Why should I live in the Kelvin Grove Urban Village?

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Should d I live in the K Kelvin Grove Urban Village e?

Kelvin Grove Urban Village sign on the entrance e to Muskk Avenue.

The Urban U Villagee is a wond derful place to live. As well as a being peopple friend dly, the Villagge is also eco-frriendly, with many installlations in plaace that have been b designeed to ensurre environmeental sustainability. It haas great placess to eat; smaall cafes are pllaced strateggically throu ughout the village, a gym fo or public usee, as well as maany educationnal and culturral facilities. Inform mation Average price for rent: $400 per week Current City: Brisbane

Kelvin Grrove Urban V Village provid des a wide raange of facilitties for an even wider raange of groups. Many M differennt socio-econ nomic groups live in the vvillage with the t main gro oups being univversity studeents, young professionals p and DINKs (Double Inccome, No Kids). The Urbaan Village hass many land use u activitiess that can bee identified, fo or example, apartment buildings, pparks, roads and shops. There T are maany cultural facilities throughout the villagee including th he Roundhou use Theatre, educational facilities and d exhibition n spaces. e tracks ensure that The Urbaan Village boaasts an idyllicc quality of life. The gymss and nature fitness can n be maintainned and although there are a not manyy places whe ere leisure acctivities can be pu ursued, for exxample, goin ng shopping, going to thee movies or eating e out at high end restaurants, noticceboards and d posters in the t central hhub of the village show what w is on and when, inviting people to taake part in co ommunity liffe, helping to o create a fam miliar environment. The Urbaan Village is w well designed d and pleasing to the eyee. On the wh hole, the land dscape is well maaintained witth buildings leess than five years old. T The buildings are modernn and clean with h housing avaailable for bo oth ends of the t income sspectrum.

The village e has been ddesigned to ensure e enviro onmental susstainability. There T are gas or solar hot water w system ms througho out apartmen nts as well ass water efficie ent taps, toillets and showers. The buildinggs have been designed so that naturall daylight and d ventilation are provided, as well as innsulation to reduce r cooling and heatinng costs. The village also o promotes walking, rid ing and public transport,, again reduccing the reliance on cars and similarly reducing r air ppollution. o promote ecconomic susttainability as it is a high quality q urban The villaage is able to environm ment that haas had special planning of the locationn and infrastrructure workks. There is a large mix of residentiaal and univerrsity communnities providing extra wo orking opportunities and peeople who neeed to work k. The new annd existing neighbourhoo n ods have bee en integratedd in order to o create a mo ore familiar eenvironmentt. The robustt and adaptable neighbour hood structu ure providess a way of noot becoming attached to certain positionss and places.. There are building b relattionships bettween the un niversity and industry, the Creativve Industries Precinct Entterprise Cenntre, providin ng support to developiing businessees in creativee industries and a the Instittute of Healtth and Biomeedical Innovatio on for the deevelopment and commerrcialisation oof research.

Establish hed: 24 Novembeer 2003

Friend ds

An aerial view of the Kelvvin Grove Urban Viillage.

Living in the t village wo ould be enteertaining to say the least. The constan nt happeninggs provide a lifestyle suittable for som meone lookin ng for excitem ment. The village is not only o suitable fo or young pro ofessionals but also olderr couples loooking for som mewhere to retire or middle e aged peoplee seeking a change c of life estyle. The coompactness of the villagee lets people en njoy its modeest atmospheere, whereass people wannting a more stimulating routine can enjoy the benefitss of the city only o 2km fro om the villagee. Overall, itt would be a pleasurable place to li ve with nicee cafes and re estaurants, bbeautiful open spaces and d ul creative prrecincts. wonderfu

Bibliography Carroll, J.A., Adkins, B., Foth, M., & Parker n.d., 'What aspects of design are important for connecting people?' Urban Design Australia, Australia, viewed 22 October 2011, <http://www.urbandesignaustralia.com.au/images/Docs/Papers/InternationalUrbanDesign_JCarrol.pdf>. online picture, n.d., Google Maps, <http://www.google.com.au/maps/vt/data=Ay5GWBeob_WIPLDYoIWcfVXxvZu9XwJ55OX7Ag,hkLYEJ3jTriI_DTYGOt26 ‐Pj7L4a70_CLeIWlPRNMztFSmiIhzmEEQTUnGdOyu2sPElLvexbDvS9_Ti45movFNVBhnDi83‐ ksHcO22k1_4A1C3IMzwRJNvvwF2fesdj‐OKTrBA> Brisbane City Council 2000, Additional Master Plan Notes, Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Brisbane, viewed 21 October 2011, <http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/BCCWR/LIB181/CHAPTER4_KELVINGROVE_LP.PDF?xml=/BCC:PdfHitXml:svDocNum =2>. Edenview Apartments, n.d., Vintage Property, Brisbane, viewed 22 October 2011, <http://www.vintagepg.com.au/?page=111>. Kelvin Grove Urban Village Business Association n.d., Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Brisbane, viewed 21 October 2011, <http://www.kgurbanvillage.com.au/>. The State of Queensland 2011, Communities , 12 April, Sustainability of the Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Queensland, viewed 21 October 2011, <http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/housing/partnership‐initiatives/kelvin‐grove‐urban‐ village/sustainability>.

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