October 2012 Ohio Beverage Monthly

Page 1

October 2012


CHILE: MOMENTUM THROUGH INNOVATION Terroir, Diversity and Novelty Energize the Wine Industry

MODERN MEZCAL Tequila’s Crazy Agave Kin

CRAFT BEERS Go Mega in America

Available: November 2012


The legendary taste of CROWN ROYAL with a touch of natural maple flavor. Stock up now just in time for the holidays.

40% ABV (80 Proof) Available Sizes: 50 mL 200 mL 375 mL 750 mL 1L 1.75 L

PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. CROWN ROYAL Maple Flavored Whisky. 40% Alc/Vol. ©2012 The Crown Royal Company, Norwalk, CT.


OCTOBer 12

20 FeATUreS


20 AUSTrAlIA grOWS UP A more mature Australian wine industry finds sustainable growth.

34 MeZCAl STePS UP Tequila’s agave kin emerges as a quality ingredient.




13 eveNTS & BeNeFITS 17 THeBArBlOgger.COM

26 BACK TO THe BOTTlINg lINe The venerable New englandbased M.S. Walker seizes opportunity on a grander scale. 30 CHIle: MOMeNTUM THrOUgH INNOvATION diversity, quality and novelty keep the Chilean wine industry moving forward.

40 CrAFT BeerS gO “MegA” Food tie-ins and thirst for new styles drive record sales. 48 THe BlOSSOMINg OF BeAUJOlAIS Affordable prices and a great 2009 vintage create demand for top crus.


OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 3


Publisher's Message By PHIlIP A. CrAIg

inventory controls on page 11. Molly McKee recaps another successful Buckeye Bar expo and thanks all participants on page 13.

Philip A. Craig, Publisher


elcome back to The Ohio Beverage Monthly! We start off this month with Bruce Stevenson’s column on page 6. Bruce tells us about a new top selling flavored spirit. On page 8, dave raber tells us about an opinion issued by the Ohio Attorney general regarding the results of a local option election. In my column this month I write about another successful summer and that bar owners now have alot more to offer their customers. Be sure to read the details on page 7. Chuck deibel, author of the last Call column, writes this month about sales and

BAr OWNerS HAve AlOT MOre TO OFFer THeIr CUSTOMerS Our Bar Blogger, Barry Chandler, explains why you shouldn't train your bar or restaurant staff to use the same old speaking scripts on page 18. This month we are proud to announce that the 1st Annual Northeast Ohio Bar expo will be held on April 22, 2013 at Windows On The river in Cleveland, Ohio. Stay tuned to The Ohio Beverage Monthly for details! As always, thank you for reading this month's issue, and remember that simply reading Ohio Beverage Monthly keeps you ahead of your competition!

Ohio Beverage Monthly volume 3, No 10 (ISSN 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


Philip A. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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Dr. Steven Austin Stovall The Stovall Group Wilmington, Ohio 937-218-3023 steven_stovall@wilmington.edu

4 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012

end of 2013, ALL training is $699 per hour with no additional cost if you are in Ohio.

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Ohio Beverage Journal (ISSN 1065-9846) October 2012, vol. 3 No.10 Postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage Monthly, 37 W. Broad St, Suite 480, Columbus, OH 43215 Ohio Beverage Monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.


The Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage Media group, Inc., 116 John Street, 23rd Floor, New york, Ny 10038. Telephone: (212) 571-3232 FAX: (212) 571-4443. www.BevNetwork.com

Scenes From The

2012 Buckeye Bar Expo


NeW FlAvOred SPIrITS Moonshine Takes The Checkered Flag By BrUCe d. STeveNSON, SUPerINTeNdeNT OHIO dIvISION OF lIQUOr CONTrOl

Bruce d. Stevenson,, Superintendent


lavored spirits have been among the hottest selling items in Ohio for several years. Manufacturers are very creative and continue to outdo themselves with great new flavors, flavor combinations and distinctive products. The many different flavors to choose from include fruits, confections, vegetables, bubblegum, honey, and just about anything else you can imagine. In Ohio, we list a wide variety of quality flavored items to suite any taste in many different categories and brands. Paying close attention to industry trends allows us to offer our customers the newest, hottest items. Unfortunately, with so many flavored items out there and a limited amount of shelf space, we can’t possibly accept every one. So, I’m always on the lookout for unique items that could be the next big thing. last year, I met with a guy named Joe Flock who was pitching something different that stood out from the other

6 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012

flavored items. He represents Piedmont distillers out of North Carolina and had a product called “Junior Johnson’s Midnight Moon” (named for auto racing legend and famous moonshine runner Junior Johnson). It’s moonshine that comes in original and several different fruit flavors packaged in what looks like an old fashioned mason jar. Joe, as he insisted I call him, told a very convincing story about how successful the product was in North Carolina and that it was one of that state’s hottest new items. I thought this was an exciting idea and certainly different from other flavored items, but was a bit skeptical about whether it would appeal to Ohioans.

I’M AlWAyS ON THe lOOKOUT FOr UNIQUe ITeMS THAT COUld Be THe NeXT BIg THINg We decided to give it a try, but only listed one flavor, apple pie, just to see if it there would be any interest from our customers. Joe, who was very polite and easy going, said that was fine and he’d be back with his other flavors soon enough. Before too long, it became clear that the Joe’s confidence was well deserved as sales of Midnight Moon Apple Pie took off! At first it we placed it in only about 50 liquor agencies primarily in the rural areas of the state, but as demand grew, that

number soon increased that to more than 300 stores statewide. A few months later, we listed Midnight Moon Strawberry, and it too started selling like crazy. By the end of the year, we had sold 1,792 cases of Apple Pie and 605 cases of Strawberry. The total number of cases of Midnight Moon, including original, sold in 2011 was 2,944 cases. This year, we added Blueberry and plan to add cherry. These have become some of our hottest selling items and have proven to be that next big thing. Sales of all flavors continue to grow, and reached more than 4,000 cases in just the first half of 2012. What I find most interesting in that Ohio is now the number two state in total case sales of the Midnight Moon products behind only its home state of North Carolina. We’re proud to be part of this wonderful success story and to provide a truly unique family of products to our customers. This is but one example of how we strive to serve the Ohio spirits consuming public by being on the cutting edge of new trends and offering a large and diverse selection of great products. We continue to list new items all the time. Please see our webpage for the latest new products listed each month. Customers can also use our search feature to find which local liquor agency carries Midnight Moon and any of our other listed products.



Bar Owners Have Lots To Offer

Phil Craig, Executive Director


ummer is coming to an end. For our business that is often good news. The customers begin to move from picnics, beaches and theme parks back into our establishments. Now, with Keno and Charitable Tickets, we have more to offer them than good beverages.


However, the summer wasn’t all that bad. For example, we see that beer has had some growth in sales, wine is doing well and spirits are doing very well. Wholesale spirits were up 10.29% in August compared to last year. Things have been good for the year as well, with wholesale spirits are up over 7% for the year. This is all good news that on-premise hospitality has needed for some time. If August is that good we are all anticipating a solid fourth quarter of sales across the board. So take a look in the Ohio Beverage Monthly and take some of those super spirits recipies for new drinks and

get ready to entice your new and old customers with a brand new cocktail.

Now, with Keno and Charitable Tickets, we have more to offer them than good beverages While you’re at it, make sure you get your application in for Charitable Bingo Tickets It will take some time for those to be processed so start now so you can have a great end of the year. We are defending your right to party. . .responsibly. So have fun, make some money and be responsible.

Northeast Ohio Bar Expo! April 22, 2013

Windows On The River Cleveland, Ohio OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage monthly 7



OHIO Ag OFFerS OPINION results To local Option election By dAve rABer


hio Attorney general Michael deWine issued an opinion on August 29, 2012, in response to a request from Franklin County prosecutor ron O’Brien regarding “the result of a local option election *** to authorize the sale of [alcoholic beverages] at a community entertainment district (Ced) has on the results of previously held

dave raber, OlBA legal Co-Counsel

local option elections.” The Opinion began with a history of alcohol regulation in Ohio since Article Xv, §9 of the Ohio Constitution was adopted in 1918 prohibiting the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquor as a beverage in Ohio. After repeal in 1933, the Ohio general Assembly regained the authority to regulate the sale and manufacture of beer and intoxicating liquor. As part of the regulatory scheme, the general Assembly granted the local electorate the privilege to conduct local option elections to determine whether in a particular area the sale of beer and/or intoxicating liquor is to be permitted. The Attorney general’s Opinion concerned a Ced in Upper Arlington, a suburb of Columbus. A Ced is defined, in part, as “a bounded area that includes or will include a combination of entertainment, retail, educational, sporting, social, cultural, or arts establishments ***.” In this Ced there are existing retail establishments that have liquor permits, but there are other parts of the Ced that

remain “dry” for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, Upper Arlington decided to put an issue on the ballot asking whether the sale of alcoholic beverages within the Ced shall be permitted. This vote would determine the wet/dry status of the entire Ced and would be voted on by the electors of the municipal corporation. However, the question was then raised, and after the question had been approved for the ballot, whether a “no” vote on the Ced question affects the result of a majority “yes” vote in a site-specific location option previously held. The Opinion rejected the suggestion “that the general Assembly did not intend for a majority vote of ‘no’ on a local option election *** to affect the majority vote of ‘yes’ in a site specific election previously held. Instead, relying on legislative intent, the Attorney general opined: “if a majority of the electors of a municipal corporation voting on the question *** vote ‘no,’ no sales of beer or intoxicating liquor shall be made at or within the Ced during the period the election is in effect ***.” (emphasis in original.) Thus, once a local option election is held, the results of that election control the sale of beer and intoxicating liquor within the entire territory of the Ced. The Opinion also stated the same analysis holds true for a precinct-wide local option election. The dilemma is whether to proceed with the precinctwide election for the entire Ced knowing that a majority vote of “no” will prohibit the sale of alcohol within the entire Ced thus “drying” retail permit holders that have been selling alcohol in the area for many years before their establishments were included within the newly created Ced. It must be noted that Opinions from the Attorney general are not binding on the courts, but are considered persuasive authority.

8 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012



Created by Jonathan Pogash, The Cocktail Guru 2 oz. Ron Abuelo Añejo Rum 1 oz. chilled espresso 3 drops liquid smoke ¼ oz. simple syrup Spray of Lucid Absinthe


Try Our FALL . Recipes !

Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into a martini glass rimmed with smoked chili powder. Spray some Lucid Absinthe on top. Garnish with a flamed orange peel.

SKINNYGIRL CITRUS TWIST 2 oz. Skinnygirl Tangerine Vodka 1½ oz. lime soda water ½ lime ½ lemon Squirt of fresh grapefruit


Created by H. Joseph Ehrmann 1½ oz. Square One Botanical 1 oz. unfiltered pear juice ½ oz. lavender syrup ½ oz. Meyer lemon juice 3 sprigs rosemary Muddle rosemary briefly in shaker. Add all other ingredients and shake with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

Pour over ice or serve like a martini.

AGAVE MARIA 1 part Agave Loco Pepper Cured Tequila 4 parts Bloody Mary Mix Combine ingredients and pour over ice. Garnish with pickle and/or jalapeño.


created by Kyle Ford Photo credit JennyAdams Freelance 1 oz. Cointreau 1 oz. fresh lemon juice 1 barspoon pumpkin butter 4–5 oz. pumpkin ale Add Cointreau, lemon juice and pumpkin butter to a mixing glass with ice. Shake and fine-strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with beer and garnish with fresh grated nutmeg & orange twist.



2 oz. SKYY Vodka ½ oz. lime juice ½ oz. apple spiced simple syrup* 2 dashes angostura bitters Ice Slices of apple for garnish

1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground allspice 1tsp. ground nutmeg 1 c. granulated sugar 1 slice of red apple, ¼” thick ½ c. water

Put all ingredients in shaker. Add ice and shake. Strain through Hawthorn shaker into chilled couple glasses and garnish with apple slices.

Place all ingredients in saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool and store in an airtight container in refrigerator. Makes approximately 10 oz. syrup (20 servings).

Photo Credit Campari America

OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 9


Success Inside the Box DFV’s Bota Box Leads the Booming Genre By w. r. tISh


side from screwtops, no other category has more profoundly changed the U.S. wine landscape in recent memory than 3L bag-in-box wines. As surely and steadily as table wine consumption has risen, 3L boxes have grown even faster. Shops of all sizes and orientations continue to make room for these squarebut-hip packages, and leading the way is DFV Wines’ Bota Box. The factors driving box wine’s success are well established: economical scale compared to 750mls, superior convenience for home use, freshness extended over weeks not days, and a gentler environmental impact. But what has continued to set Bota Box apart is the quality inside the smart packaging. Senior Portfolio Manager Mark Koppen, who also oversees DFV’s Twisted and Domino brands (both in bottle), explains that the Bota Box advantage derives from the family-owned firm’s 85-plus years as a grower and supplier of wine for other California labels. Bota Box was born in Lodi—the Indelicato family’s “home territory”—using quality juice that previously had gone to external clients. And as Delicato morphed into DFV and grew its bag-in-box line, they were able to keep moving more wine to Bota Box. Vintage-dated and anchored by varietals, Bota Box was instrumental in easing America’s bag-in-box stigma. As Koppen sees it, Bota Box led people to distinguish between two tiers of box wine—one cheaper and generic, the

other premium. “Obviously the price point has helped people differentiate between these tiers, but once they taste a premium brand like Bota,” says Koppen, “the comparison then becomes between Bota and other wines they may have had in a bottle.”

Extending & Improving Introduced back in 2003, Bota Box is arguably the senior statesman of the $18and-up 3L category—and has drawn plenty of imitators, from California and beyond. But Bota Box has maintained its leadership by not standing pat. Evolving in synch with American tastes, the line has grown to include 10 types. Pinot Grigio is the best seller, followed by Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. Other varietal wines include Merlot, Shiraz, Old Vine Zinfandel, Malbec and Riesling; plus the newest additions, wildly popular Moscato and a jammy blend called RedVolution. The package itself has also evolved. The proprietary FlexTap’s drip resistance and ability to lock out air have become key selling points. A handle was added to the box in 2010, making it even more portable and easier to tip

Bota is now available in a handy, portable size.

forward when pouring. The current box also reinforces the brand’s green messaging. The more natural look is not only 100% recyclable, but also the box is made of 100% post-consumer recycled paper, bonded with corn starch instead of glue, and all inks used are VOCfree. Adding even more eco-friendly resonance, DFV’s ongoing partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation has replanted over 100,000 trees across the country.

Meet the New Bota Most recently—and clearly a testament to the strength of the brand name— Bota Box has spun off a completely new, yet complementary, 500ml package. The Bota mini, so to speak, essentially turns the box concept inside-out, offering a new twist on the themes of convenience, value and sustainability. Besides appealing to an active, modern lifestyle, the go-anywhere package has fantastic price appeal. As Koppen puts it, “It’s a five dollar bill, and the perfect size.” The 500ml line launched in 2011 with four varietals—Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Cabernet and Merlot—and already DFV has extended the line to include Old Vine Zin and Moscato. Sales of the 500ml Tetra Paks are expected to hit 250,000 sixliter cases in 2012. It appears that Bota Box has not only earned its tagline— “the original environmentally friendly premium 3.0L wine box”—but also has proven that good things come in small packages, too. n

10 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012

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Why Count your Inventory? Why Count your Money? What a question! By CHUCK deIBel


hy would you count your drawer at the end of every day or shift? In about 20 years of consulting directly to bars and restaurants I have actually come across this happening twice. One of the bars went out of business. The other started counting their money after they got cash registers. And just what are you doing when you count your money? It seems simple enough. But let’s look at it. The Z tape or the Cash in drawer report (If you have a POS system) tells you how much cash you had in sales for the day, both in cash and credit cards and how much cash you should have in your drawer, after you subtract out any paid outs. It’s basically telling you how much cash you have theoretically. Then you count the cash to make sure that’s what is really there. Then you compare your actual count to the Z tape. you are comparing your actual cash to the theoretical amount of cash you should have. The amount of the difference, is the amount missing. you do this to make sure the correct change was given and that no one is taking cash out of the drawer. Almost every bar I know does this and I think we all would agree it needs to be done. And just because the drawer balances out each day, doesn’t mean you stop doing it. It gets done day in and day out, every week and every month and every year. How does counting your cash compare to counting your inventory? It’s the compliment. you count the money to make sure what was rung up was put in the drawer. And you should be counting your inventory to make sure that what inventory was used was rung up. Whether your money is in the form of money or in the form of inventory, it’s all money. At the Buckeye Bar expo I was on a panel of different industry experts and we asked the 25 bar owners in attendance how many of them counted their drawer? everyone did it. Then we asked them “How many counted their inventory”? And about 75% of them did. And then we asked them “How many would know how

much product was missing? How many would know if they were missing a couple of shots of whiskey or pints of draft beer”? (Kind of like counting their drawer) Only four answered they would know that. So only 4 owners out of 25 actually knew how much inventory they would have missing for any given day or week. Only 4 owners compared the usage of the inventory to the sales tape or menu item report to see if the actual amount of inventory used matched up with the theoretical amount of inventory that should have been used. The other 21 had no idea. They only counted their inventory to figure out how much to order. The sales report not only tells you how much cash you should have, but also how much inventory you should have used.

THe SAleS rePOrT NOT ONly TellS yOU HOW MUCH CASH yOU SHOUld HAve, BUT AlSO HOW MUCH INveNTOry yOU SHOUld HAve USed Counting the inventory and comparing the quantity of how much of it is used to the sales tape is the compliment to counting the cash on hand and comparing it to the sales tape. Not doing this comparison for both items will surely put a bar operator in the position to be missing thousands of dollars. I have found this percentage of people (4 out of 25 – 85%) that don’t actually do this comparison to hold true consistently. Most people either don’t do it; or they are too trusting, and some don’t want to work that hard – However, they will count the cash drawer, so I guess they aren’t that trusting. I think that most people don’t understand how to do it correctly. Most people simply look at and compare their actual sales dollars and costs from one month or week to the prior month or week. So they are

Chuck deibel

comparing current actual results to past actual results, not actual results to theoretical results. doing this would be like comparing the actual cash on hand for one Monday to the actual cash count for the prior Monday; instead of comparing the actual cash count to the Z tape. That makes no sense when you look at it that way, and yet, that’s what most operators do. And when people start comparing the inventory used to what’s been sold, they find out they are missing on average 20%. People are losing thousands of dollars each and every week. No matter what they were doing before. I found out later those four people that did know how much inventory was missing used a software program to do that analysis. And all of them were missing less than 3% of their inventory. each of them said they had never been so profitable before they started doing this. Feel free to write me at deibel@ bevinco.com with questions. See you next month!

800-891-1012 or go to www.bevinco.com

OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 11

THEFIND WHIskEy For BoTH sIDEs of the Aisle



this year’s election will soon be history, but the politics go on… still trumpeting the political spirit are Filibuster Bourbon and Rye. each starts with a “bi-partisan” blend: the bourbon combines whiskies from 2002 ’04 and ’08; and the rye gets a dash of bourbon. then, using a “Dual Cask” process, the blends are sequestered for a few months in french oak wine barriques, which presumably lets them come to agreement. Bottled at 90 proof. Currently in NY, NJ, PA, Ct, il, DC, MD and De. sRP: $42-$46 filibusterbourbon.com

THE IcE MaN (cIDEr) CoMeth Angry Orchard—the cider sibling of samuel Adams beer—has introduced the Cider house Collection, using heirloom apples from both the italian Alps and Normandy, france. The Iceman, inspired by the ice ciders of Québec, is sweet but not cloying, with caramel, toffee and vanilla notes. The Strawman, modeled after english farmouse ciders, is more wine-like, with a refreshing apple character and lingering notes of wood. each is oak-aged, in 750ml cork-finished bottles, with 10% ABv and sRP $15 Available in MA, Ct, Ri, vt, MN, oR, wA and CA. angryorchard.com

CoURvoisieR Goes For THE GolD NEW ruM ‘TrEaT’ foR hAlloweeN

Joining the ranks of creepy-ish spirits (à la Crystal head vodka, Kah tequila), lA-based itsko imports has introduced Pumpkin Face Rum, just in time for halloween. the Dominican rum comes in three versions—white (sRP $30), Reserve ($40) and Aged 23 Years ($60). the jack-o-lantern packaging by Flowdesign features pewter medallions in each topper, and the reserve and aged rums are coated with organic coloring. Now in CA, tX, Mi, GA, Co, tN, il, Nv, wi, MN. pumpkinfacerum.com flow-design.com

After shaking up the category with its Rosé, Beam has launched Courvoisier Gold—blended with white-hot Moscato—another lighter (36 proof) spirit designed to attract more drinkers to Cognac. the Moscato pear, peach and floral aromatics and flavors; a touch of honey and smooth texture provide a round, accessible character. serve it chilled, on the rocks or mixed in cocktails. sRP: $25 beamglobal.com

slusHEs GET the GRowN-UP tReAtMeNt high season for frozen drinks may be winding down, but New Yorkers have reason to consider them year-round. Kelvin Slush Co., a food truck that has been serving up all-natural slushes made with signature fruit purées and mix-ins like fresh basil and chopped mint, is now reinventing the frozen cocktail via on-premise partnerships. At williamsburg’s Café de la esquina, Kelvin’s virgin “Citrus Pomegranate” gets customized with tequila or vodka. other spots featuring Kelvin slush frozen drinks include Berry Park, thompson les hotel, Coffeeshop and Gansevoort Park hotel Rooftop. the Kelvin team has worked with mixologist eben Klemm on recipes, and encourages unique recipe development with each partner. kelvinslush.com Strawberry Fields Cocktail at Berry Park

12 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012



Thank you To All Who Participated In The 2012 Buckeye Bar expo

Molly McKee, OlBA Management Team


he 11th Annual Buckeye Bar expo on September 17 was a great success! Over 1,000 permit holders and their employees attended the expo at the Bluestone in Columbus. Thanks to our sponsors: Comp Management and lorillard. Thanks, as well, to all the other vendors who participated, which included: A. Hardy USA ltd., Bacardi USA, Bevinco Bar Services, Boston Beer Company, Brown Forman, Buckeye vodka, Camelot Cellars, Capital Brands/ Crav vodka/ Florida Caribbean, Chicosun Pridemotions & Productions, Comp Management Inc., Comp Management Health Systems, Constellation Brands, Columbus distributing Beverages ltd., Crider Solutions, Crystal Spirits llC/ Buckeye vodka, digital dining / POS Innovation, Figgs liquid Innovations, garner Insurance Services, Hood river, luxco, Major Peters (Beverage Specialties), North American Spirits and Wine Brokers, Ohio licensed Beverage Association, Ohio lottery Commission, Ohio

Tavern News, Pernod ricard, Proximo Spirits, Pull Tabs, remagen Inc., remy Martin, rossi-Thornburg Hospitality Insurance, Sazerac/Firefly, Southern Wine and Spirits of Ohio, St. Claire vodka, Street Hop Advertising, The Craig group Inc., The Other Paper, thebarblogger. com, Tito’s, William grant and www.courtesychargers.com. Attendees were treated to a Party on The Patio featuring luxury Brown, The Juice, Mr. Miyagi and Blu Kuda, all courtesy of Comp Management.

THe 11TH ANNUAl BUCKeye BAr eXPO ON SePTeMBer 17 WAS A greAT SUCCeSS! There were several very successful seminars at the Buckeye Bar expo, as well. State TAM Coordinator Max Sorensen conducted a Techniques of Alcohol Management Course. gary Jones of the Ohio division of liquor Control and dave raber of the law Offices of lumpe and raber provided the “do’s and don’ts of liquor law.” robert Smith of Nightclub Security Consultants taught how to turn even the most unfriendly of bouncers into the most gracious of hosts with his “Turn your Bouncer into A Host” seminar. Barry Chandler, of thebarblogger.com, and a panel of other experts were discussing

new emerging trends within the bar and restaurant industry. dr. Steven Stovall held an interesting seminar regarding how to increase sales from behind the bar and beyond. Finally, dr. Angela Mitchell provided us with a seminar on new marketing techniques and promotions for today’s customer. We received many positive comments from the vendors who participated in these events. Thanks to all of the permit holders and their employees who attended the expo. As announced at this year’s expo, we’re headed to Cleveland in the spring for the first ever “Northeast Ohio Bar expo” on April 22, 2013 at Windows on the river; stay tuned for further details!

