach to her work, too. She delights in helping people connect with themselves and others by celebrating their differences—and their shared humanity.
Meet Mayfield’s new Director for Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
I’ve always been interested in understanding my own experience. My father was Catholic, my mother Baptist. My preschool was in a temple. I went to summer camps at Westminster and St. Elizabeth Churches, and Sunday school at Altadena Baptist Church. I feel like I was very lucky in my formative years to grow up in Altadena and have very diverse experiences and be welcomed into homes and different communities and different churches. I’m very interested and curious, and really appreciate being able to help people embrace their own culture and values. I think there’s a beauty in that, just seeing the difference, and being able to bridge that— sharing your commonality as well as honoring the beauty. Is there something you wish people knew about JDEI work? It’s really important [people] understand it from a place of our shared humanity, and being of service. It is about connecting values and humanity. You can communicate around this work without blame or shame. We know how to honor the Golden Rule: to do unto others as we would have them do unto ourselves. There is also a Platinum Rule: do unto others as they would have you do unto them—just seeing outside yourself a bit. You have so much expertise at a local and national level. Why did you decide to seek a position at Mayfield?
Mayfield has a program called Loaves and Fishes…that service component is wanting to ensure you’re considering all humanity and everyone has their basic needs met. I’d say there are many ways in which JDEI can thread through experiences like that. The beauty of Mayfield is that JDEI is a part of the core foundation upon which the school is built. I appreciate the articulation of, understanding of and definition of social justice in the Holy Child Schools’ motto, “Actions Not Words.”
What do you hope to accomplish in your time at Mayfield?
What brought you to this work in justice, diversity, equity and inclusion (JDEI)?
There is a particular chapter in [UC Berkeley professor] John Powell’s book “Racing to Justice” which connects suffering and spirituality, and the concept that this “pursuit of justice” has always been a thread through all of spirituality. Religious communities really can highlight the suffering in the world and also bring people together.
Introducing Amber Gravely
Absolutely! You look at the forefront of a lot of change that has happened in the world in the forefront of justice, like the civil rights movement—it has been driven by various religious movements.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought people from different religious backgrounds to come together to support the cause. It’s inherent in being able to have a higher belief in both understanding your spirituality as well as your humanity, and how you connect those.
ABOUT AMBER GRAVELY After receiving her bachelor’s degree in psychology—and captaining the Division One basketball team—at Loyola Marymount University, Amber earned a Master of Arts in journalism at USC. She worked in television broadcasting and production for several years before returning to USC to pursue her Doctor of Educational Leadership degree in educational psychology. Amber’s extensive leadership experience in diversity, equity and inclusion includes consulting roles at Pasadena Unified School District, Los Angeles Unified School District and Western Christian School in Claremont. She has also served as an instructor and DEI leader at schools including Barnhart School in Arcadia and The Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, and as a trainer at the Positive Coaching Alliance program for youth sports.
I want to acknowledge the JDEI work that people have already done at the school, and build on that. I’m really excited to have those connections with the faculty and, at the strategic planning level, looking forward to seeing the vision and how to match with everything that has already taken place. I love teaching and facilitating…being in the space of helping everyone connect with where they’re at. For me, that is my big
How do you think this connection between spirituality and justice plays out at Mayfield?

Mrs. Treister, Mayfield’s Assistant Head of School for Academics, championed the co-teaching concept and is thrilled by the way students and teachers alike have embraced the fresh format. “Education is evolving, and it’s important that we are evolving as well,” she says. “How awesome is it to have four experts teaching you about a topic that they are familiar with...instead of one teacher covering everything for an entire class in the traditional sense?” This Ethnic Studies elective was carefully constructed to align with existing models and guidelines for similar UC-approved courses. It focuses on themes of social justice, social responsibility and social change, using an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the historical and contemporary issues associated with race, class and ethnicity in the United States. Mrs. Treister sees this class as an opportunity for students who are “curious about other cultures,” and also useful for those who want “to learn about these topics in a safe space.”
On a warm September morning, 17 seniors and one junior file into Strub Room 113, and Ms. Garcez welcomes everyone to take their seats. Since the class uses a university discussionstyle format, students have already reviewed the requisite background materials and are ready to dive straight into talking about today’s topic: bias. It is by no means a new term for anyone in the room; the idea has already been introduced and explored in their theology, social studies and Formation of Self (FoS) classes. Le Anh Metzger ’22 explains, “I think that FoS helped me understand what we have been learning in this class, because the first unit of Ethnic Studies...which dealt with how you view yourself, how others view you, and the effects of bias...we talked a lot about in sophomore-year FoS.”
Ethnic Studies: a curricular redesignwith a faculty dream team
One course, six units, four top-tier teachers—and boundless learning opportunities
Ms. Garcez starts off by reminding her students of the biological basis Students have embraced the newdiscussionuniversity-styleformatoftheEthnicStudieselective.
Launched last fall, Mayfield’s new Ethnic Studies course is also the first class at the school to be co-taught by multiple teachers in an innovative tag-team format. This dream team roster includes four of the most esteemed and dynamic members of the Mayfield faculty: April Garcez, Dr. Anne Hartfield ’77, Toi Treister ’82 and Tina Zapata, who each teach individual units aligned with their areas of expertise.
The class is divided into six units. First up, students delve into the concept of identity with Ms. Garcez, who chairs the Social Studies department. They move on to American Indian studies with Dr. Hartfield, Mayfield’s doyenne of U.S. History, before diving into African American studies with Mrs. Treister. Ms. Zapata takes the reins for Latinx studies, and Dr. Hartfield returns to cover the unit on Asian American/Pacific Islander studies. Ms. Garcez returns to teach the final unit, which “celebrates contributions and recognizes challenges.”

Avalon Dela Rosa ’22 says this is exactly why she signed up for Ethnic Studies in its inaugural year. “I was intrigued by the style of the class itself,” she says. “As a senior, I feel that any extra preparation I can get before college in discussion-based classes is exceedingly helpful.” As co-head of Student Diversity Council, Avalon feels the subject material is deeply relevant, adding that she hopes “to learn more about myself and my own identity along with learning how others identify themselves.” And although the topics explored in the class may address sensitive issues, Avalon said her experiences at Mayfield have “helped me feel more comfortable discussing heavy topics in the classroom environment.”
By the end of this class, Ms. Garcez hopes that students will be able to “examine and reflect and think much deeper about their interactions with the world, with their community.” And, regardless of the way they choose to process and integrate the wide-ranging course material, she suspects that “they will be changed after this course.”
“How awesome is it to have four experts teaching you about a topic that they are familiar with…instead of one teacher everything...?”covering
of bias. “Our brains are biologically designed to perform these quick judgments unconsciously,” she says. “In early prehistory, this unconscious, streamlined thinking was a form of protection against threats from the natural world.” However, in the modern world, this instinct can minimize “the complexity and humanity of others.” And Ms. Garcez says increased awareness is key, because “with conscious effort, we have the power to change how we think.” A seasoned social studies and theology teacher, Ms. Garcez is certainly not afraid of nuance and debate in her classroom conversations. She skillfully stimulates a thoughtful discussion that ties directly into the reading material and the videos her students absorbed the night before.
Tina Zapata Years teaching: 22 Started at Mayfield: 2012 Currently teaches: AP Government and Politics, Ethnic Studies Has also taught: 9th-Grade Humanities, World History, U.S. History, Economics, U.S. Government and Law and Trial Advocacy (Mock Trial) Education: M.A. (Education), Stanford University; B.A. (History), University of California, Berkeley; Certificate in Catholic School Administration, Loyola Marymount University
The Dream Team SYNERGY AND SYMBIOSIS. More is more, when it comes to our Ethnic Studies team. Their expert knowledge and complementary teaching styles make for a supercharged learning environment that adds up to much more than their 83 years of combined classroom experience. Currently teaches: Ethnic Studies Has also taught: International Relations, U.S. Government, Psychology and World History Education: J.D. (Law), Southwestern College of Law; B.A. (Psychology), California State University, Los Angeles
Dr. Anne Hartfield ’77 Years teaching: 25 Started at Mayfield: 1998 Currently teaches: U.S. History, AP U.S. History, Ethnic Studies Has also taught: U.S. Women’s History, U.S. Government, International Relations Education: Ph.D. (History), Claremont Graduate University; B.A. (American Studies), University of Notre Dame TreisterToi ’82, J.D. Years teaching: 19 Started at Mayfield: 2002
Consultant, curator and culture maven highlights native contributions Assistant Librarian Cheyenne Sons, who also acted as a consultant for the American Indian studies unit of the new Ethnic Studies course, curated a vibrant literary display featuring "modern-day people… in different fields, in different mediums" in honor of Native American Heritage Month last November. It included Tommy Pico, a poet, podcaster and writer on the TV show “Reservation Dogs”; Elizabeth LaPensée, a video game designer who incorporates her Native American heritage in her games; and—one of Ms. Sons’ personal favorites— poet Joy Harjo. “She’s the first native Poet Laureate and she’s from my tribe, the Muscogee Creek tribe,” Ms. Sons explains. Her goal? To show students that “you consume art and music and entertainment done by native peoples. You just don’t realize that they’re native!” And that, she says, is how you build awareness and acknowledgement. April Garcez Years teaching: 17 Started at Mayfield: 2016 Currently teaches: Economics, World History II, Ethnic Studies Has also taught: Theology, US History, Economics Education: M.A. (Government), Johns Hopkins University; M.A. (Theology), Loyola Marymount University; B.A. (Political Science), Mount St. Mary’s University

This year’s Black History Month programming offered a vibrant array of opportunities for learning and connection, including alum guest lectures, curated library collections, lunchtime discussions hosted by the Student Diversity Council and a virtual gathering to connect Black alums and students.
Professional photographer and session presenter Jaimie Milner ’06 believes that “the magic of a photograph is its direct correlation to the heart… You capture what your heart is moved by, what arrests your attention and what you want reflected in the world.”
But the high point was our reimagined annual Black History Month assembly—transformed this year into a dynamic miniconference format, where students could hear from experts on a wide variety of topics: psychologists talking about embodying joy and embracing unconditional self-worth, artists and actors talking about their professional journeys, a nutritionist talking about finding balance and joy in food. Other discussions explored identity, media representation, fashion, music, education and much more. Audrey Arias ’25 said the format was “much more personal” than a traditional assembly, adding that, “with people talking with’s easy to learn.” And Lily Salazar ’23 also enjoyed the small group experience because it “resonated a lot more.” She added that the breadth of subject material had the hallways buzzing with conversation afterward. “Everyone was excited to hear from each other about where they went and what they heard.”
Presenter Jeremy Divinity, a doctoral candidate in educational leadership at Loyola Marymount University, discussed his perspective on Black health and wellness.
“I was inspired and, quite honestly, impressed by the breadth of dialogue and openness in the room. I took away as much from speaking to the students… as they did from me.”
A joyful celebration ofBlack History Month
Rhonda Reid Shorter ’93 (center), an education specialist at Pasadena Rosebud Academy who holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and mechanical engineering, always encourages students to “never make someone else’s minimums your maximums!”
Head of School Kate Morin (front right) with some of our Black History Month guest presenters, session hosts and organizers.
“The truth is that instead of looking outside yourself you need to look within. The source of your worth is within,” says psychologist and podcast host Dr. Adia Gooden ’03, who Zoomed in for her presentation.

Members of the Society of Pilipinx Americans at Mayfield, (from left) Sophia Sagara ’22, Piper West ’22, Lucy Martinez ’22, Alyssa Atienza ’22 and Ashley Dalisay ’22, enjoy celebrating and sharing their heritage.
Speaking—and listening—from the heart
“I think it’s really important for us to be able to advocate our voices as people of color in our community.”
Students are embracing all the opportunities they have at Mayfield to share their voices with our community. With forums like clubs, affinity groups and the Student Diversity Council (SDC), students have a chance to bond with others who share a similar background— and open a world of new experiences to those who don’t. The SDC kicked off this school year with presentations and discussions for Latinx Heritage Month, and the Society of Pilipinx Americans at Mayfield stepped up as cultural advocates the following month during Pilipinx American History Month. And now students are finding new ways to celebrate their heritage—by creating their own podcasts. In their journalism classes (see page 26), students have been producing from-the-heart content that speaks to their thoughtful reckoning with issues of identity and belonging—with award-winning results. Bella Guerra ’24 and Chloe Leong ’24 describe their “I Am My Own” podcast (which earned an honorable mention in a National Public Radio-sponsored competition) as “an open conversation about what it’s like to grow up as a POC in our generation, Gen Z.” Bella, a second-generation Mexican American, and Chloe, whose parents immigrated from Taiwan and Macau, talk about their experiences with cultural stereotyping, the importance of representation and the value of honoring the “traditions… that have been rooted with us since birth.” And, they say, it’s empowering to have this podcast platform—and the encouragement from their teachers and classmates—to make themselves heard. “I think it’s really important for us to be able to advocate our voices as people of color in our community,” says Chloe. Bella and Chloe’s fellow content creators echo this sentiment in their own podcasts, whether it’s by sharing their own equally personal perspectives or by broaching broader questions like media representation. In “That’s So Wasian,” a conversation about the struggles and joys of being half-white and half-Asian, Le Anh Metzger ’22 and Hannah Sherman ’22 swap notes on straddling two cultures. Le Anh says that, although she doesn’t speak the language, her mother’s Vietnamese culture “has always been a big part of my life,” and Hannah, who counts going to Korean language school on weekends among her earliest memories, “grew up really immersed in the culture.” Le Anh and Hannah both say they’ve seen subtle shifts in the way society honors multiracial identities. Years ago, faced with a single-choice checkbox list of ethnicities on a standardized test, Hannah remembers approaching the exam proctor to ask, “I’m biracial; what do I do?” But, as Le Anh explains, their recent college applications allowed more freedom in how they self-identify, “so I feel like
For now, we’re all ears as Mayfield students continue these heartfelt conversations—in their own words.
Listen to the student podcast episodes: there’s definitely been an improvement.” Madison Rojas ’23 used a wider lens to discuss identity issues in her “Latinos in Film” podcast, which addresses the lack of Latino representation in the film industry. “Movies that tell Latino stories and strong Latino actors are critical to breaking stereotypes,” Madison says. “It’s up to future generations to break through Hollywood’s glass ceiling and get their stories into a writers’ room.”

When it comes to “upstanding,” Ms. Gonzales stays firmly rooted in the Holy Child mission and goals. “I think the main thing that I want students to know is that there’s always room for growth,” she says, as we continue to nurture our Mayfield family as “a community of love.”
High school is a time of complex social learning—and these lessons can be nonstop for ninth-graders. Mayfield Learning Specialist Ann Bussard and Cassandra Gonzales, Interim Director of Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (JDEI), have often compared notes on the ways that interpersonal issues can affect students’ study skills and derail their focus. For example, Ms. Gonzales says, “a few ninth-graders I talked to said they didn’t know how to talk to their friend when they said something hurtful.”
Mrs. Bussard and Ms. Gonzales agreed that students would benefit from being equipped with strategies to address these kinds of situations sooner rather than later. The upshot? A new freshman Formation of Self (FoS) class on how to be an “upstander,” guest-taught by Ms. Gonzales. The session shows students ways to speak up and use their voices while learning to really listen. “I think this is important to learn early on, as they’re building their class and their relationships,” says Ms. Gonzales, who adds that laying the groundwork for “respectful conversations” will only strengthen the bonds they’ll develop over the next four years. Ms. Gonzales opens her presentation with a definition of an upstander: “a person who speaks in support of a person or cause, particularly on behalf of someone being attacked or bullied.” A lot of the animated discussion that follows deals with finding nuanced tactics to broach sensitive conversations. Students learn ways to approach a friend—someone you know didn’t mean to offend, but who hurt you nonetheless. Can you defuse the situation without harming them, too? “I might make a joke!” suggest Lulu Stolpe ’25. Ms. Gonzales agrees that there are definitely moments when humor can draw attention to the issue without making it feel like a Sometimesconfrontation.justclarifying someone’s language can improve the dynamic. Mackenzie Younker ’25 says there’s a difference between a person saying something “to be rude or mean, or somebody who just doesn’t know,” so it’s important to appreciate the context. But Mackenzie is careful to point out that some things aren’t resolved just by using more sensitive language. If the entire purpose of the comment is meant to be critical and unkind, “it just shouldn’t be said at all.” So what can an “upstander” do in situations like this? Ms. Gonzales explains a few tactics to explore: interrupt the behavior in some way, question the antagonist about their intentions, educate them about why their words or actions are harmful to others. She is careful to point out that the purpose of “upstanding” is not to shame someone or “call them out” but to help them understand why people have been wounded by their behavior, ultimately strengthening the fellowship of the entire community. Upstanding is not an act of aggression but one of kinship. And Ms. Gonzales acknowledges it’s impossible to always do the right thing at the right time. Maddie Squire ’25 raises situations that are potentially more complicated. She says it’s one thing if “you’re trying to educate or interrupt one of your peers,” but it could be “really difficult… if it’s an adult.” Ms. Gonzales affirms Maddie’s point and explores the complexities inherent in upstanding. There are plenty of situations where it may not be safe or appropriate to intervene, and there are always power dynamics to consider. And sometimes, we just may not have enough confidence or composure to act in real time.
Freshmen learn strategies to be ‘upstanders’
Ms. Gonzales asks students to be gentle with themselves—and to remember that being exposed to these concepts and strategies ahead of time will make it easier to tackle challenges in the future. Before the session ends, they’re even given a chance to engage in a “What would you do?” role-play exercise, acting out how they might respond to specific situations, from people littering on campus to a person using careless or hurtful language at someone else’s expense.Nextyear, as they delve into the concepts of justice and belonging in their sophomore FoS curriculum, these students will further explore the idea of “upstanding” across different subject areas. In 10th-grade theology, for instance, they’ll discuss the parable of The Good Samaritan as an “Actions Not Words” example of responding to bullying and bad behavior with compassion and courage. But, after today’s highly engaged session, several freshman students remarked on how useful the earlier introduction to upstanding was for them. Lulu admits to being a little apprehensive about the topic, but says, “I’m really glad that I learned about this, especially while we are entering high school and meeting new people.”

