April 2012 Ohio Beverage Monthly

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April 2012

TEQUILA WAVE New Brands Make a Splash Keeping Buyers on Their Toes







PERNOD RICARD Quest for the Next Big Thing


What You Need To Know


NOW AVAILABLE IN 50ml, 375ml, 750ml, 1L, 1.75L



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20 TEqUILA wAvE America’s fascination with agave has resulted in many new expressions.


40 28 28 CHILE bRINgS IT TO THE TAbLE Chile wins new on-premise admirers with merit, not hype. 35 THE PROMISE Of PISCO Chilean Pisco makes a surge in the U.S. marketplace. 36 THE qUEST fOR THE NEXT bIg THINg Pernod Ricard takes innovation to a higher level.

42 ITALy: wHAT yOU NEED TO KNOw Mastering “the boot’ requires an embrace of the new and the familiar. 46 TASTINg CORNER: SAUvbLANC & THEN SOME New Zealand branches out with complexity. 54 ADULT CHOCOLATE MILK TAKES Off Playful and premium, this innovative spirit is the next big thing in chocolate.


56 THE CAPTAIN HAS A DARKER SIDE Captain Morgan’s black Spiced Rum targets whisky drinkers.



Publisher's Message by PHILIP A. CRAIg

Philip A. Craig, Publisher


ouse bill 243 took effect on March 22, making the month of April the first full month that on premise tastings of spirituous liquor in a state agency store are allowed. Several parts of the bill bring changes that will hopefully help permit owners ramp up or grow their business, or even help start new businesses. Learn about the legal requirements on page 7. Superintendent bruce Stevenson highlights the importance of preventing underage consumption and also discusses expanding businesses with patios and corking fees on page 6. further educate yourself on Ohio’s liquor laws on page 8, where Dave Raber discusses Alcohol Industry Regulations and then make sure your read Jacob Evans' article on page 9 where he explains how the Liquor Permit quota System ensures payment of taxes. Molly McKee reminds you that the 2012 buckeye bar Expo is fast approaching and also shares what benefits you can expect by becoming an OLbA member on page 13. Chuck Deibel takes on the topic this month of cash controls, procedures and


financial statements in his Last Call column on page 11. He explains why overages are just as alarming as shortages and what you can do to prevent it. Chef quinn Allen offers constructive criticism to chefs and how they run their kitchen in the Chef’s Corner column on page 17. He explains why wearing a smile when you come into the workplace should part of your uniform .

Ohio beverage Monthly volume 3, No 4 (ISSN 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


Philip A. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

general Counsel

Jacob C. Evans, Esq. jevans@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

EDITORIAL Editor In Chief

ART & DESIgN Art Director graphic Designer Assistant Designer

REMEMbER, JUST READINg THE OHIO bEvERAgE MONTHLy KEEPS yOU AHEAD Of yOUR COMPETITION. finally, read barry Chandler’s cautionary tale on page 15. In his article, “Top five Twitter Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs", as he shares that tweets or lack there of can actually hurt your business. Remember, just reading the Ohio beverage Monthly keeps you ahead of your competition.

Molly K. McKee mmckee@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

Ohio Art Director

Larry Lee llee@bevmedia.com Dana buonincontri dbuonincontri@bevmedia.com Josue Romero jromero@bevmedia.com Megan w. Jordan mjordan@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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Lee Stringham lstringham@bevmedia.com 410.519.7034

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Sales Promotion Manager

william goddard 614.241.2222 wgoddard@ohiobeveragemonthly.com Jody Slone-Spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 jslone@bevmedia.com Jessica Roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117 jroszkowiak@bevmedia.com

OPERATIONS Circulation finance & Accounting

Sylvia Prince sprince@bevmedia.com Seth Niessen sniessen@bevmedia.com Randye benvenisti randye@bevmedia.com

Ohio beverage Journal (ISSN 1065-9846)April 2012, vol. 3 No.4 Postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio beverage Monthly, 37 w. broad St, Suite 480, Columbus, OH 43215 Ohio beverage Monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.


The beverage Network Publications are serviced by beverage Media group, Inc., 116 John Street, 23rd floor, New york, Ny 10038. Telephone: (212) 571-3232 fAX: (212) 571-4443. www.bevNetwork.com

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UNDERAgE SALES, PATIOS, AND CORKINg fEES Relevant Information for Springtime business



pring is in the air, the temperature is warming up and flowers are blooming. Socializing moves outdoors. So, I thought it would be a good time to share some timely reminders to keep “Spring fever” from jeopardizing your business. More information

bruce D. Stevenson, Superintendent

and resources are available on the Division’s website at www.com.ohio. gov/liqr UNDERAgE SALES PREvENTION: Everyone must be extra vigilant this time of year and thoroughly check the identification of all young people attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages. It’s your responsibility to ensure that no alcoholic beverages are sold anyone under 21. The use of an automatic identification reader/scanner can be invaluable to your business. It’s also critical to carefully compare the photo ID presented with the person making the purchase, and refuse a sale when they don’t match. Learn how to prevent illegal sales and educate your employees in the safe and responsible sale


of alcohol by signing up for free server training, taking our on-line quiz (www.com.ohio.gov/liqr/quiz/ PermitHoldersAgentsOrEmployees_ Randomquestions.aspx) and using the educational materials available on our website.

I THOUgHT IT wOULD bE A gOOD TIME TO SHARE SOME TIMELy REMINDERS TO KEEP “SPRINg fEvER” fROM JEOPARDIZINg yOUR bUSINESS. EXPANDINg A PERMIT PREMISES: A deck or patio can seem inviting at this time of year. but before you take extra space for your business, check to make sure it is part of the area approved in your permit. The expanded area must be on a common piece of ground and/or adjacent to the current permit premises with proper ingress and egress. It must be well defined, properly secured, and delineated by some type of physical structure such as a fence, wall, or dense shrubbery. Temporary expansions cannot be approved. Requests for expansions (form DLC 4248) should be submitted to the Division’s Investigative Services Unit. be sure to include a diagram, rough sketch or blueprint of the proposed expansion. Please note that all requests must be signed by the permit holder of record, not a manager or other employee. In addition, the permit holders must show that they have tenancy to

operate in the area of the proposed expansion. If it’s not approved by the Division, you can’t have alcohol there. CORKINg fEES PROHIbITED: Charging a “corking fee” is the practice of charging a fee for opening/pouring wine that a patron brings with them into a permit premises instead of product purchased from the establishment. This practice is a violation of Ohio liquor law and can put your permit in jeopardy. Charging a fee constitutes a sale, and permit holders can only sell products they have purchased from a licensed manufacturer or wholesale distributor. It’s also a violation to allow patrons to bring in and consume their own alcohol, even if you’re not charging a corking fee. Only products purchased by a permit holder from an authorized source can be allowed anywhere on a permit premises.


STATE AgENCy TASTINgS Of SPIRITUOUS LIqUOR Legal Requirements for Hosting Tastings at your Store


his month, tastings in state liquor agency stores of spirituous liquor will become a reality! This is an exciting opportunity, regardless of whether you are an on premise or off premise permit holder. To be clear you cannot as a State Agent simply open a bottle and begin letting people sample the product! There are several requirements that must be followed; and notifying the Division of Liquor Control prior to beginning the tastings is one of them! Additionally, the tastings will be conducted in conjunction with either the broker of the product or a trade marketing professional registered with the State. Once a state agency store has determined to conduct a tasting, notification to the Division of Liquor Control no later than 5 days prior to the tasting event shall be provided to the DoLC on a form provided by the DoLC. The tasting event itself shall be no more than 2 hours in length, excluding time to set up or tear down, with no more than 5 tasting events at a single agency per MONTH. The product to be tasted MUST be purchased by the RETAILER from their current inventory. The price to be charged for each sample shall be no less than $0.50, but must be sufficient to cover the wholesale price of the bottle. The trade marketing professionals involved with the tasting must have completed a responsible server training program. As such, they will be responsible for the sale of the product to the consumer. The

products to be tasted will be determined by the state liquor agency store and the broker per the notification to the DoLC. The tasting shall occur in the area of the store defined as the state agency store. Upon completion of the tasting, any remaining product shall be marked “SAMPLE” and removed from the premises by either the trade marketing professional, broker or solicitor.



Phil Craig, Executive Director

upon the purchase or promise of anything else of value. with the passage of Am. Sub. Hb 243 in December and it being effective 90 days after the governor’s signature, March 22, 2012 was the beginning of this new opportunity! It may take some time to work out the exact operation of the tasting process, however, the above are requirements of the law. This is an amazing opportunity for state agency stores to introduce new products, innovations and brand extensions to customers. This is also a great time for on-premise permit holders to learn about new products, as well as seeing what potential consumers want.

As for the tasting samples themselves, the sample size shall be no more than a quarter ounce of spirituous liquor and MAy include up to one ounce of non-alcoholic mixer (tonic water, soda, juice, etc.). A consumer may not consume more than 4 samples in a day. As you would expect, the sale of a tasting sample may NOT be contingent APRIL 2012 OHIO bEvERAgE MONTHLy 7

LEgALISSUES ALCOHOL INDUSTRy REgULATIONS Essential Knowledge for business Owners by DAvE RAbER pring and Summer seasons are here and Ohioans are going to need something to keep them cool. However, this is another important time to remember that those of you in the alcohol industry have chosen a trade which is highly regulated. The laws that govern the conduct between alcohol beverage manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are not present for merchants that sell soda pop or toothpaste. The Alcohol beverage Control Act prohibits a manufacturer


provided by a alcohol beverage manufacturer or supplier; 3) temporary display racks, clocks and price boards may be provided by a manufacturer or supplier if they bear a brand name and do not exceed three hundred dollars; 4) specified items used for advertising inside the permit premises may be provided; and 5) utilitarian display enhancers which cost two hundred dollars or less, may be provided by a manufacturer or supplier, but must be returned to the manufacturer or supplier when the display is taken down. The above list some exceptions, but the regulation is long and must be read so a permit holder understands what exactly is and is not permissible. for example, receiving free patio umbrellas from a manufacturer or distributor is a violation and will be cited if discovered during an investigation of a liquor permit premises. Another area to be aware Dave Raber, OLbA Legal Co-Counsel of is advertising. Alcohol regulations specifically prohibit or wholesale distributor from a manufacturer, supplier, or selling or furnishing, directly wholesale distributor of alcoholic or indirectly, or by any means beverages from sponsoring or whatsoever, any signs, fixtures, participating in any advertising furniture or other equipment for or with a retail permit holder. used in the connection of a retail This means a manufacturer business at a cost less than the cannot purchase radio spots full cost to the manufacturer for a retailer. A manufacturer or wholesale distributor. There or wholesaler shall not place in are limited exceptions, but any advertisement the name of the prohibition shall not be a retail permit premises where disregarded. Thus, if a retailer consumers can go and purchase acquires a thing of value at a their alcoholic beverage. There cost less than the full cost to the are limited exceptions to manufacturer or distributor, then this prohibition, but they are a violation has occurred and all narrowly tailored to events parties involved are subject to specified in the Administrative Code. administrative citation. Additionally, no retail permit Liquor Control regulations state that no manufacturer holder shall display or allow the may furnish any equipment to display on the outside of any a retail permit holder, either licensed premises, including directly or indirectly, or by any any lot of ground on which the means whatsoever *** unless licensed premises is situated, the retail permit holder pays the or the exterior of any building full cost for the equipment� to of which the licensed premises the manufacturer or distributor. are part, any sign, illustration Unsurprisingly, the Division of or advertisement bearing the Liquor Control and Department name, brand name, trade name, of Public Safety are enforcing trade mark designation or the law as it is written in the Ohio other emblem of or indicating Administrative Code. Nothing is the manufacturer, producer, left to chance. Read the rule or distributor of any beer or Such, statute, know the law and you intoxicating liquor. however, may be displayed will operate free from citation. Under the same regulation, on the interior of the permit there are certain exceptions: premises. Enjoy this time of the season 1) certain items not exceeding two dollars may be provided; and sell the products that your 2) certain items not exceeding patrons demand, but do so in a twenty-five dollars may be responsible and lawful manner. 8 OHIO bEvERAgE MONTHLy APRIL 2012


LIqUOR PERMIT qUOTA SySTEM Ensures Payment Of Taxes


too often hear that the liquor permit quota system stifles business and development. I would submit to you that it does nothing of the sort; what it does, in practicality, is ensure that a “privilege” issued by the State is upheld by the permit holder and that the very foundation of the Ohio liquor system is upheld. The Ohio liquor system is built upon the premise of control: controlling the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages, controlling the number of outlets that sell alcoholic beverages and controlling the consumption of alcoholic beverages. And while Ohio has made numerous changes over the almost 80 years of liquor control law, the basic premise has stayed intact. As you are most likely aware, part of this control system includes a limitation on the number of liquor permits allowed in a given area, or a “quota.” This was set up, presumably, to ensure that there was not a liquor establishment on every street corner; fewer outlets would help control the proliferation of the product. However, the idea of a quota system also helps to serve another State purpose: the collection of taxes. Often times, when a liquor permit holder goes out of business, there are state sales tax (and perhaps other taxes) that are still attributable to that business. Not surprisingly, collecting debts from a business that is no longer open can be a difficult task. The transfer of liquor permits has helped make this difficult collection task more likely to result in a positive outcome.


when transferring a permit from one business to another, part of the requirements is that all state obligations be up to date (i.e. no outstanding taxes owed), is fulfilled when the permit is transferred as part of the sale of the business. If a business is closing and they are seeking to have the permit transferred to another owner or business as part of the sale of the assets of the business, the taxes must be paid. This is good for all parties: the old liquor permit holder is able to clear old debt, the new permit holder is now able to operate with a liquor permit and the State and its citizens are made whole on the obligations owed to them.

wHEN TRANSfERRINg A PERMIT fROM ONE bUSINESS TO ANOTHER, PART Of THE REqUIREMENTS IS THAT ALL STATE ObLIgATIONS bE UP TO DATE So why is this important or timely? Non quota permits is why. with permits created outside the quota system or through various “districts” that local communities create, there begins to be a legitimate discussion about whether the State is getting the short shrift. If a permit can be obtained outside of the quota system, it is a new permit. The transfer of a permit is an old permit, complete with any liabilities or obligations still attributable to it. when a

Jacob Evans, OLbA Legal Co-Counsel

new business opens up and can obtain a new permit, it means that a business that is going out of business (or out of business already) and may have debts to the state will not be transferred (or, at the very least, is less likely to be transferred). Instead of the transfer of the permit as part of the sale of the business and generating money for the old business to pay off past State debts, the permit “dies” and a new, clean permit gets issued to the new business. I too often hear that the liquor permit quota system stifles business and development. I would submit to you that it does nothing of the sort; what it does, in practicality, is ensure that a “privilege” issued by the State is upheld by the permit holder.




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the imperative to improve retailer pos data by ian griffith


n this industry that trades in controlled beverages there are inefficiencies built into our business by regulators trying to contain the social cost of our products. There is, however, another source of inefficiency that is far less controversial; that is the lack of clean product data throughout the industry. Retailers are notorious for vague record-keeping which can keep unsanctioned deals hidden from view. For different reasons, distributors have in the past preferred to control the information an account sees about their products. However, electronic data integration (EDI) is becoming more common. While most of the discussions have been about EDI between suppliers and their distributors, big retail and restaurant chains are also requiring that pricing, shipping documents and invoices be shared electronically. The mantra of clean data is starting to be taken up by independent retailers now too. Last year Google Shopping introduced rules requiring that eCommerce sites include a validated UPC code with their feed. This prompted a scramble among those stores to rescan bottles and in some cases required modifications to their POS system or new scanners. Once the data in your POS moves beyond the confines of your store, an extra level of rigor is required; as eCommerce becomes as natural extension of the store’s business, clean data becomes more of a requirement. Common issues that stores need to address include: making sure that size fields are standardized, identifying a unique field for vintage then maintaining vintages for all items, and including vendor item numbers when receiving goods into the POS.

Maintaining best practice will help a developer read POS data and convert or match it in a way that it adds greater value for the store. As mentioned above, UPC is a key part of marketing feeds like Google Shopping and Amazon, but it will also be the glue that connects POS items with distributor shipping documents as deliveries arrive. The UPC can also be used to link to current pricing information, or for sharing inventory data with supply chain partners, making your information easier to consume. There are certainly challenges that stores face, like how to manage UPC codes when multiple vintages carry the same UPC. Using a store-generated bar code may be an imperative to avoid a mis-ring at the register, but it also removes that SKU from any action on Google Shopping. Wineries are not likely to change their strategy on how they assign UPC codes for mid-range wines, yet retailers need a way to show both items with different UPC codes. There are also wines that don’t carry UPC codes on the bottle out of concern that it lowers the image of their product. It turns out however, that many of these products do carry the SSCC code on the case. Instead of generating a random bar code in the store, the best practice is to convert the SSCC code into the UPC code equivalent. To be sure, there is an investment required to clean up a store’s data, and systems need to be put in place to keep it maintained. However the benefits from better integration with trading and marketing partners are far less controversial. n To comment on this column or to learn more about how Beverage Media can help with a website for your store, visit BevSites.com, or contact Ian Griffith at 617864-1677. Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/bevsites.


April 2012 Metro NY.indd 78

3/19/12 4:05:40 PM




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ow are you doing? welcome once again to The Last Call. Our column this month is on Cash Controls, Procedures and financial statements. for many of you this can be very menial and painful. but it’s very, very necessary. Cash Contols are first. It’s very important to compare the cash rung up thru the register to the Cash in Drawer report or the Z tape every day at a minimum. Many people will pull the drawer and do it for each shift change. The server should not be Z’ing out the register themselves. They can count their drawer and fill out the cash breakdown sheet showing the counts for each denomination, along with the paid out slips and amounts for credit card sales. The manager or owner needs to run the Z tape or the cash and compare the actual count to the tape numbers. Most people have the bar staff reimburse the drawer for any shortages. Some might give them a buffer of a couple of dollars. Make sure the tip jar is not next to the register as it’s too easy to stand by the register and put money in the tip jar. Overages are just as alarming as shortages, if not more. Having overages could indicate a sale was made without being rung up. A really good strategy is to pull a drawer in mid shift, take an X reading and count down the drawer. If it’s over, it could very well mean the staff is collecting cash by putting the excess in the drawer to disguise the activity and will skim off the excess at the end of their shift. The next step is for the owner or the accountant to compare the sum of the sales for the month to the sum of the cash deposits for the month. you want to make sure that everything that was collected was deposited. And remember, the only person that can balance the checkbook each month is the owner or the independent accountant/ bookkeeper. Otherwise, you are opening yourself up to having

money embezzled from you. In a situation where there are multiple owners, only an accountant or bookkeeper should be doing this function and not one of the owners. Other checks should be reviewing credit card statements for correctness. you are checking these to ensure no scams are happening. Some people have found staff reopening closed tabs and reallocating the dollars from sales to their tips. Or in some instances using the same credit card number for a new sale that never occurred and putting in a lot of tips.

OvERAgES ARE JUST AS ALARMINg AS SHORTAgES, If NOT MORE. you should prepare a financial statement for your business at least on a quarterly basis. A monthly one is preferred. Many operators these days prepare a weekly or monthly statement using quickbooks. Then they have an accountant periodically check those numbers. Preparing a financial statement is very important for you to see how things are going during the year. you want to be aware of key ratios for labor, inventory costs and other variable expenses. Doing the financials will also help you with reviewing your past budget predictions and future budget forecasting. Rent or lease or mortgage payments should be less than 10% of sales. Inventory costs should be under 35%, Labor should be in the 20% to 30% range. It’s also a good idea to indicate when you have increased prices and experience cost increases and record the quantity volume of how much product you are going thru. This enables you to make more meaningful comparisons between different years for sales and inventory usage. Often we have price increases which can mask a decrease in inventory use. So your

Chuck Deibel

sales might appear to be increasing or be stable when in fact you are using less inventory and your customer counts are down or they are buying less. This also helps you with managing your cash flow for future purchases and investments in the business. There are three ways to increase profits: Increase sales, decrease costs and doing both. you must control the receipt of the cash as you collect it, making sure it all makes it to the bank. we will see you next month when we discuss Inventory and Sales controls.

when you did your inventory last week, how many shots of Crown Royal were you missing? How many pints of draft beer were you missing? If you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to www.bevinco.com Our clients do know how much.


4:05:40 PM


Announces 2012 chAirmAn’s Trophy Winners

HIGHEST HoNoRS AwARdEd IN 31 MAjoR CATEGoRIES Ultimate Beverage Challenge’s 2012 Ultimate Spirits Challenge was held March 5-9 in New York City. Over 650 of the world’s best spirits were evaluated by a group of the foremost spirits experts, using UBC’s panel-based, multi-stage methodology, designed to produce the most fair and unbiased evaluation. The Chairman’s Trophy, the top honor, was awarded in 31 categories, with multiple finalists chosen for each. Scores based on the 100-point scale provide a guide to quality and innovation. Ultimate Spirits Challenge results are readily understandable, meaningful and useful to both the trade and consumers.

2012 Winners: VodkA - unflAVored

rhum AGricole

Whisky - scoTlAnd

Fuzzy’s Ultra Premium

Rhum J.M. White

Blended malt Johnnie Walker Green Label

VodkA - flAVored


BAK’s Bison Grass “Zubrowka”

INOX Original

Blended Buchanan’s Special Reserve 18 Years Old


Whisk(e)y – norTh AmericA

single malt Caol Ila 12 Years Old

ameRican Whiskey Balcones “1” Texas Single Malt

Whisky – World


GeneVer Bols Barrel Aged

BouRBon Blanton’s Single Barrel

TequilA – 100% AGAVe

Rye Masterson’s

Blanco Milagro Select Barrel Reserve Silver

tennessee Whiskey George Dickel Barrel Select

Reposado Ambhar añejo Siete Leguas extRa añejo Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia

mezcAl Del Maguey Vida Single Village

rum Appleton Estate Reserve

Whisky - cAnAdA

japan Yamazaki Single Malt 18 Years Old

BrAndy aRmagnac Delord 1978 calvados Calvados Drouin 25 Years Old

Caribou Crossing Single Barrel

cognac Frapin Château Fontpinot XO

Whiskey - irelAnd

gRappa Jacopo Poli Sarpa Barrique

Blended Midleton Barry Crockett

pisco Pisco Porton

iRish pot still Whiskey Redbreast Cask Strength 12 Years Old

Green Chartreuse

single malt Bushmills 16 Years Old

liqueur AperiTif Lise Baccara Troussepinete Red

ulTimATe spiriTs chAllenGe…like no oTher compeTiTion And doesn’T WAnT To Be for a complete list of 2012 results, go to ultimate-beverage.com/usc2012results





benefits you Stand to gain by becoming a Member Today! Can’t Miss Events

Molly McKee, OLbA Management Team


he OLbA is constantly working to improve your business. If you’re not a member, then you’re not committed to your business! we are fighting for your bottom line. Isn’t it time that you joined the fight? The OLbA has services that can help all permit holders save money, time and headaches throughout each year. Agency stores, carry-outs, restaurants and taverns and bars of all kinds can find a multitude of benefits to belonging to this association. The OLbA is a membership service organization devoted to representing owners and suppliers. The association exists for the protection of its members through a unified effort for the promotion of the liquor industry in Ohio. The OLbA is a professional association specifically targeted to permit holders and provides you with the opportunity to have a voice in your state government! The OLbA is a non-profit trade association that represents the legislative and executive interests of all of those involved in the licensed beverage industry. The OLbA has a full-time lobbying staff and legal counsel on retainer working to protect its member needs. visit www.olba.org or call 1-800-6785995 to join today! Dues are $200.00, but we offer a monthly payment option. In addition, the OLbA provides a variety of other benefits, including:

The biggest event of the year for permit holders in Ohio is without a doubt the buckeye bar Expo. The 2012 buckeye bar Expo will be Monday, September17, 2012 at the bluestone in Columbus, Ohio. The show features product sampling and demonstrations, educational opportunities and great entertainment. The OLbA schedules a variety of other productive networking opportunities each year. Annual lobbying days, quarterly meetings, and an annual convention provide members with the chance to interact with one another and others involved with the alcohol industry. The OLbA even holds its summer meeting each year at Put In bay, providing attendees with a mini-getaway. Techniques of Alcohol Management Does your staff have the knowledge to avoid a citation should liquor inspectors visit your establishment? TAM can help you prevent an unnecessary citation! The OLbA is exclusively involved in maintaining responsible tavern owners and we offer programs, such as TAM, to help keep permit holders aware of the legalities within the industry. TAM, the Techniques of Alcohol Management server-training program, is a comprehensive program designed to give servers the know-how to be alcohol servers. If you are interested in scheduling a TAM class for your establishment or just attending one, we can help. by joining the OLbA, you can save money on TAM classes. TAM costs $25.00 for OLbA members and $60.00 for non-members. we also offer an online version of the course that is $50.00 for anyone that is interested in getting certified but wants to take it at their own pace. for further information on how you can protect your establishment by giving your servers this invaluable


information, please call the OLbA State Office at 1-800-678-5995 or visit www.olba.org. worker’s Compensation Rating Program


The OLbA offers a very competitive workers compensation group-rating program. Cut your worker’s comp premiums with the Ohio Licensed beverage Association endorsed group Rating Plan. The OLbA’s plan can save you the maximum on the rates you would pay without a group. group rating permits employers in the same or similar industries to pool their experiences for rating purposes. by banding together, companies can get a better group rate plan than the individual rate of members. Our program can match or beat any other group rating program out there! Call CompManagement at 1-800-8256755, option 1 to enroll, or watch your mail in early September for a mailing from OLbA that will provide you with the necessary forms to great a free savings estimate. Health Insurance As a member of the Ohio Licensed beverage Association, you and your employees can enroll in several health insurance options offered exclusively to OLbA members. for more information or questions on the coverage plans please call Cindy Craig at 614-921-9100. AbL Membership by becoming a member of the Ohio Licensed beverage Association, you also become a member of American beverage Licensees. This group is the strongest alliance for permit holders ever! Please visit www. ablusa.org for more information. If you have any questions about membership or what the OLbA can do for you, please give our office a call at 1-800-678-5995.




