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COMPUTER SCIENCE SpecialiSed degreeS
“ My job involves putting into practice all of the knowledge and skills I acquired during my time in
Maynooth. I work with my team to develop innovative features for our users; I showcase those features and present our work to other teams.
The range and variety of the modules taught throughout the Computer Science and Software Engineering course at Maynooth gave me the opportunity to learn multiple programming languages as well as to develop skills that have become essential in my day-to-day job, and the technology industry as a whole, such as teamwork, presentation skills and critical thinking.
Maynooth’s emphasis on developing skills is a major advantage when working with new or proprietary programming languages.
The work experience offered in third year was pivotal in getting me to where I am today, not only because of everything I learned, but also because I was offered a graduate role and I’m still there today almost 2 years later!” emIly o’ReGaN
SofTWare aPPlIcaTIoN eNGINeer II aT WorkDay
we pRovIDe eXCelleNT FaCIlITIeS FoR pRaCTICal woRk, wITH moST oF oUR moDUleS INClUDING a mIX oF leCTUReS aND laB woRk. maNy oF oUR STUDeNTS alSo SpeND TIme woRkING IN INDUSTRy aS paRT oF THeIR CoURSe. we eNDeavoUR To pRovIDe a SUppoRTIve aND eNJoyaBle aTmoSpHeRe FoR leaRNING.
Section 4
MH601 CSA BSc Computer Science and Software Engineering (through Arts) 146 MH601 MWA BSc Multimedia, Mobile and Web Development (through Arts) 147 MH602 CSS BSc Computer Science and Software Engineering (through Science) 148 MH602 MWS BSc Multimedia, Mobile and Web Development (through Science) 149 MH603 BSc Computational Thinking 150
Computer Science also available in the Bachelor of Arts degree - see section 1 58 Computer Science also available in the Bachelor of Science degree - see section 2 118