At the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service, we reflected on our human interconnectedness with words of wisdom from Rev. Kusala Bhikshu, a resident monk at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los Angeles.
Faith in our sacred connections
Studentscelebrations.created their own dove of peace, filled with messages of uplift and inspiration, at the Reconciliation Prayer Service. This annual milestone on our Lenten journeys also included a special opportunity for students, faculty and staff to make the sacrament of confession to one of 11 visiting priests.
The seasons of the Catholic calendar provide the framework for our schoolwide liturgies and prayer services—beginning each year with the traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit, led this past fall by Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J. (pictured)—but students wholeheartedly embrace the chance to learn more about other faiths and cultural celebrations, both from their teachers and from each other. We are especially grateful to the student leaders on our Campus Ministry Council and Student Diversity Council for the many ways in which they help our Mayfield family to build “trust and reverence for the dignity and uniqueness of each person”—one of our core Holy Child goals.
World Religions teacher Michelle Gergen invites her students to see the connections rather than the divisions between religions. In her lesson about Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, she told her class, “Light illuminating the dark is something that's held in multiple faiths—we use light in Advent!”
The JDEI Department prepared a sweet gift for Mayfield students and faculty members who were observing Ramadan, the monthlong period of prayer, reflection and fasting that culminates in joyful Eid al-Fitr
For this year’s Lunar New Year festivities, Muriel Zhang’s Mandarin classes decorated lanterns and sampled traditional dumplings (a student favorite!) and the JDEI Department hosted fun activities on the North Lawn, where students decorated hóng bao (red envelopes), played ddakji (a Korean game) and ate tangerines for good luck.

The first lecture focuses on the history of money, from the ancient bartering system to cowrie shell currency in 1200 BCE, and from the development of paper money in China to the current-day global rise of cryptocurrency. Today’s class is a group of juniors in Strub Room 301. Mrs. Tighe breaks the students into groups and randomly hands out envelopes filled with cards representing items to trade, like clothing, food, water, fuel and medical care. The game ends when one person barters successfully to collect the 10 essential cards required to sustain life. The exercise makes From cowrie shells to crypto, new program boosts money IQ
embraceStudents the financial literacy ‘revolution’
It doesn’t take long before students start to understand the urgency of some of the topics Mrs. Tighe wants to shine more light on in this new, four-year program, from the gender pay gap to credit card debt. “Just from seeing the statistics of how people are struggling due to lack of financial knowledge makes me wonder why many schools don’t apply education on such an important subject,” says Vicky Wang ’24.
— MELISSA TIGHE , DIRECTOR OF INNOVATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Teacher Melissa Tighe walks junior students through investment portfolio options.
I f there was any doubt as to how vital teacher Melissa Tighe thinks financial literacy is for teens, the first slide of her introductory PowerPoint says it all: “The revolution begins right here, right now.”
spans all four years and covers a huge swath of financial topics (see sidebar).
Students barter for basic goods and services in a card game that also highlights fundamental financial inequities. Indeed. It’s something Mrs. Tighe, a former financial analyst, has been working for years to address. Over her 28 years on campus—as a math teacher, department chair and now Director of Innovation and Community Partnerships—she has sought out creative ways to share her financial expertise with Mayfield students. So, when she was finally able to realize her dream of a formalized course last fall, she dove right in with characteristic zeal. Although this new class only meets once a quarter as part of the Formation of Self (FoS) seminar program, the ambitious financial literacy curriculum “How do we play the hand we have been dealt? And how do we help others who— through no choice of their own—were dealt a different hand...”

The new, four-year financial literacy program offers students insight into everything from budgeting basics to building their own business.
Financing College & Decision Matrices Alum advisers invest in Mayfield students We’re indebted to two alum experts who have generously lent their support to help launch our financial literacy program. Special thanks to Anne Kortlander ’66, a Wharton School MBA who has worked in the financial services industry for decades, whom Mrs. Tighe credits with “jump-starting” this essential endeavor. We are grateful that Ms. Kortlander will continue to provide mentorship as the curriculum evolves. Students also benefited from the expertise of Anna Gooch ’13, J.D., a former international tax consultant who now works as a research fellow with the Center for Taxpayer Rights, who not only helped create the lesson on taxes but also went on to answer technical and career questions in a video interview. Year ManagingTaxes Credit Investing II & EntrepreneurshipCryptocurrency Year Career PhilanthropyPlanning&Charitable Giving BudgetingInsurance & Taking F.L. on the Road
Financial Literacy Curriculum
Freshman Year Behavioral Economics Consumer Skills Budgeting I & Paperwork Savings & Investing I Sophomore Year Checking & Types of Credit Identity Theft & Protecting Yourself Social Justice & Ethics
252022 POSTSCRIPTS REAL-WORLD LEARNING it clear why transactions like these eventually evolved (it’s pretty inefficient to transport all of your chickens everytime you want to barter for water), but inequities also surface quickly in the post-game conversation. As Liz Goethals ’23 observes, “Some of us were dealt better cards than others.” Mrs. Tighe capitalizes on this comment to tie the game into much bigger questions: “Is that any different than for every one of us in this room? Did we have any control over the country we were born into? Or the gender? Or family, or time period? None of that,” she says. “This is just a card game. But this is people’s lives and it is just as indiscriminate at the beginning.” This assessment seems to tap into the driving forces behind this financial literacy course. “How do we play the hand we have been dealt?” asks Mrs. Tighe. “And how do we help others who— through no choice of their own— were dealt a different hand...” Over the course of the year, students in all grade levels will go from these discussions of macroeconomics (like understanding financial systems), to microeconomics (like creating a budget based on a future salary). Zora Hinrichs ’23 is especially interested in the personal applications of the course. She found the fact that two-thirds of American families don’t have an adequate savings cushion a particularly sobering statistic. “I was very surprised that so [few] families knew how to budget,” Zora admits. “The most intriguing part of the financial literacy program is to learn how to budget and possibly learn to increase my budgets by being smart with money,” she adds. All in all, Mrs. Tighe is pleased that this class is sparking new awareness, starting new conversations, and offering students “an invitation to be part of the solution.” She also thinks equipping high school students with these tools before they launch into their adult lives also “gives them a real chance to solve the problems of their time and place.” Sofia Olona ’23 is up for the challenge. “I found myself really disheartened when Mrs. Tighe read some new statistics about unequal pay among women,” Sofia admits, “but that opened my eyes to the real importance of teaching young girls financial literacy: We’ll have to be the ones to fix it.”

Journalism teacher Kimberly Gomez advises award-winning podcasters Chloe Leong ’24 (left) and Bella Guerra ’24.
Learning to navigate the perennial challenges—and rewards—of the storyteller’s life
Mayfield’s student journalists learn thetools of their trade, including courage

The new Digital Media Lab—one of the rooms added in the recent Strub Hall renovation—is humming on this March afternoon. Journalism teacher Kimberly Gomez, a former print and television reporter, calls this productive space “part classroom, part newsroom,” and the characterization feels spot on. Her students have a deadline coming up: an eight-minute submission for the second annual National Public Radio High School Podcast Challenge. Gathered around a large square table, laptops open, everyone is working on their own projects; some in pairs, some solo. Many have headphones on, deep inside audio editing software, while others are focused on rewriting and editing script elements. But whenever Ms. Gomez cues up something on the big screen, everyone looks up to offer feedback. Students are given free reign to decide the topics they want to explore for this podcasting project, whether it be highlighting the pressures of high school during a pandemic or exploring big-picture issues close to their hearts (see page 21). “Latinos in Film” discusses reasons behind the lack of Latino representation within the film industry and the repercussions of this exclusion. “That’s So Wasian” is a conversation between two high schoolers exploring the struggles and joys of being halfwhite and half-Asian. In “That’s What You Need to Know,” the co-hosts focus on the conflict in Ukraine in the hope that their peers will get more involved and educate themselves on the complexity of the situation. Others choose to share their spin on universal teenage topics like friendship, food and, of course, technology. As Editor-in-Chief of the Mayfield Crier, Grace Sandman ’22 has distinguished herself as an award-winning reporter tackling social justice issues, but when she and classmate Grace Gannon ’22 “dipped [their] toes into podcasting,” they decided to explore something ostensibly more ordinary: text messaging. They saw a lot of complexity and potential humor in this almostuniversal topic. “We knew there were unsaid rules about texting in today’s age,” says Grace Sandman. “Many of these unsaid texting ‘rules’ were completely unknown amongst the adults in our lives, so we knew we wanted to talk about that and share some funny stories in our podcast,” titled “Exposing Text Lingo with Gracie².” Podcasting is only one element of the journalism syllabus. Ms. Gomez considers the raison d’être of both her beginning and advanced journalism courses as “writing for publication.” The classes certainly cover what might now be considered traditional journalistic writing; Ms. Gomez is careful to give a historical overview of the profession, from First Amendment rights to journalistic ethics. She introduces the distinctions between breaking news, enterprise stories and team reporting. But she also understands the 21st-century zeitgeist—even the way the term “publication” has changed dramatically in a short amount of time, now encompassing everything from Twitter journalism to photojournalism essays to newspaper-sponsored podcasts. And she wants her students to get a sense of it all.
In Strub Hall’s new Digital Media Lab, journalism students get hands-on experience in 21st-century reporting, storytelling and production.
Classmate Le Anh Metzger ’22, who knew she wanted to major in communications and media studies, will take real-world skills—and a featurewriting award from the national Student News Online judges—with her to UC Santa Barbara this fall. “This class has helped me improve my writing skills and has taught me how to disseminate information effectively,” Le Anh says. Something that distinguishes this class is its emphasis on submitting material beyond the gates of Bellefontaine. “You must submit; that has always been a focus,” says Ms. Gomez. It’s an important habit built into all of Ms. Gomez’s publications classes— be it journalism, yearbook, creative writing or newspaper—and she certainly isn’t insensitive about the anxieties associated with that prospect. “Let’s face it, writing is pretty vulnerable,” says Ms. Gomez, adding that it’s the reason why “most people are afraid to do it.”
But the routine of submitting, she hopes, will make the process less precious and help take the sting out of rejections a bit, cultivating a you-win-some, you-losesome sensibility. On the plus side, if you submit more, you win more. And there
Student photojournalists on assignment in Theresa Peters’s biology class Students enroll in journalism electives for many different reasons, and Ms. Gomez does her best to tailor each student’s experience to her specific goals, while elevating her writing to a higher professional level. First-time journalism student Drew Valentino’22 says the course has “pushed me to write in so many different ways…and has developed my way of thinking.”

SCHOLASTIC SUCCESS. Congratulations to this year’s regional winners in the prestigious Scholastic Art and Writing Awards: (from left) Annika Mashiko ’24 (two Silver Key awards for poetry), Emma Mendoza Muñoz ’24 (honorable mention for poetry), Avalon Dela Rosa ’22 (two honorable mentions for poetry), Madison Rojas ’23 (Silver Key award for flash fiction and honorable mention for poetry), Olivia Sandford ’22 (Gold Key award for photography), Lucy Martinez ’22 (Silver Key award and honorable mention for flash fiction) and Nina Copado ’22 (honorable mention for painting).
Prizes for “putting yourself out there”
Cub reporters. The new Digital Media Lab has proven to be just that—a testing ground where student journalists can experiment with and hone their craft. This spring, students collaborated on an ambitious new video newsmagazine called Cub Student News. The slickly edited 18-minute program is an entertaining showcase of their expanding repertoire of reporting and production skills, from on-camera interviews to B-roll footage, greenscreen editing and more. Scan the QR code to watch the pilot episode of Cub Student News.
PODCAST PROPS. Sophomores Bella Guerra ’24 and Chloe Leong ’24 (pictured on page 26) earned an honorable mention in the second annual National Public Radio High School Podcast Challenge for their “I Am My Own” podcast, placing them in the top 3% of more than 4,000 submissions from students around the country. (Read more about their very personal episode on page 21 )
POETIC POSTSCRIPT. Avalon Dela Rosa ’22 and Monica Zepeda ’24 both had their poems published in the American High School Poets quarterly, which publishes less than 2% of all submissions. have been many accolades to spread around (see sidebar). Perhaps the way this classroom most resembles a newsroom is the sense of camaraderie among students across grade levels. They are taking risks together, trying new things, succeeding in some arenas, stumbling in others, but always learning from each other along the way. Marina Muradian ’23, for one, appreciates being in an environment where she and her classmates are given “the independence to brainstorm our ideas.” Ms. Gomez calls them all “courageous,” and with revisions and rejections built into this course, this doesn’t feel like an overstatement. This courage seems contagious, too. Watching the success of one student helps inspire the other students, who suddenly see that the same kind of success is within their reach. Ms. Gomez explains the buoying sentiment students share when they see a classmate win a prize or accolade. ”If she can do something like this,” they think, “maybe I can too.”
It’s non-negotiable—and nerve-wracking: Mayfield journalism students must share and submit their work outside of class. Since journalism and publications teacher Kimberly Gomez arrived at Mayfield in 2014, her students have won hundreds of awards in every possible discipline, from essays to poetry to flash fiction. Here are some of this year’s student accolades.
NEWSPAPER NODS. Mayfield Crier Editor-in-Chief Grace Sandman ’22 received a Best of Show recognition for editorial leadership from the Journalism Educators Association/National Scholastic Press Association. Crier Entertainment Editor Madison Rojas ’23 earned a coveted honorable mention from The New York Times—one of only 25 awarded from more than 4,000 student submissions around the world—for her review of a Harry Styles concert. And staff writer Le Anh Metzger ’22 had her feature writing selected for the Best of Student News Online showcase.

The way Moot Court can bring a reexamination and reimagination of even the most well-established moments in U.S. history makes it clear why Ms. Zapata was willing to include it in her lesson plan. This is not simply memorizing facts and figures. The Moot Court assignment is focused on critical thinking above all else, and students are graded on their research, written legal briefs and oral presentations. Ms. Zapata wanted to use this assignment for “a little more of a stretch” because it would require students to get “creative in [their] arguments.”
An immersive Moot Court assignment gave AP Government and Politics students a hands-on look at the inner workings of the Supreme Court.
The lessons acquired from Moot Court are anything but “The most exciting part about this assignment was the interactiveness, and being able to work as a team...It boosted my confidence, and pushed my limits…”
Agroup of seniors and a handful of juniors arrive in Strub Room 113 in neat business attire. Near the dryerase boards, five students slip black robes over their suit jackets to represent members of the Supreme Court. Desks are arranged into two pods, and the legal counsel for opposing sides settle in. Moot Court is in session. The docket for today’s AP Government and Politics class—the culmination of months of work—includes three landmark Supreme Court cases, with students taking turns playing lawyers, justices or spectators in the gallery for each case.
Eva Gullon ’23, one of the few juniors in the class, talks about how the subject material challenged her and gave her opportunities for growth. “The most exciting part about this assignment was the interactiveness, and being able to work as a team,” Eva says. “It also gave me an opportunity to apply things we had been working on in class in real life, and how this would be applied in a courtroom setting.” And, she adds, “It boosted my confidence, and pushed my limits to what I could have been comfortable with.”
AP Government teacher Tina Zapata wanted to experiment with squeezing the Moot Court material into her already packed curriculum this year because she knows just how valuable these hands-on assignments can be for students.
The final verdict on the value of this assignment? Anything but moot.
First, New Jersey v. TLO, dealing with the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. Second, University of California v. Bakke, dealing with the complexities of affirmative action. And finally, the most well-known case: United States v. Nixon, which dealt with executive privilege and immunity of a sitting her teammate, Nina Copado ’22, who played the attorneys defending President Richard Nixon, had a major uphill climb because the ruling against their client was already so well-known. “There were not many sources supporting Nixon, so my partner and I had to get creative,” Emily admits. “We had to use our historical and constitutional knowledge to construct our original arguments.” Emily worked to direct the court’s attention away from the idea that tapes might be covering up wrongdoing, like the Watergate breakin. Instead, she and Nina emphasized national security and the kinds of unique, sensitive and world-altering conversations that can take place in the Oval Office. Emily mentioned that potentially sensitive material from these tapes—like discussions on the ongoing Vietnam War—could be dangerous if released to the public, and suggested that there was real peril in terms of international disasters. And this seemed to work, because the student-run Supreme Court took extra time for this Nixon hearing—they even returned to the classroom for further questioning before adjourning for their second, and final, deliberation. Ultimately, Mayfield’s court decided with the original ruling against Nixon. But, ever so briefly, it did seem that the former president might have a reprieve after all!
Lily Fontes ’22, who played the Chief Justice at one point in today’s class, said she found the process incredibly rewarding. “I think Moot Court helped to enrich our understanding of the actual Supreme Court because it showed how arguments made by the attorneys for each side could influence the court’s opinion,” she explains. “In many cases, our court decided differently than the real case because of how strong one attorney’s argument was.”

