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This 2021 report on research and innovation at Maynooth University reflects on the work in research, scholarship and innovation of the University community in 2019 and 2020, and provides an opportunity to highlight the University’s notable achievements across its full range of disciplines, and in its interdisciplinary research institutes and centres.
At the end of what has been the most challenging and difficult academic year that most of us have ever faced, we wish to applaud the efforts and achievements of our colleagues across the University. Appreciation is due for academic staff and postdoctoral researchers, and for all the administrators, technicians and support professionals without whom the work detailed here would not be feasible.
We wish to acknowledge the steadfast commitment shown to the University and its ideals that is the basis for the delivery of the education and research through which Maynooth University makes its exceptional, unique contribution to Ireland and the wider world.
Philip Nolan, President Ray O’Neill, Vice‑President for Research and Innovation