Ohio Beverage Monthly - June 2012

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June 2012

BY-THE-GLASS Good Pour Choices

Bursting Out on the Heels of Moscato also

GREEK WINE Is it Finally Catching On?

SPIRITS TAKE FLIGHT Thematic Groupings Not Just for Wine

B:8.75 in T:8.25 in S:7.75 in




Our first two flavors, remixed in celebration of their 50th Anniversary.

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY BEE’S KNEES SHOT 2 parts Stoli Sticki™ ½ part lemon juice ½ part honey syrup Shake with ice and serve ®





FOLLOW US ONLINE: facebook.com/stoli or @Stoli GREAT COCKTAILS START WITH RESPONSIBLE MEASURING. SAVOR STOLI RESPONSIBLY. STOLICHNAYA® flavored premium vodkas. 37.5% Alc./Vol. Distilled from grain. William Grant & Sons, Inc. New York, NY. © 2012 Spirits International, B.V.

client: stoli

bleed: 8.75” x 11.375”

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THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY HOT & STICKI SHOT 1 part Stoli Hot 1 part Stoli Sticki™ Shake with ice and serve Garnish with a jalapeño

June 12

28 feATureS


20 HOW SWeeT IT IS Americans continue to ‘talk dry but drink sweet’, making sweet reds a hot topic.

4 puBLISHer'S meSSAGe 6 SuperInTendenT Of OHIO LIQuOr COnTrOL repOrT

44 20 28 SpIrITS TAKe fLIGHT Groupings of small pours are not just for wine anymore.

44 GreeK WIneS GO mAInSTreAm Led by restaurants on both coasts, Greek wines are gaining attention. 48 WHAT HAppened In veGAS new products headlined the 69th Annual WSWA Convention.

7 meSSAGe frOm THe OLBA exeCuTIve dIreCTOr 8 LeGAL ISSueS 9 GueST COLumn 11 LAST CALL 13 evenTS & BenefITS 17 CHefS COrner

34 CHILe’S COOLer SIde Coastal regions in Chile turn out some of the country’s best white wines.


36 GOOd pOur CHOICeS On-premise has a host of solutions for serving popular wines by-the-glass.


51 SHOppInG neTWOrK



June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 3


publisher's message BY pHILIp A. CrAIG

philip A. Craig, publisher


ummer has arrived! This month we bring you more of the information you count on from the Ohio

Beverage monthly.

We start off with Bruce Stevenson’s monthly column on page 6. Bruce congratulates a longtime industry friend on his retirement and adds how beneficial it is for state agencies to have a strong relationship with their federal counterpart. On page 8, dave raber covers rule 52 which has been ruled constitutional, and now all provisions are being enforced. This month, we have another guest contributor, representative michael Stinziano. He tells us why working with elected officials helps to build a positive business environment. He shares the value of reaching out to your elected officials. Sometimes, you can make things happen. Also this month, my column details the new opportunity to partner with charities. Through the hard work of the OLBA, you will soon have the ability to recoup some of the expenses you incur when engaging in charitable fundraising. Be sure to read

4 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012

the details on this exciting development on page 7. Chuck deibel, author of the Last Call column, talks this month about crunching your bar or retaurant's numbers to find out your averages. deibel walks you through the math that can help you be more profitable. The 11th Annual Buckeye Bar expo is coming up on September 17th! If you are an OLBA member you'll get free admission! The bands that will be performing are detailed on page 13.

rememBer THAT SImpLY reAdInG OHIO

BeverAGe mOnTHLY KeepS YOu AHeAd Of YOur COmpeTITIOn Having a web page for your business is a must! Our Bar Blogger, Barry Chandler, tells you on page 18 the essentials to have on your business web page. finally, Chef Quinn Allen discusses pricing and how to drive your profit on page 17. Learn how putting higher priced items on your menu can increase your sales, even if you don't sell any of them! Thank you for reading this month's issue, remember that simply reading Ohio Beverage monthly keeps you ahead of your competition!

Ohio Beverage monthly volume 3, no 6 (ISSn 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


philip A. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

General Counsel

Jacob C. evans, esq. jevans@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

edITOrIAL editor In Chief

molly K. mcKee mmckee@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

ArT & deSIGn Art director Graphic designer Assistant designer Ohio Art director

Larry Lee llee@bevmedia.com dana Buonincontri dbuonincontri@bevmedia.com Josue romero jromero@bevmedia.com megan W. Jordan mjordan@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

prInT & prOduCTIOn print Services manager

Lee Stringham lstringham@bevmedia.com 410.519.7034

AdverTISInG Ohio Ad Sales

national & regional Ad Sales

Sales promotion manager

William Goddard 614.241.2222 wgoddard@ohiobeveragemonthly.com Jody Slone-Spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 jslone@bevmedia.com Jessica roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117 jroszkowiak@bevmedia.com

OperATIOnS Circulation finance & Accounting

Sylvia prince sprince@bevmedia.com Seth niessen sniessen@bevmedia.com randye Benvenisti randye@bevmedia.com

Ohio Beverage Journal (ISSn 1065-9846) June 2012, vol. 3 no.6 postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage monthly, 37 W. Broad St, Suite 480, Columbus, OH 43215 Ohio Beverage monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.


The Beverage network publications are serviced by Beverage media Group, Inc., 116 John Street, 23rd floor, new York, nY 10038. Telephone: (212) 571-3232 fAx: (212) 571-4443. www.Bevnetwork.com

Monday, September 17th , e c n a D , B & R , z z a J g n i r Featu . . . h t i W e r o M d n a n w o t o M


o i t a P e h T n O e n i h S Party r o n i a R , m p 0 3 : 6 12:30 583 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215



JerOme (JerrY) J. CAJKA WILL Be reTIrInG On JuLY 1, 2012 The division Will Be Losing A Longtime friend And Associate BY BruCe d. STevenSOn, SuperInTendenT OHIO dIvISIOn Of LIQuOr COnTrOL

Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Jerry has been very instrumental in assisting the division in bridging the gap between the federal and state regulations. He has always been very accessible and eager to offer guidance on issues not only to the division, but to the manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the state. Bruce d. Stevenson,, Superintendent


JerrY HAS Been verY InSTrumenTAL In ASSISTInG THe dIvISIOn In BrIdGInG THe GAp BeTWeen THe federAL And STATe reGuLATIOnS.

he division will be losing a longtime friend and associate in the regulatory sector of the alcoholic beverage industry. After 42 years of distinguished service, Jerome (Jerry) J. Cajka will be retiring on July 1, 2012 from his post as Along with the 15476 Gran Gala STATE 2012 1-2 Pg Ad.MECH_Layout 1 10/17/11 9:17 division, AM Page 1 Jerry district director (Investigations), has devoted many hours to midwest field Office, with the participating in compliance u.S. Treasury department’s, seminars with members of

the industry explaining and clarifying the many rules and regulations that deal in the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages. It has been very beneficial to have someone like Jerry to call upon when issues develop and new regulations are adopted. It is critical that state agencies have a strong relationship with their federal counterpart in order to have consistency in the enforcement of similar regulations. Jerry personified our philosophy of providing exemplary customer service to help Ohio businesses operate and succeed. While Jerry will be greatly missed, his legacy of dedication to duty and spirit of cooperation with the industry was instilled in many of us who had the privilege of working with him, and will continue to be an asset to Ohio for many years to come. Thanks, Jerry!

Natural Italian Essence with Orange Appeal™ Gran Gala, ©2011 Stock Spirits Group U.S.A., Inc. Imported by Sazerac Company, Inc., New Orleans, LA. Sole Agents in U.S.A. 40% Alc/Vol. Phone 866-729-3722 or email info@grangala.com

Gran Gala is still the same 94-rated triple orange liqueur, now restyled with an upscale package. Made with hand-picked Tarocca, Bionda and Rossa oranges from Sicily, and infused with barrel aged VSOP Brandy, it makes superior margaritas and inspired signature cocktails. See for yourself why Gran Gala is the growth leader in orange liqueurs.


6 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012

Please drink responsibly

e n d m P s r h


HB 386 new partnerships for Charitable Work!


m. Sub. H.B. 386 is on the Governor’s desk as this article goes to print. Should Governor Kasich allow the bill to become law or sign the bill, the hospitality industry has an opportunity to become partners with charitable organizations across Ohio. This is something our industry will embrace and it will be a game changer with respect to our public image. Soon we will be raising money for charitable groups and therefore will share in the good works that they will do over time. This will not be occurring without the venue participating in the effort to raise funds. In fact, the OLBA has been working for years to get this participation with the charities established. The funds that our members will receive will be earned as we take time out of serving customers to help raise money for meaningful groups. The important thing will be to obey the law and make sure that you keep really good records on the effort to help raise money. Our participation is based on reimbursements on our existing business. So, record keeping is important. Choosing a good and upstanding charity to work with is also important. We will be encouraging you to work only with charities that have a track record of working with the hospitality industry and have a working knowledge of how this fundraising works. You will need to make sure you fully understand how to legally


participate in the fundraising effort before you begin! Here is how it works: The owner or lessor of an establishment will enter into a contract with a charitable organization that is properly licensed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office (ask the charity for a copy!).

SOOn We WILL Be rAISInG mOneY fOr CHArITABLe GrOupS And THerefOre WILL SHAre In THe GOOd WOrKS THAT THeY WILL dO Over TIme. upon receiving a “deal of tickets”, your bar will pay the charitable organization the “full gross profit” from the sale of all of the tickets. This is the same as in the past; now, however, is the critical change! The full gross profit will now reflect a deduction for your expenses, not to exceed 6% of the total gross receipts of the deal of tickets. reimbursements may be based upon funds expended related to charitable gaming for items such as audits and accounting services; safes; Cash registers; hiring security personnel; advertising bingo; payment of real property taxes and assessments that are levied on a premises on which bingo is conducted; and any other product or service

phil Craig, executive director

directly related to the conduct of bingo that is authorized in rules adopted by the attorney general. Additionally, rent can be included, however it must be that percentage of the owner’s or lessor’s rent for the location where instant bingo is conducted. perhaps the clearest point of the above is the fact that a credible, recognized charity is critical to YOur success . . . . not only to ensure that you are operating legally, but to also help you through establishing the proper reimbursement! As always, the OLBA is here to help liquor permit owners. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (800) 678-5995!

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 7

LeGALISSueS ruLe 52 ruLed COnSTITuTIOnAL All provisions Are Again fully enforced BY dAve rABer


n article appearing in Legally Speaking on October 5, 2010 advised permit holders that the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision declaring rule 52 is constitutional. The article admonished all permit holders, local law enforcement, and the department of public Safety shall once again enforce all provisions of rule 52. I have noticed rule 52

dave raber, OLBA Legal Co-Counsel

cases involving nudity, sexual activities and public indecency are once again showing up on the Liquor Control Commission’s docket. Therefore, permit holders must be aware that enforcement of all the provisions of rule 52, including those which prohibit the display of nudity and sexual behavior at permit premises are being fully enforced. Courts in Ohio have established that restrictions on public nudity, public decency and erotic dancing in liquor establishments are within the constitutional power of the government. The Ohio Supreme Court explained: “The obvious 'harmful potentialities' when the sale of intoxicating beverages occurs in retail outlets necessitates that the liquor industry be strictly regulated, and that regulation includes not only the sale of liquor but also the conditions and circumstances surrounding the liquor premises.” In 2004, a federal district court, permanently enjoined

enforcement several provisions of rule 52 which regulated nudity, sexual activity, sexual contact and sexual conduct on a permit premises. As a result of this decision certain provisions of rule 52 that regulated nudity on liquor permit premises were unenforceable will the state appealed. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rendered a decision that found the challenged provisions of rule 52 constitutional. The Court further elaborated that rule 52 is a constitutional, content neutral regulation of the undesirable secondary effects, including prostitution, drug trafficking and assault associated with nude dancing in an environment serving alcohol.

THe SIxTH CIrCuIT COurT Of AppeALS ISSued A deCISIOn deCLArInG ruLe 52 IS COnSTITuTIOnAL. Although the Court stated that nude dancing is protected by the first Amendment, that safeguard is only “within the ‘outer ambit’ of the first Amendment’s protection. rule 52 has a minimal impact on the market place of ideas because persons desiring to perform mainstream works of art involving nudity and sexual activity may do so in an establishment that is not licensed to sell liquor. If you are a liquor permit holder and you do have nude performers or employees engaging in conduct on your permit premises that may implicate rule 52, you must review the laws and make certain the performers’ and employees’ conduct strictly complies with all applicable laws.

8 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012


We WOrK fOr YOu!

Working With elected Officials for A positive Business environment BY repreSenTATIve mICHAeL STInZIAnO


oo often we hear that elected officials are deaf to the needs of their communities. I believe responsive constituent service is the most important thing that an elected official can provide while serving in office. We work for you!! To truly thrive economically, I recognize that we need a strong and positive environment for all businesses in our state and I am committed to working with business leaders around Ohio to do just that. Creating jobs to grow Ohio's economy and restore economic prosperity to foster small business growth to create, retain, and sustain good paying jobs in Ohio, is my top priority at the Statehouse. All too often, there is a disconnect between government and the needs of the business community. I encourage every business owner with whom I speak to reach out to their elected officials if they are running into an issue or if government is standing in the way of the growth of their business. my staff and I have worked with local business owners to keep them aware of pending legislation that would affect their bottom line, reform unreasonable licensing requirements, and helped to stop

highway construction that would have caused a business to relocate out of their community. Collaboration between government and business leaders is imperative. HB 243 is a great example of business suggesting a solution to bring an unreasonable law to the attention of legislators and then working with legislators to remove a barrier to growth.

COLLABOrATIOn BeTWeen GOvernmenT And BuSIneSS LeAderS IS ImperATIve. I saw firsthand the immediate impact of passing HB 243 when Watershed distillery, located in Columbus, became the first microdistillery in Ohio to be awarded a permit, allowing them to sell samples in their own tasting room. Had business leaders not worked to inform my colleagues and me about this issue, it is likely that this change in state law would never have occurred. The General Assembly recently created TourismOhio which could

north Coast Licensed Beverage Association Swearing In Of OďŹƒcers 2012

president max Sorenson, Treasurer Kathy Bean, vice president Joe Grozde, Secretary Sandy, Trustee Cindy Garrett , Trustee Claudia premeau, michael murray

representative michael Stinziano

directly impact your business. The new agency is responsible for attracting new visitors, conventions, and major events through aggressive national sales and marketing. A study showed a $14 return for every dollar spent by the state on the division's major spring ad campaign for 2011. As the state invests more funds into attracting more tourists to our state; the licensed beverage industry stands to benefit greatly. With an expected influx of potential cash and customers, new and unforeseeable problems are sure to arise. That is why it is crucial to begin building lasting relationships with elected officials in your area now, so when future impediments to your business arise, you have a partner in government ready to knock down unreasonable barriers. It is vital that we work together to foster a positive business environment that allows for our communities to thrive. When a problem arises or there is an impediment to your business' growth, I urge you to reach out to your elected officials and work together to find a solution. Together we will make Ohio the best place to live, work, and enjoy a drink in the country.

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 9





Wild Turkey, famous for bourbon, has launched Wild Turkey 81 Rye to meet America’s burgeoning thirst for rye whiskey. Crafted by Wild Turkey Associate Master Distiller Eddie Russell with enthusiasts and mixologists in mind, 81 Rye is aged in deepchar American oak. It offers spicy vanilla notes and a light smoky taste, with hints of rye toast.

Consumers seeking summertime refreshment can cruise into sweet flavors with the new 2010 White Truck Moscato from California. The Muscat grapes used were picked from select vineyards throughout the state. “This Moscato has lively fruit aromas of orange blossoms and passion fruit accompanied by a bouquet of wild flowers. Perfect to pair with desserts,” said winemaker John Allbaugh.

Fresh off huge success in Italy, Mionetto has launched Il Spr!z in the U.S. Il Spr!z is a ready-to-drink wine-based cocktail made with frizzante sparkling wine, enhanced with natural color and featuring aromas and flavors of fresh orange and herbs. This apéritif is 8% ABV and under 100 calories per 4 oz. serving. It is recommended over ice with a simple garnish of an orange slice or green olive.




SRP: $22.99


SRP: 375ml $8; 750ml $14

Jose cuerVo mArGArItA BRIGHTENS SUMMER WITH GRAPEFRUIT TANGERINE Margaritas are ever-popular, and consumers continue to want new and vibrant flavors like citrus. Authentic Jose Cuervo Margarita in Grapefruit Tangerine is ready to delight all summer long. A great choice for those wanting convenience and new flavor combinations from the best-selling line of Ready-To-Serve Margaritas.



La Petite Fontaine Côtes du Rhône is like drinking the terroir of the Southern Rhône, with ample fruit but also earthy characteristics and spicy undertones. La Petite Fontaine is crafted by esteemed winemaker Christian Voeux of Château La Nerthe using a blend of Grenache, Syrah, Cinsault and Carignan grapes. Meant for everyday drinking, it has the body to accompany anything from burgers to roast chicken.

Adult Beverage Co., whose first product was Adult Chocolate Milk, has launched a nostalgic new beverage, Adult Limeade, a pour-and-serve cocktail featuring 100% blue agave reposado tequila. Made in Mexico and bottled at 40-proof, Adult Limeade comes in a retro-chic bottle and does not require refrigeration. Recommended over ice or as mixer in summer recipes.




SRP: 750ml $9.99; 1.75L $14.99

SRP: $12.99

SRP: 750ml $19.99; 1L $23.99

10 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012

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5/10/12 12:25:37 PM

25:37 PM



Crunching The numbers: What Are The Averages? BY CHuCK deIBeL


i and welcome back to The Last Call! If you are new to the column or a regular, it’s great to see you. This month’s topic is crunching the numbers! I did this last year and felt it would be helpful to do it again this year. Here are the inventory and sales statistics taken from my actual clients of my Bevinco practice in Columbus. So crunch your own numbers and see how you stack up. These numbers are from April, 2012. So there is no march madness, football games or St. patrick’s day to skew the numbers and inflate the sales. On pOur SIZeS : The average standard pour size for a single shot of liquor was 1.45 oz. 50% used 1.50 oz, 40% used 1.25 oz, 2% used 1 oz and 5.0% used 1.75 oz. The average glass of wine used 6.15 oz. With the range going from 5 oz up to 7.10 oz. martini’s ranged from 2 oz to 6 oz of total liquor used. This was unchanged. draft beer ranged from 12 oz to 32 oz for glasses and pitchers went from 32 oz to 64 oz. Also unchanged, but I am starting to see a lot more 100 oz tubes being used. On prICInG: The average single shot of well liquor went for $2.85. The average for call liquor was $3.85 and the average for Top shelf (your 3rd highest category) was $4.49. Increases here. Wine averaged $5.50 a glass and a draft beer pint averaged $2.89 (using 14.5 oz as the size). Increases in these areas from the prior year. A bottle of domestic beer averaged $2.74 and a bottle of import beer averaged $3.49. On perCenTAGeS. I am giving both actuals and ideals. You might recall my earlier columns on the importance of calculating both and understanding where the difference between the two exists and how much that is. remember, your product mix will dictate your overall ideals and that number will change with each operating period. The average overall percentage

was a 26.5% and the overall actual percentage was a 27.8%. The range was from a low on the ideal of 14.9% to a high of 34.9%. The range on the actual percentages was a low of 16% to a high of 39.5%. The average for the Ideal on Liquor was a 21.5%, with a range of 14.2% to 32.3% The average for the Ideal on wine was 27.8%, with a range of 10.10% to 64% The average for the ideal on bottles of beer was 27.7% with a range of 16.8% to 49.6% The average for the ideal on draft beer was 33.6%, with a range of 22.9% to 51.7%.

Chuck deibel

On SALeS: The average sales for the bars I tracked were $13,800 per week. The low was $4,125 and the high was $42,966. There were 16 bars that had sales of less than $10K and 16 bars that had sales of greater than $20K in a week. my survey used 75 bars and restaurants.

I HOpe YOu fInd THe numBerS InTereSTInG And prOvIde YOu WITH A QuICK WAY TO AnALYZe YOur OWn OperATIOnS. The average sales for liquor were $6,985, wine averaged $625 and beer averaged $7,150 for a week. (I combined both draft and bottle sales for beer). The range on the sales for liquor was $550 to a high of $27,782. The range on wine sales per store was a low of $6 to a high of $7150 and the range on beer was a low of $1219 to a high of $19,569 for one week. InvenTOrY On HAnd: The average value on hand was $9,988. The inventory used ratio was 2.6 times. This means on the day of inventory the bar has 2.6 times on hand what it uses. The lower the number the better. That means you have less money tied up in inventory

that isn’t being used. I had a range of a low of 1 to a high of 7.9. On effICIenCY perfOrmAnCe: The bars showed averaged an efficiency rating of 97.52%. That means their shrinkage averaged about 2.5%. The range was a low of 87.6% to a high of 103%. I had 9 bars with efficiency’s of 100% or over. Which means in effect, no losses. I hope you find the numbers interesting and provide you with a quick way to analyze your own operations. If you are interested in receiving a more in-depth view, give us a call or write me at deibel@ bevinco.com. See you soon!

When you did your inventory last week, how many shots of Crown royal were you missing? How many pints of draft beer were you missing? If you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to www.bevinco.com Our clients do know how much.

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 11




Chocolat Royal Liqueur is a super-premium dark chocolate liqueur from Marie Brizard, offering aromatic notes of vanilla and caramel with intense dark chocolate courtesy of fine cocoa beans. This product is the latest example of centuries of Marie Brizard quality cordial creation, combining traditional methods with innovation. Versatile behind the bar and bottled at 34 proof.

Hacienda Methode Champenoise California Brut is a versatile “New World” sparkling wine made with decidedly “Old World” techniques. The award-winning wine is also a good value. Winemaker Bob Stashak said, “Straw-colored sparkling wine with flavors of shortbread, fresh fruit and buttery vanilla. This sparkling wine pairs well with caviar, appetizers, mild and strong cheeses and shellfish.” Available in 187ml and 750ml formats.

smIrnoFF Ice ce BLA BLAcK ARRIVES IN TIME FOR SUMMER Smirnoff Ice has launched its newest flavored malt beverage, Smirnoff Ice Black. This is Smirnoff’s third line of flavored malt beverages (joining Smirnoff Ice and Smirnoff Premium Malt Mixed Drinks), available in Lemon Lime, Fruit Punch and Watermelon flavors. Smirnoff Ice Black is the next generation of Smirnoff Ice, at 8% ABV.




