All you need to know about waterless car wash

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All you Need to Know About Waterless Car Wash

How do Pearl Waterless Car Wash products Work 1) A%er spraying the surface and the folded microfiber towel with Pearl Waterless Car Wash product, the dirt par?cles will be instantly liquefied and encapsulated. Pearl Waterless contains special soaps that dissolve dirt on contact and gently li% and suspended them from the surface. This “li%ing” ac?on prevents dirt from revisi?ng the surface of the paintwork and any possibility of scratching it. Whilst these soaps dissolve the dirt and grease, the weGng agents keep things lubricated and also protects the surface. The Polymer and Natural Waxes create a super smooth/slick surface that protects the surface against the elements a%er your car is clean. This includes UV rays from the sun.

2) Where does the dirt go? The encapsulated dirt is trapped by the microscopic fibres of the Microfibre cloth. This special cloth is designed to carry/soak up 9 ?mes its weight in water. It pulls the liquid dirt away and traps it in the towel. Please note: Once that sec?on of the towel is soiled, you should unfold and refold it to a c l e a n s e c ? o n . T h e r e a r e limita?ons on how dirty the towel can become and s?ll be effec?ve.

3) How do the Pearl Waterless waxes work? The silicone polymers and waxes (Nano and Carnauba) are deposited on the surface when you spray it on and wipe it off. Nano seals and protects the base metal and Carnauba the world’s hardest natural wax coats the surface. It repels the water and makes the surface very slick, shiny and with an an?-­‐sta?c quality. This helps prevent dust from aVrac?ng to the surface. It also keeps the surfaces cleaner and shinier for a longer period of ?me. This way you can play/drive/work more and clean less.

4. What is the Final Step? A%er spraying the product on the surface, gently rubbing it in with the first microfiber towel, you will quickly switch to another clean folded microfiber towel to remove the haze before it dries. Yes, before it dries is the easiest way to remove the film and buff into a brilliant shine! Tip: Working in small, manageable areas is the best method to use to be able to apply the product, gently rub in and wipe off without it drying too quickly. Start at one corner of the roof, work your way around to where you started. Then clean the middle part of the car…all the way around. Finally, clean the lower/boVom rocker panels of the side of the car bumper. The first towel will be preVy soiled, so please remember to either fold it to a clean sec?on or discard it for a fresh, clean one. Your car will be very clean, super slick and very shiny. It will stay like this for 1-­‐2 weeks. The second ?me you clean your car and on going, you will no?ce that the cleaning opera?on will be easier and go much quicker. You now have this layer of super slick polymer/wax coa?ng on the surface and dirt will not be able to cling to it and the towel will ride over it beVer.

Waterless car wash has gained in popularity over the years and we currently provide products in 60+ countries. If you are interested in cleaning your car without water, or star?ng a waterless car wash cleaning or product business, please let know. Thank you

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