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The BCHA, or British Columbia Hotel Association, is an organization that was formed on 9th April 1917. The aim was to promote & restore Hospitality & Tourism in British Columbia, a province which is gorgeous in terms of values of Tourism & international exposure. British Columbia province has cities which include Vancouver & Victoria, the capital city. Both are known for the sake of international Tourism & Hospitality as having a status far more international than other cities of British Columbia.

The history of the accommodation industry dates back to its association tied to liquor, while the BCHA origins are no different. It was in the year 1924 that a bill was passed in the legislature, thus giving hotels the most exclusive right to sell beer by the glass. Ironically, it helped boost hotel construction to keep up with the licenses issued to sell draft beer. The close link between liquor & hotel paved the way for the hospitality industry.

For the past years, the association has been working closely with the Canadian Govt. as well as the regulatory authorities to ensure a positive operating environment. A culture that determines the hotel industry to thrive, particularly, especially during economically challenging times. It has been a benchmark for many other associations & orgs. With the similar aims & objectives for the sake of promoting Hospitality & Tourism in Canada. The representation is to a massive extent that BCHA acts as the voice of the hotel industry at the federal, provincial and community levels. It is acknowledged as the champion of hotel-related issues.


The mission is to act as a benchmark & a master in providing hotel-related issues in a country like Canada. It’s a vast country & there are many other hotel associations which Canada is benefiting from. However, BCHA, unlike others, is different as it acts as a supreme watchdog or a master in providing solutions to hotel-related issues.

The mission also aims largely at shaping the future of Hospitality. Also, act as an advocate, communicate for a larger agenda and educate people about everything that relates to the hospitality industry. It’s an industry that is booming every day & the challenges are increasing daily.


The hospitality industry is very deeply linked with Tourism values in Canada. These are values that promote Tourism, promote cultural Tourism, enhance Tourism in all the provinces & finally, arranges seminars & conferences regards to the Hospitality Industry in Canada.

The hospitality industry is the key to Tourism in Canada, & BCHA or British Columbia Hotel Association, has been shaping these values for the sake of promoting tourism since almost last century. The role of globalization in this regard has helped a great deal as Canada has transformed into a global country since BCHA was formed.


Sustainability in the hospitality industry has always been challenging for the Canadian government. & BCHA has acted very wisely & smartly for the sake of improving the levels of sustainability to gain a competitive advantage. By levels of sustainability, we mean the values of change associated while making the hospitality industry more robust & more authentic for better reasons.

The levels of sustainability have improved to massive extents, and BCHA has over 800 member hotels in their corporate governance. Also, representing 65,000 employees and 85K rooms, contributing more than $3.5 Billion in revenue. It’s a fact that the hotel industry’s value to the hospitality sector, the tourism industry and the economy of British Columbia is significant.

The economy of British Columbia now deeply relies on the hospitality sector & tourism Industry compared to what it was before. The shift in economic reliance is found to be very friendly indeed.


As Canada is facing the highest labour shortages in history, its BCHA or British Columbia Hotel Association, contributes to massive levels for the sake of change. The hospitality sector needs the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to open to the hospitality sector and offer a similar program to the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. This is a program that allows employers to hire temporary workers when Canadians and permanent residents are not available.

This is in collaboration with the Hotel Association of Canada, also known as HAC, that the Federal Govt. develop & implement a program to address the seasonal shortages.

British Columbia Hotel Association, BCHA is playing a key part in promoting Hospitality & tourism every day. Even though, the organization has done fairly well in terms of sustainability measures as well as CSR or the Corporate Social Responsibility elements. The organization is further dedicated towards Leadership, Respect & Collaboration. The last one holds many values of change for the hospitality sector which is deeply involved with true values of tourism. The first one, i.e. Leadership is a key requirement of BCHA for the sake of innovation, creativity & understanding the rising issues & hotel-related issues in Canada. A country which covers an area larger than the United States that makes it the biggest in terms of the area in North America. Obviously, the bigger the country, the larger are the problems in terms of the magnitude in any sector or region.

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