SRP: $27.99


SRP 23.5 oz.: $2.69




This Jamaican Rum was a favorite of Newfoundland for centuries before it officially got its name. Famous Newfoundland Screech, as legend tells it, was the fitting name for the original over-proof formulation (since toned down), which could cause such a sound from an unsuspecting drinker. This dark amber rum is aged in oak for two years, and has a bouquet of molasses and sweet oak.

House Jam’s latest sweet effervescent Italian wines are Lambrusco and Moscato. The new wines—100% Lambrusco and 100% Moscato—are crafted using stainless steel fermentation and Charmat Method for second fermentation in tanks. Joining House Jam Sweet Smooth Red and Sweet Chillin’ White, these wines sing for summer imbibing.

Renowned freehand tattoo artist Tattoo Tony Rodriguez has collaborated with Atlantic Bottling to craft Tattoo Tony’s Hard Iced Tea. This spirit-based product is packaged in liter bottles, taking inspiration from the Jersey Shore boardwalk. The five flavors offered are Green Tea, Peach Tea, Lemon, Sweet and Raspberry; each features a tattoo created and signed by Tattoo Tony.




SRP: $15.99

SRP: $7.99

SRP: $14.99

12 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012

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5/10/12 12:25:41 PM


12:25:41 PM


BuCKeYe BAr expO enTerTAInmenT

2012 party On The patio Will rock! BY mOLLY mCKee have opened for many musical artists, including eric Benet, mint Condition, Angela Johnson, Yahzarah, Goalepele, and Chrissette michelle. Chillin Sun is a four-man band including Kenny Kanowski (singer/ guitarist), mike Cole (drummer),

molly mcKee, OLBA management Team


he Buckeye Bar expo is proud to be hosting some very talented musical entertainers this year! All of the musical acts are well-known, established acts in the Columbus music scene that, most importantly, play great music. Our schedule is jam packed with a variety of bands, so there is something for everyone to enjoy at the Buckeye Bar expo. The day’s entertainment kicks off with the party on the patio at 12:30 p.m. Come check out the four great acts that we have lined up for you! We’re sure you’re going to want to book them in your own bar. Luxury Brown plays a variety of music styles including dance, jazz, r&B, pop, motown, and more, so there is something for everyone! They are led by the vocals of meredith evans, who has shared the stage with John Legend. Geoff Cameron plays the keyboard and

Chillin Sun

Shannon Smith (guitarist), and Bob durosko (bassist). Kenny Kanowski was the former guitarist for the band Steelheart and wrote the hit song “We All die Young” for the popular motion picture “rock Star.” now he shares his talents with Chillin Sun, an aggressive hard rock band from new York and Ohio that has shared the stage with Shinedown, fuel, Breaking Benjamin, and Salivia. The group is multifaceted, as they play a wide range of classic rock, new rock, hard rock, and their own original music. Currently, the band is working on launching a debut record on the Late Show with david Letterman. mr. miyagi, an 80s rock cover band, is sure to play some of your favorite greatest hits from the decade. Some of their favorite songs to play are by bands like AC/dC, Kiss, Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Journey, and van Halen. The men of mr. miyagi

Luxury Brown

is incredibly talented. They have played at many popular Columbus events like the Columbus Jazz & rib festival, Columbus Commons’ Summer Concerts in the park, and the Columbus marathon to name a few from the long list. Also, they

are busy as they often play shows at the Crazee mule Saloon and have performed in the past at Slapsy maxies and the rockin’ & rowin’ Benefit Bash at frontier ranch in pataskala, Ohio. Audiences love them because they do a great job of striking the balance between staying true to the song they’re covering and adding their own twist. Blu Kuda is a high-energy cover band from Columbus, Ohio playing everything from current rock/ pop to popular bar classics that keep the dance floor filled. All of the members of Blu Kuda are established musicians within the Columbus music scene. The band is tight-knit as most of them played in bands together before Blu Kuda was

Blu Kuda

formed. Tim Workman (vocals) and matt Bradley (guitar/vocals) played in the band Jaded until recently while Jonny v (guitar/vocals) and John Homan (drums) played together for four years until the start of Blu Kuda. The remaining member, bassist/vocalist Todd Bettler, is no stranger to bands and the music scene either; he played in the band dirty Side down. You won’t want to miss them! On top of the amazing bands, we also have door prizes and the Search for Ohio’s favorite Bartender. The entertainment lineup is just one more reason to attend the Buckeye Bar expo this year. The seminars are worthwhile and informative, and the entertainment provides a nice balance of business and pleasure. This year’s Buckeye Bar expo is going to be great, so come join us on monday, September 17 at the Bluestone!

mr. miyagi

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 13


Patrón’s John McDonnell Takes the Lead at DISCUS Incoming DISCUS chairman John McDonnell (COO, The Patrón Spirits Company) talks about winning the battle against new taxes, the harmony between wholesalers and suppliers and reversing the discrimination against spirits.

on priorities The Beverage NeTwork: What unique perspective do you bring to the role of Chairman for the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States [DiSCUS]? JohN McDoNNell: This August will mark my 30th year in the business, so I’ve built a lot of relationships which I believe will be helpful in getting members of the industry to work together on the DISCUS agenda. I’ve also lived all over the world, so I bring an international perspective—many industry people don’t realize that DISCUS has global responsibilities. TBN: Beverage alcohol taxation seems to always be an issue. Do you expect this to be a significant focus during your term? JM: Increasing social responsibility outreach and fighting taxation are the two most important issues of my term—they are the two areas where our industry can be hurt the most. Suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers all share the same goals, and when we work together, we are very effective. Two years ago, the Massachusetts legislature proposed and passed an additional 6.25% spirits

sales tax at the register, which in effect amounted to double taxation. Suppliers, wholesalers and retailers worked together to put this ruling on the ballot and it was voted down.

“increasing social responsibility outreach and Fighting taxation are the two most important issues oF my term.” But we have to stay on our guard: Last year, working closely with WSWA and our lobbyists, we successfully defeated 25 separate tax battles. But at the end of the calendar year, Cook County, IL introduced an on-premise drinks tax that made it through. This just shows how fast we must react if we are going to stop these taxes, or “fees” as many states are now referring to them. The DISCUS budget is tight and the amount of work we accomplish on behalf of the whole industry is incredible.

TBN: What international DISCUS initiatives are currently in the works? JM: The Chinese government won’t allow 100% agave tequilas to be imported, and we are working with the Mexican and Chinese governments to help change that. Korea recently made the change to allow them, which set a positive precedent. Korea also just relaxed its taxes on bourbon in January, and DISCUS was involved in making that happen. We worked with the Philippine government to stop taxing spirits differently than had been agreed to by the WTO. We truly are a worldwide organization. TBN: There has been a lot of focus on tension between WSWA and DiSCUS over the CARE Act legislation. Now that this has been abandoned, do you expect relations to improve? JM: So much has been made in the media about discord over the CARE Act, perhaps because it’s newsworthy, but the truth is all tiers of our industry agree on 99% of the issues we are facing. And when we do disagree, we respect each others’ positions. For example, we understand the wholesalers’ support for franchise protection in certain markets, and the wholesalers know that suppliers are

14 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012

June12 Speakeasy_McDonnell.indd 1

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a conversation with the incoming discus chairman

against it. Yet we are still friends and we still get along—we can’t live without one another. Charlie Merinoff [current WSWA Chairman] and I have already had a number of meetings. We’re all business partners and friends—there just isn’t the negativity that people think there is.

on social responsibility TBN: DiSCUS is a huge champion of social responsibility, particularly when it comes to advertising. is this still a major priority?


’t me o e a ey, g iliro e



ect, ut e d h ernd e

JM: If we don’t work to advertise our efforts of social responsibility, regulation against our industry will increase. It’s preferable if it comes from us. We changed our advertising code to mandate that spirits companies may only advertise in publications where 71.6% of the readership is over 21 years old— the FTC is very supportive of the way we regulate. The FTC audits different companies every year—we were audited at Patrón two years ago—in order to make sure everyone is complying. TBN: How can DiSCUS extend their reach to non-members who are not complying with the code and could potentially damage the entire industry’s reputation? JM: Years ago, before Patrón was a DISCUS member, we ran an ad that violated the code and DISCUS called me up directly and we corrected ourselves. We continue to do that, and by and large, companies comply. The public doesn’t realize how strict our self-policing is. TBN: How can you measure the effectiveness of social responsibility programs? JM: I live in Boston, where we have one of the highest rates of underage

“we plan to work closely with wswa to advertise the science that moderate consumption oF alcohol has health attributes—not just wine.” drinking incidents in the country. Patrón worked with local distributors, the college association and retailers for the last two years on a campaign developed by the FTC called “We Don’t Serve Teens,” which includes ads, billboards, television spots, POS, case cards and window signs. We even had bilingual ads because we have many new immigrants coming from countries where 18 is the legal drinking age. Studies from Department of Health revealed that as a result, we were able to track an actual decrease in underage drinking incidents. I’m hopeful that other companies will pick up on this and use the model in other cities.

on public perception TBN: Society still has a perception that spirits are more harmful to the public good than wine or beer. is this changing? JM: When I was growing up my mother used to tell me, if you are going to drink, stay away from the ‘hard stuff’ and just drink beer. This attitude has diminished greatly today. Generation X and Y understand that 12 oz. of beer is equal to 5 oz. wine which is equal to 1.5 oz. of spirits. The fact that spirits have grown 5 market share points in the last decade (which is coming from beer) has much to do with education. Also, the FDA dietary guidelines provide four aspects to a healthy life-

style: no smoking, a healthy diet, proper exercise and moderate consumption of alcohol. That didn’t exist when I was growing up. We plan to work closely with WSWA to advertise the science that moderate consumption of alcohol has health attributes—not just wine. This will further help put the industry in a positive light. TBN: Yet you believe spirits are still discriminated against when it comes to access and taxes? JM: Absolutely. Beer and wine enjoy the benefits of in-store tastings in most markets, and have better access across the country. Due to licensing and regulations put in place after Prohibition, they have three times the access opportunities compared to spirits in our country—in Texas, it’s eight times. In terms of federal excise tax, spirits contributes about $5 billion. Beer contributes $4 billion and wine is less than $1 billion. We are being discriminated against and are working toward lowering spirits taxes so we are more in line with other forms of alcohol. When you go to a store and 59% of the price you pay for a bottle is tax, something is wrong. The last time we raised the federal excise tax on spirits it took the government 10 years to collect the amount of money they were collecting before they raised it. This proves it’s a regressive tax—when you raise it, consumption goes down, and that’s a fact. ■

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 15

10:28:28 AM June12 Speakeasy_McDonnell.indd 2

5/9/12 10:28:28 AM


Manager Dustin Cheault and Katie Mooney of Agency 747 (Giant Eagle Grove City) with Svedka Stars and Stripes vodka- a limited edition perfect for Memorial Day

Manager Bob Haddad holds a Svedka Stars and Stripes bottle at Agency 405 (Elyria Liquor and Beverage).

Kenny Powers with the "Ignite the Night with Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey" display at Agency 743 (Dublin Wine Cellar).

Agency 532 (Marsch Supermarket) Troy also is displaying Svedka Stars and Stripes. Shown with Matt Borneman from RNDC.

Molly Borden is shown with Agency 782's (Grove City Kroger) "Celebrate Cinco de Mayo" display featuring 1800 Tequila and new 1800 Coconut.

16 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012


prICeS: THe HIGHer, THe BeTTer

The Basics of pricing- plus, How to drive up your profits BY QuInn m. ALLen CSC


ne of the most important facets to menu development is pricing. prices do much more than just determine your profit margin. After you hammer out your recipes, food cost, and labor cost, prices are figured using an almost exact equation to come out where you must to achieve sizeable profit. However, not all the items on your menu should be

Quinn Allen, CSC

priced using the same equation. If you are trying to make 200% profit on everything then some items are going to be perceived as overpriced along with several coming in underpriced. There are several things that you must learn to keep your pricing on an even keel so that the customer has no issues with signing their bill. The foundation of pricing is labor cost added to food cost. This will give you your breakeven point. everything you make above that on an item is pure profit. However, sometimes it is hard to determine how much you must mark up a given product to make sure it is still desirable and affordable to the consumer. for instance, if you think every

steakhouse in town is paying the bills selling meat, you’re wrong. The markup on their food items comes nowhere close to the markup on beverages. So the next time you’re out and about, don’t be surprised when you see that sixty five dollar merlot that you had with your meal on sale for nine fifty at Kroger.

YOu WOuLd fIGure HIGHer prICeS WOuLd drIve peOpLe AWAY, BuT nOT WHen YOu dO IT In SuCH A WAY THAT IT SuBLImInALLY InfLuenCeS THem TO Spend mOre mOneY. prices can do much more than just provide monetary value to items on a menu. prices can convey the type of establishment you are in. Solid numbers/dollar amounts are typically used in higher end dining establishments, whereas prices ending in .99 mean you are backed up in the drive-thru at Wendy’s. either way, consistency is the key and you will see it everywhere. If a menu has a price point ending in .95 then it is .95 across the board. The idea behind having a high decimal in prices is that the average person, when trying to figure a total amount, will add up the solid dollar amounts. Thus, they will spend to come in under a pre determined number, and when the bill comes all of those .50, .95, and .99 add up. At higher end establishments it is clear cut, said and done, here is what you get, this is what you are paying for it. The prices are higher, but when

you can’t pronounce half of the words on the menu, you already expected that. When it comes down to pricing items for your menu, typically you want to make at least double what you are investing, and most of the time it will come out to much more than that, depending on the demand for your product. But, there is a way to raise the prices in order for you to keep clientele and make more money. Typically, you would figure higher prices would drive people away, but not when you do it in such a way that it subliminally influences them to spend more money. Be cautious, what you are about to read is going to startle you at first, but you will come to terms with it over time. everyone has seen the items on a menu that are just over the top, seventy two ounce T-bone steak for one hundred and twenty dollars, bacon wrapped filet, inside of a duck liver, buried in beluga caviar, for nine hundred dollars. And you think to yourself, “who orders that stuff?” The answer is less than one percent of the people who have ever stepped foot in that establishment. However, what that menu item does is increase the average item price. When you see a grouping of items from low to high, the average person tends to land somewhere in the middle; when you have high priced items, you bring the middle to a much higher price point. We are all victims. This is why restaurants have a one hundred-something dollar bottle of wine in every category- they drive the average up. This applies for every item on a restaurant’s menu. Yes, you are getting options, but the option is, “How much money am I going to spend?” So next time, just go dutch.

June 2012 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY 17


5 Things Your Bar’s Website needs A Website Is The first place many Customers Go BY BArrY CHAndLer


website is the first place many customers go to explore a bar or restaurant. But, what do customers look for on a bar’s website? Here are the essential things your bar’s website needs.

HOurS Of OperATIOn When is the bar open? Is it closed on holidays? This is important information the website needs. A customer can’t come to the bar if they don’t know when it is open. Also, include Happy Hour times on the website or specials that occur on specific days of the week. menuS There should be an updated menu on the website. make sure the menu is easily downloadable and includes current food or beverage choices and prices. updATed TAp LIST

It is important to have all of the basic information about your bar or restaurant on the website. make sure the address is visible and includes easy directions. parking instructions are also helpful and the bar’s phone number is also a must have. If you want your customers to get social with you, include links to your facebook page and Twitter account. This way, you’re providing customers with even more outlets to digest your information.

pictures are extremely important to add to your bar’s website. everything from a picture of your bar, to photos of menus items or beers on tap should be included. Show off your bar and what it has to offer, visually.


photograph courtesy of ????????????


A specific list of the beers on tap is also important to include on your bar’s website. This is especially important if your bar has an extensive list of draft beers. Let the customer know what is available to drink.


September 17, 2012

18 OHIO BeverAGe mOnTHLY June 2012




Americans’ Tendency to ‘TALK DRY BUT DRINK SWEET’ Continues to Evolve, Making SWEET REDS the Hottest Category of the Moment


ust a couple of years ago, sweet red wine inhabited the same place in the wine world that it had always inhabited—on the retailer’s bottom shelf, in the same purgatory with the big jugs and five-liter boxes.

So what happened in the past 18 months? Why is sweet red wine perhaps the hottest category in the wine business, with more oomph than even Moscato? Why are some of the biggest producers in the world investing in a category that was once, not all that long ago, mostly known for its Kosher wines?

No one really knows. As a category, sweet red is so new that most of the major sales tracking consultancies don’t know that they’re tracking all of it. The category is still such a puzzle that it includes wines that are labeled as sweet and wines that are labeled as red blends, as well as wines with residual sugar as high as 9% and as low as 1.5%. Hence, sales figures must be interpreted with those caveats. The one thing that everyone does know? That sweet reds are selling, and in numbers that never seemed possible. Sales, says Nielsen, grew at triple-digit paces for a string of 13-week periods in the first quarter in 2012, outpacing Moscato during the same period. E.&J. Gallo’s Apothic (one of the smooth, juicy blends that is not technically sweet, nor is labeled as such) was one of the bestsellers in the U.S. in the $8-$13 category in 2011, while Beringer—which knows a thing or two about sweet wine—expects to sell one-half million cases of its Red Moscato this year.

asked about sweet red wine, and he just rolled his eyes. Even at the end of last year, when sweet red was recording serious sales numbers, one well-known wine critic dismissed the category because it wasn’t important enough to warrant his consideration. That perspective is changing quickly. Nielsen data found that sweet red grew 172.5% in the 13 weeks ending Jan. 7th, and 148.3% in the 13 weeks ending March 3rd. Christian Miller of Full Glass Research, whose company has started researching the trend, believes that there are a variety of reasons why this is happening now, including luck. “Wine is hip and red wine is popular,” he notes, “and these wines are hitting the market at the right time to take advantage of that.” Dig deeper, say the experts, and sweet reds seem to benefit from: Strong merchandising muscle that ensures wide distribution for near-sweet red brands that have been successful, like Ménage à Trois Red from Trinchero, Apothic Red from Gallo, and Cupcake Red Velvet from The Wine Group, says Miller. These wines are also priced in the

BREAKING THE RULES Sweet red has long been a pariah in the U.S. wine business. One respected winemaker, hardly a traditionalist himself, was

Long-term trending toward greater experimentalism by wine consumers, who are increasingly less afraid to try something different. “The stigma around sweet wine has been blown up,” says Bavaresco, who directs brand development for VinMotion Wines, the company that makes Pacific Rim Riesling and which will introduce the Sweet Bliss line, including a sweet red, later this year. “There isn’t a shroud of pretension over the category.” Groundwork done by regional wine, which has been successfully selling sweet red for years, says wine blogger Jeff Lefevere, who has written extensively about the subject. “I think the big boys saw the success in regional wine, and also viewed it as a competitive threat,” he says. Regional producers like Oliver in Indiana, St. James in Missouri, St. Julian in Michigan, Hazlitt in New York, and Duplin in North Carolina have sold hundreds of thousands of cases of sweet red, and their products regularly show up in sales tracking data in their home states.





GRA PE ( S )

Tempranillo, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Petite Sirah











selec tion

59 g/L

65 g/L

12 g/L

34 g/L

30 g/L

70 g/L

65 g/L

35 g/L



very popular $8-$15 range, which doesn’t hurt either.


















Pfalz, Germany





Moscato, Zinfandel, Petite Sirah

47% Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% Syrah, 19% mixed red, 12% mixed white

95% Dornfelder, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon

31% Syrah, 26% Zinfandel, 24% Merlot, 19% other red varieties

65% Zinfandel, 35% other red varieties

51% Shiraz, 49% other red varieties

Sangiovese, Lambrusco


Greater flexibility for grape sourcing at a time when grape prices are increasing, and supply—especially in California—is falling behind demand. Sweet red wine is relatively easy to make and can be made with almost any red grapes (along with white grapes, for that matter). This is in contrast to a varietal wine like Moscato, which is in tightening supply. It’s also probably not a coincidence that the USDA reported that prices for California table grapes increased 26% in 2011; most California wine is sweetened with grape juice concentrate, since it’s illegal to use sugar.

“IF THEY WANT TO TASTE IT, THEY WANT TO READ IT.” — Fred Franzia, Bronco Wine Co., on why he puts sweet red on the label

Fred Franzia, owner of Bronco Wine Co., agrees that the new generation of wine drinkers is content to view wine as an extension of Pepsi or Coke; in fact, he believes, many welcome the carbonation in their wine. Similarly, those who prefer table wines are turned off by sourness and tannins typically associated with red wine; they are looking for a soft texture in reds. Facebook information from Pacific Rim, says Bavaresco, identifies its sweet wine drinkers as overwhelmingly women but not necessarily as Millennials. The people who are fans of Pacific Rim seem be evenly split between the three age groups between 25 and 54. Confusing the issue even more is that Nielsen figures point to a sweet red

SIZING UP THE SWEET RED CUSTOMER Another area of confusion? No one is quite sure who is drinking sweet reds. Some sales data suggests that sweet red consumers are women, beginning wine drinkers and Millennials. “Why is everyone so surprised that Millennials, who drink Coke for breakfast, would want to drink sweet wine?” says Barry Sheridan, vice president of marketing for Treasury Wine Estates, which owns Beringer.








Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Western Cape, South Africa


South Eastern Australia

Piedmont, Italy

Rheinhessen, Germany

Paris (Pays d’Oc)

Pinot Noir, Barbera, Carnelian

100% Bonarda

100% Shiraz

85% Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc

Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Graciano, other red varieties

100% Brachetto

65% Portugieser, 20% Dornfelder, 15% Regent

100% Shiraz













86.5 g/L

48 g/L

57.6 g/L

56.5 g/L

77 g/L

90 g/L

50 g/L

15 g/L




selec tion

GRA PE ( S )


drinker who is 45-54 and not only more Hispanic than the typical wine drinker, but more Hispanic than the general U.S. population. Also unclear, says Full Glass Research’s Miller, is why consumers are buying sweet red wines. The assumption is that sweet wines match the U.S. consumer palate, which has traditionally been about talking dry and drinking sweet. So it’s not surprising that Bavaresco says Pacific Rim’s sweetest Riesling accounted for 70% of its Riesling sales over the last two vintages. But if that’s the case, why the success of near-sweet brands like Ménage à Trois Red and Apothic Red—neither of which say anywhere on the label that they’re sweet, but which have about 1.5% residual sugar? This is in contrast to other successful brands, including those from Sutter Home, Barefoot and Smoking Loon, which declare themselves as Sweet Red on the label. That’s because there still seems to be uncertainty about how consumers are approaching sweet reds, says Miller, and wineries are treading carefully. They may not want to alienate consumers or even











retailers, who may not be quite sure what do with a red table wine labeled sweet. “Some of the people who buy these wines may be deliberately seeking sweet,” he notes, “but some may just think they like the style and not think of them as sweet wines. Some might even think they don’t like sweet wines but like Brand X, which may have some RS [residual sugar] but is not labeled as sweet.” On the other hand, Ruinite, which once positioned its red as “soft,” purposely avoiding the term sweet, now puts “Sweet Red” front and center on the label. House Jam leaves little room for a shelf-brower’s doubt, labeling itself a “Sweet Smooth Red.” Bronco, which now has six entries in the category, uses “Sweet Red” on all of them, in keeping with Fred Franzia’s belief that “if they want to taste it, they want to read it.” Not to be underestimated as we watch this nascent category develop: Sweet reds are being launched by the industry’s biggest players, and many have multiple labels. Bronco, as mentioned, has six different sweet reds. Constellation has Black Box and Woodbridge. Treasury has Beringer and Lindeman’s. Trinchero has a Sutter








Lombardy, Italy

Valencia, Spain






40% Sangiovese, 40% Merlot, 20% Lancellotta

Croatina, Teroldego, Lagrein

100% Tempranillo

52% Petite Sirah, 32% Merlot, 16% Syrah

Merlot, Zinfandel, Moscato

Barbera, with other red Italian varieties

Syrah, Merlot

Shiraz, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% other red varieties













50 g/L

110 g/L

28.4 g/L

32 g/L

34.8 g/L

45 g/L

55 g/L

41 g/L




selec tion

GRA PE ( S )


dit aw wa or a trend that is here to away, Home sweet red and Bandit The calorie count of sta Are sweet red drinkers stay. Sangria. E.&J. Gallo has sweet red wines is not sh shifting from other categoGallo Family Vineyards significantly different from other r ries, like White Zinfandel and Barefoot on shelves red wines—about 125 calories ( (which has seen sales connationwide, while testper 5 oz. glass—because si sistently decline over the marketing Turning Leaf the higher sugar content is essentially offset la last several years) and the “Refresh” Red Moscato. by slightly lower fru fruity California red blends Palm Bay now hass alcohol. ish and varietals—the so-called two sweet reds: Blue Fish ny and critter w wines—that often have “Reel Red” from Germany grape juice added back after fermentaa fizzy red, Roscato, made in Italy by tion to give the impression of sweetness? Cavit. Roscato actually launched at Olive Or will the sweet red impact be as sigGarden, recommended both as an aperitif nificant as White Zin was in the 1990s, and for pairing with Italian cuisine and bringing new drinkers to wine? Many spicier dishes; now it’s heading to offproducers and analysts think that could premise as well. well happen. Perhaps as a sign that the conscious “The difference is between making a marketing of sweet reds will soon ramp red wine that happens to be sweet, and up, Yellow Tail came up with the name making a sweet wine that is red,” says Sweet Red Roo via a Facebook competiBavaresco. “It’s about making a welltion. And, aiming to help the new “Roo” crafted, thoughtful sweet wine. That’s jump off the shelf, so to speak, the bottle what will make this a gateway wine for sports a prismatic label—which importer women, young people and Millennials.” Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits claims is And there does seem to be evidence the first of its kind. that is happening—though perhaps not GATEWAY WINES? in the way many think. The Nielsen data, In all of this, the underlying question is though far from complete, suggests that whether sweet red is a fad that will go sweet red drinkers have lower-incomes









AbO`b g]c` aeSSb acQQSaa ab]`g eWbV bVSaS \S RWab`WPcb]`a State Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan

Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia

Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin

Distributor Young’s Market Southern Wine & Spirits National Distributors Co. Worldwide Wines Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits Southern Wine & Spirits Georgia Crown Distributing Southern Wine & Spirits Southern Wine & Spirits Olinger Distributing Standard Beverage Corp. Southern Wine & Spirits Republic National Distributing Republic National Distributing Ruby Wines Inc. Alpena Beverage Co. Bink’s Wines & Beverages Earl Smith Distributing Co. Fabiano Brothers, Inc. Great Lakes Wines & Spirits Imperial Beverage Kent Beverage Co. Inc. Nate Wines Inc. Glazer’s Wholesale Distributors Republic National Distributing Southern Wine & Spirits Fedway Associates Inc. Southern Wine & Spirits Southern Wine & Spirits Empire Dist. Of N.C. Glazer’s Wholesale Distributors Dynamic Brands Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board The Wine Merchant Martignetti Republic National Distributing Athens Distributing D & V Distributing Co. Republic National Distributing Block Distributing Co. Republic National Distributing Sandston Associated Distributing Blue Ridge Beverage Holston Valley Republic National Distributing Associated Wine & Spirits Inc. Badger Liquor Co. Inc.


(which makes some sense given the wines’ lower prices and the Hispanic demographic). However, the lowincome effect is much more extreme than with other categories, including Moscato. Given that lower-income consumers are usually not wine drink-

ers, we can theorize that sweet red wines could be bringing new drinkers to the category. Only time will tell. But it would be good news for a wine business still sorting its way out of the recession. ■



orting out the wave of sweet reds is complicated. Residual sugar and alcohol vary significantly. Labeling is rather freestyle, ranging from no references at all to sweetness to a creative embrace (e.g., Opici’s “Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice” on their Rose’s package). Most important of all, taste perception of sweetness is very personal; many consumers who enjoy truly sweet reds may also enjoy the blends which are not technically sweet. The variety of sweet and nearsweet red wines entering the market (and no one seems to know exactly how many there are) fit into three broad categories: ● Sweet(ish) wines labeled as red blends.

Typical of these are Apothic, Red Velvet, Gnarly Head Authentic Red and Ménage à Trois, which deliver more jamminess than outright sweetness (as befitting residual sugar [RS] levels topping out around 1.5%, or 15 grams/ liter [g/L]). Consumers drinking these wines taste lots of sweet fruit, but also sometimes tannins (though lighter than in dry wines) and other red wine

characteristics. Brand new entrants of note in this category: Scoops, marketed by Carriage House; Epica, made in Chile by San Pedro; DFV’s new RedVolution Bota Box; Diageo’s Ensemble; and Beringer Founders’ Estate Smooth Red. Wente’s success with the “Double Decker” blend under the Iván Tamás label recently led them to rebrand the wine simply as Double Decker Red. ● Sweet wines labeled as sweet.

This is a much more confusing label than it would seem, since it includes red blends, traditional varietals and sweet varietally labeled wines like Red Moscato (which in actuality is a blend as well). Sutter Home’s Sweet Red is a good example of the first, while the Jam Jar “Sweet Shiraz” was a pioneer in the traditional varietal area. The Red Moscatos, often blended with Zinfandel and Petite Sirah to gain color, include the Beringer, which has a surprisingly bracing acidity to balance the sweetness. ● Traditional sweet wines re-branded.

The Italian Montefiore, Sweet Red, made of 100% Brachetto has a bit of fizz to go with the sweetness. Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how the sweet red trend parallels the recent revival of sangria, which is known to even the most casual wine consumer as being sweet but is rarely labeled as such. Established brands like Reál and Yago have been joined by a number of new labels—Ed Hardy, Opici, Bandit, Igardi, Plaza Real, Olé—sporting chillable, fruit-enhanced character, low alcohol and modest pricing. ■

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A flight of Speyside single malts at the Brandy Library

Saké groupings served in Ozumo Restaurant


Thematic Groupings of Small Pours Are Not Just for Wine Anymore


he “flight” conc concept ept began with wine, in where restaurants or bars offered wines under a uunifying theme—variety, producer, small pours off w specific region, gio etc. Given ven wine’s myriad offerings, the concept was a delivering organized education and a touch of intrigue for wine natural,, ddeliverin ng or levels of experience. As the popularity of specialty enthusiasts enth usiaasts of varied v spirits has risen, a growing number er of venues have adapted this idea of focused, thematic flights for spirits. Tequila, Scotch, saké (though technically brewed, not distilled) and whiskey are just some of the spirits being micropoured to educate guests and boost the bottom line. Vertical or horizontal tastings can be created, depending on the spirit. In fact, a tequila flight showing a silver, reposado and añejo from three different producers would actually be both. The main difference between flights of wine and spirits are the amounts poured: the standard pour for a wine flight is 3 ounces while for spirits a tasting portion is 0.5 ounce. Like wine flights, spirits flights strike adventurous drinkers as cost-effective and interesting, allowing them to

sample a range of spirits that are unfamiliar, often leading to ordering a cocktail or a glass or even a bottle of the spirit, clearly a boon to the restaurant or bar.

SAKÉ: The Natural Because it is often compared to wine, saké was one of the non-wine variants first served as a flight in restaurants, most often Japanese or Asian restaurants. Ozumo, a Japanese restaurant in San Francisco with locations in Santa Monica and Oakland, has always offered saké flights. Director of Saké Jessica Furui has created an extensive program, with eight different flights priced from $16 to $25 for

about a half-ounce pour of each of three different sakés. Each flight comes with a “flight card” with detailed descriptions about the specific saké on the front and the type of saké on the back. Although Ozumo also serves 35 sakés by the glass, says Furui, “with saké, flights are a better idea because the diner can experience the subtle differences and it gives them a little more education.” But she notes that it’s not a money maker for the restaurant: “[Flights] are definitely more for educational purposes than revenue.” Saké flights also make sense for a restaurant with a sushi bar that serves a considerable number of single patrons. “Flights are typically for just one person, and there are a lot of solo diners at the sushi bar,” says Furui. The Cellar, a restaurant, wine bar and cheese shop in San Clemente, CA, has served saké in addition to their wine flight options since they opened in 2008. Owner Dawn Rednick serves a horizontal flight, with one ounce of each of three sakés poured for $15. The saké menu changes about every

Ozumo photography by Kevin Malmgren



three months and Rednick says it’s a way of offering customers something different. “Most people are used to warm saké in sushi bars but this is cold, premium saké,” she says. “It’s a small percentage of revenue but it gets people’s attention.”

Patrons at Ozumo, a Japanese restaurant in San Francisco

Of Mark-Ups & Mysteries For restaurants and bars that specialize in one cuisine or one spirit, flights can become a marketing tool to promote the beverage list and familiarize guests with certain spirits. Spiced rum and tequila/ agave tastings are one way Latin Lounge at Zengo in Washington, DC, promotes its beverage list. Both vertical and horizontal flights are offered for tequilas, spiced rum and aged rum, with a total of 1.5 ounces served in each flight. The Lounge opened in February 2012 and General Manager Carlos Rodriguez says the spirits flights are part of the new beverage program. “We use them to promote our Latin spirits list and get customers educated about the product,” he says. “It’s not the best mark-up. We do it more to get exposure for the guests.” The prospect that a taste of a spirit will lead to additional sales is also an incentive. “The idea is to get the customer to order a tasting and then order a cocktail or a full serving of each spirit,” says Rodriguez. “We also do a lot of bottle service, so it’s our way for guests to try a spirit before ordering a bottle.” Double Helix is a wine and whiskey bar with three locations in Las Vegas. They’ve served whiskey flights for over a year after having success with their wine flights, according to General Manager Stephan Mergenhagen. Each location offers different flights, with the Town Square location offering four to five different whiskey flights, including an Irish flight, an “All-American” flight and a Canadian flight. Their most popular is the “Walker Johnnie”—one-ounce pours of Johnnie Green, Black, Red and Blue for $55. For Mergenhagen the goal is educating the guests and inspiring additional beverage sales rather than profiting directly from the flights. “For the Johnnie flight, it’s not a big markup,” he

notes. But it does inspire guests to order additional drinks. “I’ll see guests have a glass neat after they’ve had a flight,” says Mergenhagen. At Pitchfork Food & Saloon in Chicago, which carries more than 100 whiskies, a rotating whiskey flight has been on the menu since they opened in 2009. “We choose ten products that we think people would enjoy trying,” says co-owner Mike Latino. Each pour is one ounce, and Latino charges $10 for three pours. Latino chooses a seasonal theme, such as an Irish flight leading into St. Patrick’s Day, and he plans an American whiskey flight around July 4th. He also offers a Scotch flight. “People love the flights,” he says. “Whether they’re an entry-level drinker or trying it for curiosity, we have a lot of people trying them.” Some bars specialize in spirits flights. At Brandy Library in New York City, available flights include tequila, mezcal, rum, Cognac, Armagnac, American whiskey, craft-distilled spirits and three different Scotch flights ranging from $28 to $88. Brandy Library has a unique approach: They serve six samples of each spirit, for a total of three ounces, but the sixth tasting is a “mystery pour.” Each flight comes with tasting notes for the

NYC’s Brandy Library has a lounge-like feel.

first five; the sixth pour comes without any notes “so the guest can develop their own sense of judgment,” says Beverage Director Joel Cueller, and one of the bar’s “spirits sommeliers” is always on-hand to discuss the flight. Brandy Library’s most popular flight is “Smoked Out,” a selection of single malt Scotch. And Cueller points out that a flight often leads to additional drink orders. “Mostly they commit to a full pour of a spirit. If they order a single malt Scotch flight they might have a Scotch-based cocktail,” he says.

In-Flight ht Ent Entertainment ertainm Private events are an another venue nue ffor spirits igh director of m mixflights. Shane McKnight, lite ology for Best Beveragee Catering & Elite Cocktail Design in San Fra Francisco, has exot horizontal tensive experience with bboth it corporate and vertical spirits flights with clients. “Flights are a layer of entertainment,” says McKnight. “It’s not one of the cheaper layers of entertainment, but a high-end element to private event design.” McKnight arranges the spirits around a focal cocktail served at the event. “Say the cocktail is a margarita,” he says. “Then I have 18 tequilas for guests to choose from.” For more personal corporate events, McKnight seats clients at tables of six and addresses the group like a standard wine tasting. “A flight is a planned progression. I take you from low-end to high-end, or smooth to bold and peaty if it’s a Scotch flight,” says McKnight. It’s clear that today’s consumers want to try new things, and flights of spirits provide the customer with a way to explore and feel smart about doing it. Moreover, using them effectively has proven that the flight is a great way to get customers to follow through with full servings or new cocktails. ■

A L I T T L E B I T O F H O N E Y.


FLY STRAIGHT. DRINK RESPONSIBLY. JACK DANIEL’S and TENNESSEE HONEY are trademarks owned by Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. © 2012 JACK DANIEL’S. Whiskey Specialty, 35% ALC./VOL. (70 Proof). Produced and bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery, Lynchburg, Tennessee, U.S.A. * Source: AC Nielsen, New Spirits Brands Past 12-mo Dollar & 9L Case Sales, Ending 3.3.12

DELICIOSO TO-GO! Available in sleek cans that offer simple convenience, Kahlúa Cans-To-Go drive a consistent premium brand message across the Kahlúa portfolio. Bold, modern marketing elements will support the launch and address opportunities within off-premise channels to position the four pack on shelves, and single-serve cans featured in “grab & go” convenience locations.

Delicioso To-Go delivers the artisanal taste of iced dark coffee using Kahlúa’s locally sourced 100% Arabica coffee beans from Veracruz, Mexico. Each can is only 150 calories. Try all three sophisticated, coffee forward flavors:


Ucúquer Vineyard, Rapel Valley

CHILE’S COOLER SIDE Coastal regions in Chile are turning out some of the country’s best white wines

Coastal regions represent the new frontier in Chilean winemaking. In districts like Limarí and Casablanca, white grapes thrive and as winemakers increasingly explore new cooler-climate vineyard sites, white wine quality—and sales—have soared. Red wine production still dominates overall in Chile, but today Chardonnay is the country’s #1 varietal white wine, responsible for approximately 30% of EQ volume sales in the U.S. Chilean Sauvignon Blanc continues to enjoy steady growth, up 7.2% in dollar volume in recent months. Though from

a smaller base, Pinot Grigio from Chile is increasing leaps by and bounds—up 72% in the same time period.

Limarí—Land of Chardonnay Marcelo Papa, the winemaker for Casillero del Diablo and Marques de Casa Concha, first visited Chile’s northern Limarí Valley in 1996, when the region was known for growing grapes destined for Pisco (Chilean brandy). Located only a few miles from the ocean, Limarí possesses the sort of limestone-rich soils in which Chardonnay flourishes, expressing its intensely

mineral side. Papa had heard people talk about minerality in wines from Chile, but hadn’t tasted it really for himself until he ventured to Limarí. Along with a handful of other vintners, Papa helped build Limarí’s reputation as a white wine mecca. He started making Concha y Toro’s Maycas wines in Limarí in 2007; today the affordablypriced Casillero Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio are also crafted there, as well as the highly rated Marques Chardonnay.

CHILE GETS IN ON MOSCATO CRAZE Xplorador recently debuted a Chilean Moscato, which has taken the marketplace by storm. Priced in the $6–$9.99 range, Xplorador Moscato is positioned to be a popular choice for Millennial consumers.

All photographs courtesy of Limarí and Ucúquer Vineyards


eliably delicious, readily available and remarkably affordable are words that have become associated with Chilean wine. But cool-climate? Not so much. While we tend to think of the South American country as a hot, arid place ideally suited for heat-loving red varieties like Cabernet and Carménère, in reality Chile is heavily dominated by the cooling influence of the Pacific which hugs the narrow country’s 3,000-mile long coastline.

THIS SUMMER: A WIDE WORLD OF CHILEAN WHITES Chile crafts outstanding white wines in every winemaking region in the country. The Excelsior Wine Company’s broad portfolio contains a vast array of Chilean white wines that span a range of styles up and down the price spectrum. What do they all have in common? Regardlesss han of price, they taste more expensive than vily they are—and they are all being heavily supported this summer as part of Excelsior’s

Wines like these have fueled Concha y Toro’s international popularity: the brand was just designated the “World’s Most Admired Wine Brand” by Drinks International for the second year in row.

Casablanca—Sauvignon Blanc Central Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc dominate the vineyard plantings in Casablanca, and rightly so: Still a relative newcomer with its first plantings as recently as the 1980s, Casablanca pioneered cool climate winemaking in Chile and quickly earned an international reputation for crisp, fresh whites. Casablanca Chardonnays are zippier and brighter than those from warmer regions, and its Sauvignon Blancs exhibit a greater depth of flavor enlivened by vibrant acidity. Chile has emerged as one of the world’s best sources for Sauvignon Blanc—it’s one of the country’s fastestgrowing wines. According to Master Sommelier Fred Dexheimer, Chilean Sauvignon Blancs have “all the citrus and grass flavors of New Zealand examples with great minerality like those from France—they offer the maximum you can get from an unoaked white wine.” He maintains there is no wine that makes a better candidate for onpremise by-the-glass pours. ■ Limarí Valley Vineyards

Cool Coastal Coas Whites Program, now through August. On-premise supinc port includes ice buckets, branded c chilled carriers and wine flight tools; off-pr in off-premise accounts, Excelsior is offering $28 rebates on all their white wines, $3 food IRC coupons for ingredients in a supplied Crab Cake a visual displays. For recipes recipe, as well as tai and pairings tailor-made for Chilean white wines, go to virtualcookingschool.com.



Casillero del Diablo Chardonnay This medium-bodied wine was partially fermented in French oak which imparted lovely hints of nuts and vanilla to lively flavors of pineapple and peach. (SRP: $12)

Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc A classic Casablanca Sauvignon, brimming with rich pronounced stone fruit and zesty citrus flavors; a perfect match for seafood. (SRP: $12)

Casillero del Diablo Pinot Grigio Fermented and aged in stainless steel, this shows the potential of Pinot Grigio in Chile; lovely citrus and melon flavors are uplifted by zesty acidity. (SRP: $12)

Terrunyo Sauvignon Blanc Sur lees aging adds a nice weight to this expressive Sauvignon, defined by layers of grapefruit, sweet citrus and lime punctuated by notes of herbs and salty minerals. (SRP: $25) Wine & Spirits, 93 points

Marques de Casa Concha Chardonnay Barrel fermentation the use of new and used French oak barrels result in a nutty, opulently styled, fig- and pear-flavored white, offset by a bristling acidity. (SRP: $18) Wine Spectator, 90 points

Amelia Chardonnay With all the special treatment afforded to wines twice the price— hand-picking and barrel fermentation—this complex Chardonnay displays smoky minerals and flavors of pear and fig. (SRP: $35) Wine Enthusiast, 90 points

RAPEL VALLEY Gran Reserva Sauvignon Blanc River corridors allow refreshing coastal breezes from the Pacific to penetrate the interior Rapel Valley, creating an ideal Mediterranean micro-climate where the Sauvignon Blanc vineyard is located. The resulting wine is bursting with fresh grapefruit flavors and racy acidity. (SRP: $15)

Gran Reserva Chardonnay Perched 560ft above a gorge, the vineyard for this richly textured, tropical fruitlaced Chardonnay benefits from the cooling influence of sea breezes that blow through the river valley. (SRP: $15)


Above: The Enomatic system at Dee Lincoln’s Tasting Room. Left: The By the Glass system from Holland at Café Caturra.

On-premise has a host of solutions for serving popular wines by the glass BY JEFFERY LINDENMUTH


njoying wine by the glass, rather than the bottle, in restaurant settings is more popular than ever, and for very good reason. It improves the guest experience with a lower price of entry and more wine options throughout the meal, while also delivering nice margins to the operator. If there is a downside to wine served by the glass, it’s the potential for profit-devouring waste. Whether from heavy-handed bartenders or simple spoilage, by-the-glass wine programs can be plagued with loss. There are many ways to contend with these issues, from simple diligence or discretely marked fill levels on custom glasses to high-tech systems that promise to preserve your opened wines for weeks. Here we look at the costs and benefits associated with some solutions to offering wine by the glass, from the people who serve it successfully.

