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UK VFX & Post Directory 2015

An overview of VFX and post services for major features and high-end television in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Š P & Co. Ltd. /SC 2015

Published by

BritisH FiLM coMMissioN



UK VFX & Post

Delivering dreams to the world

The UK’s VFX and post-production sector has grown to become a leading destination for film and television productions


t’s no secret that the UK has become the leading global destination for VFX and post-production for films and high-end television.There is world-class regard for the creativity, technological skillset and capacity of the workforce and facilities of these small islands. That’s been borne out not just by the ever greater number of studios coming and returning to make films here, but also in terms of critical acclaim and a significant number of BAFTA and Oscar wins. Gravity might never have got off the ground without VFX from Framestore and stereoscopic brilliance from Vision3, nor might Interstellar have been quite as breathtaking in all its galactic glory, were it not for Double Negative’s VFX. What might be surprising, however, is when you consider that around 15 years ago the UK-wide VFX sector was largely composed of a few creative facilities clustered within London’s Soho. “Really, Harry Potter started this,” says chief executive of the British Film Commission (BFC) and Film London Adrian Wootton. “VFX was really a cottage industry, with a few notable companies. During the first Harry Potter there were four or five new digital technologies that were developed just because of that film.Those technologies went on to be used in other films, in advertising and in television drama. That work was consistently being fed

through to the VFX companies, so those companies were then able to invest in training, and there was investment in R&D. “So suddenly we were producing extraordinarily talented people who were producing extraordinary new technology that was being applied in groundbreaking ways to these large scale films that were coming in.” Since those early days the BFC has also helped to shape and promote an ever-more attractive tax relief scheme which incentivises activity in the UK, from pre-production through to VFX and post. And projects can qualify even if they don’t shoot in the UK but just do VFX and post. “The UK tax relief system provides certainty that allows investment in people and equipment,” says Framestore chief executive Sir William Sargent. “That has created world-class infrastructure and capacity.” Thriving industry “The British VFX industry has grown and matured in the last 15 years and is among the best in the world,” agrees managing director of Rushes Joce Capper. “The strength of the industry here is that we have a diversity of companies, ranging from one artist in their shed doing a pet project, to 400 working on the latest Hollywood blockbuster movie.”

“An ecosystem of competing and collaborating companies exists, sharing expertise, crew and capacity in ways that help everyone” Paddy Eason, VFX supervisor and co-founder, Nvizible


“Many of the senior artists have worked in the industry since it started and have been instrumental in the development of the software and production pipelines that we all use now. This has led to a depth and breadth of talent that offers some of the best VFX to be found in the world.” “An ecosystem of competing and collaborating companies exists, sharing expertise, crew and capacity in ways that help everyone – not least the productions that come to London to get VFX done,” says Nvizible VFX supervisor and co-founder Paddy Eason. “There are VFX companies and teams of all scales. A recent development has been a strong group of medium-sized teams, such as Nvizible, BlueBolt and Union, who have the expertise and flexibility to deliver world-class work in innovative ways.” There’s a healthy amount of cross-pollination between companies, swapping roles and experience between facilities, while a large pool of freelancers takes advantage of the scalability of film projects. The wealth of artistry on offer also draws international VFX vendors to these shores – Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic, already benefitting from UK talent on Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars:The Force Awakens, is just the latest in a line of studios making a base in the UK. While one of the major VFX players could conceivably take on a major film project itself, it’s not unusual to see shots split across multiple facilities, working with specialists in environments, creatures and effects. This provides London with the capacity to handle several large features at the same time and offers filmmakers a unique environment, one where facilities are constantly pushing the boundaries of what the technology can do.

“If we don’t improve on last year’s work, we would be obsolete within a year. The cluster is what makes us successful” Sir William Sargent, chief executive, Framestore

“We are amazingly competitive with each other, which drives innovation,” says Sargent. “If we don’t improve on last year’s work, we would be obsolete within a year. The cluster is what makes us successful.” Virtual horizons It’s not just the UK’s expertise in onscreen VFX that should be celebrated. UK Screen CEO Sarah Mackey has observed the traditional filmmaking paradigm of pre-production, production and post-production being reshaped by VFX and ‘virtual production’ processes by companies in the UK, such as Argon and The Third Floor. “Computer technologies allow for the virtual planning and design of storytelling, camera movement, lighting design, set design and construction, stunt planning and SFX planning,” she says. “Having a cutting edge VFX community in the UK exposes the rest of the filmmaking community to new technologies.” Nvizible’s Paddy Eason agrees, “When large areas of frame, even all of the frame, and a major part of the running time of many movies are being created with CG and VFX techniques, it is clear that this craft has become an integral part of the production.” The UK is also the absolute leader in in-camera stereoscopic 3D and VFX, which is why films like Gravity and Guardians of the Galaxy were made in the UK. Then there are world-leading motion capture and performance capture studios, such as Audiomotion, Centroid, or The Imaginarium and its co-founder Andy Serkis, developing and deploying pioneering technology for vast numbers of international film, television and games companies. In fact, if you point at a particular form of digital technology, post-


production technology, or VFX technology, that is being used in large-scale motion picture and highend television, then the UK not only represents it, but is very likely to be at the cutting-edge of it. People power There’s also a human element to consider. The UK has spent more on training crews than anywhere else in the world. The UK government invested £16m into Creative Sector skills training over the last year, administered by Creative Skillset and matchfunded by industry. VFX is one of the key focuses of the funding. “If you talk to any of the VFX artists involved in films and high-end television, they’re there to help tell the story,” says Wooton. “They’re not interested in having just flashy effects, they want to be part of the storytelling process. And when you watch something like Paddington, you see that – it’s a very well-acted, well-told film where the VFX are so well integrated that they really do enhance the story and increase the believability of the film. The result is boxoffice gold.” Nor is this talent base restricted to the VFX community; the UK also has an impressive picture and sound post-production heritage, with globallyrecognised brands such as Technicolor and Deluxe working alongside Sound24, Halo and Warner Bros. De Lane Lea. UK picture and sound post talent has also been recognised at the Academy Awards with recent British editing and sound category wins for titles including Hugo, Les Misérables, Gravity and The Grand Budapest Hotel. For soundtrack recording, countless international filmmakers and legendary composers including John Williams, Hans Zimmer

