ALIVAR complementi

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Nuovi oggetti d’arredo per dare carattere alla vita,

New furnishing items to give a true touch of character,

complementi per farsi circondare da idee luminose,

furnishings to highlight the surroundings with lighting

soluzioni per ambienti ad alto livello funzionale ed

features, ideal solutions for highly functional and

estetico. ALIVAR continua il progetto di una casa dove

modern environments. ALIVAR range continues an

ogni dettaglio ha un valore squisito, dove ogni

ongoing project in which each detail has a specific

elemento Γ¨ un punto d’interesse e concentra intorno a

intrinsic value and in which each element has a true

sè il piacere e il dinamismo. Una casa ricca

significance focused on comfort and dynamism. For a

d’ispirazioni, multicentrica, dove l’essenzialitΓ  lascia

home that is a true source of inspiration, multi-centered,

gli spazi aperti e dΓ  ottima vivibilitΓ , dove essere di

in which minimalist lines provide the scope for excellent

tendenza significa anticipare ciΓ² che c’è oltre

visibility, and fashion trends are conceived as an


anticipation of what lies beyond the horizon.




Specchio. Profilo in alluminio spazzolato anodizzato finitura seta, con luce fluorescente interna_

FRAME COLLECTION_ Specchio_Mirror_design_Giuseppe Bavuso_ Mirror. β€œSilk finish” brushed anodised aluminium frame. Inside fluorescent light_




LOOK AT ME_Specchio_Mirror_ design_Bruno Rainaldi e Andrea Salvetti_

Specchiera a parete con cornice in fusione di alluminio decorata a

Framed wall mirror in cast aluminium with renaissance floreal handdecoration in relief_

mano con decoro floreale a rilievo di provenienza rinascimentale_



LOOK AT ME, specchi singoli. Poltrone art. 334 in pelle nera (Alivar Museum)_

LOOK AT ME_Specchio_Mirror_ LOOK At ME single mirrors. Armchairs covered in black leather art. 334 (Alivar Museum)_



Specchio composto da pannello in legno laccato con attacco a parete (sia verticale che orizzontale) e da quadri in lamiera laccati distanziati di 1 cm_

QUADRUS_Specchio_Mirror_design_Bruno Rainaldi_ Mirror made of a white wooden panel with wall attachment (vertical and horizontal) and squares in painted steel sheet at 1 cm_



AB NORMAL orologio verniciato bianco_

AB NORMAL_Orologio_Clock_design_Bruno Rainaldi_ AB NORMAL clock, painted white_


W 80,7” H 66,9” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” 103 W 80,7” H 66,9”D 79,9” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” D 79,9” L/W 190 H 170 P/D 212 Europeper materasso L/WH180 200212 L/W 190 170 P/DP/D per materasso L/W Elemento 180 P/Dporta 200 TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI unit. art. 91 art. 90/B H 66,9” D 83,5” W 74,8” for mattress W 70,9” W 74,8” H 66,9”D 78,7” D 83,5” for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” L/W 103 H 233 L/W 93 H 210 design Giuseppe Bavuso W 40,5” H 91,7” W 36,6” H 82,7” Art. L1

L/W 120

SPECCHIO ed MEDIUM art.P/D 9087 Boss bed MEDIUM art.197 9087 75 H 170 209 per materasso L/W 170 P/D 9” H 66,9” D 82,3” for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5” 61 H 170 P/D 215 per materasso L/W 150 P/D 203finitura seta, con luce Specchio. Profilo in alluminio spazzolato anodizzato Specchio. Mirror. 4” H 66,9” D 84,6” for mattress W 59” D 79,9” . Mirror. fluorescente interna. 05 P/D 215 L O OperK materasso A T M E L/W 193 P/D 203 L O O K A T M E S BHE170 D 7” H 66,9” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” D 79,9” O K200A T M E Art. 180 L1 L OP/D 90 H 170 P/D 212 per materasso L/W

8” H 66,9” D 83,5” ed HIGH art. 9007

197 rd ,5” 203 . 9087 -Size ,9” 203 ze ,9” 200 ,7”

Art. L1

L/W 46 for mattress L/W 46 H 150 W P/D70,9” 5 W 18,1” W 18,1” H 59” D 2”