Ari Ellis OWNER / ARA WINE BAR NEW YORK CITY arawinebar.com System: Vacu Vin Winesaver. vacuvin.com Overview: “We do not have any fancy storage systems, but we do vacuum overnight,” says Ellis. In addition, vacuumed wines are stored in the refrigerator, which slows oxidation. While simple and lowcost, this approach demands diligence.

Anytime a previously opened wine is served, the bottle gets tasted first, which helps to improve the server’s appreciation. “We used to mark the bottles with stickers with the date they were opened, but found taste is a more accurate indicator. In the end, that is what matters,” Ellis notes. Types of wine: Red / White / Sparkling Automatic portion control: No Self-serve: No

Why did you select this system? “Low cost, ease of use and it keeps us connected with the wines in a personal way.” Start-up cost: $100 for four hand vacuum pumps and 25 stoppers. Time using this system: 8 years Number of wines on offer: “We are now down to 15, but we have offered as many as 50. Paring down the list reduces waste, and we found that more choices didn’t improve business. The vast majority of people either want a varietal they know or simply ask for guidance. It’s much easier for staff to suggest wines they know well, which is easier with a smaller but carefully chosen list.” What I like most: “It’s easy, affordable and effective.” What I would improve: “The system is only as good as the taster, as it relies totally on the tasting abilities and diligence of staff.” Loss/waste: “We really only lose bad or corked wine in my opinion. We


only hold wine that has been opened for 24 hours. After that, if is still good, and most is, we treat regulars to a free glass or use it in wine-based drinks like sangria, mulled wine or special cocktails.” Joe Barbera of Aida Bistro & Wine Bar built a proprietary tap system; each keg realizes a hard savings of about $50 over the same amount of wine delivered in bottles.

Joe Barbera CO-OWNER / AIDA BISTRO & WINE BAR COLUMBIA, MD aidabistro.com System: Wine on tap. Overview: AIDA serves a selection of wines dispensed from kegs using traditional beer equipment systems like Micromatic and Perlik along with a McDantim Nitrogenator. “We offer 30 different wines on tap, with the ability to add seasonal wines such as rosé, Vinho Verde and small-production wines,” says Barbera. Because wine is not customarily kegged, it often requires cooperation directly with the producer. AIDA, for instance, sources wines from local and national partners like including Melville Winery, Dancing Coyote, Zenaida, Flying Goat Cellars, Calera, Frog’s Leap and others.

Loss/waste: Less than 5% and most of that is attributed to over-pours or samples. What would you say to others considering this approach? “What’s taking you so long? This is the best system for delivering a fresh, consistent wine-by-the-glass program in the industry. It offers the winery the ability to deliver to the consumer the freshest product on the market. Each keg reduces the cost of delivering the product to the consumer by saving 25 bottles, corks and various packaging materials. This is a hard savings of about $50 per keg, every time it is refilled. It is greener, dramatically reduces the cost to the consumer and allows us to deliver a superior product at a lower cost.”

Types of wine: Red / White

John Haggai

Automatic portion control: No, but servers use a small decanter to measure 3 oz. and 5 oz. pours and special reuseable wine bottles to measure 10 oz. and 20 oz. carafes.


Self-serve: No Why did you select this system? Recommended by AC Beverage from Annapolis, MD. Start-up cost: “It’s proprietary but let’s say no more than the Enomatic preservation solutions that offer 30 wines.” Time using this system: Since December 2010 Number of wines on offer: 30 What I like most: “Flexibility to offer as many different wines as possible. It’s also easy to clean, operate and maintain, with very low maintenance costs.”

System: By the Glass Wine Dispensing Systems from Holland, BTG12ST (2X) 12 bottle “Standard Series” dual temperature zones with see-through Glass Back Wall and 3 position Portion Control. winebytheglasssolutions.com Overview: Like high-end kitchen cabinets, By The Glass systems are completely custom-built, with finishes available in stainless steel or wood. They can accommodate all still wines bottled in 750ml or 1.5L bottles. In fact, they can store a second bottle behind the active one for quick switching on a busy night. Flexible climate zones allow the user to change the ratio of red to white wines in each unit, while inert

Argon gas promises to preserve open wines up to three weeks. Types of wine: Red / White Automatic portion control: Available, with a setting for three volumes per tap. Self-serve: Not in use, but it is available for areas where permitted by law. Why did you select this system? “Compared to the other systems on the market, it’s by far the easiest to operate and maintain, plus it has a beautiful aesthetic.” Start-up cost: About $28,000 all-inclusive. Time using this system: Installed for grand opening in September 2011, with the latest system installed at Cafe Caturra, Trenholm Plaza, in Columbia, SC. Number of wines on offer: 24 What I like most: “I love that we can pour a perfect glass (3, 6, or 9 oz.) at the perfect temperature with no waste. I also love the look of the system: it is sleek and complements our space nicely while still offering customers a view of the selections and their labels.” What I would improve: I would like to have the ability to pour from both sides of the unit. Loss/waste using this system: Minimal. What would you say to others considering this approach? “The sales and support from Wine By The Glass Solutions has been exceptional. If you are looking for a quality highly-customizable system, with hands-on support, this is an excellent choice.”

Aida Bistro & Wine Bar Photograph by Tony Barbera Photography

What would you say to others considering this approach? “You must have a well-trained staff that can tell the difference between a wine that has seen too much air and one that has not.”



Aldo Montufar OWNER / MEGABYTE PIZZA SAN JOSE, CA megabytepizza.com System: Better Barrel Wine betterbarrelwine.com

Dee Lincoln OWNER / DEE LINCOLN’S TASTING ROOM & BUBBLE BAR DALLAS, TX deelincolnstastingroom.com System: Enomatic: ELITE Enoround,16bottle Dual Temperature; ELITE Enoline 16-bottle Dual Temperature; FLUTE 4-bottle Champagne system. enomaticusa.com, rdwine.com Overview: Founded in 2002, Italy’s Enomatic is a pioneer in high-tech by-the-glass systems, using Nitrogen gas (or Argon as an option) to serve and preserve wine. Standard systems include self-cleaning spouts for quick bottle changes and programmable volume settings, while wine card readers are a popular option for self-serve environments. The Classic series serves wine at room temperature while Elite adds cooling capacity. Still wines are preserved for three weeks; the new Flute can maintain fragile sparkling wines for 10 days. Types of wine accommodated: Red / White / Sparkling (Flute) Automatic portion control: Computer programming allows the precise poured volume to be set. Self-serve: Optional Smart Card activated models can add, delete, store and process information using a smart card, including the amount of wine left in a bottle and the activities of individual customers. Why did you select this system? “I chose Enomatic because my career has been spent in luxury brands. Perfect temperature, presentation and care of wine

Dee Lincoln in Dallas is able to offer both still and sparkling wine using Enomatic systems, with very flexible temperature and portion control.

is important to me and my guests expect a high level of quality, so this was a great fit.” Start-up cost: About $150,000.

Overview: Unlike tap wine that uses conventional or modified beer equipment, Better Barrel, based in Santa Rosa, California, is a self contained wine-on-tap system that is “plug and play.” The selection of wines is limited to Better Barrel partners, but compared to traditional tap systems, requires no line cleaning, gases or maintenance. In reality, Better Barrel uses the technology of 3-liter vacuum bag wines, like those found in bag-in-box, but improves on them with an attractive barrel look that requires only 11 inches of shelf depth, and has the addition of an adjustable temperature control through a standard electrical outlet. Types of wine accommodated: Red / White

Time using this system: Since 2009, with upgrades over time.

Automatic portion control: No

Number of wines on offer: 32 in the Elite and Enoround machines and 4 sparkling wines in the Flute machine.

Why did you select this system? “It is inexpensive and it is completely self-contained. You just plug it in. Better Barrel does not require any cleaning or special installation costs, making it very cost-effective.”

What I like most: “My guests can experience wine by the ounce—as little as 2 ounces, 4 ounces or the pleasure of a full glass, which is 6 ounces. It gives the option to create your own flights. Also, software and changing of the bottles has been greatly improved. We now change out the empty bottle and can be ready to go with the push of a button.” Loss/waste: Very little, limited to only the small amount that could stay in the bottle when changing out. What would you say to others considering this approach? “I highly recommend this for a by-the-glass program if committed to selling a variety of wine at several price points. This is an expensive system that requires training on the machines and software, and staff onhand during service. Self-serve does not mean it requires no attention. In fact, to maximize opportunities, knowledgeable staff must be available.”

Self-serve: No

Start-up cost: $199 per system. Time using this system: One month Number of wines on offer: 5 What I like most: “Better Barrel has allowed me to introduce carafe service, and it frees up space in my refrigerator for other products.” What I would improve: “I’d like to see more selections of wine to choose from.” Loss/waste: None. What would you say to others considering this approach? “This is the most cost-effective and easiest way to introduce wine on tap, and the wines on offer are very good. Plus, the barrel just looks great.” ■


MIDWEST “Wisconsin’s BTG trends can sometimes be a bit behind the coasts and big cities, being that our demographic is largely rural and industrial,” says Dave Stefanski, on-premise sales manager at Wirtz Beverage in Wisconsin. “The Moscato explosion is huge here, being a sweet profile state anyway. Two years ago we had maybe a half dozen Moscato-based wines in our book; today over 20 and still growing. And every type of on-premise customer from local taverns to fine dining is getting calls for Moscato. The

Capacity: 19-3/4 oz.

Joseph Eger, director of sales for wine on-premise at Southern Wine & Spirits in Metro New York, reports: “In general I have seen a trend toward higher-priced by-the-glass. More venues are utilizing wine preservation systems and featuring wines in the $18-$50 range. I have also seen growth in large formats being used by the glass. Magnums on up to 6L are growing in the still rosé, red Tuscan and red California wines. These are primarily being utilized at fine dining Italian and steakhouses. “As far as varietals are concerned, blends have picked up some but there is no one hot new varietal. Malbec was on the up and seems to have reached a plateau. Rosé all year is now in effect at most places, not just the spring.”


Height: 8-7/8”


other “hot” M wine, Malbec, is growing fast also. In Wisconsin, Riesling is here to stay. Our German heritage and sweet tooth make us a solid market for it. “The newer wine drinkers are really exploring the world of wine, literally—Spain, France, Italy, New Zealand, S. America and even premium saké can be thrown in the mix. The brand loyalty factor isn’t as strong as it was in the ’80s and ’90s. There are so many choices form all over the world now, why get in a rut? Restaurants are balancing their selections with brands that customers are comfortable with (J. Lohr, Rodney Strong, Kenwood) and wines that customers can do some exploring. Small-production, family-owned, environmentally conscious wineries are more a part of our daily conversation today.”

WEST COAST Young’s Market in northern California recently partnered with a supplier to provide wine on tap; currently demand for these systems is outpacing supply of wine in kegs, which as of now are mostly smallproduction, “garage” wines, says Senior VP Jason Wooler. “There are a lot of reasons for their appeal: the green factor, convenience, less spoilage, and just being different. But there are still a lot of questions as to activating this category profitably,” he notes. In terms of what people are drinking: “Core varietal wines are still strong, including Chardonnay. The California consumer is willing to pay a modest premium for varietal-specific, appellation-specific wines by the glass. Pricewise, glass pours are topping out at about $15/glass, with $8-$12 being the sweet spot.” ■

Degustazione Red Wine Glass

Flexibility is at the core of by-the-glass programs, and so they often become harbingers of developing trends. We checked in with a few key distributors to get a read on some recent BTG trends on both coasts and in the Midwest.

Here’s how to wine them. Starting at $3 per glass.

Available through your distributor or at riedelop.com.

PERRY FARRELL, lead singer, Jane’s Addiction


drinker of DOBEL TEQUILA



Greek Wines Go Mainstream

Led by restaurants and both coasts, Greek wines are earning attention BY JEAN K. REILLY MW Santorini is both a gorgeous tourist destination and source of gorgeous white wines.

The first suspect is the sizable group of higher-end Greek restaurants that have opened in recent years, most notably in New York City; Estiatorio Milos, Molyvos and Avra are among the bestknown. Not only do many of these restaurants have entirely or largely Greek wine lists, they also have well-trained staff capable of guiding diners through unknown wine territory. However, the story is no longer restricted to their presence in Greek restaurants. Mainstream restaurants are on board as well. Pedro Goncalves, wine director of Oceana in Midtown Manhattan, says, “I’ve found out how wonderful these wines can be, they are a great match with seafood. In the ’80s and ’90s you would have to go to Greece to enjoy these wines, but now the general wine-drinking population has discovered just how awesome they are.”

Michael Madrigale, head sommelier at Boulud Sud and Bar Boulud, also in Manhattan, does a brisk business in Greek wines at his two Lincoln Center area restaurants. He notes, “People come in and say, ‘Oh, remember how beautiful


Naoussa GREECE


Santorini Island Nemea

Santorini was? Let’s relive those memories with a glass of that wine that was so great.’” Also, Greek wines have been getting the sympathy vote lately; some diners order a bottle because they think Greece could use the help. But for Madrigale, the reason he offers a broad range of Greek wines, is quite different. “I’ve trained the staff to recommend Santorini [a dry white wine based on the Assyrtiko grape] if they have a table with one person ordering fish and the other lamb,” he says. “Santorini is the bridge wine; it’s the red Burgundy of white wine. It always holds up, never overpowers and has great acidity. I offer six different Santorinis at Boulud Sud.” Six! “I’m kind of obsessive with it,” he admits.

Hand-Selling Reality And what about the off-premise—have sales there been as robust? Retailers around the country report mixed results with Greek wines. While many have noticed increased sales, most still admit that they are a hand-sell. And, of course, not every retail wine jockey is equipped—or has the time—to give the kind of hand-holding that sommeliers can engage in tableside. Dan Marshall, owner of Du Vin Fine Wines in Alameda, CA, is a notable exception. “All of my clients are aware of quality Greek wines,”

Photo Credit: George Athanas of All About Greek Wine


ucking the trend in the broader economy, but in step with America’s blossoming wine culture, wines from Greece are experiencing a dramatic upswing in the U.S. The New York trade office reports that Greek wine imports were up 5.6% in 2011, reaching value of just over $10 million. That follows a 10% increase in 2009. So, who or what pulled the trigger on this newfound popularity?

he asserts. “It’s up to us to educate the consumer; people love the wines once they have tried them. As far as I’m concerned, the consumers are way ahead of the trade on this point.” Du Vin carries 75 Greek wines, and Marshall says that Santorini is by far the biggest seller: “Without question, the wines of Santorini are on the radar. The white wine prices from Santorini are within reach of most people and the wines clearly over-deliver on quality, making them a pretty easy hand-sell.” He finds other appellations to be more challenging. Not surprisingly, the Greek wine trend appears strongest on the two coasts. In the Midwest, Bob Calamia,

a wine buyer for Binny’s Beverage Depot in Skokie, IL, finds his customers a bit less receptive—and very pricesensitive, with a soft ceiling at $10$12 per bottle. He thinks his store is typical of suburban retailers, noting, “customers in the city tend to be far more adventurous.” Still, Calamia reports, “I have no plans to give up on the better Greek wines.” The number of theories as to why Greek wines have come into the spotlight seems greater than the number of Americans who can pronounce Xinomavro [ksee-NO-ma-vro]. One can point to the passion of many influential buyers; a fascination with the long history of winemaking in Greece;

the exceptional efforts of a new generation of winemakers; renewed attention from dedicated importers; EU-sponsored export programs; and heightened attention by the press. Whatever the root cause, the promotion of Greek wines in the U.S. is beginning to bear enough fruit to be noticed, and the warm support of the trade bodes well for the wines moving forward. Says Madrigale, “These wines are so good, more people should be paying attention. That’s the duty of any good somm—you have to help these farmers who are doing it not for the money, but for the tradition and out of passion. They deserve a little bit of love.” And they seem to be getting it. ■

GETTING GREEK United by difficult names but accessible taste profiles, here are the top seven Greek wine-grapes in the U.S., along with some reliable labels:


Agiorghitiko.) Xinomavro, which translates to ‘acid black,’ is just that—quite acidic, tannic and dark in its youth, but with a color that fades to brick with age. It is often compared to Nebbiolo, with which it shares characteristic notes of lilac, tar and licorice. ■ Agiorghitiko (ah-yor-YEE-ti-ko) Greek for “St. George’s,” Agioghitiko is grown in Nemea where it makes deeply-colored reds that can age for two decades and more. It is often compared to Pinot Noir because it develops a silky palate texture after several years in bottle.

■ Xinomavro (ksee-NO-ma-vro) Ask 10 wine experts which is Greece’s best red variety and six or seven of them will probably name Xinomavro (with the rest likely plugging

■ Mavrodaphne (mav-ro-THAF-nee) A grape with a more mellow personality than the reds above, Mavrodaphne is often blended with native and international varieties when fashioned as a dry wine. However, it is more famous for the eponymously named Mavrodaphne of Patra dessert wine which is aged in a solera style, similar to Sherry.


is a perfect summer wine. Very aromatic, along the lines of Torrontes or Gewürztraminer, but a bit lighter and with refreshing acidity. ■ Savatiano (sa-va-tya-NO) Grown in Attica, the region around Athens, Savatiano rivals Assyrtiko for the position as Greece’s flagship white variety. These very textured whites are full-bodied with an intense mineral streak that allows them to stand up to the region’s famous meat dishes.

■ Roditis (ro-DEE-tees) Grown in Naoussa as well as numerous other regions, this grape is fairly aromatic, with a persistent citrus flavor that makes for a great match with seafood. ■ Assyrtiko (a-SEER-tee-ko) This grape with an assertive flavor, as its name suggests, is the base of enormously expressive and ageworthy whites of Santorini. ■ Moschofilero (mos-ko-FEE-le-ro) If you get over the hurdle of the tongue-twisting name, this



RELIABLE PRODUCERS Led by a new generation of dedicated and highly-trained winemakers, here are some of today’s star estates: • Boutari • Domaine Sigalas • Domaine Pappagiannakos • Domaine Gerovassilio • Domaine Skouras • Estate Argyros • Gaia • Hatzidakis • Kir-Yianni


What Happened In Vegas… New Products Headline the 69th WSWA Annual Convention BY W. R. TISH


as Vegas is the perfect setting f o r t h e a n n u a l Wi n e & Spirits Wholesalers Association convention. There, in the clockless, sin-friendly confines of America’s gaming capital, beverage alcohol is warmly embraced for what it is: real-world entertainment. In Vegas, fantasy is the order of the day (and night). But for our industry, the 24/7 din of revelry becomes a mere backdrop for the more serious machinations of moving goods. Whereas for tourists, what happens in Las Vegas stays there, what happens at the WSWA convention is designed to propel business everywhere else.

Innovation was rampant: Mionetto came up big in this regard, on two counts. The new “Spr!z” sparkler is fascinating; an extension of the Il line, it has beautiful orange color, low (8%) alcohol and is simply delicious when served on the rocks with a twist or orange and/or green olive. Plus, the $12.99 Volere 1.5L varietal wines represent a bag-in-box breakthrough; the handbag look is about as close as a wine package has ever come to being a girl’s best friend. Blends continue to proliferate, which is why it is especially exciting to find a new brand that achieves synergy between its name, label and the wine. Car-

New Wines Under the Sun? From a supply standpoint, we are clearly in the Golden Age of wine. There is plenty of good juice out there—and more than ever, every supplier wants their wine in the U.S. Points of distinction become critical in this context. Pricing will always be a natural means of differentiating. Ditto packaging. Two wines in the exhibition halls that earned my thumbs up with respect to visual appeal, quality and value: Wine Men of Gotham, a brand from Australia, and Brown Box Wine from Washington.

Sazerac’s Mark Brown was honored with the Sidney Frank Award.

riage House’s Scoops does just that, using ice-cream-cone imagery for the flavorful, fruity red and white blends, attractively priced with SRP at $8.99. Shaw-Ross is rightly excited about its new Chilean brand Epica, made by Viña San Pedro, which features a seriously tasty red blend as well as a Cabernet, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. They are stressing social media in marketing the brand; it will be interesting to watch. I was also reminded, while strolling the exhibition halls, how many wines are still looking to gain a foothold here. Portugal seems to be making a very concerted effort to promote its diverse regional wines, as evident in a sommelier-written guide. Generically marketing these wines still represents a tough climb, though, given so many unfamiliar grape varieties and labels that radiate Old World feel. Wines of Brazil are also initiating a U.S. market push. Makes sense: the country’s developing wine industry was propagated by European emigrants, not unlike Chile and Argentina, and recently has seen some valuable input from consulting winemakers like Michel Rolland. The prevalance of familiar wine-grapes and the growing number of churrascarias (Brazilian steakhouses) in the U.S. can only help as well.

From top left: Craig Wolf, WSWA President; Charlie Merinoff, WSWA Chairman; panel from the seminar “Seduced by Social Media”—Steve Raye of Brand Action Team, Kit Codik of Liquor.com, Lori Tieszen of Wines of Chile, Jonathan Yusen of William Grant & Sons, Dan Wirtz of Wirtz Beverage; “Taste of the Industry” walkaround; sampling in the exhibition hall; Scoops blends debut at the Carriage House hospitality suite.

Spirits: Bold Rules It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of flavor in the spirits arena. How else to explain the mere existence of the Skittles-inspired vodka called “Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy”? Of special note: Alizé Coco impressed with its balance of tangy passion fruit and mellow tropical coconut. And I’d be darned if I didn’t confess to sensing hints of graham cracker crust in Pinnacle’s Key Lime Whipped Vodka. I can still practically taste the RumChata cream liqueur I sampled in the Agave Loco suite. Mild rum, rich cream, distinct baking spices… if you are over 40, it tastes exactly like rice pudding; under 40, exactly like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. And at 27.5 proof, it has less alcohol than some wines. Flavor in spirits is of course not always straight from the bottle. I enjoyed a Cantaloupe Martini concocted from Marie Brizard Watermelon Liqueur, Sobieski vodka, orange juice

and a squeeze of lime. The miracle of modern spirits alchemy. On the other hand, given Americans’ penchant for convenience, I will not be surprised to see ready-to-drink cocktails take off in coming years. Deliciously balanced and sporting just 13.9% alcohol, VnC Cocktails represent a benchmark for the RTD genre. While packaging in wine continues to diversify, spirits brands still lead in terms of extreme packaging. Sometimes aptly evocative (e.g., Iceberg Vodka), it can also be downright disturbing, as in tequila bottled to look like machine guns or grenades. Packaging does not have to be wacked-out to be sleek and effective; the Jura Single Malt Scotch range is classy inside and out. And Liquore Pisa—the intensely delicious Italian liqueur based on hazelnut, almond and pistachio—seems perfect in its aptly leaning bottle. Tequila and mezcal continue to multiply—in multiple ways. First, there are enough new labels to make even the most devout agave-phile quickly lose track. Then you have your variations of age, price point, packaging and marketing angles. (Zignum Mezcal is “unsophisticatedly refined”— replete with Facebook promotion that asks fans to decipher whatever that means.)

