11 minute read
Learning from Another Model
came to Christ in a house church,”
Isaid Ingrid Reichard at a recent Town Hall meeting sponsored by the MB Churches of Canada. “I was discipled in that setting for the first two years of my faith journey. Since I didn’t grow up in the church, I didn’t go to Sunday school; I thought house churches were normal.”
Of course, in many settings, house churches are normal. The Book of Acts describes the Early Church as a house church movement. In fact, it was not until three hundred years after Pentecost that church buildings started to appear. Even today, in many countries around the world, house churches are the norm. As well, throughout history, many of the Church’s revivals survived and thrived as believers met in homes. Gradually, as the Gospel spread around the world and was incarnated into more and more cultural contexts, other models of church soon became prevalent.
As Director of the MB’s National Faith and Life Team, Reichard hosted the Town Hall meeting and clarified that it was not a question of right or wrong models, but rather of being aware of the strengths and weaknesses of different models. “When I finally came into a big church,” she said, “I was blown away by bulletins, bands, and all the chairs facing in one direction. All of that was overwhelming. Now I love a well-organized big church, but I also know the many benefits of the house church.”
Reichard reminded listeners of how COVID-19 has challenged the Church and prompted us to re-think our gatherings. Prior to the pandemic, of course, many of us were accustomed to weekly church services in the hundreds. But those gatherings are no longer happening, at least not for the time being. As big churches adjust to this new reality, many are encouraging homebased alternatives and small group initiatives.
Reichard’s conversation partner for the Town Hall meeting was Derek Parenteau, Multiply missionary among First Nations people in Ontario, Canada.
Parenteau shared compelling insights from his own journey among indigenous peoples. “When we first started, we had all kinds of thoughts about what it would look like to plant a church. But someone told us to take it slow and pray. I noticed that every reservation had a church building on it that was empty. If it was being used at all, it was serving one or two people and the minister was coming from outside of the community. I thought there must be a better way.”
Parenteau started studying the methods of missionaries around the world and he discovered that the house church model was being used very effectively in places like China and India. He turned to the Scriptures and came to a simple realization: “Maybe house churches weren’t the consolation prize, a Plan B or any kind of downgrade, but that they actually had some major benefits in terms of both evangelism and discipleship.”
Derek and his wife, Tiffani, started gathering their First Nations friends together in homes, mostly non-believers at first. Then people started coming to faith in Jesus and they invited their family and friends into the group. “It was a very powerful experience,” said Derek, “to see whole households come to faith. It changed my life and changed my family’s life.”
In the Town Hall meeting, Reichard acknowledged that many churchgoers in North America probably had no experience with house churches. She was open about common misconceptions: “Maybe we think it’s for those who are bucking the system,
or for those who can’t afford a meeting space, some teaching, and there was lots of singso meeting in a home is a second option ing. In the group I belonged to, most of the until they can grow up and become a real people were from Jamaica, so our singing church.” was phenomenal.”
However, for both Reichard and Paren- “Every group is unique,” reminded Parteau, the house church model had offered a enteau. “But most groups have time for vibrant and powerful expe- studying the Bible, sharing rience of authentic spiritual testimonies, praying for community and mission each other, and worshiping effectiveness. Reichard shared beautifully about her husband’s WE SAT IN A CIRCLE AND together. It’s usually very personal and very interactive.” transformative experience: DIFFERENT PEOPLE “In our bigger “After I came to Christ, my LEAD. THERE WAS churches,” Reicher shared husband wanted to come ALWAYS SHARING, forthrightly, “sometimes with me to the house ALWAYS FOOD, we get caught up in the glitz church. It was so obvious that he was not a believer just by the questions he AND USUALLY KIDS CRAWLING ALL and glamour of the stage. We get used to the professionalism. When you meet asked. But there was so OVER THE PLACE. in homes, it’s just couches much grace for him. He and chairs and an open received so much love and Bible. That’s all you need.” encouragement that he “Simple and intimate,” inevitably came to Christ. Parenteau concluded about That community created the most natural house churches. “There’s depth to relationhighway to Jesus.” ships and it makes room for everyone to get
Parenteau added, “Sometimes we for- involved. Everyone can contribute someget how hard it is for an outsider to walk thing, whether it’s teaching, serving food, into our larger church gatherings. Since our caring for kids, or reading Scripture. EveryNorth American culture is less and less one is known. Everyone belongs.” Christian, the cultural gap for a non-be- Both Reichard and Parenteau emphaliever is huge. It’s easier for them to walk sized that they were not recommending one into someone’s home and share a meal. It’s model over another. They simply wanted to much more casual, less structured, so the remind people that, during these times of cultural leap is far less.” restrictions, we can perhaps adapt our struc-
In terms of discipleship, the smaller size tures and learn from a model that has been of the house church is certainly one of the historically and internationally very clearest advantages to life-on-life learning. fruitful. “In that setting, it’s hard to fake it. As a For the full video recording of the converleader, you’re modeling what it looks like to sation between Reichard and Parenteau, be a parent, because your kids are there. including more about leadership development You’re modeling your marriage because your and outreach, and some engaging quesspouse is there. Everything is on display for tion-and-answer with other listeners, watch everyone. Everyone can see what obedience here. to Jesus looks like for you in everyday life.”
