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aghnÃnsâ \nd¡q«pIÄ N{Ihmf§Ä¡¸pd¯v `mh\bpsS hk´w shÅn \ngepw ImÀtaL§fpsS a\ÊnsehnsStbm hncnbn¡p¶p...... \evIp¶p......\S¶ph¶ {]Xo£bpw s\m¼chpw Xnf¡hpw taL§fpsS \ndNmÀ¯pIfn HmÀ½Ifpw aghnÃnsâ hgn¯mcIfpw ]nd¶ a®nsâ m¬ Hcmbncw Nn{X§Ä Xp¶ntNÀ¡p¶p.......taml§fpw kz]v\§fpw ISnª sNÃp¶p....... ]d¶p aghnÃp\pa¸dw BImikoaItfmfw CSm\mhmsX ]pXpagbmbv XoÀ¶ I®oÀXpÅnIÄ Bhnbmbv iq\yXbnsehn--sStbm nsehns]bvXnd§p¶p...... ]pXpa®nsâ kpKÔhpw ]pXpagbpsS kuµcyhpw a\Ê "aghnÃv ' sStbm DdªpInS¶ kÀ¤krjvSnIsf sXm«pWÀ¯p¶p. AhnsS P·saSp¡p¶p.......... A\p{KloXcmb F{Xtbm Fgp¯pImcpsS kÀ¤krjvSnIÄ nIfn sImÊv k¼¶amWv \½psS kmlnXycwKw. {]`mXIncW§Ä shůpÅ ntâbpw XoÀ¡p¶ aghnÃnsâ kuµcyw aebmfnbpsS a\Êns\ F¶pw Fgp¯ mkn hmb\bptSbpw temIt¯bv¡v hen¨Sp¸n¡p¶p. t¥mÌÀjbÀ aebmfn Atk ntebv¡v tbjsâ Cu hÀjs¯ kÀ¤krjvSn "aghnÃv '\nd¡q«pIfpsS at\mlmcnXb \n§sf Iq«ns¡mÊp t]mIpw F¶v Rm³ hnizkn¡p¶p. kvt\l]qÀÆw FUnäÀ

tSmw i¦q cn¡ Â






Dear GMA members, It is my pleasure to lead our Gloucestershire Malayalee association this successful 11th year. If we wind the clock round and look at all the past events throughout the year, we could see that all of it has been a great success. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big “thanks” to all of the members. First of all I would like to thank all the founder members of GMA. Every year each committee member works very hard to improve the activities within our community. That’s why GMA has got its name in the United Kingdom. GMA is not only working on sports and Art’s but also involving in other peoples sadness such as charity. This year GMA came with something new for the youngsters to show their talents and personalities, it was a great success on the charity night. I really appreciate the parents and the people who worked hard for the great success. For the sake of younger generation people have been making sacrifices and I hope it would continue in this trend. GMA is working very hard on sports and Art’s. Taking all the opportunities wherever GMA gets. Like UUKMA Kallamela, League matches and talent shows. But GMA always comes back home with pride. GMA woman’s forums are giving good support for the charity. Without any benefit or any request. GMA members never goes back for the charity contribution that is a success of GMA charity mission. We could make GMA go a step further by more contribution from youngsters. On that particular case parents have to take some more initiative to GMA day to day activities. Once again I am thanking all members for supporting us this tenure.We will continue our unity and hard work I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New year Regards

Sunny Lukose President Gloucestershire Malayalee Acossation


Message from the Patron Dear friends, GMA under the able leadership of President Sunny Lukose, Secratary Anil Thomas and others have done well this year. The celebrations, the charity events and other activities have gone fabulously well. There is a lot of hard work by the office bearers, executive committee and their helpers behind this success. May we hope that the GMA will continue the good work in the community and the wider society of Gloucestershire. This year our association was adjudged to be the best Malayalee association in the UK by British Malayali, online news paper. It was a great honour to accept this award in Leicester on behalf of GMA. Our unity, and hard work is the secret of this success. GMA has been very active also in nurturing the talents of the younger generation through various cultural celebrations and competitions and maintaining their links with their cultural roots in India. Individuals outside GMA has also cooperated with us for achieving this aim. We have so far supported ourselves financially. I hope the statutory bodies will recognise our good work and at least in the future make available financial grants enabling us to improve the services to the community and the wider society of Gloucestershire. I wish GMA every success now and in the future Dr. Theodore Gabriel Patron


Dear GMA Members, I feel extremely proud to be the secretary of Gloucestershire Malayalee Association for 2013/2014. Our association is truly one of a kind: it accommodates people with a huge range of talent, whether it is cultural or whether it is sports. Our association is continuously growing every year and it is moving from strength to strength. Personally, I feel that we have had a successful year. Our events such as the Charity night and Onam have had a great response, from both our members and executive team. I believe that this success is the result of everyone’s cooperation. Without all your support none of what we achieved would have been possible. We started the year with our Charity night, and for the first time in GMA history, we had a youth talent hunt. This talent hunt was thoroughly enjoyed by both the audience and the participants themselves. Through the talent show we saw how gifted our youth was, and that they are a great asset to GMA. Also, our GMA was awarded the title of best association, during the British Malayalee award show which was held in Leicester. This is a great achievement for our association and it is something that we should all be proud of. Our annual Arts day was the next event in our GMA calendar. This event too showed us the immense talent which is present within our association. The children especially worked extremely hard for Arts day and it reflected in their spectacular performances.


In the summer, we held our BBQ and Sports day. This was a day filled with enthusiasm from everyone. There was no hesitation about participating in the sports events; both children and adults alike took the sports events in the best sportsmanship. Our BBQ too was fantastic, and a lot of hard work had gone into the preparation of the food, but it was enjoyed by everyone. Our latest event so far in the year was Onam. There is no doubt that Onam was one of the most anticipated and most thoroughly enjoyed event of the year. Like every year, we had many dances and songs and exciting skits. A lot of people had dedicated their time in order to make Onam a success, and it paid off. There were a few visitors who were not malayalee who came to watch Onam and they had a great review about the event. Our children too were extremely well behaved, and I would like to thank the parents who kept their children behaved. I hope that our association will continue to grow and be a sense of inspiration for the future generation and other cultures. I’d like to thank everyone for their support throughout the year; I hope that this support will continue always. Thank you all, Anil Thomas, GMA Secretary.



sXt§meIfpsS ap¯p¡pSbpw, ]qt©meIfqsS ]mZkchqw, hbteeIfqsS kar²n¡Xncpw, Xp¼bpw, Xpfknbpw, IWns¡m¶bpw, ]¨¸«p hncn¨ s\¸mS§fpw sIm­ Êv k¼Zvkar²amb ssZh¯nsâ kz´w \mSv, \½psS sIm¨p tIcfw....AhnsS \n¶pw hnhn[ ImeL«§fnembn bpsIbnse t¥mÌÀjbdn F¯nt¨À¶ Hcp ]äw aebmfn kplr¯p¡Ä, AhcpsS Hs¯mcpabptSbqw ITn\m[zm\¯nsâbpw ^eamWv C¶v bpsI-bnse aebmfn A tkmkntbj\pIfn H¶mw Øm\¯v \nev¡p¶ \½psS kz´w t¥mÌÀjbÀ aebmfn Atkm kntbj³. ]ndhn apX C¶v hscbpÅ GMA--bpsS hfÀ¨, AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä, Cu Im­ ebfhn GMA--bpsS t\XrØm\wssIs¡mÊv AXns\ apt¶m«p am{Xw \bn¨ hyànIÄ, XpS§n Cu ImeL«§fneqsSbqÅ Hcp bm{X AXmWv Cu eLpteJ\¯neqsS {]Xn]m Zn¡m³ {ian¡p¶Xv. 2002 GMA

]ndhn FSp¡p¶p:

2000-mw BtÊmsS _n«\nse BtcmKytaJebnepÊmb tPmen km[yXIÄ tIcf¯nse Btcm

KytaJebnse A`yØhnZycmb BfpIÄ¡v ]pXnb ta¨nÂ]pd§Ä tXSphm\pÅ hmXmb\ambn. Cu ImeL«¯n t¥mÌÀjbdn DÊmbncp¶ \maam{Xambncp¶ aebmfn kplr¯p¡Ä H¶ptNcpIbqw, AhÀ¡v Hcpan¨ncp¶p skmd ]dbphm\pw BtLmjn¡phm\pw Hcp IpS¡ogn AWn\nc¡phm\pw A hÀ \S¯nb {iaamWv GMA-bpsS P\\¯n\p ImcW`qXambXv. 2002 May 26-mw X-nbXn Mr. tkma³ tPmk^nsâ lnÂtSm]v sdsÌmsdân sh¨mbncn¶p GMA-bpsS {]YatbmKw. Dr. XntbmtUmÀ K{_ntbensâ t\XrXz¯n tkma³ tPmk^v, A\kv, temd³kv s]Ãnticn, t_m_³ tPmkv, cmtPjv amXyp, tSmWn dmt^Â, sI. dmt^Â, kt´mjv t__n F¶nhcS§p¶ Hcp I½nän cq]oIcn¡pIbpw GMA-bpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¡pIbpw sNbvXp. t¥mÌÀjbdn At§mfant§mfapÅ aebmfnIsf Hs¯mcpan¸n¨p Hcp HmWmtLmjw \ S¯phm\pÅ Xocpam\ambncp¶p B I½nän BZyambn ssIs¡mÊXv. B DZyaw AhÀ hfsc hnPbIcambn \nÀÆln¨v GMA-bpsS hfÀ¨bv¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¨p. 2003 GMA hfcp¶p: 2003-sS hncense®mhp¶ AwKXz¯n \n¶pw 42 IpSpw_§fnte¡v GMA

F¯ntNÀ¶p. AtXmsSm¸w GMA-sb IqSpX kwLS\m]cambn \ bn¡phm³ P\m[n]Xy coXnbn Hcp `cWt\XrXzs¯ XncsªSp¯p. Cu hÀjambncp¶p GMA AwK§fpsS Iemhmk\Isf t{]mÕmln¸n¡p¶Xn\m bn hÀjmhÀjw Hcp amKkn³ {]Imi\w sN¿pI F¶ Bibw DSseSp¡pIbpw BZy{]Xn {]Imi\w sN¿pIbpapÊmbXv. amk¯n cÊp {]mhiyw F¦nepw GMA AwK§Ä H¯pIqSpIbpw hnhn[ Iem ImbnI hnt\mZ§fn GÀs]Sp Ibpw sNbvXncp¶p. AXv IqSmsX HmWw {InkvXpakv XpS§nb BtLmj§Ä hfsc `wKnbmbn \S¯phm\pw km[n¨p. Cu hÀjw GMA AwK§Ä \S¯nb Drayton Mannor Park hnt\mZbm{Xbpw C¶pw ad¡m\mhm¯ Hcp A\p`hw Bbn \ne\nev¡p¶p.


GMA Committee 2003 President: Dr. Theodore Gabriel, Vice president: S P Joseph, Secretary: Mr. Y Anaz, Joint Secretary : Maria K Augustine, Treasurer: Mr. Laurence Pellisseri Exe. Committee members:- Anil Thomas, Boban Jose, PK Sharafuddin, Rajesh Mathew, Santhosh Baby, T Raphel

2004 GMA apt¶m«v GMA

hfcpIbmWv. IqSpX aebmfn kplr¯p¡Ä t¥mÌÀjbdn F¯nt¨cpIbpw AtXmsSm¸w GMA-bpsS AwK_ew IqSnhcnIbpw sNbvXp. Cu hÀj¯nepw IqSpX P\]¦mfn¯t¯msS GMA AXnsâ HmWmtLmj hpw, {InkvXpakv BtLmj§fpw \S¯n AwK§fpsS a\ÊpIfnte¡v Bgv¶p Cd§pIbmbncp¶p. Cu hÀjs¯ Alton Tower hnt\mZbm{Xbpw AwK§fpsS kulr Zhpw Iq«mbvabpw IqSpX Du«n Dd¸n¨p. Cu Imebfhnepw GMA souvenir {]kn²oIcn¡phm³ I½nän AwK§Ä {]tXyIw {i² sNep¯nbncn¶p. GMA Committee 2004 President:- Dr. Theodore Gabriel, Vice president :- S P Joseph, Secretary :- Anil Thomas, Joint Secretary:-Maria Nellikanam, Treasurer :- Mr. Laurence Pellisseri Exe. Committee members:- Anil Thomas, Boban Jose, PK Sharafuddin, Rajesh Mathew, Santhosh Baby,T Raphel

2005 GMA IpXn¡p¶p

2005 ImeL«w Bbt¸mtg¡pw 100 IpSpw_§tfmfw AwK_ew DÅ Hcp Atkmkntbj³

Bbn GMA hfÀ¶ncp¶p. hnt\mZtaJebn {i² Du¶nbncp¶ GMA, Im cpWy{]hÀ¯\§fnte¡v IqSn shfn¨w hnXdnbXv Cu hÀj¯nembncp¶p. ku¯vGjy³ D]`qJWvTs¯ Xs¶ ]nSn¨pe¨ kp\man F¶ `oIc {]IrXnt£m`¯m heª \½psS \m«nse P\§Ä¡v Hcp sNdpXW embn amdn GMA-bpsS BZy ImcpWy{]hÀ¯\w. \½psS Xs¶ AwK§fn \n¶v ]ncns¨Sp¯ £800.00 tIcf apJya{´nbpsS kp\man ZpcnXmizmk\n [nbnte¡v Ab¨p sImSp¡pIbpw AXv P\§fn F¯n F¶v Dd¸v hcp¯pIbpw sNbvXp. Cu hÀjw Xs¶bmWv GMA AwKXz¯n\v £2 {] Xnamkw F¶ coXnbn hcnkwJy GÀs¸Sp¯nbXpw Cu XpI AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v thÊn sNehgn¡m³ XpS§nbXpw. ]qÀÆm[nIw `wKnbmbn Cu hÀj¯nepw HmWw {InkvXpakv XpS§nb FÃm BtLmj§fpw \S¯pIbpw GMA AwK§Ä¡v Hcp ]pXnb A\p`hw ]IÀ¶p \evIpI bpw sNbvXp. Cu hÀjw \S¯nb Longleat Safari Park hnt\mZbm{X GMAAwK§Ä¡vv {]tXyIn¨v Ip«nIfpsS a\Ên Fs¶¶pw X§n \nevIp¶ Hcp HmÀ½bmWv. Cu hÀj¯nepw GMA souvenir AwK§fpsS {]tXyI {]iwk ]nSn¨p ]än. GMA Committee 2005 President- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,Vice president - Boban Jose,Secretary - Joby Alex,Joint Secretary-:Maria Nellikanam,Rajesh Mathew,Treasurer - Mr. Laurence Pellisseri Exe. Committee members:- Anil Thomas, Charles Varghese, PK Sharafuddin,S P Joseph, Thomas P Daniel, T Raphel, Ljo George, Sunil George, Vinod Mani, U Benny