And just when I wondered if the old dogs are limited in their ability to appear fresh and new, along comes a product like Kansas—a clear wheat whiskey and is as clean as it looks, with no burn and smoky, heavy flavor.

Business Meets Politics The politics of the WSWA convention transpire mostly in general sessions and seminars, allowing attendees to focus on business (mixed with pleasure) the rest of the time. The outlook for the industry as whole appeared robust—the 2,200 attendees at Caesars Palace set a new record for the convention—but with a healthy dash of realism. At the opening general session, Charlie Merinoff, president and CEO of The Charmer Sunbelt Group and the WSWA chairman, explained the value that wholesalers bring to the distribution system, including their local marketing expertise. He stressed the importance of collaboration among all the tiers of the industry, saying: “We don’t have a choice but to come together.” Mark Brown, President and CEO of Sazerac Company, received the Sidney Frank Award, which commemorates the spirit and marketing genius of the late Sidney Frank, his philanthropic efforts and his contributions to the beverage industry. Brown reminded everyone that “what we sell is not milk and chips”

WSWACONVENTION so state-based regulation is important to maintain a competitive, socially responsible industry. The keynote address was given by Nando Parrado, one of the 16 Uruguayan survivors of a flight that crashed in the Andes Mountains in 1972. he recounted told his story about spending two months trapped in the mountains and his amazing trek to find help. Parrado concluded by saying, “Life is not measured by number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.” At the second day’s general session, WSWA President Craig Wolf discussed upcoming challenges facing the industry, such as privatization being used as a stalking horse for deregulation and potential federal tax reform legislation. And WSWA honored Vern Underwood, chairman of the board, Young’s Market Company, as the recipient of the Lifetime

The 2012 WSWA Convention set a record for attendance.

Leadership Award. [See below for more thoughts from Wolf and Underwood.] Several competitions during the 69th annual convention highlighted cocktails, mixologists and wine/spirits brands; for complete results, visit wswaconventionblog.com. And the convention’s final day was highlighted by the U.S. Beverage Alcohol Forum, a new

partnership between WSWA and the U.S. Drinks Conference; five compelling educational panels focused on social media, brand activation, industry trends, the three-tier system and building a world-class team. A theme that emerged through each panel was the importance of people—people that are passionate about the brands they represent. ■

The Inside Track Beverage Network Chairman William Slone had a chance to sit down with two industry leaders at the convention. Some of their insight:

Vern Underwood, Young’s Market Company On wholesalers: “The wholesaler continues to provide value to the people that it represents, and that value is working and developing brands in the on-sale accounts…through wine lists, staff studies, samplings, tastings, developing a rapport. It still is about people. At the end of the day, the wholesaler is the one that develops new brands and new categories. That’s the mother’s milk of this industry, and it has been for years—new brands, new categories. On the health of the industry: “Now every state makes wine, and they’re doing well. And there are craft distillers in every market. This is not a threat. What it is, is new money, and new people coming into the business. All this is exciting because it’s added a whole new dimension of

interest—for the consumer and us, and it means that the business is healthy. I’m very bullish.”

Craig Wolf, WSWA On privatization: “What happened in Washington State was you have a very powerful member of the retail tier creating a 60-page law, funneling $22 million into it, and it predominantly benefits them and is detrimental to everybody else in the industry—and the consuming public for that matter. That, to me, is wrong. The legislatures will do things that are upsetting to the various tiers. But at least in the legislature you have the opportunity to have your say. What you had here was a 60-page alcohol regulatory bill that, let’s face it, no citizen was going to read. We know now—and we knew then—that a bottle of spirits is going to go up anywhere from $4 to $20 a bottle, due to all the new taxes and fees. But the

citizens didn’t know that; the media didn’t alert them to that fact. It throws things out of balance. And that’s the problem in Washington State, because it’s not about privatization—it’s about deregulation and unbalancing.” On the state of the wholesale tier: “This is by far the biggest convention we’ve had in my 12 years here. We had to add a second exhibition hall; there is tremendous interest. People are entering the market. We are also seeing growth on the wholesaler side. What you see is sort of your basic economic cycle. Big guys get bigger—there is consolidation. But like anything else, there is a limited number of SKUs that any one wholesaler can handle. So there is all this potential out there for people to come in at the small to midsize level and service the market with the additional products. It definitely creates opportunities. You know how it works. You could be the guy who gets the next Grey Goose, the next Patron. What WSWA does is it allows people to grow. To fulfill their dreams and find those opportunities.”


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$ 14.90 $ 13.60

190.0 151.0

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54 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

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0460B 0575B 1370B 2305B 2880B 2947B 5089B 5482B 5482D 5482L 6060B

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Specialty BourBon



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Aberfeldy 12 Alchemia Chocolate Absolut Kurant Appleton Estate 21 Ardmore Pinch Haig Rhum Barbancourt Myers Dark Getreode Kml Belvedere 1X Bertagnolli Grappini Black Bush Bombora Boyd & Blair Bushmills Cabana Cachaca Cabin Fever Celtic Crossing Centenario Anejo Centanario Rosangl Clontarf Cluny Scotch JTS Brown Connemara Corzo Reposado Courvoisier Exclusif Dekuyper Rootbeer Dekuyper Melon Romama Black McGillicuddy Eristoff Vod Feckin Irish Firefly Raspberry Florentino Glenfarclas 105 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 21 Glenmore Astr Harlem Liq Jack Daniels Lucchesi Jack Daniels 160th BD J Walker Swing Cuervo Black Junior Johnson Hall of Fame Khortytsa Honey Pepper Khortytsa Platnum Korbel Brandy

6060D 6060e 6060L 6064B 9617B 9627B 9674B 9674D 9674L 9679B 9670B

Wholesale Wholesale Oct. Nov. SAVE! $44.10 $30.95 $13.15 $20.40 $14.75 $5.65 $16.90 $12.20 $4.70 $97.60 $74.10 $23.50 $36.10 $26.70 $9.40 $29.70 $20.75 $8.95 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $32.25 $22.85 $9.40 $11.65 $ 3.65 $8.00 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $22.00 $15.40 $6.60 $31.00 $21.60 $9.40 $16.90 $12.65 $4.25 $28.70 $20.20 $8.50 $35.45 $25.10 $10.35 $25.70 $19.10 $6.60 $16.85 $13.10 $3.75 $19.35 $13.70 $5.65 $47.45 $33.35 $14.10 $20.90 $14.30 $6.60 $17.60 $12.90 $4.70 $20.15 $10.75 $9.40 $26.50 $17.65 $8.85 $36.60 $29.10 $7.50 $43.30 $32.00 $11.30 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $20.00 $14.35 $5.65 $10.80 $7.05 $3.75 $13.20 $9.40 $3.80 $16.90 $13.15 $3.75 $14.30 $10.05 $4.25 $8.75 $4.05 $4.70 $69.00 $54.90 $14.10 $93.45 $69.95 $23.50 $103.95 $80.45 $23.50 $64.90 $46.10 $18.80 $16.40 $11.70 $4.70 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $23.90 $17.30 $6.60 $57.60 $41.65 $15.95 $26.95 $18.95 $8.00 $21.25 $15.60 $5.65 $25.40 $20.70 $4.70 $24.60 $19.90 $4.70 $20.55 $12.10 $8.45

Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark 46 Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute rare Breed Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Season Oak WOODSTONe MiCrO-BOUrBON

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$ 20.40 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 30.30 $ 16.90

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

tenneSSee WhiSkey 0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B

Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's green

5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B

Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux

2110D 3513B 3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B 4988L 4988D 4997B 8307B

Jack Daniel's green gentleman Jack gentleman Jack gentleman Jack george Bickel Old 48 george rickel Old #8 george Dickol 12 geo. Dickel Barrel Select Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Prichards Tenn Whiskey

0090B 1503B 5117B

Old Overholt Bulleit 95 rye Jim Beam

$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70

$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40

$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30

$ 33.65 $ 28.25 $ 50.25 $ 35.05 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 20.40 $ 30.30 $ 42.15 $ 35.65 $ 34.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 94.0 80.0

$ 13.20 $ 20.20 $ 16.70

80.0 90.0 80.0

rye WhiSkey

JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 55

9631B 9633B 9641B

Wild Turkey rye Whiskey Wild Turkey russels reserve Wild Turkey rye 81

0026D 0026L 0113B 0113D 0113L 0122B 0122D 0122L 0152B 0152D 0152L 0199D 0199L 2100D 2137D 3701L 3972D 3972L 4089D 4089L 5262B 5266B 5378B 6343L 9668B 8887B 8890B

Old Thompson Old Thompson Kessler Kessler Kessler Beam's eight Star Beam's eight Slar Beam's eight Star Seagram's 7 Crown Seagram's 7 Crown Seagram's 7 Crown Senator's Club Senator's Club Calvert exlra imperial gold award hailer's S.r.S. halters S.r.S. guckenheimer guckenheimer J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb Kessler Traveler Mccormick Ohio Blended Whiskey Seagram's 7 Traveler Seagram's 7 Dark honey

$ 15.15 $ 31.70 $ 19.35

101.0 90.0 81.0

Blended WhiSkey $ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30 $ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 10.40 $ 20.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 31.85 $ 10.40 $ 12.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.

Jameson Jameson Jameson Bushmills Bushmills Black Bust( Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt Clonlarf Connema ra Single Malt Feckin irishman Original Clan Jameson gold Jameson vintage res. Jameson 18 Yr. Jameson 12 Yr. Jameson Tin John Power & Son gold Kilbeggan Knappogue Castle 12 Midleton Michael Collins Blended Paddy Powers redbreast redbreast 12 Slane Castle Tullamore Dew Tullamore Dew

$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 60.50 $261.15 $ 75.35 $ 34.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 18.90 $ 33.70 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 64.90 $ 20.35 $ 18.65 $ 25.45

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

canadian WhiSkey 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1542B 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D

Seagrams vo Seagrams vo Seagrams vo Lord Calvert Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Macnaughton Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Black velvet Black velvet Black velvet Black velvet Black velvet Traveler Black velvet reserve Black velvet reserve C C Dock 57 Blackberry Cabin Fever Maple Flv. Canadian Bay Canadian Bay Canada house Canada house Canadian Club reserve 10 Canadian Club Traveler Canadian gold

56 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

Canadian gold Can. Club Sherry Cask Canadian hunter Traveler Canadian Ltd. Canadian Ltd. Canadian Mist Traveler Canadian reserve Classic 12 Crown royal Black Crown royal Black Crown royal Cask No.16 Crown royal extra rare Crown royal reserve harwood harwood Northern Light Northern Light James Foxe Paramount Pendleton rich & rare rich & rare Crown royal Crown royal Crown royal Crown royal v.0. gold Seagram's v.0. Traveler Windsor Traveler Windsor Supreme Windsor Supreme Windsor Supreme Wiser's Deluxe

0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 1490B 1491B 1655e 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2078B 2488B 2489B 2490B 2493B 2672B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3609B 5145B 5220B 5225B 5229B 6395B 7980D 8327D 8327L 8853D

Pinch 15 Yr. Dewar's Dewar's Dewar's Dewar's Johnnie Walker red Johnnie Walker red Johnnle Walker red Usher's green Lauder's Lauder's Lauder's grant's grant's Old Smuggler Odsmuggler Chivas regal 12 Yr. Chivas regal 12 Yr. Chivas regal 12 Yr. Cully Sark Culty Sark Cutty Sark White horse Johnnie Walker Black Johnnie Walker Black Johnnie Walker Black J&B rare J&B rare J&B rare grand Macnish grand Macnish grand Macnish highland Mist highland Mist inver house inver house J.W. Dant Ballanline's Buchanan Deluxe Buchanan Special reserve Makers Mark 200Ml Chiv regal Salute 21 Yr Chiv regal 25 Chivas regal 18 Yr. Clan Macgregor Clan Macgregor Clynelish Dalmore 1981 amoroso Dalmore 1263 King alex iii Dalmore 18 Dalmore Cigar Malt reserve Dewar'sfounders reserve Dewar's Signature Dewar's Sp. res. 12 Yr. Famous grouse 12 Yr. glen grant John Barr red Johnnie Walker Blue Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 anniv. Johnnie Waiker gold Mclvor Passport Queen anne Queen anne Scoresby

$ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 15.85 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 48.75 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65

80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Scotch WhiSkey

WhiSkey 0281B 0281D 0281B 0282B 0282L 0908B 1519B 1520B 2074B 2268B 3003B 4895B 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5085B 5212B 5384B 5388B 6574B 6576B 7721L 8294B 6383B 8384B 9026B 9317B 9317L

1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 1749D 2055B 2389B 2389D 2391B 2393B 2397B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L 9656B

11.75 23.55 17.40 14.50 7.00 14.90 8.85 8.75 19.30 12.25 16.65 1165 22.30 9.25 16.75 7.90 17.55 8.60 11.40 7.90 11.40 22.30 15.85 16.85 13.60 8.70 6.60 12.75 14.05 11.45 14.05

$ 29.70 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 37.95 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 21.90 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 32.15 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 34.25 80.0 $ 70.25 80.0 $ 43.90 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 24.05 86.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.05 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 1198.30 84.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 143.35 86.0 $108.50 80.0 $ 51.10 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 208.85 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 72.10 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.30 80.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0

9188B 9188D

Famous grouse Famous grouse

80 80

$ 16.45 80.0 $ 40.65 80.0

SinGle Malt / Scotch 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 0375B 0377B 0379B 0493B 0497B 0504B 1481B 1488B 1498B 1751B 1759B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2500B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3615B 3620B 3625B 3632B 3634B 3635B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3654B 3655B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 5207B 5231B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6013e 6016B 6017B 6016B 6019B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6747B 6748B 7700B 8306B 8983B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9671B

aberlour 12 Yr. aberlour abunadh aberfeldy aberfeldy 21 ardmore ardbeg 10 Yr. auchenloshan3wood auchenlashan Classic auchroisk Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. Bowmore Legend Bunnahebhain Bruichladdich rocks Caol ila 12-Yr. Cardhu Cragganmore Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. Dalmore 12 Yr. Dalwhinnie Dalwhinnie Distill edition glenliddich 12 Yr. reserve glen garioch glenkinchie 12 Yr. glen Spey glenliddich Solera 15 Yr. glenliddich ancient 18 Yr. glenfarclas 17 Yr. glenliddich 15 Distillery ed. glenfarclas 21 Yr. glenlivet 18 Yr. glenlivet 12 Yr. glenhivel glenlivel12 Yr. glenlivet archive 21 Yr. glenmorangie 10 Year Old glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. glenmorangielasanla glenlivelldadurratriumph glenmorangie Finealta glenmorangie Quinta ruban glenmorangtenectar D'or glenrothes Select reserve glenrothes highland Park highland Park 18 J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch Johnnie Walker green Lagavulin Distillers ed. Lagavulin Laphroaig 18 Lephroaigcask Strength Laphroalg Macallan Cask Strenglh Macallan 12 Yr. Macallan 12 Yr. Macallan 12 Yr. Macallan 18 Yr. Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. Macallan Shackleton rare Macallan anniversary Macallan 30 Yr. Mcclellands islay Mcclellands highland Oban Distillers ed. Oban Oyo Whiskey Prichards Single Malt Whsk Singleton Speyburn Speyburn Braden Orach Talisker Talisker Distiller edition Tamdhu Tamdhu Tomatin Scotch 12 Wild Scotsman Black Label Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky

0876B 1840B 3526B 5255B

Bernheim Original Wheat Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine georgia Moon Corn Whiskey Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon

$ 31.70 86.0 $ 60.50 119.4 $ 30.95 80.0 $ 128.95 80.0 $ 36.10 92.0 $ 38.70 92.0 $ 51.80 86.0 $ 26.50 80.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 59.65 95.0 $ 44.90 86.0 $ 137.55 86.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 49.10 86.0 $ 37.75 86.0 $ 50.85 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 56.10 66.0 $ 65.90 86.0 $ 35.20 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 50.85 86.0 $ 162.55 86.0 $ 46.55 80.0 $ 67.50 86.0 $ 69.65 86.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 80.45 86.0 $ 73.60 86.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 72.90 80.0 $ 45.50 80.0 $ 121.60 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 51.80 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 69.25 86.0 $ 38.70 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 40.45 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 36.95 86.0 $ 86.70 86.0 $ 44.55 111.6 $ 48.05 86.0 $ 86.90 86.0 $ 75.60 86.0 $ 66.00 96.0 $ 55.45 115.6 $ 37.85 86.0 $ 56.15 117.6 $ 47.45 86.0 $ 94.75 86.0 $ 47.55 86.0 $ 139.05 86.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 69.75 86.0 $ 147.75 86.0 $ 623.20 86.0 $1,104.05 86.0 $ 20.85 80.0 $ 20.65 80.0 $ 78.20 86.0 $ 63.25 86.0 $ 39.85 92.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0 $ 23.80 86.0 $ 15.15 80.0 $ 56.45 91.6 $ 60.65 91.6 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 58.15 94.0 $ 103.95 93.0

other WhiSkey $ $ $ $

27.35 17.75 10.10 17.75

90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Brandy 0051B 0084B 0089B

alize Cognac vs ansac vs Cognac Bela Osa

$ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 7.05

80.0 80.0 80.0

0341B 0453B 0456B 0461B 0461D 0461e 0461L 0462B 0463B 0463D 0463e 0463L 0464B 0464D 0469B 0469D 0469L 0470B 0470D 0470L 0479B 0480B 0480D 0480L 0481B 0481D 0481L 0482B 0482D 0482L 0483B 0483D 0488B 0488D 0488L 0490B 0668B 0682B 0696B 0711B 0863B 0874B 0877L 1577B 1618e 1623B 1623e 1625e 1629e 1630e 1642e 1644e 1665e 1666e 1669e 1670e 1671e 2018B 2020B 2023B 2265B 2327B 2335B 2348B 2349B 2350B 2728B 2850B 2871B 2871D 2871L 2873B 2873D 2873L 2875B 2876B 2877B 2954B 4011B 4074B 4074L 4076B 4080B 4084e 4087B 4092B 4092L 4103B 4944B 4998B 5001B 5486B 5486D 5509B 5510B 5512B 5532B 5871B 6072L 6095B 6259B 6267B

asbach Uralt Brandy Metaxa Five Star Brandy Courvoisier vsop Cognac 4Yr hennessy v S hennessy v S hennessy v S hennessy v S Martell vs Cognac remy Martin vsop Cognac remy Martin vsop Cognac remy Martin vsop Cognac remy Martin vsop Cognac St remy vsop authentic Bdy St remy vsop authentic Bdy Paul Masson grand amber 3Yr Paul Masson grand amber 3Yr Paul Masson grand amber 3Yr Christian Brothers Brandy Christian Brothers Brandy Christian Brothers Brandy Lairds apple Jack 6Yr Courvoisier v S Cognac 2Yr Courvoisier v S Cognac 2Yr Courvoisier v S Cognac 2Yr Coronet vsq Coronet vsq Coronet vsq Paramount Blackberry Brndy Paramount Blackberry Brndy Paramount Blackberry Brndy Paramount Cherry Brandy Paramount Cherry Brandy Paramount apricot Brandy Paramount apricot Brandy Paramount apricot Brandy Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy arrow Blackbrry Bdy Dek apricot Bdy Paramount Peach Bdy Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy Navip Slivovitz 8Yr remy Martin Louis X111 Bertagnolli grappino Calvados Bld grnd appl Bdy Christian Brothers amber 200Ml Conjure Cognac Conjure Cognac Courvoisier vs 200Ml 2Yr e&J vs 2 200Ml e&J vsop 200Ml hennessy vsop 200Ml hennessy vs Flask Paul Masson vs 200 3Yr Paul Masson vsop 200Ml 4Yr remy Martin vs 200Ml remy Martin vsop 200Ml remy Martin 1738 accor Christian Bros Frost White Christian Bro grn rsv vsop Christian Bro honey Conjure Cognac Courvoisier C Courvoisier Xo Cognac Courvoisier exclusif 4Yr Courvoisier 12 Courvoisier 21 Don Pedro reserva especial Dujardin vsop e & J Superior rsv vsop e & J Superior rsv vsop e & J Superior rsv vsop e&J e&J e&J e & J Superior rs vsop Traveler e & J Traveler Bdy e & J Xo excellentia gold Sliv Brandy hardy vs hennessy Black hennessy Black hennessy richard hennessy Paradis hennessy v S 200Ml hennessy vs historic hennessy vsop Cognac hennessy vsop Cognac hennessy X O J C Cognac vsop Jacque Cardin grape France Poli Po Traminar grappa Korbel Korbel Lairds apple Brandy 100 Lairds rare apple Brandy Lairds Old apple Brandy 90Mo Landy vs Cognac Leroux Polish Blackberry Manastirka Maraska Slivovitz Kosher Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac Martell Xo 12Yr