This year’s Spring Dance Concert, “The Music Never Stops,” marked Ms. Leitner’s final Mayfield production as Dance Conservatory Director. Inspired by the Grateful Dead song of the same name, the title was a fitting farewell from a multi-hyphenate artist who is confident that the Conservatory for the Arts programs at Mayfield will continue to be a source of creativity and self-discovery for students. “Even when I leave the school, the music never stops, dance will go on, art will go on. The journey will continue,” she says. What does the next step of that journey look like for Ms. Leitner? With an inhome art and photography studio and access to a nearby dance studio, a life of creative expression will be at its heart. And to bring things full circle, she already has plans to be back behind the lens for Mayfield. “I have some photography projects lined up on campus already, and hope that will be ongoing. Because I’m definitely not done with Mayfield!”
Students honor Dance Conservatory Director Denise Leitner at an intimate farewell celebration.
Award-winning artists
Full circle: Denise Leitner moves back behind the lens for Mayfield
Years ago, Denise Darnell (who helmed the Dance Conservatory from 1999-2015) hired a talented photographer to capture her students on stage in Pike Auditorium. The visiting artist—also named Denise, also a dance teacher, also a former professional performer—got more than she expected from her day at 500 Bellefontaine. “I just walked up the Pike stairs into the Green Room and something hit me,” says Denise Leitner. “I got this feeling like, ‘You’re going to work here one day.’ And that was five years before Denise Darnell decided to retire!”
And now, as she choreographs her own retirement plans, Ms. Leitner is grateful for the collaborative connection she has built with her students over the past six years. “Over time, I learned to really, really listen to my dancers,” she says. “I’ve learned from their energy, their adorableness, their spirit, their vibrance.” What else have they taught her? “I’ve learned a lot about Instagram from them for sure!”
Photo by @deniseleitnerphotography “Skins” by Olivia Sandford ’22 (Gold Key Award for photography) “My Teeth" by Nina Copado ’22 (Honorable Mention for painting)
Congratulations to visual artists Nina Copado ’22 and Olivia Sandford ’22, whose exceptional work was honored at this year’s Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

Classic caper. After 19 months of darkness, the stage lit up in fall 2021 with the whodunit murder mysterycomedy “Clue,” based on the beloved board game. The familiar cast of colorful characters played out the kooky comedy on a maximalist mini-mansion set, built by Technical Theatre Conservatory students under the expert guidance of their new instructor, Paul Cales. “It’s just been an all-around great collaborative process,” Ms. Householder says. Wonderful ‘Wizardry.’ The tale of a windswept Kansas girl arriving in a magical land is a timeless one, but this year’s spring musical theater production was not your mother’s (or grandmother’s!) “Wizard of Oz.” For one thing, this updated version is built around an entirely different musical score (no MGM showtunes!), and uses a pared-down “black box” approach—minimal sets and costumes, but maximum potential for imagination. Lily Salazar ’23, one of the two actresses playing Dorothy, raved about the process. “Everyone had a lot of fun…telling a very unconventional version of ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ ” she says. “I've learned a lot more about how much conveying a story matters in theater.”
Choir hits high note
Ms. Householder admitted that the “mask factor” was a challenge, but says it pushed her students to focus on key elements of their craft. “It gives the actors a chance to really work on other facial expressions and developing character and storyline and body language,” she says. “So I think it was just a new way of looking at theater.”
Although Theatre Director Maryanne Householder says that mounting live theater productions again has “definitely been a rollercoaster ride of emotions,” everyone— students, teachers and audience members alike— was excited to be back in Pike Auditorium, which she calls “our special place to create magic.”
Raising the curtain on ‘a new way of looking at theater’
After two years of Zoom live-streams and prerecorded concerts, our Conservatory for the Arts students reveled in the all-hands-on-deck camaraderie of putting on a show—and the sheer thrill of performing for a live audience.
The Mayfield Women’s Ensemble enjoyed a spectacular return to choral competition in April, sweeping all the honors at the WorldStrides Heritage Festival in Northern California. At the awards ceremony, held at California’s Great America Theme Park, the group won Outstanding Choral Group, Outstanding Women’s Ensemble (Gold First Place) and the Adjudicator Award. “This was a stunning performance on every level,” said adjudicator Travis Rogers. “One of the very best high school women’s choirs I’ve ever heard in almost 40 years of adjudicating.” Brava, ladies!

Splashy victory. The Swim and Dive team followed last year’s Prep League championship win with a sensational, back-to-back 392-point victory—the highest single-team score in the history of the meet!
Faster, higher, stronger. The Cubs won their seventh consecutive Prep League Track and Field title with a final score that was more than double that of their closest competitor.
High dive. Congratulations to 2022 Prep League Diving champion Morgan Burns ’25, who earned the secondhighest meet score in Mayfield history.
Frozen football. Snow flurries didn’t slow down the Cubs during their spring soccer tour of Scotland! Their 8-1 win over Penicuik Athletic YFC in 31-degree weather was a highlight of the series of matchups they played with local youth club teams. College credits. Taylor Carey ’22 (left), the first swimmer in Cubs history to compete in the CIF State Championships and this year’s Mayfield Academic Athlete of the Year, will be making a splash at Vanderbilt University this fall. Talented goalkeeper Jamie Pernecky ’22, who was also selected as an All-CIF softball player, will continue her soccer career at the University of Illinois.

The Varsity tennis team had an equally impressive playoff run, advancing to the CIF semifinals and defeating three top-10 teams during their improbable postseason run. The Cubs were led all year by super junior Samantha Frick ’23 (pictured), who won her second consecutive Prep League singles title before getting down to the real work: the CIF Individual tournament. Samantha won three matches on the first day of competition, then came back a week later and won two more, advancing all the way to round 16 in the tournament, which includes the best players in the CIF Southern Section, regardless of division. Her performance was phenomenal, even in her loss to the eventual champion—a freshman who is the top-ranked singles player in the state. Samantha’s impressive run was the best of any Mayfield tennis player since 1988 and was truly a performance for the ages.
Golf (and CIF semifinalists for the first time since 1990) Swim & Dive (Back-to-back championships with a record-setting meet score) Tennis (and CIF semifinalists for the first time since 1988) Track & Field (7th consecutive championship) Volleyball (and CIF and California State semifinalists)
A banner year for Cubs sports
This year’s Varsity soccer team reached levels of success we have not seen in 30 years. A huge league win over Flintridge Prep (ending Prep’s 50-plus-game winning streak!) was incredibly satisfying, and we had a wonderful run to the CIF semifinals, but it was the firstround playoff game against Shadow Hills High School on a beautiful February evening that was the highlight for me. In true Mayfield fashion, our community turned out in droves, and the girls did not disappoint: The Cubs won their first playoff game in 10 years, 6-1. Freshman Tessa Neal ’25 (pictured) delivered a hat trick, and the team never looked back. This turned out to be the first of three playoff wins in a row, but with such a large and loud Mayfield contingent behind them, this night was truly special.
2021-22 In a year with so many amazing wins, the Varsity volleyball team’s come-frombehind, five-set thriller on Dig Pink Night against Flintridge Sacred Heart (FSHA) on the road was my top moment of the year. The two rivals have had many competitive matches over the past 25 years, but Mayfield has only ever beaten FSHA once. Since the Dig Pink fundraiser tradition began six years ago, the Tologs have won every single match, with the Cubs winning just two sets. On an evening up on the hill in October, it looked like history was going to repeat itself. FSHA won the first two sets and took an early lead in the third. But a strong Cubs run led to a thrilling victory in the third, another win in the fourth, and after a dominant fifth set, the comeback was complete. In front of a packed house, the Varsity Cubs pulled off one of the best turnarounds in school history and created an unforgettable memory for everyone in the bleachers. This gutsy team went on to a CIF semifinal appearance and a California state semifinal berth in a season that will long be remembered.
When I started as Athletic Director four years ago and began collating my annual top three moments, I knew that some years would be more memorable than others. The last half of the 2019-20 school year was memorable for all the wrong reasons, and 2020-21 was fascinating, because we crammed all of our sports into a single season. But 2021-22 will go down as one of the most successful athletic years in Mayfield history. We won four Prep League championships, the most of any school in our league; we had three teams advance to the CIF semifinals; and three Cubs athletes received Prep League Player of the Year honors. As I sat down to consider this year’s accomplishments, the hardest part was narrowing the list of top moments down to just three!
Steve Bergen Director of Athletics | @msscubs

34 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 Nasim Natalie Afkhamnejad Ava Aili Alms Alyssa Anna Atienza Mayfield Academic Award for Latin Mayfield Academic Award for Vocal Music Lucia Teresa Avila Avalon Marie Bajarias Ella Sophia Barbee§ Amy Imola Baum§ Mayfield Academic Award for Athletics Natalie Grace Boutros Carolyn Grace Brewer* Mayfield Academic Award for Mathematics Taylor Brooke Carey Academic Athlete Award Michelle Anne Cheng Mayfield Academic Award for Theology Siobhan Rose Clancy Nina Suzel Copado Ariana Rose Dalie Ashley Isabel Dalisay Olivia Claudia de Cardenas Mayfield Academic Award for Theatre Holy Child Goal Award: Growth Avalon Ione Lake Dela Rosa§ Pamela Hamilton ’95 Poetry Award Mayfield Academic Award for French Ava MendezElizabethDelarosa§ Anaiz Joy Delgado Maria Terese Dilbeck§ Holy Child Goal Award: Community Student Body President Caitlin Marie Dopudja Katelin Raquel Echeverria Isabela Carolina Esparza Mayfield Academic Award for Technical Theatre Lola Permata Falese Sofia Valentina Figueroa Mayfield Academic Award for Vocal Music Lily Clare Fontes§ Emma Irene Franco§ Grace Rose Gannon Joan Elyse Giordano§ Mayfield Academic Award for Vocal Music Holy Child Goal Award: Faith Scarlett Wells Glenn Emma West Graybill Natalie Grace Hanna*§ Clare Owen Hawkinson Mayfield Academic Award for English Mayfield Academic Award for Studio Art Grace Erin Hayden§ Isabelle Claire Hopf* Boyes Award for Voice and Diction Helena Collins Horton§ Ashley AshlynnHuangJeanne Hurley Destiny Genesis Inzunza MercedesVieraAnn Javelera§ Madison Ann Kaufman Haley Elizabeth Kruger§ Hanna Grace Lee Holy Child Goal Award: Curiosity Rebecca Elizabeth Leiva Audrey Shin Leung*§ Sofie Claire Lim Mia Kristin Maalouf*§ Knights of Columbus Pro Deo Et Patria Award National Merit Commended Scholar Madeline Alia Macias Chloe Grace Marick*§ Beverburg Science Award National Merit Scholar Lucy Bowie Wiley Martinez§ Mayfield Academic Award for Creative Writing Kathryn Emily Mechaley§ Le Anh Naomi Metzger*§ Mayfield Academic Award for Dance Performance Mayfield Academic Award for Spanish National Merit Commended Scholar Katherine Melody Moses*§ The Mayfield Award Mayfield Award of Merit for Liberal Arts Caroline Owen Myers Daniela Isabel Patino Annika Sophia Peistrup Jamison Marie Pernecky Charlotte Pearl Potter Tara Elise Randall§ Holy Child Goal Award: Respect Lucie Beck Renick Sophia Estacio Sagara Olivia Grace Sandford Mayfield Academic Award for Photography Grace Madeline Sandman*§ John and Paula Connolly Award for Creative Writing Sofia Elisabeth Savant Mary-Katherine Lozar Seley Hannah Margaret Sherman*§ Cornelia Connelly Award The Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Pike Award Mayfield Award of Merit for Mathematics and Science National Merit Scholar Archdiocesan Christian Service Award Sonja Elisa Smeritschnig Athlete of the Year Award Ashlee Paris Smith*§ Kayla Rose Tan*§ Heidi Teng*§ Katherine Reese Thompson§ Camila Nicole Torres Drew Anderson Valentino§ Mayfield Award of Merit for Fine Arts Mayfield Academic Award for Dance Mayfield Academic Award for Mandarin Alexa Giselle Valenzuela§ Emily Kathryn Vargas§ Amelia Rose Velasquez§ Phillip “Duffy” Lewis Spirit Award Reagan Annette Vogler Mayfield Academic Award for Social Studies Wenxi Wang§ Audrey Elizabeth Weaver Piper Ansela West Holy Child Goal Award: Justice Kelly Jordan Yatsko Holy Child Goal Award: Mission Iris Jeong-Ah Yoo§ Xuejing Zhang Mayfield Academic Award for Instrumental Music Mayfield Academic Award for Science CONGRATULATIONS, Class of 2022! *California Scholarship Federation Sealbearer § National Honor Society Member
1 Commencement speaker Sr. Sheila McNiff ’56, SHCJ said the graduates’ “determination and ingenuity remind me of Cornelia Connelly herself,” and their impressive growth “would have easily exceeded her wildest dreams.”
3 “In a world of uncertainty and doubt,” said Senior Class President Avalon Dela Rosa, Mayfield has been “a place to call home” and a safe space for the Class of 2022 to cultivate their “distinct voices.”
321 CLASS OF 2022 We are excited to announce that the 83 members of the Class of 2022 will be attending the following 46 colleges and universities: Arizona State University Boston CaliforniaUniversityCollegeofCaliforniaBerkeley*LosAngeles*Riverside*SantaBarbara*PolytechnicState University, San Luis Obispo* California State University, Fullerton* Carnegie Mellon University Colby UniversityCollegeofColorado, Boulder Concordia University Irvine University of Connecticut Cornell WashingtonUniversityVanderbiltTulaneTexasTheTheSyracuseStanfordSouthernUniversitySantaSantaSantaUniversitySanUniversitySaintRhodePurdueProvidencePasadenaUniversityNewMountUniversityLoyolaIndianaUniversityGonzagaFordhamUniversityUniversityUniversity*ofIllinoisatUrbana-ChampaignUniversityMarymountUniversity*ofMichigan*SaintMary’sUniversityYorkUniversity*ofOregonCityCollege*CollegeUniversityIslandSchoolofDesignMary’sCollegeofCaliforniaofSanDiego*DiegoStateUniversity*ofSanFranciscoBarbaraCityCollege*ClaraUniversity*MonicaCollegeofSouthernCalifornia*MethodistUniversity*UniversityUniversityUniversityofTennesseeUniversityofTexasatAustinChristianUniversity*University*UniversityofWashington*UniversityinSt.Louis *more than one Mayfield Senior School student will attend these schools
2 Hannah Sherman, who was also recognized for her exceptional academic achievements and service, was this year’s winner of Mayfield’s highest honor, the Cornelia Connelly Award.