An App For That: ‘onthebar’ It’s 10pm... Do You Know Where Your Bartender is? BY AlIA AKKAm

Every bartender wants to develop a devoted following. With onthebar, a new free app created by a Boston-based entrepreneur Ian Stanczyk, now barkeeps can let their fans know when they are on the stick—and if they are whipping up any special libations for the evening. Here, Stanczyk and partner Corey Bunnewith, a 2009 Beverage Network Mixologist to Watch, give us the scoop. The BeverAge NeTWorK: So, how was onthebar dreamed up? IAN STANczYK: One of my closest friends and old college roommate is a bartender. When we finished school, I went into the nine-to-five working world and he into the business of being a pro bartender. Which meant the only time I could see my friend was when I visited him at his bar. Trouble was, I had no good way of knowing when he was working. I thought to myself: Wouldn’t it be nice if his phone had a button he could press that would create, basically, a bat signal that told me and anyone else who cared that he was... on the bar? So, the original idea was a selfish one but, talking with people like TJ [fellow partner TJ Connelly] and Corey and dozens of others, I realized: OK, I’m not the only person who cares about these things. There’s a whole community of people who make decisions based upon who is where and what relationships they have. It occurred to me that the patron experience is so heavily shaped by the interactions with the staff, rather than, say, the decor, location or Yelp rating of the venue, that we could provide real value by facilitating those relationships.

TBN: Can you guide us through how the app works? STANczYK: A bartender opens the app and is presented with a single button, labeled ‘on the bar,’ that they press during their shift to tell the world where they are. Patrons can follow individual bartenders and they’ll receive push notifications to let them know when and where their bartenders are working. Once ‘onthebar,’ bartenders can ‘shout’ updates to their network, to tell people what’s happening at the bar and why they should come in. These updates can also be pushed out to the bartender’s Twitter or Facebook pages, if they’d like. Patrons can also see all the bartenders who are ‘onthebar’ nearby, based on GPS, as well as a list of ‘en fuego’ bartenders who, for whatever reason, are receiving increased attention within the app. Finally, patrons can log ‘visits’ and build a record of where they’ve been and what drinks they’ve had.

TBN: Technology is changing the bar landscape. What are some of the ways you’ve seen the industry change as a result? BuNNeWITh: Being behind the bar is a job where your smile, handshake and ability to create a dialogue and a good drink are paramount. These aren’t going away; these are defining aspects of being a bartender. What technology and what my partners and I are doing is enhancing the landscape. We are empowering bartenders and guests to be able to do more with what they have.

TBN: Tell us a little about the perks for bartenders.

TBN: Onthebar launched in Boston, a city which has quickly garnered a reputation for serious cocktails. How has this revolution happened?

coreY BuNNeWITh: This is the first time a bartender really gets to engage his or her guest with a new level of technology. The ability to build one’s personal brand in the modern market is a huge win for bartenders. I also like to make the point that onthebar is for every bartender in every bar; we don’t have qualifiers for who can use the app. It’s meant to raise awareness of the community and industry and give guests a more interactive power of choice.

BuNNeWITh: Boston is a steadfast and generally stubborn city, and let me be clear that while finding a good drink is becoming more of a standard, we are not a cocktail city. We are a bar city. When Ian first came to me with the idea of onthebar, the cocktail—a good cocktail—was a very central idea. As we expanded the concept and looked at Boston as a whole, the bartender is as important, if not more important, than the drink is. ■


Apr12 Bar Talk.indd 1

3/12/12 12:37:24 PM





There is a tendency among businesses new to Twitter to simply use their account as a way to announce daily happy hour specials




, r

12:37:24 PM

will push you towards anger and avoidance. Decisions based on those emotions are not in your best interest. Taking a patient and gentle approach to this one unhappy follower is one of the better PR/ marketing functions available via Twitter. you are taking the time to assist a single customer, and this will perhaps help you to keep them as a customer. but more importantly, you are providing others with the opportunity to see how highly you value customer service.

or menu changes without interacting with their fans. This is a mistake. while communicating ‘what’s going on’ is one of Twitter’s most natural functions, it shouldn’t be where you stop. To take full advantage of Twitter you have to be engaged in a give-and-take. Monitor what your customers are saying and answer their questions. when a customer follows you, follow them back. An easy way to figure out whether you’re doing Twitter the right way is to analyze your tweet stream: If the number of one-way broadcasts dwarfs the replies and RTs you send out, you’ll need to find more balance.

being an active Twitter user is okay as long as what you are posting is relevant. Consistently ranting about personal issues may turn people off. Also keep in mind that if you send out 20 tweets in a matter of minutes it is going to clog up the timeline of your followers. It’s possible there are Twitter users out there who don’t want to read that much from your business in such a short period of time. NOT fOLLOwINg CUSTOMERS This is along the same line as not

being involved in the two-way component of Twitter. we’ve noticed businesses that don’t make a point of to follow current and potential clients, or don’t follow customers who have chosen to follow them. we’ve seen instances where customers seem almost thrilled at being followed by a business, particularly one where they are a regular patron. Even the basic electronic friendship gesture of following a person’s account can pay dividends. Someone who tweets he or she is fired-up their local pub is following them is the kind of person who will tell friends to give you business. CONNECTINg yOUR TwITTER ACCOUNT & NEvER UPDATINg few things are worse for a business’ social media efforts than to link a Twitter account to its various online operations – home website, facebook page, etc. – and then ignore it. when a customer clicks on your Twitter page and sees you haven’t posted anything in a month the message is very clear . . . and very damaging. you don’t care about connecting with your customers, so why should they return the favor?

IgNORINg UNfAvORAbLE TwEETS when a customer speaks negatively of an experience he or she had with your business, human nature

September 17, 2012 APRIL 2012 OHIO bEvERAgE MONTHLy 15

WineBuZZ this Cab Puts oN a show. freak Show, that IS.


What makes this Cabernet so freaky? Maybe it’s the Lodi fruit. Maybe it’s the spicy/cherry nose and gobs of dark berry fruit with charred oak and vanilla coming from 22 months in barrel. Maybe it’s just the label. In any event, the 2009 Freak Show, new from Michael David Winery, delivers serious CaliCab intensity at the $18 price point, and fits in well with quirky portfolio siblings such as 7 Deadly Zins and Petite Petit. michaeldavidwinery.com

alaMos Red bleNd: Dark maGIc

Good bubblies come In Small PackaGeS

Here is yet another tasty sign that Argentina has more up its sleeve than Malbec. This extension of the Alamos line, produced by the Catena family, starts with a Malbec foundation (40%), but the varieties on top—Tempranillo and Bonarda—add layers of black fruits, spice and a sense of richness and complexity that could fool red lovers into thinking it’s twice the price. Earthy, fruity, dark and balanced, it makes an attractive crossover wine for lovers of Malbec, certainly, but also fans of Cabernet, Zinfandel and big reds in general. SRP: $11.99

With summer just around the corner, portability is a nice complement to potability. For bubbly fans, here are two new products of note. Voga has bottled its popular Italian sparkling blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio in a twist-top 187ml bottle, available now for SRP $5.99. And coming from California—but only from June to September—Chandon Napa is releasing a limitededition bottle celebrating “American Summer” in both 750ml and 187ml sizes, wrapped in red, white and blue stripes; SRP $22 and $70 respectively.

New Youth MoveMeNt from Italy: GIÀ Recently introduced from producer Oscar Farinetti and importer Domaine Select, Già is devoted to freshness. The vibrant Già Rosso 2011, while released just three months after harvest, is not a “nouveau” wine, or even a novelty. It is simply a Langhe DOC wine that is ready earlier than the rest, assembled from separate cuvées of Barbera, Dolcetto and Nebbiolo. The wine in at an easy-drinking 11% ABV stateside in 1L bottles made with 85% recycled glass and labels printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based ink. SRP: $14.99 domaineselect.com


busY woMeN deseRve GooD wIne too Delicato Family Vineyards, the folks behind Bota Box, Gnarly Head, Noble Vines and Irony, now have a brand for women: the HandCraft Artisan Collection. Created by Cheryl Indelicato, third-generation winemaker at the family-owned California company, the line is “tailored to fit the lifestyle of busy, modern women.” HandCraft will donate $1 for every bottle sold in 2012 (up to $100,000) to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The line includes Cabernet, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Petite Sirah. SRP: $14.99 handcraftwines.com




or those of you who read the title and were able to put your ego aside and are sticking around to face the music, I am proud of you. It is easy to believe you have the two items mentioned above in check, however from the outside looking in it is very easy for others to think otherwise. The most important part about your job is management, for managers that is spelled out in

quinn Allen, CSC

their job title, however for chefs it is easy to wander astray. As you are now shuffling through files to find your job description and skimming the bullet points to reassure yourself you are doing the perfect job, I ask you to STOP, sit back, and graciously accept some constructive criticism. Managing is no easy task, be it a restaurant, a bar, time, or your personal life. All of these things plus many more add into your ability to manage in and out of the workplace, it is how you bring it all together to work smoothly that ultimately shows your worth. Most have heard the expression “Leave your emotions and problems at the back door when you come in and pick them up on your way out!” However this is not as easy as it seems and in fact I invite

you to bring some of it with you so it adds an edge, and so the back door doesn’t get blocked, because that’s a fire hazard. when you come into the workplace be it a kitchen, behind a bar, or at a podium by the front door, always wear a smile as part of your uniform. Now this isn’t going to turn into a “don’t jump” seminar, but I am going to have some cheesy points to make.

AS yOU ARE NOw SHUffLINg THROUgH fILES TO fIND yOUR JOb DESCRIPTION AND SKIMMINg THE bULLET POINTS TO REASSURE yOURSELf yOU ARE DOINg THE PERfECT JOb, I ASK yOU TO STOP, SIT bACK, AND gRACIOUSLy ACCEPT SOME CONSTRUCTIvE CRITICISM. A smile is one of the most powerful things in the workplace. A smile communicates emotion and feeling while defining you as someone who is positive, and the best part is they can be contagious. Everybody loves going to places where people are positive and radiant, just as people like working in the same environments. you don’t see a whole lot of people at the bMv with bright shining faces, as you also never wake up saying “golly, I can’t wait to waste my day waiting for a lottery number to come up so I can have a nice 30 minute chat with Oscar the grouch to get nothing accomplished!!” So try

to be more positive, and if you are positive, be more positive than that. Always be willing to help, even if it isn’t your direct responsibility. A manager/chef is not only the top of the food chain in a bar & restaurant setting, they are also the glue. They can pull any loose end together because they know how to operate each facet of their business with optimum potential and productivity. Just because I’m a chef doesn’t mean that I’m not the best dish washer on this side of the Milky way. People can be surprised at how contagious they are when they are at work. If someone sees a manager or owner clearing tables, they start thinking “wow, he could have told someone to do that, but instead he’s helping.” This sends out subliminal messages that words cannot convey. It will have people thinking “what can I do to better myself and the people around me.” And that is a question you should ask yourself every day. Employees will respond much better to a manager they respect, rather than fear. Just because you get promoted doesn’t mean that you are exempt from getting your hands dirty, sweating, or working overtime. Everyone has points they can improve on and as long as you work on your own and help other people with theirs, there is no telling what can be accomplished, sky is the limit. As long as you are better today than you were yesterday, and plan on being better tomorrow than you are today, you are headed in the right direction. Now get out of here, and take your problems away from my back door! Seriously, it’s a fire hazard, look it up.





The Flavor parade takes a caNaDiaN tUrN

GosliNG’s dark ’N sTormy sets sail iN caNs Dark ’n stormy, the national drink of Bermuda, is hitting american shores ready to drink, in a stylish new 8.4 oz. can (9% aBV). the blend of Gosling’s Black seal rum and their stormy Ginger Beer has a strong U.s. following; fans should be thrilled by the convenience of the can. to help gain attention at retail, special storm warning displays are being offered that signal “things could get wild.” srP: $9.99/4-pack. goslingsrum.com

loW-Cal FaNs haVe a New sPirit Ben Franklin once said that nothing in life is certain except death and taxes. well, in modern america you could probably add calorie-counting to that list. People watching their weight now have a new spirits line to check out: Slim Spirits. the line currently has four offerings—vodka, gin, tequila and rum—each 60 proof and 25% lower in calories than standard versions. with no skimping on flavor, these lowcal spirits offer special appeal for mixologists aiming to create bold new cocktails; srP vodka/ gin/rum: $15.99-$16.99; tequila $18.99-$19.99. slimspirit.com


Campari ameriCa Goes Micro-Batch with New scotch whiskies the challenge of differentiation in the scotch whisky arena has proven inspiring for importers. witness three new offerings from campari america. Auchentoshan Valinch 2011, aptly named after the tube used to draw whisky from a barrel, is bottled directly from cask and non-chill filtered (57.5% aBV). only 1,200 bottles of the 2011 are coming to the U.s.; srP is $59.99. Auchentoshan 1999 Vintage Bordeaux Cask Matured rested for a decade-plus in barrels that had held red Bordeaux wine. senior Blender Jeremy stephens notes, “Different wood finishes are becoming increasingly popular, but it’s pretty rare to find a whisky which has been 100% matured in wine.” Bottled at cask strength (58% aBV); srP is $69.99. Glen Garioch 1994 is unique because the distillery was mothballed in 1995. Prior to that, the barley used by Glen Garioch was dried with peat. after reopening, the distillery opted for an unpeated house style. so the 1994 is the last existing batch of this smoky single malt, bottled at cask strength (53.9% aBV); 3,000 bottles will reach the U.s. at srP $109.99. campariamerica.com

Photograph courtesy of ????????????

Van Gogh imports—no stranger to flavored spirits—has introduced TAP 357, a new premium maple-flavored canadian rye whisky. the rustic character of 3-, 5-, and 7-year-old blended rye whiskies is complemented by rich maple notes derived from trees tapped in Quebec; the end result actually has less sugar than other flavored whiskies. a cork-finished custom italian bottle further communicates the 81-proof spirit’s canadian roots and artisanal nature. srP $29.99 vangoghimports.com





Courvoisier® Cognac, 40% alc./vol. Courvoisier Import Company, Deerfield, IL, USA. Courvoisier is a trademark of Courvoisier S.A.S. ©2012 Courvoisier S.A.S

The “Smoky Daisy” (aka Smokin’ Margarita) cocktail at Viktor & Spoils / photograph by Oleg March

ow many tequilas are enough? It’s a question retailers and restaurateurs, even the most agave-centric, are facing more and more today. The flood of new brands has proven to be more than a bit overwhelming, spurring comparisons to the constant stream of new vodkas.

Think of it this way: while only around 150 or so Mexican distilleries are legally registered to produce tequila, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,300 separate brands, with some distilleries producing dozens of labels. Few of them have legitimate hopes of becoming the next Patrón, but all seem to be betting on the current American fascination with agave. Figures gathered by the Distilled Spirits Council of America (DISCUS) confirm the overall agave spirit surge; in 2011 tequila sales were up more than three percent to just over 11.9 million cases— making it the sixth largest category, bigger now than Scotch, blended or Irish whiskies, brandy or gin. Most of the growth has been among those 100% agave tequilas made only with sugars extracted from the blue Weber plant and produced in one of the five Mexican states allowed to make tequila. The higher the price, the better things are—super-premium brands grew 11.3% percent, while high-end premium grew


tequila selec tion

9.1% (DISCUS includes such brands as Cazadores and El Jimador in their definition of high-end brands, while Patrón, Herradura and Don Julio are among the super-premium brands). As long as the agave fields can support it, there will be more says Dori Bryant, whose Spirits of Mexico competition and events have attracted hundreds of brands and thousands of attendees. “Consumption of tequila has risen more than 40 percent in six years, and we can expect the brand explosion to continue,” she says.

GETTING CROWDED The average restaurant or retailer may still mainly carry the leading brands bolstered by national marketing and advertising support. Yet numerous retailers and operators have focused on establishing themselves as tequila destinations. That task is more challenging now, both because so many more establishments with an agave focus are vying for that niche and because the plethora of brands is difficult to keep up with.

Fittingly, there’s a bit of the Wild West feel in the tequila market, something noticed by Zack Romaya, whose Old Town Liquors in San Diego has built its reputation as a tequila wonderland. “Lately, a lot of importers are coming into the market and then they leave the business quite quickly,” he says. The new brand owners, who generally contract with a distiller for production, may be passionate, but their products may simply be unimpressive or indistinguishable from others, making them harder to sell. Romaya knows the trend well, since he’s developed his business selling as many tequilas as anyone in the United States. He’ll take on almost any new one, “but it’s getting to be too much, too costly to carry so many and we’re running out of room.” Many operators are now compelled to draw the line at a number that makes business sense and tweak the portfolio along the way. At La Biblioteca de Tequila, the lavish basement bar in chef Richard Sandoval’s three-story restaurant Zengo in midtown Manhattan, the menu includes around 400 different agave products (including mezcals and mixto tequilas), part of the library approach its name suggests, says beverage director Courtenay Greenleaf. “At this point this question is whether or not to take more on,” she says. “We try to represent all the agave spirits, and as a ‘library’ we have brands that fit into different niches. There are those we consider our classic novels—the Cuervos and Don Julios and other brands everybody knows.


La Biblioteca de Tequila, the basement bar in chef Richard Sandoval’s three-story restaurant Zengo in midtown Manhattan, features an extensive tequila locker.

We also have what I consider a cheesy romance section, and some things from pop culture, too.” Something for everybody is the concept, but picking among the new keeps her focused on price point mix and a tequila’s point of difference. To elbow their way onto her list of about 80 brands (La Bibiloteca typically carries all expressions—blanco, reposado, añejo and extra añejo—if available), tequilas must represent something different, perhaps a unique flavor profile. For instance, Greenleaf wants to be able to offer guests contrasting samples in flights of tequila— say, two reposados, one lightly rested and one that has taken on more oak. Lately, she notes, newer brands are arriving more clearly crafted for the American, especially female, palate—lighter, sweeter, easier to drink and decidedly less earthy and rustic, a more traditional style many tequila aficionados seek out. Punta Serena, a 100% blue agave tequila, is one of these. Punta Serena creator Kimie Kitahara says that her vision was to “create a brand

of tequila that provides not only impeccable quality but aesthetic beauty as well.” The award-winning, super smooth liquids (the añejo is aged three times longer than most competitors) are packaged in sleek Cognaclike bottles with emerald jeweled caps projecting an obvious feminine appeal. For those operations with limited space, a mini-mezcal boom is making decisions about shelf space even more challenging. At the recently opened Viktor & Spoils in New York City, manager Leo DeGroff needed to curate the agave selection

for the modestly sized spot to include a range of tequilas and mezcals. To do so, he eschewed many of the top 20 best-selling tequilas and focused on unique bottlings. “We wanted to make sure we represented the various regions and different styles for people who want to take the next step in their discovery of tequila,” he says. For some, though, the more brands the merrier. Take Mi Tierra, one of San Antonio’s busiest restaurants. In 2007 when current beverage manager Tony Aguirre arrived, the popular restaurant carried perhaps ten tequila brands—Herradura, 1800 and other marquee names. Now, they carry 200 or so expressions and go through more than 15,000 bottles of tequila in a year. And Aguirre would take on more if he could. “I’m finding out that people are looking more and more to branch out and get away from the familiar brands and try these newer expressions,” he says. He cites such brands as Cielo del Diamente, Maestro Dobel and Siete Leguas as those gaining traction.

tequila selec tion

La Biblioteca photographs by Melissa Hom


tequila a is now bigger r tha an whisky,, bra andy and gin, wit th most growth com ming from the high h end

The Mariachi Bar in Mi Tierra in San Antonio.

Dare To Grab It A Wicked Blend of Blue Agave Tequila and the Finest Citrus Liqueur. TarantulaAzul.com

Drink Responsibly. Drive Responsibly.

For all of your Tarantula Tequila updates, visit us at:


Tequila and the Finest Natural Citrus Liqueur - 35% Alc./Vol. (70 Proof) Baruh Spirits Co. Weston, MO Š McCormick Distilling Company 2012.


POINTS OF DISTINCTION Newer brands are forced by intense competition to seek points of differentiation. Lunazul is one of the few estate-grown tequila. Newcomer Arrogante uses only traditional stone ovens to cook agave, rather than stainless steel auto-claves, and employs juice from only the first pressing. Rudo and Tecnico, two brands from Double Eagle Imports Ltd, focus on marketing surrounding Lucha Libre, the Mexican professional wrestling style, and its two main personalities—Rudo (a brawler fans love to hate) and Tecnico (the good guy). Appealing to calorie counters, the new Slim brand (technically tequila with natural flavors) is 60 proof, but remains remarkably true in its flavor profile thanks to the inclusion of agave essence. Tequila innovation includes flavors, too. Tarantula Azul from McCormick Distillers is technically a “tequila liqueur.” It’s a brilliant blue color and infused with citrus flavors (there’s also a strawberry version) designed for margaritas and cocktails (also available in ready-to-drink pre-

Newer r brand ds are forced d by int tense competit tion n to seek poin nts s of different tia ation

mixed four packs). Agave Loco (100% agave) is infused with natural pepper oils—jalapeño and serrano—and results in tequila that packs a pleasantly spicy punch, particularly in Margaritas. Tequila Avión, a brand that hit the ground running two years ago accompanied by significant media spend (and a role on the TV show Entourage), was quick to win over critics, picking up a Double Gold at the 2011 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Boasting ultimate smoothness as their calling card (thanks to a pro-

Tequila’s new ex xpres ssio ons As the wave of tequila continues, pressions going beyond new expressions ally defined blanco, rethe legally posado, añejo and extra añejo contribute to the expansion. Take Don Julio Claro, the brand’s 70th anniversary tequila. Starting with standard Don Julio añejo, the distillers filter the tequila through a process that returns the agave flavors to the forefront, yet still retains the expected oakiness— vanilla, caramel, etc.—of an aged variety. Filtering in this manner has been tried before, of course, as seen in Maestro Dobel, said to be the first

crystal-clear aged tequila. But Dobel, an attempt to combine complexity with the crispness of a blanco, blends extra añejo, añejo and reposado tequila before the filtration. While most tequilas are 80 proof, a few come in a higher potency, most notably (for its TV adver tising presence) 1800 Select Silver 100 proof produced using two distillations, then blended and filtered. A new brand, Revolucion, has recently entered the U.S. with five expressions, including a 100 proof version. From the plantations in the lowlands of El

prietary Ultra Slow Filtration process), Avión’s Silver, Reposado and Añejo expressions are all made from high-elevation agave plants grown at 7,000 feet. Most spirit companies of any size, even those not traditionally known for interest in agave, are spending more on their tequilas. Heaven Hill in conjunction with joint venture partner Tierra de Agaves recently launched a broad-based consumer marketing and print advertising campaign for Lunazul Tequila. The brand, known as a high-quality blanco and reposado positioned at a price point just above the mixto category leader, is an estate-grown, small-batch tequila backed by the Beckmann family. Even wine companies have entered the fray: Gallo launched Familia Camarena Tequila in spring of 2010. The brand has a unique selling proposition: a premium 100% blue agave tequila with a more value-oriented price point—$20 (critics and consumers seem to agree to quality overdelivers for the price).

th brand Arenal, Jalisco, the u of also differs in its use b barrels that have been f tequila used exclusively for yea for at least 20 years. And then there’s the celebrity angle, already worked by Justin Timberlake for his 901. Now welcome (at least in Texas for the time being) Kinky Friedman’s new Man In Black Tequila, including a six-yearold extra añejo Friedman calls “Tequila Noir.” Few brands have chosen—yet—to follow the lead of Ocho Tequila, which has pioneered specific estate vintage expressions, leading to a different range entering

the market annually. But by next year this time, the market will be sampling Expresiones de Corazón, four experimental tequilas using barrels exclusively provided by brand owner Sazerac, including a reposado aged in Buffalo Trace bourbon barrels; and three añejos—one aged in Sazerac rye barrels, one in George T. Stagg barrels and another in Van Winkle barrels. The small production releases (about 22,000 bottles in all) will be the first in a series that Corazón will offer under the guidance of Sazerac’s national tequila sales manager David Grapshi.

