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- Virginia Tech / Blacksburg, Virginia
- Graduate Assistant / Virginia Tech
2014 - Current
1301 University City Blvd. Apt 1 Blacksburg, VA 24060 330.402.3483
2014 - Current
Master of Architecture GPA: 3.88
Working closely with Prof. Paola Zellner for a variety of projects including installations and programs in Blacksburg. Additionally, in charge of orientation and maintenance of Textiles Laboratory at the Architecture School.
- Miami University / Oxford, Ohio 2010 - 2014
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture GPA: 3.45
- Thomas Koontz Architect / Blacksburg, Virginia Summer 2015
- Study Abroad / Florence, Italy Fall 2012
Traveled to Florence, Italy for one semester and studied under Italian Architect Paola Giaconia. Program was through Kent State University.
Worked as intern primarily focused on work for a multi-use complex in uptown Blacksburg. Tasked with initial design of each of the three buildings. This later included preparation of digital presentation models, drawings, and documents for client meetings.
- SHP Leading Design / Cincinnati, Ohio
- Undergraduate Summer Scholars
Summer 2014
Summer 2013
Independent Research Project conducted over a ten-week period in summer 2013. Research investigated the impact of architecture in small, Midwestern-American cities and towns. Work culminated in an essay and graphic representation presented to professors and peers.
Worked as intern primarily focused on work for an elementary school. Worked extensively with designers for schematic design, presentations, and client meetings. Other experience includes construction documents and field measurement.
- Baker Bednar Snyder & Associates Architects / Warren, Ohio Summer 2010, 2011, 2012
Worked as an intern for three summers. Responsible for drawing and updating construction documents, working on marketing material for the firm, and participating in site visits and measurement.
- Revit Architecture - AutoCAD - Sketchup - Kerkythea - Vectorworks - Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Adobe Illustrator CS6 - Adobe InDesign CS6
LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE - IAWA Assistant / Virginia Tech 2014 - Current
Working with the International Archive of Women in Architecture for a variety of projects. Part of organization team for the 18th international conference held in Blacksburg in summer 2015.
- Sketching - Colored Pencils - Watercolors - Model Making
- Pella Prize Selection Committee / Virginia Tech 2015 - Current
AWARDS - Second Place Nationally, RBT Lighting Competition Spring 2013
Light Fixture Design Competition in which students from over 100 universities across the United States participated. Light fixture designed to provide both illumination and time-ofday information.
- Recipient, Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal Spring 2014
- Recipient, Walter C. Pfeiffer Architecture Scholarship Spring 2013
- Recipient, Joseph P. Veasey Architecture Award Spring 2012
“Award given to second year architecture student exhibiting exceptional service to fellow students, professors, and the architecture department. Student exhibits leadership in group and department projects, promotes a positive sense of community among the second year class, demonstrates support of peers, contributes positively to the studio environment and displays a collaborative and helpful manner.�
Part of a committee of four graduate students responsible for helping award the Pella Prize Thesis Award for undergraduates in architecture at Virginia Tech.
- Resident Assistant / Miami University Spring 2012 - Spring 2014
Responsible for assisting and overseeing 35-45 residents as well as fostering sense of community through community programs, individual contact, etc.
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant / Miami University Spring 2013
Teaching assistant for Introduction to Landscape + Urban Design under Professor John Reynolds. Responsible for small discussion groups with students, facilitating class material, and grading projects, papers, and exams by students.
- Co-President, Student Advisory Council / Miami University Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
Represented the Class of 2014 within the Department of Architecture + Interior Design. Responsible for coordination of end of semester shows among other department programming.