November 2011
From The Creators Of
Please drink responsibly. © 2011 The Patrón Spirits Company, Las Vegas, NV. 40% Alc./Vol.
PSC-PR-1103-FLAVOR-Beverage Network.indd 1
10/7/11 11:58 AM
20 FEatuREs 20 what’s iN stORE this hOliday sEasON? the Beverage Network presents its annual roundup of targeted value-added products.
50 adVENtuROus whitEs in the country’s maturing wine scene, a variety of white wines are viable options, particularly on-premise.
36 thE shaPE OF dRiNks tO COME what’s ahead for cocktails in 2012?
dEPaRtMENts 4 PuBlishER's MEssagE 6 suPERiNtENdENt OF OhiO liQuOR CONtROl REPORt 7 MEssagE FROM thE OlBa ExECutiVE diRECtOR 8 & 9 lEgal issuEs
42 thE BRaNdy BuNCh with eight subcategories, it’s time to rediscover some great selling opportunities.
11 last Call
13 EVENts & BENEFits 15 thEBaRBlOggER.COM 17 ChEFs CORNER
54 laNguEdOC: POtENtial REaliZEd with old vines, authentic terroir and superlative growing conditions, the word is out.
59 shOPPiNg NEtwORk 62 whOlEsalE PRiCE list 73 ViOlatiONs
Publisher's Message By PhiliP a. CRaig from carrying firearms or concealed firearms on the premises.
thE OhiO BEVERagE MONthly BRiNgs Philip a. Craig, Publisher
his month the Ohio Beverage Monthly brings you the latest information regarding social media advertising, common bar misconceptions, the smoking ban suB sB 17 and some seasonal sales information. Barry Chandler of the barblogger. com tells why updating your social media accounts everyday is a must on page 15 and Chef Quinn explains the imporatance of forecasting and provides a seasonal BBQ receipe in his column this month on page 17. the last Call on page 11 this month debunks several myths that exist in the alcohol beverage industry and explains Bevinco's most frequent misconception. learn onPage 7 that sub. sB 17 did not change the statute that allows the owner of the premises to post a sign in a conspicuous location on the premises prohibiting persons
yOu thE latEst iNFORMatiON REgaRdiNg sOCial MEdia adVERtisiNg, COMMON BaR MisCONCEPtiONs, thE sMOkiNg BaN suB sB 17 aNd sOME sEasONal salEs iNFORMatiON. Even though the smoking ban has been in effect for four years it is still causing a burden for bar owners, be sure to get details on page 7. Make sure you get your establishment something for the holidays; be sure to join the OlBa! Read page 13 for details. the OlBa works hard to bring you the latest information in the alcohol industry. it is the OlBa's priority to keep you ahead of the game!
agaVE lOCO BluECOat giN FOuR ROsEs yEllOw laBEl FOuR ROsEs sMall BatCh FOuR ROsEs siNglE BaRREl JOhNNiE walkER gOld JOhNNiE walkER gREEN lagaVuliN luksusOwa giFt luksusOwa PalliNi liMONCEllO alliNi liMONCEllO giFt Pitu CaChaCa taRaNtula aZul giFt taRaNtula aZul tEtON glaCiER 360 VOdka 360 VOdka giFt 360 dOuBlE ChOCOlatE 360 MaNdaRiN ORaNgE wisER's dEluxE
Philip a. Craig
general Counsel
Jacob C. Evans, Esq.
EditORial Editor in Chief
$25.75 $21.25 $13.90 $23.75 $29.80 $72.10 $48.05 $71.35 $ 9.00 $ 9.10 $17.15 $17.15 $13.90 $15.00 $15.00 $16.45 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $12.25
Molly k. Mckee
aRt & dEsigN art director graphic designer assistant designer Ohio art director
larry lee dana Buonincontri Josue Romero Megan w. Jordan
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lee stringham 410.519.7034
adVERtisiNg Ohio ad sales
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NOVEMBER POst-OFF sPECials 0040B 0962B 3073B 3074B 3075B 5229B 5231B 5508B 6007B 6008B 7723B 7724B 8249l 9168B 9169B 9186B 9220B 9226B 9228B 9236B 9656B
Ohio Beverage Monthly Volume 2, No 11 (issN 1065-9846)
sales Promotion Manager
Megan w.. Jordan 614.241.2222 Jody slone-spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 Jessica Roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117
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Ohio Beverage Journal (issN 1065-9846) November 2011, Vol. 2 No.11. Postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage Monthly, 37 w. Broad st, suite 480, Columbus, Oh 43215 Ohio Beverage Monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.
NatiONal COVERagE, lOCal adVaNtagE
the Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage Media group, inc., 116 John street, 23rd Floor, New york, Ny 10038. telephone: (212) 571-3232 Fax: (212) 571-4443.
Pisco Capel Reservado is a young, white, aromatic spirit obtained from the double distillation and filtration of Chilean Wine. It is produced from selected Muscat grapes grown in the North of Chile, at altitudes around 2,000 meters above sea level. This unique terroir counts on over 350 days of sun a year and crystal clear waters that flow from the Andes Mountains. Pisco Capel is an all-around white spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of cocktails.
CHILEAN PISCO SOuR 2 oz Pisco Capel • 1 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Simple Syrup • Shake with ice and strain into glass • Garnish with a lime wedge.
CapelBeverageAD.indd 1
10/12/10 5:36:49 PM
sOCial MEdia aNd liQuOR EstaBlishMENts know the law when you advertise
By BRuCE d. stEVENsON, suPERiNtENdENt OhiO diVisiON OF liQuOR CONtROl
ugust 6, 1991: the day the web went worldwide. that was also the year i came to the division of liquor Control. technology was a typewriter and postage stamps. social interactions took place face-to-face or on the telephone. the only thing that seems to have remained the same is the camaraderie found at the neighborhood bar. Or is it? in today’s world of online communication, social media is a natural marketing match for “social” businesses like bars, clubs, restaurants and cafes. social media can help new customers discover
Bruce d. stevenson, superintendent
you, get to know you better and we know familiarity can build loyalty. when getting into social media marketing, take care not break to Ohio liquor laws. Consultants on media planning may not know the laws that impact your license. and the salespeople for couponing sites may not warn you of the rules you have to follow. we want your businesses to flourish within the framework of Ohio law. so, here are guidelines for popular social media marketing. COuPONiNg: gROuPON, liViNg sOCial, FaVEROO aNd EVERsaVE there are dozens of “daily deal” websites. Customers buy a “coupon”
for restaurant or other businesses at 50% to 75% off the face value. the money the consumer pays is split with the coupon vendor and you get only about 25% of the actual value. i’m not getting into the debate about whether this is a good business deal; it has legal implications for your liquor license.
sOCial MEdia is a NatuRal MaRkEtiNg MatCh FOR “sOCial” BusiNEssEs likE BaRs, CluBs, REstauRaNts aNd CaFEs the Ohio Revised Code 4301.22(d) prohibits you from giving away alcoholic beverages. Redeeming these coupons, giving more value than you were paid is discounting below your cost for the alcohol, which is a violation. the Ohio administrative Code 4301:1-1-45 says you can’t reduce the price of alcohol as part of a promotion. i sent a letter to the largest “daily deal” operators to make them aware
that alcohol can’t be included. ultimately it’s your license on the line. Best practice: don’t include the alcohol in the “coupon” deal. lOCatiON MaRkEtiNg: FOuRsQuaRE, yElP aNd gOwilla these are sites where people “check in” to your location, usually on their cell phone. sometimes they also take a picture or comment. studies show we are more likely to select a product or service recommended by a friend than one we see advertised. Businesses capitalize on the word of mouth marketing through these popular sites. Just be sure that when you are listing your business, you are not giving away alcohol for free or reduced price unless you follow the “happy hour Rule” in the Ohio administrative Code 4301: 1-150. this allows you to set special pricing but it has to be available to everyone and only before 9:00pm. Customers will still enjoy being “mayor” and can still write nice things about your products and services, even if there isn’t a free beer thrown in with the crown.
hOliday liQuOR PROduCts FOR 2011 specialty gift items are a long-standing holiday tradition in the liquor industry, and this year the division of liquor Control has selected 80 specialty spirituous liquor items and gift packs (40,000 cases worth) for Ohioans celebrating the season or looking for holiday gift ideas. there are 57 holiday gift packs available, totaling more than 25,000 cases of different types and brands. these value-added gift packs include distinctive accessories and other collectables such as glasses, snifters, shakers, flasks, and decanters. also available are 23 different holiday gift-wrapped spirituous liquor items, totaling more than 15,000 cases. Prices range from approximately $12.00 to $140.00. Quantities are limited, so distribution of holiday items to the 458 Contract liquor agencies is determined by past sales and special requests for particular products. Please contact the division at (614) 644-2380 for more information, or visit the website at .
thE sMOkiNg BaN still BuRdENs PERMit hOldERs Zeno's Owner dick allen still Fighting On your Behalf
hio’s smoking ban, which has now been in effect for four years, still burdens Ohio’s permit holders. OlBa treasurer dick allen is still valiantly fighting the ban on your behalf. the Ohio supreme Court is currently considering the legality of Ohio's 2006 statewide smoking ban in a case involving Zeno’s, allen’s bar. the court will review the Franklin County Court of appeals ruling against Zeno's. the appeals court overturned a Franklin County trial court's decision dismissing $33,000 in fines assessed against them for violating the smoking ban. the case is brought by the 1851 Center for Constitutional law, an Ohio-based public interest law firm, on behalf of Zeno’s Victorian Village, a family-owned Columbus tavern. the 1851 Center for Constitutional law is a non-profit, non-partisan legal center dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of Ohioans from government abuse. the center litigates constitutional issues related to property rights, voting rights, regulation, taxation, and search and seizures. the Center argues the smoking ban unconstitutionally deprives business owners of fundamental property rights. it also argues that the state health officials’ methods while enforcing the ban exceed their constitutional authority and are at odds with the plain language of the ban. according to a Columbus dispatch article printed on October 20, 2011, 1851 Center Executive director Maurice thompson said “the (Ohio
By PhiliP a. CRaig
department of health) policy is unconstitutional, as it exceeds the limited authority it has. it exceeds the state’s police power.”
thE CENtER aRguEs thE sMOkiNg BaN uNCONstitutiONally dEPRiVEs BusiNEss OwNERs OF FuNdaMENtal PROPERty Rights. it alsO aRguEs that thE statE hEalth OFFiCials’ MEthOds whilE ENFORCiNg thE BaN ExCEEd thEiR CONstitutiONal authORity aNd aRE at Odds with thE PlaiN laNguagE OF thE BaN. the 1851 Center believes this will be Ohio’s most important decision on property rights since the Ohio supreme Court decided Norwood v. horney in 2006, prohibiting takings of private property for economic development. “in Norwood, the Court called Ohioans’ property rights, including the right to use property, ‘fundamental’ and ‘sacrosanct,’” said thompson. “this case will determine whether the Court really meant that.” after a filing against Zeno’s by thenattorney general Richard Cordray,
Phil Craig, Executive director
a Franklin County Common Pleas court ruled that state and local health officials had overstepped their authority in enforcing the law. “when an individual is asked to stop smoking but refuses, liability is transferred from the property owner to the individual,” Judge david E. Cain wrote in his February 2010 decision. the Ohio attorney general appealed the decision to the tenth Circuit Court of appeals, which overturned the lower court and prompted the current appeal to the Ohio supreme Court. the OlBa, along with several others, filed amicus briefs with the high court supporting the 1851 Center’s position, and asking the Court to review the case. the supreme Court will not announce their decision for the next few months. we will bring you the latest developments via the Ohio Beverage Monthly.
what suB. sB 17 says aBOut guNs iN BaRs Effective september 30, 2011 By daVE RaBER
s permit holders, many readers are aware that on september, 30, 2011, sub. sB 17 became effective. this newly enacted law concerns firearm possession in a liquor permit premises. the law generally prohibits a person from possessing a firearm in any room in which any person is consuming
dave Raber, OlBa legal Co-Counsel
liquor in a permit premises for which a d permit has been issued, with certain exemptions. the new law modifies an exemption to allow a concealed carry licensee to possess a firearm in a room in which a person is consuming beer or intoxicating liquor in any d permit premises as long as the concealed carry licensee is not consuming any alcohol products or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. the penalty for a person who commits a violation by knowingly carrying or having a firearm concealed on the offender’s person or concealed ready at hand is a third degree felony. sub. sB 17 did not change the statute that allows the owner of the premises to post a sign in a conspicuous location on the premises prohibiting persons from carrying firearms or concealed firearms on the premises. the Franklin County Court of appeals has recently issued two decisions relating to liquor law issues. the first decision concerned hindering an inspection. Basically this decision was a reaffirmation of past decision on hindering an agent during the course of a lawful inspection. in this instance the agents had already searched a back office and continued to question the permit holder about opening a locked safe. Because the agents lacked “reasonable suspicion” to open the locked safe the permit holder told the agents to obtain a search warrant. when the agents continued to request the permit holder to open the safe, she went to the office and attempted to close the door. the agent put his foot in
the door which prevented the door from closing. the permit holder eventually opened the safe and the agents found no evidence of a violation therein. the Court affirmed the liquor Commission’s finding of violation and concluded that the permit holder hindered the agents’ investigation when she attempted to close the door to the back office. however, one judge, in a well reasoned dissenting opinion, distinguished this case from previous decisions as it did not involve the initial search of the back office for violations. Because the agents had already searched the office area and no evidence indicates they were trying to gain entry to search for violations again, the limited exception to warrantless searches was completed. Being that all that remained was the inspection of the locked safe, the agents are required to have a reasonable suspicion that a violation of compliance would be found within. without a reasonable suspicion, the agents are not permitted in the office area because it was already determined by the agents that the office area did not contain a violation. the next case concerned the rejected annual renewal of a liquor permit. the evidence consisted of drugs, open containers of alcohol, loitering and trash all situated across the street from an elementary school. the Court affirmed the liquor Commission’s finding that the operation of the permit establishment did substantially interfere with public decency, sobriety, peace and good order of the neighborhood. however, the liquor Commission noted that it makes a difference to the liquor Commission that City Council consistently objected to the renewal of this permit application for three years. with that in mind the Commission asked the councilman if the loitering or conditions had improved; to which the councilman replied last spring and summer “it was terrible”, and there had been no change. therefore, if there are adverse problems surrounding the area near you permit premises; take the affirmative steps to cure them. Contact your city council and police to work through the problems with them. if they refuse, you still have an incentive to improve the environmental conditions as the liquor Commission will consider such improvements as evidence disconfirming the grounds upon which the City’s objection is based.
BE awaRE OF sEVERal law ChaNgEs they Can impact you
s you turn your calendar to November, it is important to keep in mind several key changes to Ohio laws that have taken effect recently. First, the law allowing a conceal carry permit holder to bring a firearm into an establishment with a liquor permit is now effective. several things to keep in mind: regardless of whether someone has a conceal carry permit or not, if you post a sign banning firearms from you premises, then NO guns are allowed. also, you may not have consumed or consume alcohol and bring a firearm onto the premises. if you need a sign to post, do not hesitate to contact the OlBa. the other law that directly impacts your business deals with games of skill. in October, the law making it clear those winners of a game of skill may be paid with a $10 gas card. if you have not already put machines in your establishment, i would encourage you to work with your coin machine operator immediately. this is another entertainment option for your patrons. games of skill can help drive traffic to your bar. Finally, perhaps the seminal case on the 2006 smoking ban was heard by the supreme Court in October. Zeno’s Bar in Columbus challenged the smoking ban on several fronts, including the liability or responsibility of the business owner as it relates to stopping or prohibiting smoking. we can expect a decision in the coming months.
the end of the year for the Ohio general assembly will likely see several liquor issues debated. they range from tastings at wineries, microbreweries and state agency stores to allowing “growlers” to language allowing the consumption of alcohol in areas like Columbus Commons for certain events.
whilE yOu May thiNk sOME OF thEsE issuEs dO NOt iMPaCt yOu diRECtly, yOu May FiNd OthERwisE. while you may think some of these issues do not impact you directly, you may find otherwise. a tasting at a micro-brewery or state agency store may lead to customers ordering new drinks in your establishment or requesting new product. allowing for alcoholic beverages at events similar to those at Columbus Commons (concerts), it may help bring people into your establishment who are in the area. the reality is that very few people go to the same place all the time. Opportunities to try new and learn about new products or to enjoy them in new venues hElP all of us as we work to market the hospitality of our own establishments. whenever you have a question about alcoholic beverages and the laws that surround their sale and consumption, please do not hesitate to contact the
Jacob Evans, OlBa legal Co-Counsel
OlBa. if you think there is something we need to share with the membership, please do not hesitate to contact us. we are here to represent your interests and your input is necessary to that representation!
For the limited-release Johnnie Walker Double Black, master blender Jim Beveridge has amplified the characteristic smokiness of JWB for a richer, more intense whisky experience. The blend for Johnnie Walker Double Black comes from select single malts, some from remote distilleries on Scotland’s west coast. SRP: $40
Fat Cat Cellars, the fun and approachable brand known for its velvety varietal wines, has added a new cat to the lineup. Fat Cat Moscato comes to the party with a fusion of bright, fruity, sweet flavors and a pleasing finish. Fat Cat is part of the Bronco Wine Company portfolio of wines owned by the Fred Franzia Family, which has been in the wine business for more than 110 years. Fat Cat is marketed by Antares Wine Co.