Art. HF1


art. 90/B L/W 93 W 36,6”


Pannello. Unit. L/W 144 H 160 P/D 14 SPECCHIO W 56,7” H 63” D 5,5”

H 210 H 82,7”

Mirror. β€œSilk finish” brushed anodised aluminium frame. Inside fluorescent light. maxporta 46” TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI unit. Elemento Elemento porta TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI unit. 51

Art. L2

D 2”

L/W 86 W 33,8”

H 86 P/D 5 H 33,8” D 2”



art. 91 L/W 103

P/D 2,5 D 1”

W 20”

o L/W 170 P/D 197 rd L/W 175 H 98



L/W 230 H 210 art. 90/C W 90,5” H 82,7” L/W 230 H 210 W 90,5” H 82,7” per 209 materasso per L/Wmaterasso 170 P/D 197 P/D L/W 170 P/D 197

H 233 H 91,7”

103 art. 90/A Specchio. Profilo in alluminio spazzolato anodizzato finitura seta, con luce fluorescente interna.

art. 90/D

L/W 79,5

H 210 art. 91

Wall-mirror composed by 3 elements. in cast art. 96 aluminium, hand-decorated. W 31,3” Frame H 82,7”

L/W 66anodisedHaluminium 210 frame. Inside L/Wfluorescent 103 light. H 233 Mirror. β€œSilk finish” brushed W 26”

H 82,7”

L/W 205 W 40,5” W 80,7”

233 HH 91,7” H 91,7”

P/D 2,5 DP/D 1” 2,5 D 1”


P/D 2,5

H 91,7”

Compo L/W 12 W 47,2

Composizione / Combination 50 P/D 44 W 47,2” H 89,8” DEleme 17,5

Base. Base. IBIS L/W 105 P/D 42

I B WI S41,3” D 16,5” Art. HF2 art. 94 art. 94 art. 95 Art. HF2 Pannello. Unit. L/W L/W 77 51H 233 2,5 L/W 77 H 233 HPannello. 233 P/DUnit. P/D 2,5 L/W 144 H 160 P/D 14 W 30,3” H 91,7” W 30,3” H 91,7” W 20” HL/W 91,7” D 1” P/D 14 144D 1” H 160

D 1”

W 56,7”

Composizione / Combination 5013 L/W 120 H 228 P/D 44,5 max 46” W 47,2” H 89,8” D 17,5” max 46”





,9” 200 ,7” 63 H 98art. 90/C P/D 209

art. 90D L/W 66 H 210 W 26” H 82,7”

H 233

IBIS QUADRUS art. 94 L/W 77 art.H 95233 P/D 2,5 51 W 30,3” L/W H 91,7” D 1” P/D 2,5 51 H 233

H 233 P/D 2,5 art. 95 H 91,7” 1” L/W D51

H 233 103 P/D 2,5 art. 92 D 1” W 20” art. 93 H 91,7” art. 91129 H 129 L/W L/W 103 L/W H 103 P/D 2,5 103 HH 50,8” 233 WH50,8” W 40,5” W 40,5”centrale. D 1” Elemento 40,5” H 91,7” Central element.

H 63”

W 56,7” D 5,5”

H 63”

Mensola. Shelf. L/W 105 P/D 29,5 W 41,3” D 11,6” Base. Base. Base. Base. L/W 105 P/D 42 L/W 105 P/D 42 W 41,3” D 16,5” W 41,3” D 16,5”

42 16,5”

D 5,5”


art. 92 L/W 2,5 art.Composizione 94129 H 129 / P/D Combination 5008 W 50,8” D 1” L/W 77 H 50,8” H 233 P/D 2,5

L/W 170 W 66,9” L/W 150 W 59 ” L/W 193 W 76” L/W 180 W 70,9”

P/D 197 D 77,5” P/D 203 D 79,9” P/D 203 D 79,9”art. 90/C L/W 230 P/D 200 D 78,7”W 90,5”

Wall-mirror composed by 3 elements.

art. 92 L/W 129 W 50,8”

H 129 H 50,8”

P/D 2,5 D 1”

art. 93 L/W 103 W 40,5”

H 103 H 40,5”

P/D 2,5 D 1”

art. 95 96 Composizione art. / Combination 5013 Composizione / Combination 5013 L/W 51 H 233 P/D 2,5 L/W 120 HL/W 228205 H 233 P/D P/D 44,52,5 L/W 120 H 228 P/D 44,5 W 20” H 91,7” D 1” W 80,7” Composizione / Combination 5013 H 91,7” D 1”

HH 233 233 HH 91,7” 91,7” P/D 2,5 H 233 D 1”


meccanismo a pila.