“I can’t think of anything that filmmakers can ask us for, that we can’t provide to make a film or television programme here in the UK” Adrian Wootton, chief executive, British Film Commission and Film London

and Howard Shore, choose British musicians and facilities like Abbey Road or Air Studios. Creative clusters are evident in every corner of the British Isles: Titanic Studios in Belfast, home of Game of Thrones; Pinewood Studio Wales, currently hosting major US pilot, The Bastard Executioner; Wardpark Studios just outside Glasgow, now shooting the second season of Outlander; while both Galavant and Wolf Hall were recently shot at the Bottle Yard in Bristol. New studio complexes are also being developed in Yorkshire and in the Salford area outside Manchester. There are clusters developing around all of these hubs. “It makes creative and economic sense to shoot a film or television series in the other parts of the UK,” says Wootton. “We can now start to further develop the visual effects studios and post-production facilities there too.” Organic growth The range of productions able to access these clusters is also evolving. The recent modification of the tax relief (see the following Key Facts) means there is also an opportunity for producers who aren’t just working on a huge film to do their VFX and post-production in the UK. This, and the huge range of scale and speciality offered by facilities, means that films and television projects of any size and budget can be catered for in the UK. There is an incredible repository of technology here, matched only by the artistry that goes with it. “UK VFX and post-production is really not a cottage industry anymore,” concludes Wootton. “I can’t think of anything that filmmakers can ask us for, that we can’t provide to make a film or television programme here in the UK.”


UK VFX & Post

Key Facts on Tax Relief The UK’s Creative Sector Tax Reliefs are recognised as among the most reliable, transparent and inclusive of international incentives. With recent changes to the Film and Television Tax Reliefs, there is an enhanced opportunity to work with VFX and post, even if you are not shooting in the UK. The UK also has generous reliefs available for animation programmes and video games with a Children’s Television Tax Relief announced in March 2015.

Value of the Film and High-end Television Tax Relief Film ● For films with a core expenditure of more than £20m the Film Production Company (FPC) can claim a payable cash rebate of up to 25% of the first £20m of qualifying UK expenditure with the remaining qualifying UK expenditure receiving a 20% tax rebate ● F or films with a total core expenditure of £20m or

less the FPC can claim a payable cash rebate of up to 25% of UK qualifying film production expenditure

● F ilms and high-end television programmes must reach

a minimum UK spend requirement of 10% (or 25% for high-end television projects which completed principal photography before 1 April 2015) ● T he FPC/TPC responsible for the film or

high-end television programme needs to be within the UK corporation tax net. There is no requirement for the rights to be owned by the FPC/TPC upon completion of the film/ high-end television programme ● T ax relief is available on up to 80% of qualifying UK

production expenditure An increase to the value of the UK Film Tax Relief to 25% for films of all budget levels was announced in March 2015, subject to State Aid approval.

High-end Television ● F or scripted television projects with a minimum core

expenditure of £1m per broadcast hour, the Television Production Company (TPC) can claim a cash rebate of up to 25% of qualifying UK expenditure ● I ndividual episodes of 30 minutes or less can qualify

for tax relief when commissioned together, however the £1m average core spend per hour requirement would still need to be met Accessing the Film and High-end Television Tax Relief ● Film and High-end Television projects must qualify as British either via the Cultural Test or one of the UK’s official co-production treaties

The Cultural Tests for film and high-end television are points-based tests comprising sections relating to content, cultural contribution, where work is carried out and cast and crew. Films need to achieve 18 of a possible 35 points to pass; high-end television programmes need to achieve 16 of a possible 31 points to pass. A revised test for high-end television was announced in March 2015 to bring it in line with film, however, applicants should refer to the current test and guidance until the new legislation is in place. Further information on the Cultural Test and co-production treaties: www.bfi.org.uk

Qualifying Expenditure for Film and High-end Television ● U K qualifying production expenditure is defined as

expenditure incurred by the FPC/TPC on filming activities (pre-production, principal photography,VFX and postproduction) which take place within the UK, irrespective of the nationality of the persons carrying out the activity

● Films must be intended for theatrical release and high-

end television for broadcast (including the internet)

● A bove-the-line costs are included


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For generous generous tax tax reliefs, reliefs, competitive competitive costs, costs, world-class world-class VFX, VFX, post post and and production production For facilities and award-winning award-winning talent and crew, crew, baseworld-class your next next production production in theproduction UK. For generous tax reliefs, talent competitive costs, VFX, post in and facilities and and base your the UK.

For generous tax reliefs, competitive costs, world-class VFX, post and production facilities and award-winning talent and crew, base your next production in the UK.

facilities and and crew, base your next production in the UK. With offices in award-winning the UK UK and and US, US, talent the British British Film Commission Commission provides free, tailored tailored With offices in the the Film provides free, support to major productions from development through to delivery. support to major development through to delivery. With offices offices in productions the UK UK and and from US, the the British Film Film Commission provides free, free, tailored tailored With in the US, British Commission provides support to to major major productions productions from from development development through through to to delivery. delivery. support

The The British British Film Film Commission Commission thanks thanks its its gold gold sponsors sponsors

The The British British Film Film Commission Commission thanks thanks its its gold gold sponsors sponsors

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A visual effects company providing a creative service for feature film and television productions Some of our recent projects ‘71 (Yann Demange) Bill (Richard Bracewell) Black Sea (Kevin Macdonald) Everest (Baltasar KormĂĄkur) Far from the Madding Crowd (Thomas Vinterberg) Genius (Michael Grandage) Spooks: The Greater Good (Bharat Nalluri) Suffragette (Sarah Gavron) The Theory of Everything (James Marsh) The Lady in the Van (Nicholas Hytner) The Program (Stephen Frears) Currently in production Bastille Day (James Watkins) Florence Foster Jenkins (Stephen Frears) Special Correspondents (Ricky Gervais) Steve Jobs (Danny Boyle) Untitled Donald Crowhurst Project (James Marsh)

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22/05/2015 13:29

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UK VFX & Post Directory This British Film Commission directory lists a wide selection of UK companies offering visual effects and post-production services. Though such a list can never be completely comprehensive, we hope this snapshot of the talent on offer entices you to consider the UK as home for all or part of your current and future productions.







N. Ireland NOrthern IRELAND

4DMax South-EAST

4K London LONDON

Louise Brand louise@4dmax.co.uk +44 (0)7850 066 365 15 Marina Court, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK42 9EE

Alex Panton, Luke Kneafsey alex@4klondon.co, luke@4klondon.com +44 (0)20 3770 2963 20 Waterson Street, London E2 8HL

www.4dmax.co.uk (in development)


Providing Lidar, cyber/photogrammetry and prop scanning and modelling services to the film and television industry. Drawing on many years of experience, 4DMax offers a time and costeffective service to deliver highly accurate digital data for VFX pipelines.

4KLondon is a London-based digital imaging technicians (DIT) agency offering services to the film and television industry, specialising in the latest technologies, such as Codex Vault and ACES workflow covering digital workflow, colour pipeline and digital dailies.

