Graduation 2010

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+ Page 2D • May 2010 • Appalachian News-Express


Dustin Ball

Allison Belcher

Cassandra Chafin

Beth Chambers


Matthew E.J. Blackbur n Blankenship

Kenneth Chapman

Corey Charles

Samantha Booth

Mikie Bowe

Brittney Branham

Rober t Brewer

Brittany Burchett

Cera Canterbur y

Andrew Case

Chase Caudill

Mikie Church

Chancey Cisco

Jessica Cof fey

Katherine Coleman

Tresa Coleman

Sara Confor ti

Jeanna Dailey

Justin Damron

Micah Davis

Joshua Dehar t

Tyler Deloach

Cr ystal Dempsey

Kota Deskins

Joey Dillon

Symba Dingess

Kayla Dobbs

Jacob Dotson

Caitlyn Ear nest

Jonathan Ear nest

Brianna Edmiston

Cr ystal Elkins

Merisa Fer rell

Zack Francis

John Harlow

Jonna Hatfield

Molly Hatfield

William Helvey

Natasha Hockenberry

T if fany Honaker

Geor gia Howard

Nick Hunt

Mark Justice

Elmer Kevish

Jason Kevish

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 3D


Destiny Key

Jenney Kline

Geneva Lester

Cara Lockard

Tommy Looney

T im Lover n

Jason Lowe

Jessica Lowe

Kevin Maggard

Cydney Marcum

Monica Marcum

Matthew Matney

Brian May

Rachel May

Chase Maynard

Jeremy Maynard

Katie Maynard

Maranda Maynard

Jamie McCoy

Jennie McGuire

Donald Messer

Keisha Messer

Cassandra Miller

Zach Moon

Kari Mullins

T ia Olson

Geor gia Parks

A.J. Patrick

Megan Pinion

Andrea Pinson

Gabrielle Pr uitt

Tyler Phillipi


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Josh Pyles

Brittany Reed

Kena Reed

Savanah Reed

Josh Richardson

Chris Rose

Lauren Rose

Mason Runyon

Kierra Rutherford

Tamara Rutherford

Jor y Scott

Nicki Scott

Harlin Sheppard

Ashlea Smith

Bethany Smith

Josh Smith

Matthew Smith

Helen Spence

Greg Stanley

R yne Stanley

Wanda Stanely

Meghan Staten

Samantha Stell

Adam Stewar t

Ashley Stur gell

Chayce Swaf ford

Bobby Taylor

Ethan Thacker

Billie Var ney

Kellie Var ney

Thomas Var ney

Jacob Venturino

Mikie Ward

T.J. Wells

Donald West

Kayla White

Shawnda Whitt

Barbara Williams

Ethan Williams

Katiee Williamson

Brittany Wolford

Bianca Workman

Jodie Workman

Zach Workman

Belfy High School Students not pictured:

Mor gan Worley


Matthew Yates

Brittany Young

Lauren Younger

Michael Bowling Robert Brewster Kayla Chapman Justin Crank Dylon Hager Nathan Hunt William Hyden Dereck James Cedric Lampkin

Nora May Victoria McCoy Michael McGraw Matthew Pearson Alexis Preece Corey Scalf Stephanie Scott Danny Whitt Lynsey Williamson