Attendees Enjoyed The Party On The Patio At The Buckeye Bar Expo On September 17, 2012

OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 13



High-Octane Pushback Responding to wines that clock in at 30 proof, the movement to dial back alcohol is gaining steam By Jeff Siegel


arris Polakoff has been selling wine to some of Dallas’s most affluent consumers for more than 25 years, and he has never seen anything quite like this. His store’s sales of Spanish and Italian white wines are up 25% over the last year, and—even more amazingly— sales of rosé are up 100%. Not coincidentally, almost all these wines are lower in alcohol than the ones he usually sells. “I don’t know quite why it’s happening, but I do know my customers want to drink lighter,” says Polakoff, who owns Pogo’s, which specializes in fine wines and craft liquors and whose customers are the typical target demographic for high-end cult wines with big scores and even bigger alcohol. “It has ramped up this summer, but it has been going on for at least a year. Their palates are changing, and I’ve had to change the way I buy wine.” In this, Polakoff’s experience is apparently part of a larger, more industry-wide trend. Consumers, who didn’t seem to notice as the alcohol level in wines kept creeping up over the past decade (or care if they did notice), are finally paying attention. There’s increasing evidence that they’re tired of 15% Chardonnays and 16% Cabernet Sauvignons and Merlots, and

14 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012

are switching to lighter, less alcoholic wines. If this is the case, retailers and restaurateurs who stocked shelves and wrote wine lists to accommodate high-alcohol wines are going to have to take another look at what they’re doing and how they do it.

“I don’t know that there’s a short answer for this, and I don’t know that everyone immediately needs to drop 15% wines, especially if they’re still selling,” says Dave McIntyre, wine columnist for The Washington Post. “But this is the time to look at what you’re selling, and be honest with yourself— are you selling it because your customers want it or because you think you should sell it?” The lower-alcohol movement has its roots in the decade-old push against wine scores. Critics like Dan Berger pointed to a flawed vicious cycle of winemakers producing higher-alcohol wines to get a better score and not because it made better wine. On top of that, Berger and others ar-

Younger drinkers aren’t as interested in HigH-alcoHol wines or tHeir ratings as are older wine drinkers. tHeY’re more willing to experiment, wHetHer it’s witH local wine or unusual grapes.

gued that higher-octane wines were less food-friendly. The movement gained popularity when sommeliers like Rajat Paar, winemakers like Jasmine Hirsch and retailers like Darrell Corti joined. Last year, the first two formed In Pursuit of Balance; a group whose goal was to promote discussion about balance in California Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, while Corti went one step further. A couple of years ago, he stopped buying wine for his upscale Sacramento grocery, Corti Brothers, that was more than 14.5% alcohol. “Tasting wine that’s higher than 14.5% alcohol is one thing, but enjoying a bottle is something else,” says Corti. “It’s just not enjoyable. The alcohol is too high. It used to be that high alcohol was a sign of an exceptional vintage. Now, all the wines we drink are supposed to be that kind of wine?”

younger Skews lower Another factor, says chef Jensen Cummings of Denver’s Row 14 Bistro & Wine Bar, is a shift in wine-drinking demographics. The younger customers who frequent his restaurant aren’t as interested in high-alcohol wines or their ratings as older wine drinkers who grew up on scores. They’re more willing to experiment, he says, whether it’s with local wine or unusual grapes. And, he says, lower-alcohol wines pair better with his seasonal and regional menu, which focuses on fresher, more local products. McIntyre believes that the stage is now set for lower alcohol to become consciously trendy. “A number of winemakers, many who never went to the Dark Side of high alcohol but waited for that trend to pass, have been

How HigH is HigH? What defines a high-alcohol wine? Usually, any white wine higher than 14% and any red higher than 14.5%. What wines are high alcohol? Old World wines are usually generally less alcohol than New World wines; exceptions include Italy’s Super Tuscans and Amarones, and Garnachas from Spain. Red and white Burgundies are low alcohol; Bordeauxs rarely push the 14.5% level. A variety of New World wines are notable for their high alcohol: Australia’s Shiraz, California Zinfandel, and Napa and Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. New World Pinot Noir (as well as some Chardonnay, oddly enough) can fall into either group, as some California winemakers like to see how much alcohol they can fit into what have traditionally been low-alcohol varietals. A good rule of thumb: the higher the price, the more likely the wine is to be high-octane. Rieslings and most sweet table wines, because of the winemaking process, are almost always low alcohol. And boxed and grocery store wines are usually about 13.5% alcohol regardless of varietal and appellation.

vocal in setting themselves apart,” he says. “And now you see winemakers who still make 15% wines preaching the low-alcohol gospel.” This is some-

thing Polakoff has noticed, too, even among the most traditional of big-red California producers. So what should on- and off-premise operators do to adapt? Consider these suggestions: • Look hard at who your customers are. If you’re running a steakhouse or do a booming retail business in Napa colleccult wines to six-figure income collec tors, there’s less reason to assume your customers want lower alcohol. For alal most everyone else, though, there’s a good chance your customers are like Polakoff’s—“they want lighter, racier wines.” • Pricing matters. High-alcohol wines, especially those with big scores, are among the most expensive. The rere cession, says Cummings, taught concon sumers that there are plenty of less expensive, quality wines available. He has a feeling that these cheaper labels, which are often lower in alcoalco hol, changed the way many drinkers approach wine. • Don’t be afraid to experiment. You don’t have to do something quite as drastic as Darrell Corti did, but there are still many options. Adjust your wine list or inventory to the seasons, he suggests, focusing on lighter wines in the summer and heavier wines when the weather is cooler. Cummings, whose restaurant has an extensive bythe-glass program, has learned he can sell almost anything if it’s priced right. “If it’s $5 or $6 a glass, they’re more than happy to try it,” he says. “And then they get another glass if they like it.” An $11, three-glass rosé flight, new this past spring, sold exceptionally well. n

OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 15


Absolut Labor day display at agency 404 Legacy Village Giant Eagle with Paul Walker

Agency #740 Giant Eagle Columbus with Terri Topping and Absolut Summer display

Open Mike at Gatsby's sponsored by Tito's with from left AJ Angelo (Open Mic Night Host), Nicola Rowe (bartender), Martha Bowers (model) and Nick Dittoe (bartender)

16 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012

Absolut summer display at agency 744 Giant Eagle Gahanna with Edie Galan from Giant Eagle

Fireball Promo at The Copper Penny in Buckeye Lake with Brittany Nelson (Fireball Brand Manager) and Lindsay Groom

Tammy Tsiamis , Manager of Agency 937 Giant Eagle Cleveland with Absolut summer display.


STOP WITH THe SeT PIeCeS Train your Staff differently


ow often have you taken the first bite of your meal only to be asked mid chew “how

By BArry CHANdler

“As a restaurant our goal is to ensure every single guest leaves dying to tell their friends about how amazing their experience was. We strive to provide the highest levels of hospitality to ensure the guest feels completely satisfied. We will do this through the provision of world class menu items served by friendly, happy, competent staff”

to naturally come to the fore. I’ve always been a proponent of hiring for attitude, not skill, because the former can’t be taught nor should it be attempted. Think about how your hiring process can affect how service is delivered. It’s easy to see when a server has Can I Get You Anything Else?

INSTeAd OF TellINg STAFF WHAT TO SAy, eXPlAIN TO THeM WHAT everything is?”. What about as you leave. “Have a nice day, we miss you already…” or my personal favorite “I’m dave and I’ll be taking care of you”. really dave? If our dining journey together starts with this, I’m pretty sure you won’t be taking care of me, you’ll be regurgitating set pieces like those above mistaking them for service. There’s a big difference. How about instead of telling staff what to say, explain to them what you’re trying to achieve:

yOU’re TryINg TO ACHIeve By all means train staff to a required service level but at some point you have to step back and let personalities come to the fore. As a waiter I was trained to a five star level but was never told what to say to a guest or to introduce myself. There are service standards that can’t be compromised and there are personalities that you don’t want to beat into someone, you just want them

used the same lines over and over again. It prevents them from having to think about what their doing. “you told me to ask them how everything was with their meal”. “yes, but I was hoping you’d wait until after they received their meal…”. Just a thought.

OCTOBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly 17


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learn about selling Wine online See how a store uses the BMG eCommerce system to maintain and promote products on a website. For more information visit: 18 OHIO BeverAge MONTHly OCTOBer 2012 www.bevsites.com

September 2012 Metro NY.indd 66

focus on search results by ian griffith


n ongoing theme of this column is the discussion of design choices that will set your website apart. While the potential of the product page is to convert interest into a sale, the search results page seeks to turn a browser into a shopper. Retailers rarely expect referring websites to deliver a customer to a product page and have them proceed directly through the checkout. You want your visitor to look around, to see what else you carry, to raise your average order size, and customers want to spread the shipping cost across more bottles. The concern, however, is that they can’t find something that you have in stock.

search box Among the problems facing a shopper looking for wine is that they don’t remember the name, or can’t spell it. Ideally your visitor should be able to type an approximation into the search box and be given the correct result. Fuzzy search using a phonetic algorithm is a useful strategy for returning results that don’t exactly match the search term.

faceted search This term refers to an adaptive navigation based on your customer’s selection that allows for deeper browsing through your inventory using various filters. For wines, spirits and beer it is most common to start the selections with either Category or Country of Origin. An interesting exception is being employed by Wine.com on their “wine finder,” which leads with Ratings at the top of the list, then Category, followed by Style. The Wine.com example illustrates a hazard from offering detailed options, as the left navigation column can extend well past the standard 25 results offered per page.

GarysWine.com and WineLibrary.com both offer a neat solution by packaging long lists of regions into fixed-height boxes that allow for sliding up and down the options. However, while the sites with sliders only allow the user to make a single selection, Wine.com presents checkboxes so multiple selections can be mixed in the results.

breadcrumbs This inauspicious reference from Hansel and Gretel shows shoppers their path to the current set-up results. While Breadcrumbs are a secondary navigation feature that can highlight the categorization of a store’s inventory, they also act as an excellent tool, helping search engines understand the context of a page.

page sorting The results themselves are usually preceded at the top of the page with sort options that allow for a reorganization of the results to make more desirable items prominent. Sorts by Price, Name, Rating and Vintage are common. The results themselves follow with a thumbnail of the label and prominent pricing. An interesting trend to notice is the dropping to descriptive text in favor of wine classification. A compelling search results page relies on the rich classification of your inventory to function well. Have fun deciding whether to combine your Sake styles with wine varieties or to create a separate classification field. If this information doesn’t already exist in your POS system you should consider partnering with a vendor who can match your inventory to their own classifications. n

Photograph courtesy of ????????????


To comment on this column or to learn more about how Beverage Media can help with a website for your store, visit BevSites.com, or contact Ian Griffith at 617864-1677. Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/bevsites.


8/28/12 1:21:49 PM

Oct12 Sh

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Pictured here: some of the vines that supply grapes for Yellow Tail. Now that the ranks of “critter labels” have thinned—thanks largely to the sagging U.S. dollar—Yellow Tail has come to be viewed as a value wine, independent of its origin.

Australia grows up A more mature Australian wine industry finds sustainable growth BY KRISTEN BIELER


Chuck Hayward’s Australian wine sales have remained steady— robust, even—over the last half-decade. At California’s Jug Shop and then at JJ Buckley Fine Wines (where he is now the wine educator and Australian buyer), he reports, “We never saw a decline in sales because we had a diverse selection, we knew the category and we never stopped promoting Australian wines.”

Hayward’s experience could not be more different from the vast majority of American retailers. Australian wine sales have been clobbered coast to coast, hit harder than almost any other country’s wines. “The past few years have been extremely rough across all price categories,” says Lara Zahaba, director of marketing and communications for Epicurean Wines, an importer of boutique Australian wines. “The $10 to $15 segment has really struggled and hardly anything over $30 would move at all—it has been incredibly difficult for us and our suppliers.” Australia was already facing the perfect storm, she describes: “oversupply, which created the race to the bottom and spawned countless critter labels, the 2008 global financial crisis—and then the market turned against us, ascribing a one-dimensional character to all Australian wines.”

Left: Barrels at Eden Road in Canberra; right: Michael Fragos, chief winemaker at Chapel Hill in McLaren Vale.

VICTIM OF ITS OWN SUCCESS “It’s a fact that the wines sent to our shores were dominated by large corporations jumping on a bandwagon to crank out mass-produced, inexpensive wines with catchy labels,” says Jim Chanteloup, Australian wine buyer for K&L Wine Merchants, the California-based retail and online wine seller. “Then came the battle cry ‘those wines all taste the same,’ and you know what…they did! But those wines were not an accurate vision of the real wines of Australia.” It wasn’t just low-end wines that doomed the category. According to Nick Spencer, winemaker at Eden Road Wines, it was also the “high-octane Australian wines that received high scores from influential wine critics” which led to stratospheric prices and the predominance of “the blockbuster style which Australia very quickly became associated with at the premium end.” The significant drought which plagued vineyards from 2004 through 2009 exacerbated this style, leading to even bigger, higheralcohol wines. Palates were maturing, however, and Australian importers weren’t focusing on many grown-up (read: balanced, cool-climate) options, believes Jean Reilly, MW, consulting wine buyer for New York’s Morrell & Company: “Australian wines were the introduction to wine for a whole generation of consumers just getting into wine. But tastes evolve and that generation started eschewing Aussie wine, similar to the backlash against Chardonnay.”

SUCCESS WAS A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD “Some of the Australian wines and marketing behind them that brought the cat-

egory’s rapid success are also the reason Australia has suffered in recent years,” says Renae Hirsch, winemaker for Henry’s Drive in Padthaway. “Those fruity, overripe and approachable wines originally held a lot of appeal, but they didn’t have the substance to be long stayers in the marketplace.” In other words, people got tired of jammy Shiraz and moved on.

THE NEXT CHAPTER Today, the dark cloud hovering over Australian wine appears to be lifting and a growing number of retailers are reporting renewed Hayward-like enthusiasm for the category. Australia’s bottled U.S. imports halted decline in 2011, posting 18% growth in the $20 to $30 category. Sales were up 33% in the $16 to $20 range in the first quarter of 2012. The press has come around, too—articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal and The Wine Advocate indicating a positive outlook for Aussie wines (a welcome shift, says Hayward, since Aussie wines had become the “punching bag” of critics).

With a new crop of boutique brands entering the market, back-stocked inventory finally sold off, and sales of premium wines growing much faster than cheaper wines, it seems the country’s wine industry is hitting its sustainable stride. “We see Australia entering its third stage of development,” says Angela Slade, regional director, North America for Wine Australia. “When these wines entered the market, they over-delivered for the price and they excited people. Stage two was the introduction of many wines with icon pricing; intense reds sought after for high scores and cult status.” In the aftermath of the recession and trade backfire which eroded the category, Slade now sees the beginning of stage three: a settling down in the market and growth from a smaller, more permanent base. “Regionally-labeled wines are showing the greatest lift and this is the area we are working to develop,” she says. “We are taking a back-to-basics approach that involves education and handselling. It’s time to roll up our sleeves.”


THE GROWTH STATS Australian wines exports to the U.S. for the 12 months to June 2012: Australian exports to the U.S. White wine exports Chardonnay Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

6% 18% 14% 9% 36% 19%


Source: US IRI Sales Data

If there is any silver lining to the U.S. dollar tanking—at times going lower than the Australian dollar—it’s that many Aussie wines that may have been hurting the category’s image simply disappeared. “It became nearly impossible to make wine for $4.99, which helped drive the critter category out of existence,” says Zahaba. Oversupply—a glut that also fueled the creation of many cheap brands—has at last been worked through the system. Australian wine production has fallen from a high of 1.42 billion liters in 2005 to 1.07 billion liters in 2011. “The oversupply slowed us down for several years,

australian wines

Chapel Hill, seen here from above, specializes in Grenache and Shiraz, but from a decidedly more terroir-based approach.

Yellow Tail—made by Casella Wines—is planning to release a new, higher-priced wine in the near future.

With a new crop of boutique brands, back-stocked inventory finally sold off, and sales of premium wines growing faster than cheaper wines, it seems the country’s wine industry is hitting its sustainable stride. but it was a great learning experience,” says Slade. “Today, importers are bringing to market scaled-down, well-vetted portfolios of stylish wines.” While there will always be room in the market for valuepriced, easy-drinking wines, the trade organization is putting its emphasis on the middle tier—“the $15 to $24 range, the core of the industry,” Slade says. Only strong, terroir-driven brands could withstand the glut evaporation and the exchange rate-squeeze, says George Galey, president of American Estates Wines, an importer of Australian wines since 1986 which just added the Grenache- and Shiraz-specialist Chapel Hill Winery from McLaren Vale in anticipation of the Aussie wine comeback. “What happened wasn’t necessarily that the Australian category collapsed, but that the Australian exporter market collapsed,” he says. (Grateful Palate going out of business in 2010 was among the most highprofile.) “We are talking about brands invented by marketing companies, not family vineyards—brands so fanciful they were ludicrous—and they have a limited lifespan,” says Galey. “If you take out Yellow Tail, there wasn’t a whole lot in the under $10 segment that was functional.” “What we found at Morrell is that the $10-and-under Australian market is a complete commodity market—it’s entirely

about price and there is no brand loyalty,” says Reilly. “Well-known producers with stellar reputations have a following that never really left. We’ve always done extremely well with names like d’Arenberg, Henschke, Leeuwin and Peter Lehmann.” Interestingly, even Yellow Tail— which has outperformed the category every year and still accounts for 65% of Australian imports volume—is making accommodations. Brand owner Casella Wines has announced plans to launch a

$10 wine in 2013, $3-$4 above Yellow Tail’s price point. “The strong Aussie dollar has tightened margins for us and our partner and so far we have absorbed those costs together,” says Tom Steffanci, president of Yellow Tail’s U.S. importer, Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, adding that price increases on the base brand could happen in the future. Steffanci chalks up the category decline partly to a loss of “some of that discovery element” as well as the emergence of new categories that have captured consumer attention—Moscato and sweet reds among them (Yellow Tail has nicely cashed in on these two trends with the launch of Yellow Tail Moscato and Sweet Red Roo which are off to strong starts). While wine drinkers are aware that Yellow Tail is from Australia, it’s viewed primarily as “a great value—a wine that is consistent and can be relied on, independent of its country of origin.” But consumers haven’t abandoned Australia, he believes, “they have just broadened their consideration set.”


Nick Spencer, winemaker at Eden Road Wines

The path forward is in many ways a return to what many Australian producers have been doing for decades (after all, Australia has a 200-year-old winemaking history). “Premium, regionally-labeled wines have been in existence for years and we are starting to tell their story,” says Slade. Between the blockbuster, un-foodfriendly style of many wines and the fact that volume-focused Aussie winemakers largely ignored restaurants, the category never developed the on-premise channel, Epicurean’s Zahaba believes. Many importers are working to change that

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australian wines

(Epicurean introduced Thomthat are more savory, earthy and as Goss, a wine made by Ben spicy—and reminiscent of the Riggs of the Galvanized Wine Rhône—than their predecesGroup collective, specifically sors. “Our vineyards are located targeting the on-premise). high altitude sites which means And Australia’s best asset for we can pick our fruit with excelof winning over sommeliers— lent flavor intensity at lower althe cool-climate wines. cohols,” says Spencer. red wine harvest “We are seeing an increase Even within warmer South in Australia in in wines from cool-climate reAustralia there is a large diver2012 was Shiraz, gions in Australia,” says Eden sity of styles and regional charfollowed by Road’s Spencer, “places like acteristics to be seen. There are Cabernet at 26%, Canberra, Gundagai, Tumbathe earthy, dark fruit-dominated Merlot at 15% rumba, Orange, Yarra Valley, Barossa versions; the less dense, and Pinot Noir at Mornington Peninsula, and the minty, more structured examples 4%. Chardonnay Macedon Ranges.” It helps that from Padthaway; and the crisper, is by far the top more of them are being made: spicy, peppery wines of Adelaide white: Australia “Australia’s strong dollar and Hills. “An important regional produces almost as the growing access to European attribute of Padthaway is the much Chardonnay wines has helped shift the Auslimestone underlying our wellas Shiraz. tralian palate towards lowerdrained soils providing depth, alcohol, food-friendly, more freshness and minerality to the elegant wines from Australia’s wines,” says Hirsch of the familycooler zones, which fits in perfectly with owned Henry’s Drive. (The winery’s other this model,” says Spencer. “In the Auslabels are Pillar Box, Morse Code, Dead tralian winemaking community, there is a Letter Office and Parson’s Flat.) move away from super ripe styles towards GRAPES TO WATCH terroir-driven, single-vineyard wines.” The one-grape, one-style image of AusOther established wineries are venturtralia is changing thanks to a host of ing into high-altitude regions, and many other varieties coming into their own southern Australian vintners are starting (the country is home to over 150 grapes). to source from cooler zones. “There is a history of Tempranillo in Aus“I’ve heard the sommelier crowd here tralia that most people aren’t aware of,” in San Francisco acknowledge that they reSlade points out. “We have 15-year-old ally never explored the category and it was vines in Barossa where it thrives.” Pinot time to take a more detailed look at these Noir from Yarra and Tasmania are creating wines,” says Chuck Hayward. “Restaurant lots of excitement and Grenache, too, has sommeliers are the gatekeepers who have a promising future. “It tends to be more been most resistant to Australian wines.” Pinot Noir-esque and in the New World, But bringing cool-climate wines to the Australia is the only country that takes forefront, and working the market the Grenache seriously,” says American Esold-fashioned way—“winemakers coming tates’ Galey. Dry Rieslings have long been to the U.S. and getting their wines with an Aussie specialty, with cool regions like real character and sense of place in front Clare, Eden and Tasmania leading the of buyers and sommeliers who use their way, and Vermentino and Viognier are palates rather than simply scores to evalualso on the rise. Pinot Gris continued its ate the wines,” says Chanteloup—is givrapid growth—up 40% last year. ing them the opportunity. Galey sees Australia’s future in THE MANY FACES OF SHIRAZ blends—both red and white. The Shiraz isn’t going away—it represents country has a very long history of nearly half the red wine made in the counblending—cross-appellation and crosstry—but it is evolving. Leading the charge varietal—and the popularity of red are wineries like Eden Road in Canberra blends in the U.S. has created a real with expressions from cool subregions market for these wines.


Eden Road specializes in single-vineyard varietal wines.

FILLING THE CALIFORNIA GAP It’s no secret that California has suffered through some terrible, low-yielding harvests (though 2012 is on track to be very good). “It’s a tremendous opportunity for Australia,” says Galey. “Where else besides Australia can supply Cabernet with this taste profile? Certainly not Europe. Particularly with the frenzy over Malbec slowing down, people are turning to $12.99-$13.99 Cabernets and Australia is hands-down the best source.” Australia happens to be coming out of “one of its best harvests in years,” adds Steffanci. “Consumers will continue to look for great values regardless of origin, and Australia is one of the best-positioned countries in the world to deliver against that consumer need at all price points.” Another opportunity Australian vintners are taking advantage of is the ability to ship in bulk, then bottle in the U.S., which helps keep prices lower (a necessity with the still-strong Australian dollar). Bulk exports of Australian wine to the U.S. rose 52% to 74 million liters for the 12 months through June 30, according to Wine Australia. While The Wine Group’s purchase of a large Australian facility is a big reason for this (the company is seeking to augment sourcing for its popular 3L bag-in-box Fish Eye brand, among others), it is a trend among higher-priced Australian wines as well. With the industry buzzing that 2012 will be recognized as the vintage of the century, Australia appears to have the wind at its back. “This is very distinctly the beginning of a real shift in market,” says Slade. “It might take several years to fully realize, but we are coming back, and it will unfold as a great comeback story in the industry.” ■

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M.S. Walker’s Gary Shaw, Harvey Allen and Michael Brody



he bottling line at M.S. Walker’s Somerville, Massachusetts, facility has been working overtime lately. With upgraded bottle fillers, the lines now move faster, pushing the facility towards its maximum capacity of 3 million cases per year. Last year’s acquisition of 15 brands from Maine-based White Rock Distilleries put M.S. Walker back in the manufacturing game in a more significant way, and for the first time in 80 years, the company has nationwide ambitions for its brands. “We have a long history and many strong brands in New England,” says CEO, Harvey Allen. “Now we are getting


into our covered wagon and going out west— and we are going to see what we can do.” At a time when many historic manufacturers are closing up shop, M.S. Walker is an anomaly; a hold-out from a time when the American landscape was littered with bottling operations—five in Massachusetts alone. Even M.S. Walker diversified its business over the years,

deemphasizing its role as supplier, while building major wholesale operations and brokerage firms throughout the northeast. “We fluctuated between being a bottler in the early days to becoming a very successful wholesaler in New England,” describes Gary Shaw, vice president, national sales. “Today we are unique in the industry; we are a distributor with a bottling operation and we want to more fully utilize all aspects of our business.”



