Marketing Monthly - July 2012

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July 2012: Vol. 7, Issue 5

Marketing Monthly Marketing Summer Study Abroad Trip

Students and Dr. Chuck Tomkovick in front of the Monte Carlo Casino

Dr. Steve McDaniel, and his wife Nancy, along with Dr. Chuck Tomkovick, Visiting Professor of Marketing, took 78 Texas A&M students on the 2012 Marketing Study Abroad Program to Europe. This was the 32nd consecutive year the Department of Marketing has sponsored the month-long trip which tours through eight Western European countries. The students

participated in fifteen marketing-related professional visits along the way. Their visit to the Monaco Department of Tourism and Conferences (MDTC) included a presentation on how the MDTC markets Monaco, which has the highest per capita GNP in the world. The MDTC also gave the group a tour of the Monte Carlo Casino. (General Warning: Don’t ever take advice from Dr. Mac on trying your luck at the slot machines!) Continued next page


Marketing Study Abroad (cont.) A special guest on the trip this year was Reveille (well, actually, a smaller, stuffed, representative version of Reveille). Marketing major, Lindsay La Rosa, volunteered to be the mascot’s “handler” and made sure her charge was wellfed and had a fun-filled and educational experience.

Lindsay and Reveille at Mair’s Berry Farm (producers of jam, jellies and spirits) outside Innsbruck, Austria.

It appears that Reveille approved of the Mair’s jams by licking the spoon clean.

Congratulations PhD Candidate Wonjoo Yun recently presented his paper at the marketing science conference and the UH Doctoral Symposium. He enjoyed the oppor-tunity to interact with many knowledgeable scholars and fellow doctoral students from other schools. Here are the details of his presentations: Wonjoo Yun, Yan (Lucy) Liu, and Venkatesh Shankar, "Sources and Consequences of Productharm Crises: Evidence from the Automobile Industry," 2012 Marketing Science Conference, June 07-09, Boston, MA, and the 2012 30th University of Houston Doctoral Symposium, April 20-21, Houston, TX.

Manjit Yadav has been invited to join the Editorial Review Board of The AMS Review. The new journal sponsored by the Academy of Marketing Science is described as, “positioned to be the premier marketing journal that focuses exclusively on conceptual and theoretical contributions across all sub-discipline areas in the field of marketing.” Haws, Kelly L.* and Joseph P. Redden (2012), “In Control of Variety: How Self-Control Reduces the Effect of Variety,” presented at BRDM (Behavioral Decision Research in Management) conference in Boulder, CO, June 2012.


Congratulations Title: Healthy Satiation: The Role of Decreasing Desire in Effective Self-Control Accepted at the Journal of Consumer Research Authors: Joseph P. Redden, Kelly L. Haws (Authors contributed equally ) Abstract: Self-control is typically viewed as a battle between willpower and desire. We focus on the desire side of the equation, and extol the positive effect of faster satiation that makes unhealthy behaviors less tempting. We demonstrate that consumers higher in trait selfcontrol demonstrate such “healthy” satiation as they satiate faster on unhealthy foods than healthy foods. In contrast, those with lower selfcontrol fail to consistently show this differential pattern in their satiation rates. This difference for high self-control people can result from faster

satiation for unhealthy foods, slower satiation for healthy foods, or both in combination. Both moderating and mediating evidence establish that changes in attention to the amount consumed helped account for these effects on the rate of satiation. The resulting differences in satiation influence the ultimate intake of unhealthy foods, underscoring the importance of the contribution differential satiation rates make to overconsumption and obesity.

Paper Presentations at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference

Haws, Kelly L.* and Joseph P. Redden (2012), “In Control of Variety: How Self-Control Reduces the Effect of Variety”

Oct. 4-7, 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

Acceptance rates were quite low for the ACR Conference, so extra congratulations are in order to the following faculty and students who will be presenting papers: Chen, Haipeng, Lisa Bolton and Sharon Ng, “Asymmetric Pricing, Relationship Norms and the Dual Entitlement Principle” Chen, Haipeng, Avichai Snir, Daniel Levy and Alex Gotler, “Price Points and Asymmetric Price Rigidity” Dzhogleva, Hristina*, Cait Poynor Lamberton, and Kelly L. Haws (2012), “Haunts or Helps from the Past: How Does Recalling Past Self-Controls Acts Affect Current Self-Control?”