Credits: Tarzan, Lucy, Maleficent

Credits: Mad Max: Fury Road, Game of Thrones, Robot Overlords


A-c A-B 0-A

aBBey roaD StuDioS LoNDoN

Colette Barber bookings@abbeyroad.com +44 (0) 207 266 7236 3 Abbey Road, London NW8 9AY www.abbeyroad.com One of the most famous music recording facilities in the world, Abbey Road Studios features historic and inspirational studio spaces ideal for large film music production. It offers a range of services from score recording and mixing to mastering. Credits: Gravity,The Imitation Game,The King’s Speech

air StuDioS LoNDoN

Alison Burton alison@airstudios.com +44 (0)20 7794 0660 Lyndhurst Hall, Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, London NW3 5NG www.airstudios.com AIR Studios has two scoring stages with capacity for over 100 musicians and several high end mix rooms. It offers ADR for solo or group sessions, record and mix for film and television scores, a large roster of scoring engineers and mixers, and remote services. Credits: Interstellar, Paddington, Grand Budapest Hotel

aquariuM StuDioS LoNDoN

Pam Thompson pam@aquariumstudios.co.uk +44 (0)20 7734 1611 122 Wardour Street, London W1F 0TX www.aquariumstudios.co.uk Aquarium Studios offers full post services for the film and television industry, ranging from Baselight grading to full audio post, including ADR, Foley and mixing, from an elegant townhouse in Soho. Credits: Atlantis, Ripper Street, Wreckers, Luna

argon eFFectS LoNDoN

Jason McDonald jason@argonfx.com +44 (0)7932 057 322 De Lane Lea Studios, 75 Dean Street, London W1D 3PU (Various locations covered) www.argonfx.com Argon Effects is an independent company based in London, delivering the highest creative and technical quality in pre- and post-visualisation. The talented and experienced team have a passion for film-making, understanding the language of cameras and the importance of succinct and clear storytelling. Credits: Dark Shadows, Cinderella, The Martian


UK VFX & Post Directory

Art4noise LONDON

Peter Baldock, Nick Baldock, Ben Carr, Gus Arrowsmith info@art4noise.com +44 (0)20 7287 7873 16 Ingestre Place, London W1F 0JJ www.art4noise.com Art4noise is an independent audio post facility offering ADR/voice-over recording, sound design and re-recording mixing. The members of the award-winning team are able to provide a creative and dynamic package for all aspects of sound post. Credits: Spooks:The Greater Good, Tatau, Welcome to the Punch


Howard Jones, Grant Hewlett howard@axis-vfx.com, grant@axis-vfx.com +44 (0)1275 894 969 The Bottle Yard Studios, Whitchurch Lane, Bristol BS14 0BH www.axis-vfx.com Producing high-end CGI and visual effects for film and television, the axisVFX ethos is one of creative intelligence, solving VFX challenges through clever design.The team has a collaborative, can-do attitude. Credits: Monkey Kingdom, Shaun The Sheep Movie, Doctor Who


Audiomotion Studios London

Mick Morris, Stacey Boisselle info@audiomotion.com +44 (0)8701 600 504 London Road, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1JG www.audiomotion.com Audiomotion has been providing award-winning performance capture results for the film, television, commercials and the video games industries from its 20,000sq ft motion capture studio facility for the past 18 years. Credits: Exodus: Gods and Kings, World War Z, Maleficent

BaseBlack LONDON

BaseBlack info@baseblack.com +44 (0)20 7183 7724 66-68 Margaret Street, London W1W 8SR www.baseblack.com Boutique visual effects and design company for film and television, offering photo-real CG environments, FX animation, 3D and 2D digital matte paintings, stereo and 2D compositing. Also, script breakdowns, budgets, on-set VFX production services, pre-viz, post-viz and finishing. Credits: London Has Fallen, Kingsman:The Secret Service, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows



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22/05/2015 16:57


UK VFX & Post Directory

BLue 2.0 poSt proDuction LoNDoN


Mark Bos, Parvinder Bhatia pbhatia@blue2p0.com, mbos@blue2p0.com +44 (0)20 7437 2626 58 Old Compton Street, London W1H 4UF

Lucy Ainsworth-Taylor enquiries@blue-bolt.com +44 (0)20 7637 5575 15-16 Margaret Street, London W1W 8RW



With nearly 20 years of broadcast post experience, blue 2.0 provides a complete range of post-production services to the film and broadcast industry. Award-winning grading, online, offline and Emmy award-winning sound combine with highly acclaimed drama post and VFX teams.

BlueBolt offers high-end 2D, 3D and digital matte painting to the film and television industry. It has extensive experience, delivering outstanding quality and service from concept and pre-production, through shoot supervision to final delivery.

Credits: Sherlock, Atlantis, Spooks

BritiSh groVe StuDioS LoNDoN

David Stewart davidstewart@britishgrovestudios.com +44 (0)20 8741 8491 20 British Grove, Chiswick, London W4 2NL www.britishgrovestudios.co.uk British Grove Studios is a purpose-built music recording facility, consisting of two studios equipped to the highest specification and 5.1 equipped as standard. Studio 1 has a 45 seat recording area with up to 7 iso-booths and can also operate at 7.1 surround sound. Credits: Gravity,World War Z, Into the Woods

Credits: Game of Thrones, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., The Imitation Game, The Bastard Executioner

Brownian Motion South-EASt

Jeff Brown info@brownianmotion.co.uk +44 (0)1753 657 104 Ground Floor, Westside Complex, Pinewood Studios, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH www.brownianmotion.co.uk Brownian Motion offers high-end camera rental and DIT services to film, television and commercials. Specialising in big data, multi-camera shoots,VR and VFX, it offers a tailored end-to-end service, complete with camera rigs, lenses, DIT and Datalab. Credits: Red 2, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Skyfall



centroiD Motion capture South-EASt

Philip Stilgoe Phil@centroid3d.com +44 (0)1932 592 812 Shepperton Studios, Studios Road, Shepperton, Middlesex TW17 0QD www.centroid3d.com Full-performance and motion capture services with virtual camera. On-set audio recording and live previsualisation for feature pre-production and production. Animation services include character data clean-up, editing, crowd and stunt simulation. Credits: Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jupiter Ascending

cineLaB LonDon LoNDoN

Adrian Bull adrian.bull@cinelab.london +44 (0)1753 501 500 715 Banbury Avenue, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4LR www.cinelab.co.uk Cinelab London is the only full service motion picture film laboratory in the UK. It provides 35mm, 16mm and 8mm colour and B&W film processing, HD and 2K telecine, 2K, 4K and 6K scanning, digital restoration, film and digital cinema mastering. Credits: Suffragette,Trespass Against Us, The Theory of Everything




UK VFX & Post Directory

Cinesite LONDON

C- D

Company 3 LONDON

Cinesite VFX vfx@cinesite.com, animation@cinesite.com +44 (0)20 7973 4000 Medius House, 2 Sheraton Street, London W1F 8BH

Claire McGrane, Jon Gray Jon.Gray@company3.com +44 (0)20 7878 7888 142 Wardour Street, London W1F 8DD



Cinesite offers world-class visual effects and animation. Services include visual effects supervision, character animation, technical effects, compositing, environments and animation for animated feature films.

