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SYED MAHMOOD NAQVI Vice President | MB Enterprises

A few days back, my son came to me & he gave me a quote that blew my mind. I was shocked to hear such a thing from my son at this very young age. He told me, “I feel incomplete when life is easy,” Hussain Naqvi. This quote is full of depth, and I believe if society applies this quote in daily life, it could change the way the economy works.


Life Is A Challenge Everyday:

When life is good & smooth, it feels incomplete. Because life is a challenge every day, & the real enjoyment & joy is in fighting life's challenges. Your biggest moment of joy might be when your son was born. However, as soon as he faces life's challenges, you shall feel more accomplished to see him grow up. Further, to become what you have always dreamt for your son in life.

It’s like you have won a Gold medal in the Olympics or Commonwealth Games for the first time & you feel like you are flying in the skies. Simply because of what you aimed for, after all the challenges in life, you have accomplished that. Your struggles in achieving the Gold medal in the most prestigious tournaments have worked for you.

It Never Feels Good When Life Is A Piece Of Cake:

When life is a piece of cake, i.e. everything is going in the right direction, most people would find it good. However, some of them wouldn’t, as they love life's challenges. They love taking the tough route instead of the very easy one for them. This is similar to something my son quoted ‘I feel incomplete when life is easy.’ Obviously, his soul might be the soul of very few ones who love the challenges of life.

A teacher always scolds his students when something goes wrong. Howev- er, there are few teachers who would say that I like your mistakes as mistakes will teach you more. Mistakes will also help you learn things much more easily.

Challenges Give You The Thrill To Fight It Out:

Challenges give you the real passion & the thrill to fight it out. Challenges also give you the drive to stick to your daily routine very strictly. Challenges make you a mountain climber as no one can underestimate the passion inside you & the skills to go up in life. You don’t need shortcuts to get what you are looking for. All you need is the right strategy & the hard work to take your challenges & dig the grave for them straight away.

Similarly, as in real life, if you are faced with a challenging situation. You realize, i.e. in the middle of the journey, that you are facing hardships, don’t give up at that point. You never know; a little bit more struggle in the right direction can get you what you want from life. Just like my kid said to me, “I feel incomplete when life is easy,” it might be an ideal time to make life easy & later easiest. Obviously, life is nothing but a ‘bunch of challenges.’ If you enjoy that bunch of challenges, one day they shall turn into a ‘bunch of roses’ for you.

Make Yourself Complete With The Right Vision:

You have to make yourself complete with the right vision, even if you face challenges. According to Imam Ali, ‘Whatever is taken away from you will be replaced with something better.’ It’s the ultimate connection you need to make with the challenges & face them face-to-face with the right attitude. If something is taken away from you, definitely you shall find a better replacement if you stick to the basics.

You just don't have to cry over spilt milk or if you have lost something. There might be something better in store for you or a better deal that you shall find sooner rather than later.


Making compromises on lesser challenges. You just have to make sure that you stick to your standards, i.e. your quality, before reaching a certain situation or a position.

As someone who works hard with the right intention, such a person who compromises that scenario, in literal terms, is not wanted. Making the wrong compromises can even lead to finding the wrong routes to success, which might be your real enemy. Ultimately, it can even be a cause of dissatisfaction & lacking of comfort.

Your comfort zone is in fighting life's challenges and taking the challenges as part & parcel of the big game.


If fighting out your challenges is your true comfort zone, always enjoy your comfort zone under all circumstances. Even if it takes loads of hard work & planning, just don’t make limitations for yourself.

At the end of the day, you will feel the

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