Venkatesh Shankar was invited to deliver the Laurent Picard Distinguished Lecture this year at McGill University, Montreal. The invitation is made annually to a thought leader in a leading business field. Shankar will speak on marketing strategy.

Haws, Kelly L.* and Karen Page Winterich, “Supersized Pricing: Trading off Health for Thrift in a Supersized World” Haws, Kelly L., Joseph P. Redden, and Scott Davis* (2012), “Knowing When to Assimilate and When to Contrast: Self-Control and the Influence of Contextual Order” Naylor, Rebecca W., Kelly L. Haws, and Christopher Summers* (2012), “Getting Lucky: When Loyalty Status Makes You Feel Lucky” Suresh Ramanathan "The Best of Both Worlds: Effects of Product Color Brightness on Hedonic Food Consumption." He presented the same paper in May at the European Marketing Academy conference in Lisbon, Portugal.


Scholarships and Awards Ceremony

Accenture Foundation Endowed Scholarship-Katherine Eichhorn and Bonnie Woodward with Janet Parish

Joe Stallard ‘91 (VPHR Sewell Automotive) delivered a funny and insightful keynote address.

The Department of Marketing and Center for Retailing Studies Awards Ceremony distributed approximately $50,000 in scholarships and awards from multiple sources. The ceremony was followed by a buffet reception in the Cocanougher Center. Stanley Marcus Competition Winners -- Matias Brizuela, Kasey Matejka, and Brad Staff with Cheryl Bridges

Cori Farris and Cade Wood received the first-ever Certificates in Sales.

Marketing Society Scholarship-Jennifer Terry with Leslie Seipp

Gillespie Excellence in Marketing Scholarship-- Audrey Henderson with Paul Busch


Around the Department‌ Handbook of Marketing Strategy Venkatesh Shankar and Gregory Carpenter, Eds. This authoritative, comprehensive, and accessible volume by leading global experts provides a broad overview of marketing strategy issues and questions, including its evolution, competitor analysis, customer management, resource allocation, dynamics, branding, advertising, multichannel management, digital marketing and financial aspects of marketing. The Handbook comprises seven broad topics. Part I focuses on the conceptual and organizational aspects of marketing strategy while Part II deals with understanding competition. Customers and customer-based strategy, marketing strategy decisions, and branding and brand strategies are covered in the next three parts, while Part VI looks at marketing strategy dynamics. The final part discusses the impact of marketing strategy on performance variables such as sales, market share, shareholder value and stakeholder value. All of the chapters in this Handbook offer indepth analyses of research developments, provide frameworks for analyzing key issues, and highlight

important unresolved problems in marketing strategy. Collectively, they provide a deep understanding of key insights into the foundations, antecedents and consequences of marketing strategy. This compendium is an essential resource guide for researchers, doctoral students, practitioners, and consultants in the field of marketing strategy.

No More Moon Roof After years of looking out onto what looked like a lunar landscape, many marketing department windows show that crews are just finishing up repairing and resurfacing the first floor roof. As the work progressed, many layers of finishing materials, from black to white, alternately darkened and blinded observers. The latest and perhaps final treatment is a lovely layer of sand which coordinates nicely with the brick of Wehner and the West Campus Library (seen here in the distance). Notice the rainwater standing on the roof—after last year, we are all extremely grateful for it. Somehow, it still looks like a scene out of Star Wars.


