Dec. 5, 2012—Oh, the weather outside was frightful (80 ‘s), but the fire was so delightful… Faculty, staff, PhD students, student workers and friends enjoyed an evening of food, drink, giftgiving and conviviality at Christopher’s World Grille.
Faculty member Lucy Liu and PhD student Nicole Hanson (front row) gather in front of the Christmas tree with PhD student Krista Li, Dept. Head Rajan Varadarajan, PhD students Nooshin Lofti & Joon Ho Lim, and visiting scholar Pia Furchheim
Advisor Andrew Loring and CRS Program Coordinator Regina Gomez
Student s Lori Pineda & Courtney Monroe with Spring Robinson
Laurie Marshall and Andreas Holzenburg David and Glenda Bessler
Alan Chen with wife Haoying Sun Cheryl and Eddy Bridges.
CRS student workers Kaitlin Lentz and Kathryn Gaines with Regina Gomez (center). Paul and Ann Busch
Krista Li and Lucy Liu
Charles and Sue Futrell
Jeff and Janet Parish
Nooshin Lofti and Alina Sorescu Michael and Kristin Lowe
Alina and Sorin Sorescu Manjit and Leslee Yadav
Prabha and Rajan Varadarajan Spring Robinson and Chris Skinner
Laurie Marshall and Theresa Morrison
Kevin and Lisa Troy
Min Jung Kim and Joon Ho Lim Krista Li and husband Keli Xu
Bill and Nancy Pride
Nicole Hanson, Venky Shankar, Lucy Liu, Nooshin Loftin and Joon Ho Lim
Visiting Scholar Pia Furchheim and PhD student Shrita Koley shared an office and collaborated on a paper during Pia’s month long visit at TAMU. Pia has since returned to Germany but she and Shrita hope her visit was the start of many fruitful collaborations in the future.
Courtney Monroe and Gretchen Dekalb
Clarissa Means and her mom, Bennie Bell
Charles Futrell , Nicole Hanson, Nooshin Lofti, and Laurie Marshall
Alina Sorescu with PhD students
Nooshin Lofti, Theresa Morrison, Joon Ho Lim, and Min Jung Kim
Nooshin Lofti and Nicole Hanson
MS-Marketing students took it upon themselves to provide Christmas presents for five underprivileged little boys in BryanCollege Station. Amanda Corwin spearheaded the effort that resulted in bicycles, toys, and clothes being delivered to the children through “Project Angel Tree” sponsored by Bryan Broadcasting System and Blue Baker. Said Steve McDaniel, Director of the MS-Marketing program, “I personally thought the students’ goal of sponsoring five ‘angels’ was nice, but perhaps a little too ambitious. I was thrilled when Amanda informed me that the students had donated enough money and toys to provide for all the children. When she dropped off the presents at Bryan Broadcasting, she said the workers were truly humbled by the generosity of our MSMarketing students.”
…And it just wouldn’t be Christmas in the TAMU MKTG Dept. without Bill Pride’s “Closed on Christmas Day” sign hanging outside his office. The sign was created many years ago when Diane Dowdell (PhD student) and Bill felt the need for holiday decoration. They wanted it simple, yet they sought a certain “functionality” that was beyond pure decoration. Bill feels the inspiration for the sign perhaps sprang from his retail roots when he worked in his parents’ store many many years ago. This tongue in cheek holiday sign is designed to be quick and convenient when it comes to holiday decorating. The whole process of finding the sign and putting it up takes less than a minute--ditto for putting it away. Over the years the sign has developed a patina of a few more thumb tack holes and slightly dog-eared corners, giving it a the look of a time honored holiday tradition. We want to include your news items in the next issue. Please submit them to Laurie Marshall, Editor, at,