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Taking you to Uni
Many of our A Level students choose to progress to University after completing their studies with us and we are highly successful in helping them to secure a place on their chosen degree programme!
We offer careers advice and guidance to help you make your decision about University. We also offer guest speakers from Universities across the country and visits to University Open Days, organised and funded by the College. Your personal tutor is central in supporting you with your UCAS application and you will receive dedicated 1:1 time to be supported.
Our dedicated Russell Group Co-coordinator also provides support with application and interview preparation if you are thinking of progressing to a Russell Group University! Our students are offered specialist support, advice and guidance on making applications to the top Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. A Level students have access to at least three supported entry schemes for University. This can lead to lower UCAS offers from the likes of Durham, Leeds and Newcastle University.
Destiny Brown A Levels Previous school: Dyke House Academy Hartlepool
Destiny is progressing to the second year of her A Levels at MC6 and is aspiring to study at Cambridge University for her degree.
“I am really enjoying studying at MC6! I’ve had the opportunity to take part in the Raising Aspirations programme which has been beneficial for my studies and future steps in my education. On the programme we have had many opportunities to take part in online webinars, meet with employers, take part in internships and visit Universities, including Oxford University! I also had the opportunity to take part in a Computer Science masterclass with Cambridge University.”