To celebrate the 70th year since Don Julio González began making tequila, the brand introduces Don Julio 70, the first Añejo Claro. Don Julio 70 is distilled twice and aged in American oak for 18 months. It is then filtered to impart the fresh tastes more often found in blanco tequila. SRP: $70
Ole Smoky Moonshine, Tennessee’s first legal moonshine, recently became available nationwide. In addition to 100-proof Ole Smoky Original Moonshine, line extensions include Moonshine Cherries and Apple Pie Moonshine—all packaged in 750ml homey mason jars. SRP: from $23.99-$29.99
Cocktail enthusiasts are already familiar with Angostura Bitters; now they can get to know Angostura Rums. The International Range offers Reserva, a light to medium-bodied rum; 5 Year Old, which has notes of burnt caramel and fruitiness; and 7 Year Old, a dark rum with hints of burnt spice. SRP Reserva: $16.99; SRP 5 Year Old: $18.99; SRP 7 Year Old: $20.99
Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur has unveiled new premium packaging. The new bottle is taller, and the reworked lettering and brand logo now feature a more realistic expression of a bear and hunter. The beehive-shaped top, formerly neutral-colored, is now black with gold lettering and a red beehive seal at the neck to reinforce the product’s use of pure honey. SRP: $27.99 800-872-0109
10 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly NOVEMBER 2011
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10/10/11 2:13:04 PM
last Call
the Biggest Myths that Exist in the Bar Business By ChuCk dEiBEl
i, it’s great to see you! welcome back to the last Call! what’s on the menu this month is a discussion about the biggest myths that exist in the bar business for most owners that costs them a substantial amount of money. the single biggest myth of bar management that i hear almost every day is the one when owners compare their current costs, sales and percentages for inventory and sales to their past costs, sales and percentages to gauge profitability. i would say that over 90% of all operators use this method. using this analysis costs the owner an average of 20% of their current sales to their bottom line. literally; thousands of dollars every month. For a bar with $30,000 in monthly sales, the loss is an average $6,000 of profit. it almost seems unreal. Many people ask “how can that happen?” here is how this myth works. Most bar owners believe that when their current percentages are close (1 or 2%) to last months numbers or their historical average and the relationship of their sales in dollars and costs in dollars is similar then they believe they are not missing any sales or losing inventory to over-pouring, theft, etc. Because the numbers are close or the same they don’t take any action. here is what is really happening. let’s look at the underlying pricing strategies. in the bar business we don’t mark all the items we sell at the same price. and we also sell the same product for different prices. Remember happy hour? how about pitchers of beer vs. pints or 32 oz mugs? don’t you often give a customer a break in price for pouring them a rocks pour or selling them a double or a pitcher? the percentages on these products are all different. Bar operators don’t recalculate their idEal percentage and compare it to the aCtual percentage for the current period of time being reviewed. here’s how it works. selling a domestic bottle of beer for $2.75 yields a 22.9% cost. when it is sold for $1.75 at hh it yields a 36% cost percentage. which one is right? which one should you use for your guide? you
d n
can’t use either….you have to use the blended average one that results from the quantity you sold at hh and the quantity you sold at the regular price. the problem is that every week, every day you will sell more or less at hh and more or less at the regular price and that will cause your idEal percentage to also change. this gets even more complicated with liquor. all the products have different markup percentages and the mix of the products change all the time. Comparing your current actual to your past actual doesn’t tell you if you if you are currently missing inventory. it just tells you how you much you are different from your last measurement period.
thE siNglE BiggEst Myth OF BaR MaNagEMENt that i hEaR alMOst EVERy day is thE ONE whEN OwNERs COMPaRE thEiR CuRRENt COsts, salEs aNd PERCENtagEs FOR iNVENtORy aNd salEs tO thEiR Past COsts here is another example. One week i could go thru 1 bottle of well vodka and 2 bottles of absolut and end up with $56.15 in costs, $337.50 in sales and a cost percentage of 16.60% and not be missing anything. the next week i could use three bottles of well vodka and one bottle of absolut with costs of $45.20 and sales of $310.50 with a cost percentage of 14.60% and be losing a entire bottle of well vodka. the change in product mix disguised the missing bottle as the percentage the week with the loss was better than the prior week. to know if you are really missing inventory you have to calculate the quantity (using number of bottles or ounces of liquor) of the inventory sold, plus the inventory comped and then compare that to the actual quantity of
Chuck deibel
inventory used in number of bottles and ounces of liquor or draft beer. Or you can calculate your current idEal cost percentage and compare it to your current aCtual percentage. since most operators don’t use this analysis method, they don’t realize how much they are really missing. in all my years of working in bars, running bars and now consulting in bars, this is the biggest area of opportunity for all bar owners to increase their profits. to increase your profitability, change the way you are measuring your operations. you will be glad you did! Call or write if you are unsure about how to do this.
when you did your inventory last week, how many shots of Crown Royal were you missing? how many pints of draft beer were you missing? if you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to Our clients do know how much.
NOVEMBER 2011 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly 11
2:13:04 PM
Two Maker’s Marks are better than one. Wrapped up like a present, one holiday carton showcases just a hint of the iconic red wax dripping down the bottleneck. Also a sleek black box features two wax-dipped rocks glasses alongside the iconic bottle. SRP: $24.99
For the season, Canadian Club brings classic smoothness to the holidays. The Canadian Club jigger set offers a doublesided jigger that comes with a 750ml bottle of the classic whisky from the north. SRP: $13.99
Hornitos encourages consumers to join in the “Horns Up” shot ritual this holiday season with this gift set that includes two limited edition red shot glasses and is available in Plata or Reposado. SRP: Plata $24.99, Reposado $26.99
A clear panel in this ornament-inspired holiday carton lets consumers see the Knob Creek inside. Bourbon has a special spot in many people’s hearts for the season. SRP: $29.99
Cognac lovers rejoice for these sets. One box stamped with the iconic brand logo containing Courvoisier VS includes a branded flask; another set includes a bottle of Courvoisier VSOP and two snifters. SRP: VS $24.99, VSOP $34.99
©2011 Beam Inc., Deerfield, IL USA
giVE yOuR EstaBlishMENt a giFt! Join the OlBa today!
By MOlly MCkEE the OlBa is a non-profit trade association that represents the legislative and executive interests of all of those involved in the licensed beverage industry. the OlBa has a full-time lobbying staff and legal counsel on retainer working to protect its member needs. in addition, the OlBa provides a variety of other benefits, including: ExCitiNg EVENts the OlBa schedules a variety of productive networking opportunities each year. annual lobbying days, quarterly meetings, an annual convention and the Buckeye Bar Expo trade show provide members with the chance to interact with one another and others dealing with the industry.
Molly Mckee, OlBa Management team
f you are a permit holder who is not a member of the OlBa, then make a commitment this holiday season that impacts your bottom line! it’s time for you to join the organization that protects your business and gives you the benefits you deserve! Our benefits package is improving all the time. the OlBa has services that can help all permit holders save money, time and headaches throughout each year. agency stores, carry-outs, restaurants and taverns and bars of all kinds can find a multitude of benefits to belonging to this association.
what is thE OhiO liCENsEd BEVERagE assOCiatiON? the OlBa is a membership service organization devoted to representing owners and suppliers. the association exists for the protection of its members through a unified effort for the promotion of the liquor industry in Ohio. the OlBa is a professional association specifically targeted to permit holders and provides you with the opportunity to have a voice in your state government!
adVERtisE allows members to innovatively advertise to their target demographic. tEChNiQuEs OF alCOhOl MaNagEMENt th e O l B a i s e xc l u s i ve l y i nvo l ve d i n maintaining responsible tavern owners and we offer programs, such as taM, to help keep permit holders aware of the legalities within the industry. taM, the techniques of alcohol Management server-training program, is a comprehensive program designed to give servers the know-how to be alcohol servers. if you are interested in scheduling a taM class for your establishment or just attending one, we can help. these classes are not difficult and they are very beneficial to tavern owners. For further information on how you can protect your establishment by giving your servers this invaluable information, please call the OlBa state Office at 1-800-678-5995 or visit wORkER’s COMPENsatiON gROuP RatiNg PROgRaM the OlBa offers a very competitive workers
Application for Membership ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Permit Holder(s) ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Business (As appears on Permit) ______________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Zip ______________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address ________________________________(_____)________________________________________ County Phone Number ______________________________________________________________________________ Type of Permit Membership Number YES, I would like to make a contribution to SIX PAC, the political action committee of the OLBA. Please find enclosed my personal check in the amount of $________. (Dues checks must be separate)
compensation group-rating program. Cut your worker’s comp premiums with the Ohio licensed Beverage association endorsed group Rating Plan. through the OlBa’s plan you can save considerably on the rates you would pay without a group. group rating permits employers in the same or similar industries to pool their experiences for rating purposes. By banding together, companies can get a better group rating plan than the individual rate of members. Our program can match or beat any other group rating program out there! Call CompManagement at 1-800-825-6755, option 1 to enroll. hEalth iNsuRaNCE as a member of the Ohio licensed Beverage association, you and your employees can enroll in several health insurance options offered exclusively to OlBa members. For more information or questions on the coverage plans please call Cindy garner at 614-921-9100. gas Bill saViNgs as a member of the OlBa, you and your employees can enroll in a program that offers a competitive and consistent gas price for your home or business. the Ohio licensed Beverage association has partnered with Consumer Choice Marketing in order to offer you better energy service with a lower energy cost. signing up is easy, call our office for more information, 800-678-5995. aBl MEMBERshiP By becoming a member of the Ohio licensed Beverage association, you also become a member of american Beverage licensees. this group is the strongest alliance for permit holders ever! Please visit for more information. if you have any questions about membership or what the OlBa can do for you, please give our office a call at 800-678-5995.
Annual Dues Annual Dues County Unit Dues Total Due
$ 150.00 $ $
Please return this application with your payment to: Ohio Licensed Beverage Association 37 W. Broad Street, Suite 480 Columbus, Ohio 43215 800.678.5995 Or Charge to: ___Visa ___Mastercard #__________________________________ Expiration Date___________ Signature___________________________ Affiliate of the American Beverage Licensees
NOVEMBER 2011 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly 13
Ron Abuelo: Quality Meets Maturity Distinctive Aged Rums Reflect A Century of Expertise
hen it comes to the aged rums of Ron Abuelo, the quest for perfection in spirits reaches a new high. There is little resemblance to the brands that created a category once better known for umbrella drinks and coconut-shaped glasses. These remarkable rums are handcrafted by expert distillers at Varela Hermanos, a family-owned company that dates back to 1908, when Don José Varela established the first sugar mill in the recently-formed Republic of Panama. Quality is their hallmark, but their secret weapon is its cache of mature rum—produced under the 103-yearold company’s expertise and exacting standards. “Our brand is the expression of our long and passionate quest to produce the finest aged rum in the world. Abuelo means ‘grandfather’ in Spanish, and the image of the man on our labels reflects the brand’s essence: heritage and tradition,” says Luis J. Varela Jr., the third-generation member of the family now running the company. “We are extremely proud of our Panamanian birthright and believe this magical country provides the perfect place to create the very best rums.”
Special Climate, Complex Blending While rum is now aged in several regions around the world, those created at Ron Abuelo’s Hacienda San Isidro in Pesé are uniquely delicious due to the special climate conditions that bless the hacienda, located in a small fertile valley in
the Azuero Peninsula. Moderate rainfall, cool nights and humid days all play important roles in the development and personality of each spirit. Here, the company controls 100% of the rum-making process, from growing and harvesting their own sugar cane to distilling and blending in the state-of-the-art Don José Distillery, which merges traditional and modern techniques. The rums are created by careful blending of two styles of rum that are aged in oak barrels: one light and clean, the other providing aromatics and bold, exotic flavors. The result is a rich and fragrant spirit offering subtle, complex flavors, depth and extraordinary drinkability. “From the very early days, the Varela family has been known for its commitment to exceptional quality,” adds Luis J. Varela Jr. “The aged rum category is the one that allows us to best express our craftsmanship, and as more consumers try Ron Abuelo, they recognize our superior taste, smoothness and complexity. That is the best compliment we could receive.” n
loRd PAnAmA RECipE 2 oz. Ron Abuelo Añejo 4 oz. iced Tea (lightly sweetened) Lime wedge pour the Ron Abuelo over ice in a highball glass then top with iced tea. Stir and add a squeeze of lime. Garnish with lime wedge.
Four Ron Abuelo rums For the shelF or BackBar
he Ron Abuelo portfolio currently consists of four marques: Añejo, 7 Años, 12 Años and Centuria (all 750ml). Each offers unique personality and character; all express the family’s passion to produce the very best aged rum: n Ron Abuelo Añejo (SRP $15.99): Bright, golden amber in color, a medium-bodied blend of carefully selected aged rums. hints of sweet fruit, toasted coconut, vanilla and other delicate notes are followed by a finish of mocha, nuts and sweet spice. n Ron Abuelo 7 Años (SRP $22.99): a rich blend of rums, aged for seven years in small oak barrels. Brilliant amber, medium-bodied with hints of fruity caramel, tealeaf and notes of toasted coconut and spice. n Ron Abuelo 12 Años (SRP $32.99): richer, darker and more full-bodied. Its character, softness and complexity will delight the most sophisticated palate. n Ron Abuelo Centuria (SRP $130). limited-edition bottling created to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Varela hermanos. to produce this rare spirit, the Varela family opened up private stocks from their highly guarded “Reserva de la Familia” and utilized a selection of rums aged up to 30 years.
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thE iMPORtaNCE OF sMaRt PhONEs tO yOuR sOCial MEdia EFFORts there is Just No way around them! By BaRRy ChaNdlER
here’s just no way around it: despite the best ef for ts of those nerds at Research in Motion (makers of the Blackberry), surfing the internet with a smar t phone isn’t as quick or
efficient as using a laptop or desktop computer. Between fat fingers and Flash compatibility it can sometimes feels like performing a task on your phone takes 2-3 times longer than on a computer. Because of that reality there may be a tendency to only update your bar’s social media pages when you have time to fireup the big machine in the back office. we’re here to tell you that using your phone is an absolute must when it comes to the day-to-day business of maintaining an effective social media presence. w hat makes sites like tw it ter and Facebook superior to more traditional methods of marketing and advertising is their real-time, conversational quality. situations will regularly occur in your bar that demand to be passed along to fans almost the instant they happen.
snapping pictures of customers enjoying themselves during an event can’t wait if the goal is to get people to drop by and take part when they’re nearby. News of unexpected events – a pop-in from
Flaming willy shots!” or “i’ve never heard this much Journey at one of our karaoke nights.” provide insights you might not be able to recall if you wait until you’re at a computer the following day.
a freebie-toting beverage promotional team, for example – can be a great way to convince potential customers to swing by for a few. But even if you don’t get people in the door at the moment events are taking place, real-time social media efforts help paint a picture of what they can expect.
so if you aren’t already, make a point to learn (or delegate) how to interact with your business’ social media platforms using a smart phone. Putting those fat fingers to work may be the best decision you ever made.
usiNg yOuR PhONE is aN aBsOlutE Must whEN it COMEs tO thE day-tO-day BusiNEss OF MaiNtaiNiNg aN EFFECtiVE sOCial MEdia PREsENCE somebody who reads your updates from the course of an evening gets a window into what a night is like at your bar. “Bartender Jamie is pouring his special
NOVEMBER 2011 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly 15
In time for the holidays, Mwitu, a new South African wine brand, is releasing its line of wines across the U.S. “Mwitu,” which means “wild” in Swahili, comes from the Western Cape—one of South Africa’s most popular growing regions. The range includes Pinotage, Shiraz, Chenin Blanc and PinotageShiraz. SRP: $9.99
Cipressi is a new line of fresh and easydrinking wines available in 1.5L bottles. Winemaker Andrea Beconcini made a floral Pinot Grigio from Umbria and a silky, rich Sangiovese from Puglia as the first releases from Cipressi’s winery in Tuscany. Cipressi is part of the Bronco Wine Co. portfolio owned by the Franzia Family. Cipressi is marketed nationally by Domaine Napa Wine Company.
The tenth expression of Birthday Bourbon has been released, commemorating the birthday of George Garvin Brown, founder of Brown-Forman and Old Forester. Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is handcrafted by master distiller Chris Morris and vintage-dated, so this limited edition can never be duplicated. The decanter-style package is reminiscent of the first bottles of Old Forester from the 19th century. $49.99
Capturing the fresh, crisp and delicately sweet flavors of Midwestern apples, Beanblossom Hard Ciders come in Peach, Strawberry and Raspberry. The 500ml, environmentally friendly aluminum bottles have whimsical artwork and allow for quick chilling. Seasonal flavors are coming soon as well, with current distribution in almost 10 states and national distribution planned. SRP: $4.99
Winemaker Bernard Portet and partner Don Chase have launched Heritance—the first Napa Valley wine brand from their newly formed Polaris Wines LLC. The first releases are a 2010 Sauvignon Blanc (SRP: $18) and 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon (SRP $28). Both Napa Valley wines showcase Portet’s affinity for assemblage, a skill he ably demonstrated for 35 years as co-founder and winemaker of Clos du Val. The wines are currently distributed in 15 states.
Spicebox Canadian Spiced Whisky pays tribute to the Prohibition era, when bootleggers ran contraband liquor across the border, often in crates marked as “spices.” This smooth 100% spiced rye whisky is blended from three-to six-year-old Canadian whiskies and has notes of pepper and fruit. A coldextraction process keeps the flavors of vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper vibrant. SRP: $22.99
16 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly NOVEMBER 2011
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looking Back to look Forward
ne of the hardest processes to execute well in the foodservice industry is forecasting. Forecasting is the guessing game that is played daily in most well run businesses, where information is collected and processed to produce an educated guess on several fronts to control the
By QuiNN M. allEN CsC
events, holidays, or perhaps even business conventions that were in town or staying nearby. all of these things affect the volume of people who will be in and out of your doors on a given day.
thE BEst tOOl yOu haVE whEN it COMEs tO
to par with other places opening in the area? there are endless things that can have an effect on each days turnout, however the more you look at, the better idea you will have as to why these things have happened and use them for the next year to get continually better. like i said, forecasting is not flawless, but an educated guess is better than just a guess.
FORECastiNg thE days ahEad is yOuR Past RECORds.
Quinn allen, CsC
volume of sales that is expected on any given day. whether it’s how many rolls of silverware will be needed, or how many pounds of mango chutney will be necessary to be prepped, forecasting is the key to success for your business. the best tool you have when it comes to forecasting the days ahead is your past records. these totals give you fifty percent, if not more, of your educated guess. however, when you are looking at these numbers there are several things to take into consideration to properly forecast an upcoming day. you must look at the day of the week the date falls, Monday sales are much different from saturdays and so on. also when recording information of a days take, make note as to what events occurred on that given day, sporting
how does this relate back to the kitchen you ask? the more prepared you are the more money and time you will save, which will all translate to money on your bottom line and the manor of efficiency in which you handle your customers. By knowing how many people you will be serving, you can know how much product to have on hand so that you do not run out, and you will know how much to have prepared so that you do not have any go to waste. another factor that affects the front and back of the house is labor cost. By having a ball park figure of bodies along with which sales areas were affected on these given days (beer sales, liquor sales, food sales, etc..) you can more properly staff your kitchen, bar, and wait staff to handle the day accordingly. and as always, overstaff and make cuts as necessary. the system is not perfect because you must always take outside variables into account. what businesses opened/ closed in the last year? how has the population changed around your establishment? is your concept not up
Fall sPiCEd BBQ ChiCkEN MaRiNadE 4 cups sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce 1 tblsp Cinnamon 2 tsp allspice 1 tblsp Brown sugar Combine all ingredients and mix well in a stainless steel bowl. use this recipe to brush onto chicken while grilling/baking or for more flavor, thin the sauce with 1 cup of apple cider and marinate the chicken overnight.
