How to apply pearl nano glass

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Come on board with Pearl Nano Coa/ngs and be part of growing Pearl Nano enthusiast whose life has change because of this effec9ve and innova9ve product. If you are not happy with your current Nano coa9ngs just give Dave a call. Here are the things you are missing: The Very best in Ceramic Glass coa9ngs for your car or truck. Ø  NO MORE WAXING YOUR CAR Ø  NO MORE SCRATCHES TO CLEAR COAT Ø  NO MORE WATER SPOTS Ø  NO MORE ACID RAIN Ø  EASY CLEANING Ø  BACKED BY A 5 YEAR GUARANTEE

There's something about the non-­‐solvent formula that is helping the coa9ngs to last and last and last. DURABILITY, GLOSSINESS AND EASE of use are the top comments I hear on a daily basis. Also... "WOW, the applicator sponge is rock hard aXer 30 minutes of finishing!" Fast curing is another top aspect of the coa9ngs. No Heat Lamps, No Special Booths, No Respirator. Be Different -­‐ Choose the coa9ng that works as expected, not the ones from the smoke and mirror companies. Call me today. Prices will go up at the 1st of the year.

Super-Hydrophobic Nanotechnology Scratch Resistant Nano Coatings Retail - Detail - Wholesale - Private Label Options Available How does it work? Because the Pearl Nano Coa9ng Autobody formula contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic proper9es, it’s applica9on to vehicle paintwork will give you that “super hydrophobic” visual effect, along with superior scratch & abrasion resistance. Pearl Nano Base and Pro are both designed to provide protec9on and gloss that will surpass even the most par9cular clients expecta9ons. The Pearl Nano Coa9ng formula9on will adract water (hydrophilic) and encapsulate dust or other debris and then the hydrophobic por9on will repel the combined dirt and water from the car thereby making it self-­‐cleaning.


You may ask? This is a super hard, super glossy and very durable, scratch resistant extension to your car’s clear coat. It is also super slick, hydrophobic, easier to clean and eliminates the need to wax your car again. Would you or your clients or customers want this on their car? Millions of people have heard about these coa9ngs and millions of people want it. This market is exploding. Unfortunately, not all of these products are created equal. I interviewed over 100 people (mostly professional detailers) and here are their major concerns: Many/ most of the current SiO2 coa9ngs are solvent-­‐based, smell horrible and can be difficult to work with in the heat or humidity. Some of these coa9ngs cost between $150-­‐$350 for a 9ny bodle. A few of them only sell to high-­‐end detailers & authorized installers, who are then forced to charge $2500 per coa9ng job by the coa9ng companies. There are ton of smoke and mirrors and exaggerated claims of greatness. Why am I telling you about all of this? Because we have solved all of these major problems and we have developed a similar, yet much beder, line of high performance nano coa9ng products that rival the compe99on. I want to introduce these products to you. They are called “Pearl Nano Coa9ngs. This our line of high-­‐tech nano coa9ngs available for sale star9ng today. Remember the problems, I men9oned before, with the other coa9ngs on the market? Here how ours is different. Our Nano Coa9ngs auto body are non-­‐solvent, smell nice, are easy to work with and can be used in high heat and humidity. Problems solved! The Nano Coa9ngs Glass window coa9ng resist water and dirt, plus water explodes off your windshield while driving in the rain. It also helps you see clearer while driving at night. We guarantee that this super-­‐hydrophobic coa9ng will last on your window for 2-­‐5 years. No other window coa9ng in the world compares. This is a truly amazing product.

Good News: We private label for other companies and can also private label for you as well. We provide custom-designed labels, boxes, applicators and branding that you can call your own. Low minimums and great prices. Visit @ If you are interested in purchasing the Pearl Nano Coating products, please contact Dave and set up a time/ date/ time to meet – On the phone or on Skype. Ask about ordering a sample kit, our latest price list and the five 3-Pack special kit of Pearl Nano Coating products.

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