1 minute read
1.1 Urgencies
The recent Pandemic taught us that world could go upside down and the cause could be as small as an unseeable virus and this changed everything, it disrupted our everyday life, our economy, people’s livelihood.
Not only it hit us countrywide but also individually in our own ways. Due to the lockdown, many people lost their jobs, pushed their year plans further, also due to poverty and no jobs; the suicidal rates were up in poor countries due to covid. If one small virus could shut down the whole world, how do we deal with the climate change and large scale disaster? Floods, Volcano eruptions, Landslides, Asteroids hitting earth, terrorists attacks, etc.
We need to be ready for any of such disaster, whether be natural or manmade and cope with it in no time. People’s lives hould not be affected nor the economy of the country. We saw in this pandemic, we were out of hospital beds due to which lots of people suffered. After an earthquake or other natural disaster, thousands of people are homeless, there should be an quick solution of housing for them in no time. And why just any housing, why not rebuild their same house as it is in a blink of an eye.
Figure 1: Covid Impacts on the People
WHAT happens if we couldn’t save the world and it really goes BOOM?
WHAT kind of technology would we need to live in such a world where volcanos , floods are seasonal or re-occurring on big scale over predicted years?
WHAT if towns needed to move from one to another place after the predicted years, how can we cope up with that?
WHAT type of a city system do we need which cope up the damage, fall in economy and the time lost in recovering things getting all back to normal i.e. socially, mentally and economical?
Figure 2: Nuclear War