Sergi Gรณmez
Catalan Artist
Sergi Gรณmez
Poor Poor Earth
Sergi Gรณmez
Battle in the Forest
Sergi Gรณmez
Festa Major Scenery
Festa Major Casteller
Sergi Gรณmez
Carnaval de Cubelles 2010 Poster
Xavi Hernandez
Sergi Gรณmez
Eduard as a Wizard
Sergi Gรณmez
House on top of a Snail
Sergi Gรณmez
Wanted S&D
Sergi Gรณmez
Sergi Gómez
Illustrator and digital artist from Vilanova i la Geltrú, born in 1984. He started his artistic studies at the School of Arts Serra i Abella in L’Hospitalet del Llobregat when he was roughly twenty. After a four year hiatus, where he won the Cubelles Carnival Poster Competition three times in a row, and closer to his thirties, he continued his studies at the Municipal School of Arts and Design in Vilanova i la Geltrú, where he learned about videogame design. Since then, he has been developing his skills in both drawing and 3D modelling, where his love for detail and well-done job can be expressed. Il·lustrador i artista digital resident a Vilanova i la Geltrú, nascut el 1984. Va començar els seus estudis artístics a l’Escola d’Art Serra i Abella, de L’Hospitalet del Llobregat, al poc d’haver fet vint anys. Després d’una pausa d’uns quatre anys, en que va guanyar el Concurs de Cartells del Carnaval de Cubelles tres cops consecutius, i a prop de la trentena, va reprendre els seus estudis a L’Escola Municipal d’Art i Disseny de Vilanova, a on va aprendre sobre el disseny i el desenvolupament dels videojocs. Des de llavors, ha estat polint el seu talent tant en el dibuix com en el modelatge digital, a on pot expressar el seu amor pel detall i la feina ben feta.