Maurice Saul Walker found his way into the spirits business after Repeal in 1933, morphing his several-year old pharmaceutical business into a producer of beverage alcohol. The company’s colorful past (including ties to Cuban dictator, Batista, which ensured the company access to rum and molasses) is a laundry list of aheadof-its-time endeavors, from launching one of the first vodkas in America—Cossack Vodka back when no one knew what to do with a neutral white spirit—to creating some of the first original flavors. (M.S. Walker’s iced tea-flavored vodka was discontinued decades before it became one of the hottest flavors in the industry.) The company also bottled the first-ever domestic limoncello. “When I joined the business, we were closing out flavored vodkas because they weren’t selling,” says Michael Brody, vice president, director of sales, Spirits. “What’s old is new again, just like fashion.” When Walker passed away in the late 1940s, his two son-in-laws took over the business, growing M.S. Walker into something akin to a made-to-order custom producer. “In our rickety warehouse, we made whatever people ordered,” describes Allen (Maurice Walker’s grandson). “If someone wanted gin, we made it. If someone wanted flavored brandy, we made that—we have always been particularly skilled with flavors.” Finding success always meant finding unanswered demand in the marketplace. “To compete against large companies like Seagram’s and Heublein, we had to make things other people didn’t—some of the same specialty items that we still make today,” says Allen. M.S. Walker found

niches along the way, growing into one of the largest producers of egg nog in the nation, for example. Working with a local dairy, the company produces an all-natural, dairy-based product, and in recent years, has introduced flavored variations like chocolate and pumpkin. (The egg nog was once based on Old Medford Rum, the oldest spirit brand in the industry—and Paul Revere’s drink of choice—which M.S. Walker owns the rights, but no longer can manufacture because there are no operating New England rum distilleries.) Yet, it was one of M.S. Walker’s most enduring creations—Allen’s Flavored Brandy—that put the company into the wholesale game. After WWII, the company began distributing in Massachusetts its original flavor, Allen’s Ginger Flavored Brandy, which had broad medicinal applications. (Allen’s Coffee Brandy also became a consumer favorite in Maine. See Champagne of Maine sidebar.) Today, M.S. Walker is among the three largest distributors in the state, with wholesale businesses in Rhode Island and New Hampshire, and brokerage businesses throughout New England. “We are not the little guy anymore, with a $250 million business in Massachusetts alone,” says Brody. “For many years, we put our bottling business on the back burner, but that has changed now.”

selling vodka in Maine, the number two vodka in New Hampshire, and one of the most popular Canadian whiskeys in upstate New York. The company also took over Grand Macnish, a commodity blended Scotch whisky bottled in the U.S. Now that production on most of these newly acquired brands has switched to M.S. Walker’s 100,000-square foot manufacturing facility in Somerville, the innovation will begin. “Many of the former White Rock brands were straight 80 proof spirits, but today’s market is all about flavors,” says Shaw. “We are talking about brand leaders in various markets that have had no flavor extensions to date—the opportunity is tremendous.” Consolidation also spells opportunity for companies like M.S. Walker, says Shaw. “As distributors consolidate, you have mid-size wholesalers popping up who don’t carry big national brands; we also see major wholesalers who have lost big brands and they reach out to us because they need new revenue.” Shaw describes doors opening in markets where two wholesalers control 90% of the market— “but the 10% that they don’t control represents major volume.” The influence of craft distillers has also been a boost, says Brody: “Mixologists move the business today and often times, they are looking for regional, less-familiar brands like ours.”



Paul Coulombe of Maine-based White Rock Distilleries made front page news when he sold his Three Olives Vodka to Proximo Spirits, and more recently, Pinnacle Vodka to Beam Inc. But many of White Rock’s under-the-radar brands joined the M.S. Walker portfolio late last summer. “A lot of these brands had been neglected for years, because the company’s focus was on preparing its major brands for a very lucrative sale,” says Allen. The 15 brands that M.S. Walker acquired include one of the top spirits brands in Ohio, the number one

If there is one thing M.S. Walker understands, it’s the commodity spirits business. “Many of our brands would not be as attractive to large, publically-traded companies who have to focus on higher-margin products,” says Shaw. “The commodity

business isn’t as sexy, but when you look at the volume, it’s enormous both on- and off-premise.” Delivering high quality at low prices has long been M.S. Walker’s stock and trade. “People have been brainwashed across all industries, not just ours, that the more you spend, the better the product will be,” says Allen. “But our spirits are often better than the higher priced spread.” For their value-priced cordial line, M.S. Walker works with six different flavor companies to achieve the best possible tasting line extensions. Take M.S. Walker’s tequila, Old Mexico, for example. It contains the highest percentage of real agave of any U.S.bottled tequila—80% versus the standard 51% (U.S.-bottled tequila is not permitted to be 100% agave). “We knew that we couldn’t enter the tequila business with a me-too product; it had to be different and it had to taste great, though it’s priced the same as our competitors,” says Shaw. The well business is a critical component for the company. “Licensees have two areas of concern,” Shaw continued. “They want to offer the national brands for their image, but they want to stock their well to enhance their bottom line. They fight hard for what is in that well and keeping their costs in check. Our niche is to help them in this area by giving them a very high quality product.” While it’s statistically correct to say that premium products are making a comeback, says Shaw, the numbers don’t tell the whole story because that segment was hit so hard. The commodity segment might not be posting high growth numbers, but the category is still very relevant. “People continue to look to value more so than ever,” says Shaw. “Consumers turned to value wine and spirits and they really have not left.”

LOOKING FOR HOLES “We are similar to a football team,” says Allen. “We look for holes to run through—that is how we score points.” Today, M.S. Walker is innovating beyond the commodity sphere. “The low-margin commodity business hinges on geography,” says Brody. “Once you ship outside your region, you can start to lose money because of freight.”

“THE CHAMPAGNE OF MAINE” THE ALLEN’S SUCCESS STORY Many are surprised to learn that the #1 selling spirit in Maine is not—as in most markets—a vodka. What’s downright extraordinary is that the state’s overwhelming best-seller—at 100,000 cases a year with 14% market share—is a coffee-flavored brandy called Allen’s, which most people outside of Maine have never even heard of. Even the M.S. Walker executive team is unable to fully explain how this happened, chalking it up to a combination of New England’s love of coffee, the uniqueness of the Maine market, and the undeniable quality of the product (nicknamed, “The Champagne of Maine”). “Allen’s Coffee Brandy is the purest coffee-flavored product on the market,” explains Shaw. “It isn’t weighed down with heavy sugars or vanilla flavoring like so many others.” In the summer, Mainers mix it with milk over ice and in the winter, they pour it in coffee. “Twenty years ago we took over the #1 spot in Maine and we are very proud of the loyalty in that market.” Not content with #1 alone, M.S. Walker now owns the second best-selling spirit in the state too, Orloff Vodka.

Targeting the single malt drinker, M.S. Walker has big plans for its newly acquired Grand Macnish. “In between the blended whisky drinker and the high-end single malt drinker there is a big gap,” says Shaw. “There is a market that would like some age and smoothness to their scotch” so the company is introducing several older expressions with cask-specific finishes (the Sherry-finished 15-year old, for example). Though not inexpensive, they are far more competitively priced that comparable products: “We can offer aged product at very reasonable prices as few others are doing that.” The chocolate wine craze has also bred a flurry of new products, but M.S. Walker sought to bring a spirit-based version which is richer and thicker in texture. In addition to importing wines through its Grapevine Imports division, M.S. Walker develops its own brands, like “Oh… Schist!” Riesling referring to the shale soils in which the grape thrives in Germany.

WHERE TO FROM HERE M.S. Walker’s new brands have practically doubled their production. “We went from running 400,000 cases of vodka on our lines to 700,000 overnight,” shares Brody. But heavily investing in facility upgrades was the easy part, says Allen. The real challenge now is to “become a marketing company as much as a selling company.” With many packaging upgrades, a newly hired marketing team and beefed up national sales team, the family-owned business feels ready to do just that. “We previously did business in 42 markets, but we never had any real leverage and now we do,” says Allen. “What happens next is up to us.” ■

M﹒S﹒ Walker Third Ave﹒ Somerville﹐ MA﹒ PH﹒ ﹙

﹚ - www﹒mswalker﹒com

MOMENTUM THR ROU UGH INNOVATION Founded just in 1998, Ventisquero is one of Chile’s most progressive operations. Their vineyards in multiple regions (pictured here: Apalta in Colchagua Valley) are planted to match specific grapes to specific site conditions. The winery, located in a wetland zone in Maipo Valley, was one of 14 wineries to earn Chile’s “Certified Sustainable” seal.


Los Vascos, in Colchagua Valley, was purchased in 1988 by Les Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite); the property has been completely renovated, from restructuring and expanding the vineyards and installing a new irrigation system to equipping the winery with stainless steel vat room, pneumatic presses and a new barrel room.

all it the “I” word: Innovation. Granted, the term is easy to fling around—not unlike politicians use the word change. But in the case of Chilean wine, so much is happening in so many areas that it is reasonable to say that innovation is the new normal.

Vineyards have been planted—or, in many cases, replanted—to position the right grapes in the right places. As for the grapes themselves, the Cab/Chard comfort zone is being stretched by Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, even Rhône varieties and Malbec! Creative blending is taking place at every price level, while signature wines are angling to grab the attention

of sommeliers and connoisseurs. And complementing experimentation in the vineyards and labs, marketers are crafting new projects that appeal to the modern American consumer. Moreover, the Chilean wine industry has fostered a culture of cross-pollination that promises to place this long, narrow country firmly in the mainstream of the

U.S. wine market. And on the retail and restaurant frontlines, the best news of all is that this wave of innovation can translate directly into selling points for the wines.

L EAVVINN G T H E PAST To put modern Chile in perspective, it is instructive to take a quick look back. Perhaps no U.S. importer is more mindful of how far Chile has come than Alex Guarachi, who founded TGIC in 1985 and helped write a new chapter for Chilean wines by introducing Montes to the U.S. Back in the 1980s, he recalls, the nation’s reputation was based almost

C HI LE ’S I N N OVATI O N entirely on low-priced wines that were “just drinkable, simple, overcropped.” Quickly, however, Chile saw an influx of investment (Lafite, Mouton, Robert Mondavi, Antinori, Torres), widespread implementation of new technology and, most importantly, a fresh commitment to “learning about appellations and clones.” He asserts, “Chile is like California in the Southern Hemisphere,” and capable of making wine that can compare favorably with the best of the world. It took time—and a lot of education, Guarachi notes. Gradually the wine media and the trade took notice. He points to a blind tasting of the 2004 vintage, in which Montes showed well against higher-priced Bordeaux and California wines as a key moment. Casa Lapostolle’s Clos Apalta being selected as Wine Spectator’s “#1 Wine of 2008” was another. While Chile did not experience anything quite as dramatic as California did with the 1976 Paris tasting, in two decades’ time, Chile achieved a fundamental shift in perception—from price orientation to quality. As Guarachi puts it, Americans began to “equate Chilean appellations and producers with great wine.”

Whereas many 20th-century Chilean wines emerged generically from the “Central Valley,” today’s wines proudly declare a sense of place. The delicious irony at work is that it was Old World savoirfaire that has empowered Chilean growers to match grapes to microclimates in their wine regions. Certainly the learning is still ongoing, but the patterns that have emerged are being shared—accelerating the process. Sauvignon Blanc is thriving in cool pockets of Casablanca, coastal Colchagua and San Antonio valleys, for example. Further inland, Maipo is king for Cabernet Sauvignon and Colchagua and Cahchapoal do well for Carmenere. (One revelation about Carmenere: it fares better on valley floors than hillsides.) Syrah shows promise in both warmer and cooler areas (as it does in other parts of the New World). Way south in Bío Bío, Pinot Noir is proving to be a great match. As fruitful as the past decade or so has been in terms of terroir-targeted plantings, the best may still be yet to come. Case in point: Concha y Toro’s brand new Gran Reserva Serie Ribeiras, or “Riverbank Series”—six varietal wines, each grown

GOINNG VERTTICCAL: CHILLEANN TEERROIRR Great wine begins in the vineyard, goes the saying, and talk of vineyards inevitably turns to the concept of terroir. Fortunately, Chilean terroir is every bit as valid as European terroir, but for two basic reasons it’s a whole lot easier to grasp: 1) European wine zones are complex patchworks, featuring hundreds of subdivisions and qualitative designations; Chile has just over a dozen wine regions, all valleys, and thanks to the country being long and narrow, they are basically stacked north to south, framed by desert to the north, ocean to the west, mountains to the east. 2) While European terroir quickly tilts toward minutiae, Chile keys more on simple climatic and positional factors, namely latitude (warmer toward the equator); proximity to the coast (with beneficial cooling breezes); and elevation (think: hillside or valley floor).

Carolina Wine Brands, makers of Santa Carolina, has embarked on one of the most ambitious research programs in Chile, under the watch of Chief Winemaker Andrés Caballero. Ongoing trials are exploring new grapes (from Cinsault to Moscato to Touriga Nacional); new clones; irrigation methods; electronic soil mapping; and varied aging regimens, in barrel and steel tank. The research has inspired a new “Specialties” label, but as Caballero puts it, “This research is not for us. We are building a new Santa Carolina—for the next 50 or 100 years.”

on terraces and hillsides along Chile’s four major rivers. These vineyards benefit not only from the mineral-rich and free-draining soil, but also from the river corridors that bring cool breezes to complement the naturally sunny landscape—ideal for slow maturation of the fruit.

DIVEE RSIITYY, WITTH Q UAL ITYY Planting the right grapes in the right places is neither magic nor guesswork; it’s agriculture and science, and the system is working in Chile. This is very important in the big picture: Moving forward, Chile is well positioned to avoid the potential pitfall of becoming a one-trick pony, à la Shiraz in Australia or Malbec in Argentina. On one level, Chilean wine diversity is subtle, evident in how many wineries produce multiple varietals. But on closer inspection, producers are exploring variations within this theme, via single-vineyard, reserve and proprietary bottlings. Los Vascos, Santa Rita and Concha y Toro are established wineries which, for many years, have done a nice job of producing varietal wines on distinct tiers, where intensity and complexity ascend with price. Today it’s hard to find a winery that doesn’t produce and market in levels. The net effect is that Chile has more than avoided a sense of sameness; the modern Chilean portfolio—whether at the importer, distributor or retail/restaurant level—rivals the selection you could assemble from any wine country on earth. Even within the palette of wellknown grapes, there is both breadth and depth. Listening to Brand Manager Javier Guinazo talk about the Chilean brands at Winebow, for example, is like listening to a proud father introducing four children. The eldest, Cousiño-Macul, specializes in high-elevation Cabernet Sauvignon from Maipo Alto as well as solid Chardonnay. Leyda (in the San Antonio Valley just eight miles from the coast) is the young whiz kid, proving Chile’s promise in cool-climate Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. TerraNoble is like the child who’s good at everything, with vineyards in the Maule, Colchagua and Casablanca valleys yielding six different varietals bottled in distinct Classic, Reserva

and Gran Reserva levels. (TerraNoble is also deeply involved in trials with Carmenere.) Root:1, the simple child, is a throwback to Chile’s bang-for-buck era, but in a self-aware way as the brand name ties in to Chile’s heritage of phylloxerafree vines planted on ungrafted rootstock. Root:1 has become an emblem of modern Chilean value—the success of their $10 Cabernet has enabled the brand to extend into Carmenere, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. Chile’s diversity is also happening in a more overtly innovative sense via surprising grapes. At the Wines of Chile “Tapestry of Terroir” walkaround in New York City in June, there was excellent Syrah (De Martino “Legado” is a standout). There was Malbec (Calcu) and Riesling (Meli) and Gewürztraminer (Cartegena). I sampled commendable Pinot Noirs under $20 (Llai Llai, Cono Sur). There was a late-harvest wine and rosé wine and wild-yeast Chardonnay… even a single-vineyard País. Biggest eyeopener of all? Carignan. There were a handful at the trade tasting. I was later able to try several Old Vine Carignans in a separate tasting; these are serious wines with tremendous aromatics, structure and spicy intensity.

NEW TOYSS: CARMEENEREE & BLENDS While typical and atypical varietal wines capture some of Chile’s evolving innovation, what is happening with Carmenere and blends is even more exciting. Carme-

Planting the right grapes in the right plaaces is neither magic nor guesswork; it’s agricculture and science, annd the system is working in Chile. nere, of course, is the “forgotten” grape which disappeared from France in the 19th century but grew in Chile, mistaken for Merlot until genetically identified in 1994. It is a challenging red grape, late to ripen and prone to a green character. But that’s a challenge the Chileans are embracing, with results that improve each vintage. Personal favorites include Casa Silva, Emiliana and Santa Carolina in the $12 range; Viu Manent “Secreto,” Montes Alpha and Santa Rita “Medalla Real” in the $20 range. Few expect Carmenere to become a star in its own right, à la Malbec, but it has filled an important role as a point of distinction in the market. It’s a bit like a new toy—a tasty one at that—and as Chile’s third most-planted red grape, we can expect plenty more new twists in Carmenere vintages to come. Who knows—ten years from now, we may find out that Carmenere may become more successful in blends than flying

Leyda (founded 1997)—nestled in the Chile’s coastal mountain range, in its namesake Leyda Valley—specializes in cool-climate Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay; they also utilize a diverse selection of barrel types.

solo. This much is certain: blending is rampant in Chile already. At the Tapestry of Terroir tasting, the 36 producers were pouring 30 Carmeneres (not a surprise)—and 44 wines with Carmenere in the blend (hello!). Just as Chilean wine regions have no rule for what can be planted where, the country enjoys no constraints on blending—leading to an almost dizzying array of combinations, many of which follow neither Bordeaux nor Rhône models. While many of Chile’s “icon” wines are blends, many are very reasonably priced. MontGras’s Quatro, for instance, is a mid-teens combo of Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Syrah and Malbec; lovely ripe fruit, balancing tang and just a touch of grip. On the white side, Anakena’s “Ona” is a lush, tropical mix of Viognier, Chardonnay and Riesling. Of course, given that Chile produces mostly red wines (75%), it’s no surprise that most of the blends are red. While Cabernet Sauvignon still represents the #1 bottled import from Chile, innovative blends—particularly ones that break tradition with standard European recipes are on the rise, at all price points.

STATTEMEEN T WINNES A quick scan of the Chilean section at a good retailer reveals that many of the ultrapremium wines reaching us today are proprietary blends—Almaviva, Montes “M,” Clos Apalta, Seña, Santa Rita “Pehuen,” Los Vascos “Le Dix,” Domus Aurea and Altair, to name a few. These wines are crafted (and priced) to make a statement.

Viña Falernia (founded 1998) is situated in the semi-arid Elqui Valley, Chile’s closest wine region to the equator. They basically turned a tract of desert into a vineyard, planting Carmenere, Syrah, Sauvignon Blanc and Pedro Ximenez.

C HI LE ’S I N N OVATI O N Perhaps even more interesting, however, is the growth of “statement” wines at lower price points—ones designed to stand out in other ways. Take Casa Silva’s “Cool Coast” Sauvignon Blanc, or Undurraga’s “Terroir Hunter.” Terra Andina was redesigned with vivid labels that present “fresh” Sauvignon Blanc, “bold” Cabernet Sauvignon and “scandalous” Carmenere.

And the Friday Monkey Group is importing two literally fun-themed wines: Lucky 7 (with labels based on dice) and The Deck (based on poker). Meanwhile, Montes’s latest red blend adds a solid dash of cute to their $14 offbeat blend of 50%-50% Malbec and Cabernet. It’s called “Twins,” and features artwork by Ralph Steadman, just like its

Innovation takes many forms. Here are some examples of excellent wines that only begin to reflect the range of changes impacting Chilean wine in our market today.

sibling rosé, “Cherub.” Montes made the wine, but the name was Alex Guarachi’s idea. He says, “Consumers want something new, exciting and different.” Fortunately Chile is proving that there are a lot of ways to be innovative, while still staying grounded in the wine culture that brought the country this far already. ■

blackberries, bright cedar notes, just-firm-enough tannins. SRP: $20

Epicca 20100 R ed Bleend Chile

tannins nnins that provide just enough friction to handle food. Made of 64% Cabernet Sauvignon, 28% Carmenere, 6% Syrah and 2% Malbec. SRP: $14

Rituual 2010 Pinot Noiir Casablanca Valley

Sauvignon uvignon is apt to get nudged out of the spotlight. This wine from Maipo Alto is a reminder that Cabernet belongs in any conversation of Chilean wine. Solid wine; ripe red fruit shares the palate with vanilla and herbs; well-rounded tannins. Definitely over-delivers at the price. SRP: $16 Pinot N Noiri may bbe th the grape to watch in Chile over the next few years. Made at Veramonte, the 2010 Ritual is only the second vintage (the vineyards are 10 years old) and is part of Agustin Huneeus’s effort to produce world-class Pinot and Sauvignon Blanc in Casablanca. Fruit was hand-harvested from three sites, then given gentle Burgundian treatment under the eye of consultant Paul Hobbs. It’s varietally pitch-perfect, with layered fruit, spice and a touch of oak in a supple frame. SRP: $20

Pereez Cruz 2009 Cabernnet Sauviignnon Reserva Maipo Valley

With tongues wagging about Chilean Sauvignon Blanc, blends and Carmenere, varietal Cabernet

Los Vasscos 2009 Grandde R eser ve Colchagua Valley

Interestingly, this wine is 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, but the varietal gets the fine-print treatment, emphasizing that it is a blend. No doubt the supporting grapes—10% Carmenere, 10% Syrah and 5% Malbec, a cast that would not fit the rulebook in its parent company’s Bordeaux—play a vital role. What distinguishes this wine is its parallel sense of power and drinkability—exploding

Emiliaana 2009 Coyam And now for something completely different. This wine goes against the grain in that its grapes come from all over— Cabernet Sauvignon (90%) from Maipo, Colchagua and Maule valleys; Carmenere (5%) and Syrah (5%) from Maule Valley. But the point of this brand-new wine is its style: it is designed to be a smooth, lipsmacking sipper. And it is, with plenty of ripe cherry fruit, chocolate highlights and a smooooooth finish. SRP: $12

Cono Surr 2011 Organnicc Cabernet Sauviignoon – Carmenere Colchagua Valley

Cono Sur (founded 1993) is one of a crop of extremely young wineries that are having immediate impact thanks to their can’t-ignore quality and sensible pricing. Balance is this organic blend’s signature; berries and plum harmonize with toasty oak and

Colchagua Valley

This is is the kind of wine that affirms the ability of Chile to craft distinctive higher-end reds. Neither Rhône-nor Bordeaux-like in its composition (41% Syrah, 29% Carmenere, 20% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Mourvedre, 1% Petit Verdot), it is its own beast. But a big, beautiful one, with serious structure and body supporting layers of complex red and black fruit with touches of vanilla and earth. Over-delivers and could age well. Emiliana Coyam was introduced in 2003 as Chile’s first super-premium organic wine. SRP: $30



Sombra Smoky Margarita

f all the effects wrought on the spirit world by the 21st century cocktail revolution, none was as unpredictable and as fascinating as the emergence of mezcal as a quality ingredient.

Even when tequila shed its rambunctious reputation, its crazy uncle (see sidebar on mezcal facts) could unnerve even the most seasoned drinker with its rustic tang and smoky assault. If tequila was Robert Downey Jr., a bad boy gone good, then mezcal was Charlie Sheen— unrepentant, unregenerate and bad down to the bone. That was the image, anyway, and it was hard to erase, though a few voices continued to cry out in the wilderness. One man in particular, Ron Cooper of Del Maguey, persisted, developing great respect for the varieties of single-village mezcals he’s brought here since 1995.