NOVEMBER 2011 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly 17
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aROuNdOhiO with RNdC
Avion Tequila from Pernod Ricard Kick Off Party at Lafogota in Columbus with Abby Hauck and Tiffany Stenger from RNDC.
Dan Aykroyd was in Cincinnati doing a bottle signing of his vodka Crystal Head. Left to right Brian Albertson( Infinium Spirits), Chris Miltiades RNDC General (me), Laura Keesee( Infinium Spirits, Mel Fisher (RNDC General), Ed Nemo (RNDC General) and Dan Aykroyd in the back.
18 OhiO BEVERagE MONthly NOVEMBER 2011
Agency Store 740 , Giant Eagle, with manager Terri Topping and Avion Tequila as seen on Entourage.
Black Velvet 9 cases at Agency Store 976, Shoregate Beverage & Liquor, with Hiram Patel.
Gabe Taylor from Pernod Ricard and Steve Sickinger manager Kroger Hyde park spirits.
Photograph courtesy of ????????????
10 cases of Svedka at Agency Store 909, Minotti's Bay Village, with Gram Thomay.
50ML, 375ML, 750ML, 1L AND 1.75L.
CELEBRATE LIFE RESPONSIBLY. Cテ山OC Peach. Made With Vodka Infused With Natural Peach And Other Flavors. 35% Alc/Vol. ツゥ2011 Imported from France by Diageo, Norwalk, CT.
s we once again creep closer to tacking a new calendar on the wall, and not a week seems to pass without a nerve-jangling headline or two, one thing remains certain: the holiday season is the wine & spirit industry’s busiest time of the year. Fortunately, the holidays—through habit and tradition alike—have Americans gearing up for gift-giving.* In anticipation, suppliers, distributors and retailers are eager to catch shoppers’ attention with a fresh crop of pre-packaged bottles of every imaginable shape, size, color and flavor. Some sport complementary glassware, other accessories and recipe booklets; in still other cases, the package itself can be a keepsake. What holiday-themed gift items have in common, however, is both festive visual appeal and serious added-value. For time-pressed shoppers, gift-packed wine and spirits can be just what Santa ordered. The trick for most retailers, naturally, is deciding which items to carry—and where to put them. Here, variety is key; you don’t want to stock all white spirits any more than you would carry only red wines. It may also help to stock gift packs that present a range of add-ons, some fanciful, some functional. It’s pretty easy
to stock up on colorful packages; but you also need to be careful to avoid a sense of chaos. Then again, as grabby as special packages appear, it is important to make sure that fresh goods make it out the door before January. Keeping smaller and/or less expensive items near the register can spur impulse sales. Definitely make sure your sales staff can speak informatively and cheerfully regarding what is in each gift pack. For example, cross-referencing a boxed bottle with what’s on the shelf can help a hesitant customer green-light a gift for “someone who likes liqueurs.” And knowing that another package has all the tools needed to whip up cocktails could swing the pendulum for someone shopping for a budding mixologist. If you are displaying a bunch of gift items together, handwritten signs—“For Coffee Lovers” on the Kahlúa, for instance—can add a personal touch. In most cases, holiday gift packaging is built around popular brands. That makes sense. Gift items are more about comfort than experimentation. Proven winners in fresh outfits. That’s a recipe for added sales and happy customers, which make all the frenetic work of the holiday season worthwhile.
*Some of the items shown here may not be available in your area. Please consult with your local supplier or wholesaler sales representative.
1 Enjoy citrus-tinged Cointreau in a sleek white box with branded glassware. 2 For the mixologist on-the-go, The Bitter Truth Cocktail Bitters travel set. 3 A 375ml DiSaronno bottle is joined by a shaker for at-home mixing. 4 B&B reveals its secrets with a branded mini-shaker for holiday cocktails. 5 Large-format Jägermeister is encased in a neoprene-style wet suit to keep the chill in. 6 Pop the top of this decorative canister to reveal the Italian treat inside: Averna. 7 Strega Liqueur comes in a vintage-styled gift box with a branded glass. 8 Explore the “PAMAbilities” with this set that includes a bottle of PAMA, Collins glass and stir spoon. 9 The Hpnotiq holiday pack includes two martini glasses with a 750ml bottle, in logo ice bucket. 10 Domaine de Canton comes in a clear box that showcases the unique bottle design for this ginger liqueur. 11 For a red letter holiday, the Grand Marnier Holiday Bucket proclaims “La Vie Grand Marnier.” 12 ’Tis the season 2 5 for the McCormick Egg Nog Liqueur and glassware set. 13 Irish 6 Mist serves up a Celtic twist with two artful, interlaced glasses. 14 Give the gift of SoCo with this Southern Comfort Lime set including a stainless steel shot glass. 15 The Nocello set has an espresso cup and saucer for coffee collaboration. 16 The Grand Marnier 150th Anniversary gift set is presented in a stylish case with 4 custom snifters. 17 Patrón XO Café is presented inside an ice bucket – perfect for enjoying the liqueur over ice. 18 Experience Kahlúa with a branded mug and 50ml bottles of French Vanilla, Hazelnut and Mocha flavors. 19 Tuaca Liqueur comes with a silicon 12 mold for frozen shots, as this vanilla-citrus liqueur is recommended ice cold.
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1 The Dewar’s 12 Year Old 375ml set incorporates a branded flask. 2 The Glenfiddich Tasting Set features a bottle of Glenfiddich 12 Year Old. 3 Johnnie Walker Red Label is wrapped in a fetching gift box. 4 A bottle of Chivas 18 Year Old is regally presented in a sleek leather canister. 5 The Dalmore Gran Reserva set includes a 50ml taste of The Dalmore 18 Year Old. 6 Glengoyne 17 Year Old arrives in a stylishly understated copper-hued canister. 7 The Isle of Jura set includes two decoratively branded glasses. 8 Chivas 12 Year Old is packaged with two glasses for sharing. 9 Santa and his wife can enjoy Dewar’s 12 Year Old with two rocks glasses. 10 For the big fan of blended Scotch there’s Chivas Regal 12 Year Old in 1.75L size gift box. 11 Give Glengoyne 21 Year Old in a regal blue box to the lover of older Scotch. 12 Keep walking with this 1.75L Johnnie Walker Black in an elegant display box. 13 The Glenlivet 12 Year Old set includes two branded rocks glasses.
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1 The Absolut Glimmer bottle makes a bold statement with crystal-patterned glass. 2 Half the proceeds from sales of this special edition (Belvedere) RED bottle go to the Global Fund to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa. 3 This Tanqueray set comes with a shaker for making a perfect martini. 4 Tito’s Handmade Vodka is encased in a keepsake plush velvet bag. 5 The TY KU Soju Kit offers a bottle of Soju and a citrus squeezer to integrate fresh fruit juice into cocktails. 6 Say “Happy Christmas” with this distinctive red Beefeater package that holds the gin in a telephone box. 7 For vodka drinks on the rocks, try this set with a bottle of Ketel One and two rocks glasses. 8 Sobieski Vodka offers a 1.75L bottle in a striking gift pack with a 5 oz. brushed steel flask. 9 Russian Standard’s Toasting Package includes a 1.75L bottle and a 375ml bottle. 10 Enjoy a full-size bottle of Van Gogh Vodka accompanied by four flavored samples: Double Espresso, Dutch Chocolate, Pineapple and Pomegranate. 11 Barking Irons and Bombay Sapphire collaborated to create this limited-edition bar bag featuring a bottle of Bombay Sapphire and traditional bar tools. 12 The packaging for this bottle of Svedka 6 Vodka will have you staring. 13 Molinari Sambuca is joined by two branded sambuca glasses. 14 A blue box presents iconic Grey Goose and a branded shaker.
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PLAY RESPONSIBLY. SVEDKA速 Vodka - 40% alc/vol. (80 proof), 100% grain neutral spirits, product of Sweden, sole U.S. Importer: Spirits Marque One LLC, New York, NY.
OF 2033.
*Scan QR code for holiday recipes.
1 A formidable leather stand showcases three offerings of Rhum J.M. 2 The Pisco Capel Tiki bottle makes a case for tropical fun. 3 All the makings for a great Margarita are in the Jose Cuervo Classic Lime Margarita set, except ice. 4 The sugarcane spirit of Columbia, Cristal, comes nestled in a box with shot glasses. 5 Excellia Reposada Tequila comes in a simple, elegant gift box. 6 Tequila Avión Silver is presented in a sleek black box. 7 Don Julio offers a gift set for those who can’t decide between Blanco, Reposado and Añejo—this set offers all three. 8 Rhum Barbancourt comes with a branded glass and muddler for Mojito-making. 9 The Ron Abuelo set includes one full-size bottle and four miniatures of Abuelo Añejo. 10 This 2 sunny box contains a bottle of Pisco Capel and a mango mixer. 11 The 1 3 Zaya Rum set includes two snifters with a bottle of Zaya. 12 Get bit by the Tarantula Azul set that includes two tall shot glasses. 13 Warm brown tones in the packaging echo the warm Ron Viejo Rum inside with branded glassware. 14 Take a trip to Cuba with the Martí Coaster Gift Set. 15 Nestled inside a distinctive package resembling a scholarly tome is a 750ml bottle of Pyrat XO Reserve Rum. 16 This easy-to-transport gift set includes Patrón Silver and Patrón Añejo, plus a set of high-quality bar tools. 17 Tequila Corralejo comes in a royal blue box with logo shot glasses.
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1 The understated Stirrings 1 Pallini Peppermintini Limoncello comes with two painted cups. 2 Arrogant set combines a Frog delicious Chocolate has a clear “ice bag” for easy toting and chilling. 3 The
Dr. Zenzen dessert set includes a 375ml bottle of Trockenbeerenauslese and a pair of glasses. 4 Dr. Zenzen Ice Wine in a 375ml size comes in a sleek black box. 5 Si Soave’s bottle comes with a pourer, so the bottle can be reused for olive oil. 6 The Kokyo Saké Set holds a bottle of Gekkekian Saké with ceramic carafe and two glasses. 7 Celebrate seasonal beer with a 12-pack of limitededition Noche Buena. 8 Gekkekian’s Black & Gold package holds a bottle of Black & Gold Saké and two shot glasses. 9 Presidential Porto Aged Tawny comes in a rouge gift box. 10 Forest Glen’s festive box encases Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. 11 The Fragoli set offers a bottle of the wild strawberry liqueur and two flutes. 12 The Corvo gift box, with images of the Sicilian landscape, contains Classic Corvo Insolia 2010 and Corvo Nero d’Avola 2009. 13 Metaxa brings a taste of summer with a bottle of Metaxa 5* and a branded Helios glass for preparing a Sun Tonic cocktail. 14 The Cantina Tollo set contains two Rossos and one Chardonnay. 15 The Heineken draught keg is perfect for parties. 16 This Absente set includes: absinthe, glass and 8 slotted “wormwood leaf” spoon. 17 The Saké Bomb Kit includes TY KU Saké with a black saké cup and chopsticks set in a dragon10 inspired box. 18 Carpineto offers both Dogajolo Bianco and Rosso in a gift set that displays the autumnal labels.
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A Leaping Success! • Stylish packaging and line-priced to leap off the shelves!
• Jean-Claude Mas – Award-winning, fourthgeneration winemaker
• Growing in leaps and bounds – now over 4 million bottles sold per year worldwide!
Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Vintage
BEST BUY Wine Enthusiast
BEST VALUE Wine Spectator
© 2011 Palm Bay International, Boca Raton, FL
• Domaines Paul Mas – the preeminent producer in the Languedoc For more information call: 1-800-872-5622
1 Mondoro Asti is resplendent in a golden gift box. 2 “Le Fridge” is a retro-design tribute to Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label, keeping the bottle inside cold for up to two hours. 3 The 35th Anniversary Keepsake Canister encourages celebration of this milestone for Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. 4 Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Brut 2004 celebrates the rich history of the Champagne house. 5 Ferrari Brut Rosé comes in a seasonally-hued gift box. 6 Lucien Albrecht Brut Rosé is dressed up pretty in a pink box. 7 The Lucien Albrecht Pinot Blanc is housed in an of-the-moment red-hued box. 8 Piper-Heidsieck limitededition “Bodyguard” is wrapped in red faux crocodile skin. 9 Valdo Prosecco Brut is ensconced in a sunny gift box. 10 A shimmery carrying case holds Rosa Regale Brachetto d’Acqui. 11 This elegant bottle of étoile Brut is accompanied by 50g of Pointy Snout sturgeon caviar. 12 Moët Imperial comes in a chill box disguised as a 2 1 wrapped gift, complete with golden bow. 13 A bottle of Champagne Gossett Brut Excellence comes in its own temperature-regulating gift bag to keep chilled. 14 This seasonal holiday box of Nicolas Feuillatte includes two flutes. 15 Laurent-Perrier’s limitededition pink gift box contains the signature Cuvée Brut Rosé and four cherry blossom motif glasses.
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© 2011 Skyy Spirits, LLC, San Francisco, CA. Please enjoy our premium products responsibly.
1 Woodford Reserve Distiller’s Select comes with a decorative copper stopper. 2 Connemara Peated Single Malt is presented in a gift box with two glasses. 3 Knob Creek Bourbon comes with a set of four premium brown leather coasters. 4 Authentic Ireland in a gift box: Kilbeggan Whiskey with two rocks glasses. 5 Share the joy of Forty Creek Whisky and two rocks glasses. 6 Wiser’s Canadian Whisky comes with two glasses for sipping neat or on the rocks. 7 The Tyrconnell Irish Whiskey includes two branded glasses. 8 The popular Jameson VAP is back with a 750ml bottle and two branded rocks glasses. 9 Wild Turkey 81 is packaged with two logo rocks glasses for a Bourbon-sipping afternoon. 10 Jameson Irish Whiskey in an iconic green canister makes a perfect hostess gift for the season. 11 Wild 5 Turkey 101 is made for tailgating, with a chili bowl flask and entertaining tips. 12 Maker’s 4 Mark offers its bourbon accompanied by two rocks glasses, dipped in signature Maker’s Mark red wax.
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Like you, we understand the importance of doing what it takes to make the ordinary, extraordinary. We are committed to going the distance to make the world’s #1 selling Super Premium bourbon stand apart from all others. That’s why our flavor will always be rich and hearty, the way a bourbon ought to be. One sip, and your customers will agree that it’s most definitely…Worth the Effort. C OMP L E X F L AVOR | 100 P ROOF | PE RF E C T LY AGE D
WORTH THE EFFORT Knob Creek® Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 50% Alc./Vol. ©2011 Knob Creek Distillery, Clermont, KY.
Join the Stillhouse at
1 Proudly display Rémy Martin XO’s textured bottle in a special wood and metal cage. 2 De Fuissigny Cognac is fetching in a vibrant orange canister embossed with the brand’s stately lion. 3 McCormick’s Irish Cream Liqueur comes with a set of rocks glasses. 4 The sun-hued Boulard Calvados tin encases Grand Solage, a blend of Calvados aged three to five years. 5 Stately Chabanneau XO is encased in a jewel-hued box. 6 O’Mara’s Irish Country Cream makes a good impression 2 with two logo rocks glasses. 7 Bailey’s Irish Cream nestled in a gift box for easy gifting with two rocks glasses. 8 Rev up for the holiday in red with Rémy Martin VSOP with two branded glasses. 9 Have some fun with Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream and a pair of double shot glasses. 10 The Carolan’s 1 Irish Cream set includes two rocks glasses. 11 Molly’s Irish Cream comes with a festive gift bag for ease of giving. 12 Capture E&J XO Limited Release Extra Smooth Brandy with branded glass. 13 The gift tin that encases a 1.75L bottle of Seraphin VSOP makes a grand statement. 14 Store Martell Cordon Bleu in the elegant glass carafe that is included. 15 Rémy Martin 1738 is paired with a stylish plaid flask.
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A LIMITED EDITION BOTTLE FOR EXCEPTIONAL HOLIDAY PARTIES ABSOLUT is lighting up the holiday season with ABSOLUT GLIMMER – a limited edition design of the iconic ABSOLUT bottle.
ABSOLUT GLIMMER’s elegant design is ideal for gift giving or can serve as the centerpiece of an exceptional holiday party.
The specially designed bottle captures the festive light & spirit of the holiday season and is available in both ABSOLUT VODKA and ABSOLUT CITRON flavors.
With ABSOLUT GLIMMER and a few extra touches, you’ll be the perfect host this holiday.
Honey Fig Sour from Beefeater Gin / Pisco Sour from Varnish in LA / “Skinny” Stilleto from Fleming’s in Chicago
bout two years ago, the London bar owner Tony Conigliaro was experimenting with aging cocktails, bottling them to see how they might change over time. It was a thoughtful effort to play at the limits of cocktail creativity, yet by the middle of 2011, dozens of bartenders were busy announcing their barrel- or bottle-aged Negronis, Manhattans or other signature drinks. Welcome to the new era of cocktails, where trends occur internationally, instantaneously and with no holds barred. What Conigliaro wrought is one of the trends that bar folk are fairly certain to be talking about through 2012; others teeter on the cusp between fad and a new standard. Perpetual change has become part of the new normal. Some trends come and go; others go-go-go! Yet others represent contemporary twists on the tried-and-true. Take, for instance, seasonality; the concept may already seem old hat, but the
notion continues to drive cocktail menus. It’s one cutting-edge trend accessible to any level of bar, and offers the most flexible model for experimentation. “Seasonal cocktails mirror the key findings from the food industry that your final product will taste better, and it supports local produce which is good for the environment,” says Simon Ford, Pernod Ricard’s director of trade outreach and brand education.
“Seasonally inspired menus will always be here because nature and the economy will always remind us how time moves on,” notes Duggan McDonnell, owner of San Francisco’s Cantina. But he Duggan McDonnell says pisco could become as points out that popular as rum in 15 years. sticking to seasonality can be tricky. For example, the best citrus is available in winter, making then the best time to feature fresh Margaritas, Caipirinhas and Pisco Sours. But winter is when most bartenders emphasize strong, spirituous cocktails rather than more fruitdriven drinks.
AMONG THE TRENDS MIXOLOGISTS DO NOT ALL AGREE ON: SKINNY COCKTAILS, WHITE WHISKEY AND ICE Just seasonal, though, isn’t enough for some. “Farm-to-Glass” drink menus, part of the so-called locavore movement, have taken hold in many operations—Eastern Standard in Boston, PS7 in Washington, DC, the US Grant in San Diego, among others—where culinary cocktails are important. Some establishments even grow their own or produce.
SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE In the past few years, seasoned bartenders who cheered the return of refined techniques and classic cocktails have wondered why service hadn’t kept pace. When asked what sort of upgrade he’d like to see in bars and restaurants, Gary Regan, author of numerous books including most recently The Annual Manual for Bartenders, calls for greater attention to sussing out and providing what guests really want, rather than forcing a drinking style on them. McDonnell puts it best when describing his idea of perfect service: “Laughter with intelligence; charm with efficient service; and speed with grace under pressure.” Among particular service trends, tableside cocktail carts and batched drinks served on tap offer operators a chance to elevate specific cocktails with the former, or to speed service of complicated and popular drinks with the latter. Punch, of course, still has room to grow before it goes from fad to trend, but its return to popularity has softened criticism of both batched drinks and those served by the pitcher. Says Ford, “I can see cocktails on tap spreading as a trend in the next few years. This is a perfect way to get rid of the 15-minute cocktail without having to admit you’re a slow bartender, and it’s highly marketable. You would almost automatically become a specialist
of the cocktail that you chose to keep on your taps.”
STANDBYS CAN STILL SET THE STANDARD New products always get plenty of attention, but lately traditional spirits have stirred bartender’s hearts. Irish whiskey sales continue to grow at an astonishing rate, and Ford says he’s seeing it appear in more cocktails as well. Mezcal is another spirit most often cited as a coming category (see sidebar). Pisco is worthy of notice, says Regan, and McDonnell, who is part of the team behind Encanto pisco, agrees. “I hope that America chooses to understand and embrace this great spirit, and furthermore, I hope that down in South America, both the Peruvians and Chileans can come to an accord. If they do, then there’s no reason why pisco won’t become as popular as rum in 15 years.” 1886 Bar’s unique, barrel-aged cocktail: the vintage Caprice
Simon Ford (above) thinks batched drinks, from pitcher or tap, are on the rise. Gary Regan worries that service has not kept pace with bartender creativity.
The flourishing of potable bitters and small-production aperitifs excites many bartenders today, and Elli Benchimol, beverage director of Lia’s and the three Chef Geoff’s restaurants in the Washington, DC, area, cites them as well as vermouths and digestifs as products on the rise. European fortified wines are quickly assimilating into recipes, aiding the growth of bitter, savory and pungent cocktails.
SOME TRENDS DIVIDE AS THEY CONQUER Not all trends are popular among craft cocktailers, who think of themselves as artisans; witness “skinny” cocktails. But there’s no denying their power. Such restaurant chains as Carrabba’s Italian Grill, P.F. Chang’s and Morton’s are featuring cocktails tagged with that moniker currently. Morton’s has the Skinny Blood Orange Cosmo, while Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar last summer featured among others the 99-calorie Skinny Sexy Sailor. How widespread was the trend last summer? It wasn’t just chains going the lo-cal route: In Philadelphia, restaurant Valanni featured nine cocktails with a calorie count under 170. As for those aged, fat-washed and other manipulated cocktails, Benchimol repeats an often-heard concern: “I really worry about hygiene. A lot of mixologists do not have food safety certification, and don’t realize that a lot of the ingredients we add to a spirit can re-ferment, or grow icky bacteria that can really make somebody sick. I’ve had some really tasty
Available in 50ml, 750ml and 1L
Please Drink Responsibly. SMIRNOFF Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka. Distilled From Grain. 30% Alc/Vol. ©2011 The Smirnoff Co., Norwalk, CT. SMIRNOFF Marshmallow Flavored Vodka. Distilled From Grain. 30% Alc/Vol. ©2011 The Smirnoff Co., Norwalk, CT.
very year, one spirit category or another gets pegged as THE next big thing. In recent years, it’s been cachaça or pisco, but today, the focus is on mezcal. Take what entrepreneur Bridget Dunlap has done in Austin, Texas, opening the town’s first mezcal-only cantina, called Bar Ilegal after the only brand she currently carries. A tiny space that will only hold around 20 people is hardly sign of a trend, but Bar Ilegal is just one of the many new bars which are featuring a significant number of mezcals. In New York City, Salon Hecho puts mezcal center stage in cocktails like the Esmerelda (mezcal, gin, muddled cucumber and basil leaf) as well as those infused with avocado leaves, strawberries, juniper berries, pineapple and other ingredients and called Curados. Hecho carries 11 bottles from five makers (Del Maguey, Ilegal, Los Amantes, Pierde Almas and Los Nahuales). In Chicago, Masa Azul recently opened with 10 mezcals, three sotols, and four of its 13 listed cocktails including one or the other. There are many Mexicanthemed restaurants and bars where the number of mezcals offered have slowly increased, but even operations without the Mexican connection see the attraction in featuring at least one mezcalinflected drink. At New York’s Tiki
temple Lani Kai, the Tia Mia is made with mezcal, Jamaican Rum, toasted almond orgeat, orange liqueur and fresh lime juice. Cocktail menus at recently opened spots are including the spirit as well. Blue Bear Tavern in Philly opened with the rum, pineapple and mezcal Bear Punch. Pearl Dive Oyster Palace in Washington, DC, included The Cigar on their opening menu (mezcal, lemon juice and smoked peach ice, garnished with charcuterie), while Catalyst in Boston opened with the Mexican Sand (mezcal, Cherry Heering and vermouth). Just as all Cognacs are brandies, but not all brandies are Cognacs, all tequilas are mezcals but not the other way around. Mezcal can be made from a variety of agave plants and distilled in more places than the five states where tequila production is allowed. As for its longtime reputation as firewater infused with the aromas of burning rubber, there’s still a little something to the idea that these are powerful and pungent spirits; even the bettermade variations coming to the U.S. retain a punchy essence. They are an acquired taste, like Islay single malts or grappa, but customers who are fueling the growth of tequila are showing more interest in its rustic cousin.
Bar Ilegal in Austin, TX, a mezcal-only cantina.
Eric Alperin (above) “harvests” his own ice (in 300-pound blocks) at Varnish in LA. In the D.C. area, Elli Benchimol converted a trio of Chef Geoff’s locations from high-volume bars serving sour mix from a soda gun into craft cocktail destinations employing fresh, local ingredients.
cocktails from some amazing mixologists, but I’d get home later, and have a really upset stomach.” Like aged and skinny cocktails, the search for great ice and the arrival of white whiskey bring a mixed response these days. “Ice is becoming a bigger deal,” says Eric Alperin of Los Angeles’ Varnish, which recently invested in two machines that produce 300-pound blocks of sculptor-level ice. “We break it down into usable pieces with power tools and Japanese saws. I equate it to baking your own bread or roasting your own coffee beans in house.” Still, customers don’t always see the worth of such efforts, and Regan is particularly skeptical about “all the myths about ice that people continue to believe and spout about.” White whiskey similarly puzzles some, including a number of suppliers happy to sell a spirit practically the instant it is distilled. Benchimol says she loves white whiskey, and serves what she calls a “a more manly version of the Cosmo” made with white whiskey and white cranberry juice, but Regan puts the case against perfectly: “White dog, hopefully, won’t last. There’s a good reason we age whiskey, you know.” Perhaps. But like with aged cocktails and other trends, when crafty bartenders get behind something, the wave is hard to avoid. Just as gin returned as an ingredient of choice and rye emerged from the dusty back bar, white whisky might soon evolve from curiosity. Stranger things have happened at the 21st century bar. ■
Eric Alperin photograph courtesy Peden + Munk
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Jim BeamÂŽ, Jim BeamÂŽ Devilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cutâ&#x201E;˘ Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Red Stag by Jim BeamÂŽ Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Infused With Natural Flavors and Jim Beam BlackÂŽ Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 40%, 45%, 40% and 43% Alc./Vol. Š2011 James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clermont, KY. *Beverage Testing Institute, Inc. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2008 Professional Tasting â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chicago, Il. Compared to other top-selling North American whiskeys including Woodford ReserveÂŽ, Wild TurkeyÂŽ 101, Jack Daniel'sÂŽ Gentleman Jack, Crown RoyalÂŽ Blended Whisky, and Jack Daniel'sÂŽ No. 7 Black **Based on Nielsen data 11/20/04 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10/17/09
BRANDYBUNCH Rediscovering a Complex Category
he brandy category is like a Brady Bunch family reunion, a mash-up of siblings all struggling to exist under one (categorically defined) roof. Technically, brandy is divided in to eight sub-categories: Armag-
nac, Cognac, Calvados, domestic brandy, fruit brandy, grappa, imported brandy and pisco. It’s tricky for consumers to determine what they like and why, with a broad range of brands and countries waving their flags for a share of stomach. By staying on top of the major trends, you can help them.
Breaking the category down by the numbers offers some insight as to what we’re drinking in the States: domestic brandy (including fruit brandy and applejack) makes up the bulk with around 6.3 million 9-liter cases, followed by Cognac at nearly 3.4 million, then imported brandy (where pisco and grappa reside, along with Mexican and Spanish brandies) at a declining 580,000 combined cases. Domestic brandies have been growing, thanks in part to Midwestern stalwarts where drinking brandy is part of the “Ice Belt” culture. And higher-priced Cognacs have also started to see some growth after years of a tough economy,
© BNIC / Photo credits Top row: Stéphane Charbeau, Jean-Yves Boyer, Stéphane Charbeau; Middle row: Gérard Martron; Bottom row: Gérard Martron, Stéphane Charbeau, Laurent Gorget
Brandy Cognac
where trading down often meant swapping imports for their less expensive domestic counterparts. In fact, the Bureau National Interprofessional du Cognac (BNIC) recently reported that Cognac in the U.S. has managed a 0.6% increase in 2010 after three years of double-digit declines. Someone, it seems, is doing something right.
Moving Past The Snifter Perhaps the biggest driving force behind the brandy category is the consumer. Suppliers, retailers and bartenders all agree that people are asking more questions about what, exactly, they are drinking. “Cognac is a mystery to most people,” explains Patrick Sullivan, Director of Bar Operations at Legal Sea Foods, with locations in ten states across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” he adds. Which leads to that thing called the Cognac stigma, or the widely-held notion that Cognac is stuffy and old. Though it seems obvious, it wasn’t until recently that Cognac producers finally recognized an opportunity to change perception. Guillaume Lamy, VP of North America for Cognac Ferrand, concedes, “We have not done a good job explaining
our craft; and now we are trying to catch up as fast as we can.” As part of this recent push, the BNIC created a website titled containing a wealth of knowledge gleaned from such industry experts as David Wondrich, Paul Pacult, Doug Frost, Andy Seymour and Dale DeGroff. The takeaway is clear—Cognac was essentially the foundation of mixology, used in punches in the 1600s and later in American drinks like the Julep and the Sazerac. With this credibility has come a noticeable reconsideration among both bartenders and consumers. Even Laird’s Applejack, first made in 1698 when colonists were looking for a way to take hard cider up a notch, has enjoyed a resurgence. “I have a cocktail called the Calypso. I list the main spirit as Pierre Ferrand
a selec ti o n
Ambre. I do not use the word Cognac and it allows me to have a dialogue with my guest,” explains Lynn House, Chief Mixologist at Blackbird in Chicago. “This strategy has proven very successful and [the cocktail] is one of my top sellers.” These consumers are now taking their knowledge to retail stores. Emmett McDermott, Fine Wine and Spirits Manager at Liquor Land in Boston, says the top brands continue to dominate sales but “a more educated consumer wanting to learn about the quality players and how to decipher the terms on the label” has focused more interest in smaller brands like Pierre Ferrand, Kelt, Hine, Marie Duffau, Constantino and Le Panto.
Category Innovation “I would say that it’s been a difficult market for domestic brandy in particular
Brandy Cognac
BEAMIXOLOGIST Moses Laboy on Courvoisier, Seasons & Balance
Moses Laboy has risen quickly through the ranks in the competitive New York City cocktail world. He is currently a mixologist at Red Rooster Harlem, chef Marcus Samuelsson’s latest NYC eatery.
BR ANDY / COG N AC “I like to think of what a drink does to the soul and body, as well as the experience on the palate. For fall and winter, I aim for warmth. I can picture someone running in off the cold street. I am experimenting with variations of simple syrup. One for fall includes grains of paradise, star anise, cinnamon and clove. It goes great with Cognac.” “I can go with ‘bigger’ ingredients in winter, using the VSOP as a base. I use more spice, even cream or egg whites. Courvoisier Rosé is lighter, ideal for fruit-forward cocktails in the summer. I try to stay away from the word ‘sweet,’ though. Balance is about all the delicious aspects that play together so well.”
Holiday Toddy
1.5 parts Courvoisier® VSOP 1 half moon slice of orange 1 wedge of lemon 3 whole cloves 1 part agave nectar Hot water
In an Irish coffee mug muddle the cloves, orange, and lemon. Add nectar and Courvoisier VSOP and top with namon stick. steaming hot water. Stir and serve with a cinnamon
Rosé Kiss
Muddled pineapple and mint 2 parts Courvoisier® Rosé ½ part French Dry Vermouth ½ part Fresh Lime Juice ¼ part simple syrup 3 splashes of Peychaud bitters
Start by muddling pineapple & mint in a cocktail shaker. Add the remaining ingredients, shake well and pour into a rocks glass. Garnish with a fresh pineapple chunk.
Courvoisier® Cognac, 40% alc./vol. Courvoisier Import Company, Deerfield, IL USA. Courvoisier and the Napoleon device are trademarks of Courvoisier S.A.S. ©2011 Courvoisier S.A.S
over the past few years; the competition from other spirits categories has been intense,” says Mark Koppen, marketing manager at Heck Estates, producer of Korbel. To succeed, both Cognac and brandy producers are focusing on innovation as a way to reach a broader market. This includes boutique entrants, flavored renditions and changes in labeling to show vintages and varietals. Josh Hafer, corporate communications manager for Heaven Hill, which owns Christian Brothers, agrees that the biggest challenge to the category is attracting new consumers. “We think that will happen with the emergence of flavors,” says Hafer. In 2010, Christian Brothers, the third largest domestic brand, launched a honey flavor to reach new consumers as well as offer a line extension to existing drinkers. The top three in the Cognac category—Hennessy, Rémy Martin and Courvoisier—all have a plan on how to reach these new consumers. For Courvoisier, it’s focusing on likeminded Scotch and wine drinkers. The brand recently launched a Connoisseur Collection, becoming the first major Cognac brand to offer an aging statement on the bottle, as well as Courvoisier Rosé, a lower-alcohol (18% ABV) blend of Cognac and red wine grapes, attractively priced at $24.99. Rémy Martin has shown small gains between 2009 and 2010 with celebrity
a s el ec t i o n partnerships ranging from R&B artist Usher to the more sophisticated tie-in with Mad Men (the acclaimed television series that has made retro cocktails from the 1960s cool among viewers). And 2.1-million-case leader Hennessy is going after bottle service and versatility in cocktails with Hennessy Black, the brand’s first major line extension in almost 50 years. Designed to be mixable, Hennessy Black is lighter in taste with floral and fruity aromas, and hints of honey and citrus. Camus has gone in the direction of vintage-dated Cognacs, recently announcing a range featuring: 1964, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1980, 1988, 1989 and the exclusive Pionneau 1969. Priced to retail from $280-$1,250, the vintage-dated 750mls should appeal to eau-de-vie connoisseurs as well as giftgivers with birth years in mind. There are promising signs for micro-niche Cognac as well. Frenchborn Nicolas Palazzi’s NYC-based PM Spirits curates distinctive, small-batch bottlings. Guillon Painturaud, for example, was aged on lees, creating a flowery, creamy character, while Paul Beau delivers a woodier, more rustic profile. Paul-Marie & Fils “Tres Vieux Fut #3” Pineau des Charentes is an aperitif or dessert wine to which Cognac was added before fermentation; the light (17.5% ABV), sweetish spirit has been paired with foie gras at Le Bernardin.
Courvoisier® Cognac, 40% alc./vol. Courvoisier Import Company, Deerfield, IL USA. Courvoisier, the Napoleon device and Le Cognac de Napoleon are trademarks of Courvoisier S.A.S. ©2011 Courvoisier S.A.S.
Brandy Cognac
The artisanal and historical nature of brandy makes it an obvious choice for bartenders capitalizing on the return to classic cocktails. This is something the BNIC and Cognac producers have been focusing heavily over the past year with online resources, cocktail competitions and educational trips to the region to learn more about production and heritage. The BNIC reports a worldwide shift in consumption trends based on new drinking occasions, with 70% of Cognac served over ice, in cocktails or as a mixer. It’s not unusual these days to see a 22 year-old ordering a Sidecar, explains Chris Bostick, General Manager at The Varnish in Los Angeles. “Cognac is such a classic ingredient in cocktails, that its use is becoming more and more recognizable. In the past, Cognac to the majority of the drinking public was just thought of as something you drink in that funny shaped glass while smoking a cigar after an expensive meal.” Domestic brandy producers hope this leads to a halo effect with more widespread usage in cocktails with their products as well. Korbel Brandy recently held a cold-weather cocktail competition aimed at consumers and home consumption, promoted online via Facebook and other social media, a new focus for the
THE TOP 3 COGNAC PRODUCERS— HENNESSY, REMY MARTIN AND COURVOISIER— ALL HAVE A PLAN ON HOW TO REACH NEW CONSUMERS brand. “We have always supported our key markets with promotions specifically targeted to those areas; we are now expanding our efforts by supporting those programs via online and mobile media,” says Mark Koppen.
Surprise on the Shelf Retailers see consistency in regard to consumer demographics at point of purchase; ethnic and mature drinkers still drive a bulk of the sales. But new customers curious about brandy include single malt Scotch drinkers and the “cocktail set,” which McDermott defines as younger consumers who don’t want to drink their father’s brands and are open to experimenting “usually away from domestic to better quality, similarly priced imports.” Spirits buyer Brett Pontoni at Binny’s Beverage Depot, with 26 locations in Illinois, also sees hipper, more educated consumers less concerned about price and more interested in learning about niche offerings. Lamy at Cognac Ferrand believes tastings and education at point of purchase are the backbone of the brand’s business strategy: “A basic store tasting, if well conducted, is still the most efficient tool to cultivate a niche in our market.” With many retailers stocking hundreds of SKUs across the brandy category, staff trainings are also a crucial element. This is most apparent at a store like Hi-Time Wine Cellars, where Liquor Specialist Forrest Cokely has to manage over 300 different
brandies. “Hand-selling is the key to most purchases—especially for brands that don’t have a ‘fixed’ commercial identity; if we weren’t there to encourage, validate and explain the product, it would remain unknown and unsold.” As expected, brandy depletions spike as the weather becomes colder and during the holiday season according to retailers. Yet summer sales are picking up as bartenders feature brandy-based cocktails on menus year round. Bostick feels Cognac falls in to a tough place in the overall category, making it difficult for consumers to discern quality: “The perception is that if it’s inexpensive, it must be bad and the more it costs must mean quality. While there are truths to both statements, they don’t apply all the time.” Generally, Cognacs are higherpriced than their domestic counterparts, largely in part to maintaining the cost of a vineyard and extended aging. Add in the Euro versus the U.S. dollar, and most Cognac producers have a hard time competing on price alone. Lamy says for this reason, showing total transparency of the Pierre Ferrand production process is crucial to converting consumers to Cognac.