“On a scale of 1 to 10 in complexity, this project is a 12,” Ms. Beebe says, “mostly because of the amount of coordination that has been required to get all of the building systems, all of the structural systems and a beautiful space created as a finished product.” Mr. Muenzer agreed that deconstructing and reconstructing a centuryold building was not an entirely straightforward process. “In spite of the preconstruction, the investigation and studying the drawings, there were still surprises. It’s an unusual building!” Still, the construction and renovation were nimble and pivoted seamlessly with each new challenge. In addition to the seismic retrofitting, KFA worked with Illig Construction to replace all the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, all the while being careful to protect and refurbish the irreplaceable historic fixtures and finishes.
A nyone who has been on campus recently has been able to glimpse our beloved Strub Hall—without scaffolding and no longer an active construction site—restored to its former glory. Behind the familiar facade, designed by renowned architect Frederic Louis Roehrig, are a host of both obvious updates and invisible improvements, like building-wide HVAC, plumbing, electricity and seismic stability. It’s a triumph of engineering, construction and historic preservation. This ambitious $17.5-million renovation, the most significant and complex construction project in the history of the school, was orchestrated by a team of seasoned experts who applied their craft and experience every step of the way, beginning with more than six years of meticulous planning. Early on in the process, Mayfield trustee and structural engineer Jim Muenzer (Frances ’05, Marni ’09) invited Head of School Kate Morin to a Pasadena historic and cultural landmark, where he was working on a seismic retrofit project. Like Mayfield, it was built in the 1920s; like Mayfield, it was a building with deep historic ties; and, like Mayfield, it was a structure that needed careful planning and attention to detail to renovate. As they toured the construction site, Jim explained how reinforced steel bars and “shotcrete” (fastdrying concrete injected via nozzle) were working together to create state-of-the-art seismic reinforcement inside the walls. This trip made a strong impression on Mrs. Morin. “Jim was thorough with his descriptions and so knowledgeable about historic restorations and preservation—so there was this expertise at the board level,” she says. “And then Mayfield brought on the incredible talents of Illig Construction and KFA Architecture, so I knew our dear Strub Hall was in very good hands.”
Now that the heavy lifting is finished, Mr. Muenzer has nothing but praise for the result. “The subcontractors, the architect, the engineer and the whole team worked together so well,” he says. “It was completed on time, and no corners were cut. It really turned out fantastic…It’s safe to say that it exceeded my expectations.”
In anticipation of throwing the doors of Strub Hall open to the entire Mayfield Senior School community again, we invited two final experts in for a sneak peek: Claire Bogaard, wife of former Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard and a founding member of Pasadena Heritage, and Suzanne Marks, who currently serves as Chairman of the Board at this local historic preservation organization. Both expressed delight in what they saw. “So much careful thought has been given to the restoration and to the needed improvements,” says Mrs. Bogaard. “What a wonderful place for the students.”
Expert knowledge builds a labor of love
Mrs. Morin describes the talent, skill and dedication of the team behind the rebirth of Strub Hall as “a blessing beyond measure,” and adds that the strong female leadership of our project partners at KFA and Illig—as well as our Mayfield administrative team—served as “an inspiration in and of itself.”
Even so, the undertaking stretched the ingenuity of our deeply experienced renovation partners. According to Tarrah Beebe, a Senior Associate at KFA Architecture, our century-old Beaux Artsstyle home presented an especially intricate professional challenge.
We are grateful for the leadership donor support from our Mayfield family that made this project possible, and we continue to welcome participation from our community at every level. For more information, please visit: Please feel free to contact Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives Angela Howell ’76 at or Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign Director Lela Diaz at lela.diaz@mayfieldsenior. org to learn more about upcoming events and personal tours. We look forward to showing you around Strub Hall soon. Welcome home, Mayfield!
The phased approach to construction was as thoughtfully conceived as the Master Plan, and this meant that everyone was able to remain on campus during the 13-month renovation. The final stage was finished just before the Class of 2022’s commencement, so they were able to experience all of the joys and traditions of a Mayfield graduation. Students, teachers, faculty and staff have already been enjoying many of the new and upgraded spaces in Strub Hall (see page 40), but it will be the beginning of the 2022-23 school year when students finally get a chance to enjoy every aspect of the refurbished, better-lit, climate-controlled building. Rita Illig Liebelt, President of Illig Construction, has no doubt about the reactions this labor of love will elicit from the community: “There’s going to be a wonderful sense of joy. There’s going to be a wonderful sense of excitement,” as those who have loved this building discover how to “live in this building in a new way,” she says.
36 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 Strub Hall: Century 2 The Transformation Campaign
A phased approach kept Strub Hall open for learning during the 13-month renovation project. The down-to-the-studs renovation required meticulous preparation to ensure that the building’s historic finishes, like this oak herringbone parquetry, were preserved.
More than 300 tradesmen contributed to the project, with more than 100 personnel on site each day at the peak of construction.
Threading a needle with a jackhammer
“On a scale of 1 to 10 in complexity, this project is a 12.”
height,floor,tons Wall System
Tarrah Beebe, Senior Associate at KFA Architecture
Kudos to our expert team for pulling off an incredibly complex feat of structural engineering. There are now 11 shear walls in Strub Hall, each one a continuous, reinforced concrete structure that transfers seismic energy back into the ground, mitigating impact and potential damage. These 37-foot-high structures, formed and poured in place, are surgically routed from the basement up through every floor to the roof. The system contains over 30 tons of concrete and steel, wrangled in place by hand. Retrofitting these new structural elements into Strub Hall while avoiding damage to the building’s historic finishes was like threading a needle with a jackhammer.

These decorative medallions were lowered to accommodate vents for the new centralducting.air This tiny cupboard was completely transformed into a full-length mechanical closet that houses elements of the new heating and cooling system (and also creates pleasing symmetry!) New fire sprinkler lines are invisibly threaded through the crownandmoldinglattice.
Strub Hall: Century 2 The Transformation Campaign
Spot the difference: invisible ingenuity
When new central air ducting required surgical cuts into the original tailor-made woodwork, an expert in custom millwork created handmade vent grilles to blend with original English oak paneling.
Main Office This ornate latticework space, which served as the family breakfast room in the original mansion, was completely pulled apart and painstakingly reconstructed to accommodate two shear walls at the east and north elevation for seismic reinforcement. Before Before
Renovation of any historic landmark comes with paradoxical challenges—to both modernize and preserve. Our project partners went to great lengths to protect Strub Hall’s irreplaceable architectural treasures while updating the building from basement to roof. “If we do our job right, often people won’t be able to tell the difference in a room,” explains Rita Illig Liebelt, President of Illig Construction. So, there’s magic in what you can’t see here: energy-efficient central air, seismic retrofitting, electrical wiring and more, all hidden behind the walls of our beloved home. We chose a handful of remodeled rooms that underwent dramatic (but hard to see!) improvements to highlight the incredible ingenuity—and the love and care—that has gone into overhauling every nook and cranny.
Connelly Chapel This sacred space was treated with reverence throughout the renovation process, which included the addition of a structural steel shear wall behind the altar. Extensive protective measures were taken to preserve the precious stained glass windows, which were installed in the early 1950s when this room was converted from a dining room into a place of worship.
This functional vent grille has a faux vent grille on the other side of the mirror, constructed purely to maintain the original design symmetry.

Grand Entrance
When the seismic reinforcement behind this wall pushed the original shelving out of alignment, the construction team completely reconfigured the French mahogany bookshelves and pillars to seamlessly disguise the subtle shift in layout.
Conference Room
– Tarrah Beebe, Senior Associate at KFA Architecture Assistant to the Head of School’s Office
Our contractors created custom protective panels to ensure that the ornate English oak banisters and tiger oak hardwood flooring remained untouched during construction.
The iconic wooden lamp in the entry hall was refurbished with modern wiring. New lighting panels add a subtle brightness to the Italian marble entrance atrium.
This gathering space—the original Mayfield library—was completely deconstructed and rebuilt to accommodate two shear walls for seismic reinforcement on the north and south sides of the room.
Although the original sink in this room was removed decades ago, the unsightly plumbing—and much of the beautiful decorative tiling—was camouflaged behind a desk. When the pipes were finally removed, an artisan hand painted sections of faux Batchelder tile to blend with the precious original finish. “For somebody to be inspired by an environment that they’re in is really the success of architecture. In Strub Hall, the architectural features, the fireplaces, the millwork, the stone, the light fixtures—they all contribute to this environment that inspires.”
Although all the glass was replaced, the original historic door and window frames were retained. Unobtrusive heating and cooling vents were added at floor level.
The Tiffany alabaster windows on the landing of the grand staircase were protected with custom inserts to avoid damage when the adjacent structural steel shear walls were added.
Electricity has come a long way in the last 100 years! Comprehensive lighting upgrades throughout the building mean you’ll enjoy an illuminated view of Strub Hall’s one-of-a-kind architectural details from the minute you walk through the door.
This bijou space hosts hidden historic jewels: genuine Batchelder tile. (What you can’t see: the reinforced steel beams, upgraded for seismic safety, and the fire sprinkler lines concealed at ceiling level.)

“It’s really special. I would come in here early when no one was in the room. It’s a beautiful space you can come into and clear your mind.”
Recent renovations boost collaboration and connection
Senior Lounge
The thoughtful transformation of our Bellefontaine home carved out a special space for our seniors to gather and relax. This private lounge with abundant natural light offers comfy chairs and couches, bulletin boards and a kitchenette with a microwave, beverage bar, mini-fridge and pantry. Plus, there are two massive easels where the students can express themselves—a nod to the former Senior Locker Room that seniors painted every year. This new space even has its own private entrance with direct access to the Senior Parking Lot along the pathway behind Strub Hall.
Hall: Century
Digital Media Lab “As far as broadcast journalism goes, it's just a natural hub for the girls to collaborate and create. This year, because we had the digital media space, and because we were back together again, we decided to do a video news piece, and the students were all for it. They ended up using the green screen a lot—they used it for their standups, they used it for interviews. Being centered in one space just gave them the ability to see and learn from everybody else's work and increase the quality of their product.”
– Ariana Dalie ’22
To make your contribution to the Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign transformation story, please contact Lela Diaz, Campaign Director, at or (626) 204-1028.
Strub 2 The Transformation Campaign
Designed for learning
The needs of today’s Mayfield students were always at the heart of the ambitious renovation of our 100-year-old home. Here’s a look at how some of our updated spaces have already made a huge impact on their opportunities for learning and growth.
Kimberly Gomez, Journalism Teacher

“The redesigned layout of the third-floor offices has created what we like to call the Student Support Corridor, where our support resources for students are now all centrally located. Our physical space now highlights what Kate Morin often refers to as “the power of proximity”—you can find both Learning Specialists directly across the hall from the Dean of Students, and only a few steps away from the School Counselor’s office. Plus, you’ll also find our JDEI offices and the Campus Ministry office. I think that this situational proximity not only provides students with access to our support services but also creates an interactive space where students feel welcome and valued. Our hall is truly one busy passageway, always buzzing with energy and excitement. We don’t just offer a place of comfort and nurturing for students—our hallway also serves as a hub of student leadership.”
“With the timing of this health crisis, I really think it's God-given that we've been able to step up and meet the wants of this age right now with this Health Office—Cornelia Connelly is looking after us. Students really appreciated knowing that they can walk in to ask questions, to get tested and to get masks. And they also appreciated so many small touches in this space, like the sliding door for privacy—and the long conversations that come from that.
Cathy Cota, RN, School Nurse Student Support Corridor
Lyn Beecher, Learning Specialist Art Room “The updates changed the room dramatically to a more modern aesthetic. Marble countertops and laminate finishing all have a polish that creates a unified and spacious look, a modern and fresh feel. I love the focus it brings to the art and the opportunity the students have to work on large tables and develop pieces. Desks are more flexible, with adjustable height and wheels, and we have drafting tables with inclined surfaces—this all resembles a professional art lab. We have more (much needed!) storage areas that make art materials more readily accessible for instructors and students. When it comes to lighting, there have been several important improvements. Students have the experience of working under professional lighting that emulates daylight, with adjustable spotlights that can even change color and multiple settings to control lighting for still-life projects. Plus, the lighting in the renovated hallway means students can showcase their artwork with professional gallery lighting. Students also have access to a professional photography dark room, which mimics the style inside the main Art Room, and the Digital Media Lab is right next door—this proximity makes it easier for students to develop projects, print and explore digital software. Huge improvements all around.”
Health Office
There is also more storage space for everything, especially at-home COVID tests. I can't tell you how many kids have come in here to grab more take-home tests, and it feels really good to be able to give that to our family.”
Amy Green, Visual Arts Instructor

Hall: Century
We are grateful for the leadership support of generous “pillar families” for our Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign. These two families have celebrated their multi-generation involvement and commitment to Mayfield Senior School by helping us ensure that our beloved 100-year-old home is safe, secure and optimized for 21st-century learning. Rory Hogan Olivarez ’88 shares why she and her family committed to join our Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign in recognition of her mother and the three generations of the Prietto family who have been blessed by a Mayfield Senior School education: Margaret Prietto ’60, Cristina Welch ’64, Josefita Prietto ’65, Barbara Prietto ’72, Betty Drake ’78, Patricia Gonzalez ’79, Cristiana Anselmo ’86, Rory Olivarez ’88, Lourdes Olivarez ’23 and Lucia Olivarez ’26: “Ring Night, Class Retreats, Interim, Term Plays, Senior Class locker room, Big and Little Sisters, Sister Wilfrid, Friday Masses, Father-Daughter Night, dances, plays, teachers and staff—all left indelible marks on our hearts through our motto, ‘Actions Not Words.’ These experiences I carry from my days at Mayfield Senior School have become all the richer as I experience them through my daughters, Lourdes ’23 and Lucia ’26. As an alumna from the Class of 1988, I, along with my husband Ricardo, am humbled to have a freshman and a senior at Mayfield next year. Yet 1988 is not where my connection to Mayfield begins… In 1957, my grandparents, Betty and Carlos Prietto, sent the first of their six daughters to Mayfield. My mom, Josefita Prietto, Family connections and fond memories inspire a ‘desire to give back’
Celebrating generations of commitment
Strub 2
Rory’s mom, Josefita Prietto ’65
The Transformation Campaign
Rory Hogan Olivarez ’88 with daughters Lourdes Olivarez ’23 (left) and Lucia Olivarez ’26
42 POSTSCRIPTS 2022,Josefita, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, which progressed rapidly over the past few years. She was well enough to attend Grandparents Day in 2019, for which I am forever grateful. Losing her last year was unbearable. But what was incredible was the support I received from the Mayfield community, especially the letters from Mom’s 1965 classmates, whom I had never met, offering a shoulder and an ear, which brought me to tears. This amalgamation of experiences fueled my desire to give back in honor of my mom. I had no doubt her siblings would participate, too, so, as a family, we are honored to be a Mayfield Senior School “pillar family.” Participating in the Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign is our way of saying thank you!”
Class of 1965—and White Team Captain—was the third of the six sisters to attend. Their six brothers (yes, there were 12 children!) attended high school across town at Loyola High School. When Mom and Dad had the opportunity to send their own daughter to Mayfield, they worked hard to provide me with a Holy Child