Agave piñas at Montelobos distillery in Oaxaca, the Mexican state where 90% if mezcal is made.

Bars and restaurants featuring Mexican spirits have done their part, and cocktail bars as well, notably led by NYC’s Mayhuel, where barman Phil Ward’s Oaxacan Old-Fashioned caught attention and has been frequently copied. Restaurateur José Andrés celebrated the spirit at his annual Mexican festival in March at Las Vegas’s China Poblano; the celebration included the Oaxacan Swizzle (Del Maguey Vida, ruby port, fresh pressed apples, lime, ginger and housemade orange bitters). And at Andrés’s Oyamel in Washington, DC, his mezcal drinks include the High Tea (Los Nahuales Reposado Mezcal, chamomile tea, honey and tobacco bitters). Clearly, mezcal has proven to be well adapted to contemporary drinking. Meanwhile, with renewed interest in Oaxaca, a dozen or more new brands with devoted advocates now make the rounds. And the thirst for education

Original Sauza -rita ®

t t t t

DBO GSP[FO MJNFBEF can Sauza® Blue Silver Tequila DBO XBUFS bottle light beer

STEPS Pour limeade and beer into a pitcher with ice. Fill limeade can with Sauza® Blue Silver Tequila and pour into pitcher. Finally, add a can of water, stir and serve! MAKES 9 DELICIOUS DRINKS

FOR A SMOOTHER, FRESHER TASTE Sauza® Blue Tequila, 40% alc./vol. ©2012 Sauza Tequila Import Company, Deerfield, IL.

MezcaL Mezcal can be made from a variety of about 30 agave species. The piñas are slowly roasted in an underground pit, then crushed under a large stone wheel before being fermented and then distilled twice in alembic stills.

El Buho

El Buho

among fans spurred Doug French, maker of Scorpion Mezcal since 1996, to tour the U.S. leading a four-step master mezcalier certification program (www. mastermezcalier.com) in cooperation with the Mexican government. “The long road has just begun with education and awareness of this worldclass, ancient spirit,” says Barbara Sweetman, VP and sales manager at Scorpion and Mezcals de Oaxaca. “We’re taking the time to promote this program in order to give the real movers and shakers in the industry the tools and information they need to recommend, sell, taste and educate in turn.”

Carv ving a Niche e On--Prremis se Bars and restaurants showcasing mezcal are blooming in many cities—New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, and Austin, among others. Take the back room


Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal


bar of popular Austin spot Takoba, where Cantina El Milamores now offers more mezcals than tequilas, plus a flight menu that features and contrasts various agave varieties and villages. Following Ward’s lead, mezcal, tequila and sotol (another legally defined Mexican agave spirit) get the Old-Fashioned treatment there. Meanwhile, San Diego’s El Take It Easy features as many cocktails based on mezcal as tequila. In Los Angeles, an extensive array of about 50 mezcals are the attraction at the bar Mezcaleria, representing the category in a new light. New York City’s Viktor & Spoils, like the Mezcaleria, helped pioneer menuing mezcals by agave species (espadin, tobala, madrecuixe, dobadaan, others). The changes have been dramatic, and in general, Ron Cooper is pretty pleased. “I got so used to owning the category, I was almost insulted,” he says. “But I’ve been convinced that all the new energy go-

ing into mezcal actually helps us all.” In addition, since joining up with supplier Gemini Wine and Spirits (a division of Sazerac), Del Maguey has been getting national promotional support. Lately, the mezcaleros received a little help from some deep-pocketed friends. William Grant has just introduced Montelobos. Zignum entered the U.S. market last year with financial backing of Mexican Coca-Cola bottlers; as did Wild Shot, a brand owned by country star Toby Keith, whose three units of I Love This Bar & Grill are serving plenty of the brand, according to his spokesperson. Richard Betts, head of Sombra, thinks the entry of Toby Keith and William Grant will only benefit the smaller guys. “Keith will bring in a whole group of people who wouldn’t otherwise be in the category, who might trade up to us or other brands,” he says.

selec tion

El Buho Mezcal

Los Danzantes Mezcal

Ilegal Mezcal Joven

Montelobos Mezcal Joven

Scorpion Mezcal Añejo

Sombra Mezcal

Wild Shot Silver Mezcal


Roasted agave being crushed.

-basicS -


Just as all Cognacs are brandies but not all

brandies are Cognacs, all tequilas are mezcals but not the other way around. Mezcal can be made from a variety of about 30 agave species (including the Blue Weber from which tequila is made by law) and is distilled in one of seven Mexican states, though more than 90% of mezcal comes from Oaxaca.


Most mezcal (around 85%) is made from the

espadin agave variety. Mezcals made from other agave varieties are now emerging.


As for its long-time reputation as firewater

infused with the aroma of burning rubber, there’s still a little something to the idea that these are powerful and pungent spirits, with even the better-made variations coming to the U.S. retaining a punchy and smoky essence. Mezcals are an acquired taste, like Islay single malt Scotches or grappa.


Mezcal comes by its smoke from its ancient

production method: agaves are slowly roasted in an underground pit, sometimes for days, usu-

The range of other mezcal brands— Sombra, Ilegal, Wahaka, Danzantes, among others—now provide retailers and bar owners a broader choice. And the increasing availability of quality mezcals at a price point lower than Del Maguey’s single-village iterations has been crucial. (Cooper designed Del Maguey Vida to be priced in the mid-thirties and mixable in cocktails, in response to demand from the trade.) Also important has been the introduction of attractive packaging, different varietals and a range of styles. A version of Fidencio, for instance, is made “sin humo,” without smoke. Scorpion now supplies estategrown tobala silver and añejo mezcals. Numerous brands are targeting the mid-thirties price point, aiming to be the entry mezcal. Sombra now has a moderated smoke quality, says Betts: “There should be some smoke but the spirit with too much smoke doesn’t taste like the place as much as tasting like the process.”

Spirits impresario John Henry, who has launched his own brand, El Buho, in three markets including New York, says that the expanding market definitely includes women who are taking to it in cocktails and even as a culinary ingredient—part of the smoke ingredient trend. One woman at a tasting recently told him, “This is my white Lagavulin,” referring to the smoky Islay single malt Scotch. With on-premise growth still slowed by the recession, Henry sees the offpremise environment as more promising. Specifically, the logical market is the expanding pool of tequila drinkers, says Gino Luci, brand manager for Montelobos. “In most basic terms, we are targeting premium tequila drinkers who are looking for something new and different. One of the biggest challenges with mezcal is that it’s a relatively misunderstood category. It has a rich history and legacy. In response, we are working to educate not only about Montelobos, but also the complexity and unique offerings of the category overall.” ■

ally with mesquite or oak. Then the agaves are crushed under a large stone wheel called a tahona, the juice often fermented in wooden tanks before being distilled twice in alembic stills.


As with tequila, mezcals can carry age des-

ignations: joven (or blanco, silver or abacado) is aged less than two months; reposado has “rested” in oak for two to 12 months; añejo has been aged between one and three years; and extra añejo is more than 3 years old.

Del Maguey specializes in single-village mezcals.

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Tequila and the Finest Natural Citrus Liqueur - 35% Alc./Vol. (70 Proof) Baruh Spirits Co. Weston, MO Š McCormick Distilling Company 2012.

New York City’s Birreria rooftop beer garden

Craft Beers ” in America Go “Mega

Food Tie-Ins and Thirst for New Styles Drive Record Sales BY DAVID LINCOLN ROSS


raft beer sales have definitely blown up in the last three years,” says Nick Anderson, beer buyer at Arrowine & Cheese in Arlington, VA, not far from the Central Intelligence Agency. But, happily, there’s nothing covert about the growing appeal of small-scale beers. Americans not only have discovered the pleasures of craft-brewed ales, porters, stouts and seasonal beers, but also how well they go with food. If a generation ago American consumers learned how embrace finer wine with open minds and arms, finer beer’s wider acceptance is triggering a similar phenomenon. One noteworthy distinction: whereas the wine culture thrived via people reaching out to the corners of the globe, the beer culture has gained much of its mojo close to home. In 2011, craft beers accounted for a record 5.6 percent of total U.S. beer volume, according to Charlie Papazian, president of the Denver-based Brewers Association. Papazian, who is considered the father of the home brewing and craft beer movements, pre-

dicts confidently that by 2017 craft beer sales will double. In practice, though, the “crafting” of the beer market has already taken root. While Papazian is actually focusing on brews best categorized as “local” and/or “micro,” marketers and front-line sellers alike are tuning in to the fact that modern beer drinkers are embracing beers that are artisanal, not just brewed in nearby zip codes. Case in point: Arrowine’s website presents its selection as “eclectic,” and changing with the seasons. Spanning both American microbreweries and imports, the emphasis is on beers “of

the highest quality made with the best ingredients”—all served as fresh as possible thanks to optimal storage and fast turnover.

Experimentation and Access Up Brett Pontoni, corporate beer buyer for Binny’s, a 28-store group based in Chicago, IL, says, “Growing numbers of our customers have shifted from mass-produced domestics. They’re experimenting as never before. Our three best-sellers are Goose Island, Sam Adams and New Belgium.” Pontoni adds he has increased craft beer case-stacking displays to great effect. Craig Purser, president of the National Beer Wholesalers Association, notes, “There was a great deal of sameness among domestic beer brands; this helped drive interest in craft beers. What’s more, the entire farm-to-table trend in the food and hospitality industries also helped raise awareness of local and regional craft

Eataly Birreria photography by Virginia Rollison


Big Brewers Think Small Mindful of the remarkable ascendancy of craft beers, the nation’s leading brewers and importers are busy beefing up their specialty beer portfolios, via both line extensions and acquisitions of established regional brewers. Against a background of flat sales of major national brands, in 2010 MillerCoors established a division to focus solely on these higher-margin brands, setting up Tenth and Blake to further develop its best-selling Blue Moon brand, as well as its other specialty and imported beers, notably Pilsner Urquell.

Mindful of the ascendancy of craft beers, the nation’s leading brewers and importers are beefing up their specialty beer portfolios. In 2011, Anheuser-Busch acquired an interest in the fast-expanding Chicago-based Goose Island brand. Guinness broadened its American appeal with the introduction of Guinness Black Lager in bottles; still dark in color but lighter in style, it proved to be a bold but successful move by a brewer known for its stout. Heineken, already well positioned in the upscale import arena, has made several moves: expanding the availability of seasonal offerings from Newcastle; offering Amstel Wheat Bier in bottle after successful trials on tap; and pushing the envelope in Mexican beer by launching Tecate Michelada, the first canned RTD michelada in the U.S. (essentially a cocktail made with beer, lime juice, tomato juice and spices).


sel ec t i on

At Savor, a craft beer festival held in Washington, DC, in June, hundreds of beer fans sampled the diverse offerings of 75 craft breweries along with culinary combinations.

At Tenth and Blake, Craig Morris, director of chain and customer solutions, states: “Thanks to crafts, beer is being talked about again. And with food and beer, there’s a new emotional dimension to the conversation we can have with consumers.” And to further the conversation with its trade customers, Morris says Tenth and Blake is introducing its proprietary JourneyFlow, “a drinker-centric organization and merchandising approach to manage the craft segment and facilitate the discovery and education of craft beers.” Mark Mahoney, communications manager at Goose Island, says, “Overall, A-B and Goose Island are investing in this segment; and we believe the whole category can double in size in a decade’s time.” Demonstrating the clout that can come from combining national distribu-

Photography by Brewers Association

beers.” Purser adds that as of mid 2012, there were more than 2,000 enterprises now brewing and selling craft beers across the country. (By comparison, half a century ago their numbers had dwindled to about 50, following waves of consolidation beginning with Repeal in 1933.) Today’s beer consumers are accustomed to seeing a lot of beers—with crazy names, from far-flung places as well as just around the corner. At the same time, with mainstream availability of and national advertising for specialty beers increasing, the green light inviting consumers to branch out has never been brighter. In turn, the tilt toward experimentation is motivating smart retailers to offer a healthy variety while growing the premium category. A mix of local and imports, dark and light styles, plus seasonal bottlings broadens the appeal for drinkers with varying levels of comfort vs. curiosity


Food Factor


rrowine’s Nick Anderson confirms that along with quality, food is

The tilt toward experimentation is motivating smart retailers to offer a healthy variety while growing the premium category.

on the mind of today’s American

daily asking which beer they should try with this or that dish. And thanks to regular staff tasting sessions—importantly these sessions include servers in the store’s deli and food departments—customers leave happy with one or more beers from among the 200 brews the award-winning store stocks.

tion with regional identity, Goose Island ran a “Live Like a Local” promotional contest, which brought a winning couple on an expenses-paid, Labor-Day-weekend trip to Chicago, its home town, and included a visit to the brewery.

Savvy restaurateurs are climbing on the artisanal beer bandwagon, too. At Birreria—a beer garden in New York City, 15 floors above the Eataly Italian food arcade— domestic craft beers, hard-to-find imports and their own proprietary beer exist happily all atop one roof, so to speak. Peter Hepp Jr., head brewer and beer program director at Birreria, says, “There has been a bursting of styles in the craft beer category in just the past few years. We pride ourselves in brewing beers that go extremely well with our menu.” Just as wine marketers have sponsored wine dinners for years, brewers and restaurants are collaborating more. Cigar City Brewing in Tampa, FL, for example, happily hosts dinners at Fleming’s Steakhouse, where their beers are matched up with variations of both surf and turf. At Rudyard’s British Pub in Houston, Texas, bartender Robert Gay, senses a dynamic between on- and off-premise beer popularity. “Our most popular craft beers are St. Arnold’s, which is the state’s oldest continuously operating brewery, Devil’s Backbone [from Blanco, TX], Dogfish Head [from Milton, DE] and Anchor Steam from San Francisco.” Gay adds that “customers have become more savvy about what’s out there,” thanks in part to specialty brands like Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams and Blue Moon becoming more widely available.

Teaming Up on the Bandwagon The nation’s beer distributors have also ramped up their artisanal beer efforts. John Dannerbeck, president of San Francisco-based Anchor Brewing Company, says: “Distributors have stepped up their capabilities to sell craft beers. Today, it would be unusual for a medium to large distributor to not have a sales team managing their craft portfolio. This was not the case two years ago.” The brewery’s full complement of on- and off-premise promotional materials—from tap handles and bottle openers to posters and books—are designed both to educate and keep the brand on distributors’ and re-sellers’ minds. Rhett Orem was hired only this past June as a “specialty beer salesman” at Guiffre Distributing, an AnheuserBusch wholesaler in Springfield, VA. Orem says, “Guiffre really wants to focus on selling more craft beers, taking these brews everywhere from small pubs and shops to local diners and pizza parlors.” An important sign of craft beer’s arrival has been the ability of some artisanally oriented national brands to retain their small-brand feel. Sales of

Boston Beer Company’s Sam Adams accounted for an astonishing 1% of the U.S. beer market. And Jim Koch, founder and CEO, thinks America’s embrace of artisanal beer is just getting rolling: “In our consumer tracking, for the first time a majority of beer drinkers drink craft beer either regularly or occasionally.” As in past years, Boston Beer is readying a host of seasonal on- and off-premise brews and promotions this fall, including the 24th edition of its Octoberfest and a new Double Pumpkin Ale. For on-premise customers, Boston Beer is hosting stein-hoisting competitions— customers hold one-liter steins (filled with Sam Adams, naturally) with their arms fully extended to see who can hold on longest. Sierra Nevada, partnering with its local distributors, hosts a yearround calendar of beer and food dinners at pubs and restaurants. For its off-premise accounts, Sierra Nevada sponsors consumer and trade competitions to attend its much-admired Beer Camp at Sierra Nevada’s brewery in Chico, CA. Founder Ken Grossman says, “We’ve seen a lot of growth in the last few years. More retailers have jumped on the craft beer bandwagon. It’s been a win-win, as we have higher-margin beers.” Summing up the changes in the U.S. beer market since Sam Adams was first launched 25 years ago, Boston Beer’s Koch comments, “Craft beer has entered the mainstream; we are seeing the arrival of mega-crafts.” ■

Photography by Eddie Arrossi

beer fan. He reports that customers come in


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Plymouth Gin is bringing Plymouth Navy Strength to the U.S. this fall. The preferred gin of the British Royal Navy and top mixologists, Plymouth Navy Strength was first introduced to the Royal Navy in 1793 and is produced in the world’s oldest working gin distillery. This gin offers amplified aromas of botanicals while retaining Plymouth’s signature smoothness and balance. 57% ABV.

Picket Fence Vineyards is known for bringing wines from desirable California appellations to market at a great price. In addition to Russian River Valley Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, the winery has added the 2010 Picket Fence Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, a rich Sonoma Cabernet made in a timeless style by winemaker Alison Crowe, with hints of chocolate, cassis and green olive along with black and red fruit flavors.

THE BOCELLI CELL CE LLII FA LL F FAMILY A AMI MILY MIL MI M ILY LY INTRODUCES NEW PROSECCO AND SANGIOVESE Classical tenor Andrea Bocelli has partnered with his brother Alberto to create a new line of wines. Their family has produced wines in Tuscany for over 130 years, and the newest are Bocelli Prosecco and Sangiovese. Bocelli has partnered with August Wine Group to bring the wines to the global market, with availability across the U.S. before Andrea Bocelli’s holiday concert dates.




SRP: $34.99


SRP: $19.99

VOGA ITALIA IA AS SHOWS HOW HO WS ITS SWEET WS SIDE WITH DOLCE ROSSO The sweet red wine category is hotter than ever, and Voga Italia, in its striking bottle, is joining the fun this fall with bold red branding for new Voga Dolce Rosso. The wine is a blend of Italian Syrah and Merlot with sweet flavors of plum and cherry that last into a lingering finish.

WILD TURKEY & ANDERSON VALLEY BREWING TEAM FOR CRAFT BEER The Anderson Valley Brewing Company and bourbon brand Wild Turkey have teamed up to brew world-class bourbon-barrel-aged craft beers using repurposed oak barrels from the Wild Turkey distillery in Kentucky. The first product is a stout featuring Anderson Valley’s Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout, aged for three months in former bourbon barrels. For now this is a draft-only release, with packaged products coming in early 2013.

ADULT BEVERAGE COMPANY ADDS ADULT STRAWBERRY MILK Adult Beverage Company has launched Adult Strawberry Milk, joining Adult Chocolate Milk and Adult Limeade. This nod to a classic from childhood combines the taste of ripe strawberries, sweet cream and premium vodka for a decidedly adult taste sensation (40 proof). No refrigeration required; enjoy alone or in a creative cocktail addition.




SRP: $10.99


SRP: $17.99




Inspired by one of horse racing’s greatest thoroughbred sires of all time, Lexington Bourbon is itself a thoroughbred blend of rye, malted barley and corn with purified water. Aged in charred Kentucky white oak barrels, the result offers spice from the rye, sweet hints of corn and touches of oak and vanilla.

The first two releases from new Italian brand Carrara are 2011 Carrara Pinot Grigio, a 100% Pinot Grigio wine from Grave-Friuli region known for limestone soil and elegant whites; and 2009 Carrara Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano, made from 85% Prugnolo Gentile, 15% Canaiolo Nero grapes from the Montepulciano-Toscana region, one of the country’s most ancient winegrowing regions. Prugnolo Gentile is a clone of Sangiovese. The wines are imported by Vinum International.

Soleil Mimosa is the flagship product from New Mexico’s St. Clair Winery. This bubbly blend of premium white wine and fresh orange juice is packaged in a fun bottle with a bright, eye-catching bottle, with a bottle cap closure for consumer convenience. With only 8% ABV, it’s perfect for brunch and beyond.




SRP 750ml: $29.99


SRP: $10.99



Crave is a recently launched chocolate liqueur created by John DeKuyper & Sons and sold by Beam. Its arrival is timely for upcoming holiday entertaining season with three flavors that offer fun possibilities—Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Cherry and Chocolate Chili. These can all be enjoyed straight or mixed in cocktail creations like the Mint Mocha Martini, Grown-Up Chili Hot Chocolate or Boozy Cherry Chocolate Milk.

Alma De Bohemio has added some flavor to its premium line of Panamanian rums, bringing the first Honey Rum available in the U.S. It has a base of eight-year-old rum blended with natural bee honey. The combination yields a distinctive honey aroma without being too sweet on the palate— rewarding the senses, not overpowering them. The finish is smooth and clean.

MIDNIGHT MOON EXPANDS FRUIT INCLUSIONS WITH BLACKBERRY Piedmont Distillers has bottled a taste of summer with the latest addition to the Midnight Moon moonshine family. Made with whole berries, the sweet and tart flavor comes through in the craft spirit inspired by family moonshine recipes of NASCAR legend Junior Johnson. Handcrafted in single batches; other flavors in the Midnight Moon Fruit Inclusions line are Cherry, Apple Pie, Strawberry, Blueberry and Cranberry. 80 proof.




SRP: $17.99

SRP: $18.99

SRP varies by state: $19.99-$22.99


Beaujolais’s picturesque villages like Fleurie have helped foster a brisk agri-tourism business.

Ripe fruit, smooth tannins and bright acidity are food-friendly common denominators that characterize Beaujolais-Villages and cru bottlings.

The Blossoming of Beaujolais Affordable prices and great 2009 vintage create demand for top crus TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY ROGER MORRIS


he news out of Beaujolais these days is mostly good. The 2009 vintage is going down as one of the best on record. Export sales are beginning to grow again. The types of wines favored by a younger generation of wine drinkers meshes with that of Gamay-based wines. And the emergence of a new generation of Beaujolais winegrowers—innovative and ecofriendly in their outlook—is pumping enthusiasm into this lovely hill country north of Lyon. “Beaujolais sales here at SherryLehmann continue to be pretty robust,” reports CEO Chris Adams. “Part of what’s happening is that these food-friendly wines are gaining more and more appreciation among wine lovers. It helps that they aren’t big, over-the-top, high-alcohol beasts.” “The 2009 vintage has renewed interest in cru Beaujolais,” agrees Phil Bernstein, Beaujolais buyer for MacArthur Beverages in Washington, DC, “especially those of the small growers brought in by importers such as Kermit Lynch. I’ve heard that this is the first time he’s had to make allocations for a Beaujolais!”

Master Sommelier and wine consultant Fred Dexheimer says the same thing is happening on-premise. “Beaujolais, especially cru Beaujolais, is finding a groove within certain pockets of the sommelier community”—notably in locavore and farm-to-table establishments, he says, although he sees less interest among “mainstream” restaurants. “I think a large part of it has to do with importers such as Kermit Lynch and Louis/Dressner carrying these wines along with other producers in the natural wine movement.”

Climbing Back Of course, the international wine economy and the constant fight to keep a

network of worldwide distributors remain ongoing worries for Beaujolais winegrowers. Beaujolais sales to the U.S. fell from over 7.4 million liters of wine in 2007 to just over 5.3 million in 2009—a huge drop of 30%. But they have climbed back up to around 6 million liters in 2010 and 2011, and the long-range outlook is optimistic. Moreover, a lot of things are going on these days to keep the Beaujolais brand refreshed. ~ The region is regaining its reputation for making superior tables wines that can age, and not just as

the source of that perpetual teenager of fall wines, Beaujolais Nouveau. Its top designations, those labeled with the names of one of the 10 cru villages, account for 40% of sales, Beaujolais-Villages for 30% and everyday Beaujolais for the remaining third. ~ There is increased interest in identifying specific vineyards as single-site crus, going beyond

village-based crus. Côte du Py,


Guy Marion, enologist at Duboeuf, conducts tasting trials.

This windmill is a signature of the landscape in Moulin-à-Vent.

a handsome hillside and hilltop vineyard in Morgon farmed by more than one grower, has already unofficially achieved this status. Nearby, “Grand Cras” has a similar reputation for consistent top quality. Many top growers are now adding these vineyard names to their labels. ~ There is increasing diversity of styles—and even grapes. While

partial carbonic maceration is still very much in vogue, some winemakers are treating Gamay in the winery as though it were Pinot Noir in order to get more depth and aging capability. Other wineries are using, or experimenting with, organic and biodynamic growing methods. Some are even growing grapes other than Gamay in Beaujolais, although these have to be called “Vin de France.” ~ Agri-tourism is increasing consumer interest in the wines.

