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My Quiet Time Journal

My Quiet Time Journal Contents

1. Introduction to My Quiet Time Journal 2. My Prayer Request List 3. My Bible Reading Plan 4. My Memory Verse List 5. My Quiet Time Sheets 6. My Quiet Time Chart

Name: _____________________________

My Quiet Time Journal Jesus loves you so much! And when someone loves you, you want to spend time with them. So it’s important that you spend time with Jesus regularly. One very important thing that God wants you to do is set apart time in your life and spend it with Him. Many people call this a quiet time. A quiet time is a time for you to pray and learn about Jesus by reading the Bible and memorizing verses from the Bible. Your quiet time journal will help you love Jesus more and more by teaching you how to have quiet times. In your quiet time journal are five things that will help you with your quiet times: Prayer Request List

Bible Reading Plan

Bible Memory Verses

The Prayer Request List is a place for you to write down or draw pictures of the people that you want to pray for. The Bible Reading Plan is a place for you to keep track of what you read in the Bible. The Bible Memory Verses are a list of verses that would be very helpful for you to memorize.

Quiet Time Sheets

The Quiet Time Sheets are a place for you to write or draw what you learned during your quiet time.

Quiet Time Chart

The Quiet Time Chart is a place for you to check off activities you completed during your quiet time and a way for your parents to reward you for having a quiet time.

With your Quiet Time Journal, you are ready to start spending time with Jesus through quiet times. The only other things you need are a Bible and a pencil. Many people find it easy to have quiet times in a ‘quiet’ place. So try and find a quiet place for you to have your quiet time. This might be your bedroom or the family room while everyone else is out of the room. Many people also find it very helpful to have their quiet times at the same time everyday. So try and find a time that works for you everyday. Finally, find a Bible translation that you can easily understand. If you don’t understand what you’re reading, you’re just wasting your time. Many children find the New Living Translation very easy to understand. Below are six easy steps to having a daily quiet time. Follow these six easy steps to have a Quiet Time: Step #1 Step #2

Step #3

Step #4 Step #5

Step #6

Turn to a new Quiet Time Sheet and fill in the date. Turn to your Bible Reading Plan and read your current daily Bible reading. When you’ve finished, check off what you read on your Bible reading plan so you know where you left off. Turn back to your Quiet Time Sheet, write down the reference to the Bible passage you read, and then write or draw what you read about in the Bible. Write down the verse that you are memorizing on your quiet time sheet and work on it with someone. Take time to pray. Write or draw your prayers and say them to Jesus. [During your first quiet time, fill out your prayer request sheet before praying. This will help you with your prayers. Your prayer request sheet is a great way to remember people you want to pray for on a regular basis.] Turn to your Quiet Time Chart and fill in the activities that you completed during your quiet time.

Please have your parents read this: Hopefully, your child is very excited about having quiet times. And as a parent, it is so important that you model and teach your children how to have consistent quiet times. There is nothing more exciting for a parent than to see their children loving God more and developing a relationship with Him. This quiet time journal will provide your children with the skills needed to have effective quiet times. This journal is intended for any age child, there are no age requirements, the only requirement is a desire to love God and spend time with Him. Even children that cannot read and write are capable of having quiet times; they just need a little help from a parent. For children that cannot read and write If your children are too young to read and write, that’s ok, they can still have effective quiet times. They will just need some assistance from an adult. This will require time on your part, but this is the best time investment you could ever make with your children. The Quiet Time Sheets provided in this journal will provide the framework for your child’s quiet time and your role will be to guide them through the Quiet Time Sheet. First, you will have to read the Bible reading to your child and fill in the reference to the Bible passage you read at the top of the Quiet Time sheet. Then, ask them to tell you what they learned about from the Bible reading for that day. Feel free to ask some guiding questions about the passage to make sure they understand what’s going on. Then, have them draw what they learned about and/or you will need to write down what they tell you. Next, you will need to teach them the memory verse and review it with them. If the verse is too long for them, feel free to shorten it up and write down the verse on the quiet time sheet. Finally, you will need to guide them in prayer. [Before jumping into the prayer section of the Quiet Time Journal, you will need to have your children draw pictures of the people they want to pray for on the Prayer Request Sheet. This will help the children remember who to pray for during their Quiet Times.] The Quiet Time Sheet walks the children through the famous ACTS prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication). As you pray with them, you will need to encourage them and help them draw in the appropriate places on the Prayer Request Sheet and/or write down what they pray for. Quiet times are possible for children that cannot read and/or write, they will just need a little loving guidance from an adult. Feel free to tailor this journal to the child’s ability level. Use a beginner’s Bible translation, shorten readings, change the prayer, etc. The important thing is that children are having a daily quiet time that helps develop their faith in Jesus.

