2019 - 2020 Master Builders Victoria Annual Review

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Master Builders Victoria 332 Albert Street East Melbourne Victoria 3002 www.mbav.com.au

MA ST ER BU ILDERS VICT ORIA LEADS A F U TU RE-READY INDU ST RY TH AT BUILDS A BETTER WORLD At Master Builders Victoria, we put our members first - all the time, every time.



FOREWORD MBV President, Richard Hansen


FOREWORD MBV CEO, Rebecca Casson


Corporate Governance


Advocacy and Policy


Specialist Advice and Member Support Services




Training and Development


The Foundation


2019/20 was an extremely eventful year for the construction industry and for Master Builders Victoria. Since February, COVID 19 and the response to it has dominated all else. Members can feel proud of the way the MBV team responded to this crisis and led industry through the challenges. A concerted effort was made to represent our industry at the highest levels of government, to ensure that the message that construction could continue safely, and to shut down would only create further unnecessary economic harm to many thousands of Victorian businesses and their vast number of employees. MBV worked closely with key stakeholders to ensure a coordinated and unified message was heard. This was a highly effective approach and been recognised widely. Not only did we keep our industry open through the majority of this period, we also proved that our members could work safely, and the results now shown to be highly effective. Whilst this was welcomed, the industry has endured rising costs, the loss of productivity and shrinking orders. Supporting our members through the recovery of building and construction in Victoria will be an ongoing priority. MBV has maintained a very high profile in traditional and electronic media during this time with engagement at extremely high levels. This has helped to shore up levels of membership which are showing signs of improvement. All this has occurred whilst our dedicated staff have been working from home. We adapted quickly by maximising digital platforms to serve members with advice, support, training and development, webinars and online product orders. We’ve kept members up to date and responded promptly to an enormous spike in enquiries. Our staff have


continued the mantra of “Members first, every time”. I acknowledge each and every one of our magnificent staff, led by CEO Rebecca Casson, for the tremendous work they have put in to serve our members, whilst they were often suffering hardships in their own personal lives. I couldn’t be more grateful. Our engagement and strong reputation with government regulators and key stakeholders has ensured we are the leading advocate for Victoria’s building and construction industry. We were represented on many government taskforces including cladding, the proposed workplace manslaughter legislation and bushfire recovery, and we also provided advice and were well represented on Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce. The 2019 Awards saw a 23 per cent increase in entries, and the extraordinary quality of craftsmanship of our members was showcased at two very memorable celebratory events at Crown Palladium. Unfortunately, judging for the 2020-2021 Awards programs was postponed due to the pandemic restrictions. My 2 year term as President finishes at the end of 2020 upon the election of a new Board and President. It has been a great honour to serve our members as President, and I am proud of our achievements in that time. I sincerely thank the Board and Council for all their support and wisdom. It has been a highly rewarding challenge, knowing that as a Council and Board, we are all here giving our time and energy and doing our best for our members. I encourage all members to get involved in some way. Enter for awards, apply for panels or committees, attend events and use our services. This makes us strong and ensures a strong and exciting future for the Master Builders.

Richard Hansen


Throughout 2019-2020, the building and construction industry has faced many challenges and Master Builders Victoria (MBV) has been consistently proactive to express members’ views and support their best interests. Regulatory issues, devastating regional bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic, which escalated health and safety protocols and introduced severe workplace restrictions, often demanded swift, robust action. With the support of many members and the MBV team, we ensured our views were heard and considered and, if required, we took decisive action to achieve an outcome that best suited the needs of our industry. Our advocacy has ensured that Victoria’s building and construction industry has operated safely with minimal issues during the pandemic. Communication, collaboration and commitment have been pivotal in all the work that we’ve done, both internally and externally. Highlights for 2019-2020 included: • Worked with industry associations and unions to advocate to the Victorian Government to secure building and construction as an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic, and addressed ongoing emerging COVID-19 issues • Participated on the Ministerial taskforce on workplace manslaughter legislation; the Bushfire Recovery taskforce and provided advice to the Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce (BVRT) • Advocated for a simple, effective and practical process for the introduction of mandatory registration of trades • Assisted members during Construction Industry Standards discussions, leading to an in-principle understanding for a new CFMMEU Enterprise Agreement


