1 minute read
LAW SpecialiSed degreeS
“ I chose the BCL Law and Sociology at Maynooth
University because honestly, I was passionate about issues of fairness and social justice, and I wanted to equip myself with the skills to speak out and contribute. Law was a strong option to achieve that, but participating in Maynooth’s student community is ultimately what shaped me. I was challenged and I felt comfortable to challenge - I was encouraged to debate lecturers and peers, and I learned from everyone around me, not just the textbooks from the library. That’s key.
As a student leader and activist, I later used the same skills of research, attention to detail (and on many occasions, persuasion) in my work as a change-maker and communicator.”
Síona Cahill (pronouns: she/her) is a campaigner, organiser and communications professional from Co.
Longford. Síona is 28 and holds a BCL Civil Law and
Sociology from Maynooth University. In 2020 she was appointed head of public affairs and communications with Gaisce - The President’s Award.
Síona is a former President of the Union of Students in
Ireland (USI), and has led campaigns on social justice issues from #MakeGráTheLaw (Ireland’s Marriage
Equality referendum, 2015) to Students for Choice (Repeal of Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, 2018).
SíoNa CaHIll
Bcl laW aND SocIoloGy GraDUaTe
Section 8
MH501 LLB (Law) MH502 LWA BCL (Law and Accounting) MH502 LWB BCL (Law and Business) MH502 LWC BCL (Law and Criminology) MH502 LWD BCL (Law and Arts) 180
Criminology and Law also available in the Bachelor of Arts degree - see section 1
oUR alUmNI woRk wITH Some oF THe BeST INTeRNaTIoNal FIRmS IN THe woRlD SUCH aS kpmG, mop, a&l GooDBoDy aND wIllIam FRy.
“ Studying Law and Arts (MH502) in Maynooth University provides students with the opportunity to pursue a degree which is tailored to their needs as well as the opportunity to undertake an Erasmus year in third year. By choosing Law and French, I gained a strong understanding of the legislative process and legal system in Ireland as well as immersing myself in the
French language.
I graduated in 2018 and I am now a trainee solicitor in a leading criminal defence firm.” aoIFe DalToN
Bcl laW aND freNch GraDUaTe