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Four Things You Must Have To Achieve Success JOHN FERRARA

I have spent the last few years of my life dedicated to studying the very fundamentals of what it takes to become successful. I have interviewed people, read countless books, attended seminars and have been mentored by various successful entrepreneurs. Searching for what the formula to success is, I have learned that success isn’t just about business or being financially independent. Success can refer to variety areas in one’s life. People can desire to be successful in relationships, in love, emotionally, spirituality, in the contributions they make to others, intellectually; the possibilities are endless.

Through studying success, I began to realize the repetitive patterns that lead to victory. With all the different factors involved, I have extracted what I’ve learned and managed to discover the four necessities one must have in order to achieve success in all the different areas of life.


Clear & Compelling Vision

The first thing you must have to be successful is a vision. Not just any vision. You need a CLEAR and COMPELLING vision for the future. The reason you want your vision to be compelling is because you want something that is going to pull you towards your goals instead of you having to push yourself to towards completing them. Pulling has a much greater force than pushing. It is true in physics; and it is true with your vision.

Acting instead of Reacting

The second thing you must master is the ability to manage your state. Your state is what you are feeling in the moment. Having the conscious ability to be aware of and manage your state allows you to take control of how you are ACTING instead of REACTING. Your emotional and psychological state allows you to tap into resources that you already possess. Having conscious control permits you to locate these resources and utilize them when they are most needed. There are three important states one should learn to master.

· Certainty – To be definite in what you are doing.

· Clarity – To be clear and not disordered.

· Courage – To know that you may not be right all the time, but you refuse to let fear stop you.

Belief System

The third thing you must have is a strong belief system. You must be able to not only intellectually, but emotionally, believe you are capable of achieving your vision. A limiting belief stops us from moving forward when we should and causes us to move backwards when we shouldn’t. We are all guilty of having limiting beliefs; however, we must learn to exchange them with more empowering ones.


The fourth and final thing one must have is a great strategy. I have found the best way to locate a great strategy is to model people who have already obtained the same results you are looking for. Figure out their strategies and do the same. Simply put; SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES!

These are the four categories one must possess in order to achieve absolute triumph. Implement these different strategies and continue to grow and achieve self-mastery throughout all areas of your life.

I teach many different strategies and mindsets that I have discovered through my journey on my YouTube channel, “The Success Messenger”.

Subscribe to my channel at

www.youtube.com/thesuccessmessenger or tweet me @SuccessMsnger.

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