TEQUILA WAVE . . . . . . . . i ........


While new brands inevitably excite interest in a spirit category, the lion’s share of volume and consumer interest still comes from brands at the top of the heap. At Jose Cuervo, for the largest-selling brand, plans include new flavors in their ready-to-serve line for both Jose Cuervo Authentic Margaritas and Light Margaritas. Cuervo will also drive consumer connections with more than 5,000 promotions on-premise, reintroducing of the Cuervo 3 Ways shot serving board, which will also take center stage on the brand’s Facebook page. Off-premise, the brand will supply cross-merchandising and POS materials. Additionally, select retailers will run a custom label program through June so customers can have a picture placed on their bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial Gold or Silver.

Last spring, Beam Global unveiled Sauza Blue, the first 100% agave tequila from the brand, available in both silver and reposado. Both bottlings are designed to emphasize

freshn freshness—the agave plants pu into production within are put hou of being hand-picked, 48 hours resulti in the freshest, most resulting agave agave-forward expression. (Intere (Interestingly, the emphasis on ag real agave is happening in the t as well: Old Mexico value tier Oro Te Tequila promotes its inclusion of 70% agave, compared with most other value brands which contain only 51%, the minimum by law). Patrón now has a tequilabased liqueur called Dark Cocoa XO Patrón, a blend of silver tequila with coffee and cocoa. Patrón will continue with its Secret Dining Society consumer campaign, hosting private dinners and events.

“Customers are definitely ready for new expressions,” agrees Old Town Liquor’s Romaya. “Our customers are looking for something less mass market. Tequilas now are like wine for me—there’s a different flavor for every occasion and every palate.”

IN THE KNOW As customer interest in agave spirits grows, staff training and customer education become even more important. Tequila salespeople need to know more than the differences between a reposado and an añejo tequila; tequilas from the highlands of Jalisco tend to be sweeter, more floral and citrusy, while lowlands brands tend to be earthier, spicy and vegetal. Greenleaf points out that establishing a repu-

tation as a serious tequila destination isn’t all about quiet contemplation, however—in addition to serving customized flights of tequila, La Biblioteca also offers tequila sno-cones, a trio of Mexican streetstyle shaved ices served in paper cups and topped with tamarind, hibiscus and strawberry syrups. That sense of adaptability—from base spirit in the ubiquitous Margarita and other cocktails, to complex and pricey sipper—has helped build tequila to a previously unimaginable position in the U.S. market, and is one of the main reasons buyers can expect that flood of brands to continue, at least as long as the agave fields can keep up the supply. ■

teq quila Herradura is partnering with mixologists in key markets to develop innovative cocktails. The brand is also joining forces with Esquire magazine and digital lifestyle outlets like Urban Daddy to promote the tequila mixology movement and its own Herradura Barrel Select Experience. Don Julio off-premise activity will program around holidays and summer activities. This year celebrates the 70th anniversary of the year that founder Don Julio González started making tequila, and the brand will mark this with the continued roll-out of Don Julio 70, an añejo tequila filtered to restore the crisp agave flavor.

Tequila is made from the blue agave plant, which resembles a cactus but is actually a member of the lily family. At the heart of the plant is the “piña” (similar in appearance to a pineapple), which produces the aguamiel (“honey water”) that is fermented and distilled. ................ o ................

Tequila may only be produced in designated areas of Mexico, most noteably the state of Jalisco; the spirit takes its name from the town of Tequila. ................ o ................

There are two basic classifications for tequila: 100% blue agave, which must be 100% from blue agave plants and bottled in designated regions of Mexico; and mixto, which must be at least 51% from blue agave. ................ o ................

Tequilas are further segmented based on aging. Blanco (aka silver) is clear and unaged. Joven (aka gold or abocado) spends several months in tanks before bottling. Reposado (meaning rested) is the first definitive level of aging; these tequilas rest in wood (usually oak) barrels for two to 12 months. Añejo (meaning “old” or “mature”) applies to tequilas aged at least one year in oak barrels; these tend to be darker, smoother and more complex. Extra añejo tequila has rested at least three years in barrel.


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Opposite top: The impressive wine wall at Texas de Brazil in Tampa, FL. The group has 20 locations across the country, with four more set to open in 2012. Bottom center and left: Wine by the glass is a specialty at the Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar. Each venue features 100 glass pours, ranging from $6 to $20. Bottom right: The wine room at NJ-based Terramomo Group’s Mediterra, where the menu celebrates Mediterranean cuisine but Chilean whites and reds are right at home.


he American table is a many-splendored thing. We love ethnic cuisine, but comfort food hits the spot, too. Fine dining is a form of entertainment for many; casual dining is a way of life for even more. Grilling is king for some, vegetarian rules for others. It’s a moving target, with perhaps the only constant being that we like to eat well—and drink well. And Chile—anchored by value and fueled by quality and diversity—is increasingly becoming part of the American dining picture.

One important aspect of America’s evolving wine and food scene is that wine choices are no longer led, leashlike, by the cuisine. In hindsight, French wines gained their foothold—and lofty reputation— here largely thanks to haute cuisine. And Italian vino for years was the expected default for Italian restaurants. The scene today is more eclectic and less regimented, which is a positive thing for restaurants and diners alike. Conversations with wine directors at numerous restaurants contacted for this article revealed no revolution—as in restaurants suddenly devoting entire chunks of their wine list to Chile, or sommeliers claiming Carmenère is the new Malbec. Rather, the progress of Chile at the table is a case of positive incremental steps, by the glass and the bottle, cutting across multiple types of venues as wine pros tap into a deep and broad pool of varietal and blended wines. In short, Chile’s rising onpremise profi le is happening naturally, based on merit, not hype.

VERSATILITY AND VALUE Rodrigo Davila, beverage director for the Texas de Brazil group of restaurants, has rotated a variety of Chilean wines on his lists. The reds pair well with the beefheavy Churrascaria fare, but the whites also are especially versatile. He sees Sauvignon Blanc emerging as a signature Chilean white—crisp with acidity, but not as aggressively sharp as New Zealand—ideal for seafood and salads. With a plethora of brands and varieties that can be listed at

modest price points, Chilean wines have proven to be a rather popular target of server recommendations. A special feature page on the list devoted to Santa Rita was so successful that they kept it going for a full year, and staged six Santa Rita dinners in 2011. At The Palm in Atlanta, Willy Cellucci doubles as the GM and national director of wine. He is a huge fan of Terrapura Chardonnay, which they go through cases pouring by the glass. “It’s light and balanced, and doesn’t hit you with heavy oak,” he says. “It’s a very flexible, enjoyable wine—and a terrific value.” He observes that as Americans have come to be more knowledgeable about wine in general, they are “very open” to Chile, and by-the-glass is a particularly good place for the wines. “California has surrendered a reasonable price by the glass from recognized appellations,” he says. “Australia has lived up to its reputation as consistent and meeting expectation, but in Chilean wine, there is a chance to be really out-

standing at the price point. It’s a region on the come. It’s exciting.” One theme came up frequently when talking to beverage professionals who need to balance the bottom line with issues of taste and variety: Chile has shifted upward from the days when calling it a bargain was considered a compliment. Marian Jansen op de Haar, whose consulting firm Vines 57 works with Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, believes that the new “value” prospect for Chilean wines is seen in wines like Viña Koyle Cabernet Sauvignon, whose intensity and long finish help it overdeliver compared to other Cabernets that retail in the teens. Similarly, Harry Joannides, GM at Bar Six in Manhattan, has been pouring the De Martino “Legado” Syrah by the glass for five months straight. “The wine tastes more expensive than it is,” he declares. “It is rich, ripe, smooth. But not over the top. And it matches well with a lot of our food.”

ROOTS OF QUALITY In the real-world context of restaurant dining most of what happens before the wine gets uncorked is out of sight and out of mind, but the quality message-in-thebottle is not lost on sommeliers. David Lombardo, wine and beverage director for at the Benchmarc group in NYC, summarizes his take on Chile succinctly: “The wines are a fantastic blend of old world highlights with new world accessibility. Still a great value through and through. One of my favorite aspects is the diversity of the land enabling so many different classic grapes to thrive and shine.” Fred Dexheimer, a Master Sommelier and consultant who has traveled to Chile often, credits several factors that he sees coming to fruition right now. “This next generation of winemakers is very precise,” says Dexheimer. “Many are from the Northern hemisphere and work two harvests, so they have broad experience.” He adds that technology in Chile is state-of-


Left: Chilean wines do well at San Diego’s Island Prime steak house, as well as at the more casual attached bistro called C Level.

the-art, not only in production facilities but also in the vineyard, where infrared scanners have helped growers match varieties to soil types. Some Chilean regions have become well known in the trade, such as Casablanca for Sauvignon Blanc, he notes, priming forward-thinking wine pros for the latest buzz—such as the Bio Bio Valley for Pinot Noir. With an increasing number of labels reaching the U.S., not to mention new blends, single-vineyard and reserve-level wines, a restaurant wine buyer’s Chilean options are greater than ever. Yet Dexheimer sees two vital common threads, both of which pack extra appeal for onpremise. One is “purity of fruit,” across wine types and regions—which is something Americans seek out, especially in New World wines. Another is the emergence of a “middle tier” of wines that can be listed from $40 to $60 and stand out from their comparably priced peers from other countries. When contacted for this article, San Diego-based Cohn Restaurant Group Wine Director Maurice DiMarino, he was just preparing to do a seminar for the staff at Island Prime. Some of the Chilean reds they have featured by the glass at Island Prime include Veramonte “Primus,” Concha y Toro “Marques de Casa Concha” and Novas Carmenère/Cabernet. By the bottle they have had success with Clos Apalta, Antiyal, Coyam, Peñalolén and Domus Aurea. He says they have done well with Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, too. When presenting Chile as such, DiMarino covers regions and varieties, even history and organic farming. This being a business,

Center & right: The barrel-aging cellar and landscape at Cousiño-Macul in Santiago. The winery is among the country’s most traditional, but its 21st century success includes an active Facebook page, “On the Road with Cousiño-Macul,” featuring snapshots and anecdotes from restaurants and shops that showcase their wines.

One restaurant group found that Chilean red blends sold better when listed under ‘Cabernet/ Bordeaux’ at their steak house, but as ‘unique red blends’ at their bistro though he also discusses food compatibility; the bottom line for a server is to be able to efficiently communicate the quality-inthe-glass message. Interestingly, he discovered that at Island Prime, a steak house, Chilean wines sell better when listed within the category of Cabernet/Bordeaux blends, rather than as “unique red blends” or South American wines. By contrast, at the more casual, attached C-Level bistro, the opposite is true. Of course, it takes a wine list of a certain size to be able to experiment with which section Chile works best in. Many small-restaurant wine buyers are faced with a well-stocked stream of prime quality/price-ratio Chilean candidates, from which they pick a choice few, and then happily promote. In Evanston, IL, at The Stained Glass, the only Chilean red is Axel 2008, a Colchagua Cabernet made by Viña La Playa. Buyer Al Cirillo likes it because it excels among his Cabs under $50. Also, he explained, “I’m not too hip on too much

oak. This one is just right, and it goes great with lamb and bigger meats.” Essentially, the progress of Chile onpremise is being fueled by similar successes, often one or two listings at a time. With few restaurants featuring extensive South American lists, and with a wide selection of both established and up-and-coming brands, there is a surprisingly eclectic feel to Chilean wine’s rising on-premise profile. Some restaurants will develop a rotation of go-to wines; others will pump a couple of favorites. Carlo Momo, founder and owner of the Terramomo restaurant group in New Jersey, has long been a Chile aficionado, in part because his father is Chilean. He is proud to say his family helped launch Montes wines in Central Jersey two decades ago. Since Montes has gained familiarity, he now leans toward more boutique brands, including Casablanca-based Kingston Family wines and Maipo-based Tres Palacios. “The staff really gets behind the wines,” he notes. Overall, it is safe to say that Chilean wines are succeeding on-premise best in situations where they have a chance to stand out as distinctive, new and interesting. No one expects an entire Chilean section on a list. What they do expect, and receive, is quality in the glass—which often comes with the added bonus of being comparably easy on the wallet.

GOES WITH HOME-COOKING, TOO While the situation on-premise often boils down to a choice selection of Chilean wines, based on a particular restaurant’s needs, goals and menu/list opportunities, it’s important to keep in mind

the characteristics that have made them more appealing to restaurants in the first place. Balance. Purity of fruit. Varietal correctness. Food compatibility. Bang for the buck. These qualities are exactly what Americans are looking for to have with dinner at home tonight. And in a store, shoppers usually have a chance to browse and choose from a couple fistfuls of Chilean options, not just a select few. At Suburban Wines & Spirits in Yorktown Heights, NY, Michael Koehler, the store’s buyer for both Spain and South America, is frequently asked to suggest wines that are likely going to be uncorked within days if not hours. Regarding Carmenère, he is quick to remind customers that,

ADVANTAGE: CHILE The influx of new Chilean– labels and bottlings in recent years has shown quality and consistency that make restaurant buyers comfortable promoting, not only over a range of price points, but also across a variety of cuisines. Sauvignon Blanc with seafood and big reds with steak are just the beginning. To wit: a “Carm ‘n Q” promotion showcasing Carmenère and barbecue at a Q Shack location in North Carolina. Or a wine dinner featuring Montes wines at Sushi Ran in Sausalito. What’s most fascinating about this latest chapter in Chile’s American story is how it is being written in many ways in many contexts. The relative novelty of the category, combined with solid value, make for a tremendous opportunity. Small and larger producers are getting well-deserved attention—and inspiring creativity—as wine directors tap up-and-coming wines to offer something new and rewarding to their clientele. Here are a few exemplary current releases:

despite this grape’s relative novelty and South American origin, Carmenère should not be thought of as the Chilean Malbec. In fact, Koehler says, most people scouting for Chilean red wine usually already like Cabernet Sauvignon. In that case, he says, “It doesn’t take much effort to put a Carmenère into their hands. It’s different and fun, but has the weight of a Cab and makes a better comparison than Malbec.” Chilean wines are established enough that some brands—Montes, Concha y Toro, MontGras, Los Vascos, Root: 1, Santa Rita and Casa Lapostolle, et al— make fine wines and have good consumer recognition. What excites Koehler, however, is the expanding range of small,

LOS VASCOS 2011 SAUVIGNON BLANC Casablanca Valley Straightlaced but stellar, with lemongrass on the nose leading into a zingy citrus and green apple palate. Medium body; cleansing finish. Bring on anything from the sea. SRP: $13.99

MONTGRAS 2010 RESERVA SAUVIGNON BLANC San Antonio Valley Melon and floral aromas foretell a multi-dimensional Sauv Blanc. Explodes mid-palate with bright fruit in a fleshy frame. Round enough to sip on its own; complex enough to elevate fish, poultry and more. SRP: $11.99

high-quality producers delivering excellent quality at varied price points. Among Carmenères, he likes Emiliana’s Natura label under $10, Chono (organic) in the low teens and Maquis, “a knockout” for closer to $20. He also raves about Aresti Cabernet, Quintay and Tabali Syrahs, and Leyda Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. He thinks the “sweet spot” for value from Chile these days is $10-$15 per bottle retail. Given that the bulk of Chilean wines that get listed at restaurants are under $50, it seems that the profusion of high-quality, affordable wines from Chile is something both on- and off-premise wine professionals can confidently get behind. ■

EMILIANA “NOVAS” 2010 PINOT NOIR GRAN RESERVA Casablanca Valley Shockingly good, impeccably balanced Pinot Noir that delivers lucid strawberry fruit surrounded by roasted notes, supple tannins and a kiss of oak. Acidity keeps it all fresh and long. SRP: $16.99

SANTA RITA 2009 “MEDALLA REAL” CARMENÈRE Colchagua Valley Flavor festival in a bottle. Dried black fruits, coffee, spice, vanilla. Deep and broad, with just-right tannins and supporting oak. Elegant finish; friend to meats cured, roasted or grilled. SRP: $16.99

DE MARTINO 2010 “LEGADO” CABERNET SAUVIGNON Maipo Valley This organic bottling is a powerful reminder that Cabernet Sauvignon remains Chile’s most expressive red variety. Full-bodied and harmonious, its red and black fruits shin atop firm structure. Evolves invitingly in the glass; perfect for a relaxing dinner with beef of any sort. SRP: $15.99

MONTGRAS 2010 “QUATRO” Colchagua Valley A rousing statement for outside-the-box blending, Quatro combines 45% Cabernet, 20% Carmenère, 20% Syrah, 15% Malbec in a juicy but hearty whole that invites burgers or pizza but could easily impress with upscale fare. SRP: $14.99



Opposite page: The Elqui Valley; French grape-growing techniques; old stored bottles from Los Nichos; cocktails from Capel.


nless you’ve been to Chile, or were bar-hopping in California in the early 1900s, chances are you’ve never tasted Chilean pisco. That’s because after Prohibition killed pisco’s short-lived run in the U.S. (the first pisco cocktail, the Pisco Punch, was invented in San Francisco), the aromatic wine-based distillate has been more-or-less absent here—only a scant few brands with spotty distribution. Luckily, this soon will change, as a slew of Chilean distributors have set their sights on the American market.

“I thought I knew what made Chilean pisco unique compared to other grape distillates, but I didn’t fully appreciate it until I went to Chile,” says David Wondrich, cocktail historian and author. “The fermentation and aging differences make for a very complex, smooth and unique spirit. There are similarities with other brandies, but when you focus in on the details, you start to see the real differences.”

All photographs courtesy of Pisco Chile

UNIQUE RAW MATERIALS Pisco was the first spirit consumed in Chile. The Spanish introduced grape vines in the mid-1500s, and distillation in the centuries following. The word “pisco” (like many terms related to products with ancient roots) has a muddled origin, but there is no doubt that Chile’s pisco industry evolved along with its wine industry. The same conditions that make Chile a grape-growing paradise— sunny valleys, diverse soils, clear skies, dry air—naturally bode well for the base wine for Pisco production. Regulations are somewhat tight: Chilean distilleries are required to grow their own grapes and make their own wine. While grape varieties are also regulated, growers have a nice range from which to choose. Grapes are grouped into two categories based on aromatic expressiveness: Muscat types (Pink Muscat, Muscat of Alexandria) are very fragrant while Pedro Jiménez, Moscatel de Austria and Torontel are less so.

THE TASTE OF THE PLACE Pisco must be made in the country’s two official D.O. (Denomination of Origin) regions—Atacama and Coquimbo—established in 1931 by the government. The Elqui Valley subregion of Coquimbo (getting noticed as well as an up-and-coming still wine region) has emerged as a premier pisco zone. “The sun is what makes pisco what it is,” says Javier Marcos, export director for Capel Pisco. “The Elqui Valley area has one of the clearest skies in the world—scientists have installed large astronomical observatories here for that reason. The light intensity yields grapes with higher sugars and thicker skins; since skins hold the aromatic compounds, pisco made here is incredibly fragrant.” Newcomers to the region confirm Elqui is truly unlike any other place on earth; many believe it has “special energies.” “With elevations that vary from sea level to 1500m and a broad range of soil types, Elqui is home to amazingly dry mountains full of quartz with ample water flowing from the Andes mountains,” says Charles Lapostolle of Kappa Pisco. “The dramatic temperature swings between day and night also help give us the ideal array of grapes for making complex, aromatic pisco.” While some brandies are by-products of the winemaking process, distilled from pressed skins, pulp and seeds, Chilean Pisco is made with fresh new wine specifically fermented for its production. Distillations are done in single batches

(the law forbids continuous distillation) and many producers employ double and triple distillations. Piscos are produced in a range of proofs, but those designed for export are all 40% abv.

A WIDE COLOR PALETTE From a taste perspective, Chilean Pisco’s most distinguishing characteristic is age. All piscos are required to age for half a year, which gives them an appealing smoothness, yet the law allows for infinite age regimens beyond this. The three offi cial classifi cations are “transparent” (six months in stainless steel or inactive wood); “guarda” (stored in active French or American oak for at least 180 days) and “aged” (aged in active French or American oak for one year, though most producers age for two or more). The result is a wide range of colors and flavors—from clear, bright and floral to dark, rich and caramelized and everything in between.

PISCO’S PREMIUM RENAISSANCE Though Chile has been turning out pisco for centuries, the entire industry is shifting toward more premium production. Roxana Jiménez, manager for Pisco Chile’s export program, speculates this may have begun in 2000 when domestic consumption started to decline, prices plummeted and quality suffered. What followed was a comeback tale of sorts, as the industry sought to regain market share and discovered that consumer palates were far more demanding. The government got involved and the Pisco Chile trade group was formed in 2009. Distilleries began experimenting with new techniques—which sometimes meant returning to ancient, artisanal techniques—and a number of small boutique distillers entered the field alongside large producers. “The artisanal piscos I’ve sampled from Chile have been incredibly high-quality,” says Wondrich. “Producers


Above: Old stills in Los Nichos; tending the fire at Bauza; barrels stored in Capel.

are using the 18th century techniques and when I have people taste them, they are really surprised.” One high-profile newcomer is Kappa, created by the Marnier-Lapostolle family of France’s Grand Marnier and the Chilean wine brand Casa Lapostolle. At their hotel near the winery, they offered a Grand Pisco Sour (with Grand Marnier) which was so successful, they became intrigued with the spirit. “After all, Grand Marnier is Cognac and there are a lot of similarities between Cognac and Pisco,” says Charles Lapostolle. The company started trials employing French vinification and distillation techniques to coax out maximum extraction of aromas (they use fragrant Muscat grapes exclusively), and even brought over a copper still from Cognac. Kappa—named for one of the stars in the Southern Cross Constellation—was officially launched in 2011. “Pisco is unique among other grape distillates,” says Lapostolle. “It’s permitted to age in wood [unlike Peruvian Pisco] but not required to do so [like Cognac]; this gives distillers a lot of freedom.” Because of their Cognac roots, the Lapostolles “obviously think oak treatment is great; in Chile, it gives a broader scope to the pisco category as a whole,” he says. Kappa pisco see approximately one year in French barrels. Quality amongst large, traditional producers has jumped as well. Capel, a cooperative established in 1938, grows grapes in every permitted pisco region—they are the largest producer of pisco in the world, and currently the only brand with nationwide U.S. distribution on two of their Piscos (the transparent Capel, $19, and Alto del Carmen, a lightly wood-aged reserve,

$22). “We recognize that aging in wood gives a complexity that consumers like,” explains Capel’s Marcos. “However, the wood must respect the fruity character of the pisco and not overwhelm it.”

A NATURAL FIT BEHIND THE BAR As pisco producers looked to international markets, the U.S.—specifically New York City—jumped out as the logical first target. “We are not so much focused on sales right now,” says Jiménez. “We are working to educate; to teach people to distinguish the different types of pisco and how to best enjoy it.” And the focus is trade: “There was a pisco push in Miami a decade back, but it was focused on consumers, not trade. We need bartenders to get behind pisco if it is going to succeed.”

PISCO RECIPE Santiago Sour 1½ oz. Chilean pisco ¾ oz. simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water by volume) ½ oz. fresh lemon juice ¼ oz. fresh orange juice ½ oz. Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon Shake first 4 ingredients with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and carefully float ½ oz. Chilean Cabernet on top (it’s easier to float the wine if it’s poured from a sherry glass or similar rather than from the bottle; simply pour it gently over the back of a barspoon held just above the drink). Recommended pisco: Any pisco that hasn’t been aged in American oak barriques for more than a year or so. This works particularly well with aromatic and artisanal Piscos.

