1 minute read

Keeping each other informed

We will inform you each half term on how your child is doing at College via a performance report which will include our judgment on your child’s:

–Attendance –Behaviour –Attitude to learning –C360 (completion of any independent online study) –Industry placement –Progress towards their target grade in their main subject and maths and English (where applicable)

We will make the half termly bursary payment (if eligible) based on good attendance, behaviour & attitude to learning. We will provide rewards and incentives to all students who have excellent attendance, behaviour and attitudes to work as well as those who make big steps to improve.

We will invite you in so you can discuss your child’s progress in person.

To enable us to stay in contact with you, we will check your contact details with you regularly and ask that you contact your child’s course department with any changes in contact details.

See www.mbro.ac.uk for further information.

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