2006 GMA Hcp XWÂ

2006 ImeL«§fn GMA

t¥mÌÀjbdnse aebmfnIÄ¡v Hcp XWembn amdpIbmbncp¶p. HmWw {InkvXpaÊv XpS§nb GMA-bpsS X\Xmb BtLmj§Ä ]qÀÆm[nIw `wKnbmbn \S¯nbt¸mgpw \½psS AwK§sf _m[n¡p¶ {]iv\§sf {]Xntcm[n¡m\pw GMA F¶ kwLS\bpsS Iogn \½psS AwK§Ä ap¶n«nd§n. B ImeL«¯nepÊmb Immigration Regulation \½sf F§ns\ _m[n¡psa¶v


A¶s¯ Gloucester MP-sb IÊv t_m[ys¸Sp¯phm\pw A§s\ \½psS DÂIWvT Parliamentþ F¯n¡phm\pw km[n¨p. Cu Ime L«¯nemWv {_n«\n F¯n A[nI\mÄ Ignbpw ap³]vv Iym³kÀ _m[nXbmsW¶v Xncn¨dnªp Xncn¨p t]mtIÊn h¶ \nÀ²\ IpSpw_¯nse acnb Sn F F¶ bphXn¡v klmblkvXhp ambn t¥mÌÀjbÀ aebmfn IpSpw_§Ä ap¶n«nd§nbXv. B ImeL«¯nepw \½Ä k·\tÊmsS ]ncns¨Sp¯ 1500- Hmfw ]uÊv B bphXn¡v Hcp henb klmbambn. IjvSX A\p`hn¡p¶hcpsS IqsS F¶pw GMA DÊv F¶ Blzm\ambncn¶p AXneqsS \S¯nbXv. Cu hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb GMA Souvenir Gsd lrZyambncp¶p. Cu hÀjs¯ k½À hnt\mZbm{X GMA AwK§Ä Gsd \mfp Ifmbn sImXn¨ncp¶ eÊ\ntebv¡mbncp¶p. cÊv _kpIfn sImÅmhp¶{X BfpIfpambpÅ B bm{X C¶pw Hcp a[pcn¡p¶ A\p`hambn \½psS AwK§fpsS a\kn X§n \nev¡p¶p. GMA Committee 2006 President- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,Vice president - Sheen J Vathielil,Secretary - Antony James,Joint Secretary-Boban Jose, Binoy Mathew,Treasurer - Mr. Johnson John,Editor- Charles Varghese, Exe. Committee members:-Abin Jose, Anil Thomas, Johnson Abraham, Laurence Pellisseri, Rajesh Mathew, Tony Raphel, Sunny Sebastian, T eby Thomas, Sunil George.

2007 GMA ]pXnb Xe§fnte¡v

2007 ImeL«w Bbt¸mtg¡pw GMA Hcp apgph³ kwLS\

F¶ \nebntebv¡v DbÀ¶p Ignªncp¶p. Cu hÀj¯n BZyambn«mWv HmWhpw {InkvXpakpw IqSmsX Sports and Barbecue Day F¶ Bibw apt¶m«p h¶Xpw AXv {]mhÀ¯nIam¡nbXpw. \½psS AwK§fpsS ImbnI]camb IpXn¸nsâ Hcp XpS¡ambncp¶p AXv. Cu hÀj¯nemWv \½psS AwK§sf DÄs¡mÅn¨p Mr .Sunil Khasim ap¶n«nd§n Yahoo Group Messaging System Xp S§nbXv. GMA--bpsS hmÀ¯mhn\nab cwK¯v CsXmcp ]pXnb NphSpshbv¸mbn. Cu ImeL«¯n Xs¶ t¥mÌdntebpw sNÂsä³lmansebpw IuÊn Iu¬knen \n¶v km¼¯nI klmbw t\Sn FSp¡phm\pw Ignªncp¶p. Cu kab¯v Xs¶bmWv \½psS AwK§fpsS Birthday, Wedding Anniversaries XpS§nbh GMA-bpsS tbmK§fn FÃmhcpw IqSn Hcpan¨p BtLmjn¡phm\pw XpS§nbXv. Cu hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb Souvenir "ImgvN' GMA bpsS {]hÀ¯\ taLeIfnepw AwK§fpsS Iem] camb IgnhpIfntebv¡papÅ Hcp DÄ¡mgvNbmbn. Woburn Animal Parkþte¡pÅ hnt\mZbm{X Ip«nIfpw apXnÀ¶hcpw Hcp t]mse BkzZn¨p. GMA Committee 2007

President- Dr. Theodore Gabriel, Vice president - Vinod Mani, Secretary - Boban Jose, Joint Secretary - Sunny Sebastian, Sathish V Joy, Treasurer - Laurence Pellisseri, Asst. Treasurer - Thomas P Daniel, Editors - Stanly Jacob, Charles Varghese Exe. Committee members:- Abin Jose, Antony Joseph, Binoy Mathew, Binumon, Jisso Abraham, Manoj Mathew, Prince Palakkal, Rajesh Mathew, Mathew Idikkula, Roby Mekkara, SP Joseph, Sunil George, Tony Raphel, U Benny, Siju, Anu Alex, Danty Joseph, Anitha Baiju, Bindu Soman, Shiji Mathew.


2008 GMA ¡v Hcp ]pXnb apJw

{]mcw`Imew apX President ]Zhn Ae¦cn¨ncp¶ Dr. Theodore Gabriel Btcm Ky ImcW§fm XeØm\¯v \n¶pw hncan¡pIbpw ]n¶oSnt§m«v CXphscbpÅ Ime§fn GMA-bpsS Patron ]Zhn GsäSp¯psImÊv GMA-¡v thÊ FÃm amÀ¤ \nÀtZi§fpw \evInt¸mcpIbpw sN¿p¶p. Cu ImeL«¯n Ip«nIfpsS IemkmwkvImcnIamb hmk\Isf t{]m Õmln¸n¡p¶Xn\mbn imkv{Xob\r¯ A`ymkhpw amXr`mjbmb aebmfw ]Tn¸n¡epw Bcw`n¨Xp GMA-bpsS hfÀ¨bntebv¡pÅ Hcp \mgnI¡Ãmbncp¶p. GMA \evInb Cu ASn¯dbn \n¶psImÊmWv UK-bn At§mfant§mfapÅ aÕcthZnIfn \n¶v ssI\n dsb k½m\§Ä hmcn¡q«phm³ AwK§sf {]m]vXcm¡nbXv. B hÀjs¯ HmWmtLmj¯nepw 12 aWn¡qÀ \oÊ ]cn]mSnIfp ambn Ip«nIÄ X§fpsS Ignhv sXfnbn¨p. Cu hÀj¯n Xs¶bmWv Gloucester, Cheltenham Iu¬knepIfn \n¶pw CXc GP³knIfn \n¶pw Gähpw IqSpX km¼¯nI klmbw t\Sn FSp¡m³ km[n¨Xv. GMA sb ]än tI«dnªv BBC Radio Gloucestershireþ HmWmtLmjs¯ Ipdn¨pÅ A`napJw \evInbXpw Cu ImeL«¯nembncp¶p. GMA BZyambn Badminton Tournament \ S¸nem¡nbXpw Cu hÀj¯nembncp¶p. GMA AwK§Ä¡v thÊn {] tXyI T-shirt Cd¡nbmbncp¶p B hÀjw Sports and Barbecue Day BtLmjn¨Xv. P\]¦mfn¯w sImÊv {it²bambncp¶p B hÀjs¯ k½Àbm{X. cÊp Double decker Bus \ndsb BfpIfpambn«mbncp¶p FÃmhcpw Htct]mse BkzZn¨ Lego Land bm{X. "tZimS\¸£nIÄ' F¶ t]cnend§nb GMA Souvenir B hÀjs¯ Hcp XneI¡pdn Bbn. GMA-bpsS

GMA Committee 2008

Patron- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,President- Sunil George,Vice president- Roby Mekkara, Secretary- Antony Joseph,Joint Secretary- Siju Joseph,Treasurer- Shaji Kurian,Joint. Treasurer- Mathew Ammaikunnel,Editors- Charles Varghese, Sunil Khasim Exe. Committee members:- Dr. Biju Peringathara, Tom Sankoorikal, Roy Skaria, Shaji Varghese, Alexander T Kurian, Mathew Idikkula, Joji Kuruvilla, Bindu Soman, Shiji Thomas, Rosily Raphel , Anitha Mathai

2009 DbÀ¨bpsS ]ShpIÄ XmÊn GMA 2009-2010

ImeL«¯n GMA-sb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw \nch[n A\h[n {]XnkÔnIfneqsS IS¶p htcÊn hs¶¦nepw \qX\amb BhnjvImc§Ä sImÊpw kwLmSI ssh`hw sImÊpw AXns\ D¶X§fnse¯n¡m³ km[n¨Xv CÝvNmiànbpÅ iàamb t\Xr\nc H¶psImÊp am{XamWv. \½psS Atkmkntbj\n am{Xw HXp§n \n¶ncp¶ \½psS AwK§Ä ]nÂIme¯v UK-bnse aebmfn Atkmkntbj\pIfpsS Atkmkntbj\mb UUKMA bn t]mbn amäpc¨p \nch[n k½m\§Ä hmcn¡q«m³ km[n¨Xv AXn\p hfsc ap³]v Xs¶ 2009þ \½Ä XpS§nsh¨ Arts Day F¶ anI¨ Bib¯nsâbpw A\p`h ]cnNb¯nsâbpw anIhn emWv. Cu kab¯v Xs¶bmWv GMA-¡v kz´ambn Hcp Website ( F¶ \½psS kz]v\w ]qÀ¯nbm¡phm³ km[n¨Xv. IqSpX AwK§sf \½psS Atkmkntbjs\ ] cnNbs¸Sp¯pI F¶ ]²XnbpsS `mKambn, t¥mÌdnepw sNÂsä³lmanepapÅ FÃm aebmfn IpSpw_§fnepw Ibdn Cd§n, Ahsc kzmKXw sN¿pI F¶ ZuXyw hfsc `wKnbmbn


\S¸nem¡phm³ A¶s¯ I½nän¡v km[n¨p. CtX XpSÀ¶pÅ FÃm ]cn]mSnIfnepw IqSpX P\]¦mfn¯w hfsc kPohambn IÊncp¶p. hnhn[ tI{µ§fn \n¶pw IqSpX km¼¯nI klmbw t\Sn FSp¡phm³ IgnªXn\m \ap¡v kz´ambn Hcp ayqknIv knÌw F¶ \½psS NncIme kz]v\w kz´am¡phm\pw km[n¨p. Cu hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb GMA Hat-Dw Ignª hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb GMA T-shirt-Dw AWnªp AwK§Ä Sports&Barbecue Day BtLmjn¡phm³ AWn\nc¶t¸mÄ AXv \½psS AwK§fpsS sFIyhpw kvt\lhpw sI«pd¸pw hnfnt¨mXp¶Xmbncp¶p. \½psS Ip«nIfpsS Iem]camb IgnhpIsf IqSpX ]cnt]mjn¸n¡phm³ Dt±in¨p \½Ä XpS§nb Drawing & Coloring Competition for Kids, Chess, Caroms Competition XpS§nbh P\]¦mfn¯w sImÊv Gsd {it²bambn. t¥mÌÀjbdnepÅ CXc Community-IfpambpÅ _Ôw \ne\nÀt¯ÊXnsâ `mKambn hnhn[ I½yq WnänIfpsS ]cn]mSnIfn \½psS Ip«nIÄ ]s¦Sp¡pIbpw FÃmhcpsSbpw apàIWvTamb {]iwk Gäphm§pIbpw sNbvXp. GMA-¡v XmevImenIamsb¦nepw Hcp Office XpS§phm\pw Cu Ahkc¯n km[n¨ncp¶p. ImcpWy{]hÀ¯¯\§Ä¡v F¶pw ap³]n Xs¶ \n¶ncn¶ GMA AwK§Ä tIcf¯nse hnhn[ PnÃm Bip]{XnIsf klmbn¡m\mbn GMA Charity Foundation F¶ kwcw`¯n\pw XpS¡w Ipdn¨p. ]pXnb cq]¯nepw `mh¯nepw hyXykvXamb ]wànIfpw DÄs¡mÅn¨p ]pd¯nd¡nb "{]hmknbpsS ssIs¿m¸v' F¶ B hÀjs¯ GMA Souvenir KrlmXpcXzw sXm«pWÀ¯p¶Xmbncp¶p. GMA Committee 2009

Patron- Dr. Theodore Gabriel, President- Roby Mekkara, Vice president - Antony Joseph, Secretary - Shaji Kurian, Joint Secretary- Dr. Biju Peringathara, Treasurer - Tom Sankoorikal, Joint.Treasurer - Joji Kuruvilla, Communication Co-ordinator - Sunil George, Sports and Arts Co-ordinator - Mathew Ammaikunnel,Editor - Stanly Jacob Exe. Committee members:-Bijosh Jose, Bis Paul, Charles Varghese, Jills Paul, Jude Williams, Prince Palakkal, Santhosh Lukose, Soman Joseph, Thomas Kodankandath, Vinod Mani, Dr. Maya Biju, Florence Felix 2010

DuÀÖkzeXtbmsS GMA hoÊpw apt¶m«v:-

2010 ImeL«w Bbt¸mtgbv¡pw GMA hfÀ¶vv AXnsâ kphÀ® ImeL«¯n F¯nbncp¶p. Cu hÀjw GMA AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¨Xv GMA-¡v F¶pw A`nam\n¡mhp¶ GMA Charity Foundation F¶ kwcw`¯nsâ [\kamlmcWmÀ°w Hcp Charity Musical Night \S¯pIbpw AXn \n¶v kw`cn¨ XpI sImÊv Xncph\´]pcw Pnà Bip]{Xnbnse tcmKnIfpsS ASnb´nc Bhiyambncp¶ IpSnshÅ ]²Xn (Water Cooler system) \S¸m¡ns¡mÊpambncp¶p. HmWw, {InkvXpakv, Sports & Barbecue day XpS§nb FÃm BtLmj§fpw P\]¦mfn¯w sImÊpw kwLmS\ anIhp sImÊpw {it²bambn. Cu ImeL«¯n Xs¶bmWv AwK§fpsS Iem]camb IgnhpIsf sa¨s¸Sp¯p¶Xn\p thÊn Guitar Class XpS§nbXv. Ip«nIÄ¡pw apXnÀ¶hÀ¡pw AhcpsS Iem]camb A`ncpNnIÄ hfÀ¯n FSp¡phm³ Cu kwcw`w hensbm cp apX¡q«mbn. Ip«nIsf am{Xw DÄs¡mÅn¨p sImÊv Cu hÀjw \S¯nb Birmingham Sea life Centre-te¡pÅ Children’s Education Tour Ip«nIÄ¡v Adnhnsâbpw PnÚmkbptSbpw Ifnbpw Nncnbpw \n dª asämcp temIw Xpd¡pIbmbncp¶p. \½psS Ip«nIfpsS ImbnI] camb IgnhpIÄ hfÀ¯n FSp¡p¶Xn\p thÊn Cu Ime¯mWv Football Coaching Camp XpS§nbXv. GMA Arts day-bnse ]cn]mSnIfpsS KpW\nehmcw aÕcw hnebncn¯m³ h¶ hn[nIÀ¯m¡fS¡w FÃmh cpsSbpw {]tXyI {]iwk ]nSn¨p ]än. AXpt]mse Xs¶ Atkmkntb j\pIfpsS Atkmkntbj\mb UUKMA-bn AwKXzw FSp¯Xpw Cu Ime¯mWv. Cu hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb "Xmfntbme' F¶ GMA Souvenir Hcn¡epw amªpt]mIm¯ \à HmÀ½IfpsS Hcp Xmfntbmebmbncp¶p.