Realizing a vision for Strub Hall across generations of leadership
Terre Osterkamp (right) with daughter Anneke Osterkamp Greco ’99 and granddaughter Abigail Greco ’26
Terre is still impressed by what Mayfield gave her daughters. “All three girls still look back on their four years at Mayfield as a wonderful time in their lives…A genuine loving and faith-based environment in which to learn and grow into more mature women.” Her seven-year tenure on the Board of Trustees was a busy and pivotal time that culminated in the approval of a long-term campus Master Plan. Terre attended innumerable meetings with the city of Pasadena to create a vision for the future of our Bellefontaine home—including the remodeling of our beloved Strub Hall. During her own seven-year term as a trustee, Anneke helped bring this vision to fruition. With her expertise in real estate development, she led the Board’s Master Plan Committee through extensive technical planning and pre-construction efforts to launch the massive renovation project. “Planning, budgeting for, dreaming of a new Strub Hall became our mission, and I was humbled to be involved,” says Anneke. “My daughter is going to be a freshman this fall, and I am realizing my dream of not only having her attend the school I love but walking into the second century of Strub Hall. I’m thrilled to be back home for another four years!”
Julie & Brent Callinicos Honora Howell Chapman ’80 & William Skuban Felicity Goldstone & Wellington Choi (Jessica ’23) Janet Clancy (Katherine ’11, Megan ’17, Siobhan ’22) Betsy & Patrick Collins (Katherine ’83, Anne ’84, Jane ’86, Margaret ’87) Judith Dee (Kelly ’90, Mary ’92) Lela Diaz & Colin DeHoney Ferari Domingo-Vu & Kim Vu (Anastasia ’20, Kristina-Ferari ’21) Chute Fitzpatrick ’60 (Brigid ’82) Francis H. Clougherty Charitable Trust Victoria Howell Fuster De La Riva ’69 & Francisco Fuster De La Riva Alison Jones Gamble ’87 (Grace ’24) Patricia Prietto Gonzalez ’79 & Antonio Gonzalez Anneke Osterkamp Greco ’99 & Christopher Greco (Abigail ’26) Ashley Guerra ’89 Mary Workman Hatton ’85 & John Hatton (Katherine ’15) Jane Collins Hawley ’86 & George Hawley Hotchkis Family (Perry ’16, Ellery ’21) Patricia Kivley Houbien Angela M. Howell ’76 Nana & Daniel Howell Caroline & Nicholas Howell (Lucy ’20) Sara & Kevin Hurley (Ashlynn ’22) Myra I. Johnson ’51† Virginia Schlueter Jones ’64 & Thomas Jones (Alison ’87, Ashley ’89) Diane O’Hagan Kolvas ’45† Jessica & Thomas Korzenecki Angela & Mark Ladd (Lindsay ’14) Alyson Burkitt Lewis ’87 & Bill Lewis (Maureen ’18) Flavia & Jim Lo Coco (Jordan ’13, Lauren ’17, Carolyn ’18) May and Y.K. Low (Kerri ’17, Katie ’19) Sr. Sheila McNiff ’56, SHCJ Missey Moe-Cook ’71 & James Cook Kate and Skip Morin Kimberlee & James Muenzer (Frances ’05, Marni ’09) Kelly Nelson Nakasone ’93 & Robert Nakasone (Penelope ’24) Rev. Wayne Negrete S.J. Carol Treadwell Ninteman ’55 Rory Hogan Olivarez ’88 & Ricardo Olivarez (Lourdes ’23, Lucia ’23) Terre & John Osterkamp (Anneke ’99, Marissa ’03, Emily ’06) Patricia Bannan Pascale ’86 & Matthew Pascale (Anne ’21) Margaret Prietto ’60 (Cristina ’86) Susan & Miguel Prietto Erika & Kevin Randall (Tara ’22) Kathleen Clougherty Regan ’64 Cynthia & Joel Riegsecker Jennifer & Shadi Sanbar (Alicia ’17) Edmund & Mary Shea Family Foundation
Hall: Century 2 Campaign Donor Honor Roll
Serving the Mayfield Senior School community is second nature to the Osterkamps. Terre and John Osterkamp are longtime supporters of Holy Child education, and their family’s legacy of service to Mayfield spans two generations of female leaders. Terre served as a Mayfield trustee while daughters Anneke Greco ’99, Marissa Bell ’03 and Emily Murphy ’06 attended high school, including a term as Board Chair from 2004 to 2006. Anneke took up the family baton of service as a member of the Alum Council and later as a trustee, from 2012 to 2019. And, now, the next generation is poised to make its mark on Mayfield as Anneke’s daughter, Abigail Greco, joins the Class of 2026 this fall.
Susan Brady Alfaro ’53† & Ricardo Alfaro II† Alvarez Sarah Hamm-Alvarez & Michael Alvarez (Sophia ’19) Ann Peppers Foundation ’07 Susan & Jack Blumenthal Brigid Fitpatrick Brahos ’82 & William Brahos (Sophia ’14) & Steven Bussard Ryan Bussard Alexi Ann Callinicos ’21
John & Dorothy Shea Foundation Peggy A. Smith ’72 Carol Sweeney Spieker ’62 & Ned Spieker Jennifer & Ryan Squire (Caroline ’23, Madeleine ’25) Ellen & Alec Tan (Megan ’98) Toi Webster Treister ’82 & Dana Treister Cynthia Nilseen-Vargas & Richard Vargas (Emily ’22) Marne & Felipe Velasquez (Amelia ’22, Emma ’23, Carolina ’24) Yingting Wang & Qun Chen (Liri ’18, Liyue ’18) Constance Howell White ’71 & Arthur White Add your name to the list and join us for our official Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign celebrations in the 2022-23 school year.
We are grateful to the Osterkamp and Greco families for their leadership planning and expertise in helping to bring Strub Hall into a new era—they are true pillars of Mayfield’s past and future.

A school building with an antiquated heating system and no central air conditioning
An architectural treasure structurally retrofitted with a state-of-the art shear wall system designed to withstand and mitigate the risk of future seismic activity
A lovely historic mansion with modern plumbing and adequate restroom facilities
A school building with an energy-efficient HVAC system capable of providing year-round, comfortable climate control
An intentionally designed art studio with an organized aesthetic conducive to creativity and cross-discipline learning that includes state-of-the art dark room facilities, plus a new room: the Media Maker Lab—space for students to explore digital publishing projects
A 100-year-old building in need of protection, space optimization and restoration
An electrical system designed in 1917 meant to be backup for candlelight
A nurse’s office built in a series of storage rooms and closets
A high-tech electrical system capable of supplying the current and future power needs of a 21st-century school
A larger, brighter, well-appointed space with its own exterior door so Seniors can access the lounge directly from the parking lot A teachers lounge and dining room providing both private and collaborative meeting space for faculty
Making do with a back-of-house service wing— basement to 4th floor— full of dysfunctional nooks and crannies and inefficient use of space
A teachers lunch room without walls or privacy
A building retrofitted with architecturally appropriate and energy-efficient windows
A basement where all space is optimized for educational and building systems purposes
A reinvented four-story wing—essentially a new building within the building—with a floor plan that opens new spaces for collaborative learning, student mentoring and administrative offices
A building with new bones, muscles and all historic finishes refurbished A building with antiquated and inadequate lighting
A building with ADA accessibility challenges A building illuminated with state-of-the art, energyefficient lighting appropriate for modern school facilities without compromising the historic aesthetics of the home
Strub Hall: Century 2 The Transformation Campaign
A charming art classroom cobbled together in a room originally designed for an indoor swimming pool, with former dressing rooms substituting as darkroom facilities
A building with easy access for all
A building with 100-year-old windows
Deconstruction, Reconstruction, Rebirth
A “senior lounge” that was more of a small cave than a lounge
From To An architectural treasure in jeopardy of potential damage from inevitable earthquake movement
A lovely historic mansion with century-old plumbing prone to failure
A welcoming health care office with ample space and accommodations, including restroom facilities
A basement with abandoned and unusable rooms
The Head of School’s office is an intimate, cozy space for conversation.
Alum Archives A space to house important documents, photographs and other memorabilia, thus celebrating the rich history of our school over the decades.
Become part of the narrative and legend of Strub Hall.
The student center, located on the third floor, is where students gather for Campus Ministry planning, explore study skills with the learning specialists, and chat with the Dean of Students. The student center is the hub for the success of our Mayfield students.
A warm room paneled with hand-carved French mahogany and a stone fireplace.
North ClassroomPhotographyPorch
This intimate photography collaboration room integrates the space from an original swimming pool changing area.
In addition, a new classroom has been added in the Sr. Barbara Mullen Library.
Shear Wall Seismic Security System
Strub Hall: Century 2—The Transformation Campaign offers many naming opportunities honoring your choice to make an impact investment in Mayfield. To learn about these and other ways to add your name to the story, please contact Lela Diaz at or (626) 204-1028 or Angela Howell ’76 at or (626) 204-1006.
$25,000 Digital Donor Wall Leave a quote as part of the digital donor wall which will provide a flexible and interactive display for recognizing capital, planned giving and ongoing support from our donors. Student Life & Support Offices JDEI, Learning Specialist (2), Dean of Students, Dean of Faculty
Located at the top of the Grand Staircase, the Office of the Assistant Head of School is the heart of academic programming at the school.
Located in what was originally a swimming pool dressing room, the new darkroom facilities provide an ideal environment for teaching the art of film processing so important to training the photographer’s eye.
For the donor who appreciates tenacious problem solving, this system is a marvel of complex engineering and construction. Eleven, 37-foot-high concrete and steel shear walls—formed and poured in place—have been surgically routed up through the floors of Strub Hall from the basement to the roof. It’s hard to overstate the importance of this new superstructure system to the safety and longevity of the building. With your gift, you make visible the hands that hold this special place.
Classrooms Rooms 310, 312, 313, 314, 315 are the historic classrooms in Strub Hall.
Health Office Critical to a 21st-century school, the health office serves as a center for students, faculty, staff and parents to meet with the School Nurse, thus ensuring the health and well-being of our community.
The French mahogany paneled doors of the Head of School’s office open to a walkway and resting spot for student activities and small gatherings.
Head of School Office Student Leadership and Support Center
Assistant Head of School Office Photo Darkroom
This year’s benefit was a brilliant night of togetherness for our Mayfield community, with scrumptious food, silent and live auctions, music, dancing—and some Monte Carlo-style gambling, of course! The evening also fêted a unique honoree: the entire Class of 1966. This inimitable group of graduates has led the way in supporting our Holy Child Financial Assistance program, winning a record eight awards for the highest amount raised as well as an unmatched 15 awards for the highest class participation. In a moving speech, Head of School Kate Morin celebrated the virtues of this tightknit class, quoting from a letter published in their senior yearbook that described Mayfield as “a community of learning”: But what is a community of learning? People coming together for the same purpose, going about it in different ways. Finding a creative newness based in meaningful traditions. Realizing the goal is not success but honest searching. The words seem as relevant now as they were when they were written 55 years ago. Thank you once again, Class of 1966, for your commitment to living with “Actions Not Words.” We also share extra appreciation for event co-chairs Kerry Franco and Kim Perry for creating such a magical night in Monte Carlo to support our financial assistance program.
Mayfield community goes all in for ’A Night inMonte Carlo’
Celebrating the Class of 1966
Members of the Class of 1966


Celebrating our Benefactors
On Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021, Kate and Skip Morin welcomed Head’s Circle donors ($10,000+) to their home for a beautiful backyard celebration. This annual event brings leadership donors together to relax and chat in a casual environment—and enjoy Kate’s homemade cupcakes! It’s also an opportunity for Kate to outline what’s on the horizon for Mayfield while extending her gratitude to those people who have shared their philanthropic spirit in service of our beloved school.
Head’s Circle Dinner

As you start in this position at Mayfield, what are you looking forward to taking on? I think there are so many great people and connections within this community. And I feel like I’ve just only dipped a toe in. I am looking forward to strengthening or renewing ties for people who maybe haven’t had reason to stay connected. I think there’s so many great things on the horizon for Mayfield. You obviously just completed this wonderful renovation of Strub Hall. I’d love to welcome people back to see that, to take pride in that. Also, with the 75th anniversary [of the school’s Bellefontaine campus] coming up, I think there’s so much to celebrate, so much history. And there’s going to be a new Head of School soon, and I think that’s a new opportunity to reengage with the community. Those are really great opportunities on their own, but when you combine all those together, it’s really powerful. So I just think there’s a lot of really exciting growth opportunities, and I’m excited to be part of that growth, and help grow the network between current parents, past parents, alums and grandparents. I’m just really excited about all the things that are to come!
Meet Mayfield’s new Director of Development: Lisa Vandergriff
When Lisa Montes Vandergriff moved to Pasadena 25 years ago, she quickly became involved in local nonprofits, volunteering at her daughters’ elementary schools, Chandler and St. Philip the Apostle, as well as at organizations like Kidspace Children’s Museum and Foothill Family Service. This hands-on outreach—and her degree in communications—led to a job as the founding Schools and Community Editor for Outlook Newspapers, where she became immersed in the local nonprofit and educational communities. A natural networker who thrives on connecting people, Lisa segued into fundraising and stewardship roles at Caltech and Westridge School for Girls, where she has spent the last eight years as Alumnae Director. She is excited to continue working to support all-girls education, and looks forward to renewing and expanding her ties in the Mayfield Senior School community. Originally from Agoura Hills, Lisa is a graduate of Calabasas High School and Cal State University, Northridge. How did you first learn about Mayfield? I moved to Pasadena 25 years ago, and I was a bit overwhelmed by how many private schools there were. I’d say the real depth of knowledge with the schools came about through my time at the Outlook newspaper [where] I was editing the content for nonprofits and schools. I came to know Mayfield through the news that was coming in, from events to sports, and just really finding out the personality of the school. I was always impressed by Mayfield students and graduates. I think the best thing about actually working in the environment of all-girls schools is that you see the value of single-sex education and you see the product of your good work. I’m a strong proponent of women and education—I think it is so important. When you’re shaping young women at such a crucial age and putting all of your energy into that, that is something special.
I was raised Catholic, and my kids were baptized at and went to St. Philip’s. I actually like the fact that faith is part of the education and part of the school’s vision at Mayfield. I find that helps create a whole individual as far as values and the development of a child. I was really happy when [my two daughters] were getting full-time religious education at St. Philip’s rather than just through a side class, like the CCD [catechism program]. I am the product of CCD! But when faith is part of the daily experience, I think those values get ingrained more naturally. What brought you to development work initially, and what inspires you about it? After working in TV production and then having kids, my reentry into the workforce came through volunteering, and I parlayed that into development work. I always loved events, and loved to plan a party, so to fundraise in that manner seemed natural. I liked to be able to bring my writing skills to the table. I’m also a natural connector, and networking is one of my favorite parts of that. I think development combines all of those things. I think the key for me is you really have to be behind the organization that you’re fundraising for. I’ve worked at different nonprofits, Foothill Family being one example, supporting women and children and getting them out of domestic violence situations. You have to believe in the mission, and I think it’s a gift to be able to work hard towards something that is meaningful to you. I wholeheartedly believe in girls’ education, and to be able to get behind that is just so exciting.
A SoCal native with deep Pasadena ties
What excites you about being part of a faith-based community?

Jacquelyn “Jackie” Brown Kivley ’47 1929-2022
Myra Johnson ’51 was born in Los Angeles and raised in Pasadena. Myra grew up in a devout Catholic family that attended St. Andrew parish, and as a student at Mayfield, Myra participated in the French club, played basketball and volleyball, and performed in school theater productions. She was also a student journalist, and as co-editor of the first Crossroads yearbook, she dedicated the inaugural edition to Dr. Charles and Vera Strub, the donors of the estate that became the Mayfield Senior School campus in 1950. She was also a member of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Myra went on to receive her bachelor’s degree at Stanford University and devoted her professional years to Bank of America, where she worked as an executive secretary for 44 years. Although Myra didn’t have children, she was an influential figure in her family, especially to her two nephews, Frank and William Johnson. William continues to express his gratitude for Myra’s generosity in helping finance his high school years at La Salle and getting him a job at Bank of America, where he, like his aunt, worked until retirement. Going through her old pictures, Frank noted how elegant and welltraveled their aunt was. Even later in life, Myra continued to enjoy concerts and singing. At the time of her passing at the age of 87, Myra divided her estate among her devoted nephews, her longtime church, St. Andrew, and her beloved Mayfield Senior School. It seems only fitting that, as a member of the first class to graduate at the Bellefontaine campus, Myra will be forever remembered as one of the influential donors whose generosity directly supported the restoration of Strub Hall. Jacquelyn “Jackie” Brown Kivley ’47 started her Catholic education at Holy Family School and continued at Mayfield Senior School. Although Jackie’s family moved to Merced her junior year, her love of Mayfield was so strong that a classmate’s family generously opened their home to Jackie so she could graduate from Mayfield. Upon her return, Jackie was promptly named Senior Class President! She was also active in sports, served as the business manager for the Crier newspaper and Crossroads yearbook, and was a member of the Sodality of the Blessed VirginJackieMary.briefly worked at Mayfield after her graduation, and when she returned to Merced, she met the man who became her husband, Robert Kivley. Together they raised five children and enjoyed spending time with their five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Jackie made it clear to those close to her that Mayfield nurtured her faith as well as a lifelong commitment to service. She helped support St. Vincent de Paul Society, Hinds Hospice and Catholic Women and Friends. Jackie began her philanthropy for Mayfield in the 1980s, directing her donations to the scholarship program, which she had benefited from as a student. Jackie never missed a year, and was proud to be a leadership donor. When she eventually became a member of the Bellefontaine Society, it was only fitting that she would direct her bequest in support of the Holy Child Financial Assistance Fund. It was always Jackie’s ardent hope that young women would continue to benefit from Mayfield in the many ways she did, and now her generosity ensures that today’s students are able to pursue their education, explore their faith and nurture their friendships in a way that would have made Jackie proud.
Legacy gifts secure our future
My Legacy, My Gift Myra, Jackie and Peggy joined the Bellefontaine Society when they included Mayfield Senior School in their estate plans—a decision that will help Mayfield’s educational mission to endure. You can bequeath a percentage or residue of your estate, a specific dollar amount, or make gifts of life insurance, retirement funds, and other deferred gifts. To learn more about the advantages of making charitable bequests to Mayfield, please contact Angela Howell ’76, Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives, at (626) 204-1006 or
Myra Johnson ’51 1933-2021

