3 minute read

Having the Energy to Accomplish Anything

Most of us have a hard time finding the energy to even stay awake at the end of the work day, let alone do all the other necessary things to improve the quality of our lives. On the other hand, sometimes we run into people who seem to have an abundance of unlimited energy. They have a power source that appears to be never ending and continues to regenerate itself. How is it possible for some people to feel drained and lack the energy needed to accomplish all they want in their life, while others seem to face the world head on without a sense of hesitation? I have wondered this question and through my extensive research inhuman behavior, I have come across three main sources that generate the energy needed to accomplish all it is you want in order to create an extra ordinary life.

The first two are a no brainer and have resurfaced for decades. We all know the importance these two contribute to our physical energy levels. They are exercise and nutrition. Yes, I know what you must be thinking. Sarcastically thanking me for my “extensive research” and the results I came up with. I cannot disagree with you there. We have heard it over and over again. I simply cannot leave these important factors out of the equation. They just go hand in hand. In order for our bodies to perform at its peak physical state, we must provide it with proper nutrition and keep our selves in shape with daily exercise. There is just no other answer. Exercising, eating nutritiously dense meals for our families and ourselves should be a part of our daily lives if we want to grow and better ourselves. There is a law of nature called“The Law of Use”. Simply stated, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Most of us may have difficulty in getting ourselves to perform daily exercise in the beginning but studies show that after a consecutive 66 days of exercise, we develop it as a habit. Moreunbelievably, we begin to enjoy it. Theexercise then provides us with the physical energy our bodies require toperform our daily tasks and goals. Thenutrition fuels our physical body to keep it moving with all the essentialvitamins and minerals our bodies need.


So now that’s out of the way, the third source is a little more in depth and hasmany more layers to it. The veryessential element that allows us to generate the energy to achieve ourindividual accomplishments lies within the strength of our desires. What do I mean by this? The strength of ourdesire to undertake any situation acts as a catalyst to our energy source deepwithin us. You see, humans don’t “have”energy. We generate energy. Just how power plants do not have energy, theygenerate it.

We work the same way. We generate the energy needed to complete our tasks based on the strength of how empowering our desires are. The stronger our desires, the more energy we will generate for ourselves. Furthermore, the more enjoyment we have towards these tasks, the better our attitude will be along the journey. The strength of our desires acts as a stimuli that allows us to create our own vitality. Many people will work throughout the night and sometimes 2 nights in a row because of their desire to accomplish their goals. Some of us may think, “I could never do that.” The truth is, if you had to stay up two nights in a row, and your desire to do so is strong enough, you would generate the energy to stay awake.

A great example of this is found in new mothers. If you are, or have been a newmother, you would know or remember the sleepless nights you had when having tofeed or change your newborns during the early hours in the morning. Regardlessof how tired you were, you managed to muster up the energy to wake up, get outof bed, feed, change, rock, read to, sing to, comfort and nurture until yourchild fell asleep. Your desire wasstrong enough to give you the energy you needed to accomplish all thoseresponsibilities. It wasn’t easy, butyou had the energy to do it.

The way to create such a burning desire is to understand the “principals ofpurpose” for wanting what we want. Thinkabout it! What really drives you? Whydoes it drive you? It’s the “why” that supplies you the energy. Do you know someone who never had the energyto lose weight and was in an extremely unhealthy state? Do you know someone whowas in this state and was told by a doctor you WILL DIE if you do not lose thisweight? All of a sudden the purpose became so strong, this person will get outof bed in the morning and begin running before they even tied their shoes! They found their energy source. Wait a minute! It was there the whole time,wasn’t it? YES – it was!

You see the truth is we already have the energy to do just about anything we need to. The way to extract this energy is to create a strong, burning, andunshakable desire for what it is you want. The way you do this is to find the reasons of why you want this. If your reasons aren’t strong enough, findstronger reasons. Do you want enough energy to keep the house clean? Why? Doyou want to work hard on creating the business of your dreams? Why? Do you wantto lose weight and be at your peak physical health? Why? The answer is in the“why”. Your “why” or “purpose” backs upyour desire. The stronger your desire,the more energy you will find deep within yourself to accomplish anything youtruly wish.

John Ferrara

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