Company 3 London provides dailies and DI post services for award-winning feature films. Part of the Deluxe Entertainment Services Group, Company 3 can create every deliverable required, regardless of file format, colour space or any other variables involved.

Credits: Spectre, Edge of Tomorrow, World War Z

Darkside Studios LONDON

Credits: Cinderella, Amy

Dimensional Imaging SCOTLAND

Emma Simpson emma.simpson@darksidestudios.uk +44 (0)20 7148 1500 40 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1N 2PB

Colin Urquhart info@di4d.com +44 (0)141 585 6481 1 Ainslie Road, Glasgow G52 4RU



Based in London with a small studio and edit facilities, Darkside Studios specialises in creating 2D and 3D animation, CGI and visual effects from the imaginations of its artists, all guided by ­experienced producers at the helm.

Dimensional Imaging (DI4D) is a facial performance capture company, working globally in television, film, commercials and video games industries to develop and deliver acclaimed results in both 3D facial imaging and 4D facial performance capture.

Credits: Strike Back, Our World War

Credits: La Belle Et La BĂŞte, Atlantis, Merlin


UK VFX & Post Directory


Paul Austin, Liz Bayliffe-Smith Paul.Austin@dock10.co.uk, Liz.Bayliffe-Smith@dock10.co.uk +44 (0)7436 804 293, +44 (0)7721 452 485 MediaCityUK, Salford M50 2EQ www.dock10.co.uk dock10 provides high-end post, studio and media services, underpinned by an industry-leading Avid platform offering tiered storage, international connectivity, innovative self-ingest systems and the ability to remotely view, log and edit content. Credits: Happy Valley, The Furchester Hotel, Ordinary Lies

Dragon WALES

Double Negative Visual Effects LONDON

Double Negative info@dneg.com +44 (0)20 7268 5000 160 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QA www.dneg.com Double Negative is a full-service visual effects and digital animation company. In addition to awardwinning film VFX work, the DNeg television division tailors skills and pipeline to the specific needs of high-end television drama. Credits: Jupiter Ascending, Interstellar, In the Heart of t he Sea

Edit Spaces LONDON

Paul Wright hello@dragondi.co.uk +44 (0)1656 865 600 Pencoed Technology Park, Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5HZ www.dragondi.co.uk

Chris Powell bookings@editspaces.co.uk, chris.p@editspaces.co.uk +44 (0)20 3740 3800 37 Dean Street, London W1D 4PT www.editspaces.co.uk

An established presence in audio visual services, Dragon offers a world-class 4K grading suite, with 4K projection for large screen format viewing of feature films, television shows and commercials. It offers access to 1Gb/s networking infrastructure.

Edit Spaces provides cutting rooms,VFX workspace and production offices for hire in Soho. Working with all major dry-hire companies, all locations offer high-speed fibre, IP communications, runner service, 24/7 access and on-site support.

Credits: Hunger, Valhalla Rising, Submarine

Credits: Poldark, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, Woman In Gold





Xavier Questel prod.uk@eightvfx.com +44 (0)20 8133 4448 54 Marshall Street, London W1F 9BH

Becky Start, Johnny Whitehead london@encorepost.com +44 (0)20 7149 2000 142 Wardour Street, London W1F 8DD



Eight VFX specialises in digital post-production and visual effects, for every screen in any size.

Encore provides a full range of sound and picture post-production services from its Soho facility. An award-winning team of talented operators is backed up by experienced project managers and technical expertise.

Credits: Million Dollar Arm, Hostage, Knight and Day

Credits: Fortitude, Thunderbirds, Broadchurch

Film The Man From U.N.C.L.E Now You See Me: The 2nd Act The Imitation Game Macbeth Woman in Gold Television The Bastard Executioner Fortitude Peaky Blinders (Season 1 & 2) War & Peace The Last Kingdom


Peaky Blinders Season 1 1920s Birmingham


UK VFX & Post Directory


Kate Morrison-Lyons info@fluentimage.com 10 Orange Street, London WC2H 7DQ www.fluentimage.com Fluent Image offers data management, tailored and powerful digital image workflows and years of experience in digital image processing and colour science. Providing operational flexibility, it harnesses the complexities of modern capture and delivery mediums for high-end digital feature films. Credits: Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Prometheus

Goldcrest Post Production London LONDON

Martin Poultney mpoultney@goldcrestfilms.com +44 (0)20 7220 2995 1 Lexington Street, London W1F 9AF www.goldcrestfilms.com Atmos, 7.1 and 5.1 dubbing theatres, ADR and Foley recording, sound design and sound editorial. Film and digital dailies, offline editorial suites and support. DI services include data extraction, film scanning, online editing, 2K/4K grading, full digital cinema delivery and 35mm film recording. Credits: Kingsman:The Secret Service, Suite Français, The Enfield Haunting

Framestore LONDON

Stephanie Bruning marketing@framestore.com +44 (0)20 7208 2600 9 Noel Street, London W1F 8GH www.framestore.com BAFTA and Oscar-winning creative studio Framestore gets involved at the earliest opportunity, often from the concept art stage, and has a VFX supervisor working on-set as part of a film’s crew. It also creates interactive installations, branded content, commercials and pioneering virtual reality experiences. Credits: Gravity, Guardians of the Galaxy, Paddington

Gorilla TV WALES

Rich Moss bookings@gorillagroup.tv +44 (0)2922 450 100 GloWorks, Heol Porth Teigr, Cardiff/ Caerdydd CF10 4GA www.gorillagroup.tv Welsh post-production television and film facility group Gorilla offers more than 70 Avid edit suites, DI and UHD finishing, Baselight grading, 5.1 dubbing, DIT, dailies and technical services, in-house animation/VFX and graphics. Credits: A Poet in New York, Jack to a King, Gentlemen


F- i

hacKenBacKer auDio poSt proDuction LoNDoN

haLo poSt proDuction LoNDoN

Jules Zabbar jules@hackenbacker.com +44 (0)20 7734 1324 10 Bateman Street, London W1D 4AQ

David Turner filmanddrama@halopost.com +44 (0)20 7292 8000 25 Noel Street, London W1F 8GX



A highly-respected audio post-production studio, Hackenbacker enjoys an enviable track record for quality and creativity. Though a small company, the experience and expertise of the talented team has delivered award-winning sonic results.