Many of the small wineries also have B&Bs or rooms to rent, and most of the dozens of small towns have at least one good restaurant. “I tell customers it’s one of the greatest wine areas to visit,” says MacArthur’s Bernstein. ~ The region is coming to terms with its Burgundy heritage. “I think that

it’s important to remind people that Beaujolais is part of Greater Burgundy,” says Cyrielle Jacquet of the prestigious Terroirs Originels group, which this year set up its own American sales office in Oregon. ~ There is a major infusion of young winemakers, many of whom have

done additional training in other regions to broaden their education.

Cru bottlings typically cost more than Beaujolais-Villages but less than most French crus.

Caveats Ahead Still, there are some dark clouds. Beaujolais Nouveau sales have declined in recent years, perhaps reflecting efforts to raise the Beaujolais image for producing

SORTING OUT BOJO REGIONS There are 12 Beaujolais official growing regions, a.k.a. appellations d’origine contrôlée (or, more simply “appellations” or AOCs). The official grape in all of them is Gamay. The Beaujolais appellation comprises 72 winemaking villages. Beaujolais-Villages, which is made up of 38 winemaking villages, is the second largest, and wines with this designation are held in higher regard than those from the overall Beaujolais AOC. The final 10 appellations, generally acknowledged to be the best, are referred to as crus. From north to south, they are: Saint-Amour, Juliénas, Chénas, Moulin-à-Vent, Fleurie, Chiroubles, Morgon, Régnié, Brouilly and Côte de Brouilly. When discussing these zones, the terms “appellation” and “cru” can be used interchangeably, but the Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Villages appellations cannot be referred to as crus. Ironically, the ascent of cru Beaujolais may be diverting attention for the more generic Beaujolais-Villages level. Georges Dubouef is aiming to expand the spotlight with a Beaujolais & Burgers campaign. According to Dubouef’s research, 12% of American adults who drink wine say they “love burgers with wine;” that number doubles in the West.

serious, but affordable table wines. That is generally good news, except that Nouveau has served as an excellent cash cow. Additionally, many small producers are having trouble selling their Beaujolais-Villages. In the rush to embrace the top wines, they say, retailers and consumers alike have leapfrogged over this category that represents arguably the greatest value for everyday Beaujolais table wines. And the U.S. sales of top Beaujolais are far from uniform from retailer to retailer. “Beaujolais is a dead category here,” declares Theresa Rogers of Horseneck Wines and Liquors in Greenwich, CT, explaining that an older generation of French wine lovers on the East Coast have either passed on or found new interests. “Beaujolais needs a category leader to promote the brand,” she says. “Château & Estates once did that with its Château de la Chaize [a Brouilly], which you could find in any store. No one is doing that now.” There is also strong competition from other wine regions. Rogers cites Grenache-based wines of southern France as being alternatives. Adams and Bernstein see Loire Valley and New Zealand reds as competition. “But Beaujolais has a unique opportunity to promote its larger heritage, aside from Nouveau, which still has its attractions, but isn’t what it was,” Adams argues. Dexheimer sees a sweet spot in restaurants: “Cru Beaujolais’s drinkability and price point makes it an easy wine to support on wine lists where $40$60 wines are top sellers.” “I think that Beaujolais is a lot like German Riesling,” Bernstein concludes. “Where else can you drink cru wines at under $30?” ■


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BouRBon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

8.75 16.20 10.60 19.70 11.40 9.65 21.05 4.80 17.10 11.45 25.50 17.85 17.95 10.60 15.35 8.75 16.00 9.45 16.90 35.10 9.05 33.45 9.70

80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

0163L 0171D 0171L 0850B 0850D 0891B 0911B 1478B 1497B 1497D 1497L 1499B 1499D 1650e 1816B 1816D 1816L 2089D 2089L 2089B 2094B 2094D 2094L 2099B 2099D 2099L 2104B 2105B 2889B 2919B 2938B 2939B 2946B 2948B 2948D 2948L 2949B 2949D 2949L 2955B 3022B 307oB 3073B 3074B 3075B 4065D 4065L 4116B 4116D 4116e 4116L 5086B 5087B 5104B 5110B 5110D 5110L 5112B 5112D 5122B 5208B 5478B 5483B 6845L 6880B 6920B 7680B 8300B 8187B 8301B 8355B 8356B 8375B 8375D 8375L 8377B 8378B 8435B 9355L 9533D 9533L 9600B 9630D 9632B 9632D 9635B 9636B 9637B 9638B 9638D 9638L 9676L 9677B 9680B

Mattingly and Moore 4Yr Mark Twain Mark Twain Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year Bird Dog Blackberry Whsky Blanton Bbn Brewriver Turkey Bottom Bbn Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky Buffalo Trace Bourbon Buffalo Trace Bourbon Jim Beam 200Ml 4Yr Wild Turkey 101 Bbn Wild Turkey 101 Bbn Wild Turkey 101 Bbn Bourbon Supreme rare Blnd Bourbon Supreme rare Blnd Bourbon Supreme rare Blnd Kentucky Tavern 4Yr Kentucky Tavern 4Yr Kentucky Tavern 4Yr Old Crow 3Yr Old Crow 3Yr Old Crow 3Yr Old Forester Signiture Jts Brown 100 early Times Bourbon elijah Craig 12Yr e h Taylor Jr Straight rye e h Taylor Jr Sngl Barrel evan Williams Millenium evan Williams Bbn evan Williams Bbn evan Williams Bbn ezra Brooks ezra Brooks ezra Brooks ezra 101 7Yr Firefly Sweet Tea Bourbon Four roses Barrel Strng Four roses Yellow Label Four roses 90 Four roses 100 heaven hill Old Style 4Yr heaven hill Old Style 4Yr Jim Beam 4Yr Jim Beam 4Yr Jim Beam 4Yr Jim Beam 4Yr Jefferson’s President Select Jefferson’s Jeremiah Weed Cherry Mash Jim Beam Black 8Yr Jim Beam Black 8Yr Jim Beam Black 8Yr Jim Beam Traveler 4Yr Jim Beam Traveler 4Yr Jim Beam Devil's Cut John L Sullivan irish Knob Creek rye Knob Creek Sngl Barel rsv Old Charter 8Yr Old Crow Traveler 3Yr Old Forester Birthday Old Whiskey river Prichards Double Chocolate Phillips Union vanilla Wsk Prichards DBL Barreled rebel Yell rebel reserve 4Yr red Stag Black Cher red Stag Black Cher red Stag Black Cher red Stag hny Tea red Stag Spiced ridgemont reserve 1792 8Yr Undo's Bourbon Well Whiskey Wellwhiskey Whitetail Caramel Flv Whiskey Wild Turkey amer hony Wild Turkey 80 Bbn Wild Turkey 80 Bbn Wild Turkey 101 Trvlr Wild Turkey russells resv 10Yr Wild Turkey Ky Spt Sng Brl Wild Turkey 81 Wild Turkey 81 Wild Turkey 81 Woodford rsv Derby ridge runner White Dog Whiskey Woodford rsv Mst Coll Mapl

0460B 0575B 1370B 2305B 2880B 2947B 5089B 5482B 5482D 5482L 6060B 6060D

Bakers Basil haydens Bookers Corner Creek reserve eagle rare Single Barrel evan Williams Single Barrel Jefferson’s reserve Knob Creek Knob Creek Knob Creek Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark

$ 8.85 $ 13.15 $ 9.30 $ 7.90 $ 15.80 $ 16.85 $ 43.05 $ 66.05 $ 20.20 $ 43.90 $ 21.95 $ 19.50 $ 43.25 $ 5.25 $ 19.35 $ 39.60 $ 25.45 $ 16.40 $ 9.95 $ 8.20 $ 7.80 $ 16.20 $ 9.65 $ 7.90 $ 16.70 $ 9.65 $ 18.65 $ 5.40 $16.00 $ 19.50 $ 61.15 $ 53.75 $ 18.00 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 11.50 $ 10.10 $ 22.30 $ 12.70 $ 12.75 $ 15.15 $ 43.45 $ 15.15 $ 25.95 $ 32.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.10 $ 15.85 $ 33.45 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 86.40 $ 27.55 $ 14.60 $ 19.35 $ 39.60 $ 15.40 $ 15.85 $ 29.05 $ 22.85 $ 20.40 $ 33.45 $ 36.95 $ 15.15 $ 7.90 $ 38.70 $ 22.05 $ 51.80 $ 10.90 $51.80 $ 13.20 $ 16.90 $ 18.45 $ 37.85 $ 25.50 $ 18.45 $ 16.70 $ 25.60 $29.40 $ 19.90 $ 9.60 $ 16.85 $ 33.65 $ 7.70 $ 16.95 $ 19.35 $ 23.90 $ 36.50 $ 14.95 $ 34.30 $ 19.40 $ 34.15 $ 45.75 $ 77.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 94.0 100.0 100.0 86.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 101.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 82.3 90.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 97.0 86.0 90.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 90.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.7 90.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 101.0 90.0 101.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 90.4 90.0 90.4

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

107.0 80.0 126.6 88.0 90.0 86.6 90.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 90.0

speCialTy BouRBon 36.95 32.55 46.65 27.35 25.60 23.90 46.95 29.05 52.80 35.20 26.40 52.80

OCTOBer 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 55

6060E Maker’s Mark 6060L Maker’s Mark 6064B Maker’s Mark 46 9617B Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute 9627B Rare Breed 9674B Woodford Reserve 9674D Woodford Reserve 9674L Woodford Reserve 9679B Woodford Reserve Season Oak 9670B Woodstone Micro-Bourbon

$ 14.60 90.0 $ 35.20 90.0 $ 32.55 94.0 $ 77.80 101.0 $ 30.85 110.0 $ 30.00 90.4 $ 59.85 90.4 $ 34.15 90.4 $ 77.95 100.4 $ 88.20 94.0

Tennessee Whiskey 0066B Jack Daniel's Black 0066D Jack Daniel's Black 0066E Jack Daniel's Black 0066L Jack Daniel's Black 2110B Jack Daniel's Green 2110D Jack Daniel's Green 3513B Gentleman Jack 3513D Gentleman Jack 3513L Gentleman Jack 3515B George Bickel Old 48 3515B George Rickel Old #8 3523B George Dickol 12 3524B Geo. Dickel Barrel Select 4988B Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988L Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988D Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4997B Jack Daniel's Single Barrel 8307B Prichards Tenn Whiskey

$ 20.40 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 30.30 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 28.25 $ 50.25 $ 35.05 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 20.40 $ 30.30 $ 42.15 $ 35.65 $ 34.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 94.0 80.0

Rye Whiskey 0090B Old Overholt 1503B Bulleit 95 Rye 5117B Jim Beam 8308B Richards Rye Whiskey 9631B Wild Turkey Rye Whiskey 9633B Wild Turkey Russels Reserve 9641B Wild Turkey Rye 81

$ 13.20 80.0 $ 20.20 90.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 43.05 86.0 $ 15.15 101.0 $ 31.70 90.0 $ 19.35 81.0

Blended Whiskey 0026D Old Thompson 0026L Old Thompson 0113B Kessler 0113D Kessler 0113L Kessler 0122B Beam's Eight Star 0122D Beam's Eight Slar 0122L Beam's Eight Star 0152B Seagram's 7 Crown 0152D Seagram's 7 Crown 0152L Seagram's 7 Crown 0199D Senator's Club 0199L Senator's Club 1477B Brewriver I Got Friends Wh Blended 2100D Calvert Exlra 2137D Imperial 3701L Gold Award 3972D Hailer's S.R.S. 3972L Halters S.R.S. 4089D Guckenheimer 4089L Guckenheimer 5260B J Johnson Mid Moon Hall Fa 5262B J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry 5266B Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb 5378B Kessler Traveler 6343L Mccormick 9668B Ohio Blended Whiskey 8887B Seagram's 7 Traveler 8890B Seagram's 7 Dark Honey

$ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30 $ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 10.40 $ 20.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 33.70 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 9.95 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 31.85 $ 10.40 $ 12.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 00.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.

Whiskey 0281B Jameson 0281D Jameson 0281B Jameson 0282B Bushmills 0282L Bushmills 0908B Black Bust( 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt 1520B Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt 2074B Clonlarf 2268B Connema Ra Single Malt 3003B Feckin 4895B Irishman Original Clan 5075B Jameson Gold 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. 5081B Jameson 18 Yr. 5083B Jameson 12 Yr. 5085B Jameson Tin 5212B John Power & Son Gold 5384B Kilbeggan 5388B Knappogue Castle 12 6574B Midleton 6576B Michael Collins Blended 7721L Paddy 8294B Powers 6383B Redbreast 8384B Redbreast 12 8476B Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey 9026B Slane Castle 9317B Tullamore Dew 9317L Tullamore Dew

56 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 64.90 $261.15 $ 86.70 $ 41.35. $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 18.90 $ 33.70 $117.20 $ 21.25 $ 28.05 $ 20.60 $ 43.05 $ 77.95 $ 34.35 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 28.05

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Canadian Whiskey 0076B Seagrams Vo 0076D Seagrams Vo 0076L Seagrams Vo 0169D Lord Calvert 0170B Mcmaster's 0170D Mcmaster's 0170L Mcmaster's 0174B Canadian Mist 0174D Canadian Mist 0174L Canadian Mist 0175D Macnaughton 0176B Canadian Club 0176D Canadian Club 0176E Canadian Club 0176L Canadian Club 0189B Black Velvet 0189D Black Velvet 0189E Black Velvet 0189L Black Velvet 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 0920B Black Velvet Reserve 0920D Black Velvet Reserve 1542B C C Dock 57 Blackberry 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv. 1704D Canadian Bay 1704D Canadian Bay 1716B Canada House 1716D Canada House 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 1730D Canadian Gold 1730L Canadian Gold 1731B Can. Club Sherry Cask 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 1735D Canadian Ltd. 1735L Canadian Ltd. 1748B Canadian Mist Traveler 1749D Canadian Reserve 2055B Classic 12 2389B Crown Royal Black 2389D Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask No.16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 4699L Northern Light 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount 8050B Pendleton 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V.0. Gold 8923B Seagram's V.0. Traveler 9648B Windsor Traveler 9652B Windsor Supreme 9652D Windsor Supreme 9652L Windsor Supreme 9656B Wiser's Deluxe

$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.50 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 16.65 $ 1165 $ 22.30 $ 9.25 $ 16.75 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 15.85 $ 16.85 $ 13.60 $ 8.70 $ 6.60 $ 12.75 $ 14.05 $ 11.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 15.85 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 48.75 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0

Scotch Whiskey 0201B Pinch 15 Yr. 0202B Dewar's 0202D Dewar's 0202E Dewar's 0202L Dewar's 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 0204L Johnnle Walker Red 0206D Usher's Green 0208B Lauder's 0208D Lauder's 0208L Lauder's 0212B Grant's 0212D Grant's 0213D Old Smuggler 0213L Odsmuggler 0215B Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215D Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215L Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0225B Cully Sark 0225D Culty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 0238B J&B Rare 0238D J&B Rare 0238L J&B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 0239D Grand Macnish 0239L Grand Macnish 0241D Highland Mist 0241L Highland Mist 0246D Inver House 0246L Inver House 0249D J.W. Dant 0253B Ballanline's

29.70 21.25 37.95 21.15 27.35 21.90 43.25 28.25 22.25 8.30 18.00 10.65 14.40 32.15 19.50 11.95 27.35 59.85 38.55 16.85 33.55 21.10 12.55 34.25 70.25 43.90 18.95 40.65 24.05 7.30 17.50 10.60 17.10 9.95 17.05 11.00 10.80 12.55

1490B Buchanan Deluxe $ 26.35 80.0 1491B Buchanan Special Reserve $ 66.75 80.0 1655E Makers Mark 200Ml $ 7.90 80.0 2004B Chiv Regal Salute 21 Yr $156.85 80.0 2005B Chiv Regal 25 $ 200.10 80.0 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr. $ 56.15 80.0 2052D Clan Macgregor $ 17.10 80.0 2052L Clan Macgregor $ 10.60 80.0 2078B Clynelish $ 49.85 92.0 2226B Collingwood Canadian $ 22.12 80.0 2488B Dalmore 1981 Amoroso $ 1198.30 84.0 2489B Dalmore 1263 King Alex Iii $ 200.10 80.0 2490B Dalmore 18 $ 143.35 86.0 2493B Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve $108.50 80.0 2672B Dewar'sfounders Reserve $ 51.10 80.0 2673B Dewar's Signature $ 189.75 86.0 2674B Dewar's Sp. Res. 12 Yr. $ 29.10 80.0 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr. $ 25.40 80.0 3609B Glen Grant $ 38.70 80.0 5145B John Barr Red $ 6.90 80.0 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue $ 210.65 80.0 5225B Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 Anniv. $ 36.85 80.0 5229B Johnnie Waiker Gold $ 81.70 80.0 5406B King Robert II $ 12.35 80.0 6395B Mclvor $ 11.65 80.0 7980D Passport $ 23.20 80.0 8327D Queen Anne $ 16.20 80.0 8327L Queen Anne $ 9.75 80.0 8853D Scoresby $ 17.45 80.0 9081B Springbank 10 $50.05 92.0 9188B Famous Grouse 80 $ 16.45 80.0 9188D Famous Grouse 80 $ 40.65 80.0 Single Malt / Scotch 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr. 0020B Aberlour Abunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 0032B Aberfeldy 21 0103B Ardmore 0107B Ardbeg 10 Yr. 0114B Ardbeg UIGEADAIL 0375B Auchenloshan3wood 0377B Auchenlashan Classic 0379B Auchroisk 0493B Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. 1481B Bowmore Legend 1488B Bunnahebhain 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks 1751B Caol Ila 12-Yr. 1759B Cardhu 2355B Cragganmore 2491B Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. 2495B Dalmore 12 Yr. 2498B Dalwhinnie 2500B Dalwhinnie Distill Edition 3606B Glenliddich 12 Yr. Reserve 3607B Glen Garioch 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr. 3615B Glen Spey 3619B Glenfiddich Malt Master 3620B Glenfiddich Solera 15 Yr. 3625B Glenfiddich Ancient 18 Yr. 3632B Glenfarclas 17 Yr. 3634B Glenfiddich 15 Distillery Ed. 3635B Glenfarclas 21 Yr. 3639B Glenlivet 25 Yr. 3640B Glenlivet 18 Yr. 3641B Glenlivet 12 Yr. 3641D Glenhivel 3641L Glenlivel12 Yr. 3643B Glenlivet Archive 21 Yr. 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Year Old 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. 3647B Glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. 3649B Glenmorangielasanla 3654B Glenlivelldadurratriumph 3655B Glenmorangie Finealta 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3658B Glenmorangtenectar D'or 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve 3699B Glenrothes 4291B Highland Park 4296B Highland Park 18 5207B J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch 5231B Johnnie Walker Green 5507B Lagavulin Distillers Ed. 5508B Lagavulin 5542B Laphroaig 18 5543B Lephroaigcask Strength 5544B Laphroalg 6012B Macallan Cask Strenglh 6013B Macallan 12 Yr. 6013D Macallan 12 Yr. 6013E Macallan 12 Yr. 6016B Macallan 18 Yr. 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. 6016B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. 6019B Macallan Shackleton Rare 6024B Macallan Anniversary 6025B Macallan 30 Yr. 6344B Mcclellands Islay 6346B Mcclellands Highland 6747B Oban Distillers Ed. 6748B Oban 7700B Oyo Whiskey 8306B Prichards Single Malt Whsk 8983B Singleton

$ 36.10 86.0 $ 60.50 119.4 $ 44.10 80.0 $ 128.95 80.0 $ 36.10 92.0 $ 38.70 92.0 $ 64.90 108.0 $ 51.80 86.0 $ 26.50 80.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 59.65 95.0 $ 44.90 86.0 $ 137.55 86.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 49.10 86.0 $ 37.75 86.0 $ 50.85 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 56.10 66.0 $ 65.90 86.0 $ 35.20 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 50.85 86.0 $ 162.55 86.0 $69.25 86.0 $ 46.55 80.0 $ 67.50 86.0 $ 69.65 86.0 $ 36.75 102.0 $ 80.45 86.0 $ 322.25 86.0 $ 73.60 86.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 72.90 80.0 $ 45.50 80.0 $ 130.30 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 51.80 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 69.25 86.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 40.45 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 36.95 86.0 $ 63.20 86.0 $ 44.55 111.6 $ 55.35 86.0 $ 86.90 86.0 $ 75.60 86.0 $ 70.40 96.0 $ 55.45 115.6 $ 37.85 86.0 $ 56.15 117.6 $ 47.45 86.0 $ 94.75 86.0 $ 47.55 86.0 $ 139.05 86.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 69.75 86.0 $ 147.75 86.0 $ 623.20 86.0 $1,104.05 86.0 $ 20.85 80.0 $ 20.65 80.0 $ 78.20 86.0 $ 63.25 86.0 $ 39.85 92.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0

9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9607B 9657B 9671B

Speyburn Speyburn Braden Orach Talisker Talisker Distiller Edition Tamdhu Tamdhu Tomatin Scotch 12 Wild Scotsman Black Label Wild Scotsman Royal Lochnagr Wisers 18 Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky

$ 21.25 $ 16.90 $ 56.45 $ 60.65 $ 10.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 58.15 $33.65 $ 20.90 $ 103.95

86.0 80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 92.0 80.0 93.0

$ 23.90 $ 17.75 $ 10.10 $34.60 $ 17.75

90.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 80.0

Other Whiskey 0876B Bernheim Original Wheat 1840B Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine 3526B Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 4868B Ikkomon Shochu 5255B Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon Brandy 0051B Alize Cognac Vs 0084B Ansac Vs Cognac 0089B Bela Osa 0341B Asbach Uralt Brandy 0453B Metaxa Five Star Brandy 0456B Courvoisier Vsop Cognac 4Yr 0461B Hennessy V S 0461D Hennessy V S 0461E Hennessy V S 0461L Hennessy V S 0462B Martell Vs Cognac 0463B Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463D Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463E Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463L Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0464B St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0464D St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0469B Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469D Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469L Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0470B Christian Brothers Brandy 0470D Christian Brothers Brandy 0470L Christian Brothers Brandy 0479B Lairds Apple Jack 6Yr 0480B Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480D Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480L Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0481B Coronet Vsq 0481D Coronet Vsq 0481L Coronet Vsq 0482B Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482D Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482L Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0483B Paramount Cherry Brandy 0483D Paramount Cherry Brandy 0488B Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488D Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488L Paramount Apricot Brandy 0490B Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy 0668B Arrow Blackbrry Bdy 0682B Dek Apricot Bdy 0696B Paramount Peach Bdy 0711B Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy 0863B Navip Slivovitz 8Yr 0874B Remy Martin Louis X111 0877L Bertagnolli Grappino 1577B Calvados Bld Grnd Appl Bdy 1618E Christian Brothers Amber 200Ml 1623B Conjure Cognac 1623E Conjure Cognac 1625E Courvoisier Vs 200Ml 2Yr 1629E E & J Vs 2 200Ml 1630E E & J Vsop 200Ml 1642E Hennessy Vsop 200Ml 1644E Hennessy Vs Flask 1665E Paul Masson Vs 200 3Yr 1666E Paul Masson Vsop 200Ml 4Yr 1669E Remy Martin Vs 200Ml 1670E Remy Martin Vsop 200Ml 1671E Remy Martin 1738 Accor 2018B Christian Bros Frost White 2020B Christian Bro Grn Rsv Vsop 2023B Christian Bro Honey 2265B Conjure Cognac 2327B Courvoisier C 2335B Courvoisier Xo Cognac 2348B Courvoisier Exclusif 4Yr 2349B Courvoisier 12 2350B Courvoisier 21 2728B Don Pedro Reserva Especial 2850B Dujardin Vsop 2871B E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871D E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871L E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2873B E & J 2873D E & J 2873L E & J 2875B E & J Superior Rs Vsop Traveler 2876B E & J Traveler Bdy 2877B E & J Xo 2954B Excellentia Gold Sliv Brandy 4011B Hardy Vs 4074B Hennessy Black 4074L Hennessy Black 4076B Hennessy Richard 4080B Hennessy Paradis 4084E Hennessy V S 200Ml

