Role of Women in Business Programmes

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Role of Women in Business Programmes

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‘The MBA is evolving to prepare leaders for a changing world’.

The role of women in business schools and programmes is changing. Learn about the main trends and topics regarding women and the MBA degree.

• Women are applying to MBA programs in greater numbers than in the past. GMAC reports that currently 40 percent of the GMAT exams are female. This trend has been confirmed by the Forté Foundation, an organization that promotes women in management. •

First time in 15 years, the number of women in business schools increased significantly .

Why B-Schools Are Transformational for Women

hools Business sc women want more A in their MB r two programs fo st of all, reasons. Fir they want to men provide wo ement with manag to knowledge ance quickly adv s in the their career rld. business wo ey Secondly, th ak the want to bre on stereotypes e women in th workplace.

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• An organization that promotes women in business, general cultural stereotypes about gender can create difficult problems for leading women.

We are convinced that the successful business models of the future will be those that know.

The results of the catalysts suggest that, because of the stereotypes, "the talent of female leadership is regularly underestimated and undervalued in organizations. •

How to interact with an increasingly sophisticated and demanding social environment".

Taking Advantage of Your Gender

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Women bring a lot of • resources to the table that contribute to creating a diversified MBA environment. When looking for private schools, women should observe the number and variety of women's organizations&campus. • Scholarships for women are also an incentive. A select number of b-schools have joined the Forté Foundation to create opportunities for women's progress in management.

When selecting the most appropriate business schools, applicants should ask the school representatives how many teachers there are in the faculty.

In addition to financial support through scholarships, academics are exposed to the leading companies of the Forté network.

Women Coaching Each Other • Women should also make sure that their favorite business schools have solid and committed school networks, as an MBA creates valuable training opportunities for women, especially when they start looking for work. Women confront each other and alumni put questions on simulated cases and interviews and to train telephone interview techniques. Pupils can be very helpful in providing suggestions and in explaining recruitment practices within a wide range of organizations.

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