Halo specialises in film, drama and documentaries. In addition to offline, online and grading facilities, it offers extensive audio facilities. Halo’s Dolby Premier film dubbing stage is renowned for its excellent acoustics and was used to mix the Oscar-winning Les MisÊrables.

Credits: Downton Abbey (series 1-6), The Musketeers (series 1-3), The Double, Four Lions, Submarine

hireworKS South-EASt/LoNDoN

Credits: Paddington, Suffragette, The Missing

internationaL BroaDcaSt FaciLitieS LoNDoN

Danny Simmonds, Mark Cox, Phil Kent info@hireworks.tv +44 (0)20 3598 1870 Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH

Andrew Denyer bookings@ibf.co.uk +44 (0)20 7497 1515 Lower Ground Floor, 43 Eagle Street, Holborn, London WC1R 4AT



Hireworks supplies post-production equipment, editing rooms and technical support to a wide variety of film and television productions. Kit and support services range from delivering a standalone Avid system to a large networked installation with ISIS.

In business for 25 years, IBF is a film and television post-production house based in Holborn, London. It offers subtitling, closed captioning, audio description, editing, encoding, QC, audio, DVD and Blu-ray authoring and Aspera Faspex Delivery.

Credits: Skyfall, Gravity, Game of Thrones

Credits: Selma, Leviathan, Pride, X+Y


UK VFX & Post Directory

inDuStriaL Light & Magic LonDon LoNDoN

Sue Lyster contact-lon@ilm.com +44 (0)20 3751 9150 Hend House, 233 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8EE www.ilm.com Founded in 1975 by George Lucas, effects facility Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) has created effects for more than 300 feature films. ILM London opened in 2014 and continues the company’s tradition of cutting-edge visual effects and animation work. Credits: Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Ant-Man, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Ka-BooM poSt poSt proDuction NorthErN IrELAND

Zach Willis info@ka-boom.tv +44 (0)2890 315 063 Unit 17b Weavers Court, Belfast BT12 5GH www.ka-boom.tv Ka-boom Post Production offers full post for television and film, from multiple Avid offline suites to full online, grade, 5.1 mixing theatre and ADR stage. High-speed private internet access up to 10GB enables work on both local and international productions. Credits: Fortitude, Game of Thrones, Pompeii

JeLLyFiSh pictureS LoNDoN

Philip Dobree, Luke Dodd phil@jellyfishpictures.co.uk +44 (0)20 7580 8154 66-68 Margaret Street, London W1W 8SR www.jellyfishpictures.co.uk Jellyfish provides a full range of services in highend visual effects, long-form animation and motion graphics. From pre-production right the way through to post, Jellyfish seeks the best creative and technical solutions for a range of budgets. Credits: Kingsman:The Secret Service, The Duke of Burgundy, Floogals

LenScareFx LoNDoN

Sascha Fromeyer info@lenscarefx.com +44 (0)20 7096 1028 4th Floor @ Garden, 134-146 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3AR lenscarefx.com Lenscarefx specialises in period set extensions, non-organic CG and Dynamics for the creation of explosions, fire and smoke VFX. Credits: The Zero Theorem, Wallander (series 1-3), The 9th Life of Louis Drax



Lexhag LoNDoN

LipSync poSt LoNDoN

Dan Marbrook dan@lexhag.com +44 (0)20 7036 9574 29-35 Rathbone Street, London W1T 1NJ

Lisa Jordan lisa@lipsyncpost.co.uk +44 (0)20 7534 9123 123 Wardour Street, London W1F 0UW



Lexhag is able to offer a full visual effects service from script to scene. The company has a background in special effects, which enables the team to design shots, both in camera and in post.

LipSync Post provides every aspect of the post-production process for film and television. Located in two sites on London’s Wardour Street, the company combines talented people with the highest quality equipment to offer the best for every project.

Credits: Poldark, Downton Abbey, Quirke

Credits: Mr Turner, A Royal Night Out, Wolf Hall

Mark Roberts Motion Control LoLa poSt proDuction LoNDoN

Rob Harvey, Rebecca Kelly rebeccak@lola-post.com +44 (0)20 7907 7878 14-16 Great Portland Street, London W1W 8QW www.lola-post.com Lola Post Production is a respected and reliable boutique CG facility creating high-end, awardwinning VFX for film and television. All stages of production are supported, from initial conceptual artwork, pre-visualisation, shoot supervision, 3D, 2D and stereoscopic through to final delivery. Credits: Exodus: Gods and Kings, Fortitude, The Bible

MarK roBertS Motion controL South-EASt

Ryan Fear Ryan@mrmoco.com +44 (0)1342 838 000 Unit 3, South East Studios, Eastbourne Road, Blindley Heath, Surrey RH7 6JP www.mrmoco.com MRMC manufactures motion control equipment for special and visual effects, as well as renting out equipment. MRMC’s track record in technical and engineering excellence has earned critical acclaim, including an Academy Award for technical achievement. Credits: Skyfall, Harry Potter, Avengers: Age of Ultron


UK VFX & Post Directory


Marta Kamienska Marta.Kamienska@methodstudios.com +44 (0)20 7878 7878 8-14 Meard Street, Soho, London W1F 0EQ www.methodstudios.com As an artist-driven company known for its creativity, Method’s London studio can service high-end television, feature film, commercials, games and motion graphics clients in the global marketplace. Credits: Jupiter Ascending, Exodus: Gods and Kings, The Hunger Games

Molinare LONDON

Milk Visual Effects LONDON


Will Cohen info@milk-vfx.com +44 (0)20 3697 8448 5th Floor, Threeways House, 40-44 Clipstone Street, London W1W 5DW www.milk-vfx.com Milk is an independent, boutique visual effects company based in London and Cardiff, with 120 artist seats.The BAFTA award-winning facility creates innovative and complex sequences for television and feature films, providing full VFX services. Credits: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Divergent Series: Insurgent, High-Rise


Julie Parmenter, Steve Milne juliep@molinare.co.uk +44 (0)20 7478 7000 34 Fouberts Place, London W1F 7PX

Nic Benns orange@momoco.co.uk +44 (0)20 7287 0776 22 Carnaby Street, London W1F 7DB



With more than 40 years of experience, Molinare is an award-winning film and post-production facility in London. It provides digital intermediate, sound,VFX, library and data management services, as well as international servicing.

Momoco is an Emmy-winning studio, producing film and television title sequences. Enjoying the conceptual process and storytelling with cinematic execution, the studio has collaborated with directors such as Richard Curtis, Ridley Scott, Lasse Halstrom and Kevin Spacey.