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 5D


Adam Robinson

Alex Wieland

Amanda Sawyers

Amy Johnson

Ashley Graves

Billy Rober ts

Bobby Hampton

Brandon Hylton

Brandon Woods

Brandon McPeek

Breanna Ramsey

Brian Tackett

Brittany Damron

Brittany Looney

Brittany Swindall

Brittany Wright

Brock Brown

Caitlyn Addington

Carl Boyd

Casey Childers

Chadwick Potter

Chadwick Newsome

Chaney Oliver

Charles Coleman

Chase Ratlif f

China Riddle

Clyde Newsome

Cody Patrick

Cody Charles

Cody Fraganeno

Colton Bentley

Colton Damron

Cour tney Phillips

Cour tney Rowe

Dakota Sayers

Dalton Blevins

Devin Oakes

Dillon Hughes

Donavan Swindall

Donovan Hamilton


Christopher Christopher Hall Dotson

Dana Hall

Deidra Coleman

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Douglas Fouts


Dustin Brewer

Eddie Thacker

Elijah Smallwood

Elisha Justice

Felicia Hall

Floyd Thacker

Haley Newsome

Jack Adkins

Jackie Mullins

James Coleman

Jamie Mullins

Hali Tackett

Helen Caple

Jade James Thompson Smallwood

Janna McPeek

Jared Tackett

Hillar y Johnson

Holly Fleming

James Byrd

James Slone

Jason L ynch

Jef fer y Nor man

Jef fer y Walters

Jer r y May

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 7D


John Shor tridge

Jon Little

Jonathon Ber ger

Jonathan Potter

Jordan Newsome

Jordan Hall

Jordan Lucas

Jordan McCoy

Joseph Adkins

Joseph Hamilton

Joshua Slone

Julianna Newsome

Justin Collins

Justin Miller

Kassandra Williamson

Katherine Newville

Katrina Estep

Kayla Boggs

Kayla Osbor ne

Kayla Tackett

Keisha Burke

Kendra Kendrick

Keshia Ratlif f

Kevin Franzell

Kimberly Hall

Kristen Hall

Kristen Smith

Kyle Hall

Lakeista Mullins

Lea Mullins

Lesley Var ney

Lindsey Kenrick

Marissa England

Mark Moore

Mark Hatfield

Megan Robinson

Megan Lucas

Michael Deaton

Micheal Slone

Miranda Caudill

Mor gan Mullins

Nicholas Elswick

Olivia Bentley

Patrick Lotz

Porsha Smith

Rachael Hamilton

R yan Ray

Samantha Kinney

Samantha Mullins

Savannah Hampton

Shelby Tackett

Stephen Howell

Steven Rowe

Tasha Williamson

Taylor Newsome

T imothy Thacker

T imothy Hall

T imothy Howell

Tyler Boyd

Tyler Hamrick

Vikki Burke

Wayne Slone

Zachariah Wright

Zachar y Engle

William Webb


Willie Pauley

Chase Flemming

Whitney Johnson

William Gilpin

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+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 9D


