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Perfection Water Spot Killer for Windows and Paint

Perfection Water Spot Killer (Lite Acid Gel) for windows and paint. Gel Based Acid WaterSpot Remover, clings to surfaces for easy application to surfaces. Can be Sprayed or Hand Applied.

Directions:       

Use gloves, mask, and other PPE Do Not use on Mirrors Always test on an inconspicuous area to test safeness of finish Use on cool surfaces , in the shade Do not leave on glass longer than 1 minute Do not allow product to dry onto surface Working in small sections, rub in Perfection WaterSpot Killer using Microfiber applicator or towel until waterspot disappears. Neutralize area with an APC or Waterless Car Wash. Repeat if necessary. Safe for Paint, Glass, Plastic Trims, Chrome, Wheels, Headlights/Taillights, Sinks, Showers, Tubs, Tiles, and more!

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Get Sample Products Calling All Detailers is owned and operated by David Elliott, A Car Care Product Innovator, Producer and Designer, plus a Podcaster, Online Marketer and U.S. Air Force Veteran. Pearl Nano, LLC: Pearl Nano Detail Supply & Pearl Nano Hydrophobic Nano/ Ceramic Coatings. Sales and Marketing Office: – 808 779-7163 International and Domestic Sales / Business Manager – 866-285-1051 or 410-596-4938.

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