Peggy Smith ’72 formed a deep understanding of the “Actions Not Words” motto long before she attended Mayfield, saying her sense of service is “deeply rooted in family values.” In Youngstown, Ohio, her grandmother would make lunches for families in need, discreetly doling them out at the back door of her house. Years later, Peggy’s mother helped lead the effort to reopen the church thrift shop at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pasadena. And, although Peggy encountered challenges in her teen years, she remembers Mayfield as “an oasis,” and hopes to share that gift. “I want other young women to find at Mayfield a safe, nurturing, fun, academically rigorous and spiritually fulfilling and challenging place to learn and grow.” Peggy adds, “Mayfield’s values, particularly caring about the community, have informed my career choices and volunteerism to this day.”
Your generous gifts are vital to maintaining a healthy annual fund for today’s Mayfield students and essential to growing our endowment to ensure that our Catholic, Holy Child mission endures for generations to come. Do you have a traditional IRA account? If you are 70½ or older, you may make a tax-free contribution of up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to Mayfield Senior School. While you cannot claim a charitable deduction for IRA gifts to charity, it does reduce your taxable income because the amount of the transfer is not included as part of your taxable income. Also, IRA gifts to charity can be used to fulfill your required minimum distribution (RMD). To complete an IRA Charitable Rollover, please contact your IRA Administrator for their instructions. Since IRA required minimum distributions continue in 2022, you might consider a gift of some or all of those funds to Mayfield Senior School to lower your taxes. If this strategy makes sense for you or you have further questions, please feel free to contact Angela M. Howell ’76, Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives at angela. or (626) 204-1006, or consult with your accountant or financial advisor. YOUR IRA TO WORK FOR MAYFIELD
Peggy Smith ’72: ‘Actions not words’ as a family value
Peggy has worked with organizations including Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores, Goodwill Southern California and Cancer Support Community Pasadena, and she sees how Mayfield prepared her goddaughter, Claire Magula ’10, for a life of service, too—Claire now works for a large nonprofit affordable-housing developer in Seattle, Wash. “Young women today face challenges that…we didn’t know,” says Peggy, but she strongly believes that “Mayfield will equip them for life in the 2020s and beyond.” Peggy has always believed in charitable estate giving—she was part of the Planned Giving Committee when the Bellefontaine Society launched at Mayfield—and was happy to formalize her planned gift intentions during our Strub Hall: Century 2 Campaign. “Joining the Bellefontaine Society was easy!” says Peggy, and she wants to encourage other alums and community members to consider giving back in this way. “We have many options for Peggy is wearing the cross created by the monks at St. Andrew’s Abbey that was gifted to her class for their graduation ceremony. “I am so pleased to be able to support the Holy Child Financial Assistance program with contributions from my IRA. This year, I also decided to use some of my required minimum distribution to help expand Mayfield's financial literacy curriculum—it’s such an inspiring and important program!”
remembering Mayfield in our will or trust.” Peggy’s estate plans are a founding contribution toward Mayfield’s campaign fundraising initiative to secure $7.5 million in unrestricted bequest pledges by 2025. And, this fall, Peggy is looking forward to celebrating her 50th reunion in the newly renovated Strub Hall. She made remarkable connections at 500 Bellefontaine with the other amazing women who make up the Class of 1972 and knows their shared Mayfield education is an unbreakable bond—and definitely something to celebrate!

52 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 Endowment&SalariesBenefits67%Transfer 3% Other Revenue 1% 2021-22 Total Expenses | $12,258,418 2021-22 Total Revenue | $12,282,724 Fundraising&TuitionFees87%Expenses 1% Operational & Plant 8% the year in review 2021-22Endowment (june 30, 2022) Scholarship $4,085,000 Program $562,000 Faculty $620,000 Unrestricted $5,343,000 Total Endowment $10,610,00 REVENUE Tuition & Fees $10,701,710 Contributions $1,131,500 Endowment Transfer $300,000 Other Revenue $149,514 Total Revenue $12,282,724 expenses Salaries & Benefits $8,271,590 Operational & Plant* $1,011,000 Financial Aid $1,568,840 Student Programs & Support $1,341,988 Fundraising Expenses $65,000 Total Expenses $12,258,418 Financial Aid* 13% Student Programs & SupportUnrestricted11%50% Faculty 6% Program 5% Endowment (June 30,2022) | $10,610,000 Unaudited figures as of July 7, 2022 Scholarship39% Annual Contributions 9% *Financial Aid is 15% of tuition revenue Revenue does not include additional Capital Contributions of $4,146,722 and Endowment Contributions of $380,431 *excludes depreciation

Mayfield’s Girls Learn International, Inc. chapter collected almost 2,000 period products for the moms at LAMP. Our National Honor Society students took steps to support LAMP—with a fundraising walk.
After Mass, Archbishop Nelson Pérez solemnly blessed the Cathedral’s new Holy Child shrine and memorial to Venerable Cornelia Connelly. “With the new shrine and memorial, Cornelia’s life and faith will have greater visibility and offer hope to anyone seeking God’s presence, especially during difficult times,” says Sr. Carroll Juliano, SHCJ, the Society’s American Province Leader. If you’re ever in Philadelphia and would like to visit this beautiful monument to our founder and her enduring mission, you’ll find it to the right of the Cathedral’s main entrance.
We were excited to resume our Holy Child Network exchange program this spring. Four sophomore students—Ella Yoon ’24, Rory Rago ’24, Rachael Yoon ’24 and Viviana Salazar ’24— enjoyed a springtime visit to Connelly School of the Holy Child in Potomac, Md., and we were thrilled to return the favor, hosting four Holy Child students in late April.
A Monument to the Mission
The Society of the Holy Child Jesus’s yearlong 175th anniversary celebrations culminated in fall 2021 with a joyful Liturgy at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Pa.—Cornelia Connelly’s hometown and the headquarters of the Society’s American Province.
Community of Care Although in-person volunteering at South Central LAMP has been on hold, our Mayfield family is still finding creative ways to support the moms and children at our sister Holy Child-sponsored ministry in South Los Angeles. Bravo to the Mayfield chapter of Girls Learn International, Inc., whose research on period poverty for low-income women fueled the launch of an incredibly successful period product drive. Ninette Ayala, LAMP’s Director of Development at the time, was deeply grateful for their efforts. "LAMP takes care of the babies as well as the moms, so all of this is so helpful—especially right now." We look forward to continuing our close relationship with this special organization as Nicole Cosand, Mayfield’s former Director of Alum Engagement, took on a new role as LAMP’s Director of Development in July 2022.
Our Campus Ministry Council’s annual toy drive made Christmas bright for the families at LAMP.
Reconnecting With Our Sister Schools

‘Inspiring’ our adult faith community in new ways
Founders and Spiritual Directors of Inscape Ministries
SR. HELEN PREJEAN, CSJ Anti-death penalty activist and author SR. EILEEN MCDEVITT, SHCJ, Director of the Holy Child Network of Schools HEIDI MCNIFF JOHNSON ’84 Founder of Charity Matters and the Spiritual Care Guild at CHLA Sr. Oyidu Okwori, SHCJ; Sr. Pauline Darby, SHCJ; Sr. Susan Igelle, SHCJ; and Sr. Carmen Torres, SHCJ. A New Society Leadership Team
We send hearty congratulations and heartfelt prayers to the new Society of the Holy Child Jesus Leadership Team for 2022-2028. Sr. Pauline Darby, a member of the European Province, was recently elected to a six-year term as Society Leader. Joining Sr. Pauline on the Rome-based team will be Sr. Susan Igelle and Sr. Oyidu Okwori from the African Province and Sr. Carmen Torres of the American Province.
The distinctive charism of Holy Child spirituality is something that Mayfield students spend a lot of time exploring, both in their theology classes and as part of the school’s Campus Ministry programs. But how to share that spiritual richness with the adults in our community was a question that came up time and again for Director of Campus Ministry Teri Gonzales. “Our parents kept saying that they were so inspired by their daughters and the ways they discuss their spirituality…they would say they wish they could be in our classes themselves!” So, when COVID-19 hit, Ms. Gonzales decided to leverage the new era of Zoom meetings to “see if parents and alums [would] actually be interested in exploring and nourishing their own spirituality” through a quarterly online lecture series. Ms. Gonzales credits a longstanding tradition of on-campus Advent and Lenten reflection evenings with helping her conceptualize the “Inspire” program. Founded by Sr. Barbara Mullen, SHCJ, in the 1990s and continued by Associate Head of School for Strategic Initiatives Angela Howell ’76 after Sr. Barbara’s passing in 2016, these intimate weekly gatherings in the Strub Hall Living Room brought together a group of faith-filled alums and Holy Child Associates (lay “members” of the Society) to reflect and pray during these special liturgical seasons.Thisyear’s inaugural “Inspire” speaker series was designed to illuminate aspects of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus’s “incarnational spirituality”—the mystery of the humanity of God, and the human as the divine. “ ‘Inspire’ is really an opportunity for people thirsting and searching for a deeper relationship with God manifested in the world around us,” Ms. Gonzales explains. Although the speakers chose their own topics, Ms. Gonzales did have a very clear curatorial idea in mind: to continue the “Love and Serve” theme that the Society of the Holy Child Jesus chose for its recent 175th anniversary celebrations. The first two speakers, Sr. Eileen McDevitt, SHCJ, Director of the Holy Child Network of Schools, and Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ, the internationally acclaimed author of “Dead Man Walking,” certainly embodied that theme. Both reflected on how incarnational spirituality shaped their vocations and work—Sr. Eileen’s in education and faith formation in schools and Sr. Helen’s anti-death penalty advocacy. “Inspire” participant Catherine Huston ’73 described the Sisters’ presentations as “illuminating stories of women of promise and hope, rising to love and serve, even in the face of obstacles and suffering.” Holy Child Associate Missey MoeCook ’71 says she was especially moved by hearing Sr. Helen talk about her life’s work: “It was one of the most inspiring and jaw-dropping presentations I’ve ever heard…Her work is so awe-inspiring. This woman should receive a papal award for her humanitarian work!” The two final “Inspire” presentations were equally enlightening. Sharon and David Hoover, founders of Inscape Ministries, shared ways to see and experience God with an open heart, and alum Heidi McNiff Johnson ’84 shared how she uses her Charity Matters nonprofit and podcast platforms to elevate stories of people living the Holy Child motto of “Actions Not Words” through their lives of service.Ms.Gonzales was overjoyed to see members of the extended Mayfield community come together to find spiritual renewal, and perhaps even forge a new path on their faith journeys—one that Ms. Huston says, for her, highlighted “awakenings, revelations and sacred callings.” Ms. Gonzales is still exploring the best ways of fine-tuning the program, but this much is sure: “Inspire” is living up to its name, and then some. To listen to excerpts from these speakers, visit

Each year, the American Province of Society of the Holy Child Jesus recognizes two members of our extended Holy Child community for their commitment to “Actions Not Words” service at an annual gala celebration.
6 Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J. and Fr. Wayne Negrete, S.J.
Though the two honorees graduated 45 years apart, both are passionate social justice warriors who embody the Holy Child spirit of love and service.
This year’s 14th annual Holy Child Awards Dinner at The Westin Pasadena, honoring Margaret Morrow ’68 and Marina Marmolejo ’13, felt like a Mayfield Senior School family reunion!
5 (from left) Karen Sweeney, Mimi Collins Stolpe ’83, Tillie Collins, Annette Carhartt Brandin ’66, Sr. Carroll Juliano, SHCJ, Virginia Schlueter Jones ’64, Kathleen Clougherty Regan ’64, Jim and Becky Sarni
Margaret, a trailblazing attorney, judge, CEO and legal justice advocate, was introduced as the lifetime Faith in Action Award honoree by fellow former Mayfield trustee Stephen Sweeney and his wife, Karen. See page 56 to learn more about—and be inspired by—Margaret and Marina’s extraordinary service-driven lives.
Mayfield alums honored for serving their communities with ‘a love full of action’
3 Linda Mennis (center) with son Michael and husband Liam
4 Jacquie Dolan, Marie Poulsen and Mimi Collins Stolpe ’83
7 Ted and Tina Fogliani, Annette Carhartt Brandin ’66 and Sr. Susan Slater, SHCJ 8 Marina Marmolejo ’13 (center) with Joe Sciuto, Head of Mayfield Junior School, and Kate Morin 9 Marina Marmolejo ’13 (right), Dr. Rosemarie Bustos Diaz ’90, Aaron Diaz and Madora Marmolejo Photo credit: John Dlugolecki 8 79 5 6
Holy AwardsChildDinner
Proud mom and fellow Mayfield alum Dr. Rosemarie Bustos Diaz ’90 was on hand to present the Holy Child Spirit Award to her daughter, Marina, who is reimagining ways to address homelessness with her energetic advocacy and creative solutions.
Hon. Margaret Morrow ’68 (center) with Mike and Debbie Maddigan
2 Amber Berrios ’07, Angela Howell ’76 and Mary Fitzpatrick ’72

