1 minute read

What is the 11:11 phenomenon?

find the number on a receipt you received when you went grocery shopping, a bank statement, the address of a street you often drive through each day or a phone number. Regardless of your zodiac sign, where you usually see the number, when you see it, and the time of the day you see it, it is a powerful moment.

One question that you should ask yourself right now is: can you wisely make use of this moment effectively? If your answer is no or if you are unsure, then that is what this book is all about.


What is the 11:11 phenomenon?

It is an experience you have where you notice the number 11:11 most times. Remember, the semicolon is not compulsory for the universe to connect with you through 11:11, for instance, as earlier mentioned, the number could just be the last four digits of phone number, a mileage number and any other thing that has to do with numbers.

So, is the number spiritual or scientific? The answer to that question is both. Spiritually, the number 11:11 signifies the moment for the human soul to identify the time for the opening of the portal between immortals and mortals. This explains why they ask you to make a wish since the theory explains that as soon as the moment in time takes place, there is a higher chance for your wish being heard and granted via the portal that is open. However, in this age of awareness, most people believe that it is more than just making a wish and receiving what you want and that is true.

The second aspect of the number 11:11 is the scientific principle behind it. The string theory is the scientific principle connecting us as a people at this precise moment in time as well as space dimension. What is string theory?

“According to string theory, what appears to be empty space is actually a tumultuous ocean of strings vibrating at the precise frequencies that create the four dimensions that you and I call height, width, depth, and time.”

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