New Marketing Advisor, Andrew Loring

Andrew Loring Andrew is originally from Bangor (pronounced Bang-gore with equal emphasis on each syllable), Maine. He completed his undergraduate degree in Marketing at the University of Maine (UMaine) in 2009. As an undergrad, Andrew was involved in the marketing of a unique peer education program, Male Athletes Against Violence (MAAV). During his senior year and throughout graduate school he acted as coordinator for the program. After receiving his B.A. , he worked for Verizon Wireless in their sales and customer service departments, at the same time continuing his role as coordinator for MAAV. In 2012 Andrew received his Master’s degree from UMaine in Higher Education & Human Development, with a focus on furthering issues

related to men, masculinity, and conflict analysis/resolution through social media and outreach programs. Andrew is also passionate about working to prevent hazing. In his volunteer positions as staff member and social media consultant for the National Collaborative for Hazing Research and Prevention (NCHRP), Andrew was involved in the planning which went into the NCHRP workshop which was held at TAMU about eighteen months ago. He was not on the team which came to TAMU, but heard all about how awesome the Aggies are from the team members. Since the NCHRP visit , Aggies have been working on putting the NCHRP prevention programs into action here. While working on his master’s degree, Andrew was the Coordinator of the Black Bear Mentor Program at the Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism where he received the Graduate Student Employee of the Year Award. He was an active member of the Graduate Student Government and the Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society for students specializing in human sciences with a GPA above 3.5. In his free time, Andrew loves to be outdoors and involved in athletic activities. He enjoys sailing with his fiancée, Hannah, on their catamaran; hiking in the woods; working out at the gym or playing basketball. Andrew sees his role as advisor in the marketing department to be one of helping students figure out: • What/who they are interested in becoming • the best path to travel to get to where they want to go • how to best market themselves to achieve their goals Feel free to stop by Andrew’s office in the 242 suite to introduce yourself and welcome him to our department.


Center for Retailing Studies CRS Advisory Board Meeting, Dallas, Texas On June 7th, the CRS corporate advisory board gathered for its quarterly meeting at the offices of The Powell-Group in Dallas. Members reviewed the upcoming Retailing Summit conference agenda, suggested additional speakers, and vetted venues for the 2013 program. A robust discussion about CRS’s plans to retain national prominence was followed by advice on how best to achieve this goal. Recommendations included tracking former students' success and retention in the retail industry; seeking visibility through conference presentations and service on corporate boards; and, continuing to offer events that attract industry leaders. The board also suggested surveying retailers and HR managers to identify current skills beneficial (or lacking) among new hires to ensure Texas A&M’s retailing curriculum supports industry requirements. The board expressed its continued admiration of CRS’s 30 years of excellence, and enthusiasm for the expansion of CRS’s research plans.

New Student Conferences: Regina Gomez led the MKTG Department’s representation at six New Student Conferences in June. Over 400 incoming freshmen, with their parents, toured Wehner for their first experiences as admitted Mays students. Hour-long informational sessions showcased Mays’ academic departments and centers. Advisors distributed program highlights, hoping to positively impress the young students into considering declaring their major. Regina got the impression that students were split between those who already clearly knew their career goals and those who fretted about declaring a major two years from now. She advised students not to rush and truly contemplate what major fits

them best. For the first time, students were able to declare (during their initial registration period) what business major attracted them. While the most popular major was “undecided,” dozens chose marketing. This key information allows advisors to engage with students several semesters before they take MKTG 321. Hopefully this new tactic will result in improved retention between students and the “right major,” and reduce late academic career transfer among business majors. “These students are so eager! They are truly receptive to learning all about our department’s diverse enrichment opportunities, from certificate programs to internships to study abroad,” said Regina. “I normally interact with juniors and seniors. It was great to hear fresh perspectives about career goals and the excitement of transition into college life that these incoming students shared.”

Regina deserves special thanks for serving as the “face” of MKTG advising during June. While Leslie Seipp (out on maternity leave) remained accessible by email. Regina welcomed students into her office, answering questions about classes, degree plans, and registration periods. This brought a steady stream of students into the Center for Retailing Studies offices throughout the first summer semester. With Leslie’s return, Regina has shifted gears and is doing some mentoring with our new-hire, Andrew Loring, about her experiences as a student organization advisor. Regina is celebrating her one-year anniversary as a valued member of the MKTG department and we thank her for sharing her time and knowledge to advise students and assist colleagues during this transitional period.