A New Nightcap The industry has been watching the brandy category with interest over the past five years as we’ve all seen a confluence of events affect volume both positively and negatively: a recession and the slow rebound, the return to classic cocktails, and massive marketing efforts from upstart regions (ask anyone who was at Tales of the Cocktail this year about pisco.) As Lynn House matter-of-factly states from her perch behind the bar in Chicago, “Will brandy and Cognac exceed whiskey sales in this country? No. However, the category does continue to grow, bartenders are incorporating it in to their repertoire, and the consumer is becoming savvier.” All signs for a positive outlook on brandy in years to come. ■ Brandy Rand has spent over a decade in the spirits business in brand marketing and sales. She currently consults and writes about the industry from her home in Boston.
© BNIC / Andrew Thomas
Focusing on the Cocktail
Great values at any price point, wines that are ready to drink when purchased, and are unmatched when it comes to food pairing make for rapid sales. Rioja is pure genius. Put them on your shelves and watch the cases move. Learn more at and get in on the action today!
time As America’s wine scene matures, adventurous whites are viable options, especially on-premise By Jean K. Reilly MW
ot too long ago, it seemed as though the only non-traditional wines that got any traction were red. However, in recent years, several categories of white wines have been taken up not just by hardcore wine geeks in the trade, but also by substantial numbers of consumers. We talked to some tastemakers around the country regarding their views on some trailblazing whites to watch.
The recent ascent of Txakoli (also called Txacolina, and sometimes spelled Chakoli) is surprising on many levels. For one thing, it’s not exactly obvious how to pronounce it (CHA-ko-lee) or the similarly tongue-twisting names of the producers. Secondly, it is from the Basque region of Spain, not an area known for either global outreach or wine marketing savvy. Further, the wine lacks the overt fruit profile that draws so many Americans to blockbusters such as Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Lastly, the spritzy white is made from a blend of unfamiliar native Basque grapes (Hondarrabi Zuri and friends.) So, with so much stacked against it, how has Txakoli broken through? In a nutshell, it is a superlative food-pairing partner. The explosion of sympatico tapas bars around the country has allowed consumers to try the wine without committing to a bottle. It has also intro-
duced consumers to Txakoli’s ability to complement a variety of flavorful dishes. Moreover, the trade has taken up the banner and marched it forward with gusto. Leslie Sbrocco, an influential author and TV personality, is one such proselytizer. She says, “Its lemony freshness is ideal for tapas and Spanish fare, but sip
Dry Riesling Rieslings of all types have long been embraced by the trade. A recent Master of Wine dissertation found that an overwhelming percentage of sommeliers in the United States drink Riesling at home. However, the broad perception of Riesling as “sweet” lingers; and the negative associations many consumers have with sweet wines have hampered broader acceptance this noble Photo Credits: Top: Gaia Wines; Bottom: Christophe Jammet
broader. From goat cheese-dolloped salads to soft shell crab, vegetable curry to chicken burritos, its ping of acidity and hint of salinity, makes pairing it easier than pronouncing it.”
Leslie Sbrocco enjoys a glass of Txomin Etxaniz Txakoli at Morrell Wine Bar in Manhattan. Pouring Txakoli from high above the glass is done to highlight its natural spritz.
Photo Credits: Bottom Top: Andrea Englisis; Bottom: Charles Palmer Group
Photo Credits: Top: Gaia Wines; Bottom: Christophe Jammet
Above: Assyrtiko vines at the Estate Argyos on Santorini. The vines are trained, without trellising, to grow close to the ground, and newer tendrils are “woven” into older ones; grape clusters are then tucked inside what growers call a “basket.” This technique helps provide shade, wind protection and, with scarce rainfall and no irrigation allowed, a better chance for the vines’ foliage to gather condensation from island fog. Right: The picturesque volcanic Greek island of Santorini is untouched by phylloxera, so many of the vines have rootstocks that are well over 100 years old.
grape. Recently, however, sommeliers have reported fabulous success with dry Rieslings. Willi Sherer, a Master Sommelier and the wine director of Aureole in Las Vegas, says, “Dry Rieslings are on fire, led by the Germans who have greatly increased production and refined the style. There’s much more balance and higher quality grapes from the Estate Trocken level to Erstes Gewächs [Germany’s highest-rated sites].” Chris Bradford, a restaurant wine consultant in Los Angeles agrees: “Dry Rieslings are a labor of love for a som. When I have a guest who is on the fence about dry Rieslings and I really feel they’d love it, I tell them that if they don't like it, I’ll have it with my dinner and I’ll bring them something else! In all my years as a som I’ve never had someone return one.” The image of Riesling as a sweet beverage in the American imagination will probably endure,” says Evan Spingarn, Manhattan and Brooklyn Ger-
Willi Sherer, of Aureole Las Vegas, sees German producers leading the way in terms of high-quality dry Riesling.
WhiteVarietals2_Nov11.indd 5
man Brand Manager for David Bowler, offering a distributor perspective. “This is not inappropriate, since, after all, what other grape besides Chenin Blanc can really make top-quality wines with sweetness consistently and in such a complete range? There should be sweet versions of Riesling available, always— it’s one of its strongest interpretations.” He does, however, see a trend in Europe that may extend to the U.S. soon: “The popularity of dry Riesling in its local precincts of Germany, Alsace and Austria is an amazing phenomenon. If 95% of Germans now prefer their wines dry, and critical praise for well-crafted dry Riesling is increasingly positive internationally, then American wine drinkers, critics and sellers have an obligation to at least expose this country to the pleasures of trocken, halbtrocken, and feinherb.”
Greek Whites With the rise of high-end Greek restaurants around the country has come heightened appreciation for Greek wines of all types. And, of course, fond vacation memories of sitting on a Greek beach don’t hurt the wines’ popularity either. Pungent, piney Retsina has pretty much faded from the current Greek wine scene. More common are high-end, smallproduction wines brought in by specialty importers as well as some of the larger distributors.
10/12/11 1:54:03 PM
Keepin’ it Real with Riesling Some other observations from Evan Spingarn on dry Riesling, based on his experience in the NYC market: “When I try to sell Riesling at certain stores, retailers express much less interest in dry versions than sweet. ‘My customers who ask for Riesling want sweet wine,’ they say. What this really means is that when their customers ask for sweet wine, the retailer wants an easy short-cut to identify which wine to put in their hands—and Riesling is the anointed wine that does the trick. Having a dry option would complicate the issue.” “In the more visionary stores where lower-production wines are prized, food/ wine pairings are exercised on the sales floor and a serious international approach to wine prevails, there is assumed a need for some dry Riesling on the shelf. However, since that need is comfortably filled by Austria and Alsace, the Germans are sometimes overlooked as also-rans. Again, it is easier here to sell trocken/ halbtrocken/feinherb wines by price point than by sheer quality; wines that go over $25 price tend to be deemed unsaleable. There are exceptions, obviously—but that is the overall trend.” “In a few shops, the grosses gewachs wines and other top dry Rieslings are saleable. Why? Only two reasons I can think of. 1) Because the shops have made a personal, somewhat masochistic commitment to pushing them. 2) They have a national clientele via email. That is the crucial difference. In effect, these few shops own the highend dry Riesling market.” Summing up: “The smallest shops don’t understand or don’t bother; the mid-range, quality shops carry them but impose a price ceiling on them; and the best stores offer the whole spectrum, but almost completely to a select clientele online. That system will evolve positively, in large part because the wines are too good to ignore.”
Aldo Sohm, of Le Bernardin, says, “We offered the Thalassitis Santorini by the glass for quite a while and with quite some success. I think Assyrtico [grapes] from Santorini can create quite classy, mineral-driven wines which offer value and also work with seafood incredibly well.” Virginia Philips MS also finds Assyrtiko to be very useful in the beverage program she runs at The Breakers resort in Palm Beach. She pours the Santorini from Estate Agyros, which she values for its “easy to drink character and distinct minerality, its racy acid, and of course it’s very unusual.” In New York City, where Greek whites have been popular for several years, Michael Madrigale, of Bar Boulud and Boulud Sud, finds consumers will venture beyond Santorini to Malagousia and Moschofilero; he values these varietal wines because they are fresher and have less alcohol than wines from Santorini.
Joe Campanale with some favorite Jura wines at Anfora in Manhattan, which serves not only wines from Jura, but also from the Canary Islands.
nay but with aromas more akin to a Marsanne-Roussanne Rhône blend. Joe Campanale, beverage director and partner of dell’anima, L’Artusi and Anfora in Manhattan, notes, “The sur voile wines are definitely for the more adventurous customer and are well embraced by the industry. In general, Jura wines are quite good with food as they have moderate alcohols and umami flavors (mushroom, chicken stock, etc.). Also, the rather bright acid is refreshing and the wines tend to have a grippyness to them that pairs well with food.”
Jura Whites For the true trailblazer, whites from the little-known region of Jura in France present some striking new tastes. Many of these wines are made in an oxidative style, somewhat similar to Sherry, with aging taking place under a coating of yeast (referred to as sur voile). The native Savagnin grape creates big, flavorful wines with a texture similar to ChardonMoscato, aka Muscat, is the only variety that doubles as a wine grape and table grape.
On the Front Lines Any sommelier or wine retail salesperson can tell you that to most consumers, wines like these require a hand sell. So, when Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc will sell themselves, why go the extra yard? Campanale, whose list includes wines from as far-flung places as Croatia and the Canary Islands, will tell you that adventurous wines “have a high level of uniqueness which makes them an exciting new taste experience.” And that’s what today’s highlyinvolved wine consumers are after: They want something new and different that makes them feel like they’re on the cutting edge. And, who knows—perhaps they are signaling the beginning of a much larger trend. In a few years, who’s to say that Santorini won’t be more popular than Pinot Grigio? ■ Jean K. Reilly is a Master of Wine and the Wine Buyer for Morrell & Co, a retailer and wine bar in New York City’s Rockefeller Center.
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Languedoc: Potential Realized With Old Vines, Authentic Terroir and Superlative Growing Conditions, the Word is Out BY KRISTEN BIELER
Old Vines Attract New Investors Lured by Roussillon’s ancient vines, Abe Schoener of California’s Scholium Project (famous for his small lot cuvées of Syrah, Verdehlo and Petite Sirah,
ROUSSILLON HAS MUCH IN COMMON WITH SPAIN JUST ACROSS THE BORDER; BOTH ARE HOT AND DRY, WITH GRENACHE AS THE MAIN GRAPE among others) made his first Languedoc wines in 2007 from neglected 70-year old Carignan, Grenache, and Grenache Gris vineyards near the tiny town of Maury. Production of his Clos Thales label is small—as few as 28 cases for some single-vineyard wines—but the attention he has received from critics and retailers created big buzz for the region and others have followed. Dave Phinney, creator of Napa Valley’s Orin Swift and The Prisoner labels, purchased 200 acres near Maury where he constructed an ultra-modern winemaking facility. His first wine—made in 2009 from old Grenache vines that were soon to be torn out—is called D 66, after the region’s department number. Classified as a humble Vins de Pay des Côtes Catalanes with a less humble price tag
($40), it’s an exceptionally dense, concentrated red that has already sold out. llon is not a well-established Roussillon source for dry wines; it’s known for sweet, fortified vin doux. The fact that Roussillon is left off of the region’s abbreviated name (technically, it’s the Languedoc-Roussillon) further diminishes its profile, when in fact this area is generating much of the excitement for Languedoc as a whole. In many respects, Roussillon has more in common with Spain just across the border. Both are hot, dry regions with Grenache as the leading grape. Rhône Valley based winemaker Michel Chapoutier calls Roussillon “as close as you can get to Spain” while still being in France. He started buying up land in the Banyuls appellation 15 years ago, intrigued by the soil he found— “it was like Hermitage, one of the only places in France where in such a small place you have four geological types with schist, gniess, clay, and in higher elevations, granite,” he explains. “My idea was to invest in some of the vineyards on amazing soils, farm biodynamically and bring down the yield.” His first reds under his Bila-Haut label are made from single vineyard blends of Syrah, Grenache and Carignan and hit the U.S. market in 2011.
Photo courtesy of Sud de France, Festival
t’s ironic that the region in France arguably best suited for grape-growing—and its largest region by a lot—has long been held responsible for the country’s worst wine. Yet the Languedoc’s centuries-old reputation for bad bulk has been seriously challenged in the past decade by ambitious local vintners as well as a slew of imported talent. “I have been stunned by the quality relative to the price of the wines from the Languedoc,” says Michael Madrigale, sommelier at New York’s Bar Boulud and Boulud Sud. “I’ve long known about the great wines from Mas Jullien, Granges des Pères and Domaine Peyre Rose, but now it seems the quality is everywhere. It’s difficult to keep up.” On both lists, Madrigale has about 25 different Languedoc wines. Consumers are taking note, too: Imports of Languedoc AOC wines to the U.S. grew by 38% in 2010. While that growth is mostly in the value sector, there is a small, but high profile number of new boutique bottlings coming out of this vast Mediterranean region, in large part due to the transplant community of maverick winemakers from all over France and the world, including several Americans.
Locals Embrace A Modern Style
The Co-op Comeback Massive cooperative wineries long defined the Languedoc’s winemaking landscape, but in today’s fiercely competitive market, they have been forced to evolve or shut down. “The flagging cooperatives still making traditional wines are disappearing,” says Warner. “Today’s consumer knows what he wants and there is no longer room for big co-ops that haven’t changed.” Les Vignerons du Val d’Orbieu (VVO) was one of the first cooperatives to commit to quality production. Founded in 1967 by a small group of
winemakers, the group self-imposed rigorous vineyard management and vinification standards in 1992. They have been forward-thinking marketers, as well: VVO’s flagship brand, St. Martin, was one of the first French labels to list variety rather than appellation, and its Cuvée Mythique, a wine created for the U.S. market in 1990, was an instant success in spite of its $25 price tag. VVO is introducing another premium wine, Château de Lunes, in the U.S. this month. Consisting of 1,500 growers and 60 domaines, VVO owns more vineyard land “than the surface area of Paris,” reports CEO Bertrand Girard, and produces 70 million bottles annually. “There were 500,000 hectares of vines in the Languedoc 30 years ago—today there are 220,000,” says Girard. “Vineyards are smaller and yields are relatively low—people don’t realize that the Languedoc overall has lower yields than many places in the world, including Chile, Australia and California.” At VVO’s brand new $20 million high-tech winery, the focus is on “fruit extraction and a rounder taste profile— the sort of wines that young consumers expect,” says Girard. “We know how to produce classic wines for the French market that our fathers want to drink, but for the rest of the world, we had to adjust.”
At the Crossroads of Old and New Jean-Claude Mas, a fourth generation winemaker, took the helm at his family’s 19th-century estate, Domaines Paul Mas, in 2000. His wine empire—which went
Vineyards in La Clape with the Mediterranean in the distance.
from an 86-acre estate to a 440-acre enterprise with 2,000 additional acres under contract—generates nearly $30 million in annual sales. Perhaps more impressive, however, is the way Mas has embraced both the traditional and the modern: “From the Old World, I learn to adopt a ‘peasant mentality’ when it comes to vineyard management and respecting the terroir. What I learn from the New World is how to evolve with the tastes of today’s consumer.” “The Languedoc is an indulgent place blessed by the gods—one doesn’t have to work to grow grapes here, the vines grow so easily on their own,” he explains. “We lack a fine wine culture but we are learning fast. Winemakers here have the opportunity to produce the best value wines for money in the world, particularly in the $10 to $20 range.” Another missing piece of the puzzle is marketing, believes Mas, insisting that the Languedoc must follow in the footsteps of Australia and Chile when it comes to branding. In this vein, Mas in 2005 launched Arrogant Frog, a line of whimsically labeled varietal wines priced at $10; it now accounts for 30% of his production. Château d’Aussières also straddles the old-new divide. The 1,300-acre estate in Corbières has made wine since Roman times; the Barons de Rothschild of legendary Château Lafite fame purchased it in 1999. The estate has land in AOC Corbières and some in Vins de Pays territory—the Rothschilds planted traditional grapes like Carignan, Grenache and Syrah in the former, and in-
Photo courtesy of Gilles Deschamps
Roussillon old-timer Château de Jau, built in 1792 in the southernmost foothills of the Corbières Mountains, is still owned by founding Dauré family. Commercial Director, Tom Warner has spent over a decade in the region and has seen its transformation first hand: “Languedoc is one of the largest wine-producing regions in the world. Because it was so dominated by the cooperative winemaking system, it underperformed for decades. In the last 15 years, winemakers have recognized the potential here and the focus is now on answering international consumer demand with a fresher, fruitier more vibrant style of wine.” Though Château de Jau’s wines have never been of the mass-market type, the winery embraced a more modern style with their le Jaja de Jau line of varietal wines launched in 1991 (SRP: $9-$10) which are “ready-to-drink with good color and low tannins,” Warner says. (The Dauré family also owns a winery in Chile, where they learned a lot about New World winemaking.) At the family’s second estate, Les Clos de Paulilles in Banyuls—the largest private estate in that region—Warner has decreased production of vin doux and upped the output of dry reds by 40%, also to be in tune with demand in the international market.
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WINEFOCUS ternationals Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet in the latter. “When we started, it was a difficult sell,” recalls Eric Kohler, the winemaker/director. “Today we see a lot of recognition for these wines and sales are rapidly increasing.” The estate makes 12,000 cases of the top wine, 30,000 of the second wine; of the VdP, volumes are an impressive 80,000 cases. The Languedoc’s reputation as primarily a region for value wines isn’t entirely bad, says Kohler. “Being known for very high quality with very reasonable prices makes for a very strong business.”
