Claims Delegates : Making Insurance Work
Being able to navigate the claims and restora3on process starts with knowledge. Sharing this knowledge with contractors, homeowners, and building managers, and providing direct services to support your needs, is what we’re all about.
Your Knowledge Centre The first thing to know is that this is YOUR claim. Your insurance carrier is contractually obligated to handle your loss. You sit in the driver’s seat and should never give up the wheel. The second thing to know is that every party involved in the process has an agenda, and that the same thing drives all agendas: the boAom line. Typically, the insurance company controls the process, dicta3ng terms that can work against the best interest of contractors, homeowners and property managers. Our job at the start is to helpyou frame your agenda around your needs; whether you’re a contractor who’s new to restora3on, a homeowner who’s filed a claim, or a property manager who wants greater oversight of the situa3on.
Your Advocate & Shield We step to the plate for you by examining and assessing the damages, crea3ng a scope of work, and comple3ng a Xac3mate es3mate on your behalf. Xac3mate is the industry’s preferred es3ma3ng tool, and just one of the ways we apply insider knowledge. In fact, over the course of our working together, you will gain more knowledge, understanding and support about the claims and restora3on process than most insurance carriers will give you throughout the life of your policy. We answer the ques3ons that will naturally come up, and help you create and implement a strategy that works toward mee3ng your needs.
Claims Delegates is here to Help Whether you’re a contractor, homeowner or property manager, the claims and restora3on process can make anyone want to duck and run. If you’re considering taking on restora3on projects, or have recently filed a claim, call Claims Delegates to make sure you’re covered.
Talk to a Claim Delegate First, your resource, advocate, and knowledge center on the front line of the insurance claims process. When you are ready to stake your claim, just call: 888.745.7568 or VISIT Call for your free consultaHon. Claims Delegates is always here to answer the tough quesHons.
Contact Us Portland, Oregon +1 503-‐575-‐6151 hAp://