News & Updates The Center for Retailing Studies is hosting The Retailing Career Fair on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 from 9:30 am -3:00 pm in the Wehner Lobby.

Faculty members can make a significant impact on the success of this event by encouraging students to attend--and by adding information about the event to their syllabi.


News & Updates Hollinger attends Mobile Impact Summit Kelli Hollinger attended the invitation-only Mobile Impact Summit, in Dallas, hosted by Retail Connections. Mobile is the next reinvention of retail. Its ubiquity (105% of the US population is connected and tablet sales surged 216% ) accessibility and convenience are “moving traditional stores to clicks and mortar environments” says Kroger’s Brett Boner, Head of R&D. “The store journey is changing. Upcoming grocery mobile devices allow shoppers to ‘select, scan, bag & go.’ For example, temperature tags are micro-sensors that help regulate temperature on individual food items. These tags will help keep food chilled and sanitary, benefiting consumers and creating an exceptional amount of data for marketers to use to improve the guest experience.” The intimate audience of 60 encouraged interaction, especially on the volatile topic of “showrooming,” or the practice of shoppers evaluating products in stores, but making the purchase online, usually at a cheaper price. While Best Buy practices price-match for online deals, few others do. The audience recommended that retailers leverage their associates to enhance the store experience through excellence in customer service; offer exclusive assortments of private labels to attract loyal customers; and, display QR codes on products to facilitate customer research and

engagement. Sheplers, an upscale boot seller, touted that all its new hires have digital backgrounds. “Marketing and IT areas must work together, and our store operations people must embrace technology.” The affluence of mobile shoppers is pushing reluctant retailers into action. Customers who engage with the brand through multiple social media platforms and shop on different devices are between two to eight times as valuable as single-channel shoppers according to some estimates. By 2015, mobile payments will total between $670 Billion and $1 Trillion (Juniper, KPMG). However, with any revolution, the path to success remains uncertain. A conference theme emphasized the embrace of innovation, a willingness to test, evaluate, fail and try again. With the explosion of data via POS, geo-location, video, and unstructured sources like Twitter, there has been a power-shift to the shopper. The marketer’s challenge in the new mobile world is to analyze and act upon this information to make the shopping experience more efficient and engaging, increase loyalty and sales, and realize true competitive advantage. The conference attracted 30+ retailers, including 7-Eleven, Pier 1 Imports, H-E-B, Whole Foods Market, jcpenney, as well as technology solution providers like SAP and Dell, who may prove likely partners in CRS’s retail analytics research initiatives.


Around the Department… You may have noticed…

MS Marketing News: Our Master of Science students are currently working at their summer internships. The companies they are working for are listed below. Their locations range from Singapore to South Lake, Texas!

#76 Luke Joeckel (6’6”)

#16 Matt Joeckel (6’4”)

Texas Aggie Football players and twin brothers Luke and Matt Joeckel are marketing majors. Luke plays offensive lineman and Matt is a quarterback. They are from Arlington, Texas. Their father, David, was a four-year football letterman at Texas Tech from 1979-82

Leona Tam ‘05, has accepted a position as Associate Professor of Marketing, at the University of Wollongong, 50 miles outside of Sydney, Australia. Leona just recently received tenure at Old Dominion University in Virginia. However, she decided on this move in order to be to be closer to her family, who live in Australia and Hong Kong (just one 8 hour flight away from Sydney)! She also feels it is a good move, career-wise. So she and her photographer husband and cats will be packing up soon and moving to the “Land Down Under. “

Sabre Holdings FedEx SSA Consulting Group (via Jordan Inst.) Alvarez & Marsal BNSF Railway Integer Chrysler Group Academy Sports & Outdoors Department of Marketing TM5 Properties

Texas Wesleyan University Grocery Direct Consolidated Transp. The Toro Company Altria Sales & Distribution The Marketing Arm Creative New World Essilor of America HP

Leona Tam

Is something interesting happening in your life? We want to include your news items in the next issue. Please submit them to Laurie Marshall at,


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