• Supported the bushfire relief efforts through our Gippsland and Albury offices • Successfully advocated to Cladding Safety Victoria to allow original builders of good standing to complete rectification work on their own projects • Celebrated achievement in the Master Builders Victoria Excellence in Construction and Excellence in Housing Awards, and the Master Builders Apprentice of the Year Awards • Hosted a sold-out event for the inaugural MBV International Women’s Day breakfast • Achieved continued recognition for MBV’s high standard in training and development • Represented members in more than 50 radio, television, print and online interviews. We have kept members well informed and encouraged two-way communication through a multi-channel approach and notably, our social media posts have attracted strong member engagement. Our many services, including legal, OHS, industrial relations, finance, insurance, sustainability, training operations and career development continue to attract accolades and be keenly sought after, assisting members with highly valued advice, expertise and support. I take this opportunity to thank the MBV team for their dedication and professionalism in keeping the interests of our members first, all the time, every time. The transition to working from home to meet COVID-19 restrictions was efficient and effective with no disruption to services. We have been very proficient in using digital applications to connect with members, continue training and conduct several successful webinars. I also acknowledge the MBV Board and Council of Management, led by President Richard Hansen, for their support over the past year. Thank you also to our valued members, sponsors and volunteers for your ongoing support. We will continue to do our best every day to lead a future-ready industry that builds a better world.

Rebecca Casson


In July 2019, the Registered Organisations Committee (ROC) launched an Inquiry regarding the compliance of MBV’s obligations into the conduct of the 2018 elections and the keeping of records. On 22 May 2020, MBV was notified of the conclusion of the Inquiry by the ROC. Full details related to the Inquiry can be found on the MBV website. In March 2020, all Board, Council of Management and member sector committees changed to online meetings due to the introduction of COVID-19 restrictions. This resourceful use of technology assisted our organisation to respond quickly in calling special meetings to address issues throughout the unfolding pandemic. A copy of the 2019-2020 Financial Report can be viewed on the Master Builders Victoria website.

Serving our members and protecting their future prosperity is at the heart of MBV’s corporate governance practices and policies. This was reflected in adopting a new purpose, vision and active values in early 2020.

Our Purpose Master Builders Victoria: Empowering people to build a better future.

Our Vision Master Builders Victoria leads a future-ready industry that builds a better world.

Our Values Members first - all the time, every time Brave enough to be different Do the right thing, even when no one is watching Always find another way.


ADVOCACY AND POL ICY In a very challenging year, there were several significant wins in advocating for our members and shaping policy to achieve the best interests of building and construction in Victoria during 2019-2020. Since the establishment of Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV), Master Builders Victoria has advocated to the State Government to use original builders to fast-track the rectification of buildings with dangerous cladding. Our advocacy was successful when it was announced in late June 2020 that the Government’s $600 million plan to fix flammable cladding would be expanded to work on up to 400 buildings within two years, and confirmation that CSV will work with a select group of reputable builders to rectify their own projects at no profit. In January 2020, MBV was appointed to the Victorian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Taskforce and liaised regularly with key stakeholders to determine the most effective ways to direct support to our regional members and their communities. From March 2020, our efforts to address the issues affecting our members due to COVID-19 were unwavering. We were successful in reassuring the Government, regulators and Victorians that the building and construction industry could operate with minimal restrictions, while safeguarding health and safety. Much of this intense work required collaborating with industry associations and unions to ensure a strong, united approach for the benefit of the entire industry. The result of our advocacy saw the building and construction industry remaining safe and open from the start of the pandemic. MBV was invited to provide advice to the Building Victoria’s Recovery Taskforce to quickly identify issues facing builders, contractors and developers and we advocated diligently for stimulus measures in building and construction to promote economic recovery. We welcomed the Victorian Government’s Building Works package that allocated $2.7 billion toward shovel-ready projects and the Federal Government’s HomeBuilder grants initiative. A noted disappointment during 2019-2020 was the passing of the controversial workplace manslaughter laws unamended in the Victorian Legislative Assembly. MBV consistently argued that these laws did not have safety as its number-one objective and were not workable or fair, and we stand by our commitment to continue to advocate on behalf of our members for workplace health and safety laws that prioritise safety. In what has been an unquestionably tough year, the undoubted highlight has been seeing the success of our industry’s collective efforts to keep operating throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, to keep those in our industry safe and to increase our industry’s contribution to the economy in the process. This will be our primary focus through the 2020-2021 year. 10

A special shout out to the @masterbuildersvic team as well for lobbying and being such a vocal industry group that worked tirelessly to keep our industry working as much as possible.