Bethany Adkins

Br yce Adkins

Destenie Akers

Terra Allen

Aaron Andress

T if faney Billiter

Amanda Blair

Katrina Blevins

Matt Boyd

Annie Bradley

Krista Brown

Alex Burchett

Dustin Burchett

Joanna Burchette

Kayla Burchette

Shaundra Burchette

Andrew Bush

Shane Case

Lacy Chambers

Alysha Collins

Carla Conn

Jonathan Crum

Autumn Eads

Michael Elliot

Julia Fields

Dustin Fogle

Allie Gayhear t

Derrick Gayheart

Jake Gibson

Cody Gross

Melissa Hall

Coty Hall

D. Steven Hall

Donald C. Hall

Jason Hall

Jordan Hall

Josh Hall

Katrina Hall

Kedren Hall

Nathan Hall

Shane Hall

Steven Hall

Cour tney Hamilton

Megan Hamilton

Star Hamilton

Adam Howell

Kambra Howell

Kelli Hutchinson

Branston Jar rell

Sheena Jar rell

Jesse Johnson

Steven Johnson

Bethany Justice

Alexandria Keathley

Paige Kidd

Cody Kinney

Katara Lantz

Amy Lawson

Charlie Lewis

R yan Lewis

Heather Lewis

Daniel Linton

Sara Mar tin

Lindsey Martin

Brittany McKinney

Kyle Mitchell

Spencer Mitchell

Brandon Mulkey

Kelley Mulkey

Greg Neeley

Jordan Newsome

Ricky Newsome

Michael O’Connell

Brandon Osbor ne

Faith Reynolds

Chadd Risner

Jared Robinson

Lindsey Rogers

Casey Ross

Richard Scarbrough

Shannon Scarbrough

Jace Short

Micah Slone

Mar y Slusher

Christopher Stanley

Bradly Stevens

Br yan Stratton

Colt Stumbo

Amby Tackett

Jacob Tackett

L yssa Tackett

Maddison Tackett

Mikey Tackett

Morgan Tackett

Tami Tackett

Kim T ipton

Kristina Travis

Chris Walker

Samantha Williams

Dustin Wireman

Kaila Younce +

Steven Wheeler

Steven Wright

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Johnathon Adkins

LeAndra Adkins

Marc Akers

Bethany Anders

Christopher Bailiff

Kay’Cee Bar tley

Coby Bar ton

Caitlin Belcher

Karissa Belcher

Kenneth Belcher

Breanna Bentley

Calvin Bentley

Daesha Bentley

Joanie Bentley

Kenneth Bentley

Shawn Bentley

Cheyenne Bevins

Leanna Bingham

Christopher Blackburn

Cour tney Blackbur n

Sally Blackbur n

Cassey Blair

Brandi Bowling

R yan Brown

Tyler Brown

Ashley Bur gess

Gregor y Cantrell

Shane Casey

Heather Caudill

Bethany Chaf fins

Billy Chaney

Er ma Chaney

Paul W. Chaney

Klarisa Childers

Brittany Coleman

Christopher Coleman

Clinton Coleman

Corey Coleman

E. Chase Coleman

Gregor y Coleman

Michaela Coleman

Nathan Coleman

Rober t Coleman

Chastin Collins

Eddie Collins

M. Gage Collins

Caitlin Conley

Matthew Corder

Laur ren Cowger

Kaytlin Cox

Maggie Creech

Olivia Cure

Felicia Damron

Justin Damrom

Cody Easterling

K. Payton Elswick

Clarissa Epling

Korey Fields

Buddy Forbes

Cody Fuller

Jacobi Goins

Tyler Goins

Joshua Grierson

Landon Grierson

Heather Grif fith

Sarah Grif fith

Nathan Hamilton

Kayla Har rison

Brittany Hayes

Donnie Hayes

Mikenzi Hayes

Zachar y Her rell


L. Jar red Huf fman

Megan Huf fman

Cour tney Hughes

A. Chase Hunt

Jeremy Hunt

Rhonda Hunt