GMA Committee 2010

Patron- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,President- Vinod Mani,Vice president- Rajesh Mathew, Secretary- Laurence Pellisseri,Joint Secretary-Binumon Kuriakose, Treasurer- Joji Kuruvilla Joint. Treasurer - Jude Williams,Editor - Manoj Venugopal Exe. Committee members:Lovely Sebastian, Jolly Alwyn, Florence Mathew, Boban Jose, Binu Peter, Bijosh Jose, Dr. Asok Krishnapillai, Saji Thomas, Michael Thaiparambil, Manoj Jacob, Sathish Jose, Joji Abraham, Franklin Fernandez, Joji Kuruvilla

2011 IÀ½\ncXtbmsS GMA 2011

ImeL«w Bbt¸mtg¡pw GMA AXnsâ hnhn[ taJeIfn IqSpX IÀ½\n cXbmIpIbmbncp¶p. UUKMA-bpsS Iem ImbnI tafIfn GMA Hcp kPoh km¶n[yw Bbncn¶p. B hÀjs¯ UUKMA Regional Iemtafbn  IemXneIambn tim`n¨Xp \½psSsbÃmw {]nb¦cnbmb _nµp tkma³ Bbncn¶p. UUKMA ImbnI tafbnepw GMA AwK§Ä Ignhv sXfnbn¨p. Cu Iem taJeIfnseÃmw \½psS AwK§Ä¡v Xnf§m³ km[n¨Xv \½psS Arts day-bpsS hnPb¯nsâ ]n³_e¯nembncp¶p. GMA Charity Foundation AXnsâ ImcpWy {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡mbn Cu hÀjw XncsªSp¯Xv CSp¡n PnÃm Bip]{Xn Bbncp¶p. CXnte¡pÅ [\kamlcW¯nsâ `mKambn Hcp Charity Musical Night \S¯pIbpw AtXmsSm¸w GMAbpsS A\p{KloX KmbI\mb kn_n tPmk^nsâbpw Gähpw IqSpX GMA Souvenir-IÄ¡v \ndw ]IÀ¶ Ìm³en tP¡_nsâbpw t\XrXz¯n \½psS Xs¶ A\p{KloX KmbIÀ Be]n¨ Audio CD (s]m³XmcIw) {]Imi\w sN¿pIbpw CXn \n¶pw kamlcn¨ XpI apgph³ CSp¡n Pnà Bip]{Xnbnse Operation Theatreþ Power Failure DÊmIpt¼mÄ Operation XSÊs¸SmXncn¡phm³ Hcp UPS System \evIphm\pw Ignªncp¶p. Cu hÀjs¯ HmWw, {InkvXp akv, Sports & Barbecue Day BtLmj§Ä FÃmw GMAþbpsS biÊv DbÀ¯n¸nSn¨psImÊpÅXmbncp¶p. GMA IpSpw_s¯ H¶S¦w k¦S¡Sen Bgv¯nb Hcp hÀjw IqSn Bbncp¶p AXv. GMA IpSpw_§Ä¡v Gähpw {]nb¦c\mbncp¶ Prince Alwin AhnNmcnXambn \½n \ns¶Ãmw hnS]dªp t]mbXp GMA IpSpw_s¯ kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw kln¡phm³ Ignbp¶Xnepw IqSpXembncp¶p. Cu {]XnkÔnL«¯nepw XfcmsX H¶n¨p \n¶v At\ym\yw Bizkn¸n¡phm³ km[n¨Xv GMA AwK§fpsS a\Ênsâ \· H¶v sImÊv am{XamWv. Cu hÀjw ]pd¯nd¡nb GMA Souvenir "PmeIw' GMA--bpsS {]hÀ¯\§fnte¡v Xpd¶ph¨ Hcp PmeIw Bbncp¶p. GMA Committee 2011 Patron- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,President- Dr. Biju Peringaththara,Vice president - Philip George, Secretary - Sathish Velutheril, Joint Secretary- Manoj Venugopalan,Treasurer - Vincent Scaria,Joint. Treasurer - Shiju Philip, Editor - Stanly Jacob. Exe. Committee members:Johny Xavier, S P Joseph, Franklin Fernandez, Thomas George, Sunny Lukose, Mathew Idiculla, Manoj Mathew, Kunjumon Panikkulam, Jills T Paul, Babu Joseph, Mathew Ammaikunnel, Sajini Joji, Lovely Sebastian

2012 Zim_v[nbpsS \ndhn GMA GMA

Øm]nXambn«v 10 hÀjw XnIbpIbmWv. Cu Ignª 10 hÀj¯n\nSbn GMAbpsS DbÀ¨ UK-bnse CXc Atkmkntbj\pIÄ¡vv F¶pw Akqb Dfhm¡p¶Xmbncp¶p. 2012þ GMA AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¨Xv GMA charity Programþsâ `mKambn Hcp charity Musical night \S¯ns¡mÊmbncp¶p. t¥mÌÀjbdnepÅ CXc I½yqWnänIfpsS km¶n[yw Cu ]cn]mSn¡v amäv Iq«n. CXneqsS kamlcn¨ XpI apgph\pw XrÈqÀ Bip]{Xnbnse Operation Theatreþte¡p UPS knÌw


\evIphm³ thÊnbmWv Nnehgn¨Xv. Cu hÀjw \S¶ Arts day-bnse ]cn]mSnIfpsS \nehmcw hn[n IÀ¯m¡sf t]mepw AÛpXs¸Sp¯p¶Xmbncp¶p. CXn \n¶pw e`n¨ Bßhnizmk¯nsâbpw AwK§fpsS AÀ¸Wat\m`mh¯nsâbpw ^eambmWv UUKMA-bpsS Iemtafbn Regional Xe¯nepw tZiob Xe¯nepw k½m\§Ä hmcn¡q«n Gähpw IqSpX Points t\Sp¶ cÊmas¯ Atkmkntbj\mbn hnPbn¡m³ km[n¨Xv.GMA-bpsS kzImcy Al¦mcamb {^m¦vfn³ s^ÀWmÊkv Bbncp¶p Cu cÊp tafbnepw Iem{]Xn`. Cu hÀjw GMA bpsS {]ikvXn temIsa¼mSpw DbÀ¯n¸nSn¨p sImÊv {_n«ojv aebmfn kwLSn¸n¨ The Best Association of UK AhmÀUv hm§m³ km[n¨Xv GMAbpsS s\dpIbn sXm« XneI¡pdnbpw GMA-bpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v e`n¨ AwKoImchpambncp¶p. AtXmsSm¸w Xs¶ UK bnse Xs¶ Adnbs¸Sp¶ IemImc\pw \½psS A`nam\`mP\hpamb {^m¦vfn³ s^ÀWmÊÊkv {_n«ojv aebmfnbpsS "t]gvkWm enän Hm^v Zn CbÀ' ss^\enÌv Bbpw XncsªSp¯ncp¶p. GMA-sb kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw \½psS {]iàn temIw apgph³ Adnbn¡phm³ ]änb A`nam\\nanj§fmbncp¶p AXv. GMAbpsS HmWw {InkvXpaÊv BtLmj§Ä UKbnse aäp GXp Atkmkntbj\pw AkqbtbmsS am{Xw t\m¡n¡mWp¶ A{X \nehmc¯nte¡v DbÀ¶n¶ncp¶p. GMA Committee 2012

Patron- Dr. Theodore Gabriel,President- Vinod Mani, Vice president- Santhosh Lukose, Secretary- Sathish Velutheril,Joint Secretary-Sunil George,Treasurer- Vincent Scaria Joint. Treasurer - Philip George,Web Admin - Manoj Venugopalan Exe. Committee members:-Antony Joseph, Babu Joseph, Benny Varghese, Bis Paul Manavalan, Franklin Fernandez, Jills Paul, Mathew Ammaikunnel, Mathew Idiculla, Kunjumon Panikulam , Philip Joseph Kandoth, Subin Tomy, Sunny Lukose, Tom Sankoorikal





Dbc§Ä XmÊn

GMA hoÊpw apt¶m«v IpXn¡pIbmWv. ap³hÀj§sft¸mse Xs¶ Cu hÀjhpw GMA AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v XpS¡w Ipdn¨Xv Charity foundationþsâ {]hÀ¯\§fpambn«mbncp¶p. CXn\p thÊn \S¯nb Children"s Talent Hunt UK- bnse aäv Atkmkntbj\pIÄ¡nSbn Hcp \qX\

Bibambncp¶p.CXnse hnPb Xnf¡¯n \n¶pw BÀÖhw DÄs¡mÊv sIm¨p anSp¡n Pqenbäv sk_mÌy³ UK-bnse apgph³ bphP\§sfbpw DÄs¸Sp¯n {_n«ojv aebmfn Hm¬sse³ t]mÀ«Â \S¯nb Talent Huntþepw hnPbn¨p GMA-bpsS hnPb ]XmI ]d¯n. AXv Ignªp h¶ Arts daybpw HmWhpw Sports & barbecueþhpw P\]¦mfn¯w sImÊpw \nehmcw sImÊpw {it²bambt¸mÄ kwLS\m iànbptSbpw AÀ¸W t_m[¯nsâbpw hnPbambncn¶p AhnsS \ngen¨Xv. Cu hÀjw GMAþbpsS Sports co- ordinatorsþsâ t\XrXz¯n hfsc Imcy£aamb {]hÀ¯\§fmbncp¶p ImgvNsh¨Xv. Ignª hÀjw cq]w sImSp¯ bq¯v t^mdhpambnt¨À¶p \½psS Ip«nIÄ¡mbn ^pSvt_mÄ am¨pIÄ \S¯n. GMA BZyambn kwLSn¸n¨ {In¡äv am¨v, GMAþbv¡v kz´ambn Hcp {In¡äv ¢_v F¶ Bibw DbÀ¯ns¡mÊv hcnIbpw t¥mÌÀjbÀ aebmfn {In¡äv ¢_v (GMCC) F¶ t]cn Hcp ¢_v \nehn hcnIbpw sNbvXp. Cu hÀjw \S¯nb UUKMA Regional Iemtafb Gähpw IqSpX t]mbnâ v t\Sp¶ Atkmkntbj³ F¶ t{Sm^nbpw sImÊmbncn¶p GMA aS§nbXv. GMA-bpsS kz´w {^m¦vfn³ s^ÀWmÊkvv XpSÀ¨bmbn cÊmw hÀjhpw Iem{] Xn` ]«w t\Sns¡mÊmbncn¶p \½psS hnPb¯n\p amäv Iq«nbXv. Cu hÀjs¯ GMA souvenir "aghnÃv' AwK§fpsS ^manen t^mt«mbpw DÄs¸Sp¯n ]pXnb `mh¯nepw cq]¯nepw F¯pt¼mÄ \½psS FÃmhcpsSbpw a\Ên aghnÃnsâ Ggp \nd§fpw hncnbpw F¶v Rm³ {]Xymin¡p¶p.

Cu teJ\¯neqsS {]Xn]mZn¡m³ {ian¨Xv GMA--bpsS ]ndhnbpw XpSÀ¶pÅ AXnsâ Hmtcm hÀj¯nepapÅ hfÀ¨bpambncn¶p. CXv GMA-bpsS hfÀ¨ IÊv AXnsâ IqsS Hcp Pohizmkw t]mse AXns\ amtdmSW¨p Pohn¡p¶hÀ¡v Hcp HmÀ½s¸Sp¯epw ]n¶mse hcp¶hÀ¡v GMA-bpsS CXphscbpÅ \mÄhgnIsf Ipdn¨pÅ Aht_m[hpw DÊm¡pw F¶v {]Xymin¡p¶p. Cu teJ\w \½psS kz´w `mjbmb aebmf¯n FgpXphm\pÅ {] tNmZ\w t{ijvT`mjbmb, \½psS amXr`mjbmb aebmf¯neqsS Ip«nIÄ GMA-sb Adnbp Ibpw AXneqsS \½psS kwkvImchpw ss]XrIhpw a\Ênem¡phm\pw Ignbpsa¶papÅ {] XymibpamWv. B DZya¯n AhÀ hnPbn¡pw F¶v {]Xymin¨p sImÊpw Dbc§fn \n ¶pw Dbc§fnte¡v ]d¡p¶ GMA-¡v FÃm hn[ `mhpI§Ä t\À¶p sImÊpw \n§Ä¡mbn kaÀ¸n¡p¶p...

Zim_vZnbpsS \ndhn GMA Hcp Xncnªp t\m«w...

tSmw i¦qcn¡Â 23


{]mÀ°\ PKZoizcm cm{Xnbpw iim¦ XmcI§fpw ]IepaÀ¡ _nw_hpw \ndª taLPmeIhpw arK IZ¼ ]£n hr£ ]pjv] ie` hrµhpw anIhn \nsâ ssh`h§Ä hmgv¯nSp¶p ssZhta KK\sas´mcÛpXw kap{Zsas´mcÛpXw \nJe PohPme Pohs\s´mcÛpXw kIeXpw cNn¨tXmÀ¡n AJne\m[\mb \o kIe ià \n³]Zw \an¨nSp¶p Rm³ hnt`m Zo\cn Ir]mckw IeÀ¶enªotSWsa³ am\kw `mhm\sX´p IcpW sNbvI kµXw au\aä Nn´ip²n IrXyiàn Xr]vXnbpw Rm\nf¨nSmbvhXn¶v \o ISm£taIWw DWÀthmsS¶pw F³ {]hr¯n kab\njvStbmSp Rm³ AWphnSmsX sN¿phm\\p{Kln¡ ssZhta ]pjvTn Rm³ \nan¯sasâ \mSn\pw PK¯n\pw ]pjvTnbmÀ¶p Im×Xns\\n¡p `mKytaIWw CjvS kwKa¯n\pÅ tbmKhpw `hn¡Ww CjvSt]i `àtemI ]me\mY ]mlnamw Ryan Roy & Grandpa….


Don’t Lose Hope A rare gust of cool wind swept through the barren, desolate landscape, shattering the frail surface of the water into a million fragments for a split second, and retreating as soon as it had arrived. The sun hurled its deadliest powers at the helpless innocent land; a merciless hunter with a venomous dart arrow that slowly and painfully usurped all life; a magician who loathed happiness, casting a dark spell on a land and its people, whom in his eyes had experienced too much joy and prosperity. I scanned the horizon, searching desperately for a glint of green or a patch of resilient greenery that was still fighting to survive in the desert-like conditions as well as the uncompassionate heat. All in vain. A trickle of perspiration ran down the side of my face and fell onto the dry land below, the ground soaking it up greedily, demanding for more. The fragments from a memory of a large expanse of dazzling azure water and vibrant plant life, gradually faded away, the view replaced by a shrinking mass of murky water surrounded by a vast and empty wasteland. The never-ending silence was deafening. Jagged parts of a jumbled jigsaw puzzle created a chaotic and scorching mess beneath my feet, as though the floor pattern had been arranged and assembled by a two-year-old child. It was a huge stretch of blazing ravenous land, sucking up any sources of water in a millisecond, driven thirsty and craving for more by the omnipresent power above them that mocked and ridiculed their efforts. But still the land persevered as time cruised on, and the promise of Monsoon hung in the air.