“Our group was about twenty-five peo- MARK J.H. KLASSEN ple,” Reichard said, “and we got together serves as a writer with the twice a week: on Sundays for worship and Multiply media team. He on Wednesdays for Bible study. We sat in a works closely with his fellow circle and different people lead. There was media specialists out of the always sharing, always food, and usually Western Canadian office. kids crawling all over the place. There was
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A moment in time

Children's Christmas drama at Black Creek Mennonite Brethren Church
Image courtesy of the Mennonite Archival Image Database
What will we be known for?
our society has moved into what’s being called “the new
AS normal”, a thought has struck me many times over: is the “new normal” actually new? These days we are continually being reminded to stick to the guidelines requiring us to social distance, stay within our bubbles and wear a mask when going out in public places. But are these concepts really anything new? Metaphorically speaking, have these guidelines actually been our normal way of life for some time now? Perhaps without us even realizing it?
I wonder if we in the Church have been “distancing” ourselves from certain people in many ways, probably for a long time already. For instance, have we been avoiding those who are “not like us”, those who are from a different culture, a lower socio-economic standing, the lost, the lonely, the hungry, those standing alone in our church foyers or perhaps the irritable neighbour? Have we kept within our spiritual “bubbles” and spent more time in our church buildings than out on our front steps and neighbourhoods? Perhaps we’ve also been hiding behind invisible masks, keeping up appearances, avoiding being vulnerable or sharing our own struggles with others.
A recent daily reading from the “Lectio 365” devotional explained Isaiah 58 in a new light for me: “The people of Israel seem to be asking, ‘God, why are we bothering to make these sacrifices? It’s not doing any good. You’re not showing up any different.’ God’s response must have shocked them. He didn’t heap on more Bible study, more fasting, more Temple meetings, not even more prayer. Instead, He tied their desire to see God move, to God’s desire to see them move – and He sent them to move in service to the marginalized and the oppressed – people and issues they had built a lifestyle avoiding.”
During these last several months of the pandemic, as my husband and I have been moving through our neighbourhood, it has been rewarding and life-giving to meet up with neighbours who take out their ear buds or set down their sprinkler hose and are open chat. We have sensed a new openness from many of them to share freely with us as we have listened to their stories. God has given us opportunities and many divine appointments to walk alongside and pray with people who are struggling with things like loneliness, cancer, addiction, marriage breakup and more. We’re seeing this in our neighbourhood relationships and within our own church body. These experiences are creating a new vision for us as part of the church.
A speaker I heard this year asked their church, “What do we want to be known for?” Indeed, what do we as the church want to be known for especially now during – and beyond - this global health crisis? Will we be known for our good intentions, our busyness, our slavery to distractions and entertainment? Will we be known for pouring energy, time and dollars into programs that function only within our church buildings in hopes that the community will “come to us”?
Or will we be known as ones who defined a truly “new normal”, one of being the Church, following the lifestyle of worship that Isaiah points us to? Will we be known for being present and walking a little closer with those in our neighbourhoods and communities as Jesus did? Will we be known for being people who bring hope, support and encouragement to those we have been praying for? Will we be known for being available and for listening to others share their stories? Will we be known for being real with one another, removing our invisible masks and responding with, “I didn’t know that. Please tell me more.” or “Me too. I’ve been there.” Will we be known for expanding our spiritual “bubbles” and be willing to learn from others – even strangers - who are “not like us”?
Could this be the “new normal” that God always inteCould this be the "new normal" that God always intended for his Church, especially now in this season of Advent? In this time of waiting and anticipation for the celebration of Christ's birth as well as his return at the Second Coming, a broken world around us is also waiting; waiting for hope, healing, love and restoration. May the truth of Isaiah 9:2 encourage and challenge us to move where God is sending us, being the light of Christ to those searching for the hope that is within us: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."
MARDELL NEUFELD is a member of Forest Grove Community Church in Saskatoon.

The earth in sin and sorrow waits, captive to the Dark One’s schemes. Soon the dawning of redeeming grace, souls awakened by the Light of God. Come, O come Emmanuel, hail King Jesus, our righteous Lord. Behold him, God in flesh appearing, revelation for the human heart. Advent’s wreath of evergreen, five candles standing tall, naming hope, faith, peace, joy and Christ. We light each candle with anticipation, each flame signaling our emancipation. Parting hymnals we voice our sacred carols, adoring God with ebullient rejoicing. How great our joy and consolation, how great our joy and celebration. We sing today of tomorrow’s coming, joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Advent poems written by Rev. Philip A. Gunther.