Vogue Patterns Magazine October/November 2018 Sampler

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October/November 2018


14 Selvage Smarts

Sewing on the edge-using, and re-using selvages by Linda Turner Griepentrog

20 Clad in Plaid

A Brief History of Tartan by Daryl Brower

26 Why We Sew

Slowing down for quality in a world of fast fashion by Ann Steeves

30 Master Instruction Classic Tailoring by Kathryn Brenne

40 Vogue Archives

Checks Please! Plaid looks throughout the years

42 Mastering Plaids

Everything you need to know about plaid fabrics and how to sew them

V8884, Misses' 6-22. Earrings: Annie Hammer. Hair and makeup by Joseph Boggess. Photographed by Jack Deutsch.



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