The Hiring Process Hiring a maid through an agency feels like what I would imagine going to a brothel might feel like. The women are lined up outside the agency and all happily greet you simultaneously as you walk in. You go in and tell the person in charge what you’re looking for and she brings you all candidates that fit those requirements for you to interview. When the interviews are done you hire someone, and have to walk back through the line of disappointed women on your way out. It’s really the worst part of the whole process, unless of course you have to fire someone. There’s also lots of paperwork you have to fill out, a course you have to take on how to actually be a good employer, and health screenings for your new helper that have to be done beforehand. Before you hire a live-in maid, here are realities of hiring a Livein Maid in Singapore that you have to consider before going through the process visit
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