Yet aside from the Pisco Sour, there isn’t a real history of serious mixology in Chile (in its native land, 80 percent of pisco is consumed with cola). Which is ironic, since Pisco is one of the most mixable spirits on the planet, says Wondrich. It offers a mixologist the best of both worlds: It’s incredibly easy to mix with, yet adds distinctive aromatics and character. “Vodka brings alcohol to a cocktail, while pisco brings flavor,” Wondrich describes. “The so-called ‘neutral’ piscos add body and subtle flavor, while the aromatic ones add a whole new dimension to a cocktail; it’s sweet without being sugary and incredibly fragrant with honeysuckle, jasmine and citrus blossom. Piscos are remarkably clean compared with many other brandies.” Experimenting behind the bar, Wondrich combined lime juice and simple, brightly-flavored ingredients with the clear Piscos; he substituted the darker-hued aged versions in place of other aged spirits in fancy 19th century cocktails (Manhattans, drinks with bitters and topped with Champagne, etc.). His favorite Pisco Sour is low on egg white and flavored with Cedrón leaves (aka lemon verbena). One of Wondrich’s most addictive concoctions is the Santiago Sour, which is topped with another native ingredient—Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon. “As we start to see a greater variety of piscos from Chile being imported here, the mixology community will begin to experience what makes them so unique, and how much diversity there is from distillery to distillery,” says Wondrich. “Chilean Piscos will give bartenders important new colors in their palette.” ■

Pisco Capel Reservado is a young, white, aromatic spirit obtained from the double distillation and filtration of Chilean Wine. It is produced from selected Muscat grapes grown in the North of Chile, at altitudes around 2,000 meters above sea level. This unique terroir counts on over 350 days of sun a year and crystal clear waters that flow from the Andes Mountains. Pisco Capel is an all-around white spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of cocktails.

CHILEAN PISCO SOUR 2 oz Pisco Capel • 1 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Simple Syrup • Shake with ice and strain into glass • Garnish with a lime wedge.




ere’s a fascinating statistic: Roughly two-thirds of the annual volume growth in the U.S. is the result of innovation. Here’s another: Almost 50% of the innovation value in the world comes from the U.S. It seems Americans are uniquely hungry for a steady stream of new products. And this means, according to Tim Murphy, Vice President, Marketing Innovation at Pernod Ricard USA, that “any global organization interested in operating in the U.S. market today needs to have a clear and aggressive innovation agenda in order to grow.”

PERNOD’S QUEST The Irish category’s phenomenal growth is still led by Jameson— representing 7 out of 10 bottles of Irish whiskey sold. “We need to constantly remind ourselves that Jameson is still in its infancy in the U.S. It cleared the million-case mark less than 12 months ago and is still in the recruitment phase in many markets,” says Paul Di Vito, Brand Director, Jameson. “We are not recruiting drinkers from other Irish whiskies—we are recruiting them from other whiskey categories. The demand and momentum of the brand has been truly amazing.” But the brand does consider innovation a key driver of growth—“innovation for Jameson is not just about launching new SKUs” says Di Vito. Launching this fall, Jameson will continue its innovative approach to marketing the brand in the US in the form of a new television/360 marketing campaign bringing to life the legendary stories of John Jameson and the love he has for his Whiskey. Outside of the brand’s more mature markets, Jameson has made major headway into smaller (yet high potential) markets, including Hispanic markets like San Antonio by communicating the simple (recruitment/trial) message “Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one great taste.” In these markets Jameson is truly in its infancy and meeting consumers for the first time. And Jameson unveiled “Black Barrel” in November in New York to “bridge the gap between Jameson Original and the Jameson 12 Year and 18 Year Old.” At roughly 35% higher in price than Original, Black Barrel is only distilled once per year and made with whiskies up to 14 years in age for more flavor. In fact, all of Pernod Ricard’s Irish whiskies are on fire. The company has rejuvenated the art of single pot still Irish whiskey—“the Irish answer to Scotland’s single malts,” Patrick Caulfield, Regional Director, Irish Distillers, explains. Redbreast is growing at 26% and recently debuted Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength to rave reviews (it was just named Irish Whiskey of the Year by Whisky Advocate). Midleton is also releasing the Barry Crockett Legacy (launching at WhiskyFest New York this Fall). “The demand for Irish Whiskey is truly unrivaled at the moment, and Pernod Ricard is fortunate to have such a vast portfolio to cover the spectrum of consumers entering the category,” says Di Vito. To keep up with demand, the Irish Distillers facility in Midleton will be doubling its capacity with a $130 million expansion.

The Wide World of Irish Whiskey


It’s an exciting market, the U.S. It has one of the most evolved super-premium segments in the world; American consumers are some of the most sophisticated; and distilled spirits sales are showing impressive growth. The challenge? Operating in an innovation-saturated marketplace requires finding ways to stand out in the crowd. “In order to break through, you must truly captivate consumers, which demands tremendous creativity and planning,” says Murphy. “My focus here is identifying areas of innovation across the spectrum and implementing them in the ever-changing landscape of our industry,” says Murphy. But innovation isn’t simply new products, he adds: “For my colleagues and I, innovation could be activating new touch points, developing new sources for insights or targeting new consumer segments.” Pernod Ricard is cautious about new releases, scheduling launches only after ample lead time ensures that a fully

comprehensive support platform is ready to go. “As innovation becomes more aggressive, we are seeing as an industry that we must find a way to do it without overwhelming our distributors and retailers,” Murphy explains. Phasing is everything in the value chain, all the way down to the retailer. “We have an ambitious agenda and some items require more time and preparation than others,” he points out. For example, the release of Malibu Black and then Malibu Red, as well as the release of Malibu’s cocktail pouch, were all big departures for the brand and demanded more time and attention than other flavor introductions. “Most flavor extensions don’t require a new commercial strategy or communication platform—it’s pretty straightforward.” Pernod also tries to group together the less-demanding line extensions, to make it more efficient for wholesalers and licensees.

Digital Revolution “Digital as a medium is extremely broad, growing and very important to our target—the LDA to 29-year-old consumers who are digital natives,” says Murphy. He believes other companies make the mistake of keeping their digital marketing separate from other marketing plans. “We aim for to-

One of the most fertile of all Pernod’s brands, Malibu has unveiled a flurry of line extensions in recent years, with more on the way. “It’s obvious that the brand is very focused on summertime and the beach and we want to drive innovation that speaks to those target occasions,” says Murphy. Malibu’s trend-setting cocktail “pouches” introduced last year fit perfectly with the casual nature of the brand and outdoor consumption opportunities. “Consumers are looking for convenience, and even though the cocktail culture has evolved, they still don’t know how to make cocktails at home,” says Anna Battiloro, Senior Brand Manager, Malibu. With the goal of broadening its market to new occasions and consumers, Pernod released Malibu Black last year as well— a higher-proof version at a more premium price point designed for on-premise. Most recently, the company released Malibu Red, a 70-proof blend of coconut rum and silver tequila—a never-before seen combination. It will also retail at a premium and the launch will be supported by one of the brand’s largest global marketing initiatives for Malibu. In addition, singer/songwriter Ne-Yo (who helped design the package) has signed on to a long-term partnership with Malibu Red. He wrote a custom song about it, and Malibu will be sponsoring his 2012 tour. “It’s very important for Malibu’s growth to target new segments and brand territories,” says Battiloro. “Malibu Black’s higher alcohol content allows it to compete with higher-proof rums at later-in-the-day drinking occasions. Malibu Red allows us into even higher-energy accounts—shots at the bar, table service at clubs—the occasions when consumers are dressed in their best clothes and out for the evening.” With all of the brands innovations, it’s about “keeping Malibu top of mind all year long; so far, they are having the halo effect we were looking for and the base brand is up.”

The Many Faces of Malibu

Pernod Ricard’s print campaigns for Jameson, Malibu Red, and Chivas Regal (opposite)

Reaching the Hispanic Market

tal integration between our traditional PR, email, social media, web presence and advertising campaign. We strive to build digital seamlessly into each brand strategy. For Malibu, for example, we have the Malibu Beach Club, a Facebook game which engages consumers in a viral way. We launched Dublin 1780, an immersive game on the Jameson website, and Chivas 1801, a pop-up club for the Chivas Brotherhood integrated digitally at every touch point.” Last year, Malibu asked its consumers to choose the next flavor for the brand. Through the “Malibu U Choose” sweepstakes campaign, consumers voted via Facebook or by sending a text message for one of three flavors—Citrus, Cranberry-Cherry or Mint. Promoted through Facebook and retail POS materials, the program also included daily prizes like surfboards, coolers and clothes.

It doesn’t take a marketing genius to see the demographic shifts in the U.S.—key multi-cultural segments are growing twice as fast as the general market and will create a new general market in five to ten years in certain key U.S. regions. “Multi-cultural consumers spend $22 billion on alcoholic beverages,” says Murphy. “But success isn’t automatic—it demands tailored communication.” Simply

Aberlour just launched a 12 Year Old Non Chill-Filtered expression in the U.S. The absence of chill-filtering results in an extra-rich Speyside whisky with a more textured mouthfeel. It still showcases the Aberlour signature taste profile, the result of double maturation in rare sherry butts and bourbon casks. Bottled at 48% abv, it’s packaged in a modern-style bottle with wax artisanal seal (SRP: $59.99).

The Latest from Aberlour



translating general market ads and messaging into Spanish is far too simplistic, though speaking to these groups doesn’t necessarily require creating something entirely new, he explains, wherein lies the challenge. “What is the key insight in the community that links to the brand’s proposition? What is the wink that signals to your Hispanic consumer that you

Next up in Absolut’s much-celebrated City Series is Absolut Miami, the sixth limited-edition city-themed flavor. In the market since January, Absolut Miami is characterized by bright citrus, passion fruit and orange blossom flavors. Miami is a city known for its progressive and eccentric take on the creative process—from its legendary nightlife scene to neon street art and globally renowned concert series and gallery shows,” said Maxime Kouchnir, VP Marketing for Absolut. The bottle design features colorful images of palm trees, flamingos, music tunes and martini glasses. In 2007, Absolut introduced Absolut New Orleans and every year since it has introduced a limited edition flavor— Los Angeles, Boston, Brooklyn and San Francisco.

Absolut Miami

understand them, without pandering?” Murphy explains. Pernod is reaching out very aggressively to Hispanics with the Chivas brand, which is strong in Latin America and with Hispanics in the U.S. “There are Hispanic elements to everything we do with Chivas and as a result we are seeing solid growth in the Hispanic community.” For brands like Jameson, which does not historically enjoy a particularly strong following in the Hispanic market, the methodology is different. “We are communicating a very emotional message to the general market with the legend of John Jameson, and that doesn’t necessarily resonate with the Hispanic consumer in Texas,” says Murphy. To appeal to that consumer, the company took a less emotional approach, emphasizing Jameson’s triple distillation and its smooth, drinkable taste profi e—qualities l that happen to meet the demands of the Hispanic palate perfectly. Another example is Absolut. The brand’s messaging—Cocktails Perfected— has focused on the mixibility of Absolut and its role in the burgeoning mixology culture. Hispanics aren’t as big on the cocktail culture—but they are very open to mixing and versatility. “Hispanic social occasions are bigger, broader and more impromptu,” says Murphy. “For this community we have positioned Absolut as making the best simple mixed drinks and provide them with easy solutions— Absolut and fresh pineapple juice, for example.” ■

Plymouth Gin is sporting a new look as of March, one that Pernod Ricard believes more accurately reflects its super-premium quality and rich heritage. The new rounded bottle shape and antique style pay tribute to the unique heritage of the gin, while the oval label is based on an earlier example of the packaging, enriched with copper accents and a copper cap. The bottle honors the city of Plymouth, England, as it has been distilled on the same site since 1793, at the oldest working distillery in England. “Plymouth Gin has gained the respect of spirit aficionados across the globe because of its complex flavor profile and smooth texture, and is often regarded as the ‘single malt of gins,’” says Paco Recuero, Chivas Brothers Brand Director for gins. “This new packaging and increased price point reflects its rightful position in the superpremium gin category.” (New SRP: $32.99)

A New Upscale Look for Plymouth

Pinot Grigio remains America’s favorite Italian white wine; it grows in many regions, but arguably is at its best in Friuli and Trentino-Alto Adige, home to Kris.

Italy: What You Need to Know Now Mastering ‘the Boot’ Means Embracing Both New & Familiar BY CHRISTY CANTERBURY MW


taly is a fascinating peninsula of vinous goodness. There is, however, so much diversity that it is easy to get twisted-up between regions, varieties and styles. This is more and more true as the diversity of Italian vineyards and the creativity of Italy’s winemakers send more and more types of wines to our shores. So, here’s a handy reference chart for the basics and the classics as well as notes on recent trends to keep up with what is hurling down the turnpike. Skyrocketing Wine Diversity and Quality

As we become more and more familiar with the land that used to send us little more than Nebbiolo and Sangiovese, we are starting to spread our wings and look at other Italian varieties that have always been enjoyed by the Italianos. Freisa, a light, zippy, floral red from the northwest is one. It’s perfect for antipasti and at its loveliest when slightly chilled.

We’re also witnessing the delights of the Marche’s Verdicchio saline, minerally and nutty; it should be every seafood lover’s go-to Italian white. Furthermore, there is a resurgence in the quality of certain classic wines. Soave and Bardolino are two prime examples from the Veneto. Many imbibers weaned on Moscato à la Asti Supmante are now drinking Moscato d’Asti. Perhaps the most exciting example, however, is Lambrusco. I was

Corvina Veronese grapes at Allegrini.

just at Gramercy Tavern with a famous California wine producer who turned up his nose at a glass, saying the last time he drank it was 25 years ago…


Italian producers have managed to maintain classic wines while also inventing new ones, which are often labeled as IGT (Indicazione Geografica Tipica). Allegrini, based in Verona, makes traditional Valpolicella and Amarone, but also the IGT wines La Poja, La Grola and Palazzo della Torre. The latter, made by the ripasso method using 30% dried grapes, is often referred to as a “baby Amarone.”

and he didn’t enjoy its sweetness. It’s a shame he refused to taste this version as the wines we see today are most frequently dry and delightfully food-friendly.

Heirloom Varieties Over the last 10 to 15 years, a renaissance has swept across Italy as producers have invested in bringing back—or at least in experimenting with—grape varieties they were previously content to allow to wither




to extinction. These autochthonous grapes were shunned for their better-known colleagues like Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Campania has rebirthed the four-square Pallagrello Bianco and red Casavecchia. A few Piedmont producers are playing nice with the floral white grape Nascetta. It’s now common to hear Carricante and Nerello Cappuccio when traveling across Sicily. Italy is going back to its roots…its grapevine roots, of course!

Orange: It’s the New Color in Wine The trendiest trend in white Italian wines is the “orange” wine, or a white wine that has been exposed to oxygen and turned copper-hued. These wines gain their orange color from aging in one of the original wine production tools: anfora. These clay vessels of various sizes were the original fermentation tanks, aging and holding wine before barrels and glass bottles came about. Anfora tend to give wine tex-










Light body, marked acidity, often a tad sweet, usually NV; charmat (bulk) method

Mionetto, Nino Franco, Zardetto

A crowd-pleaser bubbly with floral and pear notes; wallet-friendly & easy to pronounce.


Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Nero


Medium body, refreshing acidity, dry with bready, fruity notes; methodo classico

Bellavista, Ca' del Bosco, Contadi Castaldi

Effectively Italy’s “Champagne” (but it costs a lot less); a step up the quality ladder from Prosecco.

Pinot Grigio

Pinot Grigio

Veneto, Alto Adige, Trentino, Friuli

Light, crisp, mineral, early-drinking, unoaked

Bolla, Kris, Livio Felluga

Fresh & usually inexpensive, PG's light taste makes it one of America's fave white wines.




Mineral, medium bodied, brightly acidic, fairly simple

Broglia, La Scolca, Villa Sparina

An old-school classic; great with hard-to-pair veggies like asparagus, artichokes, green beans.




Light-to-medium bodied, thirst-quenching acidity; rarely sees new oak

Folonari, Gini, Inama

Much like PG, Soave is light and fairly neutral; its heyday is past but trendsters now seek it out again.


Grechetto, Trebbiano, Malvasia


Medium body & acidity, slightly viscous, occasionally lightly oaked

Antinori Castello della Sala, Bigi, Ruffino

Another old-timer that has more body and aromatic complexity than many Italian whites due to sunny provenance & blend of different grapes.

ITALIANWINES ture on the palate, somewhat like barrels do, and because they are porous and producers do not keep them full to limit oxygen exposure, their resulting white wines are copper-hued. Orange wines are often served warmer than white wines and frequently have tannin, as producers who use anfora often allow the juice to spend time with the skins.

Second Labels Many of Italy’s top wineries are making noteworthy second labels. This is






particularly true in Tuscany, the home of the “Super Tuscan.” The intention of these second labels is usually multi-fold. Among the reasons are that producers want consumers to be able to enjoy the second label while the first label ages as well as to offer a second wine at a lower and more accessible price than the first. It’s a great way to discover a winery’s style. Luce, whose top wine is of the same name, makes Lucente. Solengo is Argiano’s numero uno, and its numero due is called Non Confunditur.

Some, perhaps inevitably, take it a step further. Tenuta San Guido (maker of Sassicaia) makes a second label, Guidalberto, as well as a third label, Le Difese. Tenuta dell’Ornellaia’s second label is named Le Serre Nuove and its third label is Le Volte. By the way, there’s no reason to worry that a third label might not be good. These producers are at the top of their game, and every bottle they make is a very fine wine indeed.









Piedmont, Lombardy

Medium body, pronounced acidity, moderate tannin, tart red fruit

Michele Chiarlo, La Spinetta, Paolo Scavino

An “everyday wine for every man,” Barbera is good with a broad range of foods




Deeply colored, medium-bodied, vivacious acidity, pleasantly rugged tannins

Luigi Eunaudi, Pecchenino, Vietti

Deeply colored and slightly rustic, Dolcetto is Barbera's companion in the “everyday category” but better with heavier foods.


Corvina, Rondinella, Molinara


Often unoaked, easy-drinking; fairly soft acidity and tannins

Bertani, Masi, Zenato

A long-established favorite that drinks a lot like Merlot. Sure bet for a crowd.




Generally unoaked, plummy quaffing wine; soft acidity, supple tannins

Ca’ Donini, Dario D'Angelo, Masciarelli

Cheap & cheerful; sunshine in a glass. The ultimate Italian sipping wine.

Chianti/ Chianti Classico



Ranges from simple Chianti to more serious “Classico” & ageworthy “Riserva;” bright acidity, grainy tannins

Melini, Querciabella, Roca della Macie

Though no longer dressed in bulbous straw flasks, still one of Italy's most recognized reds; cherry fruit.

Nero d'Avola

Nero d'Avola


Voluptuous body, gentle acidity, succulent tannins

Cantine Colosi, Planeta, Regaleali

Becoming popular because of its exotic origin & ripe fruit flavors; ranging in price from inexpensive to luxury.




Opulent & viscous, w/ stewed black fruit & pepper, supporting acidity, rounded tannins

A Mano, Castello Monaci, Vinosia

Though not the same as California's Zinfandel, widely enjoyed by Zin fans!



Campania, Basilicata

Often restrained but mouthfilling fruit, high acidity, strapping tannins

Di Majo Norante, Feudi di San Gregorio, Terredora

A “noble” variety that has seen a resurgence of late; not for the faint of palate.


Corvina, Rondinella


Full-bodied, generous alcohol, moderate acidity, broad tannins

Allegrini, Bussola, Cesari

A rich, pruney wine made by drying grapes before being vinified, which intensifies the fruit character.


Sangiovese Grosso


Generous body, lively acidity, dense tannins; very dry, complex

Castello Banfi, Col d'Orcia

A wine of deep cherry fruit & savory spices; legendary power & ageability.

Barolo/ Barbaresco



Rich in body, vivacious acidity, bracing tannins, highly aromatic; lingering finish

Giacosa, Produttori del Barbaresco, Prunotto

Like Brunello, both can live 20, 30, even 40 years given their concentration & complexity.

Moscato d'Asti

Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains


Lithe body, titillating acidity, pleasant sweetness, lightly sparkling

Elio Perrone, Marcarini, Saracco

Beautifully fragranced, this sweet bubbly can serve as “dessert in a glass.”

Vin Santo

Trebbiano Toscana, Malvasia


Tawny, copper color, rather low acidity, light tannin; mouthcoating

Badia a Coltibuono, Castello di Volpaia, Isole e Olena

Stronger & more complex than Moscato due to barrel-aging & blend of varieties; classic w/ biscotti, nuts.

Sorting grapes by hand at Allegrini.

MANY OF ITALY’S TOP WINERIES ARE MAKING NOTEWORTHY SECOND LABELS, PARTICULARLY IN TUSCANY Investment-Grade Wines For a long time, even collectors kept their Italian wines over the stove. Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne garnered all the respect. While it can’t be claimed that Italy has received the full credit it is due for its ageworthy wines, many collectors have done an about-face. Barolo, Barbaresco, Brunello, Amarone and the primo Super Tuscans top the list, and I would make an argument that Taurasi should be classified in this camp, too. Interestingly, while the grands vins of France did some pretty tricky nose-diving in price since the recession hit, Italian investment-grade wines have held onto their value.

Hands-on Learning Some of the country’s most impressive wine bars fea-

ture Italian wines, with lots of options by the glass. Top destinations in New York City include Anfora, I Trulli Enoteca, Peasant, ’inoteca and Lupa. If cruising around Atlanta, stops into Veni Vidi Vici and Pricci will take you on an extensive tour of the Italian “boot.” In Chicago, Café Spiaggia, Picolo Sogno and Prosecco beckon. Down south in Texas, there’s Villa-O in Dallas and at Coppa in Houston. Finally, in San Francisco, Bar Bambino has an extensive by-the-glass list while Uva Enoteca boasts a smaller but super trendy list. The plentitude of Italian-rich wine bars are integral both in keeping Italy on wine lovers’ radar and encouraging more experimentation among budding vino enthusiasts. ■


Pegasus Bay (left) has developed a reputation for producing crisp Riesling; Amisfield (above) is among a crop of wineries that put Central Otago on the map for Pinot Noir.

Sauv Blanc & Then Some New Zealand Branches Out with More Varieties


he word “complexity,” as used in the world of wine, usually belongs to a tasting note, or perhaps a description of German labeling law. So when New Zealand chose that name for its new campaign in 2010, they were clearly staking a claim in the world of fine wine that went far beyond well-priced, grapefruity Sauvignon Blanc.

Not that Sauvignon Blanc is doing poorly; it still accounts for eight out of ten bottles of New Zealand wine sold in the U.S. But competition has gotten fiercer: “New Zealand may have changed the game for Sauvignon Blanc in general,” says Simon Buck, cofounder of Tablelands Wine Co. “It’s changed the way other countries make Sauvignon Blanc.” In any case, the Complexity program hopes to call attention to things beyond straightforward Sauvignon Blanc. “Complexity was formed by a group of wineries who felt their top and iconic wines were underrepresented in the US market largely due to a lack of awareness,” says Janet Pouchot, Complexity’s campaign manager. The program includes 20 producers from eight regions, and focuses on on-premise sales—highend establishments in particular. In addition to courting and educating sommeliers and wine directors, “Complexity also partakes in a number of consumer

events, targeted very specifi aclly to ‘foodies,’” she says. Neudorf, founded in Nelson in 1978 by Tim and Judy Finn, is one of the wineries participating in Complexity. Judy says the program faces a number of challenges: “In my experience many U.S. wine drinkers cannot conceive of fine wine coming from anywhere other than France and some cult U.S. wines, but they are always ready to listen and we hope to win them over with our elegant wines. Sauvignon Blanc has dominated the market and Pinot Noir is making some inroads, but aromatics are starting to be desirable. Sommeliers lead the pack and they are very powerful communicators.”

made from these varieties are making their way to the U.S. “New Zealand Riesling is showing signs of growth” according to David Strada, the U.S. marketing manager for New Zealand Winegrowers, the country’s national wine and grape organization. “And as a way to promote this, Paul Grieco of Hearth restaurant and Terroir wine bars was in New Zealand in late January to celebrate the New Zealand ‘Summer of Riesling.’ As is being seen with other regions of the world, well-made Pinot Gris has an active place on wine lists and on retail shelves. Quality is the key.