$ 16.90 $ 16.00 $ 7.05 $ 24.05 $ 18.65 $ 29.00 $ 27.80 $ 64.20 $ 24.00 $ 36.35 $ 25.60 $ 35.20 $ 78.15 $ 27.75 $ 47.25 $ 10.60 $ 21.45 $ 10.80 $ 19.90 $ 12.80 $ .9.50 $ .21.45 $ 11.50 $ 15.15 $ 25.60 $ 51.05 $ 33.40 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 9.75 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 10.85 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 10.55 $ 8.20 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $ 1953.60 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 6.80 $ 6.40 $ 2.90 $ 3.15 $ 12.90 $ 7.70 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 7.95 $ 9.40 $ 12.90 $ 10.60 $ 10.80 $ 11.65 $ 25.60 $ 32.55 $ 88.05 $ 24.00 $ 43.05 $219.35 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 13.65 $ 10.50 $ 21.65 $ 12.35 $ 10.65 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 31.75 $ 44.65 $3209.85 $ 688.65 $ 7.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0

OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 57

4087B Hennessy Vs Historic 4092B Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4092L Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4103B Hennessy X O 4944B J C Cognac Vsop 4998B Jacque Cardin Grape France 5001B Poli Po Traminar Grappa 5486B Korbel 5486D Korbel 5509B Lairds Apple Brandy 100 5510B Lairds Rare Apple Brandy 5512B Lairds Old Apple Brandy 90Mo 5532B Landy Vs Cognac 5871B Leroux Polish Blackberry 6072L Manastirka 6095B Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 6259B Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 6267B Martell Xo 12Yr 6270B Martell Vsop 6525B Meukow V.S. 6545B Metaxa Amphora 7 Star 6603B Moletto Grappa D'nebbiolo 6615L Montenegro Lozova Rakija 7816B Paramount Ginger Brandy 7976B Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7976D Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7993B Presidente Brandy 8354B Raynal Napoleon Vsop 8386B Remy Martin Extra 8389B Remy Martin 1738 Accord 8394B Remy Martin Xo Excellence 8405B Remy Martin Vs Grand Cru 8648B Salignac 9736B Zuta Osa

$ 27.35 $ 45.70 $ 64.70 $156.50 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 23.75 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 20.40 $ 35.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.05 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 23.65 $ 112.85 $121.60 $ 31.75 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $9.90 $ 7.40 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $121.60 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 13.25 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.85 $ 14.95 $ 15.15 $ 30.15 $ 28.85 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 23.90 $ 5.75 $ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 26.45 $ 16.90 $ 28.00 $ 16.90 $ 8.15 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.35 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 12.55 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 25.60 $ 24.75 $ 8.15

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0

Gin 0193L Aristocrat Gin 0303D Fleischmanns Gin 0304D Crystal Palace Gin 0304L Crystal Palace Gin 0305B Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305D Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305E Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305L Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0308B Gordons Gin 0308D Gordons Gin 0308L Gordons Gin 0313B Beefeater Gin 0313D Beefeater Gin 0313E Beefeater Gin 0313L Beefeater Gin 0319D Paramount 90 Gin 0319L Paramount 90 Gin 0320D Calvert Gin 0322B Bombay Gin 0322D Bombay Gin 0322L Bombay Gin 0326B Tanqueray Gin 0326D Tanqueray Gin 0326E Tanqueray Gin 0326L Tanqueray Gin 0327D Glenmore Gin 0327L Glenmore Gin 0329D Booths Gin 0330D Hallers Gin 0330L Hallers Gin 0339B Gilbeys Gin 0339D Gilbeys Gin 0339L Gilbeys Gin 0340L Senators Club Gin 4Yr 0563D Barton Gin 0563L Barton Gin 0962B Bluecoat Gin 1324B Bombardier Military 1327B Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327D Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327L Bombay Sapphire Gin 1369B Boodles British Gin 1476B Brewriver East End Dry Gin 1495B Brokers Gin 1522B Burnetts Gin Traveler 1659E Paramount Gin 1660E New Amsterdam 200Ml 1673E Seagrams Extra Dry 200 1680E Tanqueray Gin 200Ml 1760B Caorunn Gin 3555B Gilbeys Gin Traveler 3728B Nolets Silver Gin 3780B Gordons Traveler 4073B Hendrick's Gin 4073D Hendrick's Gin 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6062B Magellan 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6379L Mc Cormick Gin 6444D Meiers No 94 Gin 6621B Monopolowa Vienna Dry Gin 6690L Mr Boston English Mrkt Gin 6716B New Amsterdam Gin 6716D New Amsterdam Gin 6716L New Amsterdam Gin 7868D Paramount Gin 80 7868L Paramount Gin 80 8235B Pinnacle Gin 8235D Pinnacle Gin 8274B Plymouth Gin 8436B Right Gin 8883B Seagrams Apple Twst Gin

58 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

8889B 8889D 8900B 8902B 8905B 8905D 8905L 8914B 8995B 8995D 8995L 9072B 9153B 9157B 9195L 9356L 9504B 9529D 9529L 9604B 9669B 9669E

Seagrams Distillers Rsv Seagrams Distillers Rsv Seagram Extra Dry Gn Trv Seagram's Grape Gin Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin Seagrams Orange Twist Gin Burnetts White Satin Gin Burnetts White Satin Gin Burnetts White Satin Gin Smooth Ambler Greenbrier Tanqueray No 10 Tanqueray Rangpur 3 Islands Gin Undo's Gin Watershed Distillery Gin Well Gin Well Gin Whitley Neill Gin Woodstone Creek Gin Woodstone Creek Gin

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

9.90 20.55 8.15 6.30 8.15 17.95 8.20 8.15 8.15 15.35 8.85 25.60 25.60 19.40 4.55 20.70 24.65 13.05 7.90 10.75 28.70 5.70

94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 92.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0

Rum 0065B Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065D Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065L Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0077B Admiral Nelson Cherry 0094B Appleton Estate Extra 12Yr 0095B Appleton White Rum 0096B Appleton Estate Reserve 0097B Appleton Special Gold Rum 0098B Appleton Estate 21 0099B Appleton Vx 0099D Appleton Vx 0197L Aristocrat Rum 0355B Atlantico 0390B Bacardi 8 Rum 8Yr 0392B Bacardi Arctic Grape 0394B Bacardi Big Apple 0397B Bacardi Gold Reserve 0400B Bacardi Coco Rum 0401B Bacardi Select Rum 0401L Bacardi Select Rum 0402B Bacardi Gold Traveler 0405B Bacardi Dragonberry 0405D Bacardi Dragonberry 0412B Bacardi Limon Rum 0412D Bacardi Limon Rum 0412L Bacardi Limon Rum 0420B Bacardi O Rum 0420L Bacardi O Rum 0422B Bacardi Oakheart 0425B Bacardi Peach Red 0432B Bacardi Razz Rum 0439B Bacardi Superior Traveler 0441B Bacardi Grand Melon 0444E Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak 0447B Bacardi Torched Cherry 0448B Bacardi Rock Coconut 0501D Mr Boston Light 0501L Mr Boston Light 0502D Mr Boston Dark 0502L Mr Boston Dark 0510B Bacardi 151 Rum 0510L Bacardi 151 Rum 0512B Bacardi Gold Rum 0512D Bacardi Gold Rum 0512L Bacardi Gold Rum 0524B Barbancourt Res. Speciale 0536D Ronrico Gold Rum 0536L Ronrico Gold Rum 0537B Ronrico Silver Rum 0537D Ronrico Silver Rum 0537L Ronrico Silver Rum 0539B Myers Original Dark Rum 0539D Myers Original Dark Rum 0539L Myers Original Dark Rum 0544B Bacardi Superior Light 0544D Bacardi Superior Light 0544E Bacardi Superior Light 0544L Bacardi Superior Light 0547B Bacardi Wolf Berry 0869B Bacardi Anejo 0899B Black Beard Spiced Rum 0947B Blackheart Prem Spiced Rum 0965D Bocador White Rum Florida 0965L Bocador White Rum Florida 1010B 10 Cane Rum 1010E 10 Cane Rum 1494B Brugal Anejo Rum 1550L Calico Jack Spiced Rum 1565B Cabana Cachaca 1578B Calypso Spiced Rum 1656E Lady Bligh Spiced 1755B Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755D Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755E Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755L Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1757B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1757D Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1758B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl 1761B Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1762B Captain Morgan Traveler Rum 1763B Captain Morgan Lime Bite 1766L Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont 1768B Captain Morgan Slvr Spice 1769B Captain Morgan Pvt Stock

$ 6.45 70.0 $ 13.60 70.0 $ 7.50 70.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 13.25 80.0 $ 60.00 86.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 7.50 70.0 $ 14.80 80.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 17.65 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.00 70.0 $ 13.20 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 4.95 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 17.65 151.0 $ 22.80 151.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 12.05 80.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 19.35 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 15.70 80.0 $ 22.85 80.0 $ 20.05 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 8.80 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 15.85 80.0 $ 12.50 86.0 $ 11.65 93.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 10.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 8.00 70.0 $ 13.45 80.0 $ 12.70 70.0 $ 3.80 72.5 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 28.45 70.0 $ 8.75 70.0 $ 18.30 70.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 31.65 100.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 17.70 94.6 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 17.55 90.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 20.10 80.0

1772L Captain Morgan Tattoo $ 17.75 70.0 1827D Castillo Gold Label $ 16.30 80.0 1827L Castillo Gold Label $ 8.65 80.0 1829B Castillo Silver Rum $ 7.05 80.0 1829D Castillo Silver Rum $ 16.30 80.0 1829L Castillo Silver Rum $ 8.65 80.0 1838B Castillo Spiced Rum $ 6.50 70.0 1838L Castillo Spiced Rum $ 8.65 70.0 2067B Clement Creole Shrubb $ 29.95 80.0 2069B Clement Vsop $ 34.30 80.0 2315B Coruba Spiced $ 4.25 80.0 2388B Crusoe Organic Spiced Rum $ 29.45 151.0 2398L Cruzan 151 Prf Rum $ 17.45 151.0 2400L Cruzan Black Cherry $ 6.80 55.0 2401L Cruzan Bananna $ 6.80 55.0 2402L Cruzan Pineapple $ 6.80 55.0 2403L Cruzan Blackstrap $ 14.25 80.0 2415B Cruzan Estate Diamond $ 14.95 80.0 2416L Cruzan Mango $ 6.80 55.0 2417B Cruzan Estate Sngl Brl Rum $ 18.45 80.0 2418B Cruzan Junkanu Citris $ 9.85 70.0 2419L Cruzan Coconut $ 6.80 55.0 2421L Cruzan Vanilla $ 6.80 55.0 2422B Cruzan Estate Dark $ 9.90 80.0 2423B Cruzan Estate Light $ 9.90 80.0 2423D Cruzan Estate Light $ 14.55 80.0 2424L Cruzan Guava $ 6.80 55.0 2425B Cruzan 9 $ 10.10 80.0 2734B Don Q Cristal $ 9.65 80.0 2936B English Harbour $ 23.00 80.0 2943B Erie Island Silver Rum $ 21.95 80.0 3787B Goslings Black Seal $ 15.20 80.0 5209B John Mcculloch Rum $ 22.10 80.0 5488B Kraken Black Spiced $ 16.90 94.0 5488D Kraken Black Spiced $ 24.95 94.0 5493L Lady Bligh Banana $ 8.00 48.0 5495L Lady Bligh Cherry $ 8.00 48.0 5498B Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler $ 7.30 72.5 5499B Lady Bligh Spiced $ 7.30 72.5 5499D Lady Bligh Spiced $ 12.70 72.5 5499L Lady Bligh Spiced $ 8.85 72.5 5500L Lady Bligh Coconut $ 8.00 48.0 5502L Lady Bligh Mango $ 8.00 48.0 5503L Lady Bligh Pineapple $ 8.00 48.0 5504L Lady Bligh Vanilla $ 8.00 48.0 5505B Lady Bligh 151 Rum $ 13.40 151.0 6068B Malibu Black $ 12.55 70.0 6069B Malibu Rum $ 13.40 48.0 6069D Malibu Rum $ 24.95 48.0 6069L Malibu Rum $ 16.70 48.0 6071B Malibu Red $ 14.30 70.0 6360D Mc Cormick Rum $ 14.00 80.0 6360L Mc Cormick Rum $ 8.00 80.0 6441D Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 14.45 80.0 6441L Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 8.25 80.0 6442D Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 14.45 80.0 6442L Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 8.25 80.0 6643D Montego Bay Silver $ 14.05 80.0 6651B Mt Gay Xtra Old Rum $ 17.40 86.0 6652B Mt Gay Eclipse $ 16.00 80.0 6652D Mt Gay Eclipse $ 26.70 80.0 6653B Mt Gay Eclipse Silver $ 13.40 80.0 6654B Mt Gay Black $ 21.25 80.0 6699L Myers's Platinum $ 9.25 80.0 7692B Oronoco Platinum Reserve $ 34.40 80.0 7722B Panama Jack Spiced $ 25.40 70.0 7730L Paramount 151 $ 19.35 151.0 7788L Paramount Dragon Fruit $ 10.60 80.0 7835B Paramount Gold Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7835D Paramount Gold Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7835L Paramount Gold Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7836B Paramount White Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7836D Paramount White Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7836L Paramount White Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7839L Paramount Whipt Creme $ 10.60 80.0 8326B Pyrat X O Reserve $ 21.85 80.0 8330B Pucker Citrus Squeeze $ 12.55 70.0 8331B Pucker Grape Gone Wild $ 12.55 70.0 8332B Pucker Sour Apple Sass $ 12.55 70.0 8333B Pucker Wild Cherry Tease $ 12.55 70.0 8474B Rogue Dark Rum $ 27.35 80.0 8475B Rogue $ 27.35 80.0 8498B Ron Matusalem Classico $ 16.90 80.0 8500B Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva $ 13.40 80.0 8502B Ron Matusalem Platino $ 7.85 80.0 8533D Ronrico Clipper Spiced Rum $ 14.05 70.0 8645B Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 15.15 92.0 8645D Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 28.40 92.0 8645L Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 19.35 92.0 8646B Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr $ 15.15 92.0 8881B Seagrams Brazil Citrus Rum $ 3.45 70.0 8882B Seagrams Brazilian $ 3.45 80.0 9065B Spiced Jack No 94 $ 12.55 94.0 9229B Tommy Bahama Golden Sun $ 9.15 80.0 9230B Tommy Bahama White Sand $ 9.15 80.0 9307L Trader Vics Priv Sel Silvr $ 10.60 80.0 9357L Undo's Rum $ 20.60 80.0 9358L Undo's Spiced Rum $22.30 80.0 9530D Well Rum $ 14.65 88.0 9530L Well Rum $ 8.30 88.0 9570B Whaler's Vanilla $ 6.20 60.0 9675B Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof $ 16.00 126.0 9711L Ypioca Cachaca Crystal $15.30 78.0 9729B Zaya Rum $ 25.60 80.0 Scotch 0018B Aberlour 18 Yr 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr Sm

$ 86.65 $ 36.10

86.0 86.0

0020B Aberlour A'bunadh $ 54.55 119.0 0031B Aberfeldy 12 Yr $ 44.10 80.0 0032B Aberfeldy 21 Yr $150.00 80.0 0103B Ardmore Scotch $ 26.70 92.0 0107B Ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt $ 43.05 92.0 111B Ardbeg Galileo $82.35 98.0 1474B Bowmore 12 Yr $ 39.55 80.0 0201B Pinch - Haig 15 Yr $ 29.70 80.0 0202B Dewars $ 19.40 80.0 0202D Dewars $41.45 80.0 0202E Dewars $ 21.15 80.0 0202L Dewars $ 27.35 80.0 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 21.15 80.0 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 42.40 80.0 0204L Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 27.35 80.0 0206D Ushers Green Stripe $ 22.25 80.0 0208B Lauders 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0208D Lauders 3 Yr $ 17.10 80.0 0208L Lauders 3 Yr $ 10.35 80.0 0212B Grants Stand Fast $ 14.25 80.0 0212D Grants Stand Fast $ 31.90 80.0 0213D Old Smuggler $ 18.80 80.0 0213L Old Smuggler $ 11.45 80.0 0215B Chivas Regal $ 25.60 80.0 0215D Chivas Regal $ 58.10 80.0 0215L Chivas Regal $ 38.55 80.0 0225B Cutty Sark $ 16.85 80.0 0225D Cutty Sark $ 33.55 80.0 0225L Cutty Sark $ 21.10 80.0 0227B White Horse $ 12.55 80.0 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 33.35 80.0 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 69.15 80.0 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 43.00 80.0 0238B J & B Rare $ 18.95 80.0 0238D J & B Rare $ 36.35 80.0 0238L J & B Rare $ 23.70 80.0 0239B Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0239D Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 17.50 80.0 0239L Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 10.60 80.0 0241D Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 16.65 80.0 0241L Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 9.75 80.0 0246D Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 16.50 80.0 0246L Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 10.45 80.0 0249D J W Dant Scotch $ 9.85 80.0 0253B Ballantines $ 14.30 80.0 0281B Jameson Irish Whsky $ 20.40 80.0 0281D Jameson Irish Whsky $ 46.75 80.0 0281L Jameson Irish Whsky $ 30.70 80.0 0282B Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 17.55 80.0 0282L Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 28.90 80.0 0375B Auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms $ 49.20 86.0 0377B Auchentoshan Classic Sms $ 24.75 80.0 0493B Balvenie Single 15Yr $ 64.90 95.6 0496B Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask $ 54.40 86.0 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr $ 48.30 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr $147.75 86.0 0908B Black Bush Irish Whsky $ 31.00 80.0 1481B Bowmore Legend Sms $ 23.00 80.0 1486B Bunnahabhain Red Seal $ 87.80 80.0 1488B Bunnahabhain 12 Yr $ 47.45 80.0 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch $ 29.85 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt $ 58.65 80.0 1520B Bushmills 10 Yr Irish $ 35.45 80.0 1636E Glenfiddich 45 Combo $ 42.80 82.0 1648E Jameson Irish Whsky $ 6.80 80.0 1751B Caol Ila 12 Yr Scotch $ 44.30 86.0 2004B Chivas Royal Salute 21Yr $191.40 80.0 2005B Chivas Regal 25 $218.90 80.0 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr $ 43.05 80.0 2052D Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 17.20 80.0 2052L Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 10.70 80.0 2074B Clontarf Classic Blend $ 17.60 80.0 2078B Clynelish $ 31.05 92.0 2261B Concannon Irish Whiskey $ 19.50 80.0 2355B Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr $ 48.30 80.0 2491B Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr $ 117.60 90.0 2495B Dalmore 12 $ 36.10 80.0 2498B Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr 52.70 86.0 2673B Dewar's Signature $189.75 86.0 2674B Dewars Spec Rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch $ 26.45 80.0 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr $ 23.90 80.0 3003B Feckin Irish Whsky $ 16.90 80.0 3606B Glenfiddich Spec Res 12 Yr $ 34.35 80.0 3607B Glen Garioch $ 16.35 86.0 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr $ 46.60 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Soler Rsv 15 Yr $ 43.95 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancnt Rsv 18 Yr $ 60.50 86.0 3633B Glenfiddich Grand Reserva $ 139.00 80.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15Yr Distly Edition $ 51.80 102.0 3640B Glenlivet 18 Year $ 60.50 86.0 3641B Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 31.75 80.0 3641D Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 68.55 80.0 3641L Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 43.75 80.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 86 21 Yr $120.70 86.0 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Yr $ 34.35 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr $ 41.35 80.0 3647B Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr $ 47.40 112.4 3649B Glenmorangie Lasanta $ 43.05 92.0 3650E Glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml $ 15.50 89.2 3654B Glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 $ 69.25 96.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 43.05 92.0 3658B Glenmorangie Nectar D Or $ 56.15 92.0 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 38.80 80.0 3699B Glenrothes Scotch $ 67.75 86.0 4291B Highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr $ 37.85 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18Y $107.00 86.0 4895B Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 17.65 80.0 4895L Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 26.90 80.0 5075B Jameson Gold $ 56.15 80.0

OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 59

5079B Jameson Vintage Res. $ 173.90 92.0 5081B Jameson 18 Yr $ 77.95 80.0 5083B Jameson 12 Yr $ 36.95 80.0 5145B John Barr Red $ 11.40 80.0 5145D John Barr Red $ 20.55 80.0 5207B J. Mcdougals Bladnoch $ 77.45 111.6 5212B John Power & Son Irish Gld $ 16.90 80.0 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue $203.95 80.0 5222B Johnnie Walker Double Black $39.50 80.0 5225B Johnny Walker Blk 100 Annivesary $ 36.85 80.0 5229B Johnnie Walker Gold 18 Yr $ 74.60 80.0 5230B Johnie Walker Swing $37.90 80.0 5231B Johnnie Walker Grn $ 41.65 86.0 5384B Kilbeggan $ 14.30 80.0 5507B Lagavaulin Distillers Ed. $ 86.90 86.0 5508B Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr $ 71.35 86.0 5542B Laphroaig 18 Yr $ 61.60 96.0 5543B Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr $ 55.45 115.6 5544B Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr $ 41.35 86.0 6012B Macallan Cask Strength Sms $ 51.80 117.6 6013B Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt $ 43.05 86.0 6013D Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt $ 86.00 86.0 6016B Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt $131.20 86.0 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr $ 34.35 80.0 6018B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr $ 76.20 86.0 6024B Macallan 25 Yr $686.05 86.0 6025B Macallan 30 Yr $1217.60 86.0 6344B Mcclellands Islay $ 20.15 80.0 6346B Mcclellands Highlnd $ 20.15 80.0 6395B Mcivor Scotch $ 12.55 80.0 6574B Midleton $ 125.95 80.0 6576B Michael Collins Blended $ 21.25 80.0 6747B Oban Distillers Addition $ 69.45 86.0 6748B Oban Single Malt 14 $ 72.90 86.0 7480B Old Pulteney 12 Yr $ 25.60 86.0 7721L Paddy Irish Whiskey $ 28.05 80.0 7980D Passport Scotch $ 22.30 80.0 8327D Queen Anne $ 18.45 80.0 8327L Queen Anne $ 9.75 80.0 8480B Rogue Malt Whiskey $ 36.10 80.0 8383B Redbreast Irish Whiskey 12 Yr $ 51.80 80.0 8853D Scoresby Scotch $ 17.45 80.0 8983B Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr $ 34.40 80.0 9026B Slane Castle $ 20.35 80.0 9063B Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr $ 20.40 86.0 9064B Speyburn Bradan Orach $ 16.90 80.0 9145B Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr $ 51.10 91.6 9150B Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr $ 19.50 80.0 9188B Famous Grouse $ 19.80 80.0 9188D Famous Grouse $ 37.15 80.0 9317B Tullamore Dew - Ireland $ 20.40 80.0 9317L Tullamore Dew - Ireland $ 28.05 80.0 9605B Wild Scotsman 15 Yr $ 27.35 92.0 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label $ 29.35 94.0 Tequila 0038L Agavales Tequila Gold 110 0039B Agavero Orange Tequila 0040B Agave Loco 0048B Agavales Gold 80 0050B Alien Tequila Silver 0093L Aqui Vamos Teq Blanco 0371B Asombroso Silver 0372B Avion Anejo 0373B Avion Reposado 0374B Avion Silver 0487B Baluarte Tequila 1544B Cabo Wabo Anejo 1545B Cabo Wabo Blanco 1546B Cabo Wabo Reposado 1628E Cuervo Especial Silver 200 1662E Patron Anejo 1664E Patron Silver 200Ml 1674E Sauza Hornitos Plata 1676E Patron Reposado 1810B Casa Noble Crystal 1846B Cazadores Anejo 1847B Cazadores Blanco 1848B Cazadores Reposado 1857B Centenario Plata 1858B Centenario Reposado 1859B Centenario Rosangel 1860B Centenario Tenampa Azul 1861B Chamucos Blanco Esp Teq 1862B Chamucos Reposado Esp Teq 2280B Corazon Tequila Anjeo 2281B Corazon Blanco 2282B Corazon Reposado 2306B Coronado Tequila 2317B Corzo Reposado 2318B Corzo Silver 2410B Cuervo Especial 2410D Cuervo Especial 2410E Cuervo Especial 2410L Cuervo Especial 2411B 1800 Reposado Teq 2411D 1800 Reposado Teq 2411L 1800 Reposado Teq 2721B Don Julio Anejo 2721E Don Julio Anejo 2722B Don Julio Blanco 2722D Don Julio Blanco 2724B Don Julio Reposado 2725B Don Julio Real 2726B Don Julio 70Th Anniversary 2760B Dos Lunas Silver 2761B Dos Manos Blanco 2883B El Arco Anejo

