5 minute read


MBE: Can you please start of by telling our readers about your childhood and your upbringing?

Dr. Kashif: I come from to an Urdu speaking family and was born and raised in Karachi. I am one of 3 brothers and 1 sister. Both of my parents were educated and this was one of the reasons why they put so much emphasis on achieving a higher education. Growing up, I did not always behave and due to my mischievous behaviour, I used to be punished quite often by my father. I used to play cricket a lot and had a happy childhood laden by many beautiful memories.


MBE: Where did you complete your education and can you please shed some light on the importance of education in this day and age?

Dr. Kashif: I completed my secondary school education from the National School of Karachi and went to Adamjee Government Science College which is one of the top undergrad science colleges in Pakistan. I did my bachelor’s in science from the University of Karachi and then decided to study Dentistry. After completing my dentistry degree from Fatima Jinnah Dental College, I went to the USA and achieved my master’s degree in dental Implantology from the prestigious UCLA University.

The importance of education can never be denied at any age. I believe, as a Muslim, acquiring education is an obligation for everyone. Education makes us see things in a much clearer perspective. It helps us to differentiate right from wrong. An educated person can make right decisions in his/her life. It not only impacts personal life, but it also affects the whole community. Educated people interact intelligently with all sectors of the society and make it a better place to live. In this technological era, acquiring education is extremely important for everyone.

MBE: How did you start your Medical career and who were your early inspirations? Also what were some of the early struggles you faced in your career?

Dr. Kashif: At the start of my career, I worked with many mentors. I gained valuable experience from them all. As I have always been a quick learner, I opened my own Dental Clinic in Karachi.

My parents have always been my greatest inspiration. With their prayers and constant encouragement, I soon opened another branch of my clinic. I always aspired for personal and professional growth and as a result, I soon left for the US for further training in dental implantology. Upon my return, I opened the 3rd branch of my clinic in Clifton Karachi. Currently I have another clinic in the very famous Lucky One shopping mall in Karachi. By the grace of Allah, all of my clinics are running successfully and many famous people and celebrities are my regular patients. At this point I must acknowledge that all of this would not have become possible without the great teamwork of my clinical staff. I consider them as my family and take care of their needs. I have also trained many Dentists who are now running their own dental clinics. I appear regularly as a guest speaker at Dentistry conferences in different parts of the world and strive to bring the latest dental treatment technology to Pakistan.

MBE: How did you progress in your Medical career and what were the keys to your success?

Dr. Kashif: I believe that sincerity with your profession is the key to success. Staying focused and working hard enables you to achieve your goals. As a dental surgeon I am not only sincere with my profession but with my patients as well. I always think of what is in the best interest of my patients and due to my patient centred approach, my patients trust me and love me like a family member.

MBE: Covid-19. The vaccine is around the corner. How do you see the general concerns of the general public?

Dr. Kashif: Well I can understand why people would have concerns such as potential side effects and are there any risks in it, and most importantly about effects on elderly or children etc. and list goes on.

a) Potential side effects of vaccine

The Corona vaccine has recently been approved by the FDA and is still in its early phase of clinical trials so we can’t say much about its potential side effects. When a new drug or vaccine is introduced in the market, it usually takes 10 to 15 years for the researchers to establish its adverse effect profile.

b) The vaccine has recently been approved and very swiftly. What risks are there if the vaccine is taken?

The volunteers who have received the trial of the corona vaccine have reported mild side effects which include low grade fever, chills and pain at the injection site. These symptoms subside in 24 to 48 hours. No serious side effects has been reported yet.

c) Are children safe to get this vaccine?

Currently, the vaccine will not be given to children because there is not enough data available for its use in the pediatric population. Initially, it will be given to front line health care workers, senior citizens and long-term care residents.

d) Are Elderly or adults with medical problems like diabetes and blood pressure safe to take this vaccine?

The vaccine has an efficiency rate of 95% and in the elderly, it has proven to be 94% effective. Considering the high-risk of morbidity due to the Corona virus in the elderly, I would recommend them to get vaccinated.

MBE: The vaccine may take up to 6 months or longer until everyone has access to the vaccine in Canada. Please advise us how we can prevent and protect and improve our Immune system?

Dr. Kashif: To boost our immunity, I would recommend our readers to adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, eat healthy and increase their intake of vitamin D, C and zinc supplements.

MBE: How do you like spending your time away from work? Do you have any hobbies or personal interests you would like to share with our readers?

Dr. Kashif: I always enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends. I enjoy going out for dinner with them or going to movies as well. I love to travel and I regularly visit different countries to explore different cultures, languages, heritage and historical sites.

MBE: Can you please end by leaving a message for our readers and others in the community?

Dr. Kashif: Since we are going through the second wave of the pandemic, my message for my readers, would be to stay safe and take all precautionary measures to prevent the reoccurance and spread of the virus. Please limit your travel to essential places only. Wear a mask when going out, maintain social distance and wash your hands regularly.

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