For children that can read and write During your child’s first quiet time, make sure to go over everything with them to make sure that they understand the concepts and everything contained in the journal. Help them fill out the Prayer Request list during their first quiet time. Also, help them pick out their first memory verse and go over it with them. Explain each part of the journal to them and why Christians partake in these activities. Most importantly, relate to your child why prayer and Bible study are so important for their life. The best thing you can do for children that can read and write on an ongoing basis is to encourage them to have their quiet time each day and then go over their quiet time sheet with them when they’re finished. Going over the quiet time sheet with your children will provide a great time to make sure your children know what they’re reading about and also provide a chance for you to review their memory verses with them and go over any questions they may have. Going over the quiet time sheet will also provide opportunities for you to spiritually minister to your children – which are some of the greatest moments for any parent. This quiet time journal provides a good framework for quiet times, but if it does not challenge your children enough feel free to move onto the youth edition. Some children will move on quicker than others. Rewarding your children Please reward your children for having a quiet time, they deserve it. They’re doing something most Christian adults don’t even do. If you reward them for making their bed, why not reward them for seeking the Lord? Go over their quiet time sheets with them and help them fill out their quiet time charts for all the activities that they completed. The important thing is for you as the parent to choose the reward (money, candy, clothes, etc.) and the frequency with which you reward them (weekly, monthly, etc.). Make it a challenge, but also make it worth it for your children. Reward them with something they want. Also, the best reward you can give them is plenty of encouragement and praise. It is the eventual goal that you can remove the reward and they will continue having quiet times because they want to and recognize the benefit it provides for their life.

Prayer Requests

People at church I pray for:

My family members that I pray for:

Neighbors I pray for:

My friends that I pray for: Other things I pray for:

My Bible Reading Plan Date Read

Bible Passage

Topic of Bible Passage

Date Read

Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew 2:1-12 Luke 2:8-21 Matthew 2:13-18 Matthew 2:19-23 Luke 2:22-38 Luke 2:41-52 Mark 1:1-8 Mark 1:9-11 Matthew 4:1-11 Matthew 4:12-17 John 1:35-42 John 1:43-51 Matthew 5:1-12 John 2:1-12 Mark 1:35-39 Luke 4:38-41 Mark 1:40-45 John 2:13-22 Matthew 8:5-13 Matthew 8:23-27 John 3:1-15 John 3:16-21 John 4:1-26 Matthew 9:1-8-17 Matthew 9:18-26 Mark 4:21-25 John 5:1-17 Luke 7:1-10 Luke 7:36-50 John 6:16-21 Luke 9:10-17 Luke 9:23-27 Matthew 12:33-37 Mark 9:14-29 Matthew 15:21-28 Matthew 15:32-39 Mark 7:31-37 Bible Passage

The birth of Jesus foretold The birth of Jesus The wise men visit The shepherds and the angels Escape to Egypt Return to Nazareth Jesus presented at the Temple Jesus as a child John the Baptist speaks of Jesus The baptism of Jesus The temptation of Jesus Jesus begins his ministry Jesus calls the twelve disciples Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael The Sermon on the Mount The wedding at Cana Jesus preaches in Galilee Jesus heals many Jesus cleanses a leper Jesus cleanses the Temple The faith of the centurion Jesus calms a storm Jesus meets Nicodemus For God so loved the world The Samaritan woman Jesus heals a paralytic A girl restored to life A lamp under a basket Healing on the Sabbath Jesus raises a widow’s son A sinful woman forgiven Jesus walks on water Jesus feeds 5,000 Pick up your cross Fruitfulness Boy with an unclean spirit The Canaanite woman Jesus feeds 4,000 Jesus heals a deaf man Topic of Bible Passage

