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Read This! Do Not Procrastinate!

Read This! Do Not Procrastinate!




It is the very bittersweet action that will never completely eliminate itself from our lives. The fact is; we all do it. I have learned the very driving force that makes people do the things they do is the need to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Everything we do in our lives; every decision we make is simply to avoid pain and to seek pleasure.

Procrastination is a learned habit that is hardwired in the brain. We begin to have an argument between two parts of the brain, the “prefrontal cortex” and the “limbic system.” The prefrontal cortex is the more productive portion. The limbic system (which is the more primitive part of the brain) is responsible for motivation of pleasure.

While the prefrontal cortex is reminding you that you have to complete those boring tasks, the limbic system, being the primitive part, overpowers the prefrontal cortex with less important but more pleasurable tasks like posting pictures on Facebook, the all of a sudden need to clean your desk, or all those emails you MUST respond to RIGHT NOW. Since procrastination is a learned behavior, you can minimize it with these five stop procrastinating tips!

1. Create a to-do list and include things you usually put off and not those things you know you’re going to eventually do anyways. Time frames and deadlines also work great to add a little sense of urgency. As you work through your list, check off the things that you complete and you will begin to feel a growing sense of accomplishment.

2. Finished the hardest task first. Author, self made millionaire and sales specialist Brian Tracy wrote a book called, “Eat That Frog.” In this book, the frog is a representation of your hardest task. He goes onto explain that any task after “eating a frog,” will not seem as complex. He also states, “if you have two frogs, eat the uglier one first!”

3. Remove distractions from your workplace. When there are too many distractions in your workplace you are more likely to procrastinate. Turn off any social media that will distract you from productively working. Having papers all over your desk will make you want to clean up instead of completing the task at hand. Any clutter will cause you to loose focus.

4. Don’t be a perfectionist. If you’re waiting for perfect timing, perfect visuals, perfect supplies, you’re just putting off completing that task. If it does not need to be perfect, stop and move onto the next. If you find yourself to be a perfectionist, then once everything is completed, come back and finish perfecting it. Keep in mind that we are only human, and we are allowed to make mistakes!

5. If a task seems large and frightening, break it up into smaller, more manageable tasks. It will seem less intimidating and will still allow you to get the desired end result.

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