Kimberlee Hylton

Amber Jones

Chasity Justice

Joshua Justice

Kaitlyn Justice

Kelli Justice

Phyllis Justice

Daniel Kelly

Gregor y Ker ns

B. Trey Lawson

Lakin Leonard

Telisha Little

Wade Long

Latisha Mar rs

Kristen Mar tin

J. Keith May

Astin McCoy

Cynthia Miller

Kelsey Miller

Kristina Miller

Michael Miller

Samantha Morton

Jeremy Mullins

Jer r y Mullins

Kaylee Mullins

Sylvannah Newsome

Mason O’Connor

Wesley Prater

T if fany Price

Brandi Pugh

W. Channing Pugh

C. Nicole Ramey

Cody Ramey

Stephen Ramey

C. Dustin Ramsey

Kacie Ramsey

Maranda Ratliff

R. Daniel Ratlif f

Kayla Ray

W. Colton Phillips

Katelynn Pinson

Nicholas Potter

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 11D


Wesley Ray


Aaron Robinson

Wesley Rose

Tanner Rowe

John Sanders

R. Dalton Sawyers

Gregor y Shell

Vanessa Shields

Carolyn Silcox

Monica Skeens

Christa Slone

Makala Slone

Alexander Smith

Nicholas Smith

Cour tney Spencer

Audra Stacy

Jessica Stacy

Julie Stacy

Keisha Stacy

Johnathan Stalker

Brittany Stepp

T if fany Stewar t

Heather Suttles

Jaden Swiger

Kyle Swiney

Mackenzie Swiney

Rober t Sykes

Amanda Tackett

Bradley Tackett

Cody Taylor

Tamsie Taylor

Andrew Thacker

Claudia Thacker

Jamie Thacker

Johnny Thacker

Kristein Thacker

Latasha Thacker

Nicholas Thacker

T. Joshua Thacker

Carley Williams

Cody Williams

Lonnie Williams

Lucas Williams

Terr y Williamson

Evan Zeller

Jessica Cantrell

Jordan Sanders

Daniel Wright

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Audrey Allen

Josh Baker

Desiray Belcher

Dillon Belcher

Glen Belcher

Keisha Bentley

Aaron Biliter

Daniel Blankenship

Greg Blankenship

Austin Campbell

Haley Cannon

Caitlin Cantrell

Nick Carillo

Bradley Casey

Alex Cole

Brittany Daniels

Cour tney Daniels

Jar rett Daniels

Jennifer Daniels

Joe Dar nell

Katie Dotson

Steven Dotson

Tammy Duty

Megan Fields

Tyler Fields

Tyler Gannon

T if finey Hager

James Hamilton

Katie Hamilton

Justin Hardin

Cor y Hatfield

Jamie Hatfield

Dalton Hopson

Samantha Hurley

Tyler Hurley

Yancy Hurley

Cor y Justice

Jef fer y Justice

Kayla LaCourse

Tyler Lamber t

Hayes Lester

Kenneth Lester

Marcus Lester

Matt Lester

Ada Mapes

Allyson Matthews

Josh Mayhor n

Trent Maynard

Melody McCoy

Hanna McIntosh

Heather Michael

Savannah Miller

Nikki New

Takara Nor man

Tiffany Norman

Brittany Ratlif f

Kayla Ratlif f

Gar y Ray

Chase Raybur n

Ashley Robinette

Brennan Smith

Br uce Smith

Jar rad Smith

Jordan Smith

Matt Smith

Jessica Stiltner

Hope Sullivan

Ethan White

Chasity Wolford

Christy Wolford

Cur tis Wolford

Zachar y Wolford

Brittany Zankovitch

Lindsay Richard Blankenship Blankenship

Kim Blevins

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 13D


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+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 15D