Waiheke Gisborne

Marlborough Nelson

Hawke's Bay Martinborough

Reds & Aromatics Rising In fact, many of New Zealand’s cool-climate, maritime regions (or in the case of Central Otago, cool but continental) lend themselves to aromatic, “Alsatian” varieties, and more and more wines

Waipara Canterbury Otago


Photo Credit: New Zealand Winegrowers


Introducing Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon From the creators of the Original Honey Liqueur, comes new Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon. A delicious blend of Honey Liqueur and Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey made with generous amounts of pure honey and all natural ingredients. Enjoy it neat or on the rocks.

Bärenjäger Liqueur/Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur & Bourbon Whiskey, 35% alc./vol, Imported by Sidney Frank Importing Co., Inc., New Rochelle, NY

TASTINGCORNER Although demand for Gewürztraminer from anywhere is limited, New Zealand has shown that its maritime climate is ideal for this varietal.” And reds? Bronwyn Skuse, sales manager for Man O’ War Vineyards, says, “Hawke’s Bay and Waiheke Island dominate Syrah growing in New Zealand, the styles are considered to be cool climate and very different to what our Aussie cousins produce. The Syrahs we create on Waiheke Island tend to be more of an Old World style, more comparable to Northern Rhône.” Strada agrees, and notes that as styles pull back from overextracted, high-alcohol wines, North Island Bordeaux-style blends are also well situated to step forward. But Pinot Noir rules the red roost. Pouchot says that New Zealand has benefited from U.S. appreciation for the grape in general, and that the country’s Pinots come across as high quality and good value. Tablelands’ Buck isn’t so sure: “Marlborough Pinot Noir is maturing; there are so many better Pinots than five or six years ago.” But he believes overcropping and young vines have cut into Central

NEW ZEALAND AT A GLANCE ■ The U.S. is the 3rd largest export market for NZ wine (after Australia and UK) ■ Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir make up the largest percentage of varietals being exported to the U.S. ■ Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Bordeaux blends and small amounts of sparkling wine and Syrah are also exported, with Pinot Gris steadily increasing ■ Exports grew 23 million liters in 2002 to 154m liters in 2011, and are worth NZ $1.1 billion compared to $246m in 2002

Otago’s dominance, allowing Waipara and Martinborough to show their stuff. More importantly, he says, many come in at a price point—around $320-$360 per case, wholesale—that is rife with competition from California, Oregon and Burgundy. Those at the $160-$240 range, on the other hand, compete well and offer good value compared to the competition. But the strong New Zealand dollar has made price points harder to hit for

the country’s wines here. “While the U.S. dollar has been anemic, the New Zealand dollar has been artificially strong,” says Strada. “This has made it particularly challenging to meet the price expectations of the marketplace. New Zealand wineries and their U.S. importers who are committed to the U.S. have had to reduce margins.” Finn, however, says the strong dollar hasn’t been too serious a problem, since budget wines aren’t the core of New Zealand’s success in the first place. Thinner margins are a challenge, but New Zealand has maintained its priorities, and as of the 2012 harvest 100% of the country’s production will be certifiably sustainable. While many countries have struggled to regain ground lost when the recession began, New Zealand has seen continuous growth. For many, Kiwi wine may be all—well, mostly—about Sauvignon Blanc, but that may change…or will Sauvignon Blanc change? Sparkling Sauvignon is all the rage in New Zealand and the UK; it could bubble over into the US market anytime. ■




■ Kim Crawford ■ Momo ■ St. Clair ‘Vicar’s Choice’ ■ Vavasour ■ Tablelands ■ Staete Landt

■ Cloudy Bay ‘Te Koko’ ■ Seresin ‘Reserve’ ■ Mt. Difficulty ■ Palliser


■ Coopers Creek ■ Omaka Springs ■ Huia ■ Eradus


■ Mt.Difficulty ‘Roaring Meg’


■ Villa Maria ‘Private Bin’ ■ Lawson’s Dry Hills


■ Coopers Creek ■ Matua Valley ■ Man O’ War



■ Kumeu River ■ Spy Valley ■ Seresin

■ Daniel Schuster ‘Twin Vineyards’ ■ Sileni ■ Tablelands ■ Nautilus


■ Craggy Range ‘Fletcher Vineyard’ ■ Felton Road ■ Pegasus Bay


■ Vinoptima ■ Dry River


■ Cloudy Bay ■ Neudorf ■ Kumeu River ■ Felton Road


■ Ata Rangi ■ Escarpment ■ Amisfield ■ Muddy Water


■ Gunn Estate ■ Mission Estate

■ Craggy Range ‘Le Sol’ ■ Man O’ War ‘Dreadnought’





■ Savee Sea Merlot ■ Craggy Range ‘Te Kahu’

■ Te Mata Coleraine ■ Te Awa ‘Boundary’ ■ Trinity Hill Proprietary Red


Flavor: The New ‘Tippling’ Point Bourbon vs. Vodka Smackdown? BY DAVID LINCOLN ROSS


alcolm Gladwell’s bestselling book The Tipping Point suggests in its subtitle “How little things can make a big difference.” Well, something similar may be happening in the spirits realm— it involves chocolate cupcakes and black cherries. A recent stock report suggests whiskey marketers are wooing flavor-obsessed vodka consumers as never before. That’s the “tippling point” thesis of two stock analysts from Citibank about the possible—and in their view positive—growth prospects of BrownForman stock. Now, this article is in no way an endorsement of any stock, but the rationale of the Wall Street analysts does provide interesting food (and drink) for thought, so to speak. What’s their logic? Despite growing numbers of exotic vodka launches inspired by flavors from chocolate cake and toasted marshmallows to gummy bears and PB & J, Citibank analysts Vivien Azer and Geoffrey Small contend flavor-fatigue is setting in with vodka consumers. In an audacious scenario, the Citi analysts argue that bourbon brands—and especially flavored bourbons—could be prime beneficiaries, as their sales were extremely robust in 2011. But before anyone gets carried away with the “bourbon smacking down vodka” scenario, according to Beverage Information Group, U.S. sales of vodka in 2011 increased at a faster rate than American straight whiskey (which includes bourbon, but excludes blended whiskey): +7.1% versus +2.7%. On a volume basis, vodka’s increase was 10 times larger than straight whiskey’s: a 4.5 million-case gain versus a 400,000 case increase.

Bottom line: Vodka—domestic and imported, kitschy and straight— still rules. However, there’s no denying bourbon and flavored whiskey sales are surging. Rob Mason, director U.S. bourbons at Beam Global, says, “We see innovation as a strong driver of bourbon category growth. We are ‘bullish’ on 2012.” His optimism is buoyed no doubt by Beam’s latest Red Stag flavors: Honey Tea and Spiced.

Signals at the Bar Noting a shift in consumer bar calls, Jeff Boyle, a beverage consultant to momofuku ssäm, a trendy bar in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, observes, “Probably the most major contribution to the increase in whiskey and bourbon sales is the resurgence of the craft cocktail.” Curtis Hancock, mixologist at Panzur, a Spanish restaurant and bar in Tivoli, New York, agrees: “Many of our regulars who were at one time ordering drinks like kangaroos [the correct name of the so-called vodka martini, originally showing up in cocktail books in the early 1950s] or cosmopolitans, are now happily sitting down at the bar and ordering Sazeracs, Aviations and even martinis made with the traditional 2:1 gin to vermouth ratio.” Jim Shpall, president and CEO of Applejack Wine & Spirits, Colorado’s leading retailer, says, “I have never really seen vodka flavors take off as a subcategory….it’s more a matter of suppliers getting more facings.” He adds, “The rapid growth in artisanal bourbons is a natural extension of our consumers’ interest in craft beers. Colorado is at the forefront of the craft brewing and micro-distilling trends.”

Beam Global’s Mason also notes that “women are becoming more interested in whiskey. In fact, 45% of Red Stag consumers are female. Flavored whiskies, such as Red Stag, are bringing in new consumers who previously only drank white spirits.” Maxime Kouchnir, VP of marketing for vodkas at Pernod Ricard USA, Absolut’s marketer, counters, “Consumer demand for new flavors remains strong. Our leadership in flavors dates back to 1986, when the brand released its first flavored vodka, Absolut Peppar, to capitalize on the growing Bloody Mary trend.” Absolut has extended—some might say elevated—the flavored vodka category with its limited-edition “City” series, starting with Absolut New Orleans back in 2007 and most recently featuring Miami. “Flavored vodkas and line extensions represent roughly 25% of our business, and we will continue to introduce more leadingedge flavors and line extensions in 2012.” Where will it end? To paraphrase the classic cliché, one could predict that American cocktail enthusiasts will have their “cake” (as in Cupcake Vodka) and eat it too, with a black cherry on top (as in Red Stag Black Cherry). Cupcakes and black cherries, then, could turn out to be at the fulcrum of the most flavorful “tippling point” in U.S. drinks history. ■


The Malt Beverage, Revisited Diageo’s PABs—Progressive Adult Beverages— Offer Much-Needed Consumer Choice BY KRISTEN BIELER


hat do you offer the consumer who doesn’t like high-proof cocktails, isn’t a fan of wine, appreciates the packaging ease of beer but wants more variety? Enter PABs—Progressive Adult Beverages—and Diageo is aiming to satisfy this consumer need with a host of new offerings. “We understand that consumers are looking for a premium option in the PAB segment that offers the price and convenience of traditional beer, and we expect this line of products to be very popular with LDA consumers,” says Heather Boyd, Brand Director Progressive Adult Beverages, DiageoGuinness USA. “Based on consumer trends we feel that Diageo’s PAB segment can deliver against the rising trend in this category.”

An Image Upgrade Malt-based beverages don’t necessarily have a premium connotation, as a result of many low-quality offerings historically, but this new generation of products is different. “All Diageo PABs provide a smooth, refreshing and delicious alternative for consumers who may not enjoy the flavor of beer or the bite of hard

DIAGEO’S NEW GENERATION OF PAB PRODUCTS IS AIMING TO UPGRADE THE IMAGE OF MALT BEVERAGES liquor. They maintain a cleaner and smoother taste profile while staying true to the bold flavor our consumer enjoys,” says Boyd. Other attributes that make them popular: They are hugely convenient, and tap into the growing need for ready-to-drink cocktail options. “PABs don’t require any additional mixing so are great for on-the-go, outdoor events, and easy entertaining or just relaxing at home,” adds Boyd. While intended to appeal to a range of demographic groups, Diageo has noticed one particular group which seems to gravitate to them, according to Boyd: “We’re seeing the 21-29 year age bracket driving the segment, particularly in the higher ABV offerings.”

Last Spring, Jeremiah Weed unveiled three PAB offerings in 12-oz. cans, each with a distinctive Southern flair, clocking in at 5.8% ABV, just higher than most beer: Lightning Lemonade, a refreshing southern favorite; Roadhouse Tea, a non-carbonated beverage inspired by Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Vodka; and Spiked Cola, with real cola taste and a hint of bourbon flavor ($7.99 for a 12-oz. six-pack). And earlier this year, Smirnoff added a trio of diverse new PAB offerings: the lightly-carbonated Smirnoff Ice Tropical Fruit (4.5% ABV); Smirnoff Signature Screwdriver, a refreshing take on the classic orange juice and vodka cocktail (5.8% ABV); and the less-sweet, higherproof Smirnoff Ice Black (8% ABV). “Parrot Bay Frozen Pouches [set to be released later this year] and Smirnoff Signature Screwdriver both meet the increasing consumer demand for cocktailinspired malt beverages, and we have high expectations for Smirnoff Ice Black, given the popularity of higher ABV malt beverages,” says Boyd. “Diageo continues to be an innovation industry leader; innovation that not only satisfies consumers, but also delivers value to our wholesale and retail customers.” ■


5.8% ABV

4.5% ABV

5.8% ABV

5.8% ABV

5.8% ABV

8% ABV





FEWER THAN 95 CALORIES PER 4 OZ SERVING! New Authentic Jose Cuervo® Wild Berry Light Margarita is the perfect mix of strawberry, blackberry and blueberry flavors with the same quality and refreshing taste you’d expect from Jose Cuervo®, the world’s most popular brand of tequila. Consumer interest in lower-calorie cocktails continues to soar, creating strong incremental sales. Authentic Jose Cuervo® Wild Berry Light Margarita will build on this profit opportunity by offering consumers another great-tasting way to enjoy the Margaritas they love — on new occasions!

Available in 750 mL and 1.75 L

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JOSE CUERVO WILD BERRY LIGHT MARGARITA. 9.95% Alc/Vol. ©2012 Produced by Heublein, Norwalk, CT under license from the trademark owner. JOSE CUERVO LIME LIGHT MARGARITA. 9.95% Alc/Vol. ©2012 Produced by Heublein, Norwalk, CT under license from the trademark owner. Per 1.5 oz serving: Calories 34, Carbohydrates 3.0g, Fat 0g, Protein 0g


Adult Chocolate Milk Takes Off Playful and Premium, This Innovative Spirit Is the Next Big Thing in Chocolate BY W. R. TISH


hen you stop to think about it, practically every wine, beer and spirit on the market represents an acquired taste. Adult Chocolate Milk stands deliciously apart, delivering not only a smooth, creamy flavor that millions adore, but also a smile-inducing dash of nostalgia. The product’s tag line—“Retaste Your Youth. At 40 proof!”—captures its playfulness. Meanwhile, a groundswell of momentum based both on quality in the bottle and wildfire word-of-mouth is promising to make this grown-up treat one of the most remarkable spirit launches so far this century. Co-founded by two high school friends, Tracy Reinhardt and Nikki Halbur, who reconnected via Facebook, there is a modern-day storybook quality to Adult Chocolate Milk’s origin. It started in a California kitchen. Reinhardt, would often joke with friends that wine was her “adult grape juice.” One night she felt like something different, and whipped up a vodka-based chocolate cocktail. She updated her Facebook status to say she was enjoying some “adult chocolate milk.” A flurry of comments followed; friends wanted to know more—and to try it. Before long, Reinhardt was making larger batches (including many enjoyed at Hollywood events). Then she and Halbur formed Adult Beverage Company, to take the product to the next level. It wasn’t easy, Reinhardt recalls, because both partners insisted on using premium ingredients. After 16 separate flavor trials, they finally hit on a shelf-stable recipe of dairy, vodka and chocolate that was not too heavy, not too sweet, and could be enjoyed straight (chilled), on the rocks, or in a cocktail. Dressed up in retro-chic packaging

and priced to retail for $19.99, Adult Chocolate Milk was set to leave SoCal. After being introduced at the 2010 WSWA convention, the first cases shipped in September. Empowered by mouth and social media buzz—plus some hefty chain and supermarket orders— Adult Chocolate Milk spread from four to 40 states in the next six months and by June 2011 was pegged as the third fastestgrowing spirit in the nation. A turning point came a month later, as Adult Beverage Company forged a distribution partnership with W.J. Deutsch & Sons, Ltd., whose track record includes megabrands Georges Duboeuf and Yellow Tail.

More Adult Fun to Come The two women, still balancing households with kids, have a complementary division of labor, with Reinhardt focusing on product development and public relations, and Halbur managing the supply chain. The alliance with Deutsch has given them chance to turn some attention to expanding the portfolio. Rolling out in April, Adult Limeade, based on reposado tequila, reflects a similar devotion to premium quality and the flexibility to be enjoyed straight or mixed. Halbur defines their target market as “people like us: busy women, who want a premium cocktail but don’t want to have

CHOCOLATE MONKEY 2 oz. Adult C Chocolate Milk ¾ oz. Banana Liqueur Splash of Cream ½ oz. Whipped Vodka Chocolate Syrup Chill, layer and serve in a chocolate syruplined martini glass with sliced banana or chocolate te syrup-coated banana garnish. rnish.

to mix up a bunch of different ingredients.” Sampling has proven incredibly powerful for Adult Chocolate Milk; its love-at-first-sip taste wins over men as well. Halbur estimates that 5,000 samples were poured at the 2012 South Beach Wine & Food Festival in February. Technically a vodka liqueur, Adult Chocolate Milk is typically shelved alongside Baileys, Kahlúa and Godiva. But as Reinhardt notes, sales get a boost when it’s stocked in a cold box, or casestacked with the recently introduced POS display—a huge replica of the bottle. It makes a great gift, too, because, well, chocolate is so giftable. Another key is its mixability. Being based on premium vodka, it blends seamlessly with liqueurs and fl avored vodkas. Signature drinks have had great success on-premise. Case in point: bar concessions at the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim stadium serve the Chocolate Monkey, inspired by the team’s famous rally monkey. All told, with depletions both onand off-premise continuing to accelerate, the co-founders are looking to build on the momentum. “I am absolutely thrilled with the success that Adult Beverage Company has seen since our introduction to the marketplace with Adult Chocolate Milk,” says Reinhardt. “Nikki and I are living a dream, and to see that dream materialize is extraordinary. We are so grateful to our customers who continue to inspire us and who have made this brand among the fastestgrowing in the industry.” ■



The Captain Has A Dark Side Black Spiced Rum from Captain Morgan Targets Whisky Drinkers BY KRISTEN BIELER


hink Captain Morgan, amplified. That is what consumers can expect from Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum, hitting shelves in late April. With more flavor, a richer body, a higher-alcohol content and greater complexity, Black Spiced is designed to appeal to whisky drinkers—those who prefer their brown spirits straight or on the rocks. “Black is the next step in the evolution of the brand,” says Tom Herbst, brand director for Captain Morgan USA. Spiced Black isn’t the brand’s fi rst line extension. In 2008 Diageo launched Captain Morgan 100 Proof which was created to deliver more taste, and give a stronger punch to cocktails; it continues to be a success. “What we learned from 100 Proof is that consumers are willing to grow as Captain Morgan premiumizes,” says Herbst. “They are willing to pay more for a spirit that offers something truly unique.”

Perfect for Sipping & Mixing While Black Spiced still has the spice character that consumers have come to expect from the brand, the blend is different. “There is more clove flavor and a bolder taste profi el overall,” Herbst explains. Made with a blend of black strap rum finished in double charred oak barrels, Black Spiced has more layers of flavor than the original. Developed to be delicious straight and on the rocks, Black Spiced “gives people the opportunity to drink Captain in a whisky occasion.”

Which is not to say it doesn’t make a mean cocktail. In fact, a major reason Black Spiced is offered at 94.6 proof is because that’s the optimum strength for classic cocktails—“it helps the overall balance of the drink, and enables the flavor to really come through,” says Herbst. Early trial-and-error behind the bar has resulted in deliciously simple cocktails—Black Spiced with a few splashes of ginger ale—to the more complex: “We’ve developed a few recipes where Black Spiced essentially takes the place of whisky, such as in an Old Fashioned or the ‘Perfectly Black Manhattan.’ It makes beautiful classic cocktails with a rum twist.”

Redefining Spiced Rum There has been a lot of noise in the spiced rum world of late. While Captain

CAPTAIN MORGAN BLACK AND GINGER 1½ oz. C Captain Capt taiin Morgan M Black Spiced Rum ½ oz. fresh lime juice 4 oz. ginger ale (or ginger beer if available) 1 lime wedge Add Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum to an ice-filled Collins glass. Top with ginger ale and stir. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Morgan has always maintained its position as leader (by a lot), many competitors have entered the field. “We began to see more overlap between spiced rum and other categories like whisky,” says Herbst, so this line extension seemed like a natural next step. Black Spiced also presents the brand with an opportunity to “reclaim our fundamental attributes of masculinity and premiumness,” he adds, and fits completely in line with Captain Morgan’s campaign, “To Life, Love and Loot.” If there’s one word to describe the Captain Morgan consumer, it’s loyal— once introduced to the brand, they tend to stick with it for a very long time. Attracting a range of young LDA consumers, research has shown that it appeals to men and women equally. “The story of real-life brand icon Captain Henry Morgan is very appealing, and a big part of this product is helping to tell those stories,” Herbst says. Black Spiced is still in its infancy— cases began shipping end of February and the marketing push begins in April— but there is already great excitement in the trade. Stay tuned for the full marketing plan to be unleashed, complete with three new TV spots, a massive digital program and an underground music series with Fader magazine. “Like Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, this product has a lot of legs on-premise: It is a gorgeous pack that really stands out on the back bar; it’s a phenomenal liquid that makes a great shot.” ■





M.S. Walker, Inc. and MacDuff International have released Grand Macnish 12 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky. This release is the first in a series of aged Grand Macnish Scotch Whiskies bottled in Scotland, with future release plans for Grand Macnish 15 Year Old and Grand Macnish 150th Anniversary offerings. Dual-cask aged in bourbon and Sherry casks, the nose is complex with notes of Sherry; spice and roasted nuts follow on the palate.

Salud! A toast to Mexico, South America and Spain. Americans love to raise a glass when enjoying Latin cuisine. Igardi Sangria and Plaza Real Sangria are authentic, affordable Spanish Sangrias that beat the heat of the warmer months and spicy dishes. Both are great values for sipping in spring and summer, and should be served chilled, over ice with sliced fruit and soda water.

Jacqueline Brut Rosé joins the Jacqueline French sparkling portfolio. Made using select Merlot grapes, the end result is a wine with fine bubbles, strawberry aroma and fresh, round flavors on the palate. Jacqueline Brut Rosé is recommended as an aperitif or with food. The traditional yet festive packaging offers good shelf impact. Also available in Brut and Demi Sec.




SRP: $23.99


SRP: $11.99 - $13.99




There is a new Brazilian import on American shelves this spring—Cedilla, a macerated fruit liqueur made from the superfruit Açai from the Amazon. Created by Steve Luttmann, the liqueur is crafted at Maison Leblon by Master Distiller Gilles Merlet. He macerates the Açai pulp for a month in Leblon Cachaça’s small batch alambique sugarcane spirit before blending with ginger root, orange zest and local spices.

Double Eagle Imports Ltd. has launched two new brands of super-premium tequila, Rudo and Tecnico. Both brands pay homage to the Mexican professional wrestling style, Lucha Libre, and its two main personalities— Rudo, a brawler fans love to hate, and Tecnico, the good guy who follows all the rules. Rudo offers bold, more robust flavors, while Tecnico is smooth and refined.

Newcastle Brown Ale has released its fourth Limited Edition brew, Founder’s Ale. This beer gives a nod to the heritage of Newcastle’s five founding breweries and marks the expansion of all Limited Edition brews, now available nationwide on a rotating basis. This is a full-bodied beer with dry, hoppy and roasted flavor, a classic Bitter ale balanced with subtle notes of sweetness. Price comparable to Newcastle Brown Ale.



SRP: $33

SRP: $32.99 - $42.99






Rémy Martin V is small-batch distilled from 100% French grapes and ice cold-filtered for a brilliant transparent color—there is no barrel-aging. Fresh, smooth and easy to drink, it is enjoyable neat and blends well with any mixers for truly interesting cocktails. 40% alcohol by volume.

From winemaker Janice M. Fujita comes new California wine brand Grove Ridge, featuring a nature-inspired label evoking wildlife and fauna, with a red-winged blackbird flying from a tree. The complete affordable portfolio includes Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, White Zinfandel, Merlot, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon. Marketed nationally by Antares Wine Company.

Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur has announced the brand’s first-ever line extension. Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon is a blend of premium honey liqueur and Kentucky bourbon whiskey, made with generous amounts of pure honey and other natural ingredients—the result is a balanced, sweet bourbon taste with lingering notes of honey on the finish. Available in liter, 750ml, 375ml and 50ml sizes.




SRP: $39.99


SRP 750ml: $28.99




Sobieski Vodka has introduced three new flavors—Espresso, Cynamon and Bizon Grass—to its growing spirits portfolio. Imported and marketed by Imperial Brands, Sobieski Espresso has a fresh-roasted coffee aroma and creamy finish, while Cynamon is spicy, with a peppery taste and warm finish. Bizon Grass is a unique herb-flavored vodka popular in Poland and available in limited supply here.

Master of Mixes introduces the newest flavor addition to its premium line of cocktail mixes. Master of Mixes Mango Daiquiri/Margarita is made using premium Alphonso mangoes sourced from India and key lime juice. The blend of all natural flavors and sweeteners creates a refreshing tropical mango cocktail—in one simple step.

Skyy Vodka has introduced Skyy Infusions Coconut, a virtual escape to an exotic yet modern tropical destination. Made with real coconut for a light and refreshing taste, Skyy Infusions Coconut is also complemented by the aroma of citrus and Tahitian vanilla bean. Skyy Infusions Coconut blends seamlessly with fresh juices as well as with low-calorie mixers. Available this spring in 50ml, 750ml, 1L and 1.75L sizes.