$ 24.05 80.0 $ 18.65 76.0 $ 29.00 80.0 $ 27.80 80.0 $ 55.45 80.0 $ 24.00 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 35.20 80.0 $ 78.15 80.0 $ 27.75 80.0 $ 47.25 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 21.45 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 19.90 80.0 $ 12.80 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.50 80.0 $ 15.15 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 51.05 80.0 $ 33.40 80.0 $ 6.90 80.0 $ 19.70 80.0 $ 11.50 80.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.25 75.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 10.85 75.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.25 75.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 8.20 60.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 6.45 70.0 $ 18.25 100.0 $ 1953.60 80.0 $ 15.40 84.0 $ 36.75 80.0 $ 2.95 80.0 $ 27.10 80.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 6.40 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.15 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 7.70 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.30 80.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 9.40 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 10.60 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 32.55 80.0 $ 88.05 80.0 $ 24.00 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $217.55 80.0 $ 5.80 80.0 $ 19.85 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 21.65 80.0 $ 12.35 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 80.0 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 25.20 80.0 $ 31.75 86.0 $ 44.65 86.0 $3209.85 86.0 $ 688.65 86.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 45.70 80.0 $ 64.70 80.0 $156.50 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 9.05 80.0 $ 28.45 80.0 $ 9.05 80.0 $ 12.10 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 40.20 80.0 $ 18.65 80.0 $ 13.95 80.0 $ 9.55 70.0 $ 29.55 90.0 $ 23.65 80.0 $ 95.40 80.0 $112.85 80.0

JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 57

6270B 6525B 6545B 6603B 7816B 7976B 7976D 7993B 8354B 8386B 8389B 8394B 8405B 8648B 9736B

Martell vsop Meukow v.S. Metaxa amphora 7 Star Moletto grappa D'nebbiolo Paramount ginger Brandy Paul Masson grnd ambr vsop 4Yr Paul Masson grnd ambr vsop 4Yr Presidente Brandy raynal Napoleon vsop remy Martin extra remy Martin 1738 accord remy Martin Xo excellence remy Martin vs grand Cru Salignac Zuta Osa

0193L 0303D 0304D 0304L 0305D 0305e 0305L 0308B 0308D 0308L 0313B 0313D 0313e 0313L 0319D 0319L 0320D 0322B 0322D 0322L 0326B 0326D 0326e 0326L 0327D 0327L 0329D 0330D 0330L 0339B 0339D 0339L 0340L 0563D 0563L 0962B 1324B 1327B 1327D 1327L 1369B 1495B 1522B 1659e 1660e 1673e 1680e 1760B 3555B 3728B 3780B 4073B 4073D 6379D 6062B 6379D 6379L 6444D 6621B 6690L 6716B 6716D 6716L 7868D 7868L 8235B 8235D 8274B 8436B 8883B 8889B 8889D 8900B 8902B 8905B 8905D 8905L 8914B 8995B 8995D 8995L 9072B 9153B

aristocrat gin Fleischmanns gin Crystal Palace gin Crystal Palace gin Seagrams extra Dry gin Seagrams extra Dry gin Seagrams extra Dry gin gordons gin gordons gin gordons gin Beefeater gin Beefeater gin Beefeater gin Beefeater gin Paramount 90 gin Paramount 90 gin Calvert gin Bombay gin Bombay gin Bombay gin Tanqueray gin Tanqueray gin Tanqueray gin Tanqueray gin glenmore gin glenmore gin Booths gin hallers gin hallers gin gilbeys gin gilbeys gin gilbeys gin Senators Club gin 4Yr Barton gin Barton gin Bluecoat gin Bombardier Military Bombay Sapphire gin Bombay Sapphire gin Bombay Sapphire gin Boodles British gin Brokers gin Burnetts gin Traveler Paramount gin New amsterdam 200Ml Seagrams extra Dry 200 Tanqueray gin 200Ml Caorunn gin gilbeys gin Traveler Nolets Silver gin gordons Traveler hendrick's gin hendrick's gin Mc Cormick gin Magellan Mc Cormick gin Mc Cormick gin Meiers No 94 gin Monopolowa vienna Dry gin Mr Boston english Mrkt gin New amsterdam gin New amsterdam gin New amsterdam gin Paramount gin 80 Paramount gin 80 Pinnacle gin Pinnacle gin Plymouth gin right gin Seagrams apple Twst gin Seagrams Distillers rsv Seagrams Distillers rsv Seagram extra Dry gn Trv Seagram's grape gin Seagrams Lime Twisted gin Seagrams Lime Twisted gin Seagrams Lime Twisted gin Seagrams Orange Twist gin Burnetts White Satin gin Burnetts White Satin gin Burnetts White Satin gin Smooth ambler greenbrier Tanqueray No 10

$ 31.75 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 7.40 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $112.85 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 13.25 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.15 $ 30.15 $ 28.85 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 23.90 $ 5.75 $ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 26.45 $ 14.30 $ 14.30 $ 6.45 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.35 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 12.55 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 18.80 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 25.60 $ 24.75 $ 9.05 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 6.45 $ 15.35 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6


58 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

9157B 9195L 9504B 9529D 9529L 9604B 9669B 9669e

Tanqueray rangpur 3 islands gin Watershed Distillery gin Well gin Well gin Whitley Neill gin WOODSTONe CreeK giN WOODSTONe CreeK giN

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

0065B 0065D 0065L 0077B 0094B 0095B 0096B 0097B 0098B 0099B 0099D 0197L 0355B 0390B 0392B 0394B 0397B 0400B 0401B 0401L 0402B 0405B 0405D 0412B 0412D 0412L 0420B 0420L 0422B 0425B 0432B 0439B 0441B 0444e 0447B 0448B 0501D 0501L 0502D 0502L 0510B 0510L 0512B 0512D 0512L 0524B 0536D 0536L 0537B 0537D 0537L 0539B 0539D 0539L 0544B 0544D 0544e 0544L 0547B 0869B 0899B 0947B 0965D 0965L 1010B 1010e 1494B 1550L 1565B 1578B 1656e 1755B 1755D 1755e 1755L 1757B 1757D 1758B 1761B 1762B 1763B 1766L 1768B 1769B 1772L 1827D 1827L 1829B 1829D 1829L

admiral Nelson Spiced rum admiral Nelson Spiced rum admiral Nelson Spiced rum admiral Nelson Cherry appleton estate extra 12Yr appleton White rum appleton estate reserve appleton Special gold rum appleton estate 21 appleton vx appleton vx aristocrat rum atlantico Bacardi 8 rum 8Yr Bacardi arctic grape Bacardi Big apple Bacardi gold reserve Bacardi Coco rum Bacardi Select rum Bacardi Select rum Bacardi gold Traveler Bacardi Dragonberry Bacardi Dragonberry Bacardi Limon rum Bacardi Limon rum Bacardi Limon rum Bacardi O rum Bacardi O rum Bacardi Oakheart Bacardi Peach red Bacardi razz rum Bacardi Superior Traveler Bacardi grand Melon Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak Bacardi Torched Cherry Bacardi rock Coconut Mr Boston Light Mr Boston Light Mr Boston Dark Mr Boston Dark Bacardi 151 rum Bacardi 151 rum Bacardi gold rum Bacardi gold rum Bacardi gold rum Barbancourt res. Speciale ronrico gold rum ronrico gold rum ronrico Silver rum ronrico Silver rum ronrico Silver rum Myers Original Dark rum Myers Original Dark rum Myers Original Dark rum Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Wolf Berry Bacardi anejo Black Beard Spiced rum Blackheart Prem Spiced rum Bocador White rum Florida Bocador White rum Florida 10 Cane rum 10 Cane rum Brugal anejo rum Calico Jack Spiced rum Cabana Cachaca Calypso Spiced rum Lady Bligh Spiced Captain Morgan Spice rum Captain Morgan Spice rum Captain Morgan Spice rum Captain Morgan Spice rum Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl Captain Morgan Blk Spiced rum Captain Morgan Traveler rum Captain Morgan Lime Bite Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont Captain Morgan Slvr Spice Captain Morgan Pvt Stock Captain Morgan Tattoo Castillo gold Label Castillo gold Label Castillo Silver rum Castillo Silver rum Castillo Silver rum

19.40 6.45 24.65 13.05 7.90 12.65 28.70 5.70

82.6 94.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0

ruM $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 8.95 $ 6.45 $ 19.65 $ 11.40 $ 19.50 $ 13.25 $ 60.00 $ 14.25 $ 24.95 $ 7.50 $ 25.60 $ 17.65 $ 13.40 $ 7.50 $ 14.80 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 16.75 $ 11.65 $ 13.40 $ 24.70 $ 13.40 $ 24.70 $ 17.65 $ 13.40 $ 13.85 $ 13.20 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 11.65 $ 14.10 $ 4.95 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 17.65 $ 22.80 $ 11.65 $ 22.05 $ 16.75 $ 13.95 $ 16.70 $ 11.25 $ 8.75 $ 19.35 $ 11.45 $ 15.70 $ 22.85 $ 20.05 $ 11.65 $ 22.05 $ 8.80 $ 16.75 $ 13.40 $ 15.85 $ 12.50 $ 11.65 $ 14.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.25 $ 10.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.00 $ 15.35 $ 12.70 $ 3.80 $ 14.95 $ 28.45 $ 8.75 $ 18.30 $ 18.10 $ 31.65 $ 18.10 $ 17.70 $ 14.95 $ 14.95 $ 17.55 $ 14.95 $ 20.10 $ 17.75 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 7.05 $ 16.30 $ 8.65

70.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 86.0 93.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 72.5 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.6 70.0 70.0 90.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

1838B 1838L 2067B 2069B 2315B 2388B 2398L 2400L 2401L 2402L 2403L 2415B 2416L 2417B 2418B 2419L 2421L 2422B 2423B 2423D 2424L 2425B 2734B 2943B 3787B 5209B 5488B 5488D 5493L 5495L 5498B 5499B 5499D 5499L 5500L 5502L 5503L 5504L 5505B 6068B 6069B 6069D 6069L 6071B 6360D 6360L 6441D 6441L 6442D 6442L 6643D 6651B 6652B 6652D 6653B 6654B 6699L 7692B 7722B 7730L 7788L 7835B 7835D 7835L 7836B 7836D 7836L 7839L 8326B 8330B 8331B 8332B 8333B 8475B 8500B 8502B 8533D 8645B 8645D 8645L 8646B 8881B 8882B 9065B 9229B 9230B 9307L 9530D 9530L 9570B 9675B 9729B

Castillo Spiced rum Castillo Spiced rum Clement Creole Shrubb Clement vsop Coruba Spiced Crusoe Organic Spiced rum Cruzan 151 Prf rum Cruzan Black Cherry Cruzan Bananna Cruzan Pineapple Cruzan Blackstrap Cruzan estate Diamond Cruzan Mango Cruzan estate Sngl Brl rum Cruzan Junkanu Citris Cruzan Coconut Cruzan vanilla Cruzan estate Dark Cruzan estate Light Cruzan estate Light Cruzan guava Cruzan 9 Don Q Cristal erie island Silver rum goslings Black Seal John Mcculloch rum Kraken Black Spiced Kraken Black Spiced Lady Bligh Banana Lady Bligh Cherry Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler Lady Bligh Spiced Lady Bligh Spiced Lady Bligh Spiced Lady Bligh Coconut Lady Bligh Mango Lady Bligh Pineapple Lady Bligh vanilla Lady Bligh 151 rum Malibu Black Malibu rum Malibu rum Malibu rum Malibu red Mc Cormick rum Mc Cormick rum Meiers gd Label v islands Meiers gd Label v islands Meiers Wh Lab v islnd rum Meiers Wh Lab v islnd rum Montego Bay Silver Mt gay Xtra Old rum Mt gay eclipse Mt gay eclipse Mt gay eclipse Silver Mt gay Black Myers's Platinum Oronoco Platinum reserve Panama Jack Spiced Paramount 151 Paramount Dragon Fruit Paramount gold Lbl Paramount gold Lbl Paramount gold Lbl Paramount White Lbl Paramount White Lbl Paramount White Lbl Paramount Whipt Creme Pyrat X O reserve Pucker Citrus Squeeze Pucker grape gone Wild Pucker Sour apple Sass Pucker Wild Cherry Tease rogue ron Matusalem gran reserva ron Matusalem Platino ronrico Clipper Spiced rum Sailor Jerry Spic Navy rum Sailor Jerry Spic Navy rum Sailor Jerry Spic Navy rum Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr Seagrams Brazil Citrus rum Seagrams Brazilian Spiced Jack No 94 Tommy Bahama golden Sun Tommy Bahama White Sand Trader vics Priv Sel Silvr Well rum Well rum Whaler's vanilla Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof Zaya rum

$ 6.50 $ 8.65 $ 29.95 $ 34.30 $ 4.25 $ 29.45 $ 17.45 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 14.25 $ 14.95 $ 6.80 $ 18.45 $ 9.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 10.10 $ 9.65 $ 21.95 $ 15.20 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 12.70 $ 9.30 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 22.30 $ 16.70 $ 14.30 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 21.20 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 9.75 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 9.75 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 18.10 $ 8.80 $ 14.05 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 19.35 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 14.65 $ 8.30 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60

70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 151.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 80.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 60.0 126.0 80.0

$ 86.65 $ 33.50 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70

86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0

Scotch 0018B 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B

aberlour 18 Yr aberlour 12 Yr Sm aberlour a'bunadh aberfeldy 12 Yr aberfeldy 21 Yr ardmore Scotch

0107B 1474B 0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 0281B 0281D 0281L 0282B 0282L 0375B 0377B 0493B 0496B 0497B 0504B 0908B 1481B 1486B 1488B 1490B 1498B 1519B 1520B 1636e 1648e 1751B 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2074B 2078B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3003B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3620B 3625B 3633B 3634B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3650e 3654B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 4895B

ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt Bowmore 12 Yr Pinch - haig 15 Yr Dewars Dewars Dewars Dewars Johnnie Walker red 12 Yr Johnnie Walker red 12 Yr Johnnie Walker red 12 Yr Ushers green Stripe Lauders 3 Yr Lauders 3 Yr Lauders 3 Yr grants Stand Fast grants Stand Fast Old Smuggler Old Smuggler Chivas regal Chivas regal Chivas regal Cutty Sark Cutty Sark Cutty Sark White horse Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr J & B rare J & B rare J & B rare grand Macnish 3 Yr grand Macnish 3 Yr grand Macnish 3 Yr highland Mist 3 Yr highland Mist 3 Yr inverhouse 3 Yr inverhouse 3 Yr J W Dant Scotch Ballantines Jameson irish Whsky Jameson irish Whsky Jameson irish Whsky Bushmills irish Wsky Bushmills irish Wsky auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms auchentoshan Classic Sms Balvenie Single 15Yr Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr Black Bush irish Whsky Bowmore Legend Sms Bunnahabhain red Seal Bunnahabhain 12 Yr Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch Bruichladdich rocks Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt Bushmills 10 Yr irish glenfiddich 45 Combo Jameson irish Whsky Caol ila 12 Yr Scotch Chivas regal Salute 21Yr Chivas regal 25 Chivas regal 18 Yr Clan Macgregor Scotch Clan Macgregor Scotch Clontarf Classic Blend Clynelish Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr Dalmore 12 Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr Dewar's Signature Dewars Spec rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch Famous grouse 12 Yr Feckin irish Whsky glenfiddich Spec res 12 Yr glen garioch glenkinchie 12 Yr glenfiddich Soler rsv 15 Yr glenfiddich ancnt rsv 18 Yr glenfiddich grand reserva glenfiddich 15Yr Distly edition glenlivet 18 Year glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr glenlivet archive 86 21 Yr glenmorangie 10 Yr glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr glenmorangie Lasanta glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 glenmorangie Quinta ruban glenmorangie Nectar D Or glenrothes Select reserve glenrothes Scotch highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr highland Park 18Y irishman Original Clan Whiskey

$ 43.05 92.0 $ 39.55 80.0 $ 29.70 80.0 $ 19.40 80.0 $ 39.70 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 42.40 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.35 80.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 31.90 80.0 $ 18.80 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 58.10 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 69.15 80.0 $ 43.00 80.0 $ 18.95 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.70 80.0 $ 7.30 80.0 $ 16.95 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 16.50 80.0 $ 10.45 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 46.75 80.0 $ 30.70 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 28.90 80.0 $ 49.20 86.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 64.90 95.6 $ 54.40 86.0 $ 48.30 86.0 $147.75 86.0 $ 31.00 80.0 $ 23.00 80.0 $ 87.80 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 58.65 80.0 $ 35.45 80.0 $ 42.80 82.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 44.30 86.0 $156.85 80.0 $218.90 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 17.20 80.0 $ 10.70 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 31.05 92.0 $ 48.30 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 $189.75 86.0 $ 26.45 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 46.60 86.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 68.55 80.0 $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 41.35 80.0 $ 47.40 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 15.50 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 38.80 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 37.85 86.0 $107.00 86.0 $ 17.65 80.0

JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 59

4895L 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5145B 5145D 5207B 5212B 5220B 5222B 5225B 5229B 5231B 5384B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6018B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6395B 6574B 6576B 6747B 6748B 7480B 7721L 7980D 8327D 8327L 8480B 8383B 8853D 8983B 9026B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9150B 9188B 9188D 9317B 9317L 9605B 9606B

irishman Original Clan Whiskey Jameson gold Jameson vintage res. Jameson 18 Yr Jameson 12 Yr John Barr red John Barr red J. Mcdougals Bladnoch John Power & Son irish gld Johnnie Walker Blue Johnnie Walker Double Black Johnny Walker Blk 100 annivesary Johnnie Walker gold 18 Yr Johnnie Walker grn Kilbeggan Lagavaulin Distillers ed. Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr Laphroaig 18 Yr Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr Macallan Cask Strength Sms Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr Macallan 25 Yr Macallan 30 Yr Mcclellands islay Mcclellands highlnd Mcivor Scotch Midleton Michael Collins Blended Oban Distillers addition Oban Single Malt 14 Old Pulteney 12 Yr Paddy irish Whiskey Passport Scotch Queen anne Queen anne rogue Malt Whiskey redbreast irish Whiskey 12 Yr Scoresby Scotch Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr Slane Castle Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr Speyburn Bradan Orach Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr Famous grouse Famous grouse Tullamore Dew - ireland Tullamore Dew - ireland Wild Scotsman 15 Yr Wild Scotsman Black Label

$ 26.90 $ 56.15 $ 173.90 $ 77.95 $ 36.95 $ 11.40 $ 20.55 $ 77.45 $ 16.90 $203.95 $39.50 $ 36.85 $ 74.60 $ 41.65 $ 14.30 $ 86.90 $ 71.35 $ 61.60 $ 55.45 $ 41.35 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 76.20 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 11.65 $ 120.30 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 72.90 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 44.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 33.00 $ 38.40

80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 111.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0

$ 17.05 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 13.40 $ 37.40 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 30.00 $ 31.75 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 28.20 $ 21.25 $ 23.90 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 30.15 $ 36.05 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 12.85 $ 22.60 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 51.80 $ 26.65

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

tequila 0038L 0039B 0040B 0048B 0050B 0093L 0371B 0372B 0373B 0374B 0487B 1544B 1545B 1546B 1628e 1662e 1664e 1674e 1676e 1810B 1846B 1847B 1848B 1857B 1858B 1859B 1860B 1862B 2280B 2281B 2282B 2306B 2317B 2318B 2410B 2410D 2410e 2410L 2411B 2411D 2411L 2721B 2721e

agavales Tequila gold 110 agavero Orange Tequila agave Loco agavales gold 80 alien Tequila Silver aqui vamos Teq Blanco asombroso Silver avion anejo avion reposado avion Silver Baluarte Tequila Cabo Wabo anejo Cabo Wabo Blanco Cabo Wabo reposado Cuervo especial Silver 200 Patron anejo Patron Silver 200Ml Sauza hornitos Plata Patron reposado Casa Noble Crystal Cazadores anejo Cazadores Blanco Cazadores reposado Centenario Plata Centenario reposado Centenario rosangel Centenario Tenampa azul Chamucos reposado esp Teq Corazon Tequila anjeo Corazon Blanco Corazon reposado Coronado Tequila Corzo reposado Corzo Silver Cuervo especial Cuervo especial Cuervo especial Cuervo especial 1800 reposado Teq 1800 reposado Teq 1800 reposado Teq Don Julio anejo Don Julio anejo

60 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

2722B 2722D 2724B 2725B 2726B 2760B 2761B 2883B 2884B 2885B 2891B 2894B 2899B 2900B 2903B 2903D 2903L 2905B 2907B 2908B 2909B 2910B 2911B 2914B 2916B 2916D 2917B 2917D 2926B 2926D 2926L 2927B 2927D 2927L 2937B 2940B 2996B 2997B 3820B 4109B 4114B 4115B 5240L 5243B 5244B 5247B 5247D 5247e 5247L 5249L 5250L 5253B 5254L 5497B 5497D 5497L 5501B 5501D 5501L 6001B 6002B 6003B 6004B 6005B 6058B 6110B 6112B 6117B 6118B 6119B 6119D 6345L 6570L 6580B 6584B 6585B 6586B 6588B 6642B 6645L 6647L 6649L 6731B 6863B 6864B 6865B 6866B 6867B 6868B 7979B 7982B 7982D 7984B 7984D 7985B 8063B 8280B 8281B 8440D 8440L 8442L 8717B

Don Julio Blanco Don Julio Blanco Don Julio reposado Don Julio real Don Julio 70Th anniversary Dos Lunas Silver Dos Manos Blanco el arco anejo el arco Blanco el arco reposado el Caballo estrella Mixto 1800 Coconut Tequila el Charro reposado el Charro Silver 1800 Tequila Silver 1800 Tequila Silver 1800 Tequila Silver 1800 Select Silver el grado Blanco 1800 Collection extra anejo el Mayor anejo el Mayor Blanco el Mayor reposado el Jimador anejo el Jimador Blanco el Jimador Blanco el Jimador reposado el Jimador reposado el Toro gold el Toro gold el Toro gold el Toro Silver el Toro Silver el Toro Silver espolon Blanco espolon reposado Familia Camarena reposado Familia Camarena Silver gran Patron Platinum Teq herradura anejo herradura reposado herradura Silver Cuervo Black Medallion Cuervo Tradicional 1800 anejo Cuervo especial Silver Cuervo especial Silver Cuervo especial Silver Cuervo especial Silver Juarez Silver Juarez gold Cuervo Platino Juarez gold Dss La Prima White La Prima White La Prima White La Prima gold Teq La Prima gold Teq La Prima gold Teq Luna Nueva anejo Luna Nueva reposado Luna Nueva Silver Lunazul Blanco Lunazul reposado Maestro Dobel Margaritaville island Lime Margaritaville Trop Tanger Margaritaville Last Mango Margaritaville Teq Silver Margaritaville Teq gold Margaritaville Teq gold Matador gold Teq Mi Cosecha gold Teq Milagro Silver Milagro anejo Milagro reposado Milagro Sbr rep Milagro Sbr Silver Monte alban Tequila Montezuma Blue Montezuma White - Mexico Montezuma gold – Mexico 901 Silver Tequila voodoo Tiki anejo voodootiki Blue Dragon voodootiki Desert rose voodootiki green Dragon voodootiki Platinum voodootiki raposado Partida Blanco Patron anejo Patron anejo Patron Silver Patron Silver Patron reposado Pepe Lopez gold Porfidio Plata Porfidio Silver rio grande Silver rio grande Silver rio grande gold Cien anos Blanco