Aparna Biju


Siby: 07727004298

Jaison: 07951297481 Moonlight Bedrooms and Sliding Doors

temd³kv s]ÃntÈcn ]ehn[ ]oU\§Ä,sIzmt«j³, K p Êm , t » U v , s I m e ] m X I § Ä , t k m f m À , tImg,lÀ¯mÂ,kzÀ®¡S¯v...-CubnsSbmbn tIcf¯n CsXÃmw \n Xykw`h§fmbn amdn bXp sImÊv \½psS H«p an¡ ]{X§fpw C¶v C¯cw hmÀ¯Ifm "k¼¶'amWv. AXn \nSbnepw kaql¯n \· hänbn«nsöv, `À¯mhnsâ AImeacW¯nepw Pohsâ kv] µ\w \nebv¡pambncp¶ NneÀ¡v XpSÀ¶pw Pohnbv¡m³ Ahkcw \evIn sImÊv enPn-bpw, kz´whr¡Ifnsem¶v XnI¨pw A]cnNnX \mb hyàn¡v \evIns¡mÊv jnPn-bpw, \½sf HmÀ½n¸n¡p¶p. enPnbptSbpw jnPnbptSbpw HmÀ½s¸Sp¯ensâ I®nbmIm³ \ap¡v IgntbÊXsÃ?

AdnhpÅXmWv. F¦nepw C¯cw hmÀ¯IÄ hmbn¨pw Adnªpw kmbqÖyaSbpI F¶Xnep]cn {]mhÀ¯nIam¡pI F¶ Xe¯nte¡v Dbcm³ \½Ä ]ecpw a\:]qÀÆw aSn ImWn¡p¶p. X§fpsS PohnX¯nse Gähpw henb ]co£W L«¯nepw Cu

ChcpsS AhktcmNnXamb Xocpam\w hnes¸« ]e Poh \pIsfbpw AXphgnAhcpsS IpSpw_§tfbpw c£n¨ncn¡p¶p. C§s\ Poh³ c£n¡m³ enPn¡pw AIme¯n s]menªp t]mb AhcpsS `À¯mhn \pw ]ns¶ jnPn¡pw am{Xaà \ apt¡mtcmcp¯À¡pw km[n¡psa¶ Xncn¨dnhv \½Ä kzmb¯amt¡Ênbncn¡p¶p. AhbhZm\w hgn asämcmÄ¡v Poh³ \ evIpI! -AhbhZm\w Gähpw al¯camb Zm\ ambn amdp¶Xpw AXpsImÊpXs¶.

Adnhv {]mhÀ¯nIam¡Wsa¶ Xncn¨dnhv BWv enPn, jnPn XpS§n AhbhZm\hpambn apt¶m«p hcp¶ kpa\ÊpIsf \ap¡v {]nbs]«hcm¡p¶Xv.

am[ya§fn¡qSnbpw aäpw AhbhZm\hpambn _Ôs¸« ]cn ]mSnIfn Adntªm AdnbmsXtbm C¶v \½tfmtcmcp¯cpw `mK`mKm¡pIfmWv. B[p\nI sshZyimkv{Xw Organ Donation-\pambn _Ôs¸« k¦oÀWXIsf eLqIcn¨ncn¡p¶Xpw \aps¡Ãmw

2009 sk]väw_À 30-\v tIcf¯nse AhbhZm\ cwK¯v hn¹hIcamb Blzm\w \S¯ns¡mÊ v Fr.Davis Chiramel t{_¡n§v \yqkv Bbn \ap¡v ap¼n AhXcn¨ncp¶p. At±lw \S¯nb Blzm\w \½psS kaqls¯ sam¯¯n Nn´n¸n¡m³ ]cym]vXambXmbncp¶p. AhbhZm\


cwKt¯bv¡v kss[cyw IS¶phcm³ B Blzm\w ]eÀ¡pw {]tNmZ\ambn. acWw ap¶n IÊncp¶ ]e Poh\pIÄ¡pw AXv {] XymibpsS IncW§fmbn amdn. Poh\pthÊn aÃnSpIbmbncp¶ tKm]n\mY³ F¶ XnI¨pw A]cnNnX\mb hyànbv¡pthÊn Xsâ hr¡Ifnsem¶v \evIn sImÊv ssZh hN\w {]kwKn¡pI am{Xaà {]m hÀ¯nIam¡pI IqSn thWsa¶v Fr. Davis \½sf DXvt_m[n¸n¨p.

AhbhZm\¯ns\Sp¡p¶ kabw, \½psS Ahbh§Ä BÀ¡v e`n¡pw, AXv GsX¦nepw Cw¥ojpImct\m atäm Bbncn¡ptam, aX] camb hne¡pIÄ DÊmIptam XpS§n kwib§fptSbpw tNmZy§fptSbpw Hcp \n c Xs¶ hnZymk¼¶sc¶v kzbw IcpXp¶ \½fn ]eÀ¡papÊv. C¯cw kwib§Ä t_m[hev¡cWw hgn amäs¸tSXpw AXn\v \½tfmtcmcp¯cpw ap¶n«ndt§XpasÃ? AXà \apt¡m \½psS IpSpw_mwK§Ät¡m C¯cw thZ\Ifnà F¶pÅXv AhbhZm\hpambn klIcn¡mXncn¡p¶Xn\pw Al¦cn¡p¶Xn\pw ImcWamt¡ÊXmtWm?

\½psS Ahbh§Ä a®nt\m a®nct¡m AtXm a\pjyt\m AhImis¸«Xv? acWm\´cw AXv a®n\mWv F¶v \½psSsbms¡ At_m[a\ÊpIfn Ac¡n«pd¸n¨n«pÅXpsImÊv Zn\w{] Xn hnes¸« \nch[n Poh\pIÄ Ahbh e`yXbnÃm¯Xnsâ t]cn \ne¨p t]mIp¶p. \½psS kaql¯nsâ `qcn`mKhpw AhbhZm\s¯ A\pIqen¡p¶hcmWv. AXv ] s£, Xsâtbm kz´w IpSpw_¯nsâtbm Zm\s¯¡pdn¨Ã adn¨v aäp IpSpw_§tfm hyànItfm AhbhZm\w sNt¿Êp¶Xnsâ BhiyIXsb¡pdn¨msW¶v am{Xw. CXv ] s£ XnI¨pw kzmÀ°XsImÊv am{XaÃ, sNdp Xpw hepXpamb \½psS AÚXIÄ sImÊv IqSnbmsW¶v Kidney Federation of India-UK chapter-dpambn _Ôs¸«v {]hÀ¯n¡pt¼mÄ a\Ênem¡m³ km[n¡p¶p.

AhbhZm\ k½Xn¸{Xw H¸n«v sImSp¯XpsImÊv am{Xw \½psS ISa Xocp¶nÃ. AhbhZm\¯n\v X¿mdmsW¶pw acWm\´cw AXv \S¸mIp¶Xn\p thÊn \½psS Gähpw ASp¯ _Ôp¡tftbm kplr¯p¡tftbm Adnbn¨ncnt¡ÊXpw AXymhiyamWv. NHS Blood&Transplant- s---- â IW¡\pkcn¨v UK se Xt±iobcmbhcn `qcn`mKhpw AhbhZm\ k½Xn]{Xw H¸n«p sImSp¡pIbpw AXv kw`hn¡p¶psh¶v Dd¸phcp¯pIbpw sN¿p¶hcmWv.ChnsS khntijamb Hcp sshcp²yw FSp¯v ]dtbÊnbncn¡p¶p. UK bnepff Gjy³ hwiPcn AhbhZm\¯n\v X¿mdmhp¶Xv GItZiw cÊp iXam\w am{XamWs{X! AXpsImÊv Xs¶ Ahbh§Ä amän h¨v Poh³ \ne\nÀ¯m³ Däpt\m¡p¶ Gjy¡mcmb tcmKnIfpsSbpw AhcpsS Im¯ncn¸nsâbpw ssZÀLyw \oÊv t]mIpIbpw AXv AhcpsS Poh³ \jvSs¸Sp¶Xnte¡v

acWm\´c AhbhZm\¯neqsS \½psS cq]w hnIrXamIptam, ]qÀW AhbhZm\sa¶m arXtZlw t]mepw \½psS ho«pImÀ¡v e`n¡msX hcptam,


kaqeamb amäw hcp¯nsImÊv UK-bnse Wales AÊw»n C¡gnª Pqssebn ]m Êm¡nb Organ Donation Opt Out F¶ \nbaw C¯cpW¯n tNÀ¯v hmbnt¡ÊXmWv CX\pkcn¨v Wales-epÅ Opt Out sN¿m¯ Hmtcm ]uc\pw acWm\´c AhbhZm\¯n\v \nba{]Imcw ISs]«ncn¡p¶p. acWm\´cw {]tXyIn¨v Hcphn[ \jvShpw hcm\nÃm¯ AhbhZm\sa¶ Poh³ c£m{]hÀ¯\ t¯mSv ]pdw Xncnªp\n¡p¶ alm `qcn]£w hcp¶ \½psS C¶s¯ "{]_p²' tIcf¯n 1957-teXn\v kam\amb C¯c¯nsemcp \nbaw A\nhmcyasÃ? AXv Ahbhe`yXbnÃm¯¯nsâ t]cn acWw ap¶n IÊv Ignbp¶ At\Imbnc§Ä¡v PohnX¯nte¡pÅ aS¡bm{XbmhnsÃ?

\bn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p. Gjy³ hwiPÀ¡v Blood&Tissue Gähpw IqSpX tbmPn¡p¶Xv Gjy¡mcptSXv Xs¶bmsW¶pÅXv CXnsâ B¡w Iq«p¶p. CXpambn _Ôs¸«v enhÀ]q fnepÅ X¼n tPmknsâ t\XrXz¯n KFI-UK Chapter \S¯n hcp¶ ]cn{ia§fpw AXp t]mse¯s¶ Xsâbpw IpSpw_¯nsâbpw apgph³ kabhpw AhbhZm\ t_m[hev¡cW¯n\v thÊn Nnehgn¡p¶ NHS Organ Donor Co-ordinator Bb am©ÌdnepÅ APntamÄ {]Zo]nsâ tkh\ hpw {]iwk\obamWv “I have a dream” -1963 BKÌv 28 \v Martin Luther King Jr. hmjnwKvSWn h¨v \S¯nb hniz{]kn²amb Cu {]kwK¯nsâ 50þmw hmÀjnIw Atacn¡b CubnsS BNcn¡pIbpÊmbn. Atacn¡³ kaql¯nse Ak aXzhpw, P·n¯hpw, hÀ®shdnbpw \nbawaqew \n À½mÖ\w sN¿m³ thÊn t]m cmSnbncp¶ e£IW¡n\v hcp¶ Xsâ A\pbmbn Isf A`nkwt_m[\

AhbhZm\ cwK¯v UK aebmfnIÄ¡v amXrIbmb t¥mÌvdnse Binu Peter, A\pIcWobamb A\p`hambn \ap¡v ap¶nep Ê v. Ipd¨v amk§Ä¡v ap¼v \ S¶ Mass Organ Donation Campaign-- t¥mÌÀjbÀ aebm fnIÄ ImWn¨ ]¦mfn¯hpw klIcW hpw FSp¯v ]dtbÊXmWv. F¦nepw AhbhZm\sa¶ Poh³ c£mbÚ¯n\v \½Ä \nc´cw {iant¡ÊXsÃ? B[p\nI sshZyimkv{X¯nsâ A\´km[yXIsf {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯n Fr.Davis Chiramel, Liji,Shiji XpS§nbhsct¸mse ssZhhN\w kz´w {]hÀ¯nbneqsS ImWn¡m³ \ap¡pw km[nt¡ÊXsÃ? {]mhÀ¯nIam¡psa¶ Dd¨ a\tÊmSv IqSn Gloucestershire---se apgph³ aebmfnIfpw AhbhZm\ k½Xn¸{Xw H¸n«v sImSp¡m\pw, AXphgn aäv kaql§Ä¡v amXrIbm Im\pw apt¶m«v hcnsÃ?

sNbvXpsImÊv 1963- At±lw \S¯nb Cu {]kwKw \aps¡Ãmw kvIqfp Ifn Ncn{X ] T\¯nsâ `mKambncp¶p.hnIknX cmPysa¶v At¶ kzbw hntijn¸n¨ncp¶ Atacn¡bn 1963- At±lw hn`mh\w sNbvX Cu kz]v\w C§Ise \½psS sIm¨p tIcf¯n AXn \pw hÀj§Ä¡v ap³]v 1957 - Xs¶ \nbaw aqew s]mXpkaql¯n \S¸nembncp¶p F¶pÅXv \½psSsbms¡ A`nam\hpw {]_p² tIcfw F¶ hm¡n\pÅ hymJym\ hpamIp¶p. AXphsc tIcfkaql¯n \ SamSnbncp¶ P·nþIpSnbm³ _Ôs¯bpw D¨\oNXz§tfpw tIÄ¡m³ B{Kln¡m¯ Ncn{X¯nsâ `mKam¡n kaXzw {]Zm\w sN¿pImbncp¶p {]_p² tIcfw. A§s\ P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ "B[n]Xyw' `mhn Xeapdbv¡v AhImis¸«Xm¡m³ {]XnPvRm _²cmbncp¶ `cWIÀ¯m¡fptSbpw s]m XpP\kaql¯nsâbpw ]n·pd¡mcmb \½Ä AhbhZm\sa¶ C¶nsâ A\nhmcyXtbmSv Ft´ Aew`mhw ImWn¡p¶p? Hcp Bß] cntim[\ BhiyasÃ? AhbhZm\ cwK¯v

acWm\´cw \½psS Ahbh§Ä aäpÅhÀ¡v Pohsâ XpSn¸v {]Zm\w sN¿psa¦n AXv a®nt\m a®nct¡m Aà adn¨v \½psS klPohnIÄ¡v Xs¶ F¶v Dds¡ {]Jym]n¡m³ \ap¡v ssItImÀ¡mw. kvt\lt¯msS

temd³kv s]ÃntÈcn


One day I was playing with my friends in the field. Stephen, Harvey, Blessen, Owen, Kai all were there. We were enjoying the game. Then all on a sudden as quick as a flash a huge eagle appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me on its claws and flew up to the sky. I was so scared and shivering out of fear. Once we reached the sky it was so cool up there, all I saw was the blue and white clouds in the sky along with birds flying. Sun was shining more close to me. I wish if I could touch the Sun. I saw planets up in the horizon. It was really amazing!!! Suddenly an aeroplane came down so fast aiming our way. Luckily the bird got out of the way and saved the life. I have started to enjoy the journey. After a while, I asked the eagle “where are you taking me to?” “My kids are starving and I am taking you as food for them.” replied the eagle. “No…….. Not me please, Don’t kill me... I will listen to you whatever you say and I will ask my dad

to buy you some food for you, please let me go!!!!!!!! “I cried.