Credits: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, A.D: Beyond The Bible, Ex Machina

Credits: Hannibal, Alien vs Predator, Love Actually, Paddington



Motion Associates SOUTH-EAST

MPC (Moving Picture Company) London

Craig Crane info@vfxscanning.com +44 (0)7725 038 881 Unit 11-12,Trident Park, Chichester, West Sussex PO20 9DY

Mark Benson info@moving-picture.com +44(0)20 7434 3100 127 Wardour Street, London W1F 0NL www.moving-picture.com


Involved at every stage of the creative process, from initial concept art to final compositing and stereoscopic workflow, Oscar-winning MPC Film creates everything from awesome creatures and breathtaking environments to futuristic spaceships and explosive destruction sequences.

Offering Lidar from a VFX perspective, with 25 years of experience in television and film. The company’s Lidar pipeline is designed to get VFX builds off to a fantastic start, with multiple kits and crew able to mobilise to any location, worldwide. Credits: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Jungle Book: Origins, Guardians of the Galaxy


Credits: Harry Potter, Life of Pi, Guardians of the Galaxy,The Jungle Book

Munky Ltd London

Matt Tinsley matttinsley@gmail.com +44 (0)7726 473 824 34 Trent Road, Brixton, London SW2 5BL

Gary Brown gary@munky.uk.com +44 (0)20 7494 3777 77 Dean Street, London W1D 3SH



Offering visual effects and post-vis supervision, MTVFX develops visual effects temps for the editor and director to sign off on shots before they get turned over to vendors and for studio preview to help speed up post-delivery times.

Munky can provide 2D and 3D VFX services from concept, pre-vis and shoot supervision to development and final compositing. The team also offers conform, clean-up, mastering, QC, duplication and delivery, as well as facilitating and managing thirdparty grading services and colourists.

Credits: Spectre, Paddington, Skyfall

Credits: Paddington, Indian Summers, The Enfield Haunting


UK VFX & Post Directory

narDuZZo too South-EASt/LoNDoN

Vincent Narduzzo, Sarah Snelling info@narduzzotoo.com +44 (0)7717 281 493, +44 (0)7837 421 317 Canal Bank Studio, Tring, Hertfordshire 28 Newman Street, London W1T 1PR www.narduzzotoo.com An independent specialist grading company with facilities in Hertfordshire and London offering top colourists for television and features. Headed by Vincent Narduzzo, Narduzzo Too has a list of impressive credits and client base. Credits: The Last Kingdom, The Prey, Fire in the Night

one oF uS LoNDoN

Rachael Penfold rachael@weacceptyou.com +44 (0)20 7734 3106 Holden House, 57 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1JU www.weacceptyou.com One Of Us is a Soho-based studio with a culture of creative intelligence, focused on design and collaboration. Working across film and long form, and experienced in all stages of production, it offers visual effects and related work. Credits: Jupiter Ascending, Under the Skin, Everest

N- o


Kris Wright kris.wright@nvizible.com +44 (0)20 3167 3860 8/9 Carlisle Street, London W1D 3BP www.nvizible.com Offering high-end CGI and VFX for feature film and television since 2009, Nvizible’s awardwinning team of artists and production staff is able to provide efficiency and low overheads, resulting in high-quality output to fit all schedule and budget requirements. Credits: Legend, Edge of Tomorrow, Kingsman: The Secret Service

on Set tech LtD LoNDoN/uK-WIDE

Joshua Callis-Smith josh@onsettech.co.uk +44 (0)7708 842 854 London (works on set – no designated office) www.onsettech.co.uk On Set Tech offers bespoke and custom solutions for digital workflows. It provides facilities and services such as DITs, digital labs, equipment hire, and colour management via both live grade and using on set DI. Credits: Kingsman: The Secret Service, Grimsby, Eddie the Eagle


UK VFX & Post Directory


Peepshow Post Productions LONDON

Simon Craddock hello@onsight.co.uk +44 (0)20 7637 0888 34-35 Bedfordbury, London WC2N 4DU

Jason Kremer jason@peepshowpost.com +44 (0)20 7434 9555 58 Frith Street, London W1D 3JQ



ONSIGHT is a facilities company offering full post-production plus camera and equipment rental from Shepperton Studios. With more than 25 years of experience, the team supports many award-winning productions in the UK and internationally.

Peepshow Post Productions is an internationally award-winning editing house. Based in Soho, London, the facility handles feature films as well as televison, commercials, music videos and short-form material. Credits: Fish Tank, Still Alice, The Two Faces of January

Credits: Exodus: Gods and Kings, The Patrol, David Attenborough’s Natural History Museum Alive 3D

Peerless Digital Imaging LONDON

Drew Jones drew@peerless.co.uk +44 (0)20 7836 3367 32 Bedfordbury, London WC2N 4DS www.peerless.co.uk Creating imagery since 1976, Peerless is creative and artist led, offering VFX services to the film and broadcast industry. From initial concept and design through to final execution of shots, the company’s experienced talent produces exceptional work. Credits: Casino Royal, Exodus: Gods and Kings, Da Vinci’s Demons (series 2-3)

Pinewood Post Production SOUTH-EAST

Nigel Bennett nigel.bennett@pinewoodgroup.com +44 (0)1753 656 296 Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath SL0 0NH www.pinewoodgroup.com/postproduction Offering on-set/near-set, location and studios based front-end digital services, picture post and DI, sound post editorial and mixing, character voice casting, and re-versioning in 40+ languages. Credits: Genius, Everest, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Miss You Already, Paradise



Plowman Craven SOUTH-EAST

Huseyin Caner hcaner@plowmancraven.co.uk +44 (0)1582 765 566, +44 (0)7980 000 972 141 Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5EQ www.plowmancraven.co.uk/vfx 3D laser scanning and mobile photogrammetry solutions for the film, commercials and game industries. A range of Lidar scanners for capturing environments and ultra-high resolution scanners to create props. Credits: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jupiter Ascending

Prime Focus World LONDON

Matthew Bristowe info@primefocusworld.com +44 (0)20 7268 5086 160 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QA www.primefocusworld.com Prime Focus World provides creative services, pioneering technology services and intelligent financial solutions to film-makers on a global scale. It offers a patented, award-winning stereo conversion process, being the world’s first company to stereo-convert a full Hollywood feature. Credits: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Edge of Tomorrow


UK VFX & Post Directory

rage MuSic SCotLAND


ruSheS poSt proDuction LoNDoN

Caroline Gorman info@ragemusic.com +44 (0)141 572 0245 63 Woodside Terrace Lane, Glasgow G3 7YW

Jules Pye production@rushes.co.uk +44 (0)20 7437 8676 66 Old Compton Street, London W1D 4UH



Rage Music is a BAFTA award-winning team creating bespoke music for film, television, advertising and video games. The group provides work ranging from studio-based projects to full orchestral soundtracks – and everything in between.