#masterbuildersvic are a god send for us Tradies and Builders out here who are feeling a little confused and bewildered with the restrictions and the requirements.

Stephen and his Master Builders representatives met with the New South Wales Deputy Premier last week to discuss the impact of the border closure on the construction industry. I congratulate them for their dogged determination and advocacy on behalf of their members, and share their hopes that common sense will prevail and they can get back to work.




Master Builders Member

Master Builders Member

Federal Parliamentarian


SPECIALIST ADVICE AND MEMBER SUPPORT Our membership services are paramount to our core business. During 2019-20, the team at MBV provided specialist advice, support and branded products and stationery often at short notice - to accommodate changing workplace restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our training and builders’ registration advice continued to be popular, together with our awards programs held in late 2019 and early 2020.


18,872 calls 579 calls 9,605 calls

4,936 calls

710 calls

3,879 calls

905 calls

940 calls

3,191 calls 2,918 calls



3,612 Insurance policies issued

Contracts purchased

24,148 System log-ins


Learning Management System log-ins


12,509 Home warranty certificates issued

3,926 Event participants

Building Permits issued


Training hours


Our Values underpin all member support Members first - all the time, every time. Brave enough to be different. Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Always find another way.



More than 3,900 Master Builders Victoria (MBV) members participated in the 20192020 program of workshops, specialist information sessions, industry conversations, trade nights and special award events held throughout Victoria. For the first nine months, most of these were held as face-to-face forums. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, in the last quarter all MBV interactions were hosted online, and continued to attract enthusiastic participation. COVID-19 restrictions also affected judging for the 2020 Excellence in Construction and Housing Awards and the Victorian Apprentice of the Year Awards, which were postponed. The 2019 Excellence in Construction and Housing Awards gala presentations were attended by more than 1,500 members, guests and sponsors. Both celebratory events, which recognised the outstanding skill and professionalism of MBV members, were held at Crown Palladium. The 2020 Master Builders Victoria Apprentice of the Year award series attracted 554 nominations. During February and March, 733 people attended the Regional Apprentice of the Year Awards events held in Traralgon, Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton, Geelong and Warrnambool. The strong interest in this awards program is testimony to the breadth of high-quality talent emerging in building and construction, which bodes well for the future of our industry. The inaugural International Women’s Day breakfast, hosted by MBV on 4 March 2020, was sold-out. Held at the National Gallery of Victoria’s Garden Restaurant, more than 150 members, sponsors and guests attended to hear guest speaker Susan Halliday AM. The MBV Sponsorship and Events team reacted quickly to COVID-19 restrictions and embraced new communication and engagement channels including webinars, industry conversations, information sessions and virtual awards. The new event formats removed geographic boundaries and financial hurdles for many members, providing greater accessibility for a broad member audience.




2 0 1 9 RESI DEN T I A L MAST ER BUI L D ER OF T HE Y EA R L ARKI N A N D DROU G H T Barwon Heads Project Designer: Auhaus Architecture, Kate Fitzpatrick Photographer: Carli Wilson

2 019 CO MMER CIAL MA S T E R B UILD ER O F T HE Y EAR KANE C O N S T R U CTIO NS RACV Cape Schanck Resort Project, Cape Schanck Designer: Wood Marsh Photographer: Peter Bennetts Photographer



Throughout 2019-2020, MBV used a multi-channel approach to keep members abreast of industry news, issues, opportunities and training, which was very effective during the COVID-19 crisis. Our timely and responsive communications using tailored bulletins, social media, video and website updates kept members up to date and well informed. The MBV team was also able to respond to hundreds of questions from members and ensured this information was shared with others. MBV also proactively engaged the media to publicly communicate our position across a range of issues, which enhanced MBV’s reputation as the leading industry voice. This approach was very beneficial in addressing the impact of the pandemic. MBV CEO Rebecca Casson participated in more than 50 radio, television, print and online interviews that built government and consumer confidence in our industry’s robust health and safety practices. This helped to keep our sector open for business, and to advocate for stimulus measures to boost building and construction and Victoria’s economic recovery.

