We help write insurance repair estimates in xactimate

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“What do you do Again? We Help Write Insurance Repair Estimates in Xactimate Claims Delegates is ready to serve and support you through the process, whether you’re looking to expand your restora?on business or recover from a catastrophy, call: 888.745.7568. We make insurance WORK.

“What do you do Again?

I write the scopes, YOU make the money.

I help you handle the insurance claim p r o c e s s i n g a n d w r i ? n g d a m a g e es?mates in Xac?mate.

What’s the difference between a General Contractor and a Restora?on Contractor? Xac?mate. Insurance companies and their adjusters use the Xac?mate es?ma?ng program to develop a “value” for property damage claims. And, while it is not legally required to do so, most “restora?on” companies also use Xac?mate in order to create apples-­‐to-­‐apples comparisons between their es?mates and the adjuster’s. As a maOer of fact, most adjusters won’t even acknowledge an es?mate wriOen in another format.

That means that if you don’t know how to use Xac?mate, or are unable to fork out the $1,500/yr subscrip?on, you are effec?vely shut out of the insurance repair industry. That is…

Un#l Now.

Now everyone can have professionally prepared Xac?mate es?mates wriOen by a Licensed Insurance Adjuster for the equivalent of a dehumidifier and air mover rental of One Day.

Contractor’s Claim Service and Claims Delegates have joined forces to provide Xac?mate es?ma?ng services to GC’s and Restora?on contractors alike. There are over $80,000,000,000 in homeowners claims every year. And there is one homeowner’s claim every three seconds! That’s a lot of claims people! Contractor’s Claim Service will write any es?mate under $10,000 for just $199. That includes PDF reports, the ESX file, and our customized budge?ng spreadsheet. Simply download our scope forms for either mi?ga?on (emergency services/drying) or reconstruc?on to get started.

Or, you can call or email for a quote. Let’s go get your piece of that $80 billion pie, shall we?

Click Here for 15 minutes of Free Claims A dvice My name is Andy McCabe. You can call me the Claim Doctor. View Andrew McCabe's profile on LinkedIn

When it’s ?me to talk to your insurer, talk to a Claim Delegate first. Claims Delegates is ready to serve and support you through the process, whether you’re looking to expand your restora?on business or recover from a catastrophy. CONTACT US, We make insurance WORK.


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