Founded in 1977, Rushes provides a full range of services including project management, conceptual design, look development, on-set supervision, colour grading, CGI animation, editing, 2D compositing, Motion GFX and all aspects of finishing through to final delivery.

Credits: Dredd, Limitless,Walking with Dinosaurs

Credits: Spectre, Peaky Blinders, Les MisĂŠrables

SaLon LoNDoN


Nick Long nick.long@salonrentals.com +44 (0)20 8963 0530 D12 Genesis Business Park, Whitby Avenue, London NW10 7SE

Lauren McCready, Kahl Henderson hello@savalas.co.uk +44 (0)141 440 6700 Film City Glasgow, 11 Merryland Street, Glasgow G51 2QF



Salon is a long-established editing equipment hire company, supplying the latest Avid, Apple and Adobe editing systems coupled with high-level technical support 24/7/365. Salon can deliver and install equipment anywhere in the world.

Founded in 1998, Savalas offers a Dolby Premier mix theatre within its audio post-production facility. Services include ADR, foley, sound design, music composition, ISDN, Source Connect, FTP, an extensive SFX library and award-winning soundtracks.

Credits: Pan, Cinderella, Strike Back

Credits: Outlander, Shetland, Brave


Join us at dock10.co.uk/post We are Europe’s leading purpose-built studio and post-production facility. A trusted partner of the BBC, ITV Studios and Warner Bros. TV UK. Combined with our revolutionary technology platform, everything has been developed to help you bring your vision to life, whichever side of the pond you’re on.


UK VFX & Post Directory

Schedule 2 London

SHED (formerly Digilab) LONDON

Rebecca Hawkes delivermyfilm@schedule2.com +44 (0)20 7379 6072 83-84 Long Acre, London WC2E 9NG

Marc Dando, Ben Perry marc@shed.la, ben@shed.la +44 (0)20 3714 1414 60 Poland Street, London W1F 7NT



Schedule 2 is an international technical services company providing a secure post-production and technical service for film and television. The company fully understands the delivery requirements for producers, sales companies and distributors and provides a vital link for finance, sales and distribution.

Shed/Digilab is a boutique production services facility, using experienced talent and the best equipment to design and deliver bespoke colour and VFX pipelines to streamline production from set to delivery. Credits: Gravity, World War Z, The Jungle Book

Credits: Blue Jasmine, Carol, Mr.Turner

Soho Square Studios London

Tom Mackewn info@sohosquarestudios.com +44 (0)20 7494 3000 33 Soho Square, London W1D 3QU www.sohosquarestudios.com Offering either full audio post solutions or specific services, including ADR, voice record, sound design, Foley, music composition and mixing in 5.1 and stereo, and one of the largest voice booths in London. Remote session-capable using ISDN, Source Connect, Skype, Polycom and telephone patches. Credits: Thunderbirds Are Go!, Minions, Doctor Who


Glenn Freemantle glenn@sound24.co.uk +44 (0)1753 654 124 Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH www.sound24.co.uk (under construction) Sound24 is an Oscar, BAFTA, and MPSE-award winning sound design and post-production facility, specialising in feature film and television. Facilities include 5.1 and 7.1 mix suites and a premix edit suite for all mixing formats, including Dolby Atmos. Credits: Gravity, Slumdog Millionaire, Ex Machina



SounDing Sweet MIDLANDS

Ed Walker, Karen Faustini ed@soundingsweet.com +44 (0)1789 297 453 27 Oak Road, Tiddington, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BU www.soundingsweet.com

Space DigitaL North-WESt

Matthew Nelson, Simon Blackledge, Matt Wood contact@spacedigital.co.uk +44 (0)161 713 3771 Blue Tower, MediaCityUK, Salford M50 2ST www.spacedigital.co.uk

Sounding Sweet is an independent recording and audio post-production company specialising in the production of sound for film, television and computer games. Audio services include: sound design, 7.1 surround sound mixing, ADR, Foley, music editing and composition.

VFX boutique offering on-set VFX supervision, 3D animation, digital matte painting, compositing and titles design to high-profile film and TV productions. RTS-winning VFX supervisors, story-focused and keen problem-solvers. Includes in-house production team for SFX element and 2nd unit photography.

Credits: Postman Pat:The Movie, Pride, Man Up

Credits: The Casual Vacancy, Doctor Who, The Mill

Stargate StuDioS LonDon LoNDoN

technicoLor LoNDoN

Michelle Martin Michelle.Martin@stargatestudios.net +44 (0)20 8584 6772, +44 (0)7801 071 833 Ealing Studios #N205, Ealing Green, London W5 5EP

Ligia Baracat ligia.baracat@technicolor.com +44 (0)7890 565 010 16 Dufour’s Place, London W1F 2SW



Stargate Studios is an award-winning production company that specialises in virtual production and visual effects. Stargate’s global network enables clients to access more than 250 visual effects artists and supervisors all over the world.

Celebrating 100 years in the industry, Technicolor today provides HDR, 2K, 4K or 3D colour correction and finishing; DI, scanning and recording of all film formats; 2D and stereo compositing, and full editorial services over a high-speed data pipeline.

Credits: The Walking Dead, Apocalypse Slough, Doctor Who

Credits: The Theory of Everything, Poldark, Whiplash


UK VFX & Post Directory

territory StuDio LoNDoN

the DigitaL orcharD LoNDoN

David Sheldon-Hicks david@territorystudio.com +44 (0)20 3141 9430 4 Berry Street, London EC1V 0AA

Sam Margaritis sam@thedigitalorchard.co.uk +44 (0)20 3538 4664 56 Wood Lane, London W12 7SB



Territory specialises in motion graphics,VFX and design for film. Working with the biggest studios and directors to provide on-screen graphics, titles, set design and VFX, the facility thrives on new challenges and innovating new ways to help tell stories.

Offering bespoke digital dailies labs, digital imaging technicians, and workflow specialists to film, television and commercials. The agency represents highly skilled DITs, lab technicians and video playback operators, who use custom-built data labs on-set to produce an efficient and secure workflow.

Credits: Prometheus, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hitman: Agent 47

Credits: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Kingsman:The Secret Service

T he

G r ou p

the FarM group LoNDoN/South-WESt/North-WESt

Jason Elliott info@farmgroup.tv +44 (0)20 7437 6677 13 Soho Square, London W1D 3QF www.farmgroup.tv

the iMaginariuM StuDioS LoNDoN

Ben Lumsden, Stephen Nixon enquiries@theimaginariumstudios.com Ealing Studios, Ealing Green, London W5 5EP www.theimaginariumstudios.com

The Farm Group provides post-production services from more than 200 suites in London, Bristol and Manchester, working on some of the world’s most prestigious long-form television. Locations are fully networked, allowing for seamless collaboration.