“No. I don’t trust you. You won’t give any food. I can’t let you go” said the eagle.


“Please trust me I will ask my dad to buy you some

Pizza, KFC or McDonalds Burger whichever your children like. I can even share my portion of Pizza as well for you. Please let me go.” Finally I did manage to convince the eagle and he agreed to let me go. I was so happy and I screamed out of joy. Then the mishap happened; my scream made the eagle to lose his grip of his claws and I slipped through his claws. I was falling down so fast. While flying down, I saw houses as ants and roads as lines, and it was all very weird. I was so scared again. I was crying as loud as I can and I was so frightened. It was a second away from hitting the floor; I WOKE UP……. I woke up with tears in my eyes, I was crying so much. Then I realised I was in my bed and I was dreaming. I ran to my mum and she cuddled me, I found that was very relaxing. I was scared for the next few nights to sleep thinking if I would see any more bad dreams. My mum asked me to pray to god before going to bed so I won’t get any nightmares. From that night I never forget to pray before going to bed. However I played football in the field again with Harvey, Stephen and Blessen but this time not as a dream. The End


The imporTance of reading in our lives....... In the past, literacy rates were minimal, and it was only the wealthy that were able to indulge in the pleasure of reading a book. It was in 1476, when printing was introduced, that literacy rates and books became more widespread. In our modern society, we have a huge array of books to read, from the humble books which help us to read to the latest crime thriller. It is true to say that books have been imbedded in our lives. However, the number of people who read regularly is decreasing. Children and adults alike are spending excessive amounts of time hypnotised by their television, instead of delving into the literary world. It is true that television and video games are entertaining, but the pleasure that comes from reading is irreplaceable. You may be wondering what the benefits of reading are. In fact, there are numerous benefits to reading, and in this article I hope to describe some of them to you. One of the main benefits of reading is the impact it has on our brains. Through reading, we can increase the strength of our brain. The connections between neurons are strengthened in our brain when our brain undergoes activities that are mentally stimulating, such as reading. Furthermore, reading relaxes our brain. Activities such as watching television are surprisingly stressful for our brain, owing to the constant movement of images, flashing colours and noise. This mental benefit can result in a person having


higher concentration levels and it can improve memory. When a person is really interested in a story or novel, they are sucked into the book. You may imagine you are the protagonist in the story and that you are a part of the events which are unfolding. By reading we can also develop our empathy, as we are thinking like another person so we become aware of other people’s feelings. For example, through novels such as Slum Dog Millionaire, we come to comprehend what the life of a person living in an Indian slum is like. Undoubtedly, reading will increase our imagination, and one will be able to think more widely and face problems with unique solutions if they read. Creativity is something that is vital in our lives, and it is something that many people lack; reading can ignite the latent creativity of a person. When reading a book, the reader can make assumptions and have their own interpretations of what a character is like. This is something that is unique to reading and nothing can provide an experience like it. Practice makes perfect. The same is true for literacy. By reading a wide variety of books we can develop and improve our literacy. By reading different types of genres, one can be able to write in a different way, as influenced by their reading. Especially for children and students this is a major benefit. Almost all subjects at school and education require Eng-


lish, so obviously if you are good at English you will be able to describe your ideas with greater ease. Good literacy is also useful for adults as well, as they have to be able to communicate with colleagues efficiently at work. A book can be taken anywhere you want: in the queue during shopping, a long journey on the bus or in the comfort of your bedroom. Unlike a phone or electrical device your enjoyment won’t end when the battery has been consumed. Furthermore, books are relatively cheap to buy, which cannot be said for IPods, IPhones or IPads. Also, thanks to establishments such as libraries, books can be borrowed for free. I feel the most ignored, yet most important benefit of reading is the knowl-

edge it provides us. Books are a vast store of knowledge waiting to be discovered by a reader. The things that we can learn from a book are almost endless. Although many material possessions in our lives may disappear, the knowledge in us will never be eliminated. As Sir Francis Bacon has said “Knowledge is power” Books are the means by which we can obtain knowledge and ultimately power. In conclusion, I hope you can see how great books are, and the many benefits they provide to us. It is a tool we should all utilise as it can lead to us to discover many hidden talents and past times. The pages of words can bring us a lot of joy and it is truly irreplaceable. If anything, I hope you don’t miss out on the world of books which is so easily accessible. Kevin Anil Thomas


BUDDHISM Dr. Theodore Gabriel Buddhism is one of the major religions of Indian origin that is not so widespread in India now. The original form of Buddhism known as Theravada Buddhism is more to be found in other parts of South and South East Asia, notably in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. A different form known as Mahayana originated from the spread of Buddhism into the Far East, China, Japan, Korea and Tibet and was mainly due to the efforts of Emperor Ashoka, a fervent Buddhist, who sent missionaries abroad. Buddhism has 500 million adherents worldwide and is one of the fastest growing religions in the world, including in the West. Buddhism is a unique religion in that there is no belief in God or gods in the faith. It is therefore a non- theistic religion different from most other major religions in the world which believe in God or gods. Buddhism however believes in reincarnation, and the state of godhood and Mara or the devil is one of the phases that an individual could go into depending on its karma in a particular life but even the godly state is a passing phase. If in the course of a life the individual does more punya (good deeds) than papa (sins) he can aspire to go higher, become a god and even a Buddha and if the other way round he can become a dog and even a devil. Buddhism is also unique in that it has no belief in a soul (atman), a belief vital to many religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.

Buddhism has its own unique views on personal identity believing the individuals to be made up of five heaps, 1.The body 2. Feelings 3. Perceptions 4.Impulses and emotions 5. Acts of consciousness These in death can become reconstituted into other individuals. These heaps are constantly changing so Buddhism believes that personal identity is a myth, a feeling that gives rise to selfishness, jealousy, desire and leads to evil. So the idea of individuality gives rise to desire, the key to the suffering of the world. The Buddhist ideal is therefore to attain NIbbana (Sanskrit Nirvana , literally no air) thus the human being is blown out like a flame that is deprived of air and does not exist anymore as we know existence is and does not come back reincarnated. Buddhism was founded by Siddharta Goutama (born 5th century BCE) as the son of the king of a small principality called Kapilavastu. Shortly after his birth an astrologer predicted that the prince will either become a great conqueror or a sage. His father King Shuddodhana decided to keep the prince secluded away from the seamier side of life and isolated him in the luxurious palace and its spacious grounds. But the prince was determined to know about the world outside the palace walls and ventured out secretly. Then he saw four sights for the first time which changed his perspective and his life entirely. He saw an old man which set him thinking about old age and its infirmities.


Then he saw a sick person which made him think about the weakness of the human body. Thirdly he saw a corpse which told him of the impermanence of human life. The fourth sight was that of a sanyasin (an ascetic) which suggested to him a way out of life’s troubles. So though the king tried to protect his son from all the sorrowful aspects of life, this short visit told Siddhartha that the sum of life is sorrow, trouble and death. So at night he left his wife and son and the palace and went out to seek for a solution to the transitoriness and instability of life. He tried meditation and extreme austerities such as fasting and exposure to pain and he became literally a bag of bones. But his penance and asceticism did not bring him any joy. Then at the age of 35 he sat under a tree known as the Bodhi tree (tree of enlightenment) in the town of Buddha Gaya in Bihar determined to receive enlightenment. Suddenly everything became clear to him and he found the solution to life’s problems. He was now the Buddha (The enlightened one). Though he knew the way to enlightenment and could have attained NIbbana he decided to remain in the world and communicate his knowledge about the way to a happy life for the benefit of the world. He died only when he was 80 years old. His first sermon was in the deer park of Saranath, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The Buddha collected a number of followers and instituted a monastic order, the Sangha. Buddhist practice is based on dana (charity) and five precepts of which the first one is ahimsa, non- violence. The other precepts are disavowing dishonesty, avoiding untruth, avoiding sensuality and avoiding intoxicating drinks. The way to NIbbana is hard and all Buddhists cannot aspire to it. One has to be a monk to have any chance of salvation, but all Buddhists try to experience the life of a monk by joining a monastery for at least a short period. The key principles of Buddhism is anatta (no soul) and anicca (no permanency)

A different form of Buddhism called Mahayana (The greater vehicle) believes in beings called Bodhisattvas. These are beings that deserve NIbbana but have stayed behind to help lesser mortals. These beings can be prayed to as to gods and they help their devotees. Some prominent Bodhisattvas are Amitabha (Great light), a glorious figure, Avilokiteswara (one who looks down with compassion on the world,) Maitreya, the friendly looking Buddha sometimes known as the Laughing Buddha, and White Tara and Maya Devi (female Bodhisattvas). Though the Buddha himself is no longer existent his figures as well as those of Bodhisattvas are made and prayed to in Mahayana Buddhism. There are many variants of Buddhism, we have already discussed Theravada, and Mahayana, but there is also Vajrayana (Tibetan Buddhism), Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism. Zen Buddhism talks of koans (nonsensical questions such as “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” and “what is the colour of the wind?”). These seemingly answerless questions are designed to liberate the mind from rationality and logic and attain a state of full freedom for the mind. The word Zen comes from the Sanskrit Dhyan (meditation) and this form of Buddhism is less oriented to doctrines and more focused on religious experience. Buddhism was very strong in Kerala at one time until it was displaced by the efforts of the great Hindu theologian, Shankaracharya. (lived in 8th century CE) If as some anthropologists say the Tiyya (a corruption of Dweepu) or Ezhava (from the word Elanka) came from Sri Lanka, they might have brought the religion of Buddhism also from the Island kingdom. This must be the key to why very great scholars and physicians are to be found in this community, though they are classed as untouchables. India should be proud to have given birth to such a great spiritual figure and teacher as Gautama Buddha.

Dr. Theodore Gabriel, MA; MLitt;PhD FRSA


Ayesha zoomed off to bed, opened her diary and wrote: Dear Diary, My last 2 days has been awful! And this is what happened… This morning, I was going to a party, followed with a fashion show! I love fashion shows and guess what I was in it too. When I went to get my earrings, I spotted a diamond necklace, lying on the wooden, ancient table. The diamond necklace shone into my brown eyes. I leaned against the table and placed it in my soft, sweating hands. Slowly, I picked up the necklace and attached it to my neck. It matched to my dazzling dress. As soon as I got to the party, I dashed to get a seat. The party was okay great music, food and entertainment! While the party was going on, an extraordinary thing occurred… With a sudden surprise, the diamond necklace transformed me into 100% beautiful female. Everyone stared at me; I hurried towards the toilets and locked the door. What happened? I scanned through all the jewellery I had. Once I reached to the diamond necklace, I uncovered that it was the necklace that had tricked me. The next day, at school, I wore the diamond necklace, my friends were jealous I asked them to help, but they said “No!” I was so upset. Nearly, the whole school crowded me and soon, I was uncomfortable, my friends realised that I really need HELP! At break time we headed to the head teacher’s office and borrowed some sharp objects. We tried everything finally we gave up. For the rest of break we just played and did the same at lunch too. Whilst we were playing a game, the diamond necklace became loose and I took it off. Then I discovered that friendship is the key to unlock the diamond necklace. That afternoon, I left the diamond necklace in a box and wrote down onto a piece of paper,“Friendship is the key to unlock the diamond necklace and you should

never let it slip into other hands!” And I buried it with the necklace.The diamond necklace is lost forever… Night Diary Ayesha

Esha Manoj


Mobile technology refers to any device that owners can use and take with them anywhere. Typical mobile technology includes cellular phones, laptops and global positioning systems. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two- way pager to being a mobile phone, but it has gone to its various technologies like GPS navigation device, embedded web browser and instant messaging client handheld game console and much more. Mobile Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology is the widely using and fast developing technology used nowadays. For many people, mobile technology is no longer a luxury but an essential part of life. By the introduction of wireless networking, computer technology also went far ahead. The most popular consumer products are mobile devices. As its current rate of growth, mobile technology will be ubiquitous in the near future. The most popular product which uses mobile technology is the Mobile phones. There are different operating systems used by different companies. There are all sorts of platforms like android, iOS, windows and more.

Android Android powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in more than 190 countries around the world. It’s the largest installed base of any mobile platform and growing fast every day which shows android is the most common platform. Android is engineered by Google hence Google’s own apps run best on it. Android is great for fun and for Services including Banking. Android devices come in all kinds of sizes, with all sorts of features and at all sorts of prices. Each version of Android is named after a dessert. Few of the android versions are Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froya, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice cream Sandwich, Kit kat, Jelly bean etc. The most recent version of Android is Jelly Bean.

iOS iOS is the foundation of iphone, ipad, ipod touch etc. It comes with a pack of applications that helps the user to do different applications. It makes the phones simple to use and fun to use. These applications are only for i- products it can’t run in android


or windows based devices. Cocoa Touch is the programming framework driving user interaction on iOS. Using technology derived from Cocoa and the Mac desktop, Cocoa Touch and the iOS interface were completely re-designed for multi-touch. Apple is the manufacturer of this i products. Latest version of i software is iOS7. iOS7 started with a desire to an experience people love and to make it better. It makes the phone be very easy to use.


Benefits of Mobile Technology Mobile technology makes life more convenient and allows services that would otherwise not exist. Some restaurants, for example let their customers pay for meals using a wireless credit/ debit card, removing the need to pay at a register. Mobile devices allow people to work just about anywhere. Businessmen, for example, can hook up to a wireless connection and respond to email or receive the latest financial reports even they are travelling or in leisure.


The windows phone is a great platform, it has newly released windows 8.1, which is incredibly fast and user friendly. The live tiles keep you up to date on everything from your sister’s texts to your next meeting; Live Apps bring you news, deals and more. Windows Phone is the only phones with a People Hub, where you can find your contacts, start conversations (phone, text,

Mobile technology also gives a chance for buglers to access, company or personal files, if not used properly. Administrators should put a password on their wireless network; otherwise, anybody can connect and snoop around the hard drives of computers connected to it. Mobile technology can also facilitate corporate fraud. Competitors might be able to intercept email and use that information to price their products lower. Children are thought to be at higher risk of health implications from the use of mobile phones. This is because their skulls and cells are still growing and tend to absorb radiation more easily. It is recIM, email), check out your friends’ latest posts and ommended that children use mobile phones only pictures, get to your Rooms and Groups, or even if absolutely necessary. Due to the availability of all these applications there are so many cases that make a Skype call from a contact. people are addicted to these smart phones.

