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Horoscope for Feb-Mar 2020

Horoscope for Feb-Mar 2020




Aquarius, you never merge within the group, but you are always the outsider everyone wants. Your experience, contacts, connections, talents or just your unique personality helps flip the chemistry. This makes for some amazing results, as you have seen in the past. No doubt you thought 2019 would be the same, but you were so disappointed by the direction the group was taking at the end of 2018 or start of this year – that you had to make it clear.

This is likely to still be stumbling on, but guess what? It’s the stumble that became a giant leap, as October showed you. While you were doing other things with your life, people surprised you and delighted you. You felt some kind of solidarity and mutual support again, no matter what happened before.

As I’ve had a few Aquarius readers ask me why 2019 wasn’t a joy-fest with their teams, clubs, groups, associations, bands, societies and the rest, I have to gently remind you that a lot of astrologers don’t work with Ceres. What’s Ceres? A symbol of politics. People who want to own a situation or control it! As much as you have had lucky Jupiter in your zone of friendships, Twitter and networks all year – you have also had this powerful planet too. She’s really been behind the saga you had earlier.

Now, with Ceres gone from this chart zone on November 15th and a dazzling new beginning for you from November 23rd-27th, you really have

to say yes. I also think, beyond this situation, which is most immediately obvious to you, there is a second. Think back and you’ll remember how badly one person or organisation behaved, just a few months ago. You had high hopes and were basically booted out, or your ideas were.

Well, leave that door open. With this specific person or organisation, or another in the same ballpark area, you’ll see (this time) something real. Something terrific. And something irresistible.

The final week of November is hugely important for you Aquarius. Say yes to everything and everybody and figure out the details later. You don’t have to sign anything yet. What we’re talking about here is good karma with your friends and the group, as the South Node in Sagittarius rocks your world May 6th, 2020 to January 18th, 2022.

You’re such a ‘feeder’ of networks. Of community. As I said before, you don’t merge, you stand outside and supply. Yet, having done so very, very much for groups in the past – you’ll collect in 2020 and 2021. Make it even bigger and better by doing your utmost to be generous when life is so good to you, as November ends.


Pisces, 2019 does end up rewarding you, in terms of there being some kind of karmic payback or justice, for your many years of hard work or education. You’re already feeling so much better about what was essentially a mini failure to you, dating from end 2018 or early 2019. Back then you were dismayed at the way things were out of your hands, and by the attitude of one person in particular who felt that something was all his/her territory!

No wonder you quit, or half-quit. Maybe you just had to quit in your head and mentally resign, as the project or job has had to roll on. Yet – something rather fabulous has now made you feel a lot better about your role, project or plan and you are quite right to be optimistic. In fact, you should be a lot more than that.

Your whole problem has been Ceres in Sagittarius, in your Tenth House of career, ambition, social status, popularity, power and position. She’s out of that sign on November 15th and with her, goes the politics. In fact, either as a direct result of what you signed up for, a long time ago – or a spin-off from the original project – you will be celebrating major success and unforgettable natural highs, on November 23rd-27th. Father Christmas comes early then. Sure, the actual relationship may be complicated, with tremendous jealousy or possessiveness on one side (this is typical of Venus, who is next to Jupiter at this time).

Who cares, though, when your C.V. in years to come looks quite so epic? This is an achievement whose gestation and delivery you may have very mixed feelings about, but you’d have to admit, 2019 is going to end

There’s more, Pisces. I’m looking way ahead here, to 2022. You have the South Node of karma going into this same zone of achievement, social rank, position and ambition – from May 6th, 2020 until January 18th, 2022.

I mention this because everything you give back, donate, help out with and pass on – in this tremendously lucky final week of November – comes back to you in that timeframe.

They call Jupiter the planet of protection. He does that, and gets you out of trouble, if you’ve had any. Yet, he also very much rewards you by helping you to expand your career. You may have been prominent or successful in one field, but Jupiter invites you to cross over into quite another. There may also be expansion involving specific countries or languages: having done pretty well in one territory, you see a door opening in another. All this fits the final week of November, and the symbolic language of Jupiter, Venus and the New Moon in your chart.

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