60 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

$ 17.05 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 13.40 $ 37.40 $ 9.50 $ 15.55 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 38.70 $ 15.80 $ 38.70 $ 25.60 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 10.80 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 28.20 $ 21.25 $ 23.90 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 38.45 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 14.60 $ 17.15 $ 10.70 $ 43.30 $ 36.05 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 12.85 $ 22.60 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 51.80 $ 26.65 $ 43.90 $ 55.55 $ 45.65 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

2884B El Arco Blanco $ 43.70 80.0 2885B El Arco Reposado $ 50.75 80.0 2891B El Caballo Estrella Mixto $16.00 80.0 2894B 1800 Coconut Tequila $ 24.60 70.0 2899B El Charro Reposado $12.55 80.0 2900B El Charro Silver $12.55 80.0 2903B 1800 Tequila Silver $ 24.60 80.0 2903D 1800 Tequila Silver $ 33.65 80.0 2903L 1800 Tequila Silver $ 29.80 80.0 2905B 1800 Select Silver $ 30.00 100.0 2907B El Grado Blanco $ 21.75 80.0 2908B 1800 Collection Extra Anejo $ 1556.30 80.0 2909B El Mayor Anejo $ 30.00 80.0 2910B El Mayor Blanco $ 16.20 80.0 2911B El Mayor Reposado $ 17.10 80.0 2914B El Jimador Anejo $ 14.70 80.0 2916B El Jimador Blanco $ 16.00 80.0 2916D El Jimador Blanco $ 28.40 80.0 2917B El Jimador Reposado $ 16.00 80.0 2917D El Jimador Reposado $ 28.40 80.0 2926B El Toro Gold $ 10.80 80.0 2926D El Toro Gold $ 23.15 80.0 2926L El Toro Gold $ 15.80 80.0 2927B El Toro Silver $ 10.80 80.0 2927D El Toro Silver $ 16.65 80.0 2927L El Toro Silver $ 15.80 80.0 2937B Espolon Blanco $ 22.15 80.0 2940B Espolon Reposado $ 22.15 80.0 2996B Familia Camarena Reposado $ 17.40 80.0 2997B Familia Camarena Silver $ 17.40 80.0 3521L Gavilan Gold Tequila $9.35 80.0 3522L Gavilan White Tequila $9.35 80.0 3820B Gran Patron Platinum Teq $173.55 80.0 4109B Herradura Anejo $ 40.45 80.0 4114B Herradura Reposado $ 34.35 80.0 4115B Herradura Silver $ 34.35 80.0 5240L Cuervo Black Medallion $ 17.05 80.0 5243B Cuervo Tradicional $ 18.60 80.0 5244B 1800 Anejo $ 25.60 80.0 5247B Cuervo Especial Silver $ 16.95 80.0 5247D Cuervo Especial Silver $ 32.75 80.0 5247E Cuervo Especial Silver $ 5.35 80.0 5247L Cuervo Especial Silver $ 22.60 80.0 5249L Juarez Silver $ 9.85 80.0 5250L Juarez Gold $ 9.85 80.0 5253B Cuervo Platino $ 41.95 80.0 5254L Juarez Gold Dss $ 7.95 80.0 5291B Kah Anejo $ 53.75 80.0 5292B Kah Blanco $ 40.05 80.0 5291B Kah Anejo $ 53.75 80.0 5293B Kah Reposado $ 47.95 110.0 5497D La Prima White $ 15.95 80.0 5497L La Prima White $ 9.35 80.0 5501B La Prima Gold Teq $ 5.30 80.0 5501D La Prima Gold Teq $ 15.95 80.0 5501L La Prima Gold Teq $ 9.35 80.0 6001B Luna Nueva Anejo $ 40.55 80.0 6002B Luna Nueva Reposado $ 32.65 80.0 6003B Luna Nueva Silver $ 30.00 80.0 6004B Lunazul Blanco $ 15.15 80.0 6005B Lunazul Reposado $ 15.15 80.0 6058B Maestro Dobel $ 43.05 80.0 6110B Margaritaville Island Lime $ 10.80 50.0 6112B Margaritaville Trop Tanger $ 5.10 70.0 6117B Margaritaville Last Mango $ 11.65 70.0 6118B Margaritaville Teq Silver $ 10.80 80.0 6119B Margaritaville Teq Gold $ 10.80 80.0 6119D Margaritaville Teq Gold $ 21.80 80.0 6345L Matador Gold Teq $ 10.25 80.0 6570L Mi Cosecha Gold Teq $ 12.00 80.0 6580B Milagro Silver $ 23.85 80.0 6582B Milagro Teq Sbr Anejo $40.25 80.0 6584B Milagro Anejo $ 19.75 80.0 6585B Milagro Reposado $ 25.60 80.0 6586B Milagro Sbr Rep $ 28.65 80.0 6588B Milagro Sbr Silver $ 43.05 80.0 6642B Monte Alban Tequila $ 15.60 80.0 6645L Montezuma Blue $ 7.15 80.0 6647L Montezuma White - Mexico $ 9.45 80.0 6649L Montezuma Gold – Mexico $ 9.45 80.0 6731B 901 Silver Tequila $ 24.00 80.0 6863B Voodoo Tiki Anejo $ 47.10 80.0 6864B Voodootiki Blue Dragon $ 16.55 67.0 6865B Voodootiki Desert Rose $ 21.25 67.0 6866B Voodootiki Green Dragon $ 16.55 67.0 6867B Voodootiki Platinum $ 29.00 80.0 6868B Voodootiki Raposado $ 33.55 80.0 7978B Partida Tequila Reposado $23.20 80.0 7979B Partida Blanco $ 19.55 80.0 7982B Patron Anejo $ 51.80 80.0 7982D Patron Anejo $ 63.05 80.0 7984B Patron Silver $ 43.95 80.0 7984D Patron Silver $ 93.00 80.0 7985B Patron Reposado $ 45.70 80.0 8063B Pepe Lopez Gold $ 10.55 80.0 8280B Porfidio Plata $ 47.25 80.0 8281B Porfidio Silver $ 24.50 80.0 8440D Rio Grande Silver $ 17.40 80.0 8440L Rio Grande Silver $ 9.75 80.0 8442L Rio Grande Gold $ 9.75 80.0 8717B Cien Anos Blanco $ 11.15 80.0 8718B Cien Anos Reposado $ 9.05 80.0 8719B Sauza Blanco $ 13.20 80.0 8719L Sauza Blanco $ 19.40 80.0 8719D Sauza Silver $ 26.40 80.0 8721B Sauza Tres Gen Plata Teq. $ 60.90 80.0 8722B Sauza Tres Gener Anejo $ 39.60 80.0 8723B Sauza Extra Gold $ 13.20 80.0 8723D Sauza Extra Gold $ 26.40 80.0 8723L Sauza Extra Gold $ 19.40 80.0

8724B Sauza Tres Gen Reposado $31.10 80.0 8727B Sauza Conmemorativo $ 17.60 80.0 8733B Sauza Hornitos Anejo $ 22.00 80.0 8734B Sauza Hornitos Plata $ 19.35 80.0 8734D Sauza Hornitos Plata $ 30.15 80.0 8737B Sauza Blue Silver $ 16.00 80.0 8739L Sauza Giro Silver $ 9.30 80.0 8860B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 1 Yr $ 17.35 80.0 8861B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 3 Yr $ 35.85 80.0 8862B Scorpian Mezcal Reposado $ 14.85 80.0 8863B Scorpian Mezcal Silver $ 16.15 80.0 8931B Senor Frogs Plata $ 8.60 80.0 8932B Senor Frogs Reposado $ 10.30 80.0 8942B Semential Silver Teq $ 38.45 80.0 9089B Suavecito Blanco $ 38.70 70.0 9169B Tarantula Azul $ 16.75 70.0 9170B Tarantula Reposado $ 7.80 80.0 9171B Tarantula Lime $ 8.05 70.0 9172B Tarantula Stawberry $ 8.05 70.0 9173B Sauza Hornitos Reposado $ 21.10 80.0 9176B Tequila Reposado $ 23.20 80.0 9177B Tequila Silver $ 21.50 80.0 9178B Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez $ 43.05 80.0 9179B Teq Ocho Reposado Las Pomez $ 33.35 80.0 9180B Teq Ocho Anejo Ext El Vegl $130.35 80.0 9181B Teq Ocho Anejo San Augustn $51.80 80.0 9184B Tequila 30 - 30 Reposado $ 11.80 80.0 9185B Tanted Cocoa Tequila $ 34.35 80.0 9187B Tanted Jalepeno Tequila $34.35 80.0 9189B Tanteo Tropical Tequila $34.35 80.0 9199L 3 Island White Tequila $ 5.50 80.0 9222B Tierra's Anejo $ 14.00 80.0 9223B Tierra's Blanco $ 25.80 80.0 9224B Tierra's Reposado $ 14.65 80.0 9252L Tortilla Silver $ 8.35 80.0 9253L Tortilla Gold $ 8.35 80.0 9308B Tres Rios Silver $ 16.75 80.0 9309B Tres Rios Reposado $ 20.15 80.0 9363B Two Fingers Tequila Gold $ 12.55 80.0 9364B Two Fingers Tequila White $ 11.65 80.0 9358L Undo's Tequila $25.50 80.0 9531D Well Tequila $ 16.85 88.0 9531L Well Tequila $ 10.00 88.0 9737B Zapopan Reposado $ 7.65 80.0 Vodka 0024B Absolut Grapevine $ 16.90 80.0 0027B Absolut Wild Tea $ 16.90 80.0 0028B Absolut Citron $ 16.90 80.0 0028D Absolut Citron $ 33.65 80.0 0028L Absolut Citron $ 22.80 80.0 0034B Alchemia Chocolate $ 14.75 80.0 0036B Absolut Kurant Vdk $ 12.20 80.0 0042B Absolut Apeach $ 16.90 80.0 0042L Absolut Apeach $ 17.25 80.0 0046B Absolut Cherry Kran $ 16.90 80.0 0049B Absolut Orient Apple $ 16.90 80.0 0052B Absolut Berri Acai $ 16.90 80.0 0054B Absolut 100 Black $ 21.25 100.0 0054L Absolut 100 Black $ 17.60 100.0 0056B Absolut San Francisco $ 16.90 80.0 0057B Absolut 80 $ 16.90 80.0 0057D Absolut 80 $ 33.65 80.0 0057E Absolut 80 $ 18.90 80.0 0057L Absolut 80 $ 24.60 80.0 0060B Absolut Pears $ 16.90 80.0 0060L Absolut Pears $ 15.35 80.0 0061B Absolut Peppar Vdk $ 16.90 80.0 0062B Absolut Ruby Red $ 16.90 80.0 0062L Absolut Ruby Red $ 18.40 80.0 0063E Absolut Mini Bar $ 6.75 80.0 0064B Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 16.90 80.0 0064D Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 33.65 80.0 0064L Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 22.80 80.0 0068B Absolut Raspberri $ 16.90 80.0 0069B Absolut Vanila $ 16.90 80.0 0069L Absolut Vanila $ 22.80 80.0 0070L Absolut & Citron Twin Pack $ 42.20 80.0 0074B Absolut Mango $ 16.90 80.0 0194D Aristocrat $ 11.85 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0450B Backon $18.30 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0737B Paramount Cherry $ 5.35 65.0 0737D Paramount Cherry $ 14.85 65.0 0737L Paramount Cherry $ 10.60 65.0 0832B Belvedere Bldy Mary $ 30.85 80.0 0834B Belvedere Pink Grapefruit $ 30.85 80.0 0835B Belvedere Black Raspberry $ 30.85 80.0 0836B Belvedere Vdk $ 26.15 80.0 0836D Belvedere Vdk $ 64.20 80.0 0836L Belvedere Vdk $ 34.15 80.0 0838B Belvedere Vdk $ 30.85 80.0 0838D Belvedere Vdk $64.20 80.0 0840B Belvedere Ix $ 18.35 80.0 0841B Belvedere Cytrus $ 30.85 80.0 0842B Belvedere Orange $ 16.50 80.0 0846B Belvedere Intense $ 26.80 100.0 0847B Belvedere Intense Unfiltered $ 32.60 80.0 0853B Belvedere Lemon Tea $30.85 80.0 0946B Blavod The Black $ 15.30 80.0 0953B Blue Angel Vodka $ 8.90 80.0 0958B Blue Ice Vdk $ 14.30 80.0 0958D Blue Ice Vdk $ 24.95 80.0 1337B Bombora Vdk $10.80 80.0 1390B Bombora Vdk $ 9.00 80.0 1390L Boomerang $ 6.40 80.0 1426B Boru Original Vdk $ 10.80 80.0

1426D Boru Original Vdk 1475B Brewriver AJ Henkel 1479B Brewriver DL Billingheimer 1483B Boyd & Blair 1523B Burnetts Espresso 1525B Burnetts 1525D Burnetts 1525L Burnetts 1526B Burnetts Pink Lemonade 1527B Burnetts Raspberry 1528B Burnett's Vanilla 1529B Burnett's Fruit Punch 1530B Burnetts Sour Apple 1531B Burnetts Cherry 1533B Burnetts Blueberry 1534B Burnetts Strawberry 1536B Burnetts Orange Creme Vodka 1537B Burnetts Sugar Cookie 1539B Burnetts Watermelon 1540B Burnetts Whipped Cream 1605E Absolut 200 ML 1611E Burnetts Vodka 1640E Grey Goose 200Ml 1641E Grey Goose L'orange 1643E Grey Goose Le Citron 1661E Paramount 100 Vodka 1675E Skyy 200 1676E Smirnoff 100 1677E Sobiekski 200 ML 1678E Svedka Traveler 200 1852B Chambord Flavored Vodka 2009B Chopin 2009D Chopin 2011B Chopin Wheat Vodka 2012B Chopin Rye Vodka 2048B Ciroc Super Premium 2048D Ciroc Super Premium 2048L Ciroc Super Premium 2050B Ciroc Coconut 2050L Ciroc Coconut 2051B Ciroc Peach 2051L Ciroc Peach 2053B Ciroc Red Berry 2053D Ciroc Red Berry 2053L Ciroc Red Berry 2358L Crav Vodka 2385B Cristall Signature Series 2392D Crown Russe 80 Proof Vdk 2392L Crown Russe 2444B Crystal Head 2444D Crystal Head 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vodka 2456B Cupcake Devils Food Vodka 2457B Cupcake Frosting Vodka 2458B Cupcake Original Vodka 2452B Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2452D Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2658B Denaka 2659B Denaka Black Cherry 2778B Double Cross Vodka 2782B Downunder 2893B Ed Hardy 2895B Effen Cucumber 2896B Effen Black Cherry 2897B Effen 2898B Effen Raspberry 2952B Everclear 3011B Finlandia 80 3011D Finlandia 80 3011L Finlandia 80 3014B Finlandia Grapefruit 3016B Firefly Sweet Tea 3016D Firefly Sweet Tea 3019B Finlandia Mango Fusion 3020B Finlandia Tangerine Fusion 3023B Firestarter Vodka 3025B Firefly Mint Tea 3026B Firefly Raspberry Tea Vdk 3028B Firefly Skinny Tea 3031B Finlandia Rasperry 3035B 4 Orange Vodka 3086B Frozen Ghost Vodka 3072L 42 Below Pure 3079B 44 North Huckleberry Vodka 3080B 44 North North Rainer Vodka 3084B Fris 3084D Fris 3084L Fris 3088B Fuzzy 3089B Fris Blueberry Vodka 3097B Galens 3579B Gilbey’s Trvlr 80 3586B Gilbey's Vdk 100 3586D Gilbey's Vdk 100 3691B Godiva Chocolate 3692B Godiva Chocolate 3783B Gordons Traveler 3888B Grand Touring Vodka 3907B Grey Goose 3907D Grey Goose 3907L Grey Goose 3909B Grey Goose La Poire 3910B Grey Goose L'orange 3912B Grey Goose Le Citron 3919E Grey Goose 50Ml Multi-Pack 3968B Hammer & Sickle Vdk 3971B Hangar One Straight 3973B Hangar One Chipotle Chili 3975B Hangar One Kaffir Lime Vdk 3976B Hangar One Mandarin

$ 18.85 $ 24.85 $19.85 $ 14.60 $ 5.15 $ 8.15 $ 15.35 $ 8.85 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 7.30 $ 8.15 $ 4.50 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 7.30 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 6.10 $ 2.95 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 5.75 $ 4.20 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 $ 2.70 $ 3.30 $ 16.55 $ 23.90 $ 42.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 31.30 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 33.05 $ 8.70 $ 1165 $ 6.85 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 6.45 $ 5.40 $ 34.30 $ 7.40 $ 23.85 $ 21.30 $ 21.30 $ 21.30 $ 21.25 $ 14.90 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 19.30 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 17.70 $ 9.70 $ 12.55 $ 19.50 $ 5.80 $ 9.10 $ 15.15 $ 12.55 $ 10.90 $ 15.60 $ 17.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.70 $ 12.55 $ 7.40 $ 8.20 $ 14.10 $ 26.35 $ 14.10 $ 8.20 $ 9.90 $ 21.05 $ 58.95 $ 34.15 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 13.65 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60

80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70. 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 190.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 61

3977B Hangar One Blueberry 4869B Iceburg Vdk 5000D Gilbey's Vdk 80 5000L Gilbey's Vdk 80 5004D Crystal Vdk 80 5004L Crystal Vdk 80 5013D Fleischmann Royal 5015D Wolfschmidt 5015L Wolfschmidt 5016B Smirnoff #57 100 5016D Smirnoff #57 100 5016L Smirnoff #57 100 5018B Gordons 80 5018D Gordons 80 5018L Gordons 80 5020B Paramount 80 5020D Paramount 80 5020L Paramount 80 5021B Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021D Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021E Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021L Smirnoff No. 21 80 5025D Mr Boston Riva 100 5028D Barton Vdk 5028L Barton Vdk 5029B Barton Traveler 5030L Hallers 80 5033L Tamirov 100 5036D Nikolai 5036L Nikolai 5038B Paramount 100 5038D Paramount 100 5038L Paramount 100 5039B Paramount 90 5039D Paramount 90 5039L Paramount 90 5040B Popov 80 5040D Popov 80 5040L Popov 80 5074B James River Plant Sweet Vodka 5090B Jean Marc Xo Vdk 5106B Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5106D Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5107B Jeremiah Weed Peach Tea 5210B John Mcculloch 5258B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon 5261B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Apple Pie 5308B Kamchatka 80 5308D Kamchatka 80 5308L Kamchatka 80 5309B Kamchatka 90 5309D Kamchatka 90 5310L Kamchatka Cherry 5311L Kamchatka Grape 5313B Kamchatka Traveler 5382B Ketel One 5382D Ketel One 5382E Ketel One 5382L Ketel One 5383D Ketel One Citroen 5383L Ketel One Citroen 5385L Ketel One Oranje 5386B Khortytsa Honey Pepper 5387B Khortytsa Platinum 5489B Korski Traveler 5490B Korski 5490D Korski 5490L Korski 5492B Kutskoua 5882B Level 5966B Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher Van 5967B Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg 5968B Lil Blk Drs Classic 5969B Lil Blk Drs Pineapp Hony 6008B Luksusowa 6008D Luksusowa 5013L Fleischmann Royal 80 Proof 6391D Mc Cormick 6391L Mc Cormick 6428B Medea 6460L Meier's Vdk Plastic 6591B Kru Vodka 6620B Monopolowa Potato 6659B Moon Mountain Vodka 6660B Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus 6661B Moon Mtn Wild Raspberry 6718D New Amsterdam Vodka 6718L New Amsterdam Vodka 6741B Ocean Vodka 7336L Mr Boston Vodka 7698B Oyo 7699B Oyo Honey Vanilla Bean 7701B Oyo Stone Fruit 7716B Nutliquor Peanut Butter 7728L Paramount Orange Flv Vdk 7834L Para Ultra Bubble 7834D Para Ultra Bubble 7837L Paramount Vanilla 7846D Paramount Grape 7846L Paramount Grape 7897L Paramount Sweet Tea 7921B Paramount 100 Trvlr 7990B Peachka 7991B Pearl 7992B Pearl Pomegranate 7994B Pearl Cucumber Vdk 7995B Pearl Blueberry Vdk 7996B Pearl Coconut Vdk 7997B Pearl Plum 8074B Peureux

62 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

$ 25.60 80.0 $ 6.00 80.0 $ 14.70 80.0 $ 9.15 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 7.10 80.0 $ 11.55 80.0 $ 14.50 80.0 $ 8.05 80.0 $ 13.00 100.0 $ 26.35 100.0 $ 17.70 100.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 16.25 80.0 $ 9.70 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $ 14.45 80.0 $ 8.70 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 20.20 80.0 $ 7.85 80.0 $ 13.75 80.0 $ 13.60 100.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 11.60 80.0 $ 6.85 80.0 $ 4.95 100.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $ 9.05 100.0 $ 16.55 100.0 $ 10.20 100.0 $ 7.50 90.0 $ 15.95 90.0 $ 7.10 90.0 $ 6.90 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 8.05 80.0 $ 17.00 70.0 $ 23.60 80.0 $ 16.95 70.0 $ 12.70 70.0 $ 11.30 70.0 $ 11.90 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 6.45 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 7.85 80.0 $ 8.90 90.0 $ 16.20 90.0 $ 9.95 70.0 $ 9.95 70.0 $ 6.45 80.0 $ 21.05 80.0 $ 41.25 80.0 $ 20.70 80.0 $ 28.95 80.0 $ 41.25 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 14.10 80.0 $ 15.20 80.0 $ 6.50 80.0 $ 6.50 80.0 $ 11.85 80.0 $ 7.10 80.0 $ 8.90 80.0 $ 19.05 80.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 13.30 80.0 $ 7.55 80.0 $ 16.15 80.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 16.85 82.0 $ 7.85 80.0 $ 7.55 70.0 $ 7.55 70.0 $ 6.60 70.0 $ 18.80 80.0 $ 13.25 70.0 $ 25.60 70.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 27.90 80.0 $ 28.85 80.0 $ 28.70 80.0 $ 30.80 80.0 $ 10.60 65.0 $ 10.60 65.0 $ 8.75 65.0 $ 5.05 65.0 $ 14.85 65.0 $ 10.60 65.0 $ 5.55 65.0 $ 8.85 100.0 $ 3.30 70.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 5.20 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 16.50 70.0

