2 minute read

What’s Happening Around the Mazamas, p



The past year has been challenging, and volunteers rose to meet those challenges, offering a variety of virtual trainings, holding virtual meetings, and planning how to deliver classes in a new way. In the past month our Backcountry Skiing team held their first-ever fully virtual course, the Intermediate Climbing School team piloted a new Crevasse Rescue & Snow Anchor Mini-Course, the Advanced Rock team piloted a Crack Climbing Clinic and Gear Placement & Anchor Building Mini-Course, and our First Aid team hosted their eighth WFA course. Not to mention, BCEP 2021 got underway with 108 students on 17 teams, in cohorts of 6 students and 4 instructors. The Research time finished evaluating Research Grant proposals and is getting ready to distribute $18,000 in grants, and the Conservation and Expedition Committees are currently in the review process. And we know this list is not exhaustive! There are many volunteers whose hard work flies under the radar or whose efforts have yet to come to fruition. It is exciting to have the MMC in use again and to see photos of students and volunteers learning, hiking, and exploring in the outdoor spaces we hold dear. None of this would be possible without our dedicated and innovative volunteers.


The committee recently surveyed the membership and is in the process of analyzing the data. The committee approved Rex Breunsbach’s outing to the Olympics (see page 6).

CLASSICS: The committee is hoping that Covid 19 protocols will ease enough to allow the annual July 4th picnic at Dick Miller’s place. SKI MOUNTAINEERING: The committee successfully offered a fully online class this year due to COVID pandemic.

FIRST AID: The June WFA course is planned for 20 students. The November WFA course and MFA course are planned for 40 students each (locations TBD).

BCEP SUBCOMMITTEE: BCEP 2021 began on March 29 with 17 teams operating in small cohorts of 6 students and 4 instructors. Final testing will be done by team leaders with their teams to avoid crosscontamination of the class cohorts.

PUBLICATION COMMITTEE: The committee welcomed Ryan Reed as a new member. The committee respectfully requests that all committees submit their monthly reports so we can be more consistent in informing on what is going on around the Mazamas.

RESEARCH COMMITTEE: The committee successfully held two online seminars with good attendance. NORDIC: The committee welcomed Freda Sherburne as the new chair, Andrea Ogston, the outgoing chair, will remain on the committee.

CANYONEERING COMMITTEE: The committee recently ran the first of two refresher training courses for leaders, one at Horsethief Butte and the other at the MMC.

CLIMBING COMMITTEE: The committee completed two leader update sessions with approximately 80 leaders attending.

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