P/D 2,5 P/Dart. 2,594 DD 1” 1” L/W 77

art. 94 L/W 77 W 30,3” H 233 H 91,7”

Television/HI-FI unit in wood with an oak veneer or in glossy or matt lacquered wood. Arranged with cables raceway. Base made of β€œsilk

H 210 H 82,7”

art. 9000

Compo L/W 24 W 94,5

Power switch. Fluorescent light.

H 129 Hart.50,8” 90/C L/W 230 W 90,5”

Compo L/W 24 W 94,5

W 47,2” H 89,8” D 17,5” W 47,2” H 89,8” D 17,5” P/D 44,5 96 art. 94 art. 95 art. 96 L/W 120 H 228 W 47,2” H 89,8” D 17,5” H 233 P/D 2,5 Composizione / Combination 50 P/D 2,5 205 H 233 L/W L/W 77 205 H 233 L/W 51 233 P/D 2,5 H 233 P/D 2,5 P/D 2,5 art. 95 design Bruno H 91,7” D 1” 80,7”D 1”Rainaldi L/W 240 H 218 P/D 44 W 30,3” W 20” H 91,7” D 1” W 80,7”H 91,7” H 91,7”D 1” D 1” P/D 2,5 L/W 51 W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5 2,5 Composizione / Combination 5008 WP/D 30,3” D 1” W 20” W 80,7” H 91,7” D 1” L/W 120 HPagina_Page 218 P/D 44,5 345 OROLOGIO WALL-CLOCK Elemento porta TV/HI-FI in legno disponibile in rovere, lucido o laccato opaco con fori passacavi. Base in alluminio spazzolato A . Blaccato . NW O R M A L Composizione Combination 5017 A . B . N O R M A L 47,2” H /85,8” D 17,5” anodizzato finitura seta, con piedini regolabili. Colonnine laterali porta DVD in alluminio. Mensola in alluminio per videoregistratore e decoder. L/W 240 H 218 P/D 44,5 Interruttore centrale per accensione. Luce fluorescente superiore di servizio. Wall-clock made of steel plate, painted white or aluminium. Battery mechanism. Orologio a parete in lamiera di acciaio verniciato bianco o alluminio con W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5” A.B. NORMAL art. art. 94 95 L/W L/W 77 51 W 30,3” Wart. 20”96 H 233 HL/W 91,7”205

A.B. NORMAL art. 92 L/W 129 W 50,8”

Compo L/W 12 W 47,2

Composizione / Combination 5008 L/W 120Mensola. H 218 P/D 44,5 L/W 120 H 218 P/D 44,5 Shelf. Composizione / Combination 5008 WW 30,3” DD 1”17,5” Mensola. Shelf. 93art. 92 W 47,2”L/W 105 H 85,8” 47,2” H 91,7” Hart.85,8” art. Composizione / Combination 50 P/D93 29,5D 17,5” L/W 120 H 218 P/D 44,5 P/D 2,5 29,52,5 L/W 103 H 103HL/W 2,5 L/W 129 129105P/DP/D P/D L/W 103 HH218 103 P/D 42 W 41,3” D 11,6” L/W 240 P/D2,5 44 W 47,2” H 85,8” D 17,5” P/D W 41,3” D 11,6” D 1”2,5 42 W 40,5” H 40,5” W 50,8” H 50,8”D 1” D 1” 40,5” HH85,8” 40,5” DD1” 16,5” Specchiera a parete composta da 3 elementi.WW 94,5” 17,5 D 1” 16,5”

finish” brushed anodised aluminium plate with adjustable feet. Aluminium DVD rack on both sides. Shelf in aluminium for DVD/Video recorder.

per materasso for mattress per materasso for mattress per materasso for mattress per materasso for mattress

P/D 2,5 D 1”

Composizione / Combination 5010 H 218 P/D 44,5 IL/W B I 240 S W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5”

W 30,3” H 91,7” D 1”

art. 95 L/W 51 W 20”


Art. HF2 Pannello. Unit. L/W 144 H 160 P/D 14 W 56,7” H 63” D 5,5”

Elemento porta TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI unit.