8231B Pinnacle Key Lim Whip 8232B Pinnacle Atomic Hots 8233B Pinnacle Cookie Dough 8234B Pinnacle Coconut 8236B Pinnacle Cake 8237B Pinnacle Cotton Candy 8238B Pinnacle Citrus 8239B Pinnacle Berry 8240B Pinnacle Butterscotch 8241B Pinnacle Le Double Expresso 8242B Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber 8243B Pinnacle 8243D Pinnacle 8243L Pinnacle 8244B Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8244D Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8245B Pinnacle Raspberry 8246B Pinnacle Grape 8248B Pinnacle Mango 8250B Pinnacle Vanilla 8251B Pinnacle Tropical Punch 8252B Pinnacle 100 8253B Pinnacle Whipped 8253D Pinnacle Whipped 8254B Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8254D Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8255B Pinnacle Orange Whipped 8256B Pinnacle Gummy 8257B Pinnacle Marshmallow 8283B Players Extreme Caramel 8283L Players Extreme Carame; 8285B Players Extrm Cherry Vdk 8285L Players Emtrm Cherry Vdk 8291B Popov Traveler 8293B Prairie Organic Kosher Vdk 8295B Pravda 8321B Proof 105 8323B Purus 8325B Proof 110 8334B Pucker Lemonad Lust Vdk 8336B Pucker Raspbry Rave Vdk 8338B Rain Organics 8338D Rain Organics 8413B Reyka Vdk 8488B Rokk Citrus 8490B Rokk Orange 8492B Rokk 8627D Ruskova Genuine Russian Vd 8631B Russian Standard Original 8631D Russian Standard Original 8854B Skinnygirl Bare Naked Vdk 8855B Skinnygirl Cucumber Vdk 8856B Skinnygirl Island Coconut 8857B Skinnygirl Tangerine Vdk 8880B Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880D Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880L Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8884B Seagrams Apple 8885B Seagrams Black Cherry 8886B Seagrams Citrus 8896D Skol 8896L Skol 8908B Seagrams Rasberry 8910B Seagram's Sweet Tea 8915B Seagrams Platinum 8915D Seagrams Platinum 8930L Senators Club Vdk 8934B Severka 8937B Seven Brothers Vodka 9005L Skyy Infusions Coconut 9006L Skyy Infusions Blood Orang 9007L Skyy Infusions Dragon Fruit 9008E Skyy Infusions Rainbow Pac 9009L Skyy Infusion Pineapple 9010L Skyy Infusion Passionfruit 9011L Skyy Infusion Raspberry 9012B Skyy 9012D Skyy 9012E Skyy 9012L Skyy 9014D Skyy Infusion Citrus 9014L Skyy Infusion Citrus 9016L Skyy Infusion Cherry 9017L Skyy Infusions Ginger Vdk 9018L Skyy Infusion Grape 9022B Smirnoff Black Cherry 9024B Smirnoff Blueberry 9024L Smirnoff Blueberry 9025B Smirnoff Cranberry 9027B Smirnoff Dark Roasted Espr 9028B Smirnoff Melontwist 9029B Smirnoff Lime 9030E Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack 9032B Smirnoff Silver 9032D Smirnoff Silver 9032L Smirnoff Silver 9033B Smirnoff Greenapple 9033L Smirnoff Greenapple 9034B Smirnoff Citrus 9034D Smirnoff Citrus 9034L Smirnoff Citrus 9035B Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist 9036B Smirnoff Traveler 9037B Smirnoff Passion Fruit 9038B Smirnoff Orange 9038D Smirnoff Orange 9038L Smirnoff Orange 9039B Smirnoff Raspberry 9039D Smirnoff Raspberry 9039L Smirnoff Raspberry

$ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 6.75 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 10.50 $ 17.95 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 8.15 $ 7.35 $ 8.15 $12.05 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 8.10 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 9.35 $ 4.95 $ 4.95 $ 4.95 $ 17.95 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 4.80 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.95 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 5.00 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $17.60 $ 12.55 $ 24.05 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.05 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 10.10 $ 17.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.70 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60

70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 105.0 80.0 110.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

9040B 9040D 9040L 9041B 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9069B 9070B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9079L 9093B 9114B 9116L 9122B 9124B 9125B 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9132B 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155b 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B

Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Strawberry Smirnoff Pear Twist Smirnoff Pineapple Twist Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced Root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski Vdk(Glass) Sobieski Vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Sobieski Raspberry Sobieski Raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Square One Cucumber Square One Organic Vodka Smooth Ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Spirit of the Tsars Stawski Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Salted Karamel Stolichnaya Hot Vdk Stolichnaya Sticki Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Choc Razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv Vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd Ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Cranberi Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya Elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya Gala Applik Vd Stoli White Pomegranik Vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Svedka Colada Vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad Vdk Sweet Carolina Rasp Tea Vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Svedka Raspberry Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka Grape Vodka Svedka Cherry Teton Glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of Russia Ultra 3 Islands Vodka 3 Islands Vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive Rootbeer 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive Vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot Espresso 360 3 Olives Rangtang

$ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 8.15 $ 19.70 $ 9.75 $ 13.00 $ 9.75 $ 8.15 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.50 $ 9.75 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 13.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 159.60 $ 8.15 $ 10.80 $ 9.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 23.40 $ 11.25 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 12.20 $ 51.80 $ 16.00 $ 33.65 $ 25.45 $ 12.20 $ 9.40 $ 9.40 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 14.95 $ 25.45 $ 10.80 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 6.90 $ 5.00 $ 9.90 $ 11.15 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 13.15 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.85 $ 16.90 $ 98.85 $ 6.40 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 19.30 $ 18.95 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 14.10 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90

70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0

9227D 3 Olives Rangtang $ 24.95 70.0 9228B 360 Double Chocolate $ 12.50 70.0 9232B Tito's Handmade $ 16.00 80.0 9232D Tito's Handmade $ 28.40 80.0 9232L Tito's Handmade $ 21.10 80.0 9235B 3 Olive Dude Vodka $ 16.90 70.0 9235D 3 Olive Dude Vodka $ 24.95 70.0 9236B 360 Mandarin Orange $ 12.50 70.0 9238B 3 Olive Smores $ 16.90 70.0 9360L Undo's Vodka $19.10 80.0 9367B Ultimat Vdk $ 34.30 80.0 9370B U V Cake Vodka $ 9.90 60.0 9371B U V Blue Raspberry $ 9.90 60.0 9371D U V Blue Raspberry $16.20 60.0 9372B UV $ 8.15 80.0 9372D UV $ 16.20 80.0 9372L UV $ 10.60 80.0 9373B U V Grape Vdk $ 9.90 60.0 9374B U V Pink Lemonade $ 9.90 60.0 9375B U V Cherry $ 9.90 60.0 9376B U V 103 $ 7.75 103.0 9377B U V Coconut Vdk $ 5.30 60.0 9378B Ursus Punch $ 2.80 60.0 9380B Uv Sweet Green Tea $ 5.30 60.0 9381B Ursus Blue Raspberry $ 5.05 80.0 9382B Ursus Original $ 4.20 80.0 9385B Vampyre Red $ 11.85 80.0 9428B Vesica Vodka $ 10.80 80.0 9445B Van Gogh Acia Blueberry $ 16.00 70.0 9446B Van Gogh Dutch Caramel $ 10.40 70.0 9448B Van Gogh Double Espresso $ 16.00 70.0 9449B Van Gogh Espresso $ 16.00 70.0 9450D Vikingfjord $ 17.95 80.0 9456B Van Gogh $ 14.30 80.0 9456D Van Gogh $ 18.35 80.0 9738B Zodiac $ 9.20 80.0 9467B Voli Vodka Lyte $ 21.30 60.0 9472B Vox $ 17.60 80.0 9472D Vox $ 33.45 80.0 9472L Vox $ 22.00 80.0 9488L Wasabe Brand Sake Vodka $13.90 70.0 9505B Watershed Distillery Vodka $ 22.00 80.0 9521B Wave Blue Raspberry Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 9522B Wave Pink Lemonade Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 9523B Wave Whipped Cream Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 9532D Well Vodka $ 12.90 88.0 9532L Well Vodka $ 7.60 88.0 9565B White Diamond $ 6.10 80.0 9672B Cincinnati Micro-Vodka $ 17.55 80.0 9673B Cincinnati Vodka 100 $ 32.10 100.0 9732B Zubrowka Bison Vodka $ 16.90 80.0 9738B Zodiac $ 18.65 80.0 Cordial 0017B Achaia Clauss Ouzo 0029B Absente Liqueur 0041B Di Saronno Amaretto 0041L Di Saronno Amaretto 0053B Amaretto Gozio 0071B Amarito Amaretto 0124B Root 0125B Snap 0549B Barenjager Honey & Bourbon 0551B Paramount Rock & Rye 0552B Barenjager Honey Liqueur 0557D Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0557L Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0565B Benedictine D.O.M. 0580L Paramount Sloe Gin 0583L Dek Sloe Gin Cordial 0600B B & B D O M Cordial 0608B Drambuie 0662B Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark 0664B Dek Creme De Menthe Green 0666B Dek Creme De Cacao White 0672B Paramount Crem D Men White 0673B Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark 0674B Paramount Anisette 0675B Paramount Crem D Men Green 0691B Dek Creme De Menthe White 0701B Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit 0705B Getreide Kummel 0707B Campari Aperitivo Italy 0717B Paramount Triple Sec 0717D Paramount Triple Sec 0717L Paramount Triple Sec 0721B Southern Comfort 0798B Becherovka 0881B Pernod Anis –France 0887B Tia Maria Coffee 0893B Kahlua Coffee 0893D Kahlua Coffee 0893L Kahlua Coffee 0910B Black Duck Cranberry 0948B Blackmaker Rootbeer 1188B Bols Blue Curacao 1501B Buckeye Raspberry Liquor 1501B Buckeye Blackberry Liquor 1637E Grand Marnier Rouge 1783B Caravella Limoncello Orig 1784B Caravella Orangecello 1815B Casoni Lemoncello 1840B Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine 1851B Cedilla Liqueur De Acai 1853B Celtic Crossing Liqueur 1855B Chambord Royale Cord 1914B Chartreuse Green 2098B Grand Marn Cordon Rouge

$ 15.15 92.0 $ 35.20 110.0 $ 19.40 56.0 $ 25.55 56.0 $ 10.40 48.0 $ 5.55 56.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 11.30 50.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 13.25 75.0 $ 7.45 75.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 10.00 50.0 $ 4.85 60.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 23.90 48.0 $ 7.05 50.0 $ 14.40 50.0 $ 7.40 50.0 $ 14.05 70.0 $14.75 76.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 19.50 53.0 $ 16.90 43.0 $ 33.65 43.0 $ 23.70 43.0 $ 16.00 43.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 12.10 48.0 $ 16.50 48.0 $ 15.70 48.0 $ 10.30 80.0 $ 18.65 64.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 22.00 62.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 30.00 50.0 $ 19.65 60.0 $ 29.85 46.0 $ 52.10 110.0 $ 34.80 80.0

OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 63

2098D Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098L Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2101B Galliano L'autentico 2108B Irish Mist 2274B Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq 2405B Licor 43 2405L Licor 43 2503B Danny Devitos Limoncello 2528B Dek Blue Curacao Cordial 2529B Dek Creme De Banana Cord 2566B Dek Creme De Almond Cord 2605B Dek Hazelnut Cord 2613L Dek Orange Curacao Cordial 2614B Dek Peach Brandy 2624B Dek Triple Sec Cord 2624L Dek Triple Sec Cord 2644B Dek 03 Orange 2645B Dek Melon Cordial 2649B Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial 2652B Romana Black 2690B Cointreau Liqueur 2690L Cointreau Liqueur 2691B Cointreau Noir 2788B Drambuie 15 Year 2797B Grand Marnier Cherry 2944B Evan Williams Cherry Resv 2950B Evan Williams Honey Resv 3024B Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 3077B Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry 3092B Amaretto Di Amore 3093B Gantous & Abouraad 3602B Glaros Ouzo 3630B Glengoyne 10 3821B Grangala Triple Orange 3851B Grand Marnier Centcinquant 3852B Grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr 3860B Grand Muriel Orange Liquer 3864B Grande Absente 3902B Green Moon 4000B Harlem Liqueur 4003B Harlequin 3602B Glaros Ouzo 4914B Isle Of Jura Superstition 5054D Jagermeister 5054L Jagermeister 5105B Jeremiah Weed Liqueur 5251L Juarez Triple Sec 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5303B Kahlua Especial Coffee 5315B Kamora Coffee Lqr 5559B Lazzaroni Amaretto Liquer 5560B Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq 5566B Leblon Cachaca 5571B Le Tourment Vert 6000B Lucid Absinthe 6334B Mata Hari Absinthe Bohemia 6567B Metaxa Ouzo Greece 6705L Nassau Royale 6708B Navan 80 6720L N Y Long Island Iced Tea 6734B 99 Apples 6735B 99 Bananas 6736B 99 Grapes 6739B 99 Peaches 7713B Number 12 Ouzo 7715B Nv La Fee Absinthe Verte 7723B Pallini Limoncello 7724B Pallini Limoncello Gift 7729B Paramount Amaretto 7729D Paramount Amaretto 7729L Paramount Amaretto 7735B Paramount Creme De Banana 7824L Paramount Sour Apple 7870D Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7870L Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7901B Paramount Melon 7981B Patron Citronge 7986B Patron X O Cafe 8228B Pimms Cup #1 Gin Sling Eng 8249L Pitu Cachaca 8282B Plomari Quzo 8302B Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn 8324L Punch Abruzzo 8639B Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq 8670B Sambuca Di Amore 8673B Sambuca Romana 8852L Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 8892B Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 9055B Southern Comfort Blk Cherr 9056B Southern Comfort & Lime 9078B Solerno Blood Orange 9214B Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp 9311B Tuaca Demi Sec 9354B Ty Ku Super Premium Soju 9410B Veev Acai Liqueur 9630B Wild Turkey American Honey 9630L Wild Turkey American Honey 9707B Yokaichi Mugi 9733B Zwack

$ 72.90 $ 43.90 $ 25.60 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 13.75 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 2.25 $ 11.45 $ 12.30 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 41.15 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $36.50 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 33.25 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 39.60 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 11.15 $ 6.05 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.95 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 20.20 $ 16.90 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 8.40 $ 20.70 $ 7.40 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 21.40 $ 13.10 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 3.40 $ 21.25 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.90 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 14.05 $ 14.05 $29.35 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 18.40 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 23.70 $ 19.20 $ 19.65

80.0 80.0 84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 70.0 55.0 80.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.25 $ 12.30 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 21.05

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0

Schnapps 0010B After Shock Cinnamon 0676B Arrow Peppermint 0681L Dek Peppermint Snp 0697D Paramount Peppermint Snp 0697L Paramount Peppermint 0917B Black Haus Blackberry Snp

64 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

0917L Black Haus Blackberry Snp $ 25.90 80.0 1130B Bols Gold Strike Cinnamon Snp $ 16.05 100.0 2588L Dek Hot Damn Snp $ 12.30 48.0 2619B Dek Peppermnt 100 $ 11.20 100.0 2620L Dek Peachtree Schnapp $ 12.30 43.0 2625B Dek Old Tavern Rootbeer $ 5.65 45.0 2776B Dr Mcgillicuddys Vanilla $ 6.10 48.0 2782B Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt $ 10.80 48.0 3017B Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp $ 16.65 100.0 3017L Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp $ 21.50 100.0 3709B Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp $ 20.45 87.0 3709L Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp $ 25.90 87.0 3736B 99 Blackberries $ 13.50 99.0 3737B 99 Black Cherries $ 13.50 99.0 4863B Ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp $ 16.65 101.0 4870B Il Tramonto $ 15.50 60.0 5922B Lightning 101 Cinnamon $ 10.75 101.0 6006B Luxardo Maraschino $25.40 80.0 6009B Luxardo Triplum $ 26.30 78.0 6011B Luxardo Amareto $20.65 54.0 6335B Masteron's Straight Rye $55.85 90.0 6735B 99 Bananas $ 16.00 99.0 7762L Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp $ 8.05 44.0 7862B Paramount Peach Sch $ 9.30 44.0 7862L Paramount Peach Sch $ 10.00 44.0 8263B Pisco Porton $ 34.35 86.0 8632B Rumple Minze Berry $ 8.70 100.0 8633B Rumple Minze Pepmt $ 21.05 100.0 8633L Rumple Minze Pepmt $ 25.90 100.0 9054B Southern Comfort 100 $ 16.90 100.0 9082B So Co Fiery Pepper $ 12.15 70.0 9727B Yukon Jack $ 14.75 100.0 9727D Yukon Jack $ 26.15 100.0 9727L Yukon Jack $ 20.85 100.0 Canadian 0076B Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076D Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076L Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0169D Lord Calvert 3 Yr 0170B Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170D Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170L Mc Masters 3 Yr 0174B Canadian Mist Cndn 0174D Canadian Mist Cndn 0174L Canadian Mist Cndn 0175D Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr 0176B Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176D Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176E Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176L Canadian Club 6 Yr 0189B Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189D Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189E Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189L Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 3 Yr 0920B Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 0920D Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk 1627E Crown Royal 200Ml 1704D Canadian Bay Whsky 1704L Canadian Bay Whsky 1716B Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1716D Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 Yr 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr 1730D Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1730L Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1731B Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 3Yr 1733D Canadian Hunter 1735D Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1735L Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1748B Canadian Mist Trvlr 2055B Canadian Club Classic 12Yr 2389B Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask #16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 3071B Forty Creek Barrel Select 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 3 Yr 4699L Northern Light 3 Yr 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount Canadian 8050B Pendleton Canadian 8051B Pendleton Rye 1910 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V O Gold 8 Yr 8923B Seagrams V O Cndn Trv 6 Yr 9084B Spicebox Cndn Spiced Whsky 9648B Windsor Supreme Traveler 3Yr 9652B Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652D Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652L Windsor Supreme 3 Yr

$ 11.75 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 10.80 $ 22.30 $ 11.25 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 14.95 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 18.45 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 18.45 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 21.25 $ 34.35 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 7.50 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES For the Record LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES (Orders Issued August 2012) AKRON: Al C Sanders Inc dba Al C Sanders: allowed consumption of alcohol after hours which permit allows - $500 or 5 days; Salem South LLC dba Dreamer Girls 1st Floor Only: alcoholic beverages were offered in insanitary conditions - $300 or 3 days ALLIANCE: VFW Post 1036 Corporal Francis Williams: sold alcohol to a non-member of their organization - $800 or 4 days ASHTABULA: 3105 Lake Rd Inc dba Sunset Inn Road House: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $1,500 or 10 days ATHENS: 18 West Union LLC dba The Union: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $450 or 3 days BOARDMAN: Rimiro Inc. dba Tiffany's Bar & Grille: purchased alcohol from someone other than Class A or Class B permit holder for resale - $300 or 3 days BOLIVAR: Kicking Kountry LLC dba Kickin Kountry Dance Club: knowingly allowed improper conduct on premises; in violation, no penalty imposed BOWLING GREEN: Ferrell Enterprises Inc dba Sam B's: served alcohol to an already intoxicated individual,

permitted disorderly conduct on premises - $3,500 or 20 days

Country Club Inc: illegal possesion of intoxicating liquor - $400 or 4 days

BRUNSWICK: Quotes Bar and Grill LLC dba Quotes Bar and Grill: knowingly allowed gambling on premises - $400 or 4 days

COLUMBUS: Friends of Beechwood: allowed consumption of alcohol after hours which permit allows, failed to properly label a premixed alcoholic beverage, toilet facility not clean or sanitary - $1,000 or 4 days; Kroger Co 0815: : allowed consumption to minors - $750 or 6 days; 202 East Inc dba RJ Slammers: consumption of alcohol after hours which permit allows - $300 or 3 days

BRYAN: Chief Super Market Inc dba Chief Super Market 6: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $1,200 or 8 days BUTLER: Resorts Inc dba Clear Fork Valley Resort: allowing consumption to minors, failed to display permit in a conspicuous place; in violation, no penalty imposed CELINA: Red Door Productions LLC dba 211 Club 1st & 2nd Fls & Patio: allowed disorderly conduct on premises - $600 or 6 days CINCINNATI: RJG Investments Limited LLC: sold beverage at price less than that charged to other patrons - 300 or 3 days; Hyde Park Wine & Spirits Inc Charter #929144 dba Hyde Park Wine & Spirits: allowed consumption by minors $1,500 or 10 days CLEVELAND: Entertainment USA of Cleveland Inc dba Christies: knowingly allowed improper nudity on premises - $500 or 5 days; Ossie Inc dba Kinsman's Shell: allowed consumption by minors - $450 or 3 days; Polish Legion of American Veterans Post 0058 Roosev: both premises and beverages being sold were in insanitary conditions - $300 or 3 days COLDWATER:


DAYTON: Reggie's Wall of Fame Foundation: paid for permit fee with a check not honored by bank - $300 or 3 days; Fourth & St Clair LLC dba Vex: purchased liquor for resale that is not permitted $400 or 4 days DUBLIN: Kroger Co 581: allowed sale of alcohol to minors - $750 or 6 days ELYRIA: Margaret J & Wayne L Smith dba Little Brown Jug & Patio: possessed an original container which had been refilled, sold alcohol not within their permit - $1,000 or 7 days EUCLID: Yeckley Enterprises Inc dba Bench Lounge 1st Floor & Basement: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $2,000 or 12 days GAHANNA: Three Little Pigs LTD Jack Harris RCVR dba Hoggy's: paid for permit fee with a check not honored by bank; in violation - $300 or license revoked HAMILTON:


OCTOBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 65

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES Entertainment LLC dba Meisterhaus German Lodge Bar: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors, permitted disorderly activities on premises, failed to display permit in a conspicuous place - $1,600 or 10 days

HANGING ROCK IRONTON: Morgan Holdings Ohio LLC dba Poor Michaels Laidback Bar: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors, allowed gambling on premises, allowed the giving away of alcohol as a prize - $1,200 or 8 days HARRISON: 200 N State Street Inc dba Tips Cafe: sold alcohol to an already intoxicated individual - $5,000 or permit revoked KENT: VFW Post 3703 Captain Brady: sold alcohol to a nonmember of their organization - $300 or 3 days LAKEWOOD: Eddy & Iggys LLC dba Eddy & Iggys & Patio & 17820 Detroit Ave Patio Only: employee sold unauthorized alcohol - $300 or 3 days LIMA: AJ S 1960 Tavern LLC dba The Liquor Box: failed to have beer pipelines, barrel tubes, faucets, and taps properly cleaned, failed to maintain record card of cleaning of above - $300 or 3 days; Entermuse Inc: sold alcohol to an already intoxicated individual, sold alcohol after hours permitted by license, insanitary conditions throughout premises undisclosed amount or 5 days; Joseph N Lombardo dba Lombardos: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $3,000 or 12 days 66 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY OCTOBER 2012

MIDDLETOWN: Pojo Bean Investments LLC: served alcohol after hours permitted by license, failed to display permit in conspicuous place, allowed disorderly activity on premises, beverages for sale not kept in potable conditions, knowingly permitted drug use - $1,200 or 8 days MT HEALTHY: Darryll Smith dba Bar & Restaurant & Hall: allowed improper drug use onto premises - $500 or 5 days NORTH BALTIMORE: Kimberly A Carrier dba Harry's Bar & Grill: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $1,000 or 8 days PARMA HEIGHTS: Bistecca Corp dba Parma Heights Harry Buffalo: served alcohol at a price less than that charged to other patrons - $300 or 3 days PERRYSBURG: BL Restaurant Operations LLC dba Bar Louie: sold an unlimited number of servings of alcohol during a set period of time for a fixed price - $300 or 3 days RITTMAN: Country Line Inc dba Country Line Bar & Patio: paid for permit fee with a check not honored by bank; in violation, no penalty imposed SPRINGDALE: Gomez Group Inc dba Taqueria Mi Ranchita: sold alcohol not authorized under permit - $400 or 4 days SPRINGFIELD: Machinists Realty Corp: sold liquor in violation of permit - $400 or 4 days SOUTH EUCLID: JWEHR3 dba Juice's Bar and Grille & Patio:

sold intoxicating liquor in violation of permit - $300 or 3 days TOLEDO: Fire Pizza Bar LLC: allowed consumption of alcohol after hours which permit allows - $400 or 4 days TRENTON: El Barzon LLC dba El Barzon: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor - $750 or 6 days UHRICHSVILLE: Tammie L Maxwell dba Tammie's Tavern 1st Floor & Basement: premises were in an insanitary condition - $900 or 3 days WADSWORTH: RCW & RJM Inc dba The Bunker: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $3,300 or 18 days WHITE HALL: Dukem Restaurant LLC dba Duken Restaurant: employee obstructed officer from making investigation - $500 or 5 days WINDHAM: Ballentine Investments Inc dba Time Out Sports Bar & Grill: possessed beer which was not lawfully acquired - $400 or 4 days WOOSTER: Macs Convenience Stores LLC dba Circle K 5440: sold alcohol to a minor $3,000 or 12 days YOUNGSTOWN: IBPOE of W Lodge 0073 Buckeye Elks: sold alcohol to a non-member of their organization - $300 or 3 days; Irish Bobbs Inc dba Irish Bobs Pub: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor - $450 or 3 days




Tickets Still Available!


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Acqua Panna | S.Pellegrino Dual logo Event version A - Use this version from base 49 mm to lower dimensions.


P R I C E L E S S N Y. C O M

The Festival urges all adults to consume alcoholic products responsibly. 100% of the net proceeds go to Food Bank For New York City and Share Our Strength®

Sponsors confirmed as of August 30, 2012 Seth Browarnik/Red Eye Productions, Miami + David X Prutting/BFAnyc.com

Moscato Heaven

Marketed by Bronco Wine Company | www.broncowine.com | 707.265.4003

Moscato Heaven Bev Media 9.12.indd 1

9/6/12 1:44 PM

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