SRP All Flavors: $10.99

SRP 1L: $3.99; 1.75L: $6.99

SRP 750ml: $18.49


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aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 61

Cuyahoga County Permit holders add $.60 per 750 ml bottle. $.80 per liter bottle and $1.40 per 1.75 liter bottle.

Ohio Wholesale Price List april 2012 Division of Liquor Control Price List D = 1.75 liter L = liter B = 750 ml Please note: all the following information is provided for reference only, please contact your spirits wholesaler to confirm all information. STaNDarD



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Aberfeldy 12 Alchemia Chocolate Absolut Kurant Appleton Estate 21 Ardmore Pinch Haig Rhum Barbancourt Myers Dark Getreode Kml Belvedere 1X Bertagnolli Grappini Black Bush Bombora Boyd & Blair Bushmills Cabana Cachaca Cabin Fever Celtic Crossing Centenario Anejo Centanario Rosangl Clontarf Cluny Scotch JTS Brown Connemara Corzo Reposado Courvoisier Exclusif Dekuyper Rootbeer Dekuyper Melon Romama Black McGillicuddy Eristoff Vod Feckin Irish Firefly Raspberry Florentino Glenfarclas 105 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 21 Glenmore Astr Harlem Liq Jack Daniels Lucchesi Jack Daniels 160th BD J Walker Swing Cuervo Black Junior Johnson Hall of Fame Khortytsa Honey Pepper Khortytsa Platnum Korbel Brandy

9679B 9670B

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$ 77.95 $ 88.07

100.4 94.0

5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B

4988L 4997B

Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux

JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY JaCK DaNieL'S SiNgLe BarreL

TeNNeSSee WhiSKeY 0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B 2110D 3513B 3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B

JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S greeN JaCK DaNieL'S greeN geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geOrge BiCKeL OLD 48 geOrge riCKeL OLD #8 geOrge DiCKOL 12 geO. DiCKeL BarreL SeLeCT JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY

$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70

$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40

$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30

$ 29.80 $ 34.35

70.0 94.0

rYe WhiSKeY $ 16.90 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 29.80 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 25.60 $ 48.50 $ 34.15 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 16.90

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0

0090B 1503B 5117B 9631B 9833B

OLD OverhOLT BULLeiT 95 rYe JiM BeaM WiLD TUrKeY rYe WhiSKeY rUSSeLS reServe

0026D 0026L 0113B 0113D 0113L


$ 13.20 80.0 $ 19.55 90.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 15.15 101.0 $ 25.50 90.0

BLeNDeD WhiSKeY $ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 63

0122B 0122D 0122L 0152B 0152D 0152L 0199D 0199L 2100D 2137D 3701L 3972D 3972L 4089D 4089L 5262B 5266B 5378B 6343L 8887B 8890B

BeaM'S eighT STar BeaM'S eighT SLar BeaM'S eighT STar SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeNaTOr'S CLUB SeNaTOr'S CLUB CaLverT eXLra iMPeriaL gOLD aWarD haiLer'S S.r.S. haLTerS S.r.S. gUCKeNheiMer gUCKeNheiMer J JOhNSON MiD MOON BLUeBrY Jr JOhNSON MiD MOON STraWB KeSSLer TraveLer MCCOrMiCK SeagraM'S 7 TraveLer SeagraM'S 7 DarK hONeY

0281B 0281D 0281B 0282B 0282L 0908B 1519B 1520B 2074B 2268B 3003B 4895B 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5085B 5212B 5384B 5388B 6574B 6576B 7721L 8294B 6383B 8384B 9026B 9317B 9317L


0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1542B 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 1749D 2055B 2389B 2389D

SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO LOrD CaLverT MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST MaCNaUghTON CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT TraveLer BLaCK veLveT reServe BLaCK veLveT reServe C C DOCK 57 BLaCKBerrY CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv. CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer CaNaDiaN gOLD CaNaDiaN gOLD CaN. CLUB SherrY CaSK CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN MiST TraveLer CaNaDiaN reServe CLaSSiC 12 CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK

$ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 9.95 $ 19.95 $ 13.30 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 9.95 $ 12.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.0

$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 51.80 $261.15 $ 75.35 $ 34.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 17.20 $ 33.70 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 64.90 $ 20.35 $ 16.90 $ 25.45

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0

iriSh WhiSKeY

CaNaDiaN WhiSKeY

64 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

11.75 23.55 17.40 14.50 7.00 14.90 8.85 8.75 19.30 12.25 16.65 1165 22.30 9.25 16.75 7.90 17.55 8.60 11.40 7.90 11.40 22.30 15.85 16.85 13.60 8.70 6.60 12.75 14.05 11.45 14.05 8.60 16.70 6.45 14.05 8.60 6.75 9.25 17.60 24.80 51.10

2391B 2393B 2397B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L 9656B

CrOWN rOYaL CaSK NO.16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT NOrTherN LighT JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT PeNDLeTON riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v.0. gOLD SeagraM'S v.0. TraveLer WiNDSOr TraveLer WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiSer'S DeLUXe

$ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 47.90 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

SCOTCh WhiSKeY 0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 1490B 1491B 1655e 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2078B 2496B 2672B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3609B 5145B 5220B 5225B 5229B 6395B 7980D 8327D 8327L 8853D 9188B 9188D

PiNCh 15 Yr. DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNLe WaLKer reD USher'S greeN LaUDer'S LaUDer'S LaUDer'S graNT'S graNT'S OLD SMUggLer ODSMUggLer ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. CULLY SarK CULTY SarK CUTTY SarK WhiTe hOrSe JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK J&B rare J&B rare J&B rare graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh highLaND MiST highLaND MiST iNver hOUSe iNver hOUSe J.W. DaNT BaLLaNLiNe'S BUChaNaN DeLUXe BUChaNaN SPeCiaL reServe MaKerS MarK 200ML Chiv regaL SaLUTe 21 Yr Chiv regaL 25 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr. CLaN MaCgregOr CLaN MaCgregOr CLYNeLiSh DaLMOre 15 DeWar'SFOUNDerS reServe DeWar'S SigNaTUre DeWar'S SP. reS. 12 Yr. FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr. gLeN graNT JOhN Barr reD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe JOhNNie WaLKer BKL.100 aNNiv. JOhNNie WaiKer gOLD MCLvOr PaSSPOrT QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe SCOreSBY FaMOUS grOUSe 80 FaMOUS grOUSe 80

$ 29.70 80.0 $ 20.25 80.0 $ 41.45 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 32.15 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 70.05 80.0 $ 42.40 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 25.60 86.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.05 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 51.80 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 82.30 80.0 $ 70.60 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 208.85 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 72.10 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 39.75 80.0

SiNgLe MaLT / SCOTCh 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B

aBerLOUr 12 Yr. aBerLOUr aBUNaDh aBerFeLDY aBerFeLDY 21

$ $ $ $

31.70 60.50 30.95 150.00

86.0 119.4 80.0 80.0

0103B 0107B 0375B 0377B 0379B 0493B 0497B 0504B 1481B 1488B 1498B 1751B 1759B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2500B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3615B 3620B 3625B 3632B 3634B 3635B 3640B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3654B 3655B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 5207B 5231B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6016B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6747B 6748B 7700B 8983B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9671B

arDMOre $ 36.10 arDBeg 10 Yr. $ 38.70 aUCheNLOShaN3WOOD $ 51.80 aUCheNLaShaN CLaSSiC $ 26.50 aUChrOiSK $ 24.75 BaLveNie SiNgLe BarreL 15 Yr. $ 59.65 BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr. $ 44.90 BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr. $ 137.55 BOWMOre LegeND $ 21.25 BUNNaheBhaiN $ 47.45 BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS $ 48.50 CaOL iLa 12-Yr. $ 46.95 CarDhU $ 37.75 CraggaNMOre $ 45.85 DeLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr. $ 117.60 DaLMOre 12 Yr. $ 43.05 DaLWhiNNie $ 55.30 DaLWhiNNie DiSTiLL eDiTiON $ 65.90 gLeNLiDDiCh 12 Yr. reServe $ 35.20 gLeN gariOCh $ 16.35 gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr. $ 48.30 gLeN SPeY $ 162.55 gLeNLiDDiCh SOLera 15 Yr. $ 45.70 gLeNLiDDiCh aNCieNT 18 Yr. $ 66.60 gLeNFarCLaS 17 Yr. $ 69.65 gLeNLiDDiCh 15 DiSTiLLerY eD. $ 51.80 gLeNFarCLaS 21 Yr. $ 80.45 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 69.25 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 63.15 gLeNLiveT 12 Yr. $ 32.60 gLeNhiveL $ 72.90 gLeNLiveL12 Yr. $ 44.65 gLeNLiveT arChive 21 Yr. $ 121.60 gLeNMOraNgie 10 Year OLD $ 34.35 gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr. $ 41.35 gLeNLiveL NaDUrra 16 Yr. $ 47.40 gLeNMOraNgieLaSaNLa $ 43.05 gLeNLiveLLDaDUrraTriUMPh $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie FiNeaLTa $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN $ 43.05 gLeNMOraNgTeNeCTar D'Or $ 56.15 gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe $ 40.45 gLeNrOTheS $ 67.75 highLaND ParK $ 36.10 highLaND ParK 18 $ 86.70 J. MCDOUgaLLS BLaDNOCh $ 44.55 JOhNNie WaLKer greeN $ 48.05 LagavULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 86.90 LagavULiN $ 75.60 LaPhrOaig 18 $ 61.60 LePhrOaigCaSK STreNgTh $ 55.45 LaPhrOaLg $ 37.85 MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgLh $ 56.15 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 45.70 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 90.35 MaCaLLaN 18 Yr. $ 131.20 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr. $ 37.25 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr. $ 69.75 MaCaLLaN aNNiverSarY $ 623.20 MaCaLLaN 30 Yr. $1,104.05 MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY $ 20.85 MCCLeLLaNDS highLaND $ 20.65 OBaN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 78.20 OBaN $ 63.25 OYO WhiSKeY $ 39.85 SiNgLeTON $ 34.40 SPeYBUrN $ 23.80 SPeYBUrN BraDeN OraCh $ 15.15 TaLiSKer $ 53.80 TaLiSKer DiSTiLLer eDiTiON $ 60.65 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TOMaTiN SCOTCh 12 $ 19.50 WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL $ 58.15 WOODSTONe CreeK SiNgLe PeaTeD MaLT WhSKY $ 103.95

92.0 92.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 95.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 66.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 102.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 112.4 92.0 96.0 86.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 111.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 93.0

OTher WhiSKeY 0876B 1840B 3526B 5255B

BerNheiM OrigiNaL WheaT CaKFaDDY CarOLiNa MOONShiNe geOrgia MOON COrN WhiSKeY Jr. JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON

$ $ $ $

23.90 17.75 10.10 17.75

90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

16.90 17.75 7.05 24.05 18.65 29.00 27.80 64.20 19.60 36.35 25.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

BraNDY 0051B 0084B 0089B 0341B 0453B 0456B 0461B 0461D 0461e 0461L 0462B

aLiZe COgNaC vS aNSaC vS COgNaC BeLa OSa aSBaCh UraLT BraNDY MeTaXa Five STar BraNDY COUrvOiSier vSOP COgNaC 4Yr heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S MarTeLL vS COgNaC

0463B 0463D 0463e 0463L 0464B 0464D 0469B 0469D 0469L 0470B 0470D 0470L 0479B 0480B 0480D 0480L 0481B 0481D 0481L 0482B 0482D 0482L 0483B 0483D 0488B 0488D 0488L 0490B 0668B 0682B 0696B 0711B 0863B 0874B 0877L 1577B 1618e 1623B 1623e 1625e 1629e 1630e 1642e 1644e 1665e 1666e 1669e 1670e 1671e 2018B 2020B 2023B 2265B 2327B 2335B 2348B 2349B 2350B 2728B 2850B 2871B 2871D 2871L 2873B 2873D 2873L 2875B 2876B 2877B 2954B 4011B 4074B 4074L 4076B 4080B 4084e 4087B 4092B 4092L 4103B 4944B 4998B 5001B 5486B 5486D 5509B 5510B 5512B 5532B 5871B 6072L 6095B 6259B 6267B 6270B 6525B 6545B 6603B 7816B

reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY LairDS aPPLe JaCK 6Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY DeKUYPer BLaCKBerrY BraNDY arrOW BLaCKBrrY BDY DeK aPriCOT BDY ParaMOUNT PeaCh BDY Mr BOSTON BLaCKBerrY BrNDY NaviP SLivOviTZ 8Yr reMY MarTiN LOUiS X111 BerTagNOLLi graPPiNO CaLvaDOS BLD grND aPPL BDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS aMBer 200ML CONJUre COgNaC CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier vS 200ML 2Yr e&J vS 2 200ML e&J vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vS FLaSK PaUL MaSSON vS 200 3Yr PaUL MaSSON vSOP 200ML 4Yr reMY MarTiN vS 200ML reMY MarTiN vSOP 200ML reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOr ChriSTiaN BrOS FrOST WhiTe ChriSTiaN BrO grN rSv vSOP ChriSTiaN BrO hONeY CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier C COUrvOiSier XO COgNaC COUrvOiSier eXCLUSiF 4Yr COUrvOiSier 12 COUrvOiSier 21 DON PeDrO reServa eSPeCiaL DUJarDiN vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e&J e&J e&J e & J SUPeriOr rS vSOP TraveLer e & J TraveLer BDY e & J XO eXCeLLeNTia gOLD SLiv BraNDY harDY vS heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY riCharD heNNeSSY ParaDiS heNNeSSY v S 200ML heNNeSSY vS hiSTOriC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY X O J C COgNaC vSOP JaCQUe CarDiN graPe FraNCe POLi PO TraMiNar graPPa KOrBeL KOrBeL LairDS aPPLe BraNDY 100 LairDS rare aPPLe BraNDY LairDS OLD aPPLe BraNDY 90MO LaNDY vS COgNaC LerOUX POLiSh BLaCKBerrY MaNaSTirKa MaraSKa SLivOviTZ KOSher MarTeLL COrDON BLeU COgNaC MarTeLL XO 12Yr MarTeLL vSOP MeUKOW v.S. MeTaXa aMPhOra 7 STar MOLeTTO graPPa D'NeBBiOLO ParaMOUNT giNger BraNDY

$ 34.35 $ 85.15 $ 27.75 $ 47.25 $ 9.90 $ 17.35 $ 10.80 $ 19.90 $ 12.80 $ 9.50 $ 21.45 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 25.60 $ 48.40 $ 33.40 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 9.75 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 10.85 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 10.55 $ 7.90 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $ 1953.60 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 6.80 $ 6.40 $ 2.90 $ 3.15 $ 11.60 $ 7.70 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 6.80 $ 9.45 $ 12.90 $ 10.60 $ 10.80 $ 11.65 $ 25.60 $ 32.55 $ 88.05 $ 24.00 $ 43.05 $217.55 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 13.65 $ 10.60 $ 21.65 $ 12.35 $ 10.65 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 34.35 $ 44.65 $3209.85 $ 688.65 $ 7.95 $ 27.35 $ 40.45 $ 56.00 $139.05 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 28.45 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 20.40 $ 40.20 $ 22.15 $ 13.95 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 22.10 $ 95.40 $112.85 $ 28.25 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 7.40

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 65.0

aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 65

7976B 7976D 7993B 8354B 8386B 8389B 8394B 8405B 8648B 9736B

PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PreSiDeNTe BraNDY raYNaL NaPOLeON vSOP reMY MarTiN eXTra reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOrD reMY MarTiN XO eXCeLLeNCe reMY MarTiN vS graND CrU SaLigNaC ZUTa OSa

0193L 0303D 0304D 0304L 0305D 0305e 0305L 0308B 0308D 0308L 0313B 0313D 0313e 0313L 0319D 0319L 0320D 0322B 0322D 0322L 0326B 0326D 0326e 0326L 0327D 0327L 0329D 0330D 0330L 0339B 0339D 0339L 0340L 0563D 0563L 0962B 1324B 1327B 1327D 1327L 1369B 1495B 1522B 1659e 1660e 1673e 1680e 1760B 3555B 3728B 3780B 4073B 4073D 6379D 6062B 6379D 6379L 6444D 6690L 6716B 6716D 6716L 7868D 7868L 8235B 8235D 8274B 8436B 8883B 8889B 8889D 8900B 8902B 8905B 8905D 8905L 8914B 8995B 8995D 8995L 9072B 9153B 9157B 9195L 9504B

ariSTOCraT giN FLeiSChMaNNS giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN CaLverT giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN gLeNMOre giN gLeNMOre giN BOOThS giN haLLerS giN haLLerS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN SeNaTOrS CLUB giN 4Yr BarTON giN BarTON giN BLUeCOaT giN BOMBarDier MiLiTarY BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOODLeS BriTiSh giN BrOKerS giN BUrNeTTS giN TraveLer ParaMOUNT giN NeW aMSTerDaM 200ML SeagraMS eXTra DrY 200 TaNQUeraY giN 200ML CaOrUNN giN giLBeYS giN TraveLer NOLeTS SiLver giN gOrDONS TraveLer heNDriCK'S giN heNDriCK'S giN MC COrMiCK giN MageLLaN MC COrMiCK giN MC COrMiCK giN MeierS NO 94 giN Mr BOSTON eNgLiSh MrKT giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN ParaMOUNT giN 80 ParaMOUNT giN 80 PiNNaCLe giN PiNNaCLe giN PLYMOUTh giN righT giN SeagraMS aPPLe TWST giN SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraM eXTra DrY gN Trv SeagraM'S graPe giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS OraNge TWiST giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN SMOOTh aMBLer greeNBrier TaNQUeraY NO 10 TaNQUeraY raNgPUr 3 iSLaNDS giN WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY giN

$ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $112.85 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0


66 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 12.35 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 22.05 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 23.90 $ 5.75 $ 19.40 $ 40.60 $ 26.45 $ 14.30 $ 15.15 $ 6.45 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.15 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 29.10 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 22.95 $ 24.75 $ 9.05 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 6.45 $ 17.10 $ 8.85 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 19.40 $ 6.45 $ 24.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 88.0

9604B 9669B 9669e


0065B 0065D 0065L 0077B 0094B 0095B 0096B 0097B 0098B 0099B 0099D 0197L 0355B 0390B 0392B 0394B 0397B 0400B 0401B 0401L 0402B 0405B 0405D 0412B 0412D 0412L 0420B 0420L 0422B 0425B 0432B 0439B 0441B 0444e 0447B 0448B 0501D 0501L 0502D 0502L 0510B 0510L 0512B 0512D 0512L 0524B 0536D 0536L 0537B 0537D 0537L 0539B 0539D 0539L 0544B 0544D 0544e 0544L 0869B 0899B 0947B 0965D 0965L 1010B 1010e 1494B 1550L 1565B 1656e 1755B 1755D 1755e 1755L 1757B 1757D 1758B 1761B 1762B 1763B 1766L 1768B 1769B 1772L 1827D 1827L 1829B 1829D 1829L 1838B 1838L 2067B 2069B

aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON CherrY aPPLeTON eSTaTe eXTra 12Yr aPPLeTON WhiTe rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe reServe aPPLeTON SPeCiaL gOLD rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe 21 aPPLeTON vX aPPLeTON vX ariSTOCraT rUM aTLaNTiCO BaCarDi 8 rUM 8Yr BaCarDi arCTiC graPe BaCarDi Big aPPLe BaCarDi gOLD reServe BaCarDi COCO rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi gOLD TraveLer BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi OaKhearT BaCarDi PeaCh reD BaCarDi raZZ rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr TraveLer BaCarDi graND MeLON BaCarDi MULTi-FLavOreD PaK BaCarDi TOrCheD CherrY BaCarDi rOCK COCONUT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON DarK Mr BOSTON DarK BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BarBaNCOUrT reS. SPeCiaLe rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi aNeJO BLaCK BearD SPiCeD rUM BLaCKhearT PreM SPiCeD rUM BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa 10 CaNe rUM 10 CaNe rUM BrUgaL aNeJO rUM CaLiCO JaCK SPiCeD rUM CaBaNa CaChaCa LaDY BLigh SPiCeD CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 TrvL CaPTaiN MOrgaN BLK SPiCeD rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN TraveLer rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN LiMe BiTe CaPT MOrgaN ParrOT BaY COCONT CaPTaiN MOrgaN SLvr SPiCe CaPTaiN MOrgaN PvT STOCK CaPTaiN MOrgaN TaTTOO CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CLeMeNT CreOLe ShrUBB CLeMeNT vSOP

$ 12.65 80.0 $ 28.70 94.0 $ 5.70 94.0

rUM $ 6.45 $ 15.35 $ 8.00 $ 6.45 $ 19.65 $ 11.40 $ 19.50 $ 13.25 $ 60.00 $ 14.25 $ 24.95 $ 7.50 $ 25.60 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 7.50 $ 14.80 $ 14.10 $ 12.35 $ 16.75 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 17.65 $ 13.20 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 4.95 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 17.65 $ 22.80 $ 12.35 $ 22.05 $ 16.75 $ 13.95 $ 16.70 $ 11.25 $ 8.75 $ 19.35 $ 11.45 $ 15.70 $ 22.85 $ 20.05 $ 12.35 $ 22.05 $ 8.80 $ 16.75 $ 15.85 $ 12.50 $ 11.65 $ 14.40 $ 8.20 $ 25.60 $ 10.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.00 $ 15.35 $ 3.80 $ 14.50 $ 28.05 $ 8.75 $ 18.30 $ 17.70 $ 30.75 $ 17.70 $ 17.70 $ 14.50 $ 14.50 $ 17.55 $ 14.50 $ 19.15 $ 17.75 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 7.05 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 6.50 $ 8.65 $ 29.95 $ 34.30

70.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 93.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 72.5 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.6 70.0 70.0 90.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0

2315B 2388B 2398L 2400L 2401L 2402L 2403L 2415B 2416L 2417B 2418B 2419L 2421L 2422B 2423B 2423D 2424L 2425B 2734B 3787B 5209B 5488B 5488D 5493L 5495L 5498B 5499B 5499D 5499L 5500L 5502L 5503L 5504L 5505B 6068B 6069B 6069D 6069L 6071B 6360D 6360L 6441D 6441L 6442D 6442L 6643D 6651B 6652B 6652D 6653B 6654B 6699L 7692B 7722B 7730L 7788L 7835B 7835D 7835L 7836B 7836D 7836L 7839L 8326B 8330B 8331B 8332B 8333B 8475B 8500B 8502B 8533D 8645B 8645D 8645L 8646B 8881B 8882B 9065B 9229B 9230B 9307L 9570B 9675B 9729B

COrUBa SPiCeD CrUSOe OrgaNiC SPiCeD rUM CrUZaN 151 PrF rUM CrUZaN BLaCK CherrY CrUZaN BaNaNNa CrUZaN PiNeaPPLe CrUZaN BLaCKSTraP CrUZaN eSTaTe DiaMOND CrUZaN MaNgO CrUZaN eSTaTe SNgL BrL rUM CrUZaN JUNKaNU CiTriS CrUZaN COCONUT CrUZaN vaNiLLa CrUZaN eSTaTe DarK CrUZaN eSTaTe LighT CrUZaN eSTaTe LighT CrUZaN gUava CrUZaN 9 DON Q CriSTaL gOSLiNgS BLaCK SeaL JOhN MCCULLOCh rUM KraKeN BLaCK SPiCeD KraKeN BLaCK SPiCeD LaDY BLigh BaNaNa LaDY BLigh CherrY LaDY BLigh SPiCeD TraveLer LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh COCONUT LaDY BLigh MaNgO LaDY BLigh PiNeaPPLe LaDY BLigh vaNiLLa LaDY BLigh 151 rUM MaLiBU BLaCK MaLiBU rUM MaLiBU rUM MaLiBU rUM MaLiBU reD MC COrMiCK rUM MC COrMiCK rUM MeierS gD LaBeL v iSLaNDS MeierS gD LaBeL v iSLaNDS MeierS Wh LaB v iSLND rUM MeierS Wh LaB v iSLND rUM MONTegO BaY SiLver MT gaY XTra OLD rUM MT gaY eCLiPSe MT gaY eCLiPSe MT gaY eCLiPSe SiLver MT gaY BLaCK MYerS'S PLaTiNUM OrONOCO PLaTiNUM reServe PaNaMa JaCK SPiCeD ParaMOUNT 151 ParaMOUNT DragON FrUiT ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiPT CreMe PYraT X O reServe PUCKer CiTrUS SQUeeZe PUCKer graPe gONe WiLD PUCKer SOUr aPPLe SaSS PUCKer WiLD CherrY TeaSe rOgUe rON MaTUSaLeM graN reServa rON MaTUSaLeM PLaTiNO rONriCO CLiPPer SPiCeD rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiCeD TravLr SeagraMS BraZiL CiTrUS rUM SeagraMS BraZiLiaN SPiCeD JaCK NO 94 TOMMY BahaMa gOLDeN SUN TOMMY BahaMa WhiTe SaND TraDer viCS Priv SeL SiLvr WhaLer'S vaNiLLa WraY & NePheW Wh OverPrOOF ZaYa rUM