Aaron Sankoorikal


kvt\lnXtc, cÊp hÀjw ap³]v Rm³ kzImcyambn FgpXnb Hcp I¯v A¶s¯ FUnäÀ Nne amä§Ä hcp¯n \½psS amKkn\n C«v Fs¶ tXtPmh[w sN¿m³ {ian¡pIbpw AXv Xncn¨dnª GMA At±ls¯ ]m¼pIfpsSbpw apXe--IfpsSbpw \m«nte¡p \mSpIS¯pIbpw sNbvX Imcyw Rm³ Bscbpw HmÀ½n¸nt¡Ê XnÃtÃm!!! \nemhnse \ngepIÄ F¶ IY F¶v FgpXn Xocpsa¶p tNmZn¨v C¶p cmhnsebpw \½psS _lpam\y\mb FUnäÀ Fs¶ hnfn¨Xnsâ ]Ým¯e¯n B kXyw \n§tfmSv Xpd¶p ]dbphm³ Rm³ B{Kln¡pIbmWv.

C\n Hcp IYmIr¯n\pw Cu KXn hccpXv!!! Rms\gpXnb IY, asämcmfpsS t]cn temIw apgph\papÅ aebmfnIfpsS I×p¶nte¡v sNÃpIbpw, ssIbSn apgph\pw thsdmcmÄ¡v In«pIbpw sN¿p¶Xp IÊt¸m asäÃmhscbpw t]mse F¶nse [mÀ½nI tcmjw Bfn¡¯n!! Hcp km£n CÃmsX IY ssIamdnbXnse _p²niq\yXsb Rm³ i]n¨p . At\zjW¯n sXfnªXv:þ Fsâ IY Ìm³en BZyambn hmbn¨Xp Hmkvt{Senbmbv¡pÅ hnam\¯n h¨mWv. CXp AhnsS t]mbn AhnSps¯ G M AbpsS FUnäÀ BIpt¼mÄ kz´w t]cn X«m\mbn«p sh¨XmWv. ] s£ IY hmbn¨p t]Sn¨p hnd¨v FgpXnb ISemkv ap³koänencp¶ {]nbZÀ³ F¶ kn\nam¡mcsâ aSnbn hoWp. IY hmbn¨ At±lw Hmkvt{Senb³

Ignª hÀjw Cd§pw F¶v {]Xo£n¨v amKkn\n CSphm\mbn IY ]qÀ¯n bmb DSs\ Xs¶ Rm³ \½psS ]gb FUn äsd G¸n¨v amKkn \n IYbpw t^mt«mbpw hcp¶Xpw kz]v\w IÊncp¡p¶ kabw.....

{Sn¸v \ndp¯n \½sS sU¶nkv tPmk^ns\ hnfn¨p. ]pÅn AsXmcp Xnc¡Y B¡n amän.

Cu Ignª \hw_À 17þ\p kn\n thÄUnencp¶p KoXmRvPen F¶ emte«sâ kq¸Àlnäv kn\na IÊv Rm³ sR«n!!!!

emte«³ Fsâ \ngepIsf ]nSn¡m³ Dr.k®n Bbn hoÊpw h¶p. kXyambn«pw Dr.k®n Fsâ IYbn CÃmbncp¶p......

Fsâ IY !!! Fsâ \nemhpIÄ!!! Fsâ \ngepIÄ !!!!

CXp am{XamWv sU¶nkv FgpXn IbänbXv.


Hcp tIkv sImSp¡m³ ¹m³ sNbvX XmWv, shdptX BâWn s]cpw_mhqcn\p ]Wn DÊm¡tÃm F¶v hnNmcn¨v thÊ F¶p h¨p...... Rm³ kz´ambn FgpXnb IY, GMA AwK§Ä hmbn¡m\mbn sImXn¨ncp¶ IY, asämcmfpsS t]cnemsW¦nepw NqtSmsS

ImWphm³ Ahkcw Hcp¡nb Znt\jn\p \µn. kXymbn«pw Fsâ IYbmWv. Gbv! \n§Ä¡v kwibapÊmInÃ, kwibapsʦn Ìm³entbmSv tNmZn¨n«v ImcyhpanÃ!! Ah³ Fsâ IY hmbn¨ tjm¡n\v FÃmw ad¶pt]mbn.

\nemhpw \ngepIfpw FÃmw ....

NB : C\n taen IY FUnäÀ¡v ssIamdpt¼mÄ km£n thWw, H¸v taSn¡Ww. ( G M A bpsS ss_tembn tNÀ¡m³ )



National Healthcare Service popularly known as NHS are publicly funded systems in the countries of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Following systems of health services were formed in 1948 and known in different names in different states of U.K • England - National Health Service - NHS • Northern Ireland - Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (HSCNI) • Scotland - NHS Scotland • Wales - NHS Wales Despite their separate funding and administration, there is no discrimination when a resident of one country of the United Kingdom requires treatment in another, although a patient will often be returned to their home area when they are fit to be moved. Foreign nationals always receive treatment free at the time of use for emergencies. Foreign nationals may be subjected to an interview to establish their nationality and residence status, which must be resolved before non-emergency treatment can commence. Patients who do not qualify for free treatment are asked to pay in advance, or to sign a written undertaking to pay. Citizens of European Economic Area nations, as well as those from countries with which the UK has a reciprocal arrangements, are also entitled to free treatment by using the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which is available free of cost from website Every health service system in U.K being funded by general taxation. NHS budget roughly equates to a contribution of £2,000 for every man, woman and child in the UK Following was the planned expenditure for NHS for 2012/2013 • £108.9 billion for National Health Service (England) • £3.9bn for Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland • £9.38bn for NHS Scotland • £5.3bn for NHS Wales About 60% of the NHS budget is used to pay staff. A further 20% pays for drugs and other supplies, with the remaining 20% split between buildings, equipment and training costs on the one hand and medical equipment, catering and cleaning on the other.


NHS – England is the largest and the oldest single-payer healthcare system in the world. The idea of the NHS being free at the point of use is contained in its core principles from the original NHS set-up, which are non-negotiable at their root but have variously been open to some interpretation over the years. Core principles of NHS states, • That it meet the needs of everyone • That it be free at the point of delivery • That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay But patients have been charged for some services such as eye tests, dental care and prescriptions. NHS services is being provided by, • NHS acute trusts - administer hospitals, treatment centres and specialist care in around 1,600 NHS hospitals • NHS ambulance services trusts • NHS care trusts, providing both health and social care services • NHS mental health trusts, specialising in managing and treating mental illness, including by the use of involuntary commitment powers The NHS also plays a unique role in the training of new doctors in England, with approximately 8000 places for student doctors each year, all of which are attached to an NHS University Hospital trust. After completing medical school, these new doctors must go on to complete a two-year foundation training programme to become fully registered with the General Medical Council Health screening for over 40s: From 1 April 2008, everyone over 40 years old will be offered health checks for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease under new government plans. However, doctors currently reserve judgment on the effectiveness of the policy.

W.H.O performance list of other Interesting countries – 1 being the best. In a very recent WHO publication UK came 18th place overall 1-France 3-SanMarino 5-Malta 7-Spain 9-Austria 18-UnintedKingdom 76-Srilanka 130-Russia

2-Italy 4-Andorra 6-Singapore 8-Oman 10-Japan 27-U.A.E 112-India With best regards,

Courtesy Websites : WHO, Wikipedia, NHS Any Comments –


Roy Skaria

MURAL PAINTINGS Aparna Biju & Lakshmi Biju


Mural paintings are basically any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. They started their artwork with the available technique and colours on their dwelling places and there are reported findings dated back to 30000 BC.

Kerala Murals

Typical Kerala temple murals are based on mythical characters and legends. They are mostly made between 9th and 12th centuries, when they flourished and were enjoyed by the royal sector of the population. Kerala murals are recognised and well known for their symmetry and precision. Now here are two of the most famous forms of Kerala Mural art: FABRIC MURALS – These are exactly what they sound like; mural paintings on fabric. Fabric Murals are very popular in Kerala and can be found inside many temples and churches. AJANTA MURALS – These are quite a unique type of mural art form and they are also the earliest form of not only murals but Indian art. Ajanta murals mostly revolve around the life stories of the Buddha. It has heavily influenced modern Indian art.

Colours of Murals

Selection of colours is very important in mural art paintings and to get the authentic look, we should choose the colours used in the original paintings. There are unwritten rules to select colours for each character and there are mainly three major divisions: satvic (divine, balanced, or pure), rajasic (active, warrior or dynamic) and tamasic (asuras, demons, inert. Satvic usually uses green, rajasic uses yellow and red and tamasic uses white and black. Even though this is the general rule, there are exceptions as avatars of Vishnu are usually coloured blue. Saffron red is generally the most predominant colour in Kerala murals. This colour rules are adapted for the more recent temple dance forms like Kathakali. Also, the murals of Kerala have been influenced by the Dravidian art form of ‘kalamezhuthu’.

Now let’s look at a few examples of mural paintings (painted by Mrs Lalitha Appunny [our grandmother]): These are examples of mural paintings on fabric. The paintings show Krishna (a famous avatar of Vishnu) alongside Radha. Lots of mural paintings use Krishna and Radha. Other Kerala murals depict mythology and legends that are mostly drawn on the walls of temples and churches.


This specific mural art is known as an Ajanta mural. It originates from the mural paintings inside the Ajanta caves in Maharashtra, India. The caves include paintings and sculptures that are described to the finest living examples of Indian Art, and they are mostly revolved around Buddhism, with pictures of the Buddha and depictions of the Jakarta tales. They were originally made from natural resources but modern ones now use

a variety of different materials.

This is a mural painting of Ganesh, an elephant-headed deity in Hindu mythology. This is a very intricate detailed mural painting that uses acrylic colours to bring the painting to life. The basic shape is first outlined on canvas, and then uses mostly red and orange acrylics to bring the rajasic colouring to represent the character in the painting.

This is a fantastic example of the art form of cone painting. The actual basic shape and form of the painting is drawn in painted first using acrylics. Then, using a cone (Mehndi cone type structure), add in details that protrude from the painting. This is very effective and also very easy to do.

Here are a few further examples from the Internet:

Krishna and the Gopis

Ananthashyanam, depicted in Kerala’s characteristic temple mural style


Dementia Understanding Dementia could help us to offer and receive support if this may affect you, anyone in your family or your friends, either today or in future. There are around 800,000 people in the UK with dementia. One in three people over 65 will develop dementia, and two-thirds of people with dementia are women. The number of people with dementia is increasing because people are living longer and it is estimated that by 2021, the number of people with dementia in the UK will have increased to around 1 million. If you’re becoming increasingly forgetful, particularly if you’re over the age of 65, it may be a good idea to talk to your family and your Doctor about dementia. As you get older, you may find that memory loss can become a problem. It’s normal for your memory to be affected by age, stress, tiredness, or certain illnesses and medications. However if it happens frequently and affects the daily routine, this can be annoying for you or someone you know; they might need some specialist help. Your risk of developing dementia increases as you get older, it also depends on your Genetics structure, your life style that include drugs and alcohol misuse leading to brain damage and in possible vascular risk client groups. Even though this condition usually occurs in people over the age of 65, recently we are seeing lots of people who are under 65 with Dementia; this state is generally called as pre-senile Dementia. Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. Depending on the symptomology there are various types of Dementia and there are various signs the individual can presents with, this includes: • • • • • • • • • • •

Memory loss Thinking speed Mental agility Language Understanding Judgment and physical coordination increasing difficulties with tasks and activities that require concentration and planning Depression Changes in personality and mood Periods of mental confusion Difficulty finding the right words


People with dementia can become apathetic or uninterested in their usual activities, and have problems controlling their emotions, they may also find social situations challenging, lose interest in socializing, and aspects of their personality may change. They may lose empathy (understanding and compassion). Considering the type of Dementia, the individual may see or hear things (hallucinations) that other people do not hear, or they may make false claims or statements. Understanding the facts, creating meaningful environment, nonthreatening approaches and reorientation has suggested being helpful during those situations. As dementia affects a person’s mental abilities, they may find planning and organizing difficult, leading to maintaining their independence may also become a problem. A person with dementia will therefore usually need help from friends or relatives, including help with decision making. Recent research suggests Dementia is not curable, however if detected early there are ways to slow its rapid deterioration and maintain mental function through treatment, this will help to increase individual’s life span, promote comfort and minimize the associated symptoms. An early diagnosis through brain Scan can help people with dementia get the right treatment and support, and help those close to them to prepare and plan for the future. With treatment and support, many people are able to lead to be active and fulfill their independence. In India we have a close family circle; this might be a reason why we haven’t come across a huge number of dementia cases considering to European countries. It has suggested that maintaining close family and neighborhood relationships has helped to minimize the risk or reducing the effect of dementia through visual orientation and rehearsals. I have recently started to notice that the bounding relationships are being badly affected and somehow the NRI’s started to feel strangers in our own home town and the actual family orientation has been westernized. We should be glad that we live in Gloucestershire where there is real truthfulness of family, neighborhood relationship and bonding, the helping attitude and feeling of togetherness. If this healthier relationship is continued, I am sure by changing a bit of lifestyle, increase physical activities and happiness could reduce the possible risk of Dementia. Vinod Mani


WHY WE SUPPORT ARSENAL FC Arsenal play the most entertaining football in the English premier league Arsenal are the only team to have gone an entire premier league season unbeaten. 2003-2004) Arsenal hold the record for the longest unbeaten run in the premier league at 49 games. Arsenal have won the premier league 3 times Arsenal have won 10 FA cups in total. Arsenals tally of 13 league championships is the third highest in English football. Arsenal are the first London club to reach the UEFA Champions league final. Arsenal have also records ,including the most consecutive seasons spent in the top flight. Arsenal also set a champions league record during the 20052006 season by going ten matches with out conceding a goal. Arsenal has the seventh highest average attendance of European football clubs. Arsenal is the fourth most valuable association football club in the world as of 2013,valued at over $1.3 billion Arsenals north London derbies are very entertaining because of arsenals deepest rivalry with Tottenham Arsenal is the first club from south England to join the football league. Do you agree with us?????????? BY HARVEY IDICULA and NIYAL ALEX(THE TRUE GUNNERS)


_m_ntemWnse.. . . . ]\n\oÀ ]qhv,,,,,, k¦ev] Zzo]nse ]hng apt¯m ChÄ kt´mj kwKa kmKctam N©e angntbm Nµ\ eXtbm ietamsâ a[pc KoXtam \ocX ]mfnIÄ icdm´te´nb imtcmWn³ hoYnIfn CSs\©n IpfntcmsS Dd§m¯ ImapI lrZbw IhÀ¶htfmþChÄ aWncXv\ lmc§Ä \ndamdn NmÀ¯nb XmacX³ ]qhpIfn Hcpap¯taIm\Wbp¶ amcpX amZI am\ktamþChÄ imcZ cm{XnIÄ ImtXmÀ¯ncn¡p¶ ZmhoZn³ aWnhoWbn XpSnsIm«pw ]m«nsâ NpSp Npw_\w sImÊv a[pcw IhÀ¶htfmþChÄ

{^m³¦vfn³ s^ÀWmÊÊv


¹kv Sp ]co£¡v Rm³ tXmäpt]mbn F¶Xn D]cnbmbn«v F\n¡v at\mhnjaw DÊm¡nbXp Fsâ Iq«pImc³ \à \nebn ]mÊmbn F¶XmWv. Rm\pw Ah\pw sNdp¸w apXte Hcpan¨mWv FÃm Imcy§Ä¡pw IqSnbXv. A§ns\ Ifn¨pw Nncn¨pw Bbn Znhk§Ä IS¶p t]mbns¡mÊncp¶p Ahkm\w ]co£ hgn hmXnen F¯n. Ah³ Ft¶mSv Hcp Znhkw tNmZn¨p... "\o ]Tn¨p Igntªm?' F\n¡hsâ tNmZyw tI«n«p Nncn AS¡m³ IgnªnÃ. F¶n«v Aht\mSp ]dªp... ]Tn¨p Ignbm³ t]mbn«v ,XpS§nbn«v t]mepw CtÃ. \obpw A§s\ Xs¶ bms\s¶\n¡dnbmw... Fsâ adp]Sn Bhpw H¶v sNdpXmbn ]p©ncn¨p. NncnbpsS Ahkm\¯n Fsâ N¦n shSnbpÊ Ibdp¶ HcpamXncn adp]Snbpw X¶p. \n\¡v Ft¶mSv hntcm[w H¶pw tXm ¶cpXv.. ]co£¡v hcm³ km[yX DÅ an¡Xpw Rm³ ]Tn¨p Ignªp.. C\nsbm¶pw IqSn H¶v adn¨p t\m¡nbm am{Xw aXn F\n¡v. F´nt\sd ]dbp¶p...]co£ Ignªp.. Rm³ ]Xnhv t]mse H¶pw Xs¶ FgpXnbnÃ. Ahkm\w dnk«v h¶p Ignªt¸mÄ Rm³ F«p \nebn s]m«n. ho«pImcn \n¶pw \m«pImcn \n¶pw aäp Iq«pImcpIfn \n¶pw iImc¯nsâ Zn\cm{X§Ä. icn¡pw B Znhk§fmWv F\n¡v PohnX¯n Aht\mSp Akqbbpw Ipip¼pw DÊm¡n XpS§nbXv. A§s\bncns¡ ... Iptd Znhk§Ä¡v tijw Hcp Znhkw Ah³ Fs¶ ImWm³ h¶p. F¶n«v Ft¶mSv ]dªp, \ap¡v tImtfPv hsc H¶v t]mIWw. Un{KnbpsS A¹nt¡j³ t^mw hm§Ww.