International vs. Native Grapes Domaines Paul Mas and Château d’Aussières take a two-pronged approach typical of medium-sized producers in Languedoc: craft two tiers of wines. One is fashioned primarily on local grapes—Carignan, Grenache, Mourvèdre and Syrah that thrive in the hot Mediterranean sun—with a focus on terroir; and the second is a line-up of competitively-priced international varietal wines which emphasize fruit. Mas believes there is room for both: “If you are at a scale like us, the bread and butter will always be our international varietal range, Arrogant Frog,” says Mas. “We also produce beautiful traditional wines under the Paul Mas label—these wines will always be a smaller part of the market, but they help us build our image” says Mas. “They appeal to consumers with palate maturity, the leaders of the wine business.” Ian Ribowsky, portfolio manager for Jean-Luc Colombo’s wines (another Rhône-based winemaker lured by the sunny south) believes varietal wines are an easier proposition in the U.S. until Languedoc appellations become more highly regarded; “France clearly sees the opportunity to move toward varietal wines that over-deliver. Their traditional wines are still important but only for the more visible ones as many appella-
tions are not a viable sell in the states.” Colombo’s La Violette wines from the Languedoc—a Viognier and a Syrah— were introduced in 2003 and retail for just under $14. Warner is convinced the Mediterranean varieties will only become more important as the region’s reputation improves: “We have come full circle from simple wines from our native grapes to exploring Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot, and then realizing that the climate here is ideal for our traditional grapes and the consumer likes these well-made, fruit-dominant spicy Mediterranean wines.”
Building Regional Awareness Part of the problem is that until recently, the Languedoc didn’t have a clear or helpful appellation system. In attempt to raise the status of certain high-performing regions, in July, a new appellation system for the region was confirmed by the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Languedoc (CIVL). It designates wines as “Grands Crus du Languedoc” and “Grands Vins du Languedoc” using already established regions. AOCs which are fully approved as Grands Crus are Corbières Boutenac, Minervois la Livinière, Saint Chinian Berlou and Saint Chinian Roquebrun; there are six more waiting approval. Described as a “marketing effort which will shape the region for the next 15 years and an effort to provide clarity to the consumer as to what Languedoc AOC wines have to offer,” it is a critical move in the right direction, believes Warner: “We need to simplify our appel-
Jean Claude Mas (left) crafts two tiers of wines with very different styles; the sub-region of Malepère.
lation system so we are competing with international wines—France’s problem for the past 20 years has been that it’s competing against itself.”
The Year of Languedoc For Bill Terlato of Terlato Wines International, who recently partnered with Michel Chapoutier to produce a red and white blend in Languedoc under the Marius label, it’s simply a question of quality and price: “We blind taste against a range of competitive products within the relative price range, which we believe is more important and relevant than the varietal or region of origin. The Marius wines represent a remarkable quality and value for the price.” Combine that with the new interest Mas has witnessed in the U.S. from consumers and distributors. “France has become sexy again,” he believes—and with the outstanding 2011 vintage, the Languedoc is on track for an even bigger boost in the next year. “If we can’t make great wines this year, we should all plant tomatoes,” Mas concludes. ■
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62 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
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0031B 0034B 0036B 0098B 0103B 0201B 0524B 0539D 0705B 0840B 0877L 0908B 1337B 1483B 1520B 1565B 1570B 1853B 1856B 1859B 2074B 2076D 2105D 2268B 2317B 2348B 2625B 2645B 2652B 2776B 2956L 3003B 3026B 3029B 3631B 3632B 3635B 3636B 4000B 4990B 4995B 5230B 5240L 5260B 5386B 5387B 5486D
Aberfeldy 12 Alchemia Chocolate Absolut Kurant Appleton Estate 21 Ardmore Pinch Haig Rhum Barbancourt Myers Dark Getreode Kml Belvedere 1X Bertagnolli Grappini Black Bush Bombora Boyd & Blair Bushmills Cabana Cachaca Cabin Fever Celtic Crossing Centenario Anejo Centanario Rosangl Clontarf Cluny Scotch JTS Brown Connemara Corzo Reposado Courvoisier Exclusif Dekuyper Rootbeer Dekuyper Melon Romama Black McGillicuddy Eristoff Vod Feckin Irish Firefly Raspberry Florentino Glenfarclas 105 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 21 Glenmore Astr Harlem Liq Jack Daniels Lucchesi Jack Daniels 160th BD J Walker Swing Cuervo Black Junior Johnson Hall of Fame Khortytsa Honey Pepper Khortytsa Platnum Korbel Brandy
Wholesale Wholesale Oct. Nov. SAVE! $44.10 $30.95 $13.15 $20.40 $14.75 $5.65 $16.90 $12.20 $4.70 $97.60 $74.10 $23.50 $36.10 $26.70 $9.40 $29.70 $20.75 $8.95 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $32.25 $22.85 $9.40 $11.65 $ 3.65 $8.00 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $22.00 $15.40 $6.60 $31.00 $21.60 $9.40 $16.90 $12.65 $4.25 $28.70 $20.20 $8.50 $35.45 $25.10 $10.35 $25.70 $19.10 $6.60 $16.85 $13.10 $3.75 $19.35 $13.70 $5.65 $47.45 $33.35 $14.10 $20.90 $14.30 $6.60 $17.60 $12.90 $4.70 $20.15 $10.75 $9.40 $26.50 $17.65 $8.85 $36.60 $29.10 $7.50 $43.30 $32.00 $11.30 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $20.00 $14.35 $5.65 $10.80 $7.05 $3.75 $13.20 $9.40 $3.80 $16.90 $13.15 $3.75 $14.30 $10.05 $4.25 $8.75 $4.05 $4.70 $69.00 $54.90 $14.10 $93.45 $69.95 $23.50 $103.95 $80.45 $23.50 $64.90 $46.10 $18.80 $16.40 $11.70 $4.70 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $23.90 $17.30 $6.60 $57.60 $41.65 $15.95 $26.95 $18.95 $8.00 $21.25 $15.60 $5.65 $25.40 $20.70 $4.70 $24.60 $19.90 $4.70 $20.55 $12.10 $8.45
5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B
TeNNeSSee WhiSKeY 0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B 2110D 3513B 3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B 4988L 4997B
JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S greeN JaCK DaNieL'S greeN geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geOrge BiCKeL OLD 48 geOrge riCKeL OLD #8 geOrge DiCKOL 12 geO. DiCKeL BarreL SeLeCT JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY JaCK DaNieL'S SiNgLe BarreL
Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux
$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70
$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40
$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30
rYe WhiSKeY $ 16.90 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 29.80 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 27.35 $ 48.50 $ 34.15 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 19.50 $ 29.80 $ 34.35
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 94.0
0090B 1503B 5117B 9631B 9833B
OLD OverhOLT BULLeiT 95 rYe JiM BeaM WiLD TUrKeY rYe WhiSKeY rUSSeLS reServe
0026D 0026L 0113B 0113D 0113L 0122B 0122D 0122L 0152B
OLD ThOMPSON OLD ThOMPSON KeSSLer KeSSLer KeSSLer BeaM'S eighT STar BeaM'S eighT SLar BeaM'S eighT STar SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN
$ 13.20 80.0 $ 19.55 90.0 $ 15.85 80.0 $ 19.35 101.0 $ 25.50 90.0
BLeNDeD WhiSKeY $ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30 $ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 9.95
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 63
0152D 0152L 0199D 0199L 2100D 2137D 3701L 3972D 3972L 4089D 4089L 5266B 5378B 6343L 8887B 8890B
SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeNaTOr'S CLUB SeNaTOr'S CLUB CaLverT eXLra iMPeriaL gOLD aWarD haiLer'S S.r.S. haLTerS S.r.S. gUCKeNheiMer gUCKeNheiMer Jr JOhNSON MiD MOON STraWB KeSSLer TraveLer MCCOrMiCK SeagraM'S 7 TraveLer SeagraM'S 7 DarK hONeY
0281B 0281D 0281B 0282B 0282L 0908B 1519B 1520B 2074B 2268B 3003B 4895B 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5085B 5212B 5384B 5388B 6574B 6576B 7721L 8294B 6383B 8384B 9026B 9317B 9317L
$ 19.95 $ 13.30 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 9.95 $ 12.60
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.0
$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 12.90 $ 29.10 $ 16.90 $ 14.80 $ 51.80 $261.15 $ 75.35 $ 34.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 17.20 $ 32.85 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 64.90 $ 20.35 $ 18.65 $ 25.45
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.50 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 16.65 $ 1165 $ 22.30 $ 9.25 $ 16.75 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 16.85 $ 13.60 $ 8.70 $ 6.60 $ 12.75 $ 14.05 $ 11.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 17.60 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L 9656B
NOrTherN LighT JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT PeNDLeTON riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v.0. gOLD SeagraM'S v.0. TraveLer WiNDSOr TraveLer WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiSer'S DeLUXe
0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 1490B 1491B 1655e 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2078B 2496B 2672B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3609B 5145B 5220B 5225B 5229B 6395B 7980D 8327D 8327L 8853D 9188B 9188D
PiNCh 15 Yr. DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNLe WaLKer reD USher'S greeN LaUDer'S LaUDer'S LaUDer'S graNT'S graNT'S OLD SMUggLer ODSMUggLer ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. CULLY SarK CULTY SarK CUTTY SarK WhiTe hOrSe JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK J&B rare J&B rare J&B rare graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh highLaND MiST highLaND MiST iNver hOUSe iNver hOUSe J.W. DaNT BaLLaNLiNe'S BUChaNaN DeLUXe BUChaNaN SPeCiaL reServe MaKerS MarK 200ML Chiv regaL SaLUTe 21 Yr Chiv regaL 25 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr. CLaN MaCgregOr CLaN MaCgregOr CLYNeLiSh DaLMOre 15 DeWar'SFOUNDerS reServe DeWar'S SigNaTUre DeWar'S SP. reS. 12 Yr. FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr. gLeN graNT JOhN Barr reD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe JOhNNie WaLKer BKL.100 aNNiv. JOhNNie WaiKer gOLD MCLvOr PaSSPOrT QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe SCOreSBY FaMOUS grOUSe 80 FaMOUS grOUSe 80
0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 0375B 0377B 0379B 0493B
aBerLOUr 12 Yr. aBerLOUr aBUNaDh aBerFeLDY aBerFeLDY 21 arDMOre arDBeg 10 Yr. aUCheNLOShaN3WOOD aUCheNLaShaN CLaSSiC aUChrOiSK BaLveNie SiNgLe BarreL 15 Yr.
iriSh WhiSKeY
CaNaDiaN WhiSKeY 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 1749D 2055B 2389B 2389D 2391B 2393B 2397B 4041D 4041L 4699D
SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO LOrD CaLverT MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST MaCNaUghTON CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT TraveLer BLaCK veLveT reServe BLaCK veLveT reServe CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv. CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer CaNaDiaN gOLD CaNaDiaN gOLD CaN. CLUB SherrY CaSK CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN MiST TraveLer CaNaDiaN reServe CLaSSiC 12 CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL CaSK NO.16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT
64 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
8.45 12.55 14.45 21.25 7.00 13.60 22.15 47.90 28.50 29.25 14.75 11.75 7.90 7.90 17.15 10.95 13.40
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
SCOTCh WhiSKeY $ 29.70 80.0 $ 20.25 80.0 $ 41.45 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 31.90 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 70.05 80.0 $ 42.40 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 25.60 86.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.35 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 82.30 80.0 $ 70.60 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 208.85 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 79.05 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 39.15 80.0
SiNgLe MaLT / SCOTCh $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
31.70 60.50 30.95 150.00 36.10 38.70 51.80 26.50 24.75 59.65
86.0 119.4 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 95.0
0497B 0504B 1481B 1488B 1498B 1751B 1759B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2500B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3615B 3620B 3625B 3632B 3634B 3635B 3640B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3654B 3655B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 5207B 5231B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6016B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6747B 6748B 7700B 8983B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9671B
BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr. $ 44.90 BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr. $ 137.55 BOWMOre LegeND $ 21.25 BUNNaheBhaiN $ 47.45 BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS $ 48.50 CaOL iLa 12-Yr. $ 46.95 CarDhU $ 37.75 CraggaNMOre $ 45.85 DeLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr. $ 117.60 DaLMOre 12 Yr. $ 38.70 DaLWhiNNie $ 55.30 DaLWhiNNie DiSTiLL eDiTiON $ 65.90 gLeNLiDDiCh 12 Yr. reServe $ 34.35 gLeN gariOCh $ 16.35 gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr. $ 48.30 gLeN SPeY $ 162.55 gLeNLiDDiCh SOLera 15 Yr. $ 43.95 gLeNLiDDiCh aNCieNT 18 Yr. $ 60.50 gLeNFarCLaS 17 Yr. $ 93.45 gLeNLiDDiCh 15 DiSTiLLerY eD. $ 51.80 gLeNFarCLaS 21 Yr. $ 103.95 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 63.15 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 63.15 gLeNLiveT 12 Yr. $ 32.60 gLeNhiveL $ 68.55 gLeNLiveL12 Yr. $ 44.65 gLeNLiveT arChive 21 Yr. $ 121.60 gLeNMOraNgie 10 Year OLD $ 34.35 gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr. $ 41.35 gLeNLiveL NaDUrra 16 Yr. $ 47.40 gLeNMOraNgieLaSaNLa $ 43.05 gLeNLiveLLDaDUrraTriUMPh $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie FiNeaLTa $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN $ 43.05 gLeNMOraNgTeNeCTar D'Or $ 56.15 gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe $ 40.45 gLeNrOTheS $ 67.75 highLaND ParK $ 36.10 highLaND ParK 18 $ 86.70 J. MCDOUgaLLS BLaDNOCh $ 44.55 JOhNNie WaLKer greeN $ 52.65 LagavULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 86.90 LagavULiN $ 75.60 LaPhrOaig 18 $ 61.60 LePhrOaigCaSK STreNgTh $ 55.45 LaPhrOaLg $ 37.85 MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgLh $ 56.15 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 45.70 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 90.35 MaCaLLaN 18 Yr. $ 131.20 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr. $ 37.25 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr. $ 69.75 MaCaLLaN aNNiverSarY $ 623.20 MaCaLLaN 30 Yr. $1,104.05 MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY $ 20.85 MCCLeLLaNDS highLaND $ 20.65 OBaN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 78.20 OBaN $ 63.25 OYO WhiSKeY $ 39.85 SiNgLeTON $ 34.40 SPeYBUrN $ 16.90 SPeYBUrN BraDeN OraCh $ 15.15 TaLiSKer $ 53.80 TaLiSKer DiSTiLLer eDiTiON $ 60.65 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TOMaTiN SCOTCh 12 $ 19.50 WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL $ 58.15 WOODSTONe CreeK SiNgLe PeaTeD MaLT WhSKY $ 103.95
0876B 1840B 3526B 5255B
BerNheiM OrigiNaL WheaT CaKFaDDY CarOLiNa MOONShiNe geOrgia MOON COrN WhiSKeY Jr. JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON
0051B 0084B 0089B 0341B 0453B 0456B 0461B 0461D 0461e 0461L 0462B 0463B 0463D 0463e 0463L 0464B 0464D
aLiZe COgNaC vS aNSaC vS COgNaC BeLa OSa aSBaCh UraLT BraNDY MeTaXa Five STar BraNDY COUrvOiSier vSOP COgNaC 4Yr heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S MarTeLL vS COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY
86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 66.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 102.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 112.4 92.0 96.0 86.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 111.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 93.0
OTher WhiSKeY $ $ $ $
25.60 17.75 10.10 17.75
90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
16.90 17.75 7.05 24.05 18.65 29.00 27.35 64.20 24.00 35.90 23.90 34.35 85.15 27.75 47.25 9.90 17.35
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
0469B 0469D 0469L 0470B 0470D 0470L 0479B 0480B 0480D 0480L 0481B 0481D 0481L 0482B 0482D 0482L 0483B 0483D 0488B 0488D 0488L 0490B 0668B 0682B 0696B 0711B 0863B 0874B 0877L 1577B 1618e 1623B 1623e 1625e 1629e 1630e 1642e 1644e 1665e 1666e 1669e 1670e 1671e 2018B 2020B 2023B 2265B 2335B 2348B 2349B 2350B 2728B 2850B 2871B 2871D 2871L 2873B 2873D 2873L 2875B 2876B 2877B 2954B 4011B 4074B 4074L 4076B 4080B 4084e 4087B 4092B 4092L 4103B 4944B 4998B 5001B 5486B 5486D 5509B 5510B 5512B 5532B 5871B 6072L 6095B 6259B 6267B 6270B 6525B 6545B 6603B 7816B 7976B 7976D 7993B 8354B 8386B 8389B 8394B
PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY LairDS aPPLe JaCK 6Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY DeKUYPer BLaCKBerrY BraNDY arrOW BLaCKBrrY BDY DeK aPriCOT BDY ParaMOUNT PeaCh BDY Mr BOSTON BLaCKBerrY BrNDY NaviP SLivOviTZ 8Yr reMY MarTiN LOUiS X111 BerTagNOLLi graPPiNO CaLvaDOS BLD grND aPPL BDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS aMBer 200ML CONJUre COgNaC CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier vS 200ML 2Yr e&J vS 2 200ML e&J vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vS FLaSK PaUL MaSSON vS 200 3Yr PaUL MaSSON vSOP 200ML 4Yr reMY MarTiN vS 200ML reMY MarTiN vSOP 200ML reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOr ChriSTiaN BrOS FrOST WhiTe ChriSTiaN BrO grN rSv vSOP ChriSTiaN BrO hONeY CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier XO COgNaC COUrvOiSier eXCLUSiF 4Yr COUrvOiSier 12 COUrvOiSier 21 DON PeDrO reServa eSPeCiaL DUJarDiN vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e&J e&J e&J e & J SUPeriOr rS vSOP TraveLer e & J TraveLer BDY e & J XO eXCeLLeNTia gOLD SLiv BraNDY harDY vS heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY riCharD heNNeSSY ParaDiS heNNeSSY v S 200ML heNNeSSY vS hiSTOriC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY X O J C COgNaC vSOP JaCQUe CarDiN graPe FraNCe POLi PO TraMiNar graPPa KOrBeL KOrBeL LairDS aPPLe BraNDY 100 LairDS rare aPPLe BraNDY LairDS OLD aPPLe BraNDY 90MO LaNDY vS COgNaC LerOUX POLiSh BLaCKBerrY MaNaSTirKa MaraSKa SLivOviTZ KOSher MarTeLL COrDON BLeU COgNaC MarTeLL XO 12Yr MarTeLL vSOP MeUKOW v.S. MeTaXa aMPhOra 7 STar MOLeTTO graPPa D'NeBBiOLO ParaMOUNT giNger BraNDY PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PreSiDeNTe BraNDY raYNaL NaPOLeON vSOP reMY MarTiN eXTra reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOrD reMY MarTiN XO eXCeLLeNCe
