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MH206 BSc Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
SeCTIoN 9 – SCIeNCe SPecIalISeD DeGreeS BSc Theoretical Physics and Mathematics CAO Code: MH206 | CAO Points 2021: 521
CAO Code: MH206 CAO Points 2021: 521 CAO Points Range 2020: 510-601 Places 2021: 10 Duration: 3 years Erasmus/Study Abroad Option: Subject to availability Mature Applicants: See p. 208 UK, EU & International Applicants: See p. 214 QQI Link: No Placement Option: No Leaving Certificate: 2H5 & 4O6/H7, Irish, English & a Science subject (i.e. Agricultural Science, Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, or Physics with Chemistry) & H2 Mathematics.
>You will study the entire physical world from the microscopic to the cosmic - topics such as black holes, the Big
Bang, quantum computing, elementary particles and the fundamental forces of nature, superconductivity, neural networks, matter in extreme conditions, and simulation of physical and biological systems. >You will develop a deeper understanding of the various areas of modern mathematics, including analysis, algebra, geometry, and topology. >This accelerated three-year programme is designed for students with a very strong interest in theoretical physics and mathematics. >Students take Theoretical (Mathematical) Physics and
Mathematics throughout the three years of the programme.
Why choose this degree?
>Understand how mathematical science underpins key areas of human endeavour and industry, from engineering to construction to economics, software development to space travel. >Learn how to think hard and rigorously about mathematical questions and the fundamental theories of physics. >Take a degree where you are prepared for research in
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and their applications in science and technology.
Options after graduation?
>Theoretical physicists and mathematicians are suitable for a wide range of occupations, not only in high-tech fields, but also in areas where analytical and problem-solving skills are valued. >Graduates may consider careers in research and development, computing and software engineering, electronics, telecommunications, semiconductors, banking, finance, management and teaching, to name a few. >Many of our graduates move on to postgraduate study and research at our university or major international universities.
Some of our popular options include MSc in Mathematical
Science (Taught), MSc in Theoretical Physics (Research),
MSc in Mathematics (Research) or (Taught), PhD.
Contact us
Maynooth University Department of Theoretical Physics, Science Building + 353 1 708 3774 / + 353 1 708 3914 theoretical.physics@mu.ie www.maynoothuniversity.ie/theoretical-physics @MUTheorPhys
Maynooth University Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Logic House + 353 1 708 3914 mathsstats@mu.ie www.maynoothuniversity.ie/mathematics-and-statistics @MU_MathsStats
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Course structure
> Accelerated 3-year degree > Students enter directly into the 2nd year of the standard 4-year Mathematical Physics programme, and take a more challenging Mathematics programme beginning in first year > Students concentrate on Theoretical
Physics and Mathematics for each of the 3 years of the degree > Given the accelerated nature of this programme, a H2 grade in Leaving
Certificate Mathematics is required for entry. You require 50% in Maths (Pure) to proceed to 2nd year. You continue with Mathematical Studies in 2nd year if you attain less than 50%
Possible topics
1st year 2nd year Final year
> Einstein’s Relativity > Electromagnetism > Waves and Vibrations > Thermal Physics > Vector Calculus > Classical Mechanics > Integration > Analysis > Finite Mathematics > Linear Algebra > Geometry > Quantum Mechanics > Statistical Mechanics > Differential Equations > Particle Physics > Computational Physics > Real and Complex Analysis > Metric Spaces > Group Theory > Rings and Fields Students take 60 credits from modules in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics > Advanced Electromagnetism > General Relativity > Quantum Mechanics > Physical Cosmology > Condensed Matter Physics > Fluid Mechanics > Quantum Information Science > Topology > Group Theory > Number Theory > Differential Geometry > Probability Theory, and other mathematical topics