Marina: Mayfield kind of hand-holds students into that first exposure, because then folks are way more likely to [volunteer] on their own…outside of that environment.
I don’t know if the direct correlation would be that strong if “Actions Not Words” didn’t allow folks to…do it together for the first time with other people in a safe way. It was more so…recognizing that the backdrop was always: “Look around you. You exist in this bubble.” Mayfield Junior, Mayfield Senior, they are privilege bubbles, and that’s okay. You can have both, you can grow up with these resources and mentors and a safe place to think. But also, once you step out, here are the tools, and make sure that you remember everyone around you. Is there a specific quality that you think distinguishes Mayfield from other high Margaret:schools? I would say it is a sense of caring. It is a sense of caring for the whole person, both the students themselves, as well as individuals in the community, which is kind of what we’ve been talking about—“Actions Not Words.” I think imbuing young women with that kind of caring spirit is an incredibly important part of the Mayfield education. You can go to all kinds of wonderful places and get an amazing education that will set you on the right path for whatever it is you want to do, but getting that spirit of caring and outward-looking to other people is not always something you get at other educational institutions. And I think it’s a hugely important part of the Mayfield experience, and just generally, I think, in Catholic education.
A conversation with 2022 Holy Child Awards honorees Margaret Morrow ’68 and Marina Marmolejo ’13
The Holy Child ethos embraces both incarnational spirituality and Catholic social justice teachings, which prioritize the most vulnerable. Do you think learning these principles and serving others during high school helps inspire students to do more courageous and more compassionate things?
Margaret: I went off to Bryn Mawr, and it was a pretty tumultuous time in the late sixties, early seventies. And I think most people—I won’t say everyone in my generation, but most people—became more active in the sense of things that we cared about. And I have to say that my Catholic faith is a significant part of why I have chosen the road that I’ve walked down. I’ve grown up with a version of Catholicism that is all about social justice, and it’s about activism in support of social justice. When I was interviewing for the job at [pro bono legal firm] Public Counsel, the search committee was asking all kinds of questions and somebody said, “Why do you even want to do this? What’s the hook here? You’ve never been a public interest lawyer. Why now?” And I actually answered that it had a lot to do with my…faith-based social justice principles. I love the concept of “Actions Not Words,” because anybody can talk a good game. Many people do talk a good game! But then it’s really, at the end of the day, who’s in the trenches, who’s doing the work.
Margaret: Over the course of my time at Public Counsel we became involved in a lot of different coalitions and movements to try to have an impact on the homelessness problem here in L.A. We really tried to look much more broadly to be involved in these groups that were trying to come up with original solutions, different solutions to the problem. And I found it incredibly frustrating that so little progress was made in that space. So to see someone with Marina’s enthusiasm and energy and new ideas and new ways of attacking this issue…Honestly, when you think about it, can you imagine that we live in the United States and this is happening to our fellow residents? It’s outrageous, and it’s a failure of our society. Marina: I appreciate that. And I agree…How is this truly a problem here? And to think this doesn’t actually have to be such a significant kind of a public health issue and epidemic as it is right now. I think I’m one of many—I Hon. Margaret Morrow ’68 Faith in Action Award Honoree Margaret has spent more than 50 years practicing law, focusing on ensuring equal access to justice. Most recently, Margaret served as the president and CEO of Public Counsel, a nonprofit that provides free legal services to low-income communities and advocates for policy changes that address inequalities and homelessness. A Harvard Law School graduate, Margaret previously served for 18 years as a judge on the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. She was the first female president of the State Bar of California and also served as president of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. In addition to her decades of pro bono legal service and advocacy, Margaret has served on many nonprofit boards and commissions, including at her alma maters, Mayfield Senior School and Bryn Mawr College.
When you were setting the course for your life, how did Holy Child values help direct your Marina:path?
From what I can remember, “Actions Not Words” was a part of the [Mayfield] mantra, but I think it’s more so how the school handles and provides opportunities to think about our privilege—with a capital “p”—in juxtaposition to the world around us…whether those are service days…or just actively learning about the organizations and activists doing the work, and figuring out how we…support them in that process. It is unimaginable to think of my life without the central point of being conscious of your environment and making sure that, however you’re thinking about the world, you recognize your privilege and make space for other people to thrive.
You have both worked for, and alongside, groups that are traditionally on the margins of our society. It feels like homelessness is one of the issues at the center of the Venn diagram that emerges between both your arenas of work…
Margaret: So I graduated in 1968. I don’t think it was as explicit back then. Service days and things of that nature didn’t exist at that time. We were taught by the nuns much more than is the case today. And so, of course you have their example, of people who have basically devoted their lives, not only to Christ, but to other people—doing service for other people. We had a nun, Sr. Catherine Morris ’52, who was head of the school…and she left to run the Catholic Worker service organization in Downtown L.A. So there were examples of what “Actions Not Words” was all about. At least an equally important issue was empowering young women to believe that they could do whatever they wanted to do.
We set up a Zoom chat so these two social justice advocates could compare notes on the issues they both care so deeply about—and have worked so hard to address with “Actions Not Words.” Here’s an edited excerpt of our discussion.
Marina: Give yourself grace, like you would give your best friend grace, because as women, we have been socialized to be too hard on ourselves and to make ourselves small….we sometimes are our [own] biggest barriers. I just want to breathe into people the permission to be confident and be excited, to stand in your power because you can, and you should. That’s my first piece of advice. The second is that failure is the most inevitable thing. Sit in it and journal and figure out what brings you peace. Drink a cup of water, stretch, whatever—but don’t run away from sitting in that feeling of failure, because some of my biggest reflections or moments of selfawareness have come from that sadness. If you don’t fail, it means you’re not doing it right. You’re not taking enough risk, and you’re not honoring the newness and the innovation of your idea. So you must fail in order to be great. Do you have final words for each other?
Sr. Carroll Juliano, SHCJ, American Province Leader (center) with Hon. Margaret Morrow ’68 (left) and Marina Marmolejo ’13 at the Holy Child Awards dinner in March 2022. reference my generation a lot, just because it gives me so much hope and curiosity—we’re not afraid to say: “Hmm, who is benefiting from the status quo? How can we redirect this economy that has benefited people in such significant and longstanding ways to really reimagine what that future could look like?” Do you have any burning questions to ask each other?
Marina: I feel the torch is being passed, and I accept it enthusiastically! [laughs] And I think something that I’ll say to you, Margaret, is you’re the best type of leader to follow after, because you recognize the context and the ecosystem in which you lead and you are excited to pass it on. I’m really, really grateful. And the people who have learned from you definitely feel that, too. I can pretty much guarantee that…your willingness to listen and just hear them out is rare. I’m excited to collectively change minds, change hearts and change directions of where things have been going.
Marina: I fully agree with that, and kudos for you for listening to that kind of feedback. It takes a really intentional leader to do that. Do you have any advice for people who are embarking on something new, whether it be starting their college journey, facing a career shift, bringing a nonprofit idea to life or challenging the status quo in some way?
Margaret: Brava! You are truly an inspiration, Marina. I thought that on the night of the event, and I think it again here today. You are so reflective of the massive energy and creativity that your generation has, and that you all are bringing to the problems in the United States. It’s so wonderful to see the freedom with which you attack things and don’t take current solutions as the only solutions that exist and just keep looking for new avenues in new ways.
Marina Marmolejo ’13 (MJS ’09) Holy Child Spirit Award Honoree Marina is an anti-poverty advocate who is breaking new ground with innovative approaches to supporting communities experiencing homelessness. She currently manages a $400 million rental assistance program for Connecticut residents financially impacted by COVID-19. Marina earned her Master of Public Health degree from the Yale School of Public Health, where she was awarded two teaching fellowships and also founded DreamKit, a groundbreaking tech nonprofit that supports youth experiencing homelessness. Marina graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a bachelor’s degree in health and human services.
Marina: Your commitment to justice has been so longstanding. I’ve seen mentors and other folks kind of drop out after five years, 10 years, 15 years, because it’s just too emotionally exhausting for them. I’m really intrigued by how you have not burned out. You have worked with such heart-wrenching communities and stories. If you only see folks who are experiencing homelessness look a certain way, if you only see domestic violence look a certain way, how does that not subconsciously get into your veins and then inform your decision making [from] the [judicial] bench? Margaret: There are a couple of questions in there. First, I have been burned out along the way, for sure! I just either wasn’t in a position, or was unwilling to put myself in a position, to give into that. I think those opportunities for regeneration and sitting back and contemplating where you’ve been, and where you might be going, are important. And I never really did that, to be honest with you, until after I left Public Counsel [in 2021]. But your other question—which is really deep—is when you’re exposed to these things on an ongoing basis, how do you not internalize them and, and what does that do to your decision making? I was always really aware of the fact that the legal profession in particular was just falling down on the job in terms of diversifying the profession and providing opportunities for folks who wouldn’t even think of law as a possible career. Hopefully [we would be] using that diversification to make sure that services were being distributed more evenly. When I was president of the [Los Angeles] County Bar, I started this committee to set guidelines and goals for, in particular, private law firms—“Big Law,” as they now call it. These were hiring goals, retention goals, promotion goals for people of color in those firms. [At Public Counsel], we brought in consultants, we did surveys, we had focus groups for the employees, and the employees took on the process themselves. We did implicit bias training, too. I will say that at times that was a painful process for me. It was a learning experience. But those kinds of things have to happen in our culture if we’re ever going to get to the other side.

2020 Cornelian Award co-winner Sr. Anne Kelley ’65 (right), pictured with her sister, Kathy Kelley Dooling ’63, has devoted her life to serving and supporting the vulnerable.
2021 Cornelian Award winner and health care equity advocate Dr. Leah Carter ’08 says she felt called to a “service-driven life” from a young age.
Members of the Class of 1966, who also enjoyed a “bonus reunion” as this year’s Benefit honorees (see page 46), accept their latest alum giving awards.
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2021 Cornelian Award
After multiple COVID-related pivots and postponements, we were thrilled to welcome our Mayfield alum community home to 500 Bellefontaine last October. Not only were this year’s reunion gatherings more intimate, but there also were more of them, as we doubled down on the celebrations to make up for a missed year of festivities. Alums from 10 classes celebrated milestone-marking reunions at five separate brunch and dinner events spread over two weekends. We were also delighted to officially honor our 2020 Cornelian Award winners, Sr. Anne Kelley ’65, RGS and Susan “Todd” Warner Jackson ’57 (who was unable to attend), along with 2021 honoree Dr. Leah Carter’08, whose contributions in the Mayfield Health Office were instrumental in getting students back on campus at the start of the 2020-21 school year. Cornelian Award

592022 POSTSCRIPTS ALUM REUNIONS 1980 19901991 1981 2000 2010 20012011 SAVE the Date for your Class Reunion! Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 REUNION BRUNCH Celebrating the Classes of 1962, 1982, 1992, 2002 & 2012 Mass & Cornelian Award Ceremony 10:00 a.m. | Pike Auditorium Brunch 11:30 a.m. | Strub Hall & Terrace 50TH REUNION DINNER Celebrating the Classes of 1970, 1971 & 1972 Cocktail Reception 5:30 p.m. | Pergola Lawn Dinner 6:30 p.m. | Strub Hall & Terrace For more information and class rep contacts, please see Class Notes or contact Malissa Balderama ’09

Class Notes GH ´
CLASS OF 1962 REUNION BRUNCH Join your classmates on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 to celebrate your 60th reunion! 10 a.m. Mass, Pike Auditorium 11:30 a.m. Brunch, Strub Hall For more information, please contact your class reps, Linda Besel Klausner ’62 and Candy Kane Jester ’62.
Gita Dorothy Mantele Morena ’65 “I’ve moved from San Diego to Santa Monica and am still slowly adjusting to life in this very busy city. I have my own business as a Jungian psychoanalyst, and mostly see 1 The idea was a simple one—at least in the beginning. Last winter, during a devastating COVID-19 surge, Virginia Schlueter Jones ’64 was reading about how medical professionals, like her sister, a physician at a Kaiser clinic, were “so overworked and understaffed.” She wondered what kind of small gesture she might be able to offer. Her first thought: cookies. “It was…a way of saying thank you that seemed easy."
Barbara “Scottie” Beven Brown ’66 1 “I’m happy to share that my painting ‘Spring Grasslands’ has been juried into California Art Club’s signature event, the 111th Gold Medal Exhibition, and will be on display at the Bowers Museum [in Santa Ana] from July 17 to Aug. 21, 2022. Also, my garden in Borrego Springs was recently included on the annual garden tour with proceeds benefiting Anza Borrego Desert Natural History Association. We had over 500 visitors.”
Three generations of Mayfielders bake up a sweet surprise for Huntington Hospital people on Zoom these days. I live close to my two boys and their families, and love being near my five grandchildren, who are between the ages of 7 and 15 now. My work includes a fair amount of teaching and professional writing, and seminars based on my book ‘The Wisdom of Oz.’ I’d like to connect with classmates from 1965 and anyone else who is interested.”
Virginia laughs at the word “easy” now, not only because of how ambitious the project became, but also because she has never been much of a baker. “I don’t bake!” she admits. But she knew someone who did—her granddaughter, Grace Gamble ’24. So Virginia enlisted the help of her daughter, Mayfield trustee Alison Jones Gamble ’87, and granddaughter Grace and set her sights on something big. Very big. What would it take to get everyone at Huntington Hospital a sweet treat? With 1,900 people onsite on any given day, offering a half-dozen goodies to each person meant baking 11,400 cookies. The three generations of Mayfielders leapt into action. Grace found dozens of people on campus—students, faculty and staff—eager to participate. Virginia recruited volunteers from Christ Child Society as well as other local organizations, along with a few neighbors and friends. “There were some speed bumps along the way,” Grace explains, “but it came together really fast!” The final step of this massive mobilization was an on-campus assembly line, where volunteers boxed the donations for delivery. As Alison says, baking cookies was “so simple, per person,” but watching it all come together brought home the magnitude of this act of gratitude. Behind those thousands of chocolate chip cookies were hundreds of hands, all baking for this labor of love. Cornelia Connelly once prayed: “Give me, O Lord, a love full of action.” And her lessons inspiring love, action, joy, kindness and ingenuity are still guiding the generations of students and graduates who continue to live by those principles.
Sondra Rogers Behrens ’59 planned to fly to Germany over the summer with her family. “My daughter, my son and their families are going to get to know their relatives in Germany, as well as help me celebrate my 80th birthday, which was in February this year.”

612022 POSTSCRIPTS to go ‘round and round.’ But, our true blessing is that we have each other— forever friendships which began at our forever home, Mayfield Senior School!”
CLASS OF 1982 REUNION BRUNCH Join your classmates on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 to celebrate your 40th reunion! 10 a.m. Mass, Pike Auditorium 11:30 a.m. Brunch, Strub Hall For more information, please contact your class reps, Christy Hodson ’82 and Perla DeSilva Mercade ’82. Mary Workman Hatton ’85 6 awarded two Holy Family students with the Workman Award, in honor of her parents Tom and Mary Lou. Both Lola ’26 and Alexa ’26 will be attending Mayfield Senior School in the fall. Bernadette Garcia ’86 7 “After two years (postponed since 2020), I finally got to perform in a bucket-list show, ‘The Joy Luck Club,’ by Susan Kim (based on Amy Tan’s novel). After having performed as Bloody Mary in ‘South Pacific,’ I was thrilled to return to the Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS) in Nevada City to portray Ying-Ying St. Clair. It was a joy to return to the stage and to see how happy and grateful the patrons were to see live theater again. Moreover, we were honored to have Amy Tan attend our show and join us in an audience talkback. She told me that she had not seen the production in 25 years! Ms. Tan is an incredibly gracious and lovely woman. Next up on my performance docket is ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ at Reno Little Theatre over the summer. I will be playing my younger self: the over-achieving, Asian, Catholic schoolgirl, Marcy Park. I’m going to see if the costume designer will let me wear my Mayfield uniform!” Caroline Halili ’86 and her family have been living in the beautiful wine region of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada and have recently become dual U.S.-Canadian citizens. Her son Hudson graduated in June as Immaculata Regional High School’s Class of 2022 Valedictorian and is pursuing a career as a composer/sound designer for video games. Her daughter Hana will be a 9thgrader at Immaculata next year.
1970s 50TH REUNION DINNER Celebrating the Classes of 1970, 1971 & 1972 Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception, Pergola Lawn 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Strub Hall For more information, please contact your class reps: Kathleen O’Kane ’70, Lacy Still Metcalfe ’70, Sally Bucklin ’70, Missey Moe-Cook ’71 and Mary Ann Bull ’72. Missey Moe-Cook ’71 2 is pictured with her niece, Caroline Moe Callahan ’15, who married Roan Callahan at Descanso Gardens on July 31, 2021. Mary Fitzpatrick ’72 3 “A get-together among friends since 1968!” Mary (far right) is pictured with classmates (from left) Denise Grizel Aldahl ’72, Maribeth Doherty ’72 and Martha Cain ’72. Patti Wilson Brugman ’74 4 is still working locally as an independent college counselor, while playing lots of music and golf. In January, she and her husband traveled to Antartica on the brand new Octantis. They braved the Drake Passage; went ashore on both islands and the mainland; and photographed penguins, seals, whales, birds and icebergs. In March, they took a long-awaited trip up the Mississippi River, learning lots about both the Civil War and Civil Rights—from B.B. King to Elvis the King to Martin Luther King, Jr. Fabulous experience! Angela Howell ’76 5 shared that “the Class of ’76 celebrated a fabulous 45th reunion in November at the home of Carey Ingle Haynes ’76. Classmates traveled from Paris, New York, Colorado, Oregon and throughout California to join in the festivities. During our year at home, per COVID-19 restrictions, classmate Angela Mehren Warling ’76 brought our class together weekly and then bi-weekly for festive Zoom gatherings. We enjoyed keeping in touch on all of our family and personal news, as well as sharing ideas for great books, movies and binge-worthy TV series. Some of our classmates did amazing home improvements and we had virtual tours of the progress on each project! Wine glasses were raised virtually as we toasted our creativity, faith, resilience and sense of humor that kept us going. Our lives have, indeed, been a glorious ‘Circle Game’ and our seasons continue
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1990s Gerianne Sarte ’90 was named one of the top 50 women leaders of Los Angeles for 2022 by the
Jennifer Hinckely Gersch ’97 was also there to celebrate with us! It was the perfect day, and we couldn’t be happier!”
Join your classmates on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 to celebrate your 30th reunion! 10 a.m. Mass, Pike Auditorium 11:30 a.m. Brunch, Strub Hall For more information, please contact your class reps, Monica Chi ’92, Jenny Wong Christianson ’92, Heather Guthrie ’92 and Gian Sardar Schwehr ’92. Dr. Kathleen Valenton ’94 8 “I am busy as an OB/GYN working out of Beverly Hills. I own and operate Rodeo Drive Women’s Health Center, providing gynecological care to women in Los Angeles. Mayfield was instrumental in steering me toward a career in women’s health. I married Mark Azurin (Servite High School Class of 1992) in 2017 and I have two sons to balance out all the women in my life. They attend Good Shepherd Catholic School and keep me busy with their golf tournaments and baseball games. As I was in the dance conservatory at Mayfield, attending their sporting activities is an exciting and interesting new thing for me! I cherished my time at Mayfield and enjoy getting updates from my classmates and seeing what they are all up to.” Allison Rector Krescent ’97 9 11
2000s Kimberly Wah ’01 “I now work as a prosecutor at the Orange County District Attorney’s Office in the human trafficking unit. In addition to prosecution, I also travel up and down the state training local law enforcement agencies and communities about human trafficking.”
Abeni Carr ’02 10 has been over-themoon excited since the start of 2022. Abeni earned her doctorate degree in educational leadership, administration and policy from Pepperdine University in May and continues her work as principal of a charter school in Los Angeles. Her nonprofit, Havens House Youth Services, was recently highlighted on Spectrum News and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Abeni hopes that her research and experience will support her efforts to open a transitional home and eventually a school for students impacted by the homeless epidemic. She also recently got engaged to the love of her life, Mychal, and is set to walk down the aisle on Sept. 24, 2022, with the love and support of her mother, Rosemary James Carr ’72, and her maid of honor, Desarae Jones ’04 (who was also her Mayfield little sister)! In a full-circle moment, she is ecstatic that her step9
62 POSTSCRIPTS 2022 “I married David Krescent on Oct. 16, 2021 in Glendale, Calif. After three delays for COVID (and postponing for 425+ days), the fourth time was the charm! I was so lucky to have my Mayfield girls (pictured, from left) Diana Van de Kamp ’97, Adriana Gross Seastrom ’97 and Julia DeBriyn ’97 in my bridal party.
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Join your classmates on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 to celebrate your 20th reunion! 10 a.m. Mass, Pike Auditorium 11:30 a.m. Brunch, Strub Hall For more information, please contact your class reps, Abeni Carr ’02, Danika Bucka ’02, Nicole Fahey ’02, Phedellee Reyes ’02 and Hanami Sutton ’02.
is the Vice President of Finance and Chief Finance Officer of the Cardiovascular and Specialty Solutions MedTech Division of Johnson & Johnson. Sarte says her vast experience has provided her with a wide range of capabilities in a variety of financial disciplines. In 2017, Sarte was named a Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Rising Star for her passion in developing talent and her leadership in the health care industry. Prior to joining J&J 20 years ago, she worked for IBM and Sprint in finance but started her professional career as a scientist with a biotech company. Sarte is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara with an undergraduate degree in pharmacology and received her MBA from the University of Southern California.