$ 4.25 $ 29.45 $ 17.45 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 14.25 $ 14.95 $ 6.80 $ 18.45 $ 9.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 12.75 $ 9.65 $ 15.20 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 15.35 $ 9.30 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 13.40 $ 14.30 $ 13.40 $ 24.95 $ 16.70 $ 16.00 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 21.20 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 9.75 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 9.75 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 18.10 $ 8.80 $ 14.05 $ 15.15 $ 28.40 $ 19.35 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60

80.0 151.0 151.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 151.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 80.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 126.0 80.0

$ 86.65 $ 33.50 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70 $ 43.05 $ 39.55 $ 29.70 $ 19.40

86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

SCOTCh 0018B 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 1474B 0201B 0202B

aBerLOUr 18 Yr aBerLOUr 12 Yr SM aBerLOUr a'BUNaDh aBerFeLDY 12 Yr aBerFeLDY 21 Yr arDMOre SCOTCh arDBeg 10Yr SiNgLe MaLT BOWMOre 12 Yr PiNCh - haig 15 Yr DeWarS

0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 0281B 0281D 0281L 0282B 0282L 0375B 0377B 0493B 0496B 0497B 0504B 0908B 1481B 1486B 1488B 1490B 1498B 1519B 1520B 1636e 1648e 1751B 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2074B 2078B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3003B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3620B 3625B 3633B 3634B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3650e 3654B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 4895B 4895L

DeWarS $ 39.70 80.0 DeWarS $ 21.15 80.0 DeWarS $ 27.35 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr $ 21.15 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr $ 42.40 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr $ 27.35 80.0 USherS greeN STriPe $ 22.25 80.0 LaUDerS 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 LaUDerS 3 Yr $ 17.10 80.0 LaUDerS 3 Yr $ 10.35 80.0 graNTS STaND FaST $ 14.25 80.0 graNTS STaND FaST $ 31.90 80.0 OLD SMUggLer $ 18.80 80.0 OLD SMUggLer $ 11.45 80.0 ChivaS regaL $ 25.60 80.0 ChivaS regaL $ 58.10 80.0 ChivaS regaL $ 38.55 80.0 CUTTY SarK $ 16.85 80.0 CUTTY SarK $ 33.55 80.0 CUTTY SarK $ 21.10 80.0 WhiTe hOrSe $ 12.55 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr $ 33.35 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr $ 69.15 80.0 JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr $ 43.00 80.0 J & B rare $ 18.95 80.0 J & B rare $ 36.35 80.0 J & B rare $ 23.70 80.0 graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr $ 17.50 80.0 graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr $ 10.60 80.0 highLaND MiST 3 Yr $ 16.65 80.0 highLaND MiST 3 Yr $ 9.75 80.0 iNverhOUSe 3 Yr $ 16.50 80.0 iNverhOUSe 3 Yr $ 10.45 80.0 J W DaNT SCOTCh $ 11.75 80.0 BaLLaNTiNeS $ 12.55 80.0 JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY $ 19.50 80.0 JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY $ 44.10 80.0 JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY $ 29.80 80.0 BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY $ 17.55 80.0 BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY $ 28.90 80.0 aUCheNTOShaN 3 WOOD SMS $ 49.20 86.0 aUCheNTOShaN CLaSSiC SMS $ 24.75 80.0 BaLveNie SiNgLe 15Yr $ 64.90 95.6 BaLveNie 14 CariBBeaN CaSK $ 53.45 86.0 BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr $ 46.55 86.0 BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr $143.40 86.0 BLaCK BUSh iriSh WhSKY $ 31.00 80.0 BOWMOre LegeND SMS $ 23.00 80.0 BUNNahaBhaiN reD SeaL $ 87.80 80.0 BUNNahaBhaiN 12 Yr $ 47.45 80.0 BUChaNaN DeLUXe 12 SCOTCh $ 29.20 80.0 BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS $ 48.50 92.0 BUShMiLLS 16 Yr SiNgLe MaLT $ 58.65 80.0 BUShMiLLS 10 Yr iriSh $ 35.45 80.0 gLeNFiDDiCh 45 COMBO $ 42.80 82.0 JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY $ 6.80 80.0 CaOL iLa 12 Yr SCOTCh $ 44.30 86.0 ChivaS regaL SaLUTe 21Yr $156.85 80.0 ChivaS regaL 25 $218.90 80.0 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr $ 43.05 80.0 CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh $ 17.20 80.0 CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh $ 10.70 80.0 CLONTarF CLaSSiC BLeND $ 17.60 80.0 CLYNeLiSh $ 31.05 92.0 CraggaNMOre SNgL MaLT SCOT 12 Yr $ 48.30 80.0 DaLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr $ 117.60 90.0 DaLMOre 12 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 DaLWhiNNie SNgL MaLT SCOTC 15 Yr DeWar'S SigNaTUre $189.75 86.0 DeWarS SPeC rSv 12 Yr BLN SCOTCh $ 26.45 80.0 FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr $ 23.90 80.0 FeCKiN iriSh WhSKY $ 16.90 80.0 gLeNFiDDiCh SPeC reS 12 Yr $ 34.35 80.0 gLeN gariOCh $ 16.35 86.0 gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr $ 46.60 86.0 gLeNFiDDiCh SOLer rSv 15 Yr $ 43.95 80.0 gLeNFiDDiCh aNCNT rSv 18 Yr $ 60.50 86.0 gLeNFiDDiCh graND reServa $ 139.00 80.0 gLeNFiDDiCh 15Yr DiSTLY eDiTiON $ 51.80 102.0 gLeNLiveT 18 Year $ 60.50 86.0 gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr $ 31.75 80.0 gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr $ 68.55 80.0 gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr $ 43.75 80.0 gLeNLiveT arChive 86 21 Yr $120.70 86.0 gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr $ 34.35 86.0 gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr $ 41.35 80.0 gLeNLiveT NaDUrra 16 Yr $ 47.40 112.4 gLeNMOraNgie LaSaNTa $ 43.05 92.0 gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr - 100ML $ 15.50 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 gLeNLiveT NaDUrra TriUM 91 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN $ 43.05 92.0 gLeNMOraNgie NeCTar D Or $ 56.15 92.0 gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe $ 38.80 80.0 gLeNrOTheS SCOTCh $ 67.75 86.0 highLaND ParK SNgL MaLT 12Yr $ 37.85 86.0 highLaND ParK 18Y $107.00 86.0 iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY $ 17.65 80.0 iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY $ 26.90 80.0

aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 67

5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5145B 5145D 5207B 5212B 5220B 5222B 5225B 5229B 5231B 5384B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6018B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6395B 6574B 6576B 6747B 6748B 7480B 7721L 7980D 8327D 8327L 8480B 8383B 8853D 8983B 9026B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9150B 9188B 9188D 9317B 9317L 9605B 9606B

JaMeSON gOLD JaMeSON viNTage reS. JaMeSON 18 Yr JaMeSON 12 Yr JOhN Barr reD JOhN Barr reD J. MCDOUgaLS BLaDNOCh JOhN POWer & SON iriSh gLD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe JOhNNie WaLKer DOUBLe BLaCK JOhNNY WaLKer BLK 100 aNNiveSarY JOhNNie WaLKer gOLD 18 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer grN KiLBeggaN LagavaULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. LagavaULiN SiNgLe MaLT 16 Yr LaPhrOaig 18 Yr LaPhrOaig CaSK STreNgTh 10 Yr LaPhrOaig SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgTh SMS MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 18 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr MaCaLLaN 25 Yr MaCaLLaN 30 Yr MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY MCCLeLLaNDS highLND MCivOr SCOTCh MiDLeTON MiChaeL COLLiNS BLeNDeD OBaN DiSTiLLerS aDDiTiON OBaN SiNgLe MaLT 14 OLD PULTeNeY 12 Yr PaDDY iriSh WhiSKeY PaSSPOrT SCOTCh QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe rOgUe MaLT WhiSKeY reDBreaST iriSh WhiSKeY 12 Yr SCOreSBY SCOTCh SiNgLeTON SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr SLaNe CaSTLe SPeYBUrN SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr SPeYBUrN BraDaN OraCh TaLiSKer SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr TaMDhU SCOTCh WhiSKeY 10 Yr FaMOUS grOUSe FaMOUS grOUSe TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND WiLD SCOTSMaN 15 Yr WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL

$ 56.15 $ 173.90 $ 77.95 $ 36.95 $ 11.40 $ 20.55 $ 77.45 $ 16.90 $203.95 $39.50 $ 36.85 $ 74.60 $ 41.65 $ 14.30 $ 86.90 $ 71.35 $ 61.60 $ 55.45 $ 34.30 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 71.85 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 120.30 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 60.70 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 44.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 33.00 $ 38.40

80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 111.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0

$ 15.55 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 12.55 $ 45.30 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 25.60 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 34.95 $ 22.05 $ 26.45 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 30.15 $ 35.50 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 11.95 $ 21.70 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

TeQUiLa 0038L 0039B 0040B 0048B 0050B 0093L 0371B 0372B 0373B 0374B 0487B 1544B 1545B 1546B 1628e 1662e 1664e 1674e 1676e 1810B 1846B 1847B 1848B 1857B 1858B 1859B 1860B 1862B 2280B 2281B 2282B 2306B 2317B 2318B 2410B 2410D 2410e 2410L 2411B 2411D 2411L

agavaLeS TeQUiLa gOLD 110 agaverO OraNge TeQUiLa agave LOCO agavaLeS gOLD 80 aLieN TeQUiLa SiLver aQUi vaMOS TeQ BLaNCO aSOMBrOSO SiLver aviON aNeJO aviON rePOSaDO aviON SiLver BaLUarTe TeQUiLa CaBO WaBO aNeJO CaBO WaBO BLaNCO CaBO WaBO rePOSaDO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver 200 PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver 200ML SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa PaTrON rePOSaDO CaSa NOBLe CrYSTaL CaZaDOreS aNeJO CaZaDOreS BLaNCO CaZaDOreS rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO PLaTa CeNTeNariO rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO rOSaNgeL CeNTeNariO TeNaMPa aZUL ChaMUCOS rePOSaDO eSP TeQ COraZON TeQUiLa aNJeO COraZON BLaNCO COraZON rePOSaDO COrONaDO TeQUiLa COrZO rePOSaDO COrZO SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ

68 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

2721B 2721e 2722B 2722D 2724B 2725B 2726B 2760B 2761B 2883B 2884B 2885B 2891B 2894B 2899B 2900B 2903B 2903D 2903L 2905B 2907B 2908B 2909B 2910B 2911B 2914B 2916B 2916D 2917B 2917D 2926B 2926D 2926L 2927B 2927D 2927L 2937B 2940B 2996B 2997B 3820B 4109B 4114B 4115B 5240L 5243B 5244B 5247B 5247D 5247e 5247L 5249L 5250L 5253B 5254L 5497B 5497D 5497L 5501B 5501D 5501L 6001B 6002B 6003B 6004B 6005B 6058B 6110B 6112B 6117B 6118B 6119B 6119D 6345L 6580B 6584B 6585B 6586B 6588B 6642B 6645L 6647L 6649L 6731B 6863B 6864B 6865B 6866B 6867B 6868B 7979B 7982B 7982D 7984B 7984D 7985B 8063B 8280B 8281B

DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO rePOSaDO DON JULiO reaL DON JULiO 70Th aNNiverSarY DOS LUNaS SiLver DOS MaNOS BLaNCO eL arCO aNeJO eL arCO BLaNCO eL arCO rePOSaDO eL CaBaLLO eSTreLLa MiXTO 1800 COCONUT TeQUiLa eL CharrO rePOSaDO eL CharrO SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 SeLeCT SiLver eL graDO BLaNCO 1800 COLLeCTiON eXTra aNeJO eL MaYOr aNeJO eL MaYOr BLaNCO eL MaYOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr aNeJO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eSPOLON BLaNCO eSPOLON rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa SiLver graN PaTrON PLaTiNUM TeQ herraDUra aNeJO herraDUra rePOSaDO herraDUra SiLver CUervO BLaCK MeDaLLiON CUervO TraDiCiONaL 1800 aNeJO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver JUareZ SiLver JUareZ gOLD CUervO PLaTiNO JUareZ gOLD DSS La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ LUNa NUeva aNeJO LUNa NUeva rePOSaDO LUNa NUeva SiLver LUNaZUL BLaNCO LUNaZUL rePOSaDO MaeSTrO DOBeL MargariTaviLLe iSLaND LiMe MargariTaviLLe TrOP TaNger MargariTaviLLe LaST MaNgO MargariTaviLLe TeQ SiLver MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MaTaDOr gOLD TeQ MiLagrO SiLver MiLagrO aNeJO MiLagrO rePOSaDO MiLagrO SBr reP MiLagrO SBr SiLver MONTe aLBaN TeQUiLa MONTeZUMa BLUe MONTeZUMa WhiTe - MeXiCO MONTeZUMa gOLD – MeXiCO 901 SiLver TeQUiLa vOODOO TiKi aNeJO vOODOOTiKi BLUe DragON vOODOOTiKi DeSerT rOSe vOODOOTiKi greeN DragON vOODOOTiKi PLaTiNUM vOODOOTiKi raPOSaDO ParTiDa BLaNCO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver PaTrON SiLver PaTrON rePOSaDO PePe LOPeZ gOLD POrFiDiO PLaTa POrFiDiO SiLver

$ 21.95 $ 26.65 $ 43.70 $ 79.05 $ 45.20 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $ 24.60 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 33.95 $ 1556.30 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 10.80 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 18.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 6.30 $ 21.70 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 9.25 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 23.85 $ 24.45 $ 25.60 $ 33.35 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.45 $ 9.45 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 24.25 $ 49.80 $ 72.45 $ 42.80 $ 89.50 $ 43.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 67.0 67.0 67.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

8440D 8440L 8442L 8717B 8718B 8719B 8719L 8721B 8722B 8723B 8723D 8723L 8727B 8733B 8734B 8734D 8737B 8739L 8860B 8861B 8862B 8863B 8931B 8932B 8942B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9737B

riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe gOLD CieN aNOS BLaNCO CieN aNOS rePOSaDO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa TreS geN PLaTa TeQ. SaUZa TreS geNer aNeJO SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa CONMeMOraTivO SaUZa hOrNiTOS aNeJO SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa BLUe SiLver SaUZa girO SiLver SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 1 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 3 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL rePOSaDO SCOrPiaN MeZCaL SiLver SeNOr FrOgS PLaTa SeNOr FrOgS rePOSaDO SeMeNTiaL SiLver TeQ TaraNTULa aZUL TaraNTULa rePOSaDO TaraNTULa LiMe TaraNTULa STaWBerrY SaUZa hOrNiTOS rePOSaDO TeQUiLa rePOSaDO TeQUiLa SiLver TeQ OChO PLaTa LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO rePOSaDO LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO aNeJO eXT eL vegL TeQ OChO aNeJO SaN aUgUSTN TeQUiLa 30 - 30 rePOSaDO 3 iSLaND WhiTe TeQUiLa Tierra'S aNeJO Tierra'S BLaNCO Tierra'S rePOSaDO TOrTiLLa SiLver TOrTiLLa gOLD TreS riOS SiLver TreS riOS rePOSaDO TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa gOLD TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa WhiTe ZaPOPaN rePOSaDO

0027B 0028B 0028D 0028L 0034B 0036B 0042B 0042L 0049B 0052B 0054B 0054L 0056B 0057B 0057D 0057e 0057L 0060B 0060L 0061B 0062L 0063e 0064B 0064D 0064L 0068L 0069B 0069L 0070L 0074L 0194D 0194L 0450B 0194L 0737B 0737D 0737L 0832B 0834B 0835B 0838B 0838D 0838L 0840B 0841B 0842B 0846B 0946B


$ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 13.20 $ 26.40 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 22.00 $ 19.35 $ 30.15 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 16.75 $ 9.70 $ 12.75 $ 12.75 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 13.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.70 $ 25.80 $ 19.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 7.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.80 $ 14.75 $ 12.20 $ 16.90 $ 17.25 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 21.25 $ 17.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 18.90 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 15.35 $ 16.90 $ 22.80 $ 6.75 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.80 $ 22.80 $ 16.90 $ 22.80 $ 42.20 $ 22.80 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 25.60 $ 7.10 $ 8.20 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 30.85 $ 30.85 $ 30.85 $ 22.15 $ 51.10 $ 34.15 $ 21.20 $ 30.85 $ 22.15 $ 34.35 $ 20.95

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0847B 0953B 0958B 0958D 1390B 1426B 1426D 1483B 1523B 1525B 1525D 1525L 1526B 1527B 1528B 1529B 1530B 1531B 1533B 1534B 1536B 1539B 1540B 1611e 1640e 1641e 1643e 1661e 1675e 1676e 1678e 1852B 2009B 2009D 2012B 2048B 2048D 2048L 2050B 2050L 2051B 2053B 2053D 2053L 2358L 2385B 2392D 2392L 2444B 2444D 2455B 2456B 2457B 2458B 2452B 2452D 2658B 2659B 2778B 2782B 2893B 2895B 2896B 2897B 2898B 2952B 3011B 3011D 3011L 3014B 3016B 3016D 3019B 3020B 3023B 3025B 3026B 3028B 3031B 3086B 3072L 3079B 3080B 3084B 3084D 3084L 3088B 3089B 3097B 3579B 3586B 3586D 3691B 3692B 3783B 3888B 3907B 3907D 3907L 3909L

BeLveDere iNTeNSe UNFiLTereD BLUe aNgeL vODKa BLUe iCe vDK BLUe iCe vDK BOMBOra vDK BOrU OrigiNaL vDK BOrU OrigiNaL vDK BOYD & BLair BUrNeTTS eSPreSSO BUrNeTTS BUrNeTTS BUrNeTTS BUrNeTTS PiNK LeMONaDe BUrNeTTS raSPBerrY BUrNeTT'S vaNiLLa BUrNeTT'S FrUiT PUNCh BUrNeTTS SOUr aPPLe BUrNeTTS CherrY BUrNeTTS BLUeBerrY BUrNeTTS STraWBerrY BUrNeTTS OraNge CreMe vODKa BUrNeTTS WaTerMeLON BUrNeTTS WhiPPeD CreaM BUrNeTTS vODKa greY gOOSe 200ML greY gOOSe L'OraNge greY gOOSe Le CiTrON ParaMOUNT 100 vODKa SKYY 200 SMirNOFF 100 SveDKa TraveLer 200 ChaMBOrD FLavOreD vODKa ChOPiN ChOPiN ChOPiN rYe vODKa CirOC SUPer PreMiUM CirOC SUPer PreMiUM CirOC SUPer PreMiUM CirOC COCONUT CirOC COCONUT CirOC PeaCh CirOC reD BerrY CirOC reD BerrY CirOC reD BerrY Crav vODKa CriSTaLL SigNaTUre SerieS CrOWN rUSSe 80 PrOOF vDK CrOWN rUSSe CrYSTaL heaD CrYSTaL heaD CUPCaKe ChiFFON vODKa CUPCaKe DeviLS FOOD vODKa CUPCaKe FrOSTiNg vODKa CUPCaKe OrigiNaL vODKa CrYSTaL SPiriTS BUCKeYe vODKa CrYSTaL SPiriTS BUCKeYe vODKa DeNaKa DeNaKa BLaCK CherrY DOUBLe CrOSS vODKa DOWNUNDer eD harDY eFFeN CUCUMBer eFFeN BLaCK CherrY eFFeN eFFeN raSPBerrY everCLear FiNLaNDia 80 FiNLaNDia 80 FiNLaNDia 80 FiNLaNDia graPeFrUiT FireFLY SWeeT Tea FireFLY SWeeT Tea FiNLaNDia MaNgO FUSiON FiNLaNDia TaNgeriNe FUSiON FireSTarTer vODKa FireFLY MiNT Tea FireFLY raSPBerrY Tea vDK FireFLY SKiNNY Tea FiNLaNDia raSPerrY FrOZeN ghOST vODKa 42 BeLOW PUre 44 NOrTh hUCKLeBerrY vODKa 44 NOrTh NOrTh raiNer vODKa FriS FriS FriS FUZZY FriS BLUeBerrY vODKa gaLeNS giLBeY’S TrvLr 80 giLBeY'S vDK 100 giLBeY'S vDK 100 gODiva ChOCOLaTe gODiva ChOCOLaTe gOrDONS TraveLer graND TOUriNg vODKa greY gOOSe greY gOOSe greY gOOSe greY gOOSe La POire

$ 32.60 80.0 $ 17.35 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 9.00 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 18.85 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 5.15 70.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 2.95 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 4.20 100.0 $ 4.20 80.0 $ 5.25 100.0 $ 3.30 80.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 42.40 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 31.30 80.0 $ 61.45 80.0 $ 35.05 80.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 34.40 70.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 61.45 70.0 $ 34.40 70.0 $ 28.70 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 1165 80.0 $ 6.85 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 86.00 80.0 $ 10.80 70.0 $ 10.80 70.0 $ 10.80 70.0 $ 10.80 70. $ 16.90 80.0 $ 30.15 80.0 $ 6.45 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 23.85 80.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 14.05 190.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 19.30 80.0 75.0 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 70.0 $ 21.45 70.0 $ 12.55 75.0 $ 12.55 75.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 5.80 70.0 $ 10.05 70.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 12.55 75.0 $ 25.00 80.0 $ 21.15 84.0 $ 21.25 70.0 $ 21.25 70.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 11.70 151.0 $ 12.55 151.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 8.20 100.0 $ 18.45 100.0 $ 26.35 60.0 $ 26.35 60.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 28.20 80.0 $57.35 80.0 80.0 $ 34.40 $ 34.40 80.0

aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 69

3910L 3912L 3919e 3968B 3971B 3973B 3975B 3976B 3977B 4869B 5000D 5000L 5004D 5004L 5013D 5015D 5015L 5016B 5016D 5016L 5018B 5018D 5018L 5020B 5020D 5020L 5021B 5021D 5021e 5021L 5025D 5028D 5028L 5029B 5030L 5033L 5036D 5036L 5038B 5038D 5038L 5039B 5039D 5039L 5040B 5040D 5040L 5074B 5090B 5106B 5106D 5210B 5258B 5261B 5308B 5308D 5308L 5309B 5309D 5310L 5311L 5313B 5382B 5382D 5382e 5382L 5383D 5383L 5385L 5386B 5387B 5489B 5490B 5490D 5490L 5492B 5882B 5966B 5967B 5968B 5969B 6008B 6008D 6391D 6391L 6428B 6460L 6591B 6620B 6659B 6660B 6661B 6718L 6741B 7336L 7698B 7699B 7701B 7716B 7728L

greY gOOSe L'OraNge $ 34.40 greY gOOSe Le CiTrON $ 34.40 greY gOOSe 50ML MULTi-PaCK $ 8.45 haMMer & SiCKLe vDK $ 20.20 haNgar ONe STraighT $ 25.60 haNgar ONe ChiPOTLe ChiLi $ 25.60 haNgar ONe KaFFir LiMe vDK $ 25.60 haNgar ONe MaNDariN $ 25.60 haNgar ONe BLUeBerrY $ 25.60 iCeBUrg vDK $ 7.85 giLBeY'S vDK 80 $ 14.70 giLBeY'S vDK 80 $ 9.15 CrYSTaL vDK 80 $ 11.65 CrYSTaL vDK 80 $ 7.10 FLeiSChMaNN rOYaL $ 11.55 WOLFSChMiDT $ 14.50 WOLFSChMiDT $ 8.05 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 13.00 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 26.35 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 17.25 gOrDONS 80 $ 8.20 gOrDONS 80 $ 16.25 gOrDONS 80 $ 9.70 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 7.00 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 14.45 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 8.70 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 11.40 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 21.90 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 7.85 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 13.75 Mr BOSTON riva 100 $ 13.60 BarTON vDK $ 11.75 BarTON vDK $ 6.75 BarTON TraveLer $ 11.60 haLLerS 80 $ 6.85 TaMirOv 100 $ 4.95 NiKOLai $ 13.60 NiKOLai $ 7.00 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 9.05 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 17.10 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 10.20 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 7.50 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 15.95 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 7.10 POPOv 80 $ 6.90 POPOv 80 $ 13.65 POPOv 80 $ 8.05 JaMeS river PLaNT SWeeT vODKa $ 17.00 JeaN MarC XO vDK $ 28.30 JereMiah WeeD SWeeT Tea $ 16.95 JereMiah WeeD SWeeT Tea $ 24.95 JOhN MCCULLOCh $ 11.90 Jr JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON $ 17.75 Jr JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON aPPLe Pie $ 17.75 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 6.45 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 13.65 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 7.85 KaMChaTKa 90 $ 8.90 KaMChaTKa 90 $ 16.20 KaMChaTKa CherrY $ 9.95 KaMChaTKa graPe $ 9.95 KaMChaTKa TraveLer $ 6.45 KeTeL ONe $ 20.20 KeTeL ONe $ 40.65 KeTeL ONe $ 20.70 KeTeL ONe $ 28.95 KeTeL ONe CiTrOeN $ 40.65 KeTeL ONe CiTrOeN $ 28.95 KeTeL ONe OraNJe $ 28.95 KhOrTYTSa hONeY PePPer $ 16.00 KhOrTYTSa PLaTiNUM $ 15.20 KOrSKi TraveLer $ 6.50 KOrSKi $ 6.50 KOrSKi $ 11.85 KOrSKi $ 7.10 KUTSKOUa $ 8.90 LeveL $ 25.60 LiL BLK DrS BLK Cher vaN $ 9.90 LiL BLK DrS BLUBrY POMeg $ 9.90 LiL BLK DrS CLaSSiC $ 9.90 LiL BLK DrS PiNeaPP hONY $ 9.90 LUKSUSOWa $ 9.90 LUKSUSOWa $ 23.20 MC COrMiCK $ 13.30 MC COrMiCK $ 7.55 MeDea $ 25.55 Meier'S vDK PLaSTiC $ 7.40 KrU vODKa $ 16.85 MONOPOLOWa POTaTO $ 12.55 MOON MOUNTaiN vODKa $ 16.95 MOON MTN COaSTaL CiTrUS $ 7.55 MOON MTN WiLD raSPBerrY $ 16.95 NeW aMSTerDaM vODKa $ 13.25 OCeaN vODKa $ 23.90 Mr BOSTON vODKa $ 6.75 $ 27.90 OYO OYO hONeY vaNiLLa BeaN $ 28.85 OYO STONe FrUiT $ 28.70 NUTLiQUOr PeaNUT BUTTer $ 30.80 ParaMOUNT OraNge FLv vDK $ 9.75