]näs¯ Xn¦fmgvN R§Ä Hcpan¨p t^mw hm§m\mbn tImtfPn t]mbn. AhnsS h¨v icn¡pw PohnX¯n ]co£ tXmäXn Rm³ a\kvX ]n¨p. ImcWw A¹nt¡j³ hm§m³ h¶ncn¡p¶ kpµcnIsf IÊp Rm³ sR«nt¸mbn. am{Xaà ChÄamscms¡ BWtÃm C\n Chsâ Iq«pImcnIÄ F¶v HmÀ¯t¸mÄ.... Hm Fsâ ssZht½..... B \nanjw ]dªdnbn¡m³ h¿.. C\n AXv ]dªns«´p Imcyw F¶v IcpXn AUvanj³ t^mw hm§m\pÅhcpsS \ncbn H¯ Hcp kpµcnbpsS ]pdInembn Ahsâ IqsS Rm\pw \n¶p. t]cpw A{UÊpw ]dªp

sImSp¯p A¹nt¡j³ t^mw hm§pt¼mÄ Hm^oknencn¡p¶ shfp¯v sImep¶s\ DÅ kpµcn tbmSv Ah³ tNmZn¨p.... "F\n¡nhnsS AUvanj³ In«m³ km[yX DtÊm?' Ahsâ PnPvRmk a\knem¡nb B kv{Xo Ah t\mSp tNmZn¨p.. "¹Êv Sqhn\v F{X iXam\w amÀ¡v¡v DÊv? ' Ah³ ]dªp 82% DÊv amUw. AXv tI«v AhÀ Nncn¨p sImÊv ]dªp.. t]Sn¡Ê, Dd¸mbn«pw AUvanj³ In«pw. AXv tI«v ]pdIn \n¶ F¶nepw Hcp B{Klw apf¨p... H¶v tNmZn¨p t\m¡nbmtem.. Nnet¸mÄ AUvanj³ F\n¡pw In«nbmtem .. Hcp ]s£ In«nbncps¶¦nÂ...


]ns¶ Cuizcm... thsd F´v thWw `panbnÂ... A§ns\ FÃm ssZh§sfbpw a\kntemÀ¯p sImÊv Rm³ tNmZn¨p... "amUw, Rm³ Chsâ Iq«pImc\mWv , F\n¡pw ChnsS AUvanj³ In«m³ km[yX DtÊm?' AhÀ Ft¶mSv Fsâ lrZbw XIÀ¡p¶ Hcp tNmZyw hfsc IqÄ Bbn tNmZn¨p.. "¹Êv Sphn\p F{X iXam\w amÀ¡v DÊv?' Rm³ kXykÔambn adp]Sn ]dªp.. "Pbn¨n«nà amUw' AhÀ AXnepw IqÄ Bbn Ft¶mSv ]dªp...

Hm.... Cu tImtfPn AUvanj³ In«m³ an\naw "¹ÊvSp' F¦nepw ]mkv BIWw. Rm³ AhÀ tIÄ¡m³ ]mI¯n ]dªn«v t]m¶p. "B... Hmtcmtcm \nba§tf... Pbn¡Ww t]mepw.. Pbn¡Ww...' A§s\ Ah\p AUvanj³ In«pambncn¡pw... At¸mÄ C\n apX Ah\v tImtfPv IpamcnIfpsS IqsS hnemkmw ... Rmt\m? C\n Rm³ F´v sN¿pw? CXv Hcp Hs¶m¶c tNmZyamWtÃm???D¯cw In«ptam F¶v t\m¡mw... C¶sæn \mtf... at\mPv ]n tPmk^v


A¼nfn kPohv

Fsâ tIcfw `mcX]pgbn XoÀ°kv\m\w sNbvXp t]mIp¶ thgm¼Â \nsâ IoÀ¯\w s]cnbmdn³ Hmf§tfmSp tNÀ¶p ]mSpt¼mtgm ]dbpI \osb³ ssIcfn tNene sXt§mesasà ssIIÄ hoin Xmsg Xmacs¸mbvIsb X«nbpWÀ¯p¶ aµamcpX³ hbÂhc¼n³ s\ÂIXncpIfn Xmfw ]nSn¡pt¼mtgm AtXm sImbv¯p]m«pIÄ¡oWw ]Icpt¼mtgm Ncn{XhnkvabssIcfn \n\s¡t¸mgmtWsd NmcpX kvarXnIfn \ndbp¶ \mtS IhnIÄ ]mSnbpw Nne¦IÄ \r¯w Nhn«nbpw hÀ®n¨ \mtS \n³ at\mlmcnXbns¶hnsS lcnXebXmf§fns¶hnsS Fsâ kz]v\§Â \ndbp¶ \mtS \n\¡p awKfw t\cp¶p Rm³ awKfw.. awKfw...awKfw ip`w

klykm\p IpSIÄ¡p Iosgbmbn \£{X IqSmc¯n\pw Iosgbmbn inev]w XoÀ¯p ssZhw, Hcp lcnX at\mlc inev]w XoÀ¯p ssZhw. klysâ ImapInbmw Ad_nISen³ XncameIÄ \nt·\nbn XgpIpt¼mÄ Cud\pSp¯p \n¡p¶ Ncn{X _nw_ta \n\s¡t¸mgmtWsd NmcpX kn´qctcJbn Ip¦pa kqcysâ knÔqcaWnbpw Djkntem AtXm aghnÃn³ \ndapÅ kÔymw_ctNe sRmdnªpSp¯p \nev¡pt¼msgm ]q¦mh\§fpw am¡mhpIfnte InfnIÄX³ IfIf\mZw \n³ IÀ®§Ä¡p IpfntcIpt¼mtgm [\pamk cmhn \ns¶bod\pSn¸n¨p \nÀ¯p¶ Xpjmc_nÔp¡sf DjÊn³ IncW§Ä sasà X«nbpWÀ¯pt¼mtgm


CSp¡n tKmÄUv tNcphIÄ DW¡ecn (]¨cn ) \mfntIcw (tX§ ) PocIw ]pgp¡ecn (Ip¯cn ) Idnth¸ne D¸v - ]mI¯n\v

Hcp t{Sbn hdp¯p s]mSn¨ Acns¸mSn hnXdn DcpfIÄ AXnenSpI (DcpfIÄ X½n H«n¸nSnbv¡mXncn¡m \mWnXv )

1 Intem - 2 F®w NncInbXv - 2 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ 1 ¥mkv - 2 XÊv

]mIw sN¿p¶ hn[w DW¡ecn (]¨cn) shůnen«v IpXnÀ¯Xv Xcnbmbn s]mSns¨Sp¡pI (]p«nsâ ]mI¯n\v) ]pgp¡ecn (Ip¯cn) hdp¯p \¶mbn s]mSn¨v hbv¡pI DW¡ecn s]mSn \mfntIcw NncInbXpw PocIw s]mSn¨Xpw tNÀ¯v \¶mbn hdp¡pI Ahtemkp s] mSn hdp¯ aWw hcpt¼mÄ ASp¸n \n¶pw amän Xnf¨ shÅw Hgn¨v D¸pw tNÀ¯v Ipgbv¡pI. N¸m¯n¡v Ipgbv¡p¶ ]mI¯n BIpt¼mÄ amhp sNdnb s\Ãn¡m hep¸¯n DcpfIÄ B¡pI .

henb ]m{X¯n DcpfIÄ ap§n InS¡m³ ]mI¯n\v shÅw Xnf¸n¡pI Xnf¨ shůn Bhiy¯n\p D¸pw Ipd¨p PocIw s]mSn¨Xpw Ipd¨p \mfntIcw NncInbXpw Idnth¸nebpw CSpI. Xnf¨ shůnte¡v DcpfIÄ Hmtcm¶mbn CSpI. DcpfIÄ \¶mbn shůn ap§n InS¡Ww. GItZiw Ccp]Xp an\n«v Ignbpt¼mÄ XWp¯ shÅw sNdpXmbn Xfn¨v ]Xps¡ Cf¡pI.DcpfIÄ DSbmsX Cf¡Ww. _m¡nbpÅ hdp¯p s]mSn¨ Acn tNÀ¯v hoÊpw ]Xps¡ Cf¡pI. ]mNIw XpS§n IrXyw Ac aWn¡qdn ASp¸n \n¶pw amäpI. \mS³ tImgn¡dns¡m¸w hnf¼m³ CSp¡n tKmÄUv sdUn. "CSp¡n tKmÄUv ' ]nSn F¶ t]cnepw Adnbs¸Spw.

_nÂPn temd³kv s]ÃntÈcn


DUTCH APPLE CAKE Ingredients Caster sugar Soft margarine Eggs Self-raising flour Eating apple Cinnamon Demerara sugar

Method -100g -100g -2 -100g -1 -1 x 5ml spoon -1 x 5ml spoon

Equipment •Weighing scale •Mixing bowl •Electric hand whisk (or any other mixing equipment) •Small bowl •Fork •Sieve •Spoon •Knife •Chopping board •Foil tray

1. Preheat the oven at 180°C or gas mark 4 2. Grease the foil tray 3. Sieve the flour into the mixing bowl 4. Add sugar, margarine and eggs to the mix ing bowl 5. Whisk ingredients together until the mix ture is light and creamy 6. Spread the mixture into the cake tin 7. Core the apple and slice thinly 8. Arrange the apple slices over the cake mix,then sprinkle the cinnamon and sug ar on top 9. Place in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes 10.Remove from the oven and allow it to cool.

Anu Mathew Ammaikunnel


sN½o³ ISvseäv tNcphIÄ sN½o³ Dcpf¡ng§v DÅn (sNdpXmbn AcnªXv) shfp¯pÅn (sNdpXmbn AcnªXv -) ]¨apfIv (sNdpXmbn AcnªXv - ) th¸ne AcnªXv C©n (sNdpXmbn AcnªXv ) Kcw akme aªÄ s]mSn tX§m¸oc aq« sdm«ns¸mSn shÅw D¸v F®

]mNIw sN¿p¶ hn[w 500{Kmw 4 F®w - 50{Kmw

sN½o³, D¸pw aªfpw shÅhpw tNÀ¯vv thhn¡pI. sN½o³ \ÃXv t]mse XWp¯Xn\p tijw anIvknbn ASn¨p sh¡pI. Dcpf¡ng§v D¸p tNÀ¯vv ]pgp§n sXmen IfbpI. Ip¡nwKv ]m\n F® Bhiy¯n\v Hgn¨v NqSm¡pI. AXn\v tijw Acnªp sh¨ncn¡p¶ DÅn C«p \¶mbn hgäpI. CXnte¡p sNdpXmbn Acnªp sh¨ncn¡p¶ C©n, shfp¯pÅn, ]¨apfIv, Idnth¸ne F¶nh tNÀ¯v \¶mbn hgäpI. AXn\ptijw aªÄs]mSn, Kcwakme, Ipcp apfIps]mSn F¶nh tNÀ¡pI. CXnte¡p tX§ NncÊnbXpw sN½o\pw Dcpf¡ng§pw tNÀ¯v \ÃXv t]mse Iq«n Cf¡pI. F¶n«v NqSmdm³ amän sh¡pI. NqSmdnbXn\p tijw ISvseänsâ BIrXnbn B¡n sam«bpsS shÅbnepw AXn\p tijw sdm«n s]mSnbnepw ap¡pI. AXn\ptijw F®bn C«p hdp¡pI. {_u¬ \ndw BIpt¼mÄ hdp¯p tImcpI.