632022 POSTSCRIPTS daughter, Mya ’24 , will be starting Mayfield Senior School in the fall as a member of the junior class. Abeni is looking forward to continuing to serve on the JDEI Alum Advisory Board and Mayfield’s Alum Council, while sharing Mayfield traditions with her step-daughter. Adia Gooden ’03 11 “My husband, Jason Stanford, and I got married in July 2021 after postponing our wedding a year due to the pandemic. We had a wonderful celebration with family and friends and Brittney Dennis Pruitt ’03 was my matron of honor! We were blessed to get pregnant quickly and on May 13, 2022, we welcomed our daughter, Amani Joy Stanford, to our family. We are overjoyed and completely in love with her!” Christina Yamasaki ’03 12 taught last year at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary elementary school in Pasadena and had a surprise guest pop into her classroom during their Open House—none other than Sr. Sheila McNiff ’56, SHCJ! Allison McGuire ’05 13 At the end of 2021, Allison married the love of her life, Christian Branscombe, at her family’s house in Studio City, Calif. Joining in the festivities were Francesca Albrezzi’05, Michelle Macedo ’06, Margie Maguire ’05 and Olivia Harewood ’05. Allison met Christian through a mutual friend at the height of COVID-19, and it was love at first sight (who knew!). They married exactly one year after they met. Allison is the CEO of McGuire Enterprises, and Christian is the founder of Bare Bones Coaching. They are very happy in their new home in Pasadena. Kimberly Linares-Feeney ’06 14 and her husband, Michael, welcomed their first baby, Madelyn Harper Feeney, this past March 14 on Pi Day. They currently live in Pasadena and work nearby—Kimi at The Huntington and Michael on the Caltech campus. Kimi is enjoying her time off with Madelyn and is learning the joys of being a mother. Mary Sima ’06 15 married Adam Vollrath on July 23, 2021, at the beautiful Bernardus Lodge & Spa in Carmel Valley, Calif. It was a night to remember, bringing together members of the classes of 2006, 2005 and 2004, including Angela Laurence Cummiskey ’05, Allyson Laurance Velasco ’04, Kate Sima ’04, Mary Sima ’06, Sara Krasner ’06, Katie McClain ’06, Glenn Carroll ’06 and Allison Burns Gadberry ’06. Fun was had by all! Julia Wagner France’07 16 married Joseph France of Hertford, N.C., last July in the courtyard of All Saints Church in Pasadena. After being postponed for a year, the ceremony was held before a small group of friends and family, including Michelle Hansen DeBoever ’07 and Anna Losorelli Hoyer ’07. Joseph is an educational game designer, and Julia is a software engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The couple live in Pasadena. Brittany Banis Buckley ’08 17 and her husband, Scott, welcomed a daughter, Mackenzie May Buckley, on Oct. 15, 2021. Allison Ficht ’08 18 After rescheduling their April 2021 wedding due to the pandemic, Allison and Andrew Walker married on Oct. 2, 2021 in Easton, Md. Jessica Mennis Viets ’08 and Annie Ficht Hames ’98 were her co-matrons of honor, with Alissa Costello ’08 also in attendance. Allison earned a B.A. in history from Occidental College and a Master’s in Public Health from USC. She has been with USAID (United States Agency for International Development) for five years. Prior to the pandemic, she was the HIV/AIDS Performance and Transition Coordinator for Tanzania, and she is now managing COVID prevention and treatment programs. Allison and Andy just bought a home in Washington, D.C. 16 17 15 18

Join your classmates on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 to celebrate your 10th reunion! 10 a.m. Mass, Pike Auditorium 11:30 a.m. Brunch, Strub Hall
For more information, please contact your class reps, Charlotte Anderson ’12, Sara Antoun ’12, Emily Balfour ’12, Jalen Carter ’12, Helena Garcia ’12, Maggie Poxon ’12 and Catherine Van Dyke ’12.
Caroline Moe Callahan ’15 23 married Roan 19 20 21 24 25
Amanda Morales ’12 “I finished my first year at Boston College Law School and will be moving to New York City for a summer legal internship at Morgan Stanley. I have also accepted an offer to join Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe as a summer associate in 2023.” Isabella Daher ’14 is pursuing her postgraduate pharmacy residency in acute care pharmacy at the Antelope Valley Medical Center.
2010s Michelle Mohr ’11 19 was sworn in by Judge Daniel Buckley in January 2022, and is now an active member of the California Bar. Leah Weidman ’11 20 was engaged on Dec. 12, 2021, at Disneyland. “We’re the future Mr. & Mrs. Keppel!”
Carly Kessel ’14 21 received her Master of Education degree from USC this past May. Lora McManus ’14 22 and Allison Graham celebrated their wedding on June 25, 2022. They met at Cal State Channel Islands while completing their master’s degrees in education. Lora explained, “Everything about our wedding was quintessentially ‘us,’—a call to use both actions and words to create a more just future, knowing that this moment was made possible by the centuries of LGBTQ and interracial couples who came before us.” In attendance at the wedding were her father, former Mayfield teacher and past Head of School Jim McManus, and her mother, former Mayfield teacher Caroline Harmsen McManus. They celebrated alongside several other former and current Mayfield faculty and staff, including past Director of College Counseling Joanna Hartigan, as well as alums Danielle Rutledge ’14 and Margaret Agamenoni Williams ’73. Lora and Allison continued the festivities on their honeymoon in St. Lucia before returning to their home in Minnetonka, Minn.

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Angela Sarni ’18 30 recently earned her B.A. from Villanova University in global interdisciplinary studies with a specialization in Russian area studies and a minor in political science. She had some unexpected twists and turns during her college career, as her plans to study abroad in Moscow and travel to Ukraine on a Fulbright grant were canceled due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, Angela passionately pursued her interest in information integrity and completed a senior thesis on Russian propaganda and disinformation. On June 1, she began her new job in Arlington, Va., as an open source intelligence investigator and analyst at Logically, a company that uses human and artificial intelligence to fight misinformation and disinformation.
Callahan on July 31, 2021, at Descanso Gardens in La Cañada. Caroline was surrounded by Mayfield classmates Lucy Schouweiler ’15, Michaela Puccinelli ’15, Kate Schiller ’15, Olivia Lyons-Potter ’15 and Danielle New ’15. Caroline and Roan live in Littleton, Mass. Nina Kasputis ’16 24 is a tour supervisor at SoFi Stadium and had the opportunity to work a number of Super Bowl events, including the NFL House pop-up in downtown L.A. and the Super Bowl game itself. It was such a thrill. Jacinda Chen ’18 & Shirley Chen ’18 Proud dad Steve Chen shares, “My daughters graduated from Emory University last December, a semester earlier than the normal graduation. Both are going to Columbia University to pursue their master’s degrees. Jacinda is going to study data science, and Shirley is going to study business analytics. They are moving to New York in August, which is very exciting.” Madie Hotaling ’18 25 graduated from Elon University in May with a major in psychology and a double minor in neuroscience and early childhood. She is spending the summer in the western Sierra as a camp counselor for Gold Arrow Camp. In August she will be moving to New York to work as a teaching fellow at the Cornelia Connelly Center alongside Caitlin Lee ’18. She is excited about her next chapter and remarked that the school, which teaches girls grades 4-8, has the same feeling as Mayfield. Her classmate Carmen Mascarenhas ’18 will be living close by while working for Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP as a structured products analyst. Harper Lacroix ’18 26 “I graduated from UCLA and will be taking a gap year working at UCLA Medical Center as a nursing assistant while applying to nursing schools this fall.” Maureen Lewis ’18 27 graduated from UC Berkeley in May 2022 with a B.S. in molecular cellular biology and a minor in human rights. Kat Lopez ’18 28 “I recently graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with an M.S. in information technology. I worked part-time for IBM throughout my last year of school and will transition to full-time in July, working out of the Cambridge, Mass., office. Forever grateful for what Mayfield gave me during high school!” Julia Nail ’18 29 “My Mayfield mentor, Sheila Kippley ’56, and I were matched when I graduated from Mayfield as I asked to be connected with someone in Cincinnati. In this photo, we had dined at Camp Washington Chili as part of my quest to try all of the Cincinnati chili restaurants! I very much cherish our friendship and am so thankful for the Mayfield mentor program for introducing us. We’ve had a lot of fun over the past four years playing tennis and exploring Cincinnati. In April, I graduated from the University of Cincinnati with my Bachelor of Science in nursing and I am looking forward to working as an oncology nurse in Los Angeles.”
Melody Soong ’18 graduated with a B.A. in philosophy, neuroscience and psychology, with a concentration in cognitive neuroscience and a B.A. in music performance with a concentration in piano performance. Daria Young ’18 31 “I just graduated Loyola Marymount University summa cum laude with a double major in urban studies and sociology and a minor in theology. After a summer of solo backpacking in Europe, I will be attending UCLA to pursue a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree.” Ally Zettlemoyer ’18 32 “I am thrilled to share that on April 30, I graduated with honors from Pepperdine University with a bachelor’s degree in advertising communications with a minor in art! My four years at Pepperdine University have equipped me with the knowledge, skills and friendships that I will carry with me for the rest of my journey. This June, I will be relocating to Florida to join the Disney Institute/ National Geographic Live team as an operations support intern. To say that this is a dream come true would be a complete and utter understatement. I am humbled and privileged to be working with a talented team and to create a Disney legacy following in my mother’s footsteps.”

JOHN 11:25
Julie’s steadfast and graceful support was legendary. Ever humble, Julie once said her support of Mayfield was straightforward—it was as simple as “giving back to a place that has given us so much.” We give thanks to Julie for sharing her joy and commitment to our Holy Child mission and for exemplifying our “Actions Not Words” motto in every facet of her faith-filled life. She truly modeled what it means to live as a Catholic woman in our world, “meeting the wants of the age,” in the words of Cornelia Connelly. Julie’s passing was a tremendous loss to all those who knew and loved her, but her memory will live on in the hearts of her Mayfield family.
I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me, even though that person dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
On Sept. 8, 2021, our Lord called one of our dearest friends, Julie Condon, to Heaven. Julie was a joyful and generous presence in our Mayfield community for more than 30 years, and her loving support of the Holy Child educational mission wasFromboundless.themoment their daughter, Amy Condon ’91, arrived at Mayfield in the late 1980s, Julie and husband Tom jumped into action to support the school. They were the catalysts for the building of the Sr. Mary Wilfrid Gymnasium, and they rallied the entire Mayfield community to join the team. They were lead donors in the 1997 Pike Auditorium remodel. And, when our Cubs needed upgraded sports facilities, Tom and Julie supported a new fitness center and dance studio in the gym. The Condons’ leadership also extended to the Faith in Our Future capital campaign, which helped to open the Sr. Barbara Mullen Library, six new classrooms, the Student Commons and a beautiful courtyard. For more than 25 years, the Condon family has been top-level supporters of the annual Benefit and underwrite faculty attendance each year. The Condons even embraced a second Mayfield “daughter,” Cristina Giannini ’91, who joined their family as an AFS exchange student from Italy. Following in the footsteps of husband Tom, the school’s longest-serving trustee, Julie left her own indelible mark on Mayfield as a Board member from 2013 to 2019. Over the years, Julie also served on the Campaign Cabinet, the Strategic Vision Committee and the Committee on Trustees. In 2014, Julie became the founding chair of our Committee on Mission, and she served on the Mission Effectiveness Committee, ensuring that Mayfield remains actively committed to the Network of Holy Child Schools Goals and Criteria.
Tom and Julie Condon with daughter Amy Condon ’91 (left), son Tom and his wife, Christy Julie Condon 1942-2021
In Memoriam

Mickey Marquardt, son of Clare Marquardt ’65†
Christopher Madison, father of Wendy Kostrenchich ’87
Stephen Thompson, husband of Linda Buccola Thompson ’61 and brother of Nancy Cramer ’56
Tom Moritz, past trustee and father of Katherine Moritz ’15
Norma Sarte, mother of Gerianne Sarte ’90
Dolores Hickambottom, mother of Leslie Hickambottom ’72
Amanda Emerson, mother of Anne Leak ’04
Doud Hamilton ’81
Charlotte Murphy Bannan, mother of Elizabeth Murphy Anderson ’83, grandmother of Charlotte Anderson ’12, stepmother of Mary Ann Haines ’64, Catherine Steinke ’67, Molly Sones ’68, Laura Rondou ’71, Teresa Moore ’73, Barbara Bannan’74 and Elizabeth Gilmore ’76†, stepgrandmother of Catherine Moore ’05 and Teresa Gilmore ’09 Jacqueline Auldridge Botz ’51
Marvine Neff Malouf, mother of Andrea Neff ’91
Steve Oshin, husband of Cynthia Lewis Oshin ’78
Josefita Prietto ’65, sister of Margaret Prietto ’60, Cristina Welch ’64, Barbara Prietto ’72, Betty Drake ’78 and Patricia Gonzalez ’79, mother of Rory Olivarez ’88 and grandmother of Lourdes Olivarez ’23 and Lucia Olivarez ’26 Sr. Megan Rice, SHCJ Melissa Rodwell ’81
Emilio Flores, father of Laura Kimble ’80, Julia FloresWatroba ’83 and Catherine Smith ’88, grandfather of Graciela Watroba ’24
Michael Wackerly, father of Caitryn Wackerly ’21
Mim Paggi, mother of Mia Green ’84 and Marya Goracke ’90
Hannah Lou Robertson, mother of Ashleigh Dickinson ’89
Francis Scully, Jr., brother of Sr. Joel Scully, SHCJ†
Sandi Brune, mother of Erin Brune ’01 Helen Cabot Close ’60
Frank Mapel, husband of Mona Tromble Mapel ’58
Alice Singian, mother of Lizzle Brandt ’95
Maude Ferry, wife of past trustee Richard Ferry, mother of Margaret Orem ’77, Diane Moss-Nellum ’84 and Ann-Marie Longley ’87
Angela Norwood Holmen ’55 Elizabeth “Bette” Johansing, mother of Pamela Johansing ’59, Cristina Johansing ’64, Kim Talbot ’65 and Tracy Johansing ’66 and mother-in-law of Cathy Mulvey Johansing ’64
Jane Van Lahr Smith ’59, sister of Anne Van Lahr Doud ’56, aunt of Reilly Doud Harris ’78 and Anastasia
Millard Murphy, father of Molly Murphy ’86
Mark Freihage, father of Board Chair Erika Randall, grandfather of Tara Randall ’22 Patricia Gamble, mother-in-law of Allison Jones Gamble ’87 and grandmother of Grace Gamble ’24 Dana Hartfield, mother of Haley Hartfield ’19
Maria Low Way, mother of Charlotte Low Allen ’61, Jane Low Parshall ’62 and Maria Low ’65
Kip Dorr, stepfather of Amy Fuhr ’15 Ann Dymek, mother of past trustee Mark Dymek and grandfather of Ryanne Dymek ’13
John Ernster, father of Elizabeth Ernster ’95 and Shannon Ernster ’98
Don Masunaga, father of Jennifer Masunaga ’02
Elizabeth Rusnak Arizmendi ’81, sister of Victoria Rusnak ’82, mother of Isabella Arizmendi ’15
Zuhdi Sardar, father of Gian Schwehr ’92
William Still, father of Lacy Metcalfe ’70
James Murphy, past trustee and father of Margaret Murphy Bernard ’80†, Rosalie Murphy ’82 and Charlotte Murphy ’84
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. † deceased
Sofia Espinosa de Izquierdo, mother of Irene Patterson ’83 and Sophie Garbellini ’81, grandmother of Anna Patterson ’11
Mitchell Andrejich, brother of Jacqueline Bertole ’06 and Christina Andrejich ’08
Julie Condon, past trustee, mother of Amy Condon ’91 and AFS student Cristina Giannina ’91, wife of past trustee Thomas Condon Carmelita Dean, mother of Karen Alameddine ’76
Win Loftus, husband of past trustee Mary Loftus, father of Mary Valle ’88 and grandfather of Kathleen Floyd ’14 Nancy Nichols MacPhee ’54
Jacqueline Brown Kivley ’47
Jonathan Moffat, brother of Megan Moffat ’20 Cynthia Spencer Molitor ’49
Patricia Stelzer Schmitz ’62
Anita Yamasaki, mother of Christina Yamasaki ’03 and Amanda Yamasaki ’07
Anthony DeLellis, father of Katherine Henderson ’92 and Susan Petruccelli ’92
Eugenia Riordan Mulé, mother of Mary Beth Riordan ’75, Kathy Riordan ’77, Patricia Torrey ’78 and Carol Riordan ’82†
Ronald Michael Farina, father of Katherine Farina ’08

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