EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES (Executive Council) APRIL 20, 2021 by Amanda Ryan-Fear, Secretary ATTENDING (ZOOM): Joe Eberhardt, President; Aimee Filimoehala, Vice President; Rick Amodeo, Treasurer; Amanda Ryan-Fear, Secretary; Jesse Applegate, Reena Clements, Lori Coyner, Judith Baker, Bob Breivogel, Staff: Sarah Bradham, Active Executive Director; Kelsey Shaw, Member Services Admin; Mathew Brock, Mazama Library & Historical Collections Manager WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by President Joe Eberhardt. ■ Joe noted a quorum was present. Joe began by noting that the executive session was going to be split into two parts, the first to be taken at the beginning of the meeting and the second at the end. Joe adjourned the public portion of the meeting at 4:05 p.m. so the recording secretary and staff presenter left the meeting. ■ Recording secretary was called back to the meeting at 4:58 p.m. and the public session resumed. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Amanda Ryan-Fear asked for approval of the minutes from the March meeting and made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Rick Amodeo seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as written. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Membership Report: Secretary Amanda Ryan-Fear gave the membership report, see page five. Additional infomation: ■ Sarah Bradham, Acting Executive Director, explained usual membership trends to compare against year over year differences. ■ BCEP operated at a smaller capacity for students and with fewer assistants, and climb season had more of a soft opening with fewer opportunities. TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick Amodeo gave the treasurer’s report, incorporated herein for reference. Items noted beyond the written summary are as follows: ■ The Finance Committee is meeting regularly.
■ The forgiveness for PPP Round 1 funding has been submitted and educationrelated revenue is looking good. ■ Have avoided withdrawing from investments and investment funds are growing slowly. ■ $1.13 million as of statement on 3/31/2021 ■ We are halfway through the fiscal year. Revenue is down, but as are expenses, so overall the net assets are increasing (~6 percent). ■ Rick recommends running popular Lodge events, e.g. Round the Mountain, and rental events, e.g. group rentals, so as to receive that revenue. ■ Plan is in progress to research new bookkeeping options to streamline processes; reaching out to the auditor for recommendation for bookkeepers with nonprofit experience. ACTING ED REPORT ■ Lodge Committee has decided to slow soft opening because they are uncomfortable with reliance on volunteer caretakers for paid customers. □ RTM is doable with Lodge in its current state, however the western portion of the Timberline Trail is closed indefinitely due to damage sustained during the Labor Day 2020 windstorm. Concerns remain regarding shuttle transportation and food for participants. □ Trail Trips Committee working on alternatives and/or solutions. □ Process of creating an Operations Plan for Lodge is well underway and has been recently aided with discovery of a Lodge Task Force report from 1998 within the Mazama archives. □ Committee and E.D. are in the process of crafting a short-term contract (approx. 6 months) for a caretaker. Possible caretaker in mind who has extensive hospitality experience. □ Rick Amodeo agreed to continue as Lodge point person. ■ COVID vaccines are increasingly administered across the region. Based on Sarah’s research, as a private organization, nothing prevents the Mazamas from requiring vaccination for participation. However, we should
proceed with caution when receiving actual copies of people’s vaccine cards (medical record). □ Sarah suggested a vaccine badge system based on an honor system (ask type and dates but won’t require documentation). □ Bob Breivogel likes the badge idea but asks if leaders will be required to be vaccinated. □ Aimee Filimoehala voiced concerns about the honor system and suggested a hybrid system: honor system for badge but participants bring vaccine cards to trailhead/meeting location for leader to verify. □ Bob suggested participants come to office for vaccine card verification. Multiple meeting attendees pointed out this was prohibitive of people’s ability to come into the office. □ Sarah requested E.C. member participation in the vaccine badge planning process. Lori Coyner volunteered to help. ■ National Volunteer Week (April 18–24) □ Daily communications planned on social media. □ Sarah hand wrote and sent 150+ cards to volunteers who have volunteered within the last three months. □ Sarah plans to continue mailing cards monthly. ■ E.C. Portal Updates □ Committee Rosters have been added to the portal. Rosters will be updated weekly via Salesforce. Report includes known FY22 plans. BYLAWS CHANGE UPDATE ■ Special election delayed to combine with regular election in Fall 2021 based on feedback received via email and social media. Feedback was that members felt unprepared for the vote and did not understand why it was a special election among other details about the proposals. ■ Informational Town Hall has been rescheduled for May 25 with the goal of answering: What are the bylaws? What changes are being proposed? Why? ■ May/June Bulletin will include process and timeline updates. Said updates are also included in each week’s eNews, the JULY & AUGUST 2021 43