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SIGN 3: Random Thought/ Psychic Perception

The Universe communicates through those random thoughts that pop into your head seemingly from nowhere. Pay attention to these and try to instinctively feel what these may mean for you in your life. It might

be something as simple as thinking of a certain friend or family member out of the blue and then calling them only to learn that they really need your love and support at the moment. It may be the sudden solution to a problem, an inspiration to go somewhere or a random idea that occurs to you. Take all these thoughts seriously and learn to develop your talent for tuning into them.


Some people are born with a stronger prevalence towards the intuitive or psychic talents of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), Clair cognizance (clear thinking) or clairaudience (clear hearing). All these gifts are about receiving guidance from the universe through different means to greater understand a situation or experience. You do not need to be a professional to learn how to develop these ways of perceiving, we all have access to the same divine source. What you must do is learn to trust yourself and your thoughts, discerning which are coming from somewhere deeply soulful and not from your analytical mind. Random thoughts are the universe’s way of confirming the conversation you are always having with it, a way to reflect how much you are allowing in to your life through your high vibration.

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