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Charting the Course

Cre Summit More Relevant Than Ever

now, it takes creativity and a lot of different minds to figure out how we get these things finished. Looking at some of the new developments in town, they’re complicated. For that reason, even though we compete with each other, I don’t feel competition that heavily in our industry. This is a team sport; it is really about moving things forward for our clients and getting things done that are good for our city.”

Leading From the Front

The changing times are also reflected in some of the topics addressing brand-building. These include how to create one’s path through success and failure, the elements of a sound professional reputation and issues surrounding environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG).

“These issues have grown and become much more important,” Slusky said. “What used to be esoteric is not so esoteric anymore. There are lenders who won’t lend unless you’re following ESG guidelines. It is a big deal, and we feel like it’s important for us to identify those issues and incorporate them into the program.”

The conference closes with a look forward to Omaha’s commercial development future which, despite current challenges, appears to be very bright.

“In the near future, there will be a lot going on in the urban core with the developments that are happening along the riverfront,” Mensinger said. “I think housing is going to stay very, very big, especially with the interest rates the way they are. People aren’t going to be able to afford single-family housing, so there’s going to be some more multi-family developments and other opportunities that are going to be really strong.”

“Ten years ago, everyone said, ‘I don’t think I want to come out to Omaha or Lincoln or Kearney,’” Slusky said. “Now they’re flocking here and they’re flocking here because it is a very good part of the country. It’s growing, it’s steady, it’s trustworthy, it’s safe. I think we’re in for some very positive times.

“I think of Omaha as a big ship that’s been sailing very nicely. The seas have been a little rougher now, but boy, we’ve got a lot of momentum. Once these interest rates dissipate a little bit, we’re going to continue to cook. This is a very attractive market.”

CREW Omaha 2023 Board of Directors

Emily O’Connor, Bridget Bumgardner, Leigh Andres, Marlene Knight, Cass Paben, Sara Jansen, Jenn Kanne, Leslie Suhr, Sara Hanke, Heather Fredrick, Cynthia Ray

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