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Job security is a reliable entity with several benefits for the employees and some vital ones for the employers. Assuming things are normal, i.e. under normal circumstances, the elements related to job security make an employee work with satisfaction rather than working for satisfaction & satisfactory results. Primarily, results matter for the employees, while for the employer, it’s the reliability factor. Job security has a huge relationship with job satisfaction as it guarantees job satisfaction to higher numbers. For instance, the higher numbers of job satisfaction in the ranking zone from 1-10 mean higher job security levels. Thus, the relationship is related in correlation, i.e. direct proportional relationship & vice versa.

Employees reap the benefits of job security after some years of working with the same company rather than switching companies after a year, maybe less than a year, or more than six months. This means the more time you give the company, the more you will feel satisfaction levels. We are talking about ideal circumstances or, to be exact, in most circumstances. For instance, if you are making an application for a job switch, your potential employer would love to see how much time you spent with your existing employer. They would consider at least 3-4 years to be a decent time, and for more than 4-5 years, they might also give you some bonus points in an interview. However, working in a company for less than a year or three to six months might not be that appreciated regarding the employer’s satisfaction levels. Thus, your ID to success is leaving or switching your job while in a good relationship with your existing employer.


Most Vital Boundaries to Identify Over Job Security:

Some most important boundaries need to be identified regarding job security. Both of them, i.e. the employees and the employers alike, need to realize at the same time when pursuing job security becomes toxic. Employers must realize that the employees might get into mental stress because of too much work or work overload. They might also experience burnout and depression that leads to low job productivity.

For the sake of job security at both ends, it’s important that the employers and employees realize the right balance between work and overwork. Avoid all sorts of mental pressures, stress and burnout.

Also, the employees seeking or looking for job security are desperate. They shouldn’t sacrifice their sense of purpose and other vital things that yield toxic working standards, obviously, which means being a work freak, working late nights and taking work pressures very seriously.

What do You need To Do If You Are Living Without Job Security?

Living without job security is like you are on the roads while driving with failed breaks. You won’t be able to stop your car & this is a hazard as most chances say that you might end up in an accident. Ironically, no one likes to live with job insecurity as this might also lead to mental health & stress. Some things you need to do or actions you need to take are mentioned below in the order of priorities.

Priority #1:

Make your mental well-being a key priority. It would help if you were stable to find a new job. A new job doesn’t mean another job without job security. However, a secure job will make you more mentally secure.


You need to invest some time and work with a coach very seriously, as you need to identify the key strengths in a different role. Otherwise, a psychologist in your company needs to make you and your thoughts more optimistic for the best results.


You must seek new and innovative ways to manage your finances dynamically. You might get caught unaware, leading to something like failure. Be cautious and be aware always.


Keep a circle of the most positive people who are the ones who encourage you not to give up on your search.

Update Yourself Concerning Your Career Trends:

Know more about yourself and your career, as your career trends need to be updated. This shows that you have got respect for your career as it’s your job that pays you, pays off your bills, your rent and all sort of your expenses if it’s your only way of earning money.

How you need to update yourself in terms of skill development, also known as upskilling, is what you need to do. It’s just like playing a game of football if you are not trying hard to make a goal. Obviously, you might end up on the other side of the celebrations, i.e. concede a goal. With priority, don’t waste your time to score one so that you feel secure. You just need to improve your retention as an employee as employees that are out of touch with regards to their upskilling or career development. Obviously, these are the ones who are likely to be replaced.

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