$ 10.80 $ 19.90 $ 12.80 $ 10.60 $ 19.70 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 25.60 $ 48.40 $ 33.40 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 11.50 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 10.85 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 10.55 $ 7.90 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $ 1953.60 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 8.55 $ 6.40 $ 2.90 $ 3.15 $ 11.60 $ 7.70 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 6.80 $ 9.45 $ 12.90 $ 10.60 $ 10.80 $ 11.65 $ 28.25 $ 88.05 $ 24.00 $ 43.05 $217.55 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 13.70 $ 10.50 $ 21.65 $ 12.35 $ 10.65 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 34.35 $ 44.65 $2971.70 $ 597.90 $ 8.60 $ 27.35 $ 36.95 $ 56.00 $125.95 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 28.45 $ 9.05 $ 20.55 $ 20.40 $ 56.15 $ 22.15 $ 18.65 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 22.10 $ 86.65 $112.85 $ 28.20 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 7.40 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 11.65 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $112.85
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NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 65
8405B 8648B 9736B
reMY MarTiN vS graND CrU SaLigNaC ZUTa OSa
0193L 0303D 0304D 0304L 0305D 0305e 0305L 0308B 0308D 0308L 0313B 0313D 0313e 0313L 0319D 0319L 0320D 0322B 0322D 0322L 0326B 0326D 0326e 0326L 0327D 0327L 0329D 0330D 0330L 0339B 0339D 0339L 0340L 0563D 0563L 0962B 1324B 1327B 1327D 1327L 1369B 1495B 1522B 1659e 1660e 1673e 1680e 1760B 3555B 3728B 3780B 4073B 4073D 6379D 6062B 6379D 6379L 6444D 6690L 6716B 6716D 6716L 7868D 7868L 8235B 8235D 8274B 8436B 8883B 8889B 8889D 8900B 8902B 8905B 8905D 8905L 8914B 8995B 8995D 8995L 9072B 9153B 9157B 9195L 9504B 9604B 9669B 9669e
ariSTOCraT giN FLeiSChMaNNS giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN CaLverT giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN gLeNMOre giN gLeNMOre giN BOOThS giN haLLerS giN haLLerS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN SeNaTOrS CLUB giN 4Yr BarTON giN BarTON giN BLUeCOaT giN BOMBarDier MiLiTarY BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOODLeS BriTiSh giN BrOKerS giN BUrNeTTS giN TraveLer ParaMOUNT giN NeW aMSTerDaM 200ML SeagraMS eXTra DrY 200 TaNQUeraY giN 200ML CaOrUNN giN giLBeYS giN TraveLer NOLeTS SiLver giN gOrDONS TraveLer heNDriCK'S giN heNDriCK'S giN MC COrMiCK giN MageLLaN MC COrMiCK giN MC COrMiCK giN MeierS NO 94 giN Mr BOSTON eNgLiSh MrKT giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN ParaMOUNT giN 80 ParaMOUNT giN 80 PiNNaCLe giN PiNNaCLe giN PLYMOUTh giN righT giN SeagraMS aPPLe TWST giN SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraM eXTra DrY gN Trv SeagraM'S graPe giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS OraNge TWiST giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN SMOOTh aMBLer greeNBrier TaNQUeraY NO 10 TaNQUeraY raNgPUr 3 iSLaNDS giN WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY giN WhiTLeY NeiLL giN WOODSTONe CreeK giN WOODSTONe CreeK giN
$ 23.90 $ 16.90 $ 29.35
80.0 80.0 90.0
$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 12.35 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 22.05 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 21.25 $ 5.75 $ 17.65 $ 40.60 $ 26.45 $ 14.30 $ 15.15 $ 6.90 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.15 $ 28.25 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 29.10 $ 59.85 $ 12.85 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.45 $ 16.50 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 22.95 $ 23.90 $ 9.05 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 6.45 $ 14.45 $ 8.85 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 19.40 $ 9.75 $ 24.65 $ 21.10 $ 28.70 $ 5.70
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0
66 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
0065B 0065D 0065L 0077B 0094B 0095B 0096B 0097B 0098B 0099B 0099D 0197L 0355B 0390B 0392B 0394B 0397B 0400B 0401B 0401L 0402B 0405B 0405D 0412B 0412D 0412L 0420B 0420L 0422B 0425B 0432B 0439B 0441B 0444e 0447B 0448B 0501D 0501L 0502D 0502L 0510B 0510L 0512B 0512D 0512L 0524B 0536D 0536L 0537B 0537D 0537L 0539B 0539D 0539L 0544B 0544D 0544e 0544L 0869B 0899B 0947B 0965D 0965L 1010B 1010e 1494B 1550L 1565B 1656e 1755B 1755D 1755e 1755L 1757B 1757D 1758B 1762B 1763B 1766L 1768B 1769B 1772L 1827D 1827L 1829B 1829D 1829L 1838B 1838L 2067B 2069B 2315B 2388B 2398L 2400L 2401L 2402L 2403L 2415B
aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON CherrY aPPLeTON eSTaTe eXTra 12Yr aPPLeTON WhiTe rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe reServe aPPLeTON SPeCiaL gOLD rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe 21 aPPLeTON vX aPPLeTON vX ariSTOCraT rUM aTLaNTiCO BaCarDi 8 rUM 8Yr BaCarDi arCTiC graPe BaCarDi Big aPPLe BaCarDi gOLD reServe BaCarDi COCO rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi gOLD TraveLer BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi OaKhearT BaCarDi PeaCh reD BaCarDi raZZ rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr TraveLer BaCarDi graND MeLON BaCarDi MULTi-FLavOreD PaK BaCarDi TOrCheD CherrY BaCarDi rOCK COCONUT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON DarK Mr BOSTON DarK BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BarBaNCOUrT reS. SPeCiaLe rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi aNeJO BLaCK BearD SPiCeD rUM BLaCKhearT PreM SPiCeD rUM BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa 10 CaNe rUM 10 CaNe rUM BrUgaL aNeJO rUM CaLiCO JaCK SPiCeD rUM CaBaNa CaChaCa LaDY BLigh SPiCeD CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 TrvL CaPTaiN MOrgaN TraveLer rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN LiMe BiTe CaPT MOrgaN ParrOT BaY COCONT CaPTaiN MOrgaN SLvr SPiCe CaPTaiN MOrgaN PvT STOCK CaPTaiN MOrgaN TaTTOO CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CLeMeNT CreOLe ShrUBB CLeMeNT vSOP COrUBa SPiCeD CrUSOe OrgaNiC SPiCeD rUM CrUZaN 151 PrF rUM CrUZaN BLaCK CherrY CrUZaN BaNaNNa CrUZaN PiNeaPPLe CrUZaN BLaCKSTraP CrUZaN eSTaTe DiaMOND
$ 7.05 $ 13.60 $ 8.00 $ 7.05 $ 19.65 $ 11.40 $ 19.50 $ 14.05 $ 74.10 $ 14.25 $ 24.95 $ 7.50 $ 25.60 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 7.50 $ 14.80 $ 14.10 $ 10.55 $ 16.75 $ 10.55 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 10.55 $ 12.35 $ 4.95 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 17.65 $ 22.80 $ 10.55 $ 22.05 $ 16.75 $ 13.95 $ 16.70 $ 11.25 $ 8.75 $ 19.35 $ 11.45 $ 15.70 $ 22.85 $ 20.05 $ 10.55 $ 22.05 $ 8.80 $ 16.75 $ 15.85 $ 12.50 $ 12.55 $ 14.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.25 $ 10.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.00 $ 19.10 $ 3.80 $ 14.50 $ 28.05 $ 8.75 $ 18.30 $ 17.70 $ 30.75 $ 17.70 $ 14.50 $ 14.50 $ 17.55 $ 14.50 $ 19.15 $ 17.75 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 7.05 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 6.50 $ 8.65 $ 29.95 $ 34.30 $ 4.25 $ 29.45 $ 17.45 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 14.25 $ 14.95
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2416L 2417B 2418B 2419L 2421L 2422B 2423B 2423D 2424L 2425B 2734B 3787B 5209B 5488B 5488D 5493L 5495L 5498B 5499B 5499D 5499L 5500L 5502L 5503L 5504L 5505B 6068B 6069B 6069D 6069L 6360D 6360L 6441D 6441L 6442D 6442L 6643D 6651B 6652B 6652D 6653B 6654B 6699L 7692B 7722B 7730L 7788L 7835B 7835D 7835L 7836B 7836D 7836L 7839L 8326B 8330B 8331B 8332B 8333B 8475B 8500B 8502B 8533D 8645B 8645D 8645L 8646B 8881B 8882B 9065B 9229B 9230B 9307L 9570B 9675B 9729B
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0018B 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 1474B 0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D
aBerLOUr 18 Yr aBerLOUr 12 Yr SM aBerLOUr a'BUNaDh aBerFeLDY 12 Yr aBerFeLDY 21 Yr arDMOre SCOTCh arDBeg 10Yr SiNgLe MaLT BOWMOre 12 Yr PiNCh - haig 15 Yr DeWarS DeWarS DeWarS DeWarS JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr USherS greeN STriPe LaUDerS 3 Yr LaUDerS 3 Yr
$ 6.80 $ 18.45 $ 9.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 12.75 $ 9.65 $ 14.40 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 15.35 $ 9.30 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 13.40 $ 14.30 $ 13.40 $ 24.95 $ 16.70 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 34.35 $ 15.15 $ 26.70 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 10.70 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 10.70 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 25.60 $ 12.55 $ 15.85 $ 15.15 $ 28.40 $ 18.45 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60
55.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 151.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 80.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 126.0 80.0
$ 33.50 $ 31.70 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70 $ 38.70 $ 39.55 $ 29.70 $ 19.40 $ 39.70 $ 21.15 $ 27.35 $ 21.15 $ 42.40 $ 27.35 $ 22.25 $ 8.05 $ 17.55
86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 0281B 0281D 0281L 0282B 0282L 0375B 0377B 0493B 0496B 0497B 0504B 0908B 1481B 1486B 1488B 1490B 1498B 1519B 1520B 1636e 1648e 1751B 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2074B 2078B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3003B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3620B 3625B 3633B 3634B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3650e 3654B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 4895B 4895L 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5145B 5145D 5207B 5212B 5220B
LaUDerS 3 Yr graNTS STaND FaST graNTS STaND FaST OLD SMUggLer OLD SMUggLer ChivaS regaL ChivaS regaL ChivaS regaL CUTTY SarK CUTTY SarK CUTTY SarK WhiTe hOrSe JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr J & B rare J & B rare J & B rare graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr highLaND MiST 3 Yr highLaND MiST 3 Yr iNverhOUSe 3 Yr iNverhOUSe 3 Yr J W DaNT SCOTCh BaLLaNTiNeS JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY aUCheNTOShaN 3 WOOD SMS aUCheNTOShaN CLaSSiC SMS BaLveNie SiNgLe 15Yr BaLveNie 14 CariBBeaN CaSK BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr BLaCK BUSh iriSh WhSKY BOWMOre LegeND SMS BUNNahaBhaiN reD SeaL BUNNahaBhaiN 12 Yr BUChaNaN DeLUXe 12 SCOTCh BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS BUShMiLLS 16 Yr SiNgLe MaLT BUShMiLLS 10 Yr iriSh gLeNFiDDiCh 45 COMBO JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY CaOL iLa 12 Yr SCOTCh ChivaS regaL SaLUTe 21Yr ChivaS regaL 25 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh CLONTarF CLaSSiC BLeND CLYNeLiSh CraggaNMOre SNgL MaLT SCOT 12 Yr DaLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr DaLMOre 12 DaLWhiNNie SNgL MaLT SCOTC 15 Yr DeWar'S SigNaTUre DeWarS SPeC rSv 12 Yr BLN SCOTCh FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr FeCKiN iriSh WhSKY gLeNFiDDiCh SPeC reS 12 Yr gLeN gariOCh gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh SOLer rSv 15 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh aNCNT rSv 18 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh graND reServa gLeNFiDDiCh 15Yr DiSTLY eDiTiON gLeNLiveT 18 Year gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT arChive 86 21 Yr gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr gLeNLiveT NaDUrra 16 Yr gLeNMOraNgie LaSaNTa gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr - 100ML gLeNLiveT NaDUrra TriUM 91 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN gLeNMOraNgie NeCTar D Or gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe gLeNrOTheS SCOTCh highLaND ParK SNgL MaLT 12Yr highLaND ParK 18Y iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY JaMeSON gOLD JaMeSON viNTage reS. JaMeSON 18 Yr JaMeSON 12 Yr JOhN Barr reD JOhN Barr reD J. MCDOUgaLS BLaDNOCh JOhN POWer & SON iriSh gLD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe
$ 10.35 80.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 31.90 80.0 $ 18.80 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 58.10 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 69.15 80.0 $ 43.00 80.0 $ 18.95 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.70 80.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 9.55 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 10.35 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 44.10 80.0 $ 29.80 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 28.90 80.0 $ 49.20 86.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 60.50 95.6 $ 51.80 86.0 $ 44.90 86.0 $137.55 86.0 $ 31.00 80.0 $ 23.00 80.0 $ 87.80 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 29.20 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 58.65 80.0 $ 35.45 80.0 $ 42.80 82.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 44.30 86.0 $156.85 80.0 $218.90 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 31.05 92.0 $ 48.30 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 $189.75 86.0 $ 26.45 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 46.60 86.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 68.55 80.0 $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 41.35 80.0 $ 47.40 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 25.85 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 38.80 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 37.85 86.0 $107.00 86.0 80.0 $ 17.65 $ 27.95 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 173.90 92.0 $ 77.95 80.0 $ 36.95 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 24.90 80.0 $ 77.45 111.6 $ 16.90 80.0 $203.95 80.0
NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 67
5222B 5225B 5229B 5231B 5384B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6018B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6395B 6574B 6576B 6747B 6748B 7480B 7721L 7980D 8327D 8327L 8480B 8383B 8853D 8983B 9026B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9150B 9188B 9188D 9317B 9317L 9605B 9606B
JOhNNie WaLKer DOUBLe BLaCK JOhNNY WaLKer BLK 100 aNNiveSarY JOhNNie WaLKer gOLD 18 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer grN KiLBeggaN LagavaULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. LagavaULiN SiNgLe MaLT 16 Yr LaPhrOaig 18 Yr LaPhrOaig CaSK STreNgTh 10 Yr LaPhrOaig SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgTh SMS MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 18 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr MaCaLLaN 25 Yr MaCaLLaN 30 Yr MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY MCCLeLLaNDS highLND MCivOr SCOTCh MiDLeTON MiChaeL COLLiNS BLeNDeD OBaN DiSTiLLerS aDDiTiON OBaN SiNgLe MaLT 14 OLD PULTeNeY 12 Yr PaDDY iriSh WhiSKeY PaSSPOrT SCOTCh QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe rOgUe MaLT WhiSKeY reDBreaST iriSh WhiSKeY 12 Yr SCOreSBY SCOTCh SiNgLeTON SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr SLaNe CaSTLe SPeYBUrN SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr SPeYBUrN BraDaN OraCh TaLiSKer SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr TaMDhU SCOTCh WhiSKeY 10 Yr FaMOUS grOUSe FaMOUS grOUSe TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND WiLD SCOTSMaN 15 Yr WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL
0038L 0039B 0040B 0048B 0050B 0093L 0371B 0372B 0373B 0374B 0487B 1544B 1545B 1546B 1628e 1662e 1664e 1674e 1676e 1810B 1846B 1847B 1848B 1857B 1858B 1859B 1860B 1862B 2280B 2281B 2282B 2306B 2317B 2318B 2410B 2410D 2410e 2410L 2411B 2411D 2411L 2721B 2721e 2722B 2722D 2724B 2725B 2726B 2760B 2761B
agavaLeS TeQUiLa gOLD 110 agaverO OraNge TeQUiLa agave LOCO agavaLeS gOLD 80 aLieN TeQUiLa SiLver aQUi vaMOS TeQ BLaNCO aSOMBrOSO SiLver aviON aNeJO aviON rePOSaDO aviON SiLver BaLUarTe TeQUiLa CaBO WaBO aNeJO CaBO WaBO BLaNCO CaBO WaBO rePOSaDO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver 200 PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver 200ML SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa PaTrON rePOSaDO CaSa NOBLe CrYSTaL CaZaDOreS aNeJO CaZaDOreS BLaNCO CaZaDOreS rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO PLaTa CeNTeNariO rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO rOSaNgeL CeNTeNariO TeNaMPa aZUL ChaMUCOS rePOSaDO eSP TeQ COraZON TeQUiLa aNJeO COraZON BLaNCO COraZON rePOSaDO COrONaDO TeQUiLa COrZO rePOSaDO COrZO SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO rePOSaDO DON JULiO reaL DON JULiO 70Th aNNiverSarY DOS LUNaS SiLver DOS MaNOS BLaNCO
$39.50 $ 36.85 $ 74.60 $ 52.65 $ 14.30 $ 86.90 $ 78.25 $ 61.60 $ 55.45 $ 34.30 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 71.85 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 120.30 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 60.70 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 43.05 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 51.80 $ 58.15
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$ 15.55 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 12.55 $ 45.30 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 30.00 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 34.95 $ 22.05 $ 26.45 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 42.65 $ 31.50 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 32.00 $ 35.50 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 11.95 $ 21.70 $ 24.60 $ 36.30 $ 29.80 $ 21.95 $ 26.65 $ 43.70 $ 79.05 $ 45.20 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40
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68 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
2883B 2884B 2885B 2891B 2899B 2900B 2903B 2903D 2903L 2905B 2907B 2908B 2909B 2910B 2911B 2914B 2916B 2916D 2917B 2917D 2926B 2926D 2926L 2927B 2927D 2927L 2937B 2940B 2996B 2997B 3820B 4109B 4114B 4115B 5240L 5243B 5244B 5247B 5247D 5247e 5247L 5249L 5250L 5253B 5254L 5497B 5497D 5497L 5501B 5501D 5501L 6001B 6002B 6003B 6004B 6005B 6058B 6110B 6112B 6117B 6118B 6119B 6119D 6345L 6580B 6584B 6585B 6586B 6588B 6642B 6645L 6647L 6649L 6731B 6863B 6864B 6865B 6866B 6867B 6868B 7979B 7982B 7982D 7984B 7984D 7985B 8063B 8280B 8281B 8440D 8440L 8442L 8717B 8718B 8719B 8719L 8721B 8722B 8723B
eL arCO aNeJO eL arCO BLaNCO eL arCO rePOSaDO eL CaBaLLO eSTreLLa MiXTO eL CharrO rePOSaDO eL CharrO SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 SeLeCT SiLver eL graDO BLaNCO 1800 COLLeCTiON eXTra aNeJO eL MaYOr aNeJO eL MaYOr BLaNCO eL MaYOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr aNeJO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eSPOLON BLaNCO eSPOLON rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa SiLver graN PaTrON PLaTiNUM TeQ herraDUra aNeJO herraDUra rePOSaDO herraDUra SiLver CUervO BLaCK MeDaLLiON CUervO TraDiCiONaL 1800 aNeJO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver JUareZ SiLver JUareZ gOLD CUervO PLaTiNO JUareZ gOLD DSS La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ LUNa NUeva aNeJO LUNa NUeva rePOSaDO LUNa NUeva SiLver LUNaZUL BLaNCO LUNaZUL rePOSaDO MaeSTrO DOBeL MargariTaviLLe iSLaND LiMe MargariTaviLLe TrOP TaNger MargariTaviLLe LaST MaNgO MargariTaviLLe TeQ SiLver MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MaTaDOr gOLD TeQ MiLagrO SiLver MiLagrO aNeJO MiLagrO rePOSaDO MiLagrO SBr reP MiLagrO SBr SiLver MONTe aLBaN TeQUiLa MONTeZUMa BLUe MONTeZUMa WhiTe - MeXiCO MONTeZUMa gOLD – MeXiCO 901 SiLver TeQUiLa vOODOO TiKi aNeJO vOODOOTiKi BLUe DragON vOODOOTiKi DeSerT rOSe vOODOOTiKi greeN DragON vOODOOTiKi PLaTiNUM vOODOOTiKi raPOSaDO ParTiDa BLaNCO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver PaTrON SiLver PaTrON rePOSaDO PePe LOPeZ gOLD POrFiDiO PLaTa POrFiDiO SiLver riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe gOLD CieN aNOS BLaNCO CieN aNOS rePOSaDO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa TreS geN PLaTa TeQ. SaUZa TreS geNer aNeJO SaUZa eXTra gOLD
$ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 36.30 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 33.95 $ 1556.30 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 12.55 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 12.55 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 26.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 6.30 $ 21.70 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 9.25 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 15.20 $ 15.15 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 23.85 $ 34.35 $ 26.50 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 43.05 $ 49.80 $110.05 $ 42.80 $ 92.45 $ 43.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 15.85 $ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 35.20 $ 39.60 $ 13.20
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8723D 8723L 8727B 8733B 8734B 8734D 8737B 8739L 8860B 8861B 8862B 8863B 8931B 8932B 8942B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9737B
SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa CONMeMOraTivO SaUZa hOrNiTOS aNeJO SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa BLUe SiLver SaUZa girO SiLver SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 1 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 3 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL rePOSaDO SCOrPiaN MeZCaL SiLver SeNOr FrOgS PLaTa SeNOr FrOgS rePOSaDO SeMeNTiaL SiLver TeQ TaraNTULa aZUL TaraNTULa rePOSaDO TaraNTULa LiMe TaraNTULa STaWBerrY SaUZa hOrNiTOS rePOSaDO TeQUiLa rePOSaDO TeQUiLa SiLver TeQ OChO PLaTa LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO rePOSaDO LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO aNeJO eXT eL vegL TeQ OChO aNeJO SaN aUgUSTN TeQUiLa 30 - 30 rePOSaDO 3 iSLaND WhiTe TeQUiLa Tierra'S aNeJO Tierra'S BLaNCO Tierra'S rePOSaDO TOrTiLLa SiLver TOrTiLLa gOLD TreS riOS SiLver TreS riOS rePOSaDO TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa gOLD TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa WhiTe ZaPOPaN rePOSaDO
$ 26.40 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 24.65 $ 19.35 $ 33.65 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 16.75 $ 13.45 $ 12.75 $ 12.75 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 19.30 $ 9.75 $ 29.95 $ 25.60 $ 27.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 7.65
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$ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 14.75 $ 12.20 $ 16.90 $ 17.25 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 20.40 $ 17.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 18.90 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 15.35 $ 16.90 $ 24.60 $ 6.75 $ 16.90 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 24.60 $ 42.20 $ 24.60 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 25.60 $ 7.10 $ 8.20 $ 14.85 $ 10.70 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 46.75 $ 34.15 $ 24.00 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 25.60 $ 20.95 $ 23.90 $ 17.35 $ 14.30 $ 24.95 $ 9.00 $ 9.95 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 5.15
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NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 69
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70 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
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9220B 9227B 9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9236B 9367B 9370B 9371B 9371D 9372B 9372D 9372L 9373B 9374B 9375B 9376B 9377B 9378B 9380B 9381B 9382B 9385B 9428B 9446B 9448B 9449B 9450D 9456B 9456D 9738B 9467B 9472D 9472L 9505B 9565B 9672B 9673B 9738B
360 3 OLiveS raNgTaNg 3 OLiveS raNgTaNg 360 DOUBLe ChOCOLaTe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe 3 OLive DUDe vODKa 360 MaNDariN OraNge ULTiMaT vDK U v CaKe vODKa U v BLUe raSPBerrY U v BLUe raSPBerrY Uv Uv Uv U v graPe vDK U v PiNK LeMONaDe U v CherrY U v 103 U v COCONUT vDK UrSUS PUNCh Uv SWeeT greeN Tea UrSUS BLUe raSPBerrY UrSUS OrigiNaL vaMPYre reD veSiCa vODKa vaN gOgh DUTCh CaraMeL vaN gOgh DOUBLe eSPreSSO vaN gOgh eSPreSSO viKiNgFJOrD vaN gOgh vaN gOgh ZODiaC vOLi vODKa LYTe vOX vOX WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY vODKa WhiTe DiaMOND CiNCiNNaTi MiCrO-vODKa CiNCiNNaTi vODKa 100 ZODiaC
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$ 15.15 $ 35.20 $ 19.40 $ 25.55 $ 10.40 $ 5.55 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.30 $ 24.35 $ 13.25 $ 7.45 $ 28.20 $ 10.00 $ 9.55 $ 28.20 $ 32.65 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.90 $ 9.65 $ 3.65 $ 23.90 $ 7.05 $ 14.40 $ 7.40 $ 14.05 $ 20.40 $ 25.60 $ 19.50 $ 15.15 $30.15 $ 22.85 $ 16.00 $ 16.90 $ 11.25 $ 23.65 $ 10.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.80 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 13.70 $ 29.85 $ 52.10 $ 30.40 $ 72.90 $ 43.90
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COrDiaL 0017B 0029B 0041B 0041L 0053B 0071B 0124B 0125B 0551B 0552B 0557D 0557L 0565B 0580L 0583L 0600B 0608B 0662B 0664B 0666B 0672B 0673B 0674B 0675B 0691B 0701B 0705B 0707B 0717B 0717D 0717L 0721B 0798B 0881B 0887B 0893B 0893D 0893L 0910B 0948B 1188B 1501B 1637e 1783B 1784B 1815B 1840B 1853B 1855B 1914B 2098B 2098D 2098L
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NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 71
2101B 2108B 2274B 2405B 2405L 2503B 2528B 2529B 2566B 2605B 2613L 2614B 2624B 2624L 2644B 2645B 2649B 2652B 2690B 2690L 2691B 2944B 2950B 3024B 3077B 3092B 3093B 3602B 3630B 3821B 3851B 3852B 3860B 3864B 3902B 4000B 4003B 3602B 4914B 5054D 5054L 5105B 5251L 5254L 5303B 5315B 5566B 5571B 6000B 6334B 6567B 6705L 6708B 6720L 6734B 6735B 6736B 6739B 7713B 7715B 7723B 7724B 7729B 7729D 7729L 7735B 7824L 7870D 7870L 7901B 7981L 7986B 8228B 8249L 8282B 8302B 8324L 8639B 8670B 8673B 8852L 8892B 9214B 9311B 9354B 9410B 9630B 9630L 9707B 9733B
gaLLiaNO L'aUTeNTiCO iriSh MiST COPa De OrO MeX COFFee LiQ LiCOr 43 LiCOr 43 DaNNY DeviTOS LiMONCeLLO DeK BLUe CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK CreMe De BaNaNa COrD DeK CreMe De aLMOND COrD DeK haZeLNUT COrD DeK OraNge CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK PeaCh BraNDY DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK 03 OraNge DeK MeLON COrDiaL DeK WiLD STraWBerrY COrDiaL rOMaNa BLaCK COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU NOir evaN WiLLiaMS CherrY reSv evaN WiLLiaMS hONeY reSv FireBaLL CiNNaMON WhiSKeY FragOLi LiQUeUr W/STraWBrY aMareTTO Di aMOre gaNTOUS & aBOUraaD gLarOS OUZO gLeNgOYNe 10 graNgaLa TriPLe OraNge graND MarNier CeNTCiNQUaNT graND MarNier CUvee CeNTNr graND MUrieL OraNge LiQUer graNDe aBSeNTe greeN MOON harLeM LiQUeUr harLeQUiN gLarOS OUZO iSLe OF JUra SUPerSTiTiON JagerMeiSTer JagerMeiSTer JereMiah WeeD LiQUeUr JUareZ TriPLe SeC JUareZ gOLD DSS KahLUa eSPeCiaL COFFee KaMOra COFFee LQr LeBLON CaChaCa Le TOUrMeNT verT LUCiD aBSiNThe MaTa hari aBSiNThe BOheMia MeTaXa OUZO greeCe NaSSaU rOYaLe NavaN 80 N Y LONg iSLaND iCeD Tea 99 aPPLeS 99 BaNaNaS 99 graPeS 99 PeaCheS NUMBer 12 OUZO Nv La Fee aBSiNThe verTe PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO giFT ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT CreMe De BaNaNa ParaMOUNT SOUr aPPLe Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea ParaMOUNT MeLON PaTrON CiTrONge PaTrON X O CaFe PiMMS CUP #1 giN SLiNg eNg PiTU CaChaCa PLOMari QUZO PriCharDS SWeeT LUCY BBN PUNCh aBrUZZO SaBrOSO Di CaFe COFFee LiQ SaMBUCa Di aMOre SaMBUCa rOMaNa SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer ThUNDer 101 PePPerMT SChNP TUaCa DeMi SeC TY KU SUPer PreMiUM SOJU veev aCai LiQUeUr WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY YOKaiChi MUgi ZWaCK
0010B 0676B 0681L 0697D 0697L 0917B
$ 30.00 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 21.25 $ 10.55 $ 9.90 $ 2.25 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 7.55 $ 10.55 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 39.50 $ 18.95 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 13.40 $ 15.85 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 38.70 $ 16.90 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 26.30 $ 16.40 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.40 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 18.75 $ 34.80 $ 7.40 $ 14.25 $ 14.25 $ 8.60 $ 14.25 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 18.75 $ 18.75 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 9.05 $ 28.95 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 15.15 $ 14.70 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.00 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 23.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.65
84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0
$ 17.85 $ 7.00 $ 11.45 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 20.45
80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0
72 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
0917L 1130B 2588L 2619B 2620L 2625B 2776B 2782B 3017B 3017L 3709B 3709L 3736B 3737B 4863B 4870B 5922B 6009B 6735B 7762L 7862B 7862L 8263B 8632B 8633B 8633L 9054B 9082B 9727B 9727D 9727L
$ 25.70 $ 15.15 $ 11.45 $ 11.20 $ 11.45 $ 7.55 $ 7.05 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 25.70 $ 14.25 $ 14.25 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 43.00 $ 20.45 $ 20.45 $ 25.70 $ 16.90 $ 14.05 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.35
80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.25 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 12.30 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 14.95 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 14.95 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 39.65 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $10.95
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
CaNaDiaN 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1627e 1704D 1704L 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 2055B 2389B 2391B 2393B 2397B 3071B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9084B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L
SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr LOrD CaLverT 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN MaCNaUghTON CNDN 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT TraveLer 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv WhSK CrOWN rOYaL 200ML CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer 6 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB ShrY CaSK 8Yr CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer 3Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST TrvLr CaNaDiaN CLUB CLaSSiC 12Yr CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL CaSK #16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe FOrTY CreeK BarreL SeLeCT harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT CaNaDiaN PeNDLeTON CaNaDiaN riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v O gOLD 8 Yr SeagraMS v O CNDN Trv 6 Yr SPiCeBOX CNDN SPiCeD WhSKY WiNDSOr SUPreMe TraveLer 3Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr
viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS FOr The reCOrD
LiQUOr CONTrOL COMMiSSiON viOLaTiONS & PeNaLTieS for on premise retailers (Orders issued July and September 2011) aKrON: KC’s 3rd Base Sports Bar inc. dba 3rd Base Sports Bar: possession of a gambling device; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers / refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary - $700 or 7 days; iBPOe of W Lodge 1594 Pride of rubbertown: sale of beer to a non-member; allowing beer sold for on premise consumption to be removed from the permit premises - $300 or 3 days aShLaND: Joseph F & Cheryl Krause dba Bull Shooters: two counts of each of the following: possession of a gambling device; possession of an electronic video gaming device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $1,000 or 10 days aShviLLe: Kirk enterprises LLC dba Pa Pa Joe’s Pizza: giving away of beer or intoxicating liquor with the purchase of a thing of value; furnishing intoxicating liquor to an intoxicated person; sale of intoxicating liquor to an intoxicated person - $1,000 or 6 days aTheNS: Courtside Pizza inc. dba Courtside Pizza: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 3 days BeaCh CiTY: John g. McCune
dba Southsides Beach City amvets: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $100 or 1 day BrOOK ParK: 15200 Corp: allowing patrons to solicit something of value, to wit, dances and drinks - $800 or 8 days CeNTerviLLe: City Barbeque inc. dba City Barbeque: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days CiNCiNNaTi: iBPOe of W Lodge 1596 royal Knights: two counts of consumption of beer after hours allowed under liquor permit; - $400 or 4 days; Tan Brothers enterprises inc. dba rong Tans: failure to notify DoLC of the expansion or diminution of the permit premises; allowing beer sold for on premise consumption to be removed from the permit premises - $200 or 2 days; Cincinnati S i Co a Limited Partnership dba Cincinnati Towers: sale of spirituous liquor to someone under the age 21 - $750 or 6 days; Cinci MCF LLC: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or revoked
conspicuous place; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers / refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary - $400 or 4 days; Wine vault enterprises LLC dba Wine vault: sale of wine to someone under the age of 21; furnishing wine to someone under the age of 21 - $2,000 or revoked; Mitchs Too Lounge: offering for sale intoxicating liquor in a container that had been refilled or diluted - $100 or 1 day; Mitchs Too Lounge: consumption after hours allowed under liquor permit; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/ refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary - $450 or 4 days CONNeaUT: LOOM Lodge 472 Conneaut: sale of beer to a non-member - $200 or 2 days DeLPhOS: Commemorative Post 268 american Legion: sale of beer to a non-member - $200 or 2 days eaSTLaKe: 345th Street Bar & grille LLC: possession of a gambling device – in violation, no penalty
CLeveLaND: Bill’s Lounge inc. dba Bill’s Lounge: no separate toilet facilities for men and women; toilet facilities not clean or sanitary; alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $200 or 2 days
eaTON: eaton roc inc. dba 230 Club: consumption after hours allowed under liquor permit; hindering or obstructing an investigation or inspections; alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $700 or 7 days
COLUMBUS: Suebo inc. dba Lobby: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $200 or 2 days; 5019 Olentangy river road inc. dba half Time Tavern: failure to display permit in a
eLDOraDO: eldorado Suds inc. dba Suds: allowing beer sold for on premise consumption to be removed from the premises - $250 or 2 days
NOveMBer 2011 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 73
viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS eUCLiD: Cebar inc. dba euclid Tavern: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $1,250 or 10 days FairPOiNT: Michael L. Butler and Maria hamilton: furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $450 or 3 days
dba Lefferson inn: two counts each of: control or operation of a gambling device; possession of an electronic gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming $500 or 5 days
FraNKLiN: Timothy J. Smith dba Pizza hotline: allowing improper conduct, to wit, disorderly conduct - $750 or 5 days
MOraiNe: Wine america LLC: sale of spirituous liquor on the premises and not for consumption on the premises - $500 or 5 days
LOraiN: ronda hilton dba Boathouse ii: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days
NeW LeXiNgTON: antonio’s Bar & Carry-out inc. dba antonio’s – three counts of all of the following: possession of a gambling device; possession of an electronic video gaming device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $800 or 8 days
LOWeLLviLLe: K Moore inc. dba riverview: allowing beer sold for on premise consumption to be removed from the permit premises $200 or 2 days MarieTTa: Shiv hotels LLC: two counts of recklessly permitting public gaming $400 or 4 days MarTiNS FerrY: Martins Ferry aL Post 38: fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers / refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary; failure to keep beer pipelines, barrel tubes or taps cleaned as required; conducting instant bingo without a license or contract; hindering or obstructing an investigation or inspection $1,200 or 6 days MaSSiLLON: Sons of herman Schiller Lodge 2: sale of beer to a non-member - $300 or 3 days MiDDLeTOWN: John Jackson 74 OhiO Beverage MONThLY NOveMBer 2011
NOrTh OLMSTeD: Cantina LLC dba Backdraught Bar & grill: delivery of beer after hours allowed under liquor permit - $600 or 3 days ParMa heighTS: Bernard Pesko: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21; sale of intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21; furnishing of intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21 - $1,100 or 9 days POrTSMOUTh: Frank & Steins inc: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $400 or 2 days SaLeM: James h Miller dba hunt Club: two counts of
allowing improper conduct, to wit, drug possession; two counts of allowing improper conduct, to wit, drug sales $1,000 or 10 days SaNDUSKY: Yanushewsky LLC dba Dog house: possession of a gambling device; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary $2,000 or 12 days; Chet Y LLC: possession of a gambling device - $3,000 or 12 days; hometown USa inc. dba vicki’s Pub: consumption after hours allowed under liquor permit - $400 or 4 days SOMerSeT: goobers inc. dba Wanna Bees: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $200 or 2 days TOLeDO: heney Deen dba Others Club: two counts of consumption after hours allowed under liquor permit; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, refrigerators/ coolers, or utensils not clean or sanitary; allowing improper conduct, to wit, drug possession; purchase of beer, wine or mixed beverages from someone other than a Class a or Class B permit holder; allowing improper conduct, to wit, drug sales; three counts of allowing improper conduct, to wit, drug use; two counts of hindering or obstructing an investigation or inspection; allowing improper conduct, to wit, disorderly activity$10,000 or revoked; ZaNeSviLLe: FOe aerie 302 Zanesville: sale of beer to a non-member - $200 or 2 days
Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by FOOD & WINE TITLE SPONSOR
The OfямБcial Card of the 2012 Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival
Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management
Travel Curator
Confirmed sponsors as of September 2011
PMS 877
pick up truck
red truck wines 速
Red Truck Winery, Sonoma, C A Marketed by 585 Wine Partners 707.265.4003
RT 1104.Bev Media pick up truck.indd 1
6/9/11 12:50 PM