3 minute read
An Invitation from Latin America
Nasser is hopeful that many more will hear the call and come to the region, although he is well aware of the commitment required, and the cost. “People who serve in this region need spiritual maturity,” said Nasser, “not only to survive in a very oppressive spiritual environment, but also to walk alongside local believers who are paying a high price for their faith in Jesus.”
Despite various forms of opposition in the Middle East, the Gospel is spreading like never before. “On my latest trip, I met so many people who were so eager to talk about Jesus,” said Nasser. “The doors are open. People are hungry for the Gospel. Who will join me in embracing these opportunities?” Are you ready to respond to Nasser’s invitation? Due to the sensitive nature of ministry in the Middle East, we must proceed with care and caution as we mobilize workers into this region. To speak with someone about your sense of calling and to learn more about current opportunities, please call your local Regional Mobilizer at 1.866.964.7627.
The story of the Macedonian call in Acts 16 causes me to ask two questions: first, am I attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit in the same way as Paul and his team? And second, am I aware of the same call for help today?
In Latin America, we live in a time of awakening to the Macedonian call. During this pandemic, our workers have needed to reinvent themselves to meet the needs of those around them, and as thousands of immigrants are coming to our region from the Middle East, Africa, and Central America, they are crying out to us like the man in Paul’s dream.
Today, we need to turn this spiritual dream into missionary action, just as Paul and the others did, and people were released from bondage, wounded souls were healed, and vibrant churches sprang up. On behalf of our churches in Latin America, I would invite you to get involved in what God is doing in our region:
> God is at work in Northern Peru, from Piurá to the desert mountains, where four Mennonite Brethren pastors and a group of young leaders are traveling village to village on motorcycles to preach the Gospel.
> God is at work in Colombia, where a move of God is taking place that has united churches and resulted in revitalization, mission projects, and leadership training.
Also in Colombia, let us not forget the Wounaan
Indigenous people who are hearing the Gospel through the faithful efforts of Einer and Girlesa Zuluaga and the
Wounaan church leaders from Panama.
> God is at work in Venezuela, a country suffering under an oppressive regime, where Pastor Fernando and his team of Chinese church leaders are persevering in preaching the Gospel among immigrants and nationals alike.
> God is at work in Mexico, where our workers at the
Matthew Training Center are advancing in training new leaders and planting new missional churches, and where local church leaders are embracing new opportunities for small business and community development.
> God is at work in Panama, where our churches have been responding to needs in the midst of the harsh consequences of the pandemic, which has taken almost all of the income from families who made their living from handicrafts. Some of these families are now turning to farming and finding opportunities to serve others that are hungry for the Gospel.
> God is at work in Brazil, where the northern regions are today’s Macedonia and churches are being planted among people groups that live in deserts and who are very thirsty for the Water of Life. Churches are also being planted in the Amazon rainforest among the
Indigenous peoples who are also in need of Jesus and the transforming Gospel.
On behalf of my region, please pray for us, give to these projects, and consider serving among us. In the spirit of the Macedonian call, come over and help us! Emerson Cardoso