70 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

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7834L 7834D 7837L 7846D 7846L 7897L 7921B 7990B 7991B 7992B 7994B 7995B 7996B 7997B 8074B 8232B 8234B 8236B 8237B 8238B 8239B 8241B 8242B 8243B 8243D 8243L 8244B 8244D 8245B 8246B 8248B 8250B 8251B 8252B 8253B 8253D 8254B 8254D 8255B 8256B 8257B 8283B 8285B 8291B 8293B 8295B 8321B 8323B 8325B 8334B 8336B 8338B 8338D 8413B 8488B 8490B 8492B 8627D 8631B 8631D 8854B 8855B 8856B 8857B 8880B 8880D 8880L 8884B 8885B 8886B 8896D 8896L 8908B 8910B 8915B 8915D 8930L 8934B 8937B 9005L 9006L 9007L 9008e 9009L 9010L 9011L 9012B 9012D 9012e 9012L 9014D 9014L 9016L 9017L 9018L 9022B 9024B 9024L 9025B 9027B


$ 9.75 $ 15.35 $ 9.75 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 5.55 $ 8.85 $ 3.30 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 5.20 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 26.85 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 10.50 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 12.85 $ 12.85 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 17.50 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 17.95 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 6.70 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.75 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 5.00 $ 15.85 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.95 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00

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9028B 9029B 9030e 9032B 9032D 9032L 9033B 9033L 9034B 9034D 9034L 9035B 9036B 9037B 9038B 9038D 9038L 9039B 9039D 9039L 9040B 9040D 9040L 9041B 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9093B 9114B 9116L 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L


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9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B 9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9235D 9236B 9367B 9370B 9371B 9371D 9372B 9372D 9372L 9373B 9374B 9375B 9376B 9377B 9378B 9380B 9381B 9382B 9385B 9428B 9446B 9448B 9449B 9450D 9456B 9456D 9738B 9467B 9472B 9472D 9472L 9505B 9565B 9672B 9673B 9738B

3 OLive BerrY 3 OLive CiTrUS 3 OLive rOOTBeer 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive OraNge 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive raSPBerrY 3 OLive 3 OLive 3 OLive 3 OLive ChOCOCLaTe 3 OLive vaNiLLa 3 OLive WaTerMeLON 3 OLive POMegraNTe 3 OLive MaNgO FLv 3 OLive TriPLe ShOT eSPreSSO 360 3 OLiveS raNgTaNg 3 OLiveS raNgTaNg 360 DOUBLe ChOCOLaTe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe 3 OLive DUDe vODKa 3 OLive DUDe vODKa 360 MaNDariN OraNge ULTiMaT vDK U v CaKe vODKa U v BLUe raSPBerrY U v BLUe raSPBerrY Uv Uv Uv U v graPe vDK U v PiNK LeMONaDe U v CherrY U v 103 U v COCONUT vDK UrSUS PUNCh Uv SWeeT greeN Tea UrSUS BLUe raSPBerrY UrSUS OrigiNaL vaMPYre reD veSiCa vODKa vaN gOgh DUTCh CaraMeL vaN gOgh DOUBLe eSPreSSO vaN gOgh eSPreSSO viKiNgFJOrD vaN gOgh vaN gOgh ZODiaC vOLi vODKa LYTe vOX vOX vOX WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY vODKa WhiTe DiaMOND CiNCiNNaTi MiCrO-vODKa CiNCiNNaTi vODKa 100 ZODiaC

0017B 0029B 0041B 0041L 0053B 0071B 0124B 0125B 0549B 0551B 0552B 0557D 0557L 0565B 0580L 0583L 0600B 0608B 0662B 0664B 0666B 0672B 0673B 0674B 0675B 0691B 0701B 0705B 0707B 0717B 0717D 0717L

aChaia CLaUSS OUZO aBSeNTe LiQUeUr Di SarONNO aMareTTO Di SarONNO aMareTTO aMareTTO gOZiO aMariTO aMareTTO rOOT SNaP BareNJager hONeY & BOUrBON ParaMOUNT rOCK & rYe BareNJager hONeY LiQUeUr BarTON LONg iSLaND iCe Tea BarTON LONg iSLaND iCe Tea BeNeDiCTiNe D.O.M. ParaMOUNT SLOe giN DeK SLOe giN COrDiaL B & B D O M COrDiaL DraMBUie DeK CreMe De CaCa0 DarK DeK CreMe De MeNThe greeN DeK CreMe De CaCaO WhiTe ParaMOUNT CreM D MeN WhiTe ParaMOUNT CrM D CaCaO DarK ParaMOUNT aNiSeTTe ParaMOUNT CreM D MeN greeN DeK CreMe De MeNThe WhiTe ParaMOUNT CrM D CaCaO WhiT geTreiDe KUMMeL CaMPari aPeriTivO iTaLY ParaMOUNT TriPLe SeC ParaMOUNT TriPLe SeC ParaMOUNT TriPLe SeC

$ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 15.00 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 21.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 34.30 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 16.15 $ 8.15 $ 16.15 $ 10.60 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 11.50 $ 9.05 $ 3.70 $ 9.05 $ 7.85 $ 7.00 $ 21.25 $ 9.90 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 17.95 $ 14.30 $ 18.35 $ 9.20 $ 21.30 $ 17.60 $ 33.45 $ 22.00 $ 22.00 $ 10.80 $ 17.55 $ 32.10 $ 15.75

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$ 15.15 $ 35.20 $ 19.40 $ 25.55 $ 10.40 $ 5.55 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 24.35 $ 11.30 $ 24.35 $ 13.25 $ 7.45 $ 28.20 $ 10.00 $ 9.55 $ 28.20 $ 32.65 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.90 $ 9.65 $ 3.65 $ 23.90 $ 7.05 $ 14.40 $ 7.40

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aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 71

0721B 0798B 0881B 0887B 0893B 0893D 0893L 0910B 0948B 1188B 1501B 1637e 1783B 1784B 1815B 1840B 1853B 1855B 1914B 2098B 2098D 2098L 2101B 2108B 2274B 2405B 2405L 2503B 2528B 2529B 2566B 2605B 2613L 2614B 2624B 2624L 2644B 2645B 2649B 2652B 2690B 2690L 2691B 2788B 2944B 2950B 3024B 3077B 3092B 3093B 3602B 3630B 3821B 3851B 3852B 3860B 3864B 3902B 4000B 4003B 3602B 4914B 5054D 5054L 5105B 5251L 5254L 5303B 5315B 5566B 5571B 6000B 6334B 6567B 6705L 6708B 6720L 6734B 6735B 6736B 6739B 7713B 7715B 7723B 7724B 7729B 7729D 7729L 7735B 7824L 7870D 7870L 7901B 7981L 7986B 8228B 8249L 8282B 8302B 8324L 8639B 8670B 8673B 8852L 8892B 9214B 9311B 9354B 9410B 9630B 9630L

SOUTherN COMFOrT BeCherOvKa PerNOD aNiS –FraNCe Tia Maria COFFee KahLUa COFFee KahLUa COFFee KahLUa COFFee BLaCK DUCK CraNBerrY BLaCKMaKer rOOTBeer BOLS BLUe CUraCaO BUCKeYe raSPBerrY LiQUOr graND MarNier rOUge CaraveLLa LiMONCeLLO Orig CaraveLLa OraNgeCeLLO CaSONi LeMONCeLLO CaTDaDDY CarOLiNa MOONShiNe CeLTiC CrOSSiNg LiQUeUr ChaMBOrD rOYaLe COrD CharTreUSe greeN graND MarN COrDON rOUge graND MarN COrDON rOUge graND MarN COrDON rOUge gaLLiaNO L'aUTeNTiCO iriSh MiST COPa De OrO MeX COFFee LiQ LiCOr 43 LiCOr 43 DaNNY DeviTOS LiMONCeLLO DeK BLUe CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK CreMe De BaNaNa COrD DeK CreMe De aLMOND COrD DeK haZeLNUT COrD DeK OraNge CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK PeaCh BraNDY DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK 03 OraNge DeK MeLON COrDiaL DeK WiLD STraWBerrY COrDiaL rOMaNa BLaCK COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU NOir DraMBUie 15 Year evaN WiLLiaMS CherrY reSv evaN WiLLiaMS hONeY reSv FireBaLL CiNNaMON WhiSKeY FragOLi LiQUeUr W/STraWBrY aMareTTO Di aMOre gaNTOUS & aBOUraaD gLarOS OUZO gLeNgOYNe 10 graNgaLa TriPLe OraNge graND MarNier CeNTCiNQUaNT graND MarNier CUvee CeNTNr graND MUrieL OraNge LiQUer graNDe aBSeNTe greeN MOON harLeM LiQUeUr harLeQUiN gLarOS OUZO iSLe OF JUra SUPerSTiTiON JagerMeiSTer JagerMeiSTer JereMiah WeeD LiQUeUr JUareZ TriPLe SeC JUareZ gOLD DSS KahLUa eSPeCiaL COFFee KaMOra COFFee LQr LeBLON CaChaCa Le TOUrMeNT verT LUCiD aBSiNThe MaTa hari aBSiNThe BOheMia MeTaXa OUZO greeCe NaSSaU rOYaLe NavaN 80 N Y LONg iSLaND iCeD Tea 99 aPPLeS 99 BaNaNaS 99 graPeS 99 PeaCheS NUMBer 12 OUZO Nv La Fee aBSiNThe verTe PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO giFT ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT CreMe De BaNaNa ParaMOUNT SOUr aPPLe Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea ParaMOUNT MeLON PaTrON CiTrONge PaTrON X O CaFe PiMMS CUP #1 giN SLiNg eNg PiTU CaChaCa PLOMari QUZO PriCharDS SWeeT LUCY BBN PUNCh aBrUZZO SaBrOSO Di CaFe COFFee LiQ SaMBUCa Di aMOre SaMBUCa rOMaNa SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer ThUNDer 101 PePPerMT SChNP TUaCa DeMi SeC TY KU SUPer PreMiUM SOJU veev aCai LiQUeUr WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY

72 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

$ 14.90 $ 20.40 $ 25.60 $ 19.50 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.85 $ 16.00 $ 16.90 $ 12.10 $ 23.65 $ 10.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 19.65 $ 29.85 $ 52.10 $ 34.80 $ 72.90 $ 43.90 $ 30.00 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 17.75 $ 21.95 $ 21.25 $ 10.55 $ 9.90 $ 2.25 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 5.65 $ 10.55 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 39.50 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 15.15 $ 15.85 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 38.70 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 16.80 $ 7.90 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.40 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 10.25 $ 24.45 $ 7.40 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 21.40 $ 17.15 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 4.35 $ 25.40 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.00 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 23.70

70.0 76.0 80.0 53.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 64.0 60.0 62.0 80.0 60.0 46.0 110.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0

9707B 9733B


0010B 0676B 0681L 0697D 0697L 0917B 0917L 1130B 2588L 2619B 2620L 2625B 2776B 2782B 3017B 3017L 3709B 3709L 3736B 3737B 4863B 4870B 5922B 6009B 6735B 7762L 7862B 7862L 8263B 8632B 8633B 8633L 9054B 9082B 9727B 9727D 9727L


0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1627e 1704D 1704L 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 2055B 2389B 2391B 2393B 2397B 3071B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9084B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L

SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr LOrD CaLverT 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN MaCNaUghTON CNDN 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT TraveLer 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv WhSK CrOWN rOYaL 200ML CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer 6 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB ShrY CaSK 8Yr CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer 3Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST TrvLr CaNaDiaN CLUB CLaSSiC 12Yr CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL CaSK #16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe FOrTY CreeK BarreL SeLeCT harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT CaNaDiaN PeNDLeTON CaNaDiaN riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v O gOLD 8 Yr SeagraMS v O CNDN Trv 6 Yr SPiCeBOX CNDN SPiCeD WhSKY WiNDSOr SUPreMe TraveLer 3Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr

$ 15.35 $ 19.65

50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.00 $ 11.45 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 16.05 $ 11.45 $ 11.20 $ 11.45 $ 5.65 $ 7.05 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 34.35 $ 10.55 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 16.90 $ 14.90 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.35

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 12.30 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 14.95 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 15.85 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 39.65 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 8.45 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

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viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS FOr The reCOrD LiQUOr CONTrOL COMMiSSiON viOLaTiONS & PeNaLTieS (Orders issued February 2012) aKrON: Spot for entertainment LLC. dba none: allowed beer to be consumed on premises after 2:30am; allowed beer to be consumed on premises after 2:30am; sold beer on premises after 2:30am; sold beer on premises after 2:30am - $300 or 3 days aUSTiNTOWN: hot Wings LLC. dba BW3: gave away beer on premises $2,000 or revocation BeaverCreeK: BL restaurant Operations LLC. dba Bar Louie: delivered alcoholic beverages after 9:00pm at a discounted price - $200 or 2 days Berea: Sagbo LLC. dba Wing Warehouse: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron $750 or 6 days BOLivar: J D v inc. dba vaughans Pub: disorderly activity - $1,500 or 6 days BOWLiNg greeN: Bowling green Lodge LLC. dba victory inn: unsanitary hand washing facility; failed to maintain a schedule of all alcoholic drinks being sold; allowed disorderly activity; allowed drug use - $750 or 7 days BrOOKLYN: icehouse Tavern & grill inc. dba none: allowed multiple underage patrons to consume alcohol; allowed multiple underage patrons to possess alcohol; furnished beer to underage patrons; furnished liquor to underage patrons - $2,500 or 15 days CiNCiNNaTi: hayashi dba Kabuto Japanese Steakhouse: allowed person under 21 to sell liquor on premises; allowed person under 21 to sell liquor on premises - $750 or 6 days; Mac’s Pizza Pub inc. dba Mac’s Pizza and Pub: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underaged patron - $750 or 6 daysv U enterprise inc. dba Liberty Lounge: hindered investigation of public safety and liquor control; unsanitary equipment - $400 or 4 days; W & W entertainment LLC. dba Bar 127: unsanitary equipment; alcoholic beverages held or being sold were not portable; failed to

maintain schedule of prices for all alcoholic drinks - $200 or 2 days CLeveLaND: Poseidon investment group LLC. dba east 55th Street Marina: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house - $2,500 or 15 days; Poseidon investment group LLC. dba east 55th Street Marina: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house – 15 days; Poseidon investment group LLC. dba east 55th Street Marina: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house – 15 days; Poseidon investment group LLC. dba east 55th Street Marina: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house – 15 days; Poseidon investment group; TD Ohio enterprises. dba B JS Diamond Mine: gave alcohol away; sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $750 or 6 days COLUMBUS: al Post 0532 Don gentile. dba none: sold liquor on premises; sold liquor without permit - $400 or 4 days; Blue ginger inc. dba none: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $1,500 or 6 days; gordon Beverage Co LLC.dba gordy’s: sold beer to underage informant; sold beer to underage informant - $750 or 6 days; gregory a rowe. dba victorians Midnight Café: sold liquor on premises; sold liquor on premises without a permit - $400 or 2 days; howard Carter. dba Three Deuces: unsanitary equipment; alcohol was not portable - $400 or 4 days; Kingys inc. dba Kings Pizza: drug possession – 30 days; Kingys inc. dba Kings Pizza: drug possession; drug sales – 30 days; Kingys inc. dba Kings Pizza: drug possession; drug sales – 30 days; Kingys inc. dba Kings Pizza: drug possession; drug sales – 30 days; Kingys inc. dba Kings Pizza: drug possession; drug sales – 30 days; Kroger 0315. dba none: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $750

or 6 days; Kroger 0965. dba none: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $750 or 6 days; Lads and Lassies irish Pub inc.dba Cavan irish Pub: alcoholic beverages held or offered for sale were not maintained in a portable condition - $300 or 3 days; Long Street Bar. dba none:sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron; failed to display permit on premises - $750 or 6 days; Loom Lodge. dba none: sold beer and or liquor on premises; sold liquor on premises; sold beer and or liquor on premises - $500 or 5 days; Sawa Corporation. dba a & B Carryout: failed to display permit; sold liquor on premises; failed to display permit - $400 or 4 days; vFW Post 9857 Paul S Lawrence. dba none: sold liquor on premises - no penalty imposed CreSTLiNe: Stats Sports Bar LTD. dba Stats Sports Bar: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $500 or 5 days Stats Sports Bar LTD. dba Stats Sports Bar: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $1,000 or 5 days DaYTON: BCN Dayton LLC. dba none: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $1,500 or 10 days; goldfingers inc. dba Flamingo Show Club: drug possession - $1,800 or 12 days; gregory L Jordan. dba Club Jada: improper conduct; improper conduct - $2,500 or 15 days; gregory L Jordan. dba Club Jada: hindered investigation of public safety and liquor control; disorderly activity - 15 days; gregory L Jordan. dba Club Jada: unsanitary storage room; unsanitary equipment; failed to have list of prices for all drinks of alcoholic beverages being sold, consumed, delivered, or furnished – 15 days; gregory L Jordan. dba Club Jada: hindered investigation of public safety and liquor control; disorderly activity; drug use – 15 days FreMONT: J & M Copper Penny LLC. dba Copper Penny & Patio: operation of gambling device;

aPriL 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 73

viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming; sold beer and liquor and allowed consumption outside of the premises - $300 or 3 days garFieLD heighTS: FOe aerie 2217 garfield. dba none: sold alcohol to underage patron; operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $1,500 or 10 days; aerie 2217 garfield. dba none: gave free alcohol away as a prize; offered to sell,furnish,or deliver an unlimited amount of alcohol during a set period of time - 10 days KaLiDa: Black angus LLC. dba Wibby’s Sports Bar & grill: allowed beer to be consumed past 2:30am - $1,000 or 5 days; Black angus LLC. dba Wibby’s Sports Bar & grill: allowed alcohol to be consumed past 2:30am; sold beer past 2:30am - $400 or 4 days LaKeWOOD: Lakewoodam LLC. dba none: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron $2,500 or 10 days MaNSFieLD: Chris Café inc. dba none: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $500 or 5 days; Chris Café inc. dba none: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming – 5 days MeDiNa: h P & h inc. dba Paul’s Pub: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming; alcoholic beverages held and for sale were not in portable condition - $1,000 or 5 days; h P & h inc. dba Paul’s Pub: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $1,000 or 5 days 74 OhiO Beverage MONThLY aPriL 2012

MiDDLeTOWN: Brenda C heavrin. dba Brendas Double Deuce: unsanitary equipment; sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $1,500 or 10 days; Donna r & emery Williams. dba Main Bar: conducting instant bingo without a license or contract; operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $500 or 5 days; Jay M Tincher. dba Third Base Café: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming; acquired liquor outside of Division of Liquor Control or from the holder of a permit - $300 or 3 days; Landin enterprises inc. dba Ye Ole Dutch Tavern: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $1,500 or 10 days; Landin enterprises inc. dba Ye Ole Dutch Tavern: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming – 10 days; Landin enterprises inc. dba Ye Ole Dutch Tavern: gave away alcohol ; gave away free alcohol as a prize – 10 days; Landin enterprises inc. dba Ye Ole Dutch Tavern: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming – 10 days; Madison inn inc. dba Madison inn: failed to notify and/or secure approval from Division of Liquor Control for expanding your permit - $300 or 3 days; National assn for Uninformed Services. dba none: sold beer on premises to person whom is not a member of the organization - $200 or 2 days NOrTh OLMSTeD: Cantina LLC. dba Backdraught Bar & grill: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron - $1,800 or 7 days; Doc & Louies Too inc. dba none: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron - $750 or 6 days

ParMa: B.a.M inc. dba Bamboozles: gave away beer - $500 or 5 days POWeLL: JK enterprises of Powell LLC. dba none: illegal sale of beer; possession of alcohol when permit was not in force; illegal sale of liquor; failed to post copy of permit; sold alcohol while on suspension; sold beer while permit was not in force - $500 or 5 days SaNDUSKY: LMN Development LLC. dba Kalahari resort Bar: gave away alcohol upon premises; sold alcohol and allowed it to be consumed off the premises - $300 or 3 days; Milan 1640 LTD. dba Fireside Lounge: hindered investigation of public safety and liquor control; allowed delivery of liquor during restricted hours - $500 or 5 days TOLeDO: ezzie inc. dba Jakes Saloon: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron - $2,000 or 12 days; heney Deen. dba Other Club: allowed beer to be consumed past 2:30am; allowed liquor to be consumed past 2;30am; unsanitary toilet facilty; no running water in hand washing facility – revOKeD; Liberty of Toledo inc. dba none: hindered investigation of public safety and liquor control; allowed alcohol to be consumed between restricted hours; allowed alcohol to be consumed between restricted hours; unsanitary equipment in facility; allowed drug use; allowed drug possession - $2,500 or 15 days; Papas Tavern LLC. dba Papas Tavern: operation of gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming; allowed disorderly conduct - $2,500 or 15 days. Papas Tavern LLC. dba Papas Tavern: sold alcohol to underage patrons; furnished beer to underage patrons; failed to provide soap and or sanitary towels in facility – 15 days Toledo Bier Stube inc. dba Bier Stube: allowed the consumption of alcohol past 2:30am - $300 or 3 days; YOUNgSTOWN: Pete & Charlies inc. dba none: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $750 or 6 days; villio inc. dba Budapest inn: sold beer on premises to underage patron; furnished beer on premises to underage patron - $750 or 6 days






*Manhattan Cocktail Classic ad on Beverage Media / Full page / April Issue. File name:Beverage-April-MCC-Ad-01.pdf

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