Well done Master Builders Association of Victoria your work in the background has gone a long way to keeping the industry open during COVID and reopening now. Time to rebuild this once great state!

GEORGE PASSAS Master Builders Member Images on p. 19: Early stage of the Corryong fire, at which MBV Team member and CFA Volunteer, Michael McLinden (inset), was one of the first responders. 16

HEALTH AND SAFETY Adhering to health and safety practices has been pivotal to the continued operations of building and construction in Victoria during COVID-19. At short notice, MBV worked with employer associations and unions to prepare a bespoke set of safety guidelines for our industry to present to the Victorian Government and the Chief Health Officer. These guidelines were updated regularly and were widely promoted to advise MBV members of the protocols required for worksites to stay safe and open. The uptake and commitment of members to health and safety was excellent, which kept the number of coronavirus cases on worksites to a minimum.

COMMUNITY Among several community initiatives undertaken by MBV during 2019-2020, the generosity and community spirit of MBV members and team members truly shone during the recovery operations for regional areas affected by the destructive bushfires in January. MBV members and team members, particularly in Gippsland and Albury, offered much needed assistance, including lending equipment and volunteering countless hours to help local communities. MBV provided an important conduit to government and regulators to draw attention to what was needed and was appointed a member of Bushfire Recovery Victoria’s Industry and Worker Advisory Group.

It was wonderful to work alongside Master Builders members, the Albury Wodonga Committee and MBV Team members to actively support our community when the fires impacted. Together, we fast-tracked the recovery and made a difference.



MASTER BUILDERS TRAINING INSTITUTE The Master Builders Training Institute (MBTI) continued to deliver the highest standard of industry training, professional development and career pathways throughout 2019-2020. Virtual learning became the new norm due to the COVID-19 restrictions imposed in March 2020 and provided even greater flexibility to the programs we offer. During 2019-2020, the Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC), located in South Melbourne, reached a new milestone when simulation learning was completed by its 7,000th participant at the centre. With growth in simulator quality indicators, there was also a 67 per cent increase in enrolments for industrial relations simulations and a 111 per cent rise in customised simulations. BLSC pivoted well to manage COVID-19 restrictions and was able to quickly develop a virtual simulation course, which was successfully implemented with actors and observers participating remotely.



• MBV registration services included 84 domestic and commercial workshops attended by 788 participants • Launched new Bronze, Silver, Gold and a tailored Platinum Domestic Builder Registration program packages • Conducted 20 webinars and workshops supporting continuing professional development covering technical, compliance and life skills, attended by 623 members • Contributed to six industry initiatives conducted by education, association and government entities. • More than 2,400 participants were enrolled across our 36 RTO accredited courses • New training was developed and implemented including Certificate III in Work Health and Safety; a Construction Induction course accredited through WorkSafe and a Recognition of Prior Learning assessment to transition from a Red Card to a White Card • 554 nominations from across Victoria were received for the Apprentice of the Year Awards • New resources were introduced including Explore Careers Content aimed at secondary students and, for the first time, a digital Careers in Construction booklet and a digital Training and Events directory • TAFE roadshows and school visits were attended by 610 apprentices and students • Career expos reached 17,750 students, parents and career advisors. RTO3935



Established in 2008 to encourage career development in building and construction in Victoria, the Foundation continues to change lives with the offer of three scholarship categories: early career, career advancement and leadership. The Foundation awarded ten scholarships during 2019-2020.

Image: Dylan Gorniakowski 20

FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT, DYLAN GORNIAKOWSKI Dylan Gorniakowski, 31, from the Mornington Peninsula has been a carpenter for 13 years and was awarded a $5000 scholarship to enable him to prepare and apply for his registration in Domestic Building Unlimited. “I had always delayed getting my builder’s registration because of the cost of the course and buying the resources. With a partner and young family, putting $5000 towards this was just not possible. The scholarship from the foundation gave me a huge push forward to achieve my goal of being a registered builder that I otherwise wouldn’t have. “The course has given me the confidence in the knowledge I already have, and I’ve also learned many new things that have been relevant to my current day-to-day operations. Virtual learning has also been a blessing. No finishing work early or long drives or late nights traveling to classes; I can learn from home with my family.”


Connect with us (03) 9411 4555 mbassist@mbav.com.au www.mbav.com.au 332 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002


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