scabies home treatment - treatment of scabies - scabies home remedy

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Scabies Home Treatment - Treatment Of Scabies - Scabies Home Remedy

Do You Or Your Loved Ones Have Scabies… Or Something Worse? Your Doctor May Miss This Hidden Sign Sadly, many cases of scabies are misdiagnosed or overlooked completely. This is a common mistake because initial scabies outbreaks resemble little pimples or mosquito bites. See for yourself:

Scabies? Or Pimples?

Scabies? Or Mosquito Bites?

Some out-of-date medical textbooks recommend searching the skin for “burrows” to determine if scabies mites are present. (Burrows are tiny thread like markings beneath your skin where the scabies mites have literally tunneled inside of you). There are two major problems with this: 1) Most burrows are less than 2-3 millimeters long – too small for the naked eye to see. And… 2) The scabies mites cause your skin to itch… and any scratching destroys burrows! The itchier your skin gets, the less likely you are to find a burrow.

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