1 minute read
EDUCATION SpecialiSed degreeS
“ I completed my Bachelor of Education in Primary
Teaching with the Froebel Department at Maynooth
University in 2021. I was initially attracted to this course due to its emphasis on Friedrich Froebel and his philosophy of education which is based on a child-centred, active approach to learning.
I feel this course provided me with an ideal mix of lectures, seminars and placement opportunities where
I could put learning into practice. The support I received from fellow students, the Department and the University throughout my time here was exceptional and I would recommend this course at Maynooth University to any prospective múinteoirí!”
RaCHel HyNeS BeD Bachelor of eDUcaTIoN froeBel PrIMary TeachING GraDUaTe
Section 5
MH001 BEd Bachelor of Education - Froebel Primary Teaching 154 MH002 BEd Bachelor of Education - Froebel Primary Teaching (Gaeltacht Applicants) 154 MH003 BA Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning (full-time) 155 MH004 BA Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning (flexible) NEW 156 MH212 SED BSc Science (with Education) 157 MH212 MCS BSc Mathematics and Computer Science (with Education) 158 MH212 MED BSc Mathematics (with Education) 159
FoR SoCIeTy, eDUCaTIoN IS a meaNS oF SHapING THe FUTURe aND eqUIppING THe NeXT GeNeRaTIoN To FaCe THe CHalleNGeS THaT wIll emeRGe. aT mayNooTH UNIveRSITy we aRe eNGaGeD IN a BRoaD RaNGe oF eDUCaTIoNal ReSeaRCH aND pRovIDe a SeRIeS oF CoURSeS aImeD aT CURReNT aND aSpIRING eDUCaTIoN pRoFeSSIoNalS.