1 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ 4 F®w 1 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ 1 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ 1 Sokv]q¬ 1/2 Sokv]q¬ 3 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ 3 F®w Bhiy¯n\v Bhiy¯n\v Bhiy¯n\v - Bhiy¯n\v

ssj_n k®n


kmÂa¬ t_¡v

tNcphIÄ: kmÂa¬ sNdnbpÅn häÂapfIv (NX¨Xv) shfp¯pÅn t]Ìv C©n t]Ìv Idnth¸ne D¸v F®

]mNIw sN¿p¶ hn[w : 500 {Kmw 6 F®w 5 F®w 1 Sokv]q¬ 1 Sokv]q¬ Bhiy¯n\v Bhiy¯n\v Bhiy¯n\v

kmÂa¬ sXmenIfªv \¶mbn IgpIn,hcªv shbv¡Ww. AXn\v tijw sNdnb DÅn Acnªv, Hcp ss{^Mv ]m\n Ipd¨v F® Hgn¨v hgäpI.DÅn Hcp tKmÄU³ IfdmIpt¼mÄ häÂapfIv NX¨Xv, shfp¯pÅn t]Ìv ,C©n t]Ìv, Idnth¸nebpw Bhiy¯n\v D¸pw tNÀ¯v 30 sk¡â v Cf¡pI.AXn\v tijw Cu tNcphIÄ IgpIn sh¨ncn¡p¶ kmÂaWn tX¨v ]nSn¸n¡pI.AXn\v tijw Cu kmÂa¬ Hcp foil paperþ s]mXnªv Hmh\n 20 an\p«v t_¡v sN¿Ww. A§s\ t_¡v sNbvX kmÂa¬ NqtSmsS D] tbmKn¡mw. Baked Salmon-sâ Gähpw \à Combination, Mashed Potato BWv. hÂk½ Genbmkv


Infn¡qSv tNcphIÄ DcpfIng§v ( D¸v tNÀ¯v ]pgp§n s]mSn¨Xv) þ500{Kmw _o^v (thhn¨v s]mSn¨Xv) þ250{Kmw þ250{Kmw khmf(sIm¯nbcnªXv)

C©nt]Ìv þ1 Sokv]q¬ shfp¯pÅnt]Ìv þ1 Sokv]q¬ IpcpapfIv s]mSn þ1 Sokv]q¬ Kcwakme þ1 Sokv]q¬ ]¨apfIv (h«¯n AcnªXv) þ3 F®w Idnth¸ne (sNdpXmbn apdn¨Xv) þ1 XÊv aÃnbne þBhiy¯n\v ap« þ5 F®w tkanb (sNdpXmbn apdn¨Xv) þ250 {Kmw F® þBhiy¯n\v

X¿mdm¡p¶hn[w Hcp ]m{X¯n 3 tS_nÄ kv]q¬ F® NqSm¡n AXntebv¡v khmf C«v {_u¬ IfÀ BIp¶Xphsc hgäpI. D¸v Bhiy¯n\v tNÀ¡pI. CXntebv¡v C©nt] Ìv,shfp¯pÅnt]Ìv XpS§nb tNcphIÄ tNÀ¯v ]¨aWw amdp¶Xphsc hgäpI. CXn Idnth¸ne,aÃnbne, X¿mdm¡n h¨ncn¡p¶ _o^v F¶nh tNÀ¯v \¶mbn anIvkv sNbvXv ASp¸n \n¶v hm§n shbv¡pI. ]pgp§n s]mSn¨ DcpfIng§v DÅwI¿n ]c¯n apIfn X¿mdm¡n sh¨ncn¡p¶ akme \nd¨v DcpfIÄ B¡pI. Hmtcm¶pw ap«bpsS shÅbn \¶mbn ap¡n ]m{X¯n FSp¯v sh¨ncn¡p¶ tkanbbn \¶mbn Dcp«nsbSp¡pI. CXv NqSmb F®bn Deep fry sNbvsXSp¡pI. tkanb Icnªp t]mImXncn¡m³ {]tXyIw {i²n¡Ww. Ip«nIÄ kvIqÄ hn«phcpt¼mgpw `À¯mhv tPmenIgnªv £oWn¨v hcpt¼mgpw kvt\lt¯msS NqSp NmbtbmsSm¸w sImSp¡m³ ]änb \sÃmcp \mepaWn ]elmcamWnXv. NB:-akmebnÂ


]Icw CjvSa\pkcn¨v Tuna,Chicken,Mixed Vegitables, Ch GsX¦nepw tNÀ¡mhp¶XmWv.

kvanX tdm_n ta¡c


Imcäv lÂh thÊ km[\§Ä:-þ 1 Imcäv 2 s\¿v 3Gebv¡ 4]mÂ(Xnf¸n¨Xv) 5]©kmc 6I³kvUv an¡v 7IiphÊn ]cn¸v

X¿mdm¡p¶ hn[w:þ þ5 hepXv þ3 henb kv]q¬ þ3 þ1 1/2 enäÀ þ8 henb kv]q¬ þ5 henb kv]q¬ þ100 {Kmw

Imcäv \¶mbn t{Käv sNbvXv shbv¡pI.I«nbpÅ NqSmb No\n¨«nb s\¿v NqSm¡n,Gebv¡ C«p hgäp I.CXn Imcäv IqSn tNÀ¯v \¶mbn hgäpI. CXntebv¡v ]m tNÀ¯v Xnf¸n¨v thhn¡pI. sh´tijw ]©kmcbpw IʳkvUv an¡pw tNÀ¯v \¶mbn Cf¡pI an{inXw \¶mbn hcÊv ]m{X¯nsâ hi§fn \n¶pw \ÃXp t]mse hn«phcp¶ ]cph¯nemhpt¼mÄ s\¿n aq¸n¨ IiphÊn tNÀ¯v XWp¸n¨v kvt\lt¯msS hf¼pI {]tXyIn¨v XWp¸pIme¯v hfsc cpNnIchpw KpWIchp amb Hcp hn`hw Xs¶

tPmfn BÂhn³


Icnao³ s]mÅn¨Xv tNcphIÄ

]mNIw sN¿p¶ hn[w

Icnao³ 1 Intem khmf sIm¯n AcnªXv 1/2 Intem apfIv s]mSn 1 Sokv]q¬ aªÄ s]mSn 1/2 Sokv]q¬ C©n sIm¯n AcnªXv 2 Sokv]q¬ shfp¯pÅn sIm¯n AcnªXv -2 Sokv]q¬ X¡mfn sIm¯n AcnªXv 2 F®w \mc§/ hn\mKncn 2 Sokv]q¬ ]¨apfIv sIm¯n AcnªXv - 3 F®w Idnth¸ne - 10 CXÄ tX§m¸m 1/4 I¸v D¸v - Bhiy¯n\v IpcpapfIv 1Sokv]q¬ hmgbne - Bhiy¯n\v

Icnao³ \¶mbn hr¯nbm¡n IgpIn cÊp hihpw I¯n sImÊv hcªp sh¡pI. D¸pw, IpcpapfIpw, aªÄ s]mSnbpw, apfIv s]mSnbpw hn\mKncnbpw Iq«n Hcp t]Ìv B¡n AXv Icnaosâ AIhpw ]pdhpw \¶mbn tX¨v 20 an\nt«mfw sh¡pI. AXn\p tijw F®bn hdp¯p FSp¡pI. Icnao³ hdp¯p tImcnbXn\p tijw khmf sIm¯n AcnªXpw C©n, shfp¯pÅn, ]¨apfIv, Idnth¸ne F¶nh N«nbnen«p hgäpI. AXnte¡p apfIps]mSn, aªÄ s]mSn, IpcpapfIv s]mSn F¶nh tNÀ¯v Cf¡pI.AXnte¡p sIm¯n Acnªp sh¨ncn¡p¶ X¡mfnbpw tNÀ¯v hgän FSp¡pI. AXnte¡p 1/4 I¸v tX§m¸m Hgn¨v t{Khn B¡n Ipdp¡n FSp¡pI. hdp¯p sh¨ncn¡p¶ Icnao\n³ Cu t{Khn s]mXnªp hmg Cebn sI«n N«nbnen«p Ipd¨p F®sbmgn¨v s]mÅns¨Sq¡qI.cpNntbmsS BkzZn¨p Ign¡pI. \à a[pcapÅ sX§n³ IÅv IqSn Dsʦn ^te t`jv.........

{InÌn tSmw


hyXykvX§fmb ImbnI hnt\mZ§Ä sImÊv Gsd kar²n BÀÖn¨ hÀ¯am\ Ime¯nsâ aSn¯«nte¡v, C¶v \mw ImWp¶ {]kn²amb ]e Imbn I cq]§fptSbpw BZna cq]§Ä¡v P·w \ÂInb `mcXmw_tbbpw, \½psS X\Xp kwkv¡mc§tfbpw s\ t©mSp tNÀ¯psImÊv t]mb hÀjw GMA hnhn[bn\w ImbnI kwcw`§Ä hnPbIcambn kwLSn¸n¡pI DÊmbn. Gloucestershire Malayali Association sâ PohmWp¡fmb Hmtcm AwK§fptSbpw ImbnI ]camb IgnhpIfpw {]mhnWy§fpw Isʯphm\pw Ahsb ]cnt]mjn¸n¡phm\pw DXIpwhn[w sshhn[yamÀ¶ ]eXcw {]hÀ¯\§Ä AXnsâ ]cnanXnIÄ¡v DÅn \n¶psImÊv kwLSn¸n¡phm³ km[n¨Xn Gsd NmcnXmÀYys¸Sp¶p.

Sports Day ImbnI amam¦§fn {]YaØm\w ssIhcn¡p¶ B[p\nI Hfn¼nIvkv Bcw`n¨Xn\p ]n¶nse ImcW§fn H¶v temIcmPy§Ä X½nepÅ kvt\l _Ô§fpw, kmtlmZcy t_m[hpw Du«n Dd¸n¡p¶Xn\msW¦nÂ, GMA hÀjmhÀjw hnPbIcambn \S¯n hcp¶ ImbnI tafIÄ Gloucestershire aebmfna¡Ä¡nSbnse kplrZv_豈 kpZrVam¡p¶Xn s\m¸w AhÀ¡nSbnse B\µ¯n\pw, BßmÀ° kvt\l¯n\pw Htc amXrXz¯nsâ cq]`mhw \ evIp¶Xn kp{][m\ ]¦v hln¨phcp¶p. hÀjmhÀj§fn GMA-bpsS ImbnItafIfnse hnhn[ aÕc§fnse hnPbnIÄ¡v UKKMA ImbnItafbn aÕcn¡phm³ Ahkcw e`n¡pIbpw, FÃm hÀj§fnepw GMA {][n\n[nIÄ {]Xn\nZm\w sN¿p¶ ImbnI hm`mK§fn AXpeyamb anIhp ]peÀ¯n. GMA-sb {]Xn\n[oIcn¨v UKKMA ImbnI tafbn anI¨ hnPbw IcØam¡n hcp¶ FÃm ImbnImÀ°nIfpw {]tXyIw {]iwk AÀln¡p¶p.

Foot Ball


bq¯vhn§nsâ t\ XrXz¯n FÃm hÀjhpw {]tXyIw ^p«v t_mÄ ]cnioe\§fpw aÕc§fpw Nn«bmbn \S¶p hcp¶p. GMA-F¶ hShr£¯nsâ XWen \½psS Ipcp¶v Ipªp§Ä¡v Ahcn Dd§n¡nS¡p¶ ss\kÀKoIamb ImbnI kn²nIsf DWÀ¯phm \pw Ahsb icnbmb coXnbn ]cnt]m jn¸n¡phm\pw DÅ al¯mb Ahkc§fpw e`n¡p¶Xv Hmtcm AwK§Ä¡pw Gsd A`nam\n¡m³ Ignbp¶ hkvXpXbmWv.


Shuttle Badminton GMA-bpsS

B`napJy¯n FÃm hÀjhpw apXnÀ¶hÀ¡pw, Ip«nIÄ¡pambn {]tXyIw _mUvan⬠SqÀWsaâpIÄ hnPbIcambn \ S¯nhcp¶p. t]mbhÀjw \S¶ _mUvan⬠aÕc§Ä hfsc DbÀ¶ \nehmcw ]peÀ¯pIbpw Hmtcm ImWnIfptSbpw kncIfnte¡v I¯n]Scp¶ Bthiw \nd¡pIbpw sNbvXp F¶Xv Gsd FSp¯p ]dtbÊ ImcyamWv. IqSmsX GMA-AwK§Ä am{Xw ]s¦Sp¡p¶ tIcf _mUvan⬠¢ºv t]mb hÀjw Gloucestershire country league A©v aÕc§fn Nm¼y³amcmhpIbpw hcp¶ hÀjw ASp¯ eoKv aÕc§fnte¡v Sow DbÀ¯s¸SpIbpw sNbvXXv Gloucestershire Malayali Associationsâ IncoS¯n Hcp s]m³Xqh NmÀ¯s¸«Xn\v XpeyamWv. tIcf _mUvan⬠¢ºnse Hmtcm AwK§fptSbpw \nkzmÀ°amb {]bXv\§Ä Gsd {]iwk\mÀlamWv.

Cricket ]Êv ]ucmWnI ]mÝmXy cmPy§fpsS Ip¯I hnt\mZambncp¶ {In¡äv C¶v hnhn[ Gjy³ cmPy§fpsS Ahn`mPy ImbnI hnt\mZambn amdnbt¸mÄ, B\pImenI ]mÝmXy ImbnI aÕc§fpsS AXn{]kc¯n\nSbn X§fpsS Ip«nIsf {In¡äpambn IqSpX ASp¸n¨v Nn«bmbn ]cnioe\w \S¯phm³ X¡h®w hnhn[ {]mIvSokv sk£³kv GMA-bpsS B`napJy¯n t]mb hÀjw hnPbIcambn \S¯pIbpÊmbn. {In¡äv ]cnioe\t¯mSpÅ Ip«nIfpsS BËmZt¯msSbpw, Bthit¯msSbpapÅ kao]\w kwLmSIcpsS Dt±i ip²nbnepÅ ]cn]qÀ® hnPbw hnfnt¨mXn. AXpt]mseXs¶ t]mb hÀjw GMAbpsS Adult Cricket Team, Bristol Cricket team ambn \S¯nb kulrZaÕc¯n t\Snb B[nImcnIhpw BthtizmPz ehpamb hnPbw hcpw hÀj§fn {In¡äv Soans\ League Cricket te¡v cPnÌÀ sN¿pI F¶ kp{][m\ Xocpam\w FSp¡p¶Xn hgn¯ncphmbn.

Tug of war ImbnI hnt\mZ§fn aebm fnIfpsS kzImcy Al¦mcamb hSwhen¡mbn GMA-¡v Hcp iàamb SoamWv \nehnepÅXv. t]mb hÀj§fn GMA-hSwhen Sow \S¯nb DÖze {]IS\§Ä Gsd AhnkvacWobhpw, {]iwk\o bhpamWv.

Carroms & Chess

apXn¶hÀ¡pw, Ip«nIÄ¡pambn FÃmhÀjhpw GMA-bpsS B`napJy¯nÂ

Carroms &

Chess aÕc§Ä hnPbIcambn \S¯nhcp¶p.

A\´amb t\«§Ä \ap¡mbn Im¯ncn¡p¶ \msfbpsS ImbnI hnlmbÊnÂ, A{]m ]y§fmb Dbc§Ä ssI¸nSnbn B¡phm³ ap³Ime§fnteXp t]mse GMA IpSpw_mK§Ä Hcp a\tÊmsS, Hcp kzct¯msS {]bXv\n¡pw F¶ ip`m]vXn hnizmk¯n Hcp \à \msfbpsS hmXmb\¯nte¡v Ghtcbpw {]Xo£n¨psImÊv

Mathew Idiculla.


The days are colder now Darkness draws its icy robe Closer and closer The trees will soon be phantoms Of their former glory The world seems to say Hush, hush, take rest in homes. But why the renewed vigour that explodes Gathers strength from day to day What dynamic force propels and energise all To rush about and in high expectation Of merriment and convivial happiness As the weather turns disturbingly sinister? Could it be an event of such moment That nullifies the dire ambience Of cold and night and bitter winds Of darkness solid and impenetrable Something momentuous that happened in the past Portent of incredible outcomes It is none other than the birth Of an extraordinary child God in human flesh, The divine incarnate Immanuel, God with us The saviour of the world Celebrate the reconciliation of the human and the divine Long separated by primordial disobedience But now restored to pristine fulnessSee More Dr . Theodore Gabriel







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