$ 43.90 $ 79.05 $ 45.65 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $ 24.60 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 33.95 $ 1556.30 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 10.80 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 18.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 6.30 $ 22.60 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 9.25 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 12.00 $ 23.85 $ 24.45 $ 25.60 $ 33.35 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.45 $ 9.45 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 24.25 $ 49.80 $ 72.45 $ 42.80 $ 89.50 $ 43.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15

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8718B 8719B 8719L 8721B 8722B 8723B 8723D 8723L 8727B 8733B 8734B 8734D 8737B 8739L 8860B 8861B 8862B 8863B 8931B 8932B 8942B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9531D 9531L 9737B

Cien anos reposado Sauza Blanco Sauza Blanco Sauza Tres gen Plata Teq. Sauza Tres gener anejo Sauza extra gold Sauza extra gold Sauza extra gold Sauza Conmemorativo Sauza hornitos anejo Sauza hornitos Plata Sauza hornitos Plata Sauza Blue Silver Sauza giro Silver Scorpian Mezcal anejo 1 Yr Scorpian Mezcal anejo 3 Yr Scorpian Mezcal reposado Scorpian Mezcal Silver Senor Frogs Plata Senor Frogs reposado Semential Silver Teq Tarantula azul Tarantula reposado Tarantula Lime Tarantula Stawberry Sauza hornitos reposado Tequila reposado Tequila Silver Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez Teq Ocho reposado Las Pomez Teq Ocho anejo ext el vegl Teq Ocho anejo San augustn Tequila 30 - 30 reposado 3 island White Tequila Tierra's anejo Tierra's Blanco Tierra's reposado Tortilla Silver Tortilla gold Tres rios Silver Tres rios reposado Two Fingers Tequila gold Two Fingers Tequila White Well Tequila Well Tequila Zapopan reposado

$ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 13.20 $ 24.65 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 22.00 $ 19.35 $ 30.15 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 16.75 $ 9.70 $ 12.75 $ 9.95 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 13.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.70 $ 25.80 $ 19.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 16.85 $ 10.00 $ 7.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0

$ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 14.75 $ 12.20 $ 15.15 $ 17.25 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 21.25 $ 17.60 $ 16.90 $ 15.15 $ 32.80 $ 18.90 $ 24.60 $ 15.15 $ 15.35 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 6.75 $ 15.15 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 24.60 $ 42.20 $ 15.15 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $18.30 $ 7.10 $ 6.30 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 26.15 $ 25.60 $ 64.20 $ 34.15 $ 21.20 $ 22.15 $ 17.45 $ 29.65 $ 23.90 $ 22.15 $ 20.95 $ 17.35 $ 14.30

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Vodka 0024B 0027B 0028B 0028D 0028L 0034B 0036B 0042B 0042L 0049B 0052B 0054B 0054L 0056B 0057B 0057D 0057e 0057L 0060B 0060L 0061B 0062B 0063e 0064B 0064D 0064L 0068B 0069B 0069L 0070L 0074B 0194D 0194L 0450B 0194L 0737B 0737D 0737L 0832B 0834B 0835B 0838B 0838D 0838L 0840B 0841B 0842B 0846B 0847B 0853B 0946B 0953B 0958B

absolut grapevine absolut Wild Tea absolut Citron absolut Citron absolut Citron alchemia Chocolate absolut Kurant vdk absolut apeach absolut apeach absolut Orient apple absolut Berri acai absolut 100 Black absolut 100 Black absolut San Francisco absolut 80 absolut 80 absolut 80 absolut 80 absolut Pears absolut Pears absolut Peppar vdk absolut ruby red absolut Mini Bar absolut Mandrin vdk absolut Mandrin vdk absolut Mandrin vdk absolut raspberri absolut vanila absolut vanila absolut & Citron Twin Pack absolut Mango aristocrat aristocrat Backon aristocrat Paramount Cherry Paramount Cherry Paramount Cherry Belvedere Bldy Mary Belvedere Pink grapefruit Belvedere Black raspberry Belvedere vdk Belvedere vdk Belvedere vdk Belvedere ix Belvedere Cytrus Belvedere Orange Belvedere intense Belvedere intense Unfiltered Belvedere Lemon Tea Blavod The Black Blue angel vodka Blue ice vdk

0958D 1390B 1426B 1426D 1483B 1523B 1525B 1525D 1525L 1526B 1527B 1528B 1529B 1530B 1531B 1533B 1534B 1536B 1537B 1539B 1540B 1611e 1640e 1641e 1643e 1661e 1675e 1676e 1678e 1852B 2009B 2009D 2011B 2012B 2048B 2048D 2048L 2050B 2050L 2051B 2053B 2053D 2053L 2358L 2385B 2392D 2392L 2444B 2444D 2455B 2456B 2457B 2458B 2452B 2452D 2658B 2659B 2778B 2782B 2893B 2895B 2896B 2897B 2898B 2952B 3011B 3011D 3011L 3014B 3016B 3016D 3019B 3020B 3023B 3025B 3026B 3028B 3031B 3086B 3072L 3079B 3080B 3084B 3084D 3084L 3088B 3089B 3097B 3579B 3586B 3586D 3691B 3692B 3783B 3888B 3907B 3907D 3907L 3909B 3910B 3912B 3919e 3968B

Blue ice vdk Bombora vdk Boru Original vdk Boru Original vdk Boyd & Blair Burnetts espresso Burnetts Burnetts Burnetts Burnetts Pink Lemonade Burnetts raspberry Burnett's vanilla Burnett's Fruit Punch Burnetts Sour apple Burnetts Cherry Burnetts Blueberry Burnetts Strawberry Burnetts Orange Creme vodka Burnetts Sugar Cookie Burnetts Watermelon Burnetts Whipped Cream Burnetts vodka grey goose 200Ml grey goose L'orange grey goose Le Citron Paramount 100 vodka Skyy 200 Smirnoff 100 Svedka Traveler 200 Chambord Flavored vodka Chopin Chopin Chopin Wheat vodka Chopin rye vodka Ciroc Super Premium Ciroc Super Premium Ciroc Super Premium Ciroc Coconut Ciroc Coconut Ciroc Peach Ciroc red Berry Ciroc red Berry Ciroc red Berry Crav vodka Cristall Signature Series Crown russe 80 Proof vdk Crown russe Crystal head Crystal head Cupcake Chiffon vodka Cupcake Devils Food vodka Cupcake Frosting vodka Cupcake Original vodka Crystal Spirits Buckeye vodka Crystal Spirits Buckeye vodka Denaka Denaka Black Cherry Double Cross vodka Downunder ed hardy effen Cucumber effen Black Cherry effen effen raspberry everclear Finlandia 80 Finlandia 80 Finlandia 80 Finlandia grapefruit Firefly Sweet Tea Firefly Sweet Tea Finlandia Mango Fusion Finlandia Tangerine Fusion Firestarter vodka Firefly Mint Tea Firefly raspberry Tea vdk Firefly Skinny Tea Finlandia rasperry Frozen ghost vodka 42 Below Pure 44 North huckleberry vodka 44 North North rainer vodka Fris Fris Fris Fuzzy Fris Blueberry vodka galens gilbey’s Trvlr 80 gilbey's vdk 100 gilbey's vdk 100 godiva Chocolate godiva Chocolate gordons Traveler grand Touring vodka grey goose grey goose grey goose grey goose La Poire grey goose L'orange grey goose Le Citron grey goose 50Ml Multi-Pack hammer & Sickle vdk

$ 24.95 $ 9.00 $ 10.80 $ 18.85 $ 16.45 $ 5.15 $ 7.30 $ 13.60 $ 8.85 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 2.95 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 6.70 $ 4.20 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 $ 3.30 $ 16.55 $ 23.90 $ 42.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 31.30 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 28.70 $ 8.70 $ 1165 $ 6.85 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 6.45 $ 5.40 $ 34.30 $ 7.40 $ 23.85 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 14.90 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 19.30 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 17.70 $ 9.70 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 5.80 $ 9.10 $ 16.90 $ 12.55 $ 25.00 $ 17.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.70 $ 12.55 $ 7.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.65 $ 26.35 $ 21.65 $ 8.20 $ 11.75 $ 21.05 $ 58.95 $ 34.15 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 13.65 $ 20.20

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JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 61

3971B 3973B 3975B 3976B 3977B 4869B 5000D 5000L 5004D 5004L 5013D 5015D 5015L 5016B 5016D 5016L 5018B 5018D 5018L 5020B 5020D 5020L 5021B 5021D 5021e 5021L 5025D 5028D 5028L 5029B 5030L 5033L 5036D 5036L 5038B 5038D 5038L 5039B 5039D 5039L 5040B 5040D 5040L 5074B 5090B 5106B 5106D 5210B 5258B 5261B 5308B 5308D 5308L 5309B 5309D 5310L 5311L 5313B 5382B 5382D 5382e 5382L 5383D 5383L 5385L 5386B 5387B 5489B 5490B 5490D 5490L 5492B 5882B 5966B 5967B 5968B 5969B 6008B 6008D 5013L 6391D 6391L 6428B 6460L 6591B 6620B 6659B 6660B 6661B 6718L 6741B 7336L 7698B 7699B 7701B 7716B 7728L 7834L 7834D 7837L 7846D 7846L 7897L

hangar One Straight hangar One Chipotle Chili hangar One Kaffir Lime vdk hangar One Mandarin hangar One Blueberry iceburg vdk gilbey's vdk 80 gilbey's vdk 80 Crystal vdk 80 Crystal vdk 80 Fleischmann royal Wolfschmidt Wolfschmidt Smirnoff #57 100 Smirnoff #57 100 Smirnoff #57 100 gordons 80 gordons 80 gordons 80 Paramount 80 Paramount 80 Paramount 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 Mr Boston riva 100 Barton vdk Barton vdk Barton Traveler hallers 80 Tamirov 100 Nikolai Nikolai Paramount 100 Paramount 100 Paramount 100 Paramount 90 Paramount 90 Paramount 90 Popov 80 Popov 80 Popov 80 James river Plant Sweet vodka Jean Marc Xo vdk Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea John Mcculloch Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon apple Pie Kamchatka 80 Kamchatka 80 Kamchatka 80 Kamchatka 90 Kamchatka 90 Kamchatka Cherry Kamchatka grape Kamchatka Traveler Ketel One Ketel One Ketel One Ketel One Ketel One Citroen Ketel One Citroen Ketel One Oranje Khortytsa honey Pepper Khortytsa Platinum Korski Traveler Korski Korski Korski Kutskoua Level Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher van Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg Lil Blk Drs Classic Lil Blk Drs Pineapp hony Luksusowa Luksusowa Fleischmann royal 80 Proof Mc Cormick Mc Cormick Medea Meier's vdk Plastic Kru vodka Monopolowa Potato Moon Mountain vodka Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus Moon Mtn Wild raspberry New amsterdam vodka Ocean vodka Mr Boston vodka Oyo Oyo honey vanilla Bean Oyo Stone Fruit Nutliquor Peanut Butter Paramount Orange Flv vdk Para Ultra Bubble Para Ultra Bubble Paramount vanilla Paramount grape Paramount grape Paramount Sweet Tea

62 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

$ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 7.85 $ 14.70 $ 9.15 $ 11.65 $ 7.10 $ 11.55 $ 14.50 $ 8.05 $ 13.00 $ 26.35 $ 17.70 $ 8.20 $ 16.25 $ 9.70 $ 7.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.70 $ 11.40 $ 21.90 $ 7.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.60 $ 11.75 $ 6.75 $ 11.60 $ 6.85 $ 4.95 $ 13.60 $ 7.00 $ 9.05 $ 17.10 $ 10.20 $ 7.50 $ 15.95 $ 7.10 $ 6.90 $ 13.65 $ 8.05 $ 17.00 $ 28.30 $ 16.95 $ 17.40 $ 11.90 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 6.45 $ 13.65 $ 7.85 $ 8.90 $ 16.20 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 6.45 $ 21.05 $ 41.25 $ 20.70 $ 28.95 $ 41.25 $ 29.85 $ 29.85 $ 16.00 $ 15.20 $ 6.50 $ 6.50 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 8.90 $ 20.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 23.20 $ 7.10 $ 13.30 $ 7.55 $ 25.55 $ 7.40 $ 16.85 $ 12.55 $ 14.10 $ 7.55 $ 12.25 $ 13.25 $ 23.90 $ 6.75 $ 27.90 $ 28.85 $ 28.70 $ 30.80 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 10.65 $ 6.00 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 5.55

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7921B 7990B 7991B 7992B 7994B 7995B 7996B 7997B 8074B 8231B 8232B 8233B 8234B 8236B 8237B 8238B 8239B 8240B 8241B 8242B 8243B 8243D 8243L 8244B 8244D 8245B 8246B 8248B 8250B 8251B 8252B 8253B 8253D 8254B 8254D 8255B 8256B 8257B 8283B 8285B 8291B 8293B 8295B 8321B 8323B 8325B 8334B 8336B 8338B 8338D 8413B 8488B 8490B 8492B 8627D 8631B 8631D 8854B 8855B 8856B 8857B 8880B 8880D 8880L 8884B 8885B 8886B 8896D 8896L 8908B 8910B 8915B 8915D 8930L 8934B 8937B 9005L 9006L 9007L 9008e 9009L 9010L 9011L 9012B 9012D 9012e 9012L 9014D 9014L 9016L 9017L 9018L 9022B 9024B 9024L 9025B 9027B 9028B 9029B 9030e 9032B 9032D 9032L

Paramount 100 Trvlr Peachka Pearl Pearl Pomegranate Pearl Cucumber vdk Pearl Blueberry vdk Pearl Coconut vdk Pearl Plum Peureux Pinnacle Key Lim Whip Pinnacle atomic hots Pinnacle Cookie Dough Pinnacle Coconut Pinnacle Cake Pinnacle Cotton Candy Pinnacle Citrus Pinnacle Berry Pinnacle Butterscotch Pinnacle Le Double expresso Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber Pinnacle Pinnacle Pinnacle Pinnacle Cherry vdk Pinnacle Cherry vdk Pinnacle raspberry Pinnacle grape Pinnacle Mango Pinnacle vanilla Pinnacle Tropical Punch Pinnacle 100 Pinnacle Whipped Pinnacle Whipped Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped Pinnacle Orange Whipped Pinnacle gummy Pinnacle Marshmallow Players extreme Caramel Players extrm Cherry vdk Popov Traveler Prairie Organic Kosher vdk Pravda Proof 105 Purus Proof 110 Pucker Lemonad Lust vdk Pucker raspbry rave vdk rain Organics rain Organics reyka vdk rokk Citrus rokk Orange rokk ruskova genuine russian vd russian Standard Original russian Standard Original Skinnygirl Bare Naked vdk Skinnygirl Cucumber vdk Skinnygirl island Coconut Skinnygirl Tangerine vdk Seagrams extra Smooth vdk Seagrams extra Smooth vdk Seagrams extra Smooth vdk Seagrams apple Seagrams Black Cherry Seagrams Citrus Skol Skol Seagrams rasberry Seagram's Sweet Tea Seagrams Platinum Seagrams Platinum Senators Club vdk Severka Seven Brothers vodka Skyy infusions Coconut Skyy infusions Blood Orang Skyy infusions Dragon Fruit Skyy infusions rainbow Pac Skyy infusion Pineapple Skyy infusion Passionfruit Skyy infusion raspberry Skyy Skyy Skyy Skyy Skyy infusion Citrus Skyy infusion Citrus Skyy infusion Cherry Skyy infusions ginger vdk Skyy infusion grape Smirnoff Black Cherry Smirnoff Blueberry Smirnoff Blueberry Smirnoff Cranberry Smirnoff Dark roasted espr Smirnoff Melontwist Smirnoff Lime Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack Smirnoff Silver Smirnoff Silver Smirnoff Silver

$ 8.85 $ 3.30 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 5.20 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.20 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 10.50 $ 17.95 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 12.85 $ 12.85 $ 6.90 $ 11.70 $ 17.50 $ 8.20 $ 7.50 $ 8.25 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 6.80 $ 9.65 $ 17.95 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 6.70 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.95 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 5.00 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $15.85 $ 14.20 $ 24.05 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.05 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.70

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9033B 9033L 9034B 9034D 9034L 9035B 9036B 9037B 9038B 9038D 9038L 9039B 9039D 9039L 9040B 9040D 9040L 9041B 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9093B 9114B 9116L 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155b 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B

Smirnoff greenapple Smirnoff greenapple Smirnoff Citrus Smirnoff Citrus Smirnoff Citrus Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist Smirnoff Traveler Smirnoff Passion Fruit Smirnoff Orange Smirnoff Orange Smirnoff Orange Smirnoff raspberry Smirnoff raspberry Smirnoff raspberry Smirnoff vanilla Smirnoff vanilla Smirnoff vanilla Smirnoff Strawberry Smirnoff Pear Twist Smirnoff Pineapple Twist Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski vdk(glass) Sobieski vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Sobieski raspberry Sobieski raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Smooth ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Stawski Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Blueberi vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi vdk Stolichnaya Choc razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya gala applik vd Stoli White Pomegranik vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X vdk Platinum 7X vdk Platinum 7X vdk Stolichnaya razberi Stolichnaya razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya vanil Stolichnaya vanil Stolichnaya vanil Svedka Colada vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad vdk Sweet Carolina rasp Tea vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea vodka Svedka raspberry Svedka vanilla vdk Svedka vanilla vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka grape vodka Svedka Cherry Teton glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of russia Ultra 3 islands vodka 3 islands vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive rootbeer 3 Olive grape 3 Olive grape 3 Olive grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry vdk

$ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 9.90 $ 16.20 $ 12.35 $ 13.00 $ 10.60 $ 9.90 $ 7.65 $ 12.35 $ 7.65 $ 12.35 $ 11.50 $ 12.35 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 10.05 $ 9.85 $ 9.45 $ 16.00 $ 25.45 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 23.40 $ 13.15 $ 25.45 $ 14.05 $ 51.80 $ 16.00 $ 33.65 $ 25.45 $ 14.10 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.45 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 19.65 $ 25.45 $ 9.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 8.80 $ 6.90 $ 9.90 $ 15.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.90 $ 9.85 $ 16.85 $ 16.90 $ 87.65 $ 7.35 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 20.25 $ 19.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90

70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B 9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9235D 9236B 9367B 9370B 9371B 9371D 9372B 9372D 9372L 9373B 9374B 9375B 9376B 9377B 9378B 9380B 9381B 9382B 9385B 9428B 9446B 9448B 9449B 9450D 9456B 9456D 9738B 9467B 9472B 9472D 9472L 9505B 9521B 9522B 9523B 9532D 9532L 9565B 9672B 9673B 9732B 9738B

3 Olive Cherry vdk 3 Olive Cherry vdk 3 Olive raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot espresso 360 3 Olives rangtang 3 Olives rangtang 360 Double Chocolate Tito's handmade Tito's handmade Tito's handmade 3 Olive Dude vodka 3 Olive Dude vodka 360 Mandarin Orange Ultimat vdk U v Cake vodka U v Blue raspberry U v Blue raspberry Uv Uv Uv U v grape vdk U v Pink Lemonade U v Cherry U v 103 U v Coconut vdk Ursus Punch Uv Sweet green Tea Ursus Blue raspberry Ursus Original vampyre red vesica vodka van gogh Dutch Caramel van gogh Double espresso van gogh espresso vikingfjord van gogh van gogh Zodiac voli vodka Lyte vox vox vox Watershed Distillery vodka Wave Blue raspberry vodka Wave Pink Lemonade vodka Wave Whipped Cream vodka Well vodka Well vodka White Diamond CiNCiNNaTi MiCrO-vODKa CiNCiNNaTi vODKa 100 Zubrowka Bison vodka Zodiac

$ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 22.30 $ 21.95 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 15.00 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 21.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 34.30 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 10.60 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 9.05 $ 8.70 $ 6.25 $ 3.70 $ 6.25 $ 5.95 $ 5.15 $ 21.25 $ 9.90 $ 12.25 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 17.95 $ 14.30 $ 18.35 $ 9.20 $ 21.30 $ 17.60 $ 33.45 $ 22.00 $ 22.00 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 12.90 $ 7.60 $ 8.00 $ 17.55 $ 32.10 $ 16.90 $ 15.75

70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 103.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0

$ 15.15 $ 35.20 $ 19.40 $ 25.55 $ 10.40 $ 5.55 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 24.35 $ 11.30 $ 24.35 $ 13.25 $ 7.45 $ 30.00 $ 10.00 $ 7.65 $ 30.00 $ 34.35 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 11.45 $ 9.65 $ 11.65 $ 23.90 $ 7.05 $ 14.40 $ 7.40 $ 14.90 $ 20.40 $ 25.60 $ 19.50 $ 15.15

92.0 110.0 56.0 56.0 48.0 56.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 50.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 50.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 54.0 60.0 54.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 70.0 48.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 70.0 76.0 80.0 53.0 43.0

cordial 0017B 0029B 0041B 0041L 0053B 0071B 0124B 0125B 0549B 0551B 0552B 0557D 0557L 0565B 0580L 0583L 0600B 0608B 0662B 0664B 0666B 0672B 0673B 0674B 0675B 0691B 0701B 0705B 0707B 0717B 0717D 0717L 0721B 0798B 0881B 0887B 0893B

achaia Clauss Ouzo absente Liqueur Di Saronno amaretto Di Saronno amaretto amaretto gozio amarito amaretto root Snap Barenjager honey & Bourbon Paramount rock & rye Barenjager honey Liqueur Barton Long island ice Tea Barton Long island ice Tea Benedictine D.O.M. Paramount Sloe gin Dek Sloe gin Cordial B & B D O M Cordial Drambuie Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark Dek Creme De Menthe green Dek Creme De Cacao White Paramount Crem D Men White Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark Paramount anisette Paramount Crem D Men green Dek Creme De Menthe White Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit getreide Kummel Campari aperitivo italy Paramount Triple Sec Paramount Triple Sec Paramount Triple Sec Southern Comfort Becherovka Pernod anis –France Tia Maria Coffee Kahlua Coffee

JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 63

0893D 0893L 0910B 0948B 1188B 1501B 1501B 1637e 1783B 1784B 1815B 1840B 1853B 1855B 1914B 2098B 2098D 2098L 2101B 2108B 2274B 2405B 2405L 2503B 2528B 2529B 2566B 2605B 2613L 2614B 2624B 2624L 2644B 2645B 2649B 2652B 2690B 2690L 2691B 2788B 2944B 2950B 3024B 3077B 3092B 3093B 3602B 3630B 3821B 3851B 3852B 3860B 3864B 3902B 4000B 4003B 3602B 4914B 5054D 5054L 5105B 5251L 5254L 5303B 5315B 5559B 5560B 5566B 5571B 6000B 6334B 6567B 6705L 6708B 6720L 6734B 6735B 6736B 6739B 7713B 7715B 7723B 7724B 7729B 7729D 7729L 7735B 7824L 7870D 7870L 7901B 7981L 7986B 8228B 8249L 8282B 8302B 8324L 8639B 8670B 8673B 8852L 8892B

Kahlua Coffee Kahlua Coffee Black Duck Cranberry Blackmaker rootbeer Bols Blue Curacao Buckeye raspberry Liquor Buckeye Blackberry Liquor grand Marnier rouge Caravella Limoncello Orig Caravella Orangecello Casoni Lemoncello Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine Celtic Crossing Liqueur Chambord royale Cord Chartreuse green grand Marn Cordon rouge grand Marn Cordon rouge grand Marn Cordon rouge galliano L'autentico irish Mist Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq Licor 43 Licor 43 Danny Devitos Limoncello Dek Blue Curacao Cordial Dek Creme De Banana Cord Dek Creme De almond Cord Dek hazelnut Cord Dek Orange Curacao Cordial Dek Peach Brandy Dek Triple Sec Cord Dek Triple Sec Cord Dek 03 Orange Dek Melon Cordial Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial romana Black Cointreau Liqueur Cointreau Liqueur Cointreau Noir Drambuie 15 Year evan Williams Cherry resv evan Williams honey resv Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry amaretto Di amore gantous & abouraad glaros Ouzo glengoyne 10 grangala Triple Orange grand Marnier Centcinquant grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr grand Muriel Orange Liquer grande absente green Moon harlem Liqueur harlequin glaros Ouzo isle Of Jura Superstition Jagermeister Jagermeister Jeremiah Weed Liqueur Juarez Triple Sec Juarez gold Dss Kahlua especial Coffee Kamora Coffee Lqr Lazzaroni amaretto Liquer Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq Leblon Cachaca Le Tourment vert Lucid absinthe Mata hari absinthe Bohemia Metaxa Ouzo greece Nassau royale Navan 80 N Y Long island iced Tea 99 apples 99 Bananas 99 grapes 99 Peaches Number 12 Ouzo Nv La Fee absinthe verte Pallini Limoncello Pallini Limoncello gift Paramount amaretto Paramount amaretto Paramount amaretto Paramount Creme De Banana Paramount Sour apple Para Long islnd ice Tea Para Long islnd ice Tea Paramount Melon Patron Citronge Patron X O Cafe Pimms Cup #1 gin Sling eng Pitu Cachaca Plomari Quzo Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn Punch abruzzo Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq Sambuca Di amore Sambuca romana Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer

64 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

$ 30.15 $ 22.85 $ 16.00 $ 16.90 $ 12.10 $ 16.50 $ 15.70 $ 10.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.90 $ 22.00 $ 17.75 $ 19.65 $ 29.85 $ 52.10 $ 30.40 $ 72.90 $ 43.90 $ 27.35 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 21.25 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 2.25 $ 11.45 $ 12.30 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 41.15 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 15.15 $ 15.85 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 38.70 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 16.80 $ 7.90 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.40 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 10.25 $ 24.45 $ 7.40 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 21.40 $ 17.15 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 4.35 $ 25.40 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.90 $ 16.75 $ 31.30

43.0 43.0 43.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 64.0 60.0 62.0 80.0 60.0 46.0 110.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0

9055B 9214B 9311B 9354B 9410B 9630B 9630L 9707B 9733B

Southern Comfort Blk Cherr Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp Tuaca Demi Sec Ty Ku Super Premium Soju veev acai Liqueur Wild Turkey american honey Wild Turkey american honey Yokaichi Mugi Zwack

0010B 0676B 0681L 0697D 0697L 0917B 0917L 1130B 2588L 2619B 2620L 2625B 2776B 2782B 3017B 3017L 3709B 3709L 3736B 3737B 4863B 4870B 5922B 6009B 6735B 7762L 7862B 7862L 8263B 8632B 8633B 8633L 9054B 9082B 9727B 9727D 9727L

after Shock Cinnamon arrow Peppermint Dek Peppermint Snp Paramount Peppermint Snp Paramount Peppermint Black haus Blackberry Snp Black haus Blackberry Snp Bols gold Strike Cinnamon Snp Dek hot Damn Snp Dek Peppermnt 100 Dek Peachtree Schnapp Dek Old Tavern rootbeer Dr Mcgillicuddys vanilla Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt Firewater hot Cinamon Shnp Firewater hot Cinamon Shnp goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 99 Blackberries 99 Black Cherries ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp il Tramonto Lightning 101 Cinnamon Luxardo Triplum 99 Bananas Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp Paramount Peach Sch Paramount Peach Sch Pisco Porton rumple Minze Berry rumple Minze Pepmt rumple Minze Pepmt Southern Comfort 100 So Co Fiery Pepper Yukon Jack Yukon Jack Yukon Jack

$ 14.05 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 18.40 $ 23.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.65

70.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.25 $ 12.30 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.35 $ 16.05 $ 12.30 $ 11.20 $ 12.30 $ 5.65 $ 6.10 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 34.35 $ 10.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.35 $ 16.90 $ 14.90 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.85

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

$ 11.75 $ 24.05 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 12.30 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 14.95 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0


canadian 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1627e 1704D 1704L 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1733D 1735D 1735L 1748B 2055B 2389B 2391B 2393B 2397B 3071B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L

Seagrams v O 6 Yr Seagrams v O 6 Yr Seagrams v O 6 Yr Lord Calvert 3 Yr Mc Masters 3 Yr Mc Masters 3 Yr Mc Masters 3 Yr Canadian Mist Cndn Canadian Mist Cndn Canadian Mist Cndn Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr Canadian Club 6 Yr Canadian Club 6 Yr Canadian Club 6 Yr Canadian Club 6 Yr Black velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black velvet Traveler 3 Yr Black velvet reserve Cndn 8Yr Black velvet reserve Cndn 8Yr Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk Crown royal 200Ml Canadian Bay Whsky Canadian Bay Whsky Canada house Cndn Whiskey 3Yr Canada house Cndn Whiskey 3Yr Canadian Club reserve 10 Yr Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr Canadian gold 4 Yr Canadian gold 4 Yr Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr Canadian hunter Traveler 3Yr Canadian hunter Canadian Ltd 3 Yr Canadian Ltd 3 Yr Canadian Mist Trvlr Canadian Club Classic 12Yr Crown royal Black Crown royal Cask #16 Crown royal extra rare Crown royal reserve Forty Creek Barrel Select harwood harwood Northern Light 3 Yr Northern Light 3 Yr

viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS FOr The reCOrD LiQUOr CONTrOL COMMiSSiON viOLaTiONS & PeNaLTieS (Orders issued May 2012) aNDOver: Jean Coe iNC dba Town Tavern: possession or operation of a gambling device; possession of electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; allowed consumption of beer and or intoxicating liquor off the permit premises. $700 or 7 days. aKrON: CW S ii dba Ole glory Daze: sold, kept, or possessed alcohol upon permit premises. $500 or 5 days. BeDFOrD: rK&J Corp dba Mr gees: possession or operation of a gambling device; possession of electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house. $600 or 6 days. BeLLeFONTaiNe: Shawnee Nation United remnant Band dba N/a: hindered and or obstructed an investigation and or inspection of the premise; kept/possessed beer while not having the proper permit; assaulted agent(s) and/or officer(s); allowed disorderly activity; allowed drug use; allowed drug possession; allowed drug sales; allowed drug paraphernalia to be sold; sold beer on premises and allowed it to be taken off premises. Permit is revOKeD.

CiNCiNNaTi: Trenton Tavern iNC dba Trenton Tavern: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $750 or 6 days; CDO Limited Liability Co. dba restaurant & Patio: alcoholic beverages offered for sale were not in portable condition. $200 or 2 days. CirCLeviLLe: gios restaurant dba N/a: purchased alcohol from someone other than a Class a and or Class B permit holder. $300 or 3 days. CLeveLaND: al SOL dba Fox haven Bar: sold, kept or possessed alcohol on permit premises while permit wasn't in force; alcohol was not in portable condition; sold, loaned, exchanged, transferred, allocated, and or delivered alcoholic beverages to another permit holder. in violation, No Penalty imposed; Lincoln Park dba Scene Magazine alefest: offered to sell, furnish, and/ or deliver unlimited servings of alcohol during any set of hours for a fixed price. $500 or permit is revOKeD; Underground entertainment dba Underground: sale of beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron; sold intoxicating liquor to underage patron; sold intoxicating liquor to underage patron; unsanitary hand washing facility without running water. $1,200 or 10 days. CLYDe: MJ Lucky Dog ii dba Legends Sports Pub: sold, loaned, exchanged, transferred, allocated, and or delivered alcoholic beverages to another permit holder. $300 or 3 days. COLUMBUS: Bon aire dba

N/a: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,000 or 8 days; NZS holdings dba N/a: possessing or operating a gambling device; operating an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; operating a gambling house; refilled original liquor container; alcoholic beverages were not maintained in portable condition. $1,200 or 10 days; Nyoh's Columbus dba Nyohs: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $750 or 6 days. CONCOrD: La Mesa dba La Mesa restaurant: sold and/ or furnished alcohol after 9:00pm at a price less that other patrons. $200 or 2 days DaYTON: hershal hale & Julia Standford eST dba a&a grille: sold intoxicating liquor upon permit premises. $300 or 3 days. FairBOrN: MJ Lucky Dog i dba Legends Sports Pub: purchased alcohol from someone other than a Class a and or Class B permit holder; sold, loaned, exchanged, transferred, allocated, and or delivered alcohol to another permit holder. $300 or 3 days. haMiLTON: Stumps iNC dba Stumps: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500 or 10 days; Shenanigans Bar & grill dba Shenanigans: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500 or 10 days. hOLLaND: Los amigos of Toledo dba airport highway: JUNe 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 65

viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron. $1,500 or 10 days; LaKeWOOD: Tav Maximus iNC dba N/a: possession or operation of a gambling device; possession of electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house. $500 or 5 days. LiMa: Phinehas enterprises dba Brownstone: unsanitary toilet facility; alcohol was not in portable condition; allowed alcohol to be consumed between 2:30am5:30am. in violation, No Penalty imposed. LOgaN: Charles P hopkins dba home Tavern: operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming. $800 or 4 days. LOraiN: Pauly iNC dba Palis Nite Club: hindered agents and/or officers of the law to investigate and/or inspect the premises. $400 or 4 days. MariON: D Jerew dba N/a: multiple times possessed or operating a gambling device; multiple times advertised a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit without a license; multiple times conducted a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit without a license or contract; multiple times operated an electronic video gambling device; multiple times operated a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; multiple times operated a gambling house. Permit is revOKeD. 66 OhiO Beverage MONThLY JUNe 2012

NeW FraNKLiN: gibson's Family Carry Out dba gibson Turkeyfoot Pizza Patio: alcohol helf/offered for sale were not in portable condition; sold, loaned, exchanged, transferred, allocated, and or delivered alcohol to another permit holder. $200 or 2 days. OregON: Mr Ms enterprise. dba Miss Fits: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500 or 10 days. ParMa heighTS: Bernard Pesko dba N/a: sold beer to underage patron; furnished beer to underage patron; sold intoxicating liquor to underage patron; furnished intoxicating liquor to underage patron. $600 or 4 days; Buresti enterprises dba N/a: sold and or furnished and or delivered alcohol past 9:00pm for a price less than that charged to other patrons. $300 or 3 days. SPriNgDaLe: Control Management Systems dba Boulevard: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500 or 10 days. ST CLairSviLLe: vFW POST 5356 St Clairsville dba N/a: sold alcohol to person who was not then and there a member of your organization; sold intoxicating liquor on permit premises. $500 or 5 days. ThOrNviLLe: Beachcomber Bar dba N/a: allowed consumption of beer between 1:00am-5:30am; operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; alcohol was not maintained in a portable

condition; stored/kept premixed alcohol in a container without showing the label of the brand and alcohol percentages. $400 or 4 days. TOLeDO: Sidelines. dba Sidelines ii: allowed beer to be consumed between 2:30am - 5:30am. $300 or 3 days; valley investment Properties dba Bluebird Cafe: possessing or operating a gambling device; operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; allowed illegal raffle; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming. in violation, No Penalty imposed. TrOY: Calicoat enterprises dba Calis Bar: paid for permit fee with a check that isn't the permit holders bank and or financial institution. $500 or permit will be revOKeD. vaNDaLia DaYTON: WrgrM dba el rancho grande: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $750 or 6 days. WarreN: happywood dba N/a: hindered and or obstructed an investigation and or inspection of the premises; allowed consumption of alcohol between 2:30am-5:30am; allowed delivery of alcohol between 2:30am-5:30am. $500 or 5 days. WhiTehaLL: aL POST 0490 Comrade Whitehall dba N/a: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21. $300 or 3 days.

Like most spirits, Tales of the Cocktail® keeps getting better with age.

h, 2012 July 25th-29t New Or OrLLea eaN Ns, LLaa

Over the years, Tales of the Cocktail® has aged quite well. From a small gathering of cocktail lovers to the annual meeting place for all those mesmerized by the art of mixology. Now, as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we’re ready for the biggest Tales of the Cocktail® yet. Join us in New Orleans for five days of culture, cuisine, conversation and the best cocktails ever made at a festival that just coming of age. To learn more about this historic event and to get your tickets and book your hotel rooms, visit TalesoftheCocktail.com.

Tales of the Cocktail salutes the generous spirit of their sponsors: 10 Cane Rum, 1792, 360 Vodka, 42Below Vodka, A. Smith Bowman Distilling, Aberlour a’bunadh Single Malt ch Whisky, Absinthe Cream, Absolut Vodka, Adult Chocolate Milk and Moonshine, Akvinta Vodka, American Beverage Marketers, American Distilling Institute, Anchor Distilling Company, Angostura Bitters, Angostura Rum, Appleton Estate Jamaica Rums, Armagnac, Aromatic Pimento Bitters, Auchentoschen, Avenue Pub, Averell Damson Gin, Averna, Aveze Gentiane Liqueur, Bacardi, Bacardi 8, Bacardi Rum, Bacardi USA, Bad Dog Bar Craft bitters, Bailey’s, Balvenie 14 Year Caribbean Cask, Barbancourt Rhum, Barefoot Wines, Balvenie Scotch, Banks 5 Island Rum, BarSmarts, Barsol Pisco, Beam Global, Becherovka, Beefeater 24, Beefeater Gin, Belvedere Vodka, Benedictine, Berentzen Liqueur, Beverage Media, Bissap Breeze, Bitter End Bitters, Bitter Tears, Bittered Sling, Bittermens, Bitters Old Men, Black Velvet Reserve 8-year aged Whisky, Black Velvet Whisky, Blackbull Blended Scotch Whisky, BNIC, Bols Blue Curacao, Bols Creme de Cacao, Bols Genever, Bols Sole Gin, Bombay Sapphire East Gin, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Bonal, Bootlegger 21 New York Vodka, Botran Rum, Boyd and Blair Vodka, Branca Distilleries, Breckenridge Bitters, Breckenridge Bourbon, Breckenridge Distillery, Breckenridge Vodka, BroVo Spirits, Buffalo Trace, Buffalo Trace Bourbon, Bulleit Bourbon, Bulleit Bourbon and Rye, Bulleit Rye, Camara National de la Industria Tequilera, Campari, Camus Cognac, Caorunn Gin, Cardinal Glass, Caribou Crossing Canadian Whisky, Carnival Cruise Line, Chartreuse, Chefwear, Chinaco Tequila, Chichicapa, Citadelle Gin, Clément, Coca Cola, Cointreau, Combier Distillery, Corazón, Combier’s Elixir, Combier’s Kummel, Corsair Distillery, Corsair Triple Smoke American Single Malt Whiskey, Corsair Artisan, Crescent City School of Bartending, Cuca Fresca Cachaca, Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky, Dallas/Texas Tasting Room, Dancing Pines Distillery, Death’s Door Spirits, Deep Eddy Vodka, Del Maguey Mezcal, Demitri’s Bloody Mary Mix, Dewar’s, Diageo, Diplomatico Rum, Dirty Sue, Disaronno, Distillery No. 209, Domaine de Canton, Domaine Select, Don Julio Tequila, Don Q Añejo Aged Rum Puerto Rico, Don Q Gran Anejo, Dos Maderas 5+5 PX Rum, Drambuie, Drink Me Magazine, Drinkupny.com, Driscoll’s Berries, Dry Fly Distilling, Dry Sack Sherry, Dry soda, Eagle Rare, Edinburgh Gin, El Dorado Rum, Employees Only, Encanto Pisco, Elite, Excellia Ropasado Tequila, EU, Fee Brothers, Few Spirits, Feni, Fever-Tree, Fidencio Mezcal, FIJI Water, Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, Fonseca Porto, Four Roses Bourbon, Frederick Wildman & Sons, G’Vine Gin, George Dickel, George Dickel No. 12, George Dickel Tennessee Whisky, Glace Luxury Ice, Glenfarclas, Glenfiddich, Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey, Glenlivet & Chivas, Gonzalez Byass, Gosling’s Rum, Grand Marnier, Grey Goose, Haus Alpenz, Heaven Hill Distilleries, Heaven Hill Whiskies, Hendrick’s Gin, Hennessy, Herbsaint, Highwest Distillery, Hirsch Selection, Hirsch Small Batch Bourbon, House Made Bitters, Hudson Whiskies, Hum Spirits, Imbibe Magazine, Imbue Vermouth, In the Mix Magazine, Indie Spirits Tasting Room, Illegal Mezcal, iSi North America, Jagermeister, Jameson, Jefferson’s Bourbon, Kahlua, Kappa Pisco, Ketel One Vodka, Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey, Koval Distillery, Laird and Co., Laird’s Applejack 7 year old, Laird’s Applejack Brandy, Laird’s Applejack Brandy 12 year old, Larceny, Leblon Cachaca, Licor 43 and ORIGINAL Moonshine, Lillet, Lillet Rose, Lirette Selections, Local Wine & Spirits, Louis Royer Cognacs, Lounge Attire, Lounge Attire Premium Cocktail Cranberries, Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur, Luxardo Marsca Cherries, Macallan Scotch, Macchu Pisco, Marie Brizard, Martell XO Cognac, Martin Miller’s Gin, Martini & Rossi, Master of Whisky, Merlet Crème de Cassis, Merlet Spirits, Metaxa 5 Star, Mezcales de Leyenda, Michter’s Whiskey, Middle West Spirits, Midori Melon Liqueur, Milagro Tequila, Monin, Monkey Shoulder, Montanya Distillers, Mount Gay Rum, Moutai, Mutineer Magazine, National Honey Board, New Holland Artisan Spirits, Noilly Prat, Nonino, Nonino Amaro, Offbeat Magazine, Old New Orleans Rum, Old Pulteney Single Malt Scotch, Ole Smokey Moonshine, Olmeca Plata Blanco Tequila, Osocalis Distillery, Oxley Gin, PAMA, Partida 100% Organic Agave Nectar, Partida Tequila Anjeo, Partida Tequila Blanco, Partida Tequila Reposado, Peach Street Distillers, Pechuga, Perfect Puree, Pernod Absinthe, Pernod Ricard, Pernod Ricard USA, Peychaud’s Bitters, Philadelphia Distilling, Piedmont Distillers, Pierre Ferrand 1840 Cognac, Pierre Ferrand Cognac, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao, Pig’s Nose Scotch Whisky, Pink Pigeon, Pisco Porton, Pisco Tasting Room, Plymouth Gin, Prohibition Distillery, Purity Vodka, PURUS Organic Wheat Vodka, Quady Winery, Redemption High Rye Bourbon, Redemption Rye, Redemption Whiskeys, Regan’s Bitters, Remy Cointreau, Ricard, Reyka, RHUBY, River Parish Disposal, ROOT, Rothman and Winter, Rouses, Royal Canadian Small Batch and Caribou Crossing, Rum For All, Sailor Jerry Rum, Samaroli Evolution, Sandeman Port, Santa Teresa Rum, Santo Domingo Albrradas, Saveur, Sazerac Co., Sazerac Rye, Scrappy’s Bitters, Secrets in Lace, SerendipiTea, ShakeStir, Sidney Frank Portfolio, Sheep Dip, Siembra Azul Tequila, Siete Leguas, Slow and Low Rye, SNAP, Smooth Ambler, Solerno, Spare Room, Spicebox Whiskey, Spirit of Italy, Square One Spirits, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Suntory, Sutton Cellars, Tanquera Gin, Tanqueray London Dry Gin, Tanqueray London Dry, Tanqueray TEN, Tequila Ocho, Terra Spice, Tobacco Free Living, Truvia® natural sweetener, Tuthilltown, Ultimate Spirits Challenge, United States Bartenders Guild, Vanberg & DeWulf Beer, Varnelli, Vektor Vodka, Victoria Gin, Vita Mix, Vida, Vya vermouth, WhistlePig Straight Rye, Where Y’at, Wild Turkey, Willet Distillery, William Grant & Sons, Wines of France, Yelp, Zacapa Rum, Zaya Rum, Zico

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5/7/12 4:30 PM

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