Adam Cor nette

Aaron Thacker

Alyssa Rivard

Amanda Barton

Amber Taylor

Andrea Blackbur n

Ariel Weaver

Ashley Parsons

Austin Williamson

Austin Williamson

Alexander Williamson

Bradley Rhodes

Brandon Boyd

Brandon Tate

Brian Walters

Brittany Damron

Brittany Elkins

Brittany White

Brittni Boyd

Caitlin Maynard

Candy Conn

Charlene Moore

Charles Cour tney

Charles Scaggs

Christopher Blackburn

Clif ford Honaker

Cody Blackbur n

Connie Slone

Corey Osbor ne

Cor y Steveneson

Cor y Tackett

Cour tney Burchette

Daniel Har ris

Daniel Thacker

David Ingles

Derek Hatfield

Destany Thacker

Devan Thacker

Elizabeth Adkins

Eric Thacker

Ericka Var ney

Ethan Leedy

Geor ge Yates

Geor getta Robinson

Gregor y Boyd

Hannah Thompson

Heather Hall

Heather Ratlif f


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+ +

Heather Slone

Holly Har ris

Jacob Stratton

Jacoby Ramey

Jared Nichols

Jar rod Maynard

Jef fer y Hensley

Jennifer Layne

Jessica Var ney

Jose Pancheco

John Adkins

John Bevins

Jonathan Bar nett

Jonathan Johnson

Jonathan Lewis

Jordan Clevenger

Jordan Taylor

Joshua Lowe

Justin Seal

Kaitlyn Williams

Katherine Zienkiewicz

Kayla Hall

Kayln Bradford

Keith Deboard

Kenneth Bar tley

Kenneth Simon

Kenya Moore

Kevin Hunt

Kevin Tackett

Kimberly Feltner

Kristen Burke

Kyle Belcher

Lakan Coleman

Lana Bellamy

Latasha Br yant

Laura Presley

Leanda Hall

Leigha Coleman

Lisa Fields

Lita Slone

Marcus Scroggins

Mariah Melton

Mason Meade

Matthew Childers

Michael Chandler

Micheal Zienkiewicz

Mika Caines

Molly Slone

Nathan Fer guson

Nathaniel Wright

Natosha Hall

Neka Mitchell

Rachael Trivette

Randy Hess

Rebecca T ibbs

Rober t Justice

Rodderick Hunt

Ryan Bishop

R yan Lowe

Sara Blackbur n

Sarah Singleton

Savannah Swiney

Shaina Hamilton

Shasta Brown

Shelli Slone

Stephen Pinson

Steven Runyon

Sydney Dye

Tabatha Engle

Tara Yates

Tasha Blackbur n

Taylor Anderson

Tracy Yates

Troy Hopkins

Twila Kirk

Victor Holbrook

Wesley Bevins

William Justice

William Matheny

Tyler Layne

+ Appalachian News-Express • May 2010 • Page 17D


Alex Taylor

Alyson Kennon

Ashley Underwood

Blake Branham

Brad Hicks

Brianna Cor um

Brittany Car ter

Caleb Wheat

Collins Kurkowski

Corey Branham

Corey Collins

Cor y Scaggs

Cor y Smith

Cor y Thomas

Daniel Gentr y

Devan Allara

Devin Burchette

Dustin Boyd

Dusty Khoshreza

Dylan Adkins

Dylan Conn

Dylan Sisco

Elizabeth McKinney

Emily Thacker

Ethan Potter

Evan Bush

Gatlin Clark

Haley Clark

Haley Raschelle

J.R. Robinson

Jared Anderson

Jason Waddles

Welcome to The City of Pikeville Most newcomers and visitors are amazed at the range of services, facilities and amenities available in our community. We are thankful to live in a city where progress is changing the future of our town and realize Pikeville/Pike County continues to grow despite the challenges in today’s economy. We pride ourselves on maintaining a pleasant, comfortable and visually stimulating place to live, work, play and visit. In order to accommodate Pikeville/Pike County’s growth, community leaders are creating a future vision for the area. The City of Pikeville and Pike County Government are working together on several projects which will bring new developments to Pikeville and our service area. Our goal is to aggressively seek developments which will create more jobs, new businesses, affordable housing and offer a better quality of life. We are very thankful to the people of Pikeville, Pike County and Eastern Kentucky who continue to contribute to Pikeville’s thriving economy and have chosen Pikeville as their full service city. A new state-of-the-art emergency 911 system directly provides the City of Pikeville residents with police, fire, and ambulance/EMS services. The Pikeville Fire Department provides fire suppression and emergency medical response from three different locations within the city. Pikeville Fire Department is proud to provide residents with an average four to five minute response time which contributes to the benefit of a low 4 ISO rating resulting in lower homeowners insurance rates. To meet the needs of a growing city, Pikeville is constantly updating our city’s infrastructure, utilities and city services. Our recreational offerings are outstanding. The city has 3 beautiful parks: Bob Amos Park, Pikeville Mini-Park and Pikeville City Park. Located in the Pikeville City Park is the newly remodeled Garfield Community Center, a perfect gathering location for any special occasion or event. As a thriving business community, Pikeville boast amenities that no other Eastern Kentucky city can offer, such as the Hampton Inn, conveniently located within walking distance of the East Kentucky Exposition Center, Pikeville College School of Osteopathic Medicine and the city park. We are proud of the many successes of our businesses and of the partnerships we have developed with them. We are also proud of the efforts that have been made toward preserving our history even as we look to the future and the attraction of businesses that will make Pikeville/Pike County a viable location in a growing marketplace.

Pikeville Mayor, City Commission, and City Manager


Charley Younce

Clifford Ford

Clint Justice

Cody Jones

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Joe Cochran

Johanna Kahra

Justin Mullins

Kate Hensley

Katherine Car ter

Kier yan Charles

Kolby Brinker

Kristin Campbell

Lar r y Ratlif f

Lashea Kendrick

Lauren Lawson

Lesley Fransico

Lindsey Pr uitt

Lukas Burchette

L ynlee Jackson

Madeline Adkins

MaKayla Compton

Mar y Hor ton

Megan Collins

Michael Cerdeira

Michael Walz

Paige Newsome

Patrick Keene

Rachel Downey

Rebecca Mounts

Ross Shur tlef f

R yan Bostic

Salman Jeelani

Samy Yusef

Sara Champlin

Scott Clevinger

Scott McDonald

Sier ra Little

Stewart Fields

Tanner Clark

Thomas Lane

Travis Smith


Trevor Draughn

Viet Pham

Will White

Zach Rowe

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