Luke 10:25-37 Mark 8:27-38 John 11:1-16 John 11:38-44 John 12:1-8 Luke 10:38-42 Luke 11:1-13 Mark 10:13-16 Matthew 18:10-14 Matthew 19:16-30 Luke 15:11-32 Luke 18:1-8 Luke 19:1-10 Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:15-19 Mark 12:28-34 Mark 12:41-44 John 13:1-20 Matthew 26:17-25 Matthew 26:26-29 Matthew 26:30-35 John 13:21-30 John 14:1-14 Mark 14:32-42 John 18:1-11 Matthew 26:57-68 Mark 14:66-72 John 18:19-24 Matthew 27:11-14 Luke 23:6-16 Mark 15:6-15 Luke 23:26-43 Matthew 27:45-55 Matthew 27:57-61 Matthew 27:62-66 John 20:1-10 John 20:11-18 Matthew 28:16-20 John 20:24-29 John 21:15-19 Acts 1:1-11

The good Samaritan Peter confesses Jesus The death of Lazarus Jesus raises Lazarus Mary anoints Jesus Martha and Mary The Lord’s Prayer Little children The lost sheep The rich young man The prodigal son The persistent widow Zacchaeus The triumphal entry Jesus cleanses the Temple The greatest commandment The widow’s offering Jesus washes the disciple’s feet The last supper The first communion Peter will deny Jesus Jesus will be betrayed Jesus is the Way Jesus in the garden Betrayal and Arrest Jesus before the high priest Peter denies Jesus Jesus questioned Jesus before Pilate Jesus before Herod Jesus to be crucified Jesus crucified The death of Jesus Jesus is buried The guard The resurrection Jesus appears to Mary The great commission Jesus and Thomas Jesus and Peter Jesus ascends to heaven

My Bible Memory Verses Date




Memorized I Peter 5:7

Bible Verse


Matthew 22:37 Genesis 1:1 Psalm 119:105 Psalm 136:1 Matthew 22:37

Luke 6:31 Psalm 118:24 Philippians 4:13 Philippians 4:4 Psalm 23:1 John 3:16

Mark 10:14

John 8:12

John 10:11

Ephesians 6:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' Do to others as you would have them do to you. This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Bible Verse

Psalm 103:8

Matthew 7:7

John 14:1 Ephesians 4:32

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

A Special Note for Parents: Helping your children memorize the Word of God is one of the highest callings of a parent/guardian. God’s Word is so powerful and needed in our lives and your children will be blessed for having that Word in their hearts and minds. The verses on these pages are some very foundational verses, some are shortened and some are the full verse. If your child has a hard time, shorten the verse; if they memorize very easily, look up the full verse. Memorize these verses in any order and once you’ve completed this list, there are thousands more to memorize! Here are some helpful tips as you go over these with your children: •

• •

Keep the time spent brief to hold the child's attention. This should be enjoyable so if your child gets frustrated you can easily try again later. Show your child where the verse is found in the Bible. Mark their Bible with a special color to identify verses they have memorized. Say the book, chapter, and verse before and after the Scripture. Recite the verse several times a day in your child's presence so it becomes familiar to them.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Create memorization games to help your children remember these very important verses.

Overall, remember to have fun while learning the verses!

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time with God

What I need to tell God I’m sorry for:

Today’s Date: ______________ Bible What I read today: ________________________

What I thanked God for today:

What did I learn about in the Bible?

People I prayed for today:

Bible Verse I’m memorizing: What I prayed for today for myself:

Prayer God is so great because…

My Quiet Time Chart













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