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University Writing Center
The University Writing Center (UWC), a unit of Undergraduate Studies, has a drop-in location on the second floor of the Business Library and Collaboration Commons (BLCC) on West Campus. The UWC advises students on their writing and public speaking projects and can help brainstorm assignments or start drafts and provide help with group projects and presentation practice. Students can also receive assistance with applications, resumes, and interview prep at the West Campus location.
Second Floor Business Library & Collaboration Commons
Learn more: writingcenter.tamu.edu/
MaysNext is a digital badging platform designed to track and encourage student engagement throughout their time at Mays Business School.
The goal of MaysNext is to increase student participation outside the classroom, track and assess experiential learning and empower all students to tell their unique stories with their very own co-curricular transcripts that highlight their involvement.
Housed within the Student Transformation Center on the second floor of Wehner, MaysNext offers a variety of digital badges that act as a virtual roadmap to help guide students during their college journey. Students earn digital badges through different levels of participation that build off the Mays Core Competencies. Gamification is also used within MaysNext through a leaderboard, competitions, and special programs promoted throughout the platform.
Based on their overall participation and badges earned in MaysNext, students can earn the Loudder Medal of Excellence to wear at graduation.
Student Involvement Resources
Business Student Council (BSC). BSC is an organization dedicated to serving the Mays Business School, positively impacting the Bryan-College Station community, and developing leaders within the council. BSC is founded on four core values: leadership, integrity, excellence, and service. BSC is responsible for events and projects, including Maysfest, Business Career Fair, Mays Exchange apparel sales, service events and more.
To learn more: www.maysbsc.com/
BSC Career Fair. A student-run, multi-day event. The fair setting has been created specifically for employer and business representatives to showcase what they do, but also as an opportunity to visit informally with students and identify candidates for immediate and future position openings. For students the fair is an opportunity to network and showcase skills and initiative.
To learn more: www.mayscareerfair.com/
Business Student Organizations. There are approximately 25 undergraduate business organizations. Some are local chapters of national professional groups, but most relate directly to a specific career or major interest. A comprehensive list of all student organizations is available through the Department of Student Activities.
To learn more: www.maysbsc.maysorganizations studentactivities.tamu.edu
Mays Business Fellows. A premier undergraduate professional development program of Mays Business School. Admission is on a competitive basis. Upperlevel students apply in the fall for this spring semester program.
Contact by email: fellows@mays.tamu.edu
To learn more: mays.tamu.edu/studenttransformation-center/business-fellows/