Art. L2 art. 90/D Art. L2 L/W 66 H 210 Art. 90B L/W 86 H 86 P/D 5art. 90A DX - Art. 90A SX 86 H 86 P/D 5170 P/D 197 75 H 98W 26”P/D 209H 82,7” L/W per materasso L/W W 33,8” H 33,8” D 2” L/W 79,5 H 210 L/W 93 H 210 Wfor33,8” H 33,8” D WIDE 2” ed WIDE art. 9027 so L/W 170 P/D 197 Boss bed 9” H 38,6” D 82,3” mattress W 66,9” art. D 9027 77,5” W 31,3” P/D 197 H 82,7” rd L/W 175 H 126 WP/D 36,6”209 H 82,7” per materasso L/W 170 art. 90/A art. 90/A DP/D 77,5” 61 WH 66,9” 98W 68,9” 215 per materasso L/W 150 P/D for mattress 203 W 66,9” D 77,5” H 49,6” D 82,3” P/D 197 L/W 79,5 H 210 L/W 79,5 H 210 so L/W 150 P/D 203 4” H 38,6” D 84,6” for mattress W 59” D 79,9” per materasso L/W 150 P/D 203 -Size L/W90/B 161 H 126 P/D 215 art. 90/A D 77,5”art. a parete composta 3 elementi con cornice in 31,3” fusione diH 82,7” W 31,3” H da 82,7” DP/D 79,9” 05 WH 59” 98Specchiera 215 materasso L/Wmattress 193L/W P/D 203 for W 59”W W 63,4” H H49,6” Dper 84,6” 79,5 H 210D 79,9” 93 stampata 210 decorata P/D 203L/W alluminio a mano. so 193 P/D 203 7” H 38,6” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” 79,9” per materasso L/W 193 P/D 203 zeD L/W L/W 205 H H126 215 W D31,3” H 82,7” 36,6” 82,7” P/D 79,9”W DP/D 79,9” 90 WH 76” 98 212 per materasso for L/Wmattress 180 P/D 200 W 76” D 79,9” P/D 203W 80,7” H 49,6” D 84,6” so 180 190 P/D 200 8” L/W H 38,6” D 83,5” for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” per materasso L/W 180 P/D 200 H 126 P/D 212 79,9”L/W per materasso L/W 170 P/D 197209 rdD W L/W 263 H 98 P/D 209 70,9” D 78,7” L/W 263 H 98 D P/D for mattress W 70,9” 78,7” 74,8” H 49,6” D 83,5” Standard P/D 200W for mattress W 66,9” W 103,5” H 38,6” D 82,3” W 103,5” H 38,6”D 77,5” D 82,3” D 78,7” per materasso L/WH150 203215 -Size L/W 263 H 98 P/D 215 Queen-Size L/W 263 98 P/DP/D for mattress W 59 ” D 79,9” W 103,5” H 38,6” D 84,6” 197 W 103,5” H 38,6” D 84,6” per materasso L/WH193 203215 ze L/W 263 H 98 P/D 215 King-Size L/W 263 98 P/DP/D ,5” 027 ed LOW art. 9017 for mattress W 76” W 103,5” H 38,6” D 84,6” W 103,5” H 38,6”D 79,9” D 84,6” 203 L/WH180 200212 L/W 263 H 98 P/D 212 Europe per materasso L/W 263 98 P/DP/D ,9” for mattress W 70,9” W 103,5” H 38,6” D 83,5” W 103,5” H 38,6”D 78,7” D 83,5” art. 90C 203


Specchio composto da pannello in legno laccato bianco con attacco a Dparete Mirror consisting of a white wooden panel with wall attachment (vertical and W 40,5” H 91,7” 1”46” (sia L/W 120 white. H 228 max di Elemento porta TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI unit. in sheetmetal at 1 cm. distance, verticale che orizzontale) e da quadri in lamiera laccati bianco distanziati 1 cm. horizontal) and squares painted

art. per materasso L/WH170 197209 L/W 175 H 126 P/D 209 Standard per materasso L/W 170 P/D 197 L/W90/A 175 126 P/DP/D art. 90/A L/W 79,5 210 for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5” L3 W 68,9” H 49,6” Art. D 82,3” Mensola. Shelf. for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5”art. 90/A W 68,9” HH 49,6” D 82,3” max 46” H 210 L/W 79,5 H 210 L/W 150 P/D 203 L/W 105 P/D 29,5 L/W 161 H 126 P/D 52 215 Queen-Size 31,3” H 82,7” L/W H 180 per P/Dmaterasso 5 WL/W per materasso L/W 150 P/D 203L/W 79,5 max 46” 161 H 126 P/D 215 art.H 94 W 31,3” H 82,7” art. 95 233 W 31,3” 82,7” mattress W 41,3” D 11,6” 181 Base. Base. W 63,4” H 49,6” W D 20,5” 84,6” H 70,9” for D 2” for mattress W 59” D 79,9” W 63,4”W 59” H 49,6”D 79,9” D 84,6” Base. Base. L/W 77 H L/W 233176 P/D P/D652,5 L/W 51 H 233 P/D 2,5 per materasso L/WH193 203215 L/W 205 H 126 P/D 215 King-Size per materasso L/W 193 P/D 203 L/W 205 126 P/DP/D L/WW 176 P/D 65 H 91,7” 30,3” D 1” W 20” H 91,7” D 1” W 69,3” D 25,6” for mattress W 80,7” H 49,6” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” D 79,9” W 80,7”W 76” H 49,6”D 79,9” D 84,6” W 69,3” D 25,6” L/WH180 200212 L/W 190 H 126 P/D 212 Europe per materasso per materasso L/W 180 P/D 200 L/W 190 126 P/DP/D art. 91 for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” W 74,8” art. 90/A H 49,6” D 83,5” for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” W 74,8” H 49,6” D 83,5” L/W 103 L/W 79,5 H 210 W 40,5” 103 W 31,3” H 82,7” 103 Art. L3 Mensola. Shelf. art. 92 Mensola. Shelf. 103 o L/W 170 P/D 197 rd L/W 175 H 170 Art. P/DL3 209 design per materasso L/W 170 P/D 197 L/Wart. 10591P/D 29,5 art. 91 L/WBruno 52 H Rainaldi 180 P/Dart. 5 e90/B Andrea Salvetti art. 90/B52 H 180 P/D art. 90/B L/W 105 P/D 29,5 W 66,9” D 77,5” L/W103 129 P/D P/D 5 W H 66,9” L/W Dper 82,3” for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5” edP/D LOW art.68,9” 9017 W 41,3” D129 11,6”H H L/W 233 2,5 2,5 WLOW 20,5” 70,9” D 2” L/W 103 H 233 W 41,3” P/D D 2,5 materasso L/W 170art.HP/D 197 bed 9017 75 H197 126 P/D 209 L/W 93 H 210 L/WW93 HBoss L/W 93 H 210 art.11,6” 91 20,5” H210 70,9”per D 2”materasso o L/W 150 P/D 203 50,8” H 50,8” art. 90/B -Size L/W 161 H 170 P/D 215 L/W 150 P/D 203 art. 90/A Elemento singolo destro o sinistro. WW40,5” H 91,7” D 1”D 1” W 40,5” H 91,7” D 1” for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5” W 36,6” 9”D 77,5” H 49,6” D 82,3” W 36,6” H 82,7” H 82,7” W 36,6” H 82,7” L/W 103 Left H 233 P/D 2,5 W 59”W 63,4” D 79,9” 93203 H 66,9” MIRROR Dper 84,6” mattress W 59”H 210D 79,9” or right single element. Pagina_PageL/W 79,5 339 H 210 materasso for L/W 150L/WP/D SPECCHIO 61P/DH203 126 P/D 215 W 40,5” H 91,7” D 1” o L/W 193 P/D 203 W 36,6” H 82,7” ze L/W 205 H 170 P/D 215 per materasso L/W 193 P/D 203 W 31,3” H 82,7” for mattress W 59” D 79,9” D 79,9” 4” H 49,6” D 84,6” W 76”W 80,7” D 79,9” H 66,9” Dper 84,6” for mattress W 76” D 79,9” materasso L/W 193 P/D 203 05P/DH203 126 P/D 215 Specchiera parete in fusione di alluminio decorata Single mirror, frame in cast aluminium, hand-decorated. o L/W 180 P/D 200 art. 92 L/W 190 Hsingola 170 aP/D 212con cornice per materasso L/W 180 P/D 200 a art. 93 for mattress W 76” D 79,9” 7”D 79,9” H 49,6” D 84,6” mano. W 70,9” D 78,7” P/D 2,5 HT66,9” 83,5” mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” L/W 103 H 103 P/D 2,5 LWO74,8” O P/D K A212 M E Dper QL/W U A129 D R U HS 129 materasso for L/W 180 P/D 200 90P/DH200 126 Elemento singolo destro o sinistro. Elemento centrale. W 50,8” H 50,8” D 1” W 40,5” H 40,5” D 1” for mattress W 70,9” 78,7” rdD 78,7” L/W 175 H 98 P/D 209 Standard per materasso L/WH170 P/DP/D 197209 8” H 49,6” D 83,5” L/WDor175 98 element. per materasso L/WCentral 170 element. P/D 197 Left right single 51 W 68,9” H 38,6” Art. D 82,3” for mattress 197 W 68,9”W 66,9” H 38,6”D 77,5” D 82,3” for mattress W 66,9” D 77,5” L2 Size L/W 161 H 98 P/D 215 L/WH150 203215 98 P/DP/D 5” per materasso L/W 150 P/D 203 L/W 86 Queen-Size H 86 per P/Dmaterasso 5 L/W 161 ed MEDIUM art. 9087 W 63,4” H 38,6” W D 84,6” mattress W 63,4”W 59” H 38,6”D 79,9” D 84,6” for mattress W 59” D 79,9”art. 90/D 33,8” H 33,8”for D 2” 203 art. 90/D ze L/W 205 H 98 P/D 215 King-Size per materasso L/WH193 203215 L/W 205 98 P/DP/D per materasso L/W 193 P/D 203L/W 66 H 210 17 L/W 66 H 210 9” art. 90/DW 76” W 80,7” H 38,6” D 84,6” for mattress D 79,9” W 80,7” H 38,6” D 84,6” for mattress W 76” D 79,9”W 26” H 82,7” W 26” H 82,7” 203 L/W 66 H 210 art. 94 L/W 190 H 98 P/D 212 Europe per materasso L/W 180 P/D 200 L/W 190 H 98 P/D 212 per materasso L/W 180 P/D 200 9” L/W 77 H 233 P/D 2,5 WW26” H 82,7” W 74,8” H 38,6” D 83,5” for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7” 74,8” H 38,6” D 83,5” for mattress W 70,9” D 78,7”

200 ,7”

P/D 44,5 D 17,5”

design Bruno Rainaldi

Qart. U A95 DRUS Base. Base. L/W 176 P/D 65 Q U A D Art. R U HF1 SL/W 51 H 233 51 W 69,3” Art. HF1 D 25,6” W 20” H 91,7” Pannello. Unit. Pannello. Unit. 51 L/W 144 H 160 P/D 14 L/W 144 H 160 P/D 14 W 56,7” H 63” D 5,5” W 56,7” H 63” D 5,5”



H 150 D 78,7”P/D 5 H 59”

P/D 2,5 D 1”



L/W 46 H 150 P/D 5 W 18,1” H 59” D 2” MIRROR

H 218

Elemento porta TV/HI-FI. Television/HI-FI W 47,2” H 85,8”unit.


. Mirror.

art.93 92 art. L/W 103 129 HH103 129 P/D 2,5 L/W art. 92 W 50,8” 50,8” D 1” HHP/D 40,5” L/W 129 WH 40,5” 129 2,5 H 210 W 50,8” H 50,8” D 1” H 82,7”

art. 9000 Ø 140 Ø 55,1”

P/D 6 D 2,4”

art. 96 L/W 205 H 233 P/D 2,5 art.W9380,7” art. 92 D 1” H 91,7” P/D2,5 2,5 L/W 103 H 103L/W 129 P/D 2,5 P/D H 129 art. 93 1” W 40,5” H 40,5” D 1” H 50,8” art. 9000 DD1” W 50,8” L/W 103 H 103 P/D 2,5 art. 9000 P/D 6 A . B . NDO1”R ØM140 AL 140 P/DH6 40,5” WØ40,5” Ø 55,1” D 2,4” Ø 55,1” D 2,4”

93 Composizione / Combination 5010 Composizioneart. / Combination 5010 P/D 2,5240 HL/W H 103 2,5240 H 218 P/D 44,5 L/W 218103 P/D 44,5 P/DL/W Composizione / Combination 5010 D 1” 40,5” 40,5” D 1” art. 9000 W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5” W 94,5” HW85,8” DH 17,5” L/W 240 H 218 P/D 44,5 Ø 140 P/D 6 W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5” Ø 55,1” D 2,4”

Composizione / Combination 5013 L/W 120 H 228 P/D 44,5 Composizione Combination 5018 W 47,2” H /89,8” D 17,5”

Composizione / Combination 50 L/W 240 H 218 P/D 44 W 94,5” H 85,8” D 17,5


EUROPA ITALIA Gianni Versace Milano Aeroporto di Bologna Navi Costa Crociere Aeroporto di Bolzano Pitti Firenze CafΓ¨ Renault Roma Fiera Bolzano Comune di Roma Banca d’Italia Credito Bergamasco Hotel Rafael Roma Officine Panerai Hotel Le Meridien Lingotto Torino Banca Antoniana A.C. Fiorentina Comune di Napoli Mada Hotels Relax Hotels Hotel Michelangelo (Chianciano Terme) Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze Uffici della Provincia di Latina, La Farnesina, Roma Ministero dell’Interno, Roma American Express, Roma Eni Group, Milano Hotel Milano, Bergamo Una Hotels & Resort Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze UniversitΓ  LUISS, Roma Agriturismo S. Caterina, Assisi Harmont & Blaine Spa OLANDA SNC Bank Den Bosch Avero Verz. Mij Leeuwarden Groene Land Verz. Groningen De Amersfoortse Verz. Amersfoort Psych Centrum Zon & Shild Bilthoven KPMG Accountancy Nieuwegein Hotel La BergΓ¨re Maastricht BELGIO Villa Dirickz

GRECIA Ioniki Bank of Greece Interamerican Group Nestle Headquarters Athens Piraens Bank Athens REGNO UNITO GRAN BRETAGNA Axon Solutions London ICAS Edinburgh The Park Restaurant London Goldman Sachs Revlon Leaf Bar Manchester The Willow Tea Room Glasgow The Kensington Hotel London London Mel B (Scary Spice) Spice Girls Spice Cube Restaurant IRLANDA Air Lingus ISLANDA Radisson sas 1919 Hotel Reykjavik REPUBBLICA CECA Villa Tugendhat Brno Maximilian Hotel Prague GERMANIA Bosch Offices ABC Bank Berlin Hochtief Niederlassung Bayern LUSSEMBURGO WGZ Bank SPAGNA Hotel Valencia Palace Valencia Hotel San Roque Tenerife Caya General de Ahorros Granada NORVEGIA FRANCIA AUSTRIA SVIZZERA PORTOGALLO FINLANDIA





STATI UNITI Citibank Offices Sony Lobby Ann Taylor Shops Bergdorf Goodmann Barney’s New York Daniel Day Lewis Don Johnson Jennifer Lopez

OCEANIA AUSTRALIA Bally Shop Polo Ralph Lauren Deutsche Bank Citibank Limited Reader’s Digest Sony Music University of Technology of Sidney Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Telecom Australia Ltd Prospect Electricity Sidney Crown Casino Melbourne NEW ZEALAND MAURITIUS

LIBANO Credit Commercial de France Beirut

ASIA_ESTREMO ORIENTE MALESIA Musictheque Istana Hotel Kuala Lampur SINGAPORE Rabo Bank Governament of Singapore Guess Boutique Siemens Hong Kong Sithe Asia GIAPPONE Pachinko Tower Tokyo TAIWAN COREA INDONESIA


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