Critically-acclaimed actor and leading expert in performance capture, Andy Serkis, and successful film producer Jonathan Cavendish, opened The Imaginarium in 2011. It offers a world-class performance capture studio, coupled with a production company and a team of creative talent.

Credits: Downton Abbey (series 1-5), Indian Summers, Utopia (series 1-2)

Credits: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars:The Force Awakens, Jungle Book: Origins



the LenS FounDry South-EASt





the LooK LoNDoN

Deane De-Beger hello@thelensfoundry.com +44 (0)333 344 8883 Unit 1, The Forge, Reading, Berkshire RG7 3BL

Dan Marbrook, Thomas Urbye bookings@thelooklondon.com +44 (0)20 7287 5313 29-35 Rathbone Street, London W1T 1NJ



The Lens Foundry operates a range of bespoke facilities tailored to the needs of visual effects for features, television drama and commercials. The fully-equipped and self-sufficient VFX Splinter unit and environmental scanning services have been successfully used on major television dramas.

Independently owned and working solely in 2D and 3D picture post-production, The Look offers a bespoke service from a highly talented team. The facility can deliver a final finish to video content both at its London facility and globally, via remote grading.

Credits: Poldark, The C Word, Patient Zero

Credits: Top Boy, Residue, Just Jim

the Senate ViSuaL eFFectS South-EASt

the SounDhouSe ni NorthErN IrELAND

Sarah Hemsley, Sam Spacey info@senatevfx.com +44 (0)20 8607 8890 Novello Lodge, Twickenham Film Studios, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 2AW

Hazel Hargie and Donna Beattie hazel@thesoundhouseni.tv, donna@thesoundhouseni.tv +44 (0)2890 769 700 429 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2LN



Best known for its extensive environment and invisible effects work, The Senate is an independent company which offers a complete VFX service from script breakdown, budgeting, concept design and on-set supervision through to delivery.

The Soundhouse is one of Northern Ireland’s leading post-production facilities, producing highend audio for television, radio, film and online projects. The facility has worked with a wide array of clients on voice-over recording, music composition, sound design, ADR and dubbing.

Credits: Captain America:The First Avenger, Muppets Most Wanted, The Martian

Credits: 2012, Clash of the Titans, Gulliver’s Travels


UK VFX & Post Directory

the thirD FLoor LoNDoN

Duncan Burbidge London@thethirdfloorinc.com +44 (0)20 7927 7072 16-18 Berners Street, London W1T 3LN www.thethirdfloorinc.com Since 2004, the studio has helped clients visualise and maximise their creative content by producing computer-animated pre-visualisations.The Third Floor’s veteran pre-vis teams work closely with directors, designers and VFX supervisors to help them design and deliver the most compelling creative content. Credits: The Edge of Tomorrow, Avengers: Age of Ultron, X-Men: Days of Future Past

the ViSuaL eFFectS coMpany LoNDoN


twicKenhaM StuDioS LoNDoN

John Pegg, Matilda Wylie john.pegg@twickenhamstudios.com matilda.wylie@twickenhamstudios.com +44 (0)20 8607 8888 The Barons, Twickenham TW1 2AW www.twickenhamstudios.com West London studios that cater for both production and post, offering large dubbing theatres with Dolby Atmos and IMAX capability, and an ADR/Foley theatre. Picture post facilities include Baselight grading, Dolby reference monitor and online/ offline suites, as well as complete ancillary facilities. Credits: Exodus: Gods and Kings, Big Eyes,The Dresser

union VFx LoNDoN

Robert Delicata rob@thevfxco.co.uk +44 (0)20 7380 3540 38a Warren Street, London W1T 6AE

Tim Caplan, Adam Gascoyne info@unionvfx.com +44 (0)20 7494 9513 18 Noel Street, London W1F 8GN



The VFXco offers high-speed robotic systems, traditional motion control and visual effects filming, combined with creative and technical 3D pre-visualisation and real-time camera tracking systems to the film and television industry. The team offers a creative and technical bespoke approach to suit all client needs.

A boutique visual-effects facility providing a creative service for feature film and television productions. VFX supervisors, producers and artists share their experience and passion for filmmaking to produce imaginative solutions, quick turnarounds and stunning results.

Credits: Pan, Tarzan, Alice Through The Looking Glass

Credits: The Theory of Everything, Suffragette








UK VFX & Post Directory

Vine Fx LoNDoN


ViSion3 LoNDoN

Michael Illingworth michael@vinefx.com +44 (0)20 3005 4340 58-60 Berners Street, London W1T 3NQ

Adam May, Chris Parks adam@vision3.tv +44 (0)20 7043 4638 2 Gower Street, London WC1E 6DP



Vine FX offers a range of visual-effects services including creature design, digital matte painting, compositing, CG environments, FX, concept art and storyboarding.Vine FX can handle entire productions to deliver on time and on budget.

Led by Chris Parks and Angus Cameron,Vision3 offers stereo supervision for studio tent-pole features and giant screen documentaries. Fivetime recipient of the International 3D Society’s Lumiere Award, including Best Stereography for Gravity, the facility hosts a RealD screening room and review facility.

Credits: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Merlin (series 4-5), Atlantis (series 1-2)

warner BroS. De Lane Lea LoNDoN

Credits: Pan, Edge of Tomorrow, Gravity

yeLLowMoon poSt proDuction NorthErN IrELAND

Helen Alexander, Mike King, Michael Hamilton helen.alexander@wbdelanelea.com mike.king@wbdelanelea.com michael.hamilton@wbdelanelea.com +44 (0)20 7432 3903, +44 (0)20 7432 3887, +44 (0)20 7432 3836 75 Dean Street, London W1D 3PU

Greg Darby, Clare Campbell greg@yellowmoon.net +44 (0)28 9042 1826 30 Shore Road, Holywood, County Down BT18 9HX


Yellowmoon offers a full post-production service ranging from dailies to DCP. Located in Holywood, County Down, the post-production facility houses more than 25 cutting rooms as well grading, online,VFX and sound dubbing facilities.

Four re-recording stages, one equipped with Dolby Atmos and one with Dolby Home Theatre Atmos. There are also two ADR stages, 55 cutting rooms, a 4K and a 3D-capable preview theatre. Credits: In The Heart of the Sea, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Da Vinci’s Demons


Credits: Game of Thrones, The Fall, Line of Duty

DI | VFX | POST | PROMO| DELIVERY For a century Deluxe has been committed to providing content owners and creators with the tools and talent they need to bring the most compelling and exciting stories to life.


film | television | commercial


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