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1st JAN 2023
The New Year’s Day, i.e. 1st Jan, is a holiday in Canada & is the same on 1st Jan 2023. It’s the start of the New Year, & a day just after New Year’s Eve, i.e. 31st Dec. The significance of a holiday is for the workers and in Canada, like in the UK, USA, Australia & New Zealand & some other countries, they are paid either double time or time & a half. The day holds significance for the people in Canada regarding their objectives which are new goals & being confident regarding what they need to accomplish in the rest of the New Year. Just after the fireworks end, i.e. as they start at midnight, people mostly get involved in activities that demand future planning for the year & how they shall distribute their time monthly to achieve their most important & most vital objectives.
The passing year & the upcoming one holds differences in terms of what they have achieved, i.e. the milestones & what milestones will be their future milestones. Either you are a ruler of a country, a horseman, a police officer, a banker or a professional who works in a management position in a multinational company. Everyone has an objective that is necessary to achieve to play an innings of success in the year that comes with all the challenges standing tall in the form of massive challenges of the New Year. 1st Jan, the first day of the year in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars, is an important day for Canadians as it is for the many people of different nationalities all across the globe.
The World Is In 2023:
The world is in 2023 & for most people, 1st Jan is practically their start time in 2023. It’s the tick-tock, i.e. the big clock which is moving fast towards 2024 with 364 days left practically. On the other hand, individuals & companies mustn’t forget that their implementation of goals is more important than what they have planned for the future. The future holds for success if designed that way, while implementing the targets is key at every step. More globalization goals, & more mergers & acquisitions are taking place globally. However, to be more practical, the transformation should be more practical than it would have been from 2021 to 2022.
The challenges of 2023 are far more in terms of magnitude & need to be broken down for the sake of achieving success for good reasons.
The Environmental Goals in 2023: Canada’s environmental goals in 2023 are more for the sake of efforts regarding climate change & making people more aware of the hazards of the same. It’s the dangerous greenhouse gases that have many dangers associated & the impacts of which need to be a point of vital awareness for the common people. That is the common Canadian man who is worried about environmental hazards & challenges. Apart from this, the motive of electric vehicle manufacturing firms shall be to sell more electric vehicle locomotives so that the environmental impacts are encountered on a larger & more defined scale.
Bringing Change into Action:
Bringing the Change into action is as important as moving towards the Change. 2023 is at least two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted the economies & the vision of many nations for at least 2.5 years. It’s important to realize the impacts of something similar taking place again & how practically to fight with such a scenario at full strength. Part & parcel of the objectives of 2023 should be to make relevant contingency plans that shall be improving things for future better options.
Canada’s Relations with Other Countries: 2023 can even be termed a year of Change in many areas, including immigration. Obviously, to help Canada sustain the prestigious list of the top countries of the world in terms of Total GDP & other economical calculations.
On a more global format, Canada must make more alliances that are termed global alliances. The relations that are termed international relations need to be improved not only on a continental or regional basis but also outside the continent of North America. Whether it is sports, its environment, its global trade or other economic alliances. Canada needs to be far more sustainable so that it shall be able to attain its New Year objectives with a statement. Thus, a statement that says, ‘Change we Need’. In his inaugural speech, Barack Obama, the 44th US President, clearly mentioned the importance of Change. Significantly, he used the famous phrase in his speech, ‘Change we need.
Other relations that need to be improved are with the United States of America, a country in